
University of Leuven (Belgium)

National Network

Tiensestraat 102
3000 Leuven

+32 (0) 16 32 60 07
Telephone (other)
+ 32 (0) 16 32 60 48
+ 32 (0) 16 32 52 09
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Research
General Information
Member of advisory board
Mission and Objectives

Member of advisory board

Main Projects / Activities

Member of advisory board

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie-Claire Foblets

URI Europe ivzw (United Religions Initiative Europe)

National Network

c/o Rev. Patrick Hanjoul
Ontariostraat 7
8340 Damme

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information

URI Europe's purpose is to support the vision and mission of the global URI network in Europe. URI's purpose is to promote enduring daily interfaith cooperation, end religiously motivated violence and create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. URI Europe serves a European network of interfaith organisations - currently 60 in 22 countries. It is registered as international NGO under Belgian law. It is governed by a General Meeting consisting of interfaith leaders from across Europe. They elect an international board, currently 7 people. URI Europe is supported by a part-time Coordinator and 2 part-time Liaison Officers. Its current annual budget is ca. 70.000 Euros. Its core operations are funded through allocations from URI global (headquarter in San Francisco). In addition it participates in funding calls, writing grants. It receives very occasionally modest donations from affiliates. But most of all, a very big part of the work happens through considerbale volunteer time and in-kind donations. URI Europe organises a European gathering ca. every 1,5 years to promote collaboration among stakeholders, exchange of good practices and launch common projects. It organises online community calls and trainings. It uplifts and gives visibility to interfaith work on the ground. It supports interfaith organisations in their projects with mentoring, connections and hands-on-support on a daily basis. URI Europe also supports the dissemination of good practices and interfaith resources. Among URI (Europe)'s partners are Arigatou International in Geneva, ENORB in Brussels, various faith based actors, local initiatives, municipalities, the Jewish Muslim Conference and many others. URI has consultative status at the United Nations (ECOSOC) and collaborates with the UN and international bodies, such as UN New York, UN Addis Abeba, Afrian Union etc.. In Europe URI has just accredited two URI Europe team members at the Palais des Nations / UN-Geneva. URI Europe plans to further develop the cooperation with international policy makers, e.g. through EU and CoE (Council of Europe) accreditations.

Mission and Objectives

Mission URI is a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities and the world. We implement our mission through local, regional and global initiatives that build the capacity of our member groups and organizations to engage in community action such as conflict resolution and reconciliation, environmental sustainabilty, education, women's and youth programs, and advocacy for human rights. Vision URI envisions a world at peace, sustained by engaged and interconnected communities committed to respect for diversity, nonviolent resolution of conflict and social, political, eoncomic and environmental justice.

Main Projects / Activities

URI Europe organises a European gathering ca. every 1,5 years to promote collaboration among stakeholders, exchange of good practices and launch common projects. It organises online community calls and trainings. It uplifts and gives visibility to interfaith work on the ground. It supports interfaith organisations in their projects with mentoring, connections and hands-on-support on a daily basis. URI Europe also supports the dissemination of good practices and interfaith resources.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We plan to nominate a Belgian ALF Liaison who can participate in the Belgian network, attend meetings and communicated in French and/or Flemish. We are continuously looking for a person with the right skills to take on this role.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have joined the ALF Network in 2010, because the aims and objectives of the ALF Network are in full allignment with URI Europe's. It is part and parcel of URI Europe to support intercultural dialogue and create inclusive, empathic and resilient societies and fight against mistrust and polarisation. These aims are at the life blood and DNA of URI. URI plays a strong role in the interfaith field to support youth leadership, women's voices; highlights and lives diversity on a daily basis, including cultural diversity; brings the grassroots voice to policy makers; and want to support more cohesive societies. We want to develop collaboration, partnerships and joint projects with other ALF members and mutually support each other.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karimah K. Stauch
Job Title
URI Europe Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Chair: Dr. Duncan Wielzen, Coordinator: Karimah Stauch
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Duncan Wielzen
Job Title (2)
URI Europe President of the Board

V.I.V.A (association de tolerance interculturele et antiracisme

National Network

Frank Craeybeckxlaan 22

Deurne (Antwerpen)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
V.I.V.A et une association de jeunesse dirigé par un président est un bureau de six jeunes. +-2000 euro resource lokale et d'autre sur base des projets. Viva à organiser beaucoup des projet, seminaire, echange de jeunes, on'a des partenaires Europeen et des partenaires de bassin medditeranéen,
Mission and Objectives

Nôtre mission et de promovoire l'éducation des droits de l'homme, la comprehension interculturele, le dialoge, le respect d'autrui et la culture de paix

Main Projects / Activities

on'a organiser des projets d'echange sur les droits de l'homme, le role des jeunes dans les places de conflict, les droits de la femme,dialogue interculturele, droits d'expression etc...

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibenhajen Mohamed
Head of the organisation
Ibenhajen Mohamed
Contact (2) Full Name
El Jattari Zakaria

V.OE.M. vzw Vereniging voor ontwikkeling en emancipatie van moslims/ A.D.E.M. Association for Development and Emancipation of Muslims.

National Network

Montignystraat 34, 2018 Antwerpen
2060 Antwerpen

Telephone (other)
+32(0)3272 35 07
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation has been acknowledged by the Ministry of the Flemish Community, Department of Culture, as a national immigrants association since 1996. At this moment we have 5 members of staff. Our budgetary resources are the Flemish Government en the Flemish Communal Commission in Brussels. V.O.E.M. is an umbrella organisation and works with a number of thematic working groups. Each group is responsible for the organisation of its own activities. The administration is coordinated by the head-office. Through our activities we built a good network of different kind of partners. There are thematic cores in all Flemish provinces and big cities. They work on subjects as emancipation, participation, ethical questions, supervision of Turkish and Moroccan elderly, dialogue initiatives, educational issues, happenings and sports, women emancipation, supervision of children, cultural activities, theatre and other art forms.
Mission and Objectives

V.O.E.M. wants to turn Flanders into an open, free, liveable and tolerant society. We try to prevent preconceived opinions by presenting a clear image of Muslims and other immigrants. We want to create a tolerant community where all theologies can live together in harmony.
The federation wants to be the link between the foreign and autochthonous authorities and inhabitants. We try to weave, together with other authorities and umbrella organisations, a network of dialogue between all theologies. The strive for freedom, responsibility, emancipation, political awareness, sociological changes… is very important.

Main Projects / Activities

V.O.E.M. organises regularly activities such as:
* Information sessions: lectures and lessons…
* Stimulation of the interreligeous dialogue
* emancipatory activities organising
* discussions and debates relating to history, identity and social changes
* workshops in schools and youth-institutes
* activities for women,
* educational tours
* expositions about Arabic calligraphy, photography and poetry
*VOEM is since a few years also active in Europe through his participation in several exchange projects and international seminars.

Contact (1) Full Name
Youssef Souissi
Head of the organisation
Youssef Souissi
Contact (2) Full Name
Liesbet Adam

Visioconférence sur le dialogue interculturel - 2 février 2023


La rencontre des cultures, rendue inévitable par la mondialisation et les mouvements migratoires, est promesse d’enrichissement mais aussi source de stress, de déstabilisation. Comment faire évoluer une société multiculturelle vers une dynamique réellement interculturelle ? La société moderne de plus en plus complexe et diversifiée demande aux citoyens de développer des compétences interculturelles pour mieux interagir avec les autres autant en tant que simple citoyen qu’en tant que travailleur dans le secteur social et éducatif.

Nous définissons la culture dans le sens le plus large de « cadre de référence » c’est-à-dire de système de valeurs et de croyances. La culture ne se réduit donc pas à des identités nationales ou religieuses, elle concerne aussi les identités de classe sociale, de milieu professionnel, de génération ou de genre et même de milieu de vie, tout ce qui détermine ou influence notre vision du monde.

Après avoir posé un cadre théorique avec des notions anthropologiques fondamentales comme ceux de culture, norme, valeurs, tabou etc... nous proposons d'approfondir la notion de choc culturel et son impact cognitif et émotionnel sur l'individu. Comment surmonter les malentendus, quelles sont les questions à se poser? Quels outils d'analyse facilitateurs du dialogue? 

Le séminaire sera interactif et les participants seront amenés à évoquer des situations vécues.

Formatrice : Xavière Remacle, philosophe, islamologue, formatrice en communication interculturelle au CBAI

Join Zoom Meeting


National Network

Chaussée de Helmet 388
1030 Bruxelles

Mobile Phone
0483 607 726
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Ce projet est né grâce à des jeunes habitant le quartier Picardie et désireux de faire évoluer les choses en créant deux équipes de mini foot (Picardie Bruxelles) en 1997. En 1999, Organisation d’activités pendant les grandes vacances (Eté-Jeune) pour la 1ère fois et par la suite, à la demande des habitants du quartier, nous créons l’asbl afin de répondre le mieux possible aux demandes de ceux-ci. En 2003, nous sommes subsidiés par la Cocof (insertion social) et en 2004 nous inaugurons nos locaux lors de notre 1ère fête de quartier.

Mission and Objectives

- La lutte contre le décrochage scolaire, social et culturel. - Aider les jeunes au développement de leur autonomie. - Favoriser les échanges entre tout les habitants du quartier à travers des activités dites « Intergénérationnelles ». - L’éducation à la citoyenneté. - Faciliter la mixité des genres et origines entre les différents publics en favorisant les projets de création (théâtre, fête de quartier, camps, etc). - Faciliter l’accès à la culture pour les jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

- l'accompagnement scolaire avec une école des devoirs - une permanence sociale (aide à la recherche d'emploi pour les jeunes) - animations pour les enfants (différentes activités pour les jeunes de 6-12 ans) - animation pendant les congés scolaires (Toussaint, Noël et des grandes vacances pour des jeunes de 6 à 14 ans) - activités pour les seniors

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Vlaamse Hogescholenraad

National Network

Ravensteingalerij 27/3
B-1000 Brussel

+32 2 211 41 90
+32 2 211 41 99
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Marc Vandewalle (director)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Luc Van de Velde (Secretary General)
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Geens (Head of the Internationalisation Department); Frans Devenyns

Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad

National Network

Ravensteingalerij 27 b4
B-1000 Brussels

+32 2 550 15 78
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rosette Sjegers (Secretary General)


National Network

Provincieplein 1
3010 Leuven

0032 16 267604
Mobile Phone
00 32 472 443781
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Vlabra'CCent is an umbrella organisation of 45 cultural and community centres in the province of Flemish Brabant.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Vlabra'ccent is to support the work of the 45 cultural centres and to make them work together.
The aim is not to compete each other, but to inform each other, to communicate and to work together.
1. To have a richer and more divers offer of cultural activitities in the region
• Meetings in the region to see what center want to plan which activities. The centers make agreements (delicate proces of planning events).
• Several centers work together to organise bigger events, they can’t do on their own. F.e. Summerfestival of streettheater in 12 rural towns. F.e.
2. To have a better communication/promotion to the people in the region f.e. common website , brochures, deals with media etc
3.To focus on target groups
- Children and youth.: strategie and common actions. f.e. Kinderhoogdag/Supervlieg , Pepernoot.
- Cultural diversity: strategie and actions, f.e. Murga, Antena
- People with lesser opportunities: strategie and actions, f.e. supporting
4.To focus on culture and education
The province of Flemish Brabant and the city of Leuven made a culture & education network. It brings together all organisations that are involved in culture & education in the region. This network is working out a strategie about culture and education & is experimenting with new actions and methods. F.e. Kraak.
How We have several meetings
• on a provincial level (stearing group, 3 times a year)
• 6 regional groups
o region = a district of about 15 cities & towns ; approx 200.000 people
o 6 regions
o cultural centres come together every 6 weeks (regional groups
• 2-3 thematic working groups: children and youngsters, communication and marketing, cultural diversity, …

Main Projects / Activities

1. To have a richer and more divers offer of cultural activitities in the region
• Meetings in the region to see what center want to plan which activities. The centers make agreements (delicate proces of planning events).
• Several centers work together to organise bigger events, they can’t do on their own. F.e. Summerfestival of streettheater in 12 rural towns. F.e.
2. To have a better communication/promotion to the people in the region f.e. common website , brochures, deals with media etc
3.To focus on target groups
- Children and youth.: strategie and common actions. f.e. Kinderhoogdag/Supervlieg , Pepernoot.
- Cultural diversity: strategie and actions, f.e. Murga, Antena
- People with lesser opportunities: strategie and actions, f.e. supporting
4.To focus on culture and education
The province of Flemish Brabant and the city of Leuven made a culture & education network. It brings together all organisations that are involved in culture & education in the region. This network is working out a strategie about culture and education & is experimenting with new actions and methods. F.e. Kraak.
How We have several meetings
• on a provincial level (stearing group, 3 times a year)
• 6 regional groups
o region = a district of about 15 cities & towns ; approx 200.000 people
o 6 regions
o cultural centres come together every 6 weeks (regional groups
• 2-3 thematic working groups: children and youngsters, communication and marketing, cultural diversity, …

Contact (1) Full Name
Piet Forger
Head of the organisation
Piet Forger


National Network

Montignystraat 34
2018 Antwerpen

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Voem vzw is an inclusive, socio-cultural organisation that connects people and organisations across borders through art, culture and social engagement.

Mission and Objectives

Voem believes in the positive power of socio-cultural encounters in super-diversity. As a bridge builder, we want to strive for unity in diversity and diversity in unity. We do this by connecting, deepening and reinforcing the super-diversity of talents in the wider society. In this way, we show a nuanced picture of the human being in all his layers, which leads to a feeling of positive securityamong a wide audience. Together, we are moving forward in a sustainable, inclusive, pluralistic way.

Main Projects / Activities

Emancipatieprijs / Veggie = Halal / Internationale Iftars / Beyond The Lines Kalligraffiti / Slam Aleikum / Interfaith Dialoog / Workshops in prisons / Yalla / We Need To Talk About It

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organize events Give visibility Connect with others

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Been longtime members To connect with organizations worldwide

Contact (1) Full Name
Badra Djait
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Badra Djait
Contact (2) Full Name
Lennart Thienpont
Job Title (2)