
Music Fund

National Network

Music Fund
Van Volxemlaan 164
1190 Brussel


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
STRUCTURE: non-profit making association, directed by General meetig and board of Directors (see website for members), STAFF: 1 fulle time coordinator + 1/5 director BUDGETARY RESOURCES:in 2008: 122.025.00€ SOURCES OF FUNDING: Different authorities (Ministery of Culture Flemish and French Community, province of Antwerp, City of Lille, Ministery of Foreign Affairs) + private sponsering and funding MODALITIES OF ACTION: Concrete projects (collections and donations of instruments and trainingprogrammes) MAIN PARTNERS: Palestine: Music schools: Al-kamandjati (Ramallah), Nablus The Culture (Nablous), Music school of Gaza (Gaza) Israel:Orpheus Foundation (Nazareth) Mozambique: Escuela Nacional de Musica (Maputo) South Africa: Melodi Music Trust (Soweto) DRCongo: Institut National des Arts (Kinshasa)
Mission and Objectives

Music Fund provides material support to young musicians and music schools in developing countries and conflict areas.
We collect musical instruments, check them and repair them before distributing them. We also organise workshops and courses in instrument building and repair. The workshops take place in the regions where our partner schools are located and longer internships are held in Belgium in the workshops of instrument builders and repairers.
Thanks to Music Fund young musicians are given a chance to develop their musical talents. The different current and upcoming projects are a unique form of cultural development partnerships.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Collecting instruments: Music Fund’s first task is to collect instruments. In 2005 we organised the collections ourselves, but since the beginning of 2006 concert organisers in different European countries (France, Austria, Great Britain and Germany joined Belgium in this), take charge of this as part of concerts, festivals or other events.
The second phase is where the complex work begins: the instruments are collected, checked by experts and repaired and all details are carefully entered into a database.
2. Distributions: Around Christmas 2005 a first shipment of repaired instruments arrived in the Middle East by lorry. These musical instruments were then handed over in person to the different partner schools in Palestine (Gaza, Ramallah en Nablus) and Israel (Nazareth). Since then several large shipments have been organised in the Middle East and in Africa ( Mozambique + DRCongo)
3. Training:Since 2006 we have called in the help of a number of experts to set up initiation workshops in repairing, tuning and building musical instruments in the local music schools in South. This is a unique opportunity for Music Fund to complete a capacity building project that supports music education in a very concrete manner. Since 2006 we also provide longer internships in Belgium and at the partnerschools. Recently we also supported a student to obtain a diploma at a reputed school in France and will continue to offer other students this opportunity
4. Repair workshops in the partnerschools: In 2007 Music Fund started running repair workshops in several of its partner schools: in Ramallah in 2007 (in collaboration with other associations), in Maputo in 2007, in Nablus in 2008, and finally in Kinshasa in 2008. These repair workshops are an important part of our partnerships, because not only do they make it possible for the music schools to maintain their own musical instruments independently of Music Fund, they also create incomes as musicians from outside the music schools bring their instruments to these workshops for repair. They are an employment opportunity for people who have followed training courses in instrument repairs via Music Fund.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lukas Pairon
Head of the organisation
Lukas Pairon
Contact (2) Full Name
Olivier Marie

Musulmans Progressistes - (Proactifs)

National Network

Rue Purgatoire 69

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Notre organisation a pour objectif de faire la promotion du "Vivre-ensemble" et de la lutte contre les radicalisme afin d'assurer une meilleure entente intercommunautaire. En effet, nous tentons de créer des liens entre les communautés au niveau national en Belgique afin de pallier aux communautarismes ou au dangers du repli communautaire. Nous luttons aussi contre l'islamophobie ainsi que toute forme d'intolérance car elles entravent l'émancipation des citoyens de la diversité.
Mission and Objectives

Notre organisation se donne comme mission la lutte contre les radicalismes, les racismes ainsi que la promotion d'une société plurielle.

Main Projects / Activities

Le rapprochement intercommunautaire ainsi que la lutte contre l'islamophobie sont les deux principales activités. Nous avons pour projets de faire des brochures, clips vidéos et campagne de pin's afin de rendre nos activités plus impactantes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En apportant notre plus value ainsi que notre expérience en ce qui concerne nos préoccupations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Afin de bénéficier de ce que ce réseau peut offrir en terme de networking ou autre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad

National Network

Middaglijnstraat 10
1210 1210 Brussels

+32-2-229 38 60
Telephone (other)
+32-2-229 38 71
+32-2-229 38 66
Mobile Phone
+32-478-280 244
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

1. The Vrouwenraad – the Council of Women – is a co-ordinating body of 39 women’s organisations in Flanders with various philosophical and ideological backgrounds. These organisations are professional associations, political women’s groups, socio-cultural associations as well as independent associations. The staff consists of 1 director and 11 employees (some of them employed part time) 2. 450.000 euro 3. Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Instituut voor de Gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen 4. Result commitments 5. Member organisations, women’s and other organisations, federal and regional administrations

Mission and Objectives

The Vrouwenraad aims at promoting gender equality for women and men, irrespective of age, origin, sexual preferences, religious convictions, physical and mental abilities etc. In this respect we are aware of both gender differences and disparities between women themselves. Our endeavours for a gender equal society are in line with the existing international treaties and declarations, regarding women’s rights and human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are threefold: providing a platform for concerted acions and debate - current issues are: asylum policies, multiple discrimations, decision making, combination of professional and family life, social security, tax law, family law, bio-ethics and reproduction, education, sustainable development etc.-, informing and sensitising the civil society and lobbying for gender equality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Kim De Weerdt
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs Katlijn Malfliet, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Ria Luyten, staff member

No Other Land at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival


The Close Up film No Other Land is going to have its world première at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival. The documentary is directed by a collective of 4 Palestinian and Israeli filmmakers: Basel Adra, Yuval Abraham, Hamdan Ballal & Rachel Szor, and tells the story of Basel, a young Palestinian activist who has been filming his community of Masafer Yata being destroyed by Israeli soldiers, as he develops an unlikely, intimate friendship with a similarly aged Israeli journalist who joins his struggle. The film, made in 2021-2021, gets its release in one of the darkest times of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. With this film the 4 directors show their commitment to justice and bring a message of hope for a better future.

Close up is a Brussels based training, development, and mentorship program for documentary filmmakers from Southwest Asia and North Africa. Check out Close ups other projects on . Check the programmation of Berlin's film festival on


National Network

De Gryspeerstraat 94
2100 Antwerp

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

President, Country Director, Project Coordinator, Secretary / Finance, Director of Communication / I.T, Head of Women Affairs / Capacity Building . We have about 5 workers and 16 volunteers. Our main partners are Doing Good Organization (Israel ), Our source of funding comes from Doing Good organization . We organizes project of free vocational skill training to empower the youth and deportees/undocumented migrants, seminars, conference, etc etc. Our main partner of our organization is Doing Good Organization

Mission and Objectives

Protecting the right and welfare of undocumented migrants is OMANIAE core value. We aim to reduce the level of death fatalities through irregular migration that is by campaigning throughout Africa with sensitive information about the risk involve migrating through the desert and sea to Europe of which many migrants are naive of. OMANIAE is an organization of people working independently without any external influence with specific objectives and aims to fulfil tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable change in a given community, area or situation, and assisting in the empowerment of undocumented migrants and the less privilege members across Africa. We are committed to the root causes of irregular migration, trying to better the quality of life especially for the deprived migrants stacked at the transit camps in the desert.

Main Projects / Activities

OMANIAE is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established as a result of concern about the conditions of entry, stay and the life of undocumented migrants, the lack of a comprehensive migration policy and the ever-growing incidents of xenophobia. 1. To help generate training programs for undocumented migrants. 2. To reduce the fatalities through irregular migration over the desert and sea by educating African migrants about the real condition living as undocumented migrants in Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By building a network which can solve some of the many challenges we have in our communities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To learn, grow and to also feel belonging in the area of been under a big umbrella. Networking and source of funding is one of another way coming together under the umbrella of ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Richard Osei Bonsu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Richard Osei Bonsu
Contact (2) Full Name
Franc Rottiers
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator


National Network

De Gryspeerstraat 94
2100 Antwerp

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Organization for Migrants and Non Immigrants for African Education (OMANIAE VZW) is a Non-Governmental Organization, founded by Mr. Richard Osei Bonsu (a two-time asylum seeker) on 11th March 2013 to promote welfare activities aimed at alleviating human suffering through migration and over all amelioration of society, especially for Migrants in Home country (Africa) and Irregular undocumented migrants living in Europe.               Omaniae is a nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation’s immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest. OMANIAE is an organization of people working independently without any external influence with specific objectives and aims to fulfil tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable change in a given community, area or situation, and assisting in the empowerment of undocumented migrants and the less privilege members across Africa.
Mission and Objectives

OMANIAE is an organization of people working independently without any external influence with specific objectives and aims to fulfil tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable change in a given community, area or situation, and assisting in the empowerment of undocumented migrants and the less privilege members across Africa.
We are committed to the root causes of irregular migration, trying to better the quality of life especially for the deprived migrants stacked at the transit camps in the desert.
OMANIAE is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established as a result of concern about the conditions of entry, stay and the life of undocumented migrants, the lack of a comprehensive migration policy and the ever-growing incidents of xenophobia.
1.To help generate training programs for the youth/undocumented migrants.
2.To reduce the fatalities through irregular migration over the desert and sea by educating African migrants about the real condition living as undocumented migrants in Europe.
3.To publish flyers, newspapers, magazines, posters, journals and to reproduce works of arts, literature, and other allied works for instruction and imparting useful knowledge.
4.To organize forums, seminars, camps etc. to impact moral values, and methods of
developing self-confidence.
5.To raise funds through collection, Initiatives, Concert, donation or subscription and other means and invest money or incur expenditure in such manner as shall promote the attainment of the aims and objectives of OMANIAE.
6.To undertake any other work or assignment that may be for the general welfare of our members and to identify and nurture exceptionally talented women and support their initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

As one of the fastest growing influential Network with over three thousand (3,000) members nationwide (Belgium), OMANIAE is a non-partisan Organization, which operates in Ghana, Senegal, Guinea and Cameroun… etc. but currently active in Belgium and Ghana.
Our grassroots networks help concerned citizens to use their voices to speak up against irregular migration.
OMANIAE stands as a bridge between Irregular internally displaced undocumented migrants and the government across Europe (Belgium), that is by Campaigning and creating awareness through our empowering skill training program which is to economically enhance our members.
To Sensitize and circulate information concerning the risk which involves migration through the desert or sea. Members who have successfully completed the free skill training program willing to set up a small scale enterprise will benefit financial support through the OMANIAE financial Scheme (O.F.S).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creating awareness about the negative impact migration through the desert and sea and by empowering the youth through skill training program

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To gain experience, network, share ideas and learn from other networking organisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joycilin Shermila
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Richard Osei Bonsu
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

De Gryspeerstraat 94
2100 Antwerpen

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

1 )President/founder vice president project cordinator secretary cordinator for volunteers Admin. & Media Financial Secretary) Head of Communication Women planing Committee  Head of Cultural, Games & File Keeper  2) Partners Stad Antwerpen European Commission 3) Budgetary resources available in a year 20,000 euros 4) Sources of funding City of Antwerp   5) Modalities of action Empowering the less priviledge migrants through skill training sensibilizing information / awareness creation Serminars, conference ad pilot projects   6) Main partners City of Antwerp Advice Social Centrum (Antwerp) CAW FEDASIL IOM IVCA VZW VOEM VZW

Mission and Objectives

Omaniae vzw aims at reducing the humanitarian tragedy of African migrants facing untimely death when travelling through the desert and over sea. The activities of Omaniae vzw focus on addressing and tackling the misinformation strategies that (mis)guide migrants to engage in a risky and irregular search for greener pastures. In fulfilling its aim Omaniae vzw reaches out (i) to the eighty percent (80%) of African migrants who will be confronted with almost certain death as also (ii) to the twenty percent (20%) that do make it but are soon confronted with shattered dreams and unattainable expectations. As a platform for all migrants and those that think about migrating, the main themes that inspire our activities are: - ADVOCACY: o Omaniae vzw stands as a bridge between undocumented migrants and the government. o In partnership with schools and churches Omaniae vzw campaigns against misinformation and negative influences. o Omaniae vzw develops a comprehensive approach that strives to annihilate forced repatriation, imprisonment of undocumented migrants and the use of excessive force. - INFORMATION: o Omaniae vzw provides information about job opportunities in the migrants countries of origin that will meet the needs of the less privileged. o Omaniae vzw informs migrants on how to remain competitive (through our vocational training program). o Omaniae vzw informs undocumented migrants about legal migration possibilities but also to direct them to opportunities in their home countries. o Omaniae vzw informs migrants about procedures to reacquire their identity card. o Omaniae vzw informs the general public about the mission of Omaniae vzw by being present and making itself known at local (street) festivals. - BI-DIRECTIONAL PROGRAM: o Empowerment training program: Omaniae vzw provides skilled (vocational) training programs that develops and enhances the talents of migrants for use in either the host or the home countries. o Reconnect program: Omaniae vzw organizes itself as network platform through which migrants can reconnect with their families and start planning a successful return.

Main Projects / Activities

Vocational skill training program Geneberal meetings Awareness creation 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

21st century promises to increase the flow migrant and majority of these less privilge are those who lack proper information and guidance for them to make a good decition in their life, on the other hands, African youths are likely to fall the snare of the negative influence given to them by friends and families living abroad making them to find themselves living under the shadows of life as undocumented migrant. our innitiative is to empower, enhance and educate the youth about proper migration channe and to enhance their life through emowering them to acquire skill. We over 3000 membership, we hope to reach out the unreachable to help them put their life in a better way they have long hoped for to create a better world for a living.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF  act as a voice to the voiceless organisation and with the reputation acquire omaniae deemed it neccesary to affiliate or become a member with such strong reputable information in other for our works, project and innitiative to have its base, to achieve it cause and for the vision of this organisation to be sustainably reachable.

Contact (1) Full Name
Richard Osei Bonsu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Eunuch Acheampong
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Open call for talented young JAZZ musicians


Join The JM Jazz World Orchestra and play at prestigious European venues and jazz festivals, along with other talented musicians and professional composers.

The rehearsals will take place in July 2024 in Groznjan, Croatia, followed by an international tour under the artistic direction of US trombonist and composer/arranger Luis Bonilla. It is an enriching intercultural experience that gives a taste of life as an internationally touring musician. Who can apply? JM International is looking for highly talented musicians between the ages of 18 and 26 that play saxophone, trombone, trumpet, horn, tuba, guitar, bass, drums, percussion, piano, vibes and vocals, and if you improvise, all other instruments are welcome. Applicants should apply online by no later than March 8, 23:59 CET.

Find all the conditions under this link:

Open your lab to African scientists!

FAL Belgium news

The Open Doors Fellowship Program targets post-doctoral and mid-career women working in African (inter)national research centers to give them an opportunity to expand their research horizons and scientific network in Belgium. 

We are therefore looking for Flemish labs willing to host our fellows from May 2024 up to 12 weeks. The program covers all official bench fees, visa paperwork, accommodation, stipend disbursement, and travel arrangements. All you need to do is to open the doors of your lab! By joining the ODFP, your lab can gain insights into African research, expand your network, promote diversity and inclusivity, and enhance your group's capacity and mentoring skills.

The Principal Investigators who previously took part in the ODFP have been highly satisfied with the outcomes of their collaborations. Do not hesitate and contact us before the 15th of October.

More info on

Pairs et repères : pour inventer la Bruxelles de demain


Pour sa troisième édition, le projet Pairs et repères : pour inventer la Bruxelles de demain vise cette année à réunir quinze participants bruxellois de 16 à 22 ans, de tous milieux et origines.  Dans ce cadre, les participants seront amenés à explorer  les questions d'identité, de diversité et de vivre ensemble, et accompagnés  dans la mise en place de leurs propres initiatives citoyennes culturelles visant au pour moins 500 autres jeunes et le grand public.

L'approche utilisée est celle de la formation par les pairs qui donne la possibilité aux jeunes de traiter de manière concrète les problèmes qui les affectent, de prendre des responsabilités dans la promotion du vivre-ensemble et de la lutte contre toute forme de discrimination.

Le projet organisé par EPTO (membre du réseau belge) se déroule en plusieurs étapes : 

  • Formation de sensibilisation du 28 février au 04 mars 2022 à Saint-Josse
  • Formation-action (pour tout le groupe) les 02 et 03 avril 2022 à Saint-Josse
  • Initiatives citoyennes de proximité : projets locaux des jeunes de mars à juin 2022
  • Week-end d’études à Paris les 07 et 08 mai 2022
  • Participation à la soirée de clôture le 07 octobre 2022 
  • Participation à la formation du prochain groupe (pour quelques volontaires) en février et mars 2023