
Ras El Hanout absl

National Network

Rue du Ruisseau 17
1080 Bruxelles

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Ras El Hanout est une association et troupe de théâtre bruxelloise établie à Molenbeek-Saint- Jean. Elle fut fondée en 2010 par un groupe d’amis bruxellois croyant au théâtre comme moyen d’émancipation et de dialogue. Ras El Hanout a notamment pour but de pallier le manque de visibilité des personnes d’origine étrangère et des quartiers populaires. Nos spectacles sont une première initiation au théâtre pour de nombreuses familles bruxelloises. Pour de nombreux·ses passionné·es de théâtre, notre travail signifie une nouvelle perspective sur une réalité urbaine bruxelloise sous-représentée sur les scènes professionnelles et dans les médias.

Mission and Objectives

- établir des recherches thématiques à partir d’analyses de réalités de terrain, d’ateliers et d’échanges d’informations entre participants. - créer des œuvres artistiques et pédagogiques servant à enrichir la réflexion d’idées et permettant d’apporter un éclairage nouveau sur des sujets d’actualité - diffuser les productions en vue de sensibiliser le public aux thématiques travaillées

Main Projects / Activities

Ras El Hanout met désormais en œuvre son objet social à travers 3 axes : 1. Éducation permanente : des moments collectifs de réflexion, de débats et d’émancipation afin de promouvoir le développement et l’exercice d’une citoyenneté engagée et pluraliste. 2. Expression et Créativité : former à des pratiques artistiques permettant de s’exprimer afin d’éveiller la créativité, l’imaginaire, la sensibilité artistique individuelle et collective. 3. Productions Artistiques : produire la culture, en tant que sujet et pas objet, pour créer du lien dans la société et éveiller des consciences. Et également accompagner les artistes vers un perfectionnement et une professionnalisation, essentiellement dans le domaine des arts de la scène. Le but commun de ces axes est de promouvoir l’expression des différentes cultures au travers de la réflexion, du dialogue et de l’échange et d’offrir un espace d’expression, de partage, d’expérience, d’acquisition de connaissances et de savoir-faire.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Refugees Got Talent

National Network

avenue georges eekhoud 36
1030 Bruxelles

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
RGT offers the opportunity for refugees local artists, and also residing in foreign countries - To practice their art in a box equipped workshop - Demonstrate and disseminate their works - To meet other artists and audience - To be open to artistic events in Belgium We welcome in our factory designers, painters, photographers, calligraphers, sculptors, poets, musicians, actors, singers, dancers, ...
Mission and Objectives

- Staff : 6 volunteers
- Budget : 30.000 €
- Sources of funding : Fondation roi Baudoin, Crowdfunfing, Cocof
- Concerts, exhibitions, workshops
- Senat, private and public organisations, museums, ...

Main Projects / Activities

- integrate people through their art
- organizing workshops by refugees artists for local people
- create opportunities to meet through concerts, conferences, exhibitions

Contact (1) Full Name
sophie querton
Job Title
Head of the organisation
sophie querton


National Network

Avenue des Chasseurs 20
1410 Waterloo, Belgium


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Founded in 2010, Revolve Magazine covers international politics, energy and art. With contributors and editors from around the Mediterranean, Revolve relies on donations and advertising to subsist. Revolve Magazine offers a fresh perspective on current affairs with in-depth analysis and thought-provoking political essays, coverage of innovative energy projects and profiles of emerging artists.
Mission and Objectives

Surrounded by Europe, Asia, Africa and the Arab world, the Mediterranean is a place of encounter where ideas, goods and new technologies can be exchanged and created. Dedicated to innovation around the sea, this special section highlights new (eco)tourism, energy and trade projects and looks at sustainable ways to preserve and develop the region’s rich natural and cultural heritage. In 2011/12, REVOLVE has a special focus on WATER examining current and future challenges to this scarce resource and discovering innovative solutions to growing problems such as pollution and drought.

Main Projects / Activities

Revolve's WATER AROUND THE MEDITERRANEAN is directed by Francesca de Châtel. Through a series of essays, features and interviews with decision-makers and analysts, this section sheds light on key issues, including trans-boundary water management in strategic basins; the impact of climate change; alternative sources such as desalination and treated waste water; and the future of agriculture in the Mediterranean. Aiming towards a widely-distributed booklet for the World Water Forum 2012 in Marseille, Revolve is combining insightful opinion pieces with on-the-ground reporting. WATER AROUND THE MEDITERRANEAN gives readers fresh insights into challenges facing the Mediterranean region and how they may be addressed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stuart Reigeluth
Head of the organisation
Stuart Reigeluth
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca de Châtel

Roadtrip à la rencontre de nos membres


L'équipe des Nouveaux Disparus parcourt les routes de Belgique, à la rencontre de tous les membres de son réseau. L'objectif? Redynamiser le réseau après 2 ans de pandémie. Pour se faire, nous prenons le temps de nous rencontrer en présentiel, d'échanger sur les attentes de chacun, de dégager des thématiques à développer pour des projets futurs, de se connaître, de présenter les projets de la Fondation, etc.

A l'issue de ses rencontres individuelles, des petits déjeuners - rencontres seront mis en place dans le courant du mois de mars dans les différentes régions de notre pays. Ils seront ouverts à toutes les associations membres du réseau. 



SB Overseas

National Network

rue de progrès 231
1030 brussesls

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Soutien Belge Overseas is a non-profit ASBL with its headquarters in Brussels monitoring and managing national and international activities. It operates on an average of 350.000 Euros from private sector donations, grants and project funds such as (King Roi Baudoin Foundation, COCOF, etc) with a staff of 5 and a group of volunteers. SBO operates education, professional training and empowerment centers for children and women in the middle east, organize integration programs for minor refugees and empowerment workshops for vulnerable women in Belgium. SBO has also an advocacy branch partnering up with platforms such as 11.11.11, CNCD, girls not bride, PICUM, MiddleEast platform, etc. In case of humanitarian crises, SBO tries to do all it can to be amongst the first on the ground providing urgent support and assisting in securing camps for relocated victims of war or natural disasters.

Mission and Objectives

The overall SB OverSeas strategy is: Improving the living conditions of refugee communities in Europe and in the Middle East and empowering local communities in developing countries by developing projects, programs and activities aimed at fostering the human, social and cultural rights and capabilities of refugee communities and by building strategic partnerships at the local, European and international levels undertaking a multi-stakeholder approach while conducting advocacy work for the respect of refugee’s communities’ social, economic and cultural rights globally.

Main Projects / Activities

- SB Espoir program
- SB O2 Program
- Her choice, Her future
- SB Harmony
- Annual Event
- Bukra Ahla centre
- Arsal centre
- Jasmin Camp
- Home Away From Home
- Dafsheh Helwe
- Refugee Journal

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By creating synergies and partnership in the aim of promoting intercultural dialogue across the Euro-Mediterranean region. We can contribute to the "on the field" programs in Lebanon, Turkey & Europe as well as joining forces in advocacy efforts. We also could offer toolboxes in our areas of expertise and organise workshops as well as "train the trainer" programs in our headquarters in Brussels.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have a bigger reach and a larger impact by partnering up with the network's civil society and to benefit from funds and projet calls available only to the ALF Network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lamia Daadouche
Job Title
Project management & communication
Head of the organisation
Louma Albik
Contact (2) Full Name
Dalilah Berrajaâ
Job Title (2)
project and development officer
School dropouts

School dropouts in Belgium: the facts

School dropouts are those who leave mainstream education without obtaining an upper secondary diploma or completing training leading to a qualification. School dropout represents a slippery slope to poverty and exclusion and is therefore a major political problem. For years...

School+ / Ecole+

National Network

Parkstraat 47Postbus 5300
3000 Leuven

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

School+ is a 'learning network' of researchers and practitioners in the field of education (schools, counselling centres, civil servants, civil society organisations...). It is co-ordinated by HIVA (K.U.Leuven) and sponsored by non-governmental organisations and the National Lottery of Belgium. Its staff consists of a part-time project manager and a part-time researcher.

Mission and Objectives

Fight against social exclusion in education through mutual learning and dissemination of knowledge.

Main Projects / Activities

Publication of a guide for project promoters (Desmedt & Nicaise, 2005) and a handbook for equal opportunities in education (Nicaise & Desmedt, 2008); organisation of exchanges and training sessions; strategic consulting; a website for dissemination of information.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Idesbald Nicaise
Head of the organisation
HIVA (Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid), K.U.Leuven
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Goedroen Juchtmans

SCI-Projets internationaux

National Network

Rue Van Elewyck 35
1050 Bruxelles

02/880 72 81
Telephone (other)
02/649 07 38
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

SCI Belgium is a member of SCI International, an international voluntary service organisation with 40 branches in Asia and Europe and more than 50 partners in Eastern Europe, Africa, North and Latin America, that was founded after the First World War. Structure of the organization, please see Organization chart uploaded. 11 employed staff -  about 100 partners in the world and in Belgium Budgetary resources (yearly): 600.000€ Sources of funding: DGD (Direction générale de la Coopéraiton au développement) - Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Youth Department) - European Commission (EVS projects). Examples of concrete projects: Our main partners aboroad are members of CCIVS network.  

Mission and Objectives

SCI Belgium is an NGO and youth organization whose mission is to promote peace, intercultural understanding, solidarity, social justice and ecology through voluntary projects and educative work. The main objective of SCI s to give the opportunity to volunteers to enlarge their view of the world and to encourage active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

At an international level: The main method used by SCI to promote its values is short and long term international voluntary service projects. More than 5000 volunteers participate in these activities every year, including East-West and North-South exchanges. SCI also organises international seminars and solidarity campaigns, education and training courses. The activities cover a wide range of fields including: antiracism, North South solidarity, intercultural dialogue, migrations, ecology, peace and conflict resolution, etc. At a national level: Every year, SCI Belgium sends about 200 volunteers abroad. The volunteers who participate to this intercultural exchange program have to take part in a training including different sessions. SCI Belgium also runs many raising awareness activities in youth groups (in schools and associations). The volunteers can also get involved in different action groups which aims are to treat themes (such as migrations, North-South relationships, globalization issues, Latin American, African or Mediterranean issues, etc) in order to raise awareness and knowledge about them. They do that through articles, conferences, solidarity actions, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By - Exchanging good practices in the field of youth work, intercultural dialogue and non-formal education - Bringing together youth organizations, youth workers or activists working on promotion of peace and involved in their day to day life with topics such as: conflict resolution, intercultural dialogue, non-violent communication and peace education at a local, national and international level - Developing new mobility projects, reinforcing Euromediterranean co-operation - Promoting reciprocity within youth exchanges

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share experiences, methods of work and tools in order to better promote active citizenship in the Euromediterranean region To get to know other organizations promoting active citizenship and to develop new co-operations in the Euromediterranean region To give the opportunity to youth activists from different backgrounds to meet, exchange ideas and share experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Pascal Duterme
Head of the organisation
Pascal Duterme
Contact (2) Full Name
Sergio Raimundo
Job Title (2)