Nijverheidsstraat 10
1000 Brussel
- Youth and education
We are a non-profit organization at the intersection of youth work, development cooperation and education. We have 7 staff for 5.4 FTE. We have an annual turnover of +- 700.000 €. We raise funds from corporate sponsorships, grants and our own income from the YOUCA Action Day.
YOUCA, YOUth for Change and Action, is an organization for and by young people that encourages them to work together for a sustainable and just society. We do this by making them aware of important social challenges and by supporting them in their engagement. We also provide unique encounters with impact on cultural, business and public life.
Every year we organize the YOUCA Action Day. More than 15,000 young people from Flanders and Brussels commit themselves to spend a day working for a company, an organization, a government or a private individual. The wages they earn on that school day go to projects of committed young people worldwide. Each year, one project from a certain country takes center stage, choosing a theme that becomes that year's focus. In 2024, it's about a healthy environment in Burundi and last year about sexual violence in Senegal. But throughout the rest of the year, YOUCA is also the place where young people make their voices heard. We do this through, among other things: - An ambassador program: Each year, 5 ambassadors are selected to be the focal point of the campaign and represent YOUCA. They completely immerse themselves in the theme we are focusing on that year and engage in conversations with all activists, organizations and young people. They will also go on an exchange to the project country, to Burundi in 2024. - Community Connectors: Together, interested young people immerse themselves throughout the year in the annual theme in Belgium and figure out how to bring about change through action. - School Ambassadorship: In the 200 schools where YOUCA is active there are school ambassadors everywhere who represent YOUCA in their school and motivate the other students to get involved, for example for the YOUCA Action Day. - European exchange: we believe in bringing like-minded young people together at the European level, through our umbrella SAME or in 2025 also around influencing climate policy with the European Development Institute. - Participation behind the scenes: board, working groups,.... Without young people there is no YOUCA. Everywhere and at every level, young people are involved in the work. For a lot of activities, young people help organize and work groups are created. The board consists of 90% young people. - Loose activities such as an action weekend, volunteer boot camp, demonstrations, election event, fun moments,.... At YOUCA all young people between 15 and 25 are welcome.We focus on Flanders and Brussels.Every year about 300 young people take part in one or more of our activities. A group of 50 young people are involved close to our operation at all levels and in decisions. All these young people share that they are touched by what is happening in the world, locally or globally, and want to contribute to change.
YOUCA Action Day. This is always a youth project in the Global South linked to a Belgian NGO. We would like to transform this from 2025 to funding 3 smaller projects on an annual basis: one outside Europe, one outside Belgium in Europe and one in Belgium. We do not currently have a European network to find projects to fund so hope to reach out to organizations through you.