Društvo kreativnih ljudi Loesje

National Network

Rožna dolina, Cesta 9/45c

+386 64 189 182
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Loesje is an association registered in Slovenia, but also part of the international network of Loesje organisations globally. We have about 50 active members. We have our resources from public calls, sponsorship and purchasing our products and programs.
Mission and Objectives

Loesje is encouraging creative approach in thinking and active citizenship. We do taht through workshops and campaings with slogans and other means.

Main Projects / Activities

We have regular workshops of creative writing around Slovenia. We organize exhibitions and campaigns with our creative approach. Regularly we cooperate with other organisations among Loesje family globally.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will share our contacts and knowledge and take active part in all activities among Slovenian network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have many new contacts in the Euromed region and we want to develop our presence in the MENA region. We have good practices in our work which can help to bring differences in the new Arab world closer to people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dejan Klasinc
Head of the organisation
Dejan Klasinc

Women's Rights Center

National Network

Bokeska 20
81000 Podgorica

+382 20 664 193
+382 20 664 193
Mobile Phone
+382 67 639 769
Mobile Phone (other)
+282 67 331 156
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Organization Structure: Employees: Maja Raicevic, executive director, coordinator of Advocacy Program; Ana Jaredic, psychologist , coordinator of Support Program for women who survived violence; Tanja Markus, Program assistant, coordinator of "Women in Culture" program; Zarko Ivanovic, psychologist. 5 volunteers actively participate in the realization of WRC activities. Budgetary resources :70.000e Sources of funding: OAK Foundation East West Management Institute Petrovic Foundation American Embassy Modalities of Action: Trainings on domestic violence and the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Institutions in Domestic Violence Cases ("Gender Equality Project IPA 2010") Lectures on domestic violence within the campaign ’16 Days of Activism against Domestic Violence’ Participation in realization of the theatre play ‘Vagina Monologues’, in cooperation with the American Corner and U.S. Embassy. Project Joint NGO Monitoring of Criminal Procedures in Family Violence Cases (in cooperation with Women’s Safe House – Podgorica and S.O.S. Hotline – Niksic. supported by East-West Management Institute, funded by the U.S. Department of State/INL. ‘Training lawyers for working on domestic violence cases’ project (supported by American Embassy, in cooperation with Association of Judges of Montenegro and Montenegrin Bar Association.) Main partners: Women's Safe House - Podgorica S.O.S. Hotline for Victims of Violence – Niksic
Mission and Objectives

MISSION Center for Women's Rights (WRC) empowers women to fight for a better position in society and access to justice, offering them counseling, psychological and legal assistance. Through advocacy, monitoring and promotion of women's creativity, we are improving conditions and social atmosphere in which women exercise their rights. WRC advocates gender equality as one of the priorities of Montenegro in the European integration process. VISION GENDER EQUALITY, ACCESS TO JUSTICE AND SOCIETY WITHOUT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN – OUR REALITY OBJECTIVES 1) Promotion of women’s human rights and gender equality; 2) Empowering women survivors of family violence / partner violence trough counselling, psychological and legal support; 3) Connecting with other organizations / institutions dealing with protection and promotion of women’s human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Goals of the Organization are implemented trough three programs: Advocacy Program WRC is a member of NGO Coalition for Monitoring Chapter 23, NGO Coalition for the preparation of UPR report, editorial team of the NGO Coalition for monitoring negotiations with the European Union, National Council for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Violence against Women. We actively participate in research and development of relevant studies and reports; monitor implementation and develop modifications/amendments to laws governing women’s rights, organize trainings on domestic violence and the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Institutions in Domestic Violence and participate in campaigns, debates, lectures and panel discussions. Trough the Support program (services) for women – victims of violence, WRC continuously provides initial counseling, support trough the work of confidential persons and psychological counseling to women who suffered violence. In the scope of “Women in culture” program WRC participated in realization of the Eve Ensler’s play ‘Vagina Monologues’, in cooperation with the American Corner and U.S. Embassy in Podgorica.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we have cooperated with local artists, we can be useful in connecting the artists and cultural workers on local,regional and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network would enable us to get in touch with organizations who would be our potential partners in the implementation of projects that aim at promoting women in the fields of art and culture as well as increasing the level of awareness of gender equality issues trough art-based projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Raicevic
Head of the organisation
Maja Raicevic
Contact (2) Full Name
Tanja Markus

Hewar - The Arab Association for Alternative Education

National Network

30 Shmaryaho Street

+972 (0)4 8523838
+972 (0)4 8553248
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 (0)54 2025562
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Hewar first began operating in 2004, but has since gone through a lengthy and complicated struggle with the Israeli authorities in order to remain functional. While continuing its work throughout this period, it was only in 2012 that it finally received a licence from the authorities to operate as a private school. It nevertheless continues to be denied any state or municipal funding for its activities, and therefore relies solely on parents and community donations to cover its annual budget of 620,000 euros. Hewar today runs a kindergarten for ages 3-5 as well as primary and intermediate school, classes 1-8, and its staff consists of 23 educators and 4 general staff. It has a Board of Directors consisting of 9 elected members.
Mission and Objectives

Hewar aims to establish a model for alternative education in the Arab community in Israel, focused around the principles of democracy, dialogue, diversity and sustainability. Through such alternative, democratic education, it wants to offer the young generation of Palestinian Arabs in Israel the tools which allow them to pursue lifelong and independent learning, and develop critical thinking and creative problem solving skills. As such it provides these youth with the skills and confidence required to pursue active leadership and promote long-term social change and sustainable development in their society.

Main Projects / Activities

A total of 183 children are enrolled at Hewar today, from preschool children aged 3 until 8th grade. While the basic curriculum taught at the Hewar School follows the national curriculum determined by the Israeli Ministry of Education, the teaching methods and environment differ greatly from other schools, in that students are encouraged to independently investigate and critically reflect on content and subjects. In addition to the standard curriculum, Hewar children also learn many supplementary subjects each year - such as arts, music and drama - and engage in long-term research projects, which helps them acquire the skills and confidence to enable lifelong, self-motivated learning. Other projects at Hewar include training for teachers in alternative education methods, running active parents' groups, and operating a school library.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In addition to its day-to-day activities in the school and kindergarten, Hewar has a long-term plan of establishing an alternative education centre which would gather information and resources on alternative methods of education and offer training for teachers and other institutions in the country. We are therefore keen, not only to learn from other organisations, but also to share our experiences with local partners in order to promote lasting change in the way of thinking about and carrying out educational activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Introducing alternative methods of education in the Arab school system in Israel is a groundbreaking endeavour. Due to its novelty, the Hewar school is faced with many challenges. For example it is sometimes difficult to find partners locally and there is a great lack of professional training for teachers in alternative methods. Hewar therefore wishes to look beyond the local community and build up regional partnerships and open up a dialogue with others who have expertise in this field or who wish to share their experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jenny Nyman
Head of the organisation
Iman Kandalaft

Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste e.V. (ASF)

National Network

Auguststr. 80
10117 Berlin

0049 30 283 95 135
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste e.V. (ASF) is a European level non-governmental volunteer organisation with approx. 50 (full- and part-time) employees, 830 members and branches in several European countries. ASF was founded in 1958 by Christians seeking to confront the era of National Socialism in German history. Since then more than thousand of young volunteers have been involved in our work towards international and intercultural reconciliation. The yearly costs of our work amount to about 3,8 Mio. Euro. We finance our work mostly with donations, church collections and members fees, but also with church and public funds, EU subsidies, grants from fundations and other proceeds. We work in a network of partner organisations in 14 European and non-European countries. We cooperate with diverse partners from the fields of historical and political education, social work, with memorial sites and human rights organisations.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to raise awareness of the consequences of National Socialist crimes and take a stand against current forms of anti-Semitism, racism and monirity-group discrimination. Our international long- and short-term volunteer programmes as well as our educational work offer an opportunity for young people to learn about history, other cultures and societies and about themselves. They provide chances to experience and accept different patterns of thought and behaviour. The programmes help the volunteers to fight racism and anti-semitism and to commit themselves to the creation of a more tolerant, just and peaceful world.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are: long-term voluntary services in Belarus (currently paused due to the political situation), Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia (currently paused due to the political situation), United Kingdom, Ukraine (currently paused due to the war against Ukraine) and USA - short-term voluntary services in Israel - international summer camps in various countries - two-week internships in Israel, Poland and USA for job trainees - educational trips to Belarus, Israel and Ukraine - Educational work (e.g. seminars, public events, publications, etc.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We bring years of experience in the fields of educational, historical and political voluntary work and a solid network of various partnerships in European and non-European countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested on expanding our work in the EUROMED-countries. Being a member in the ALF Network could help us find possible partners for our future projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matteo Schürenberg
Head of the organisation
Elisabeth Raiser

emPOWER Training e.V.

National Network

Oben am Mockenweiher 1
66117 Saarbrücken

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
emPOWER Training e.V. was founded in 2010 by a group of young people who are passionate about social change. emPOWER Training e.V.
Mission and Objectives

emPOWER Training e.V. is a group of young people who are passionate about social change. It aims to run high-quality non-formal education projects that promote critical political participation and active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

emPOWER so far implemented three major programmes: the UWC Short Course "Together for Development!" bringing together 51 students from 30 countries in Swaziland in December 2011, where they spent two weeks learning about core issues in international development, working hands-on in local projects and developing ideas for own initiatives. Then a YiA itinerant youth exchange in September 2012 entitled "(NOT) EUROPEAN?!" in which groups from 7 countries travelled from Berlin to Baku, via Istanbul and Bucharest, exploring limits to European collaboration and integration. Most recently, the UWC Short Course "Living together - Navigating common grounds" took place in Turkey in August 2013, exploring topics shaping the Europe-MENA relationship such as identity, conflict, and migration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

emPOWER can contribute a number of things to the ALF network of networks. First, we will join with our own network that is inherently international due to the nature of our activities, and that is also strongly developed in the Southern Mediterranean countries . This will expand the reach of the ALF and possibly increase its impact by making its resources more widely available. Second, we have a proven track record of successfully implemented projects and are willing and happy to share our “recipe” with other members if desired. Third, a number of our active members are based in Germany and could attend networking events and get involved in common actions to work with other members of the network and explore cooperation opportunities within the German network itself. Finally, we bring enthusiasm coupled with professionalism and a readiness to develop new projects in the Mediterranean region working towards the common objectives of emPOWER and the ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

emPOWER’s 2013 UWC short course took place in Istanbul, Turkey, and has placed the Mediterranean region prominently into our planning for the next years: we will be implementing another short course in Istanbul in August 2014 on migration and sustainable urban development, and possibly developing more long-term initiatives in the region in the future. Since this falls within the ALF priority field of action “youth and education” and also touches upon the fields of culture & arts, cities & migration, as well as peace & coexistence, we are excited to expand our network of partner institutions and also benefit from ALF’s longstanding experience in and support of the region. We feel that the time is particularly ripe to join the ALF national network because shockwaves from recent political, economic and societal developments are being felt on both shores of the Mediterranean region, sowing much uncertainty about the future. Bringing together young people from all its countries and fostering peer learning, personal cross-border friendships and networking around is thus the foundation for future peaceful coexistence and joint sustainable development. emPOWER has demonstrated a commitment to these aims already and is looking to increase its impact together with ALF national networks. In particular, we believe that the ALF’s unique structure of national networks and its focus on being a bridge between individuals and communities make it exceptionally fit to strengthen partnerships and also transmit this feedback of the people and civil society organisations (rather than public authorities alone) back to the political level, eventually shaping policy making in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lukas Wallrich
Head of the organisation
Lukas Wallrich

The National Center for Culture and Arts of King Hussein Foundation (المركز الوطني للثقافة والفنون / مؤسسة الملك حسين)

National Network

Arjan area, Ibn Al Haytham St. Building No. 70 – P.O. Box 926687 Amman 11110 Jordan

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The PAC has 22 professional employees and a Board of Directors comprising of 12 members chaired by Her Majesty Queen Noor AL Hussein Sources of funding: UN organizations, private sector, public sector in Jordan and other NGO’s in Jordan. Main partners: -The International Association of Theater for Children and Young people (ASSITEJ ) -The International Center for Theater in Education (ICTIE)- United Kingdom - The John F. Kennedy Center for The Performing Arts- Washington DC. - The International Association for the Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (BJCEM) – Athens, Greece - The Royal Academy of Dance- Great Britain - The Danish Center for Culture & Development (DCCD), Denmark

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to serve as a national resource and a regional model for incorporating the performing arts in all levels of education, promoting social development issues thus making culture and art accessible to all. Cross Cultural understanding and cooperation is a task that we achieve through theater & dance co-productions and collaboration. Objectives: To provide sustainable services for beneficiaries on national and regional levels promoting cross-cultural understanding, cooperation and a global cultural for peace. To support and develop the art movement in Jordan and in the Arab region for both children and adults. To develop and train young people’s talents in creativity in the field of the performing arts. To develop an understanding and awareness of the value of the arts in the educational process.

Main Projects / Activities

THE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER DEPARTMENTS 1. Theater Department -Theater Arts Training Program -The PAC National Theater-in-Education Troupe 2. Dance Department -Dance school -The PAC Youth Dance Theater Troupe 3. Production Department -TV Productions -Publications (magazines, posters, flyers , brochures calendars) TRAINING COURSES & WORKSHOP CONFERENCES & SEMINARS PERFORMANCES (THEATER & DANCE & MUSICALS) CULTURAL PROGRAMS 1. The Culture of Peace Program 2. The annual Arab Children Congress 3. International Cultural Exchange Programs

Contact (1) Full Name
Lina Attel
Job Title
Director General
Head of the organisation
Lina Attel (Director General)

Jordan palliative care & pain management society

National Network

Amman- Jordan
Amman 11110

00962 6 5679099
00962 6 5672083
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00962 79 6346343
Mobile Phone (other)
00962 79 5677001
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Pallitive Care Jordanian Society :: Vision & Mission Jordan Palliative care Society is a nonprofit organization established in Jordan, in 22-2-2010, by interdisciplinary team members
Mission and Objectives

Vision: To implement palliative care in Jordan Mission: To spread the culture of palliative care by training and education, advocacy and networking

Main Projects / Activities

Goals: To provide training and education in palliative care at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. To participate in the national efforts in creating a national palliative care strategy. To raise public awareness about the principles of palliative care. To encourage safe and effective use of narcotics for pain. To address the challenges facing providing palliative care and pain control for patients with chronic diseases.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by mail and social media

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we have many programs and diplomas we think it is useful to help support chronic diseases and cancer to relief pain and suffering.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohammad Bushnaq
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohammad Bushnaq
Contact (2) Full Name
Safa' Al-thaher

Leaders of Tomorrow

National Network

39 Mecca Street, 4th Floor (PO Box 950586)
Amman 11814

06 552 8458
Telephone (other)
079 61 45 444
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

We are a youth-led, independent non-profit organization, active since 2007 in Jordan and regionally in the Middle East and North Africa. It is our mission to build a community of young leaders who are educated, critical, initiative-takers, and capable of serving their local communities. We have a strong digital presence and reach out through our organizational portal and social media platforms, where we have over 45,000 followers on Facebook (facebook.com/leadersot) and Twitter with our different initiatives and projects, and thousands of subscribers to our FOR9A newsletter with the latest opportunities. Our Objectives * Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future * Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives. * To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics. Main Projects / Activities: We are not a project-based organization. We carry our work on freedom of expression, freedom of thought, education, critical thinking and initiative taking through our five initiatives: DIWANIEH To transfer elitist discussions from political saloons and ateliers to the streets by creating open, free and critical debate spaces at a grassroots level and engage citizens to convey their interests and needs. www.diwanieh.com FOR9A.COM FOR9A is an online platform that provides free educational, capacity building and skills development opportunities for young people in the Middle East and North Africa. www.for9a.com FADFED FADFED is a youth initiative that provides an open, low-key and free platform to encourage citizens to creatively express their opinions about sensitive issues on white papers in public spaces. www.fadfed.org MUSTKBALNA MUSTKBALNA prepares high school students for the transition to the university. They build their capacity, explore their interests and are exposed to university life and different career tracks. MO7AKA MO7AKA builds the capacity of young leaders through a simulation and role-playing environment that provides eye-opening experiences on contentious subjects and builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Mission and Objectives

Objectives * Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future * Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives. * To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects / Activities: We are not a project-based organization. We carry our work on freedom of expression, freedom of thought, education, critical thinking and initiative taking through our five initiatives: DIWANIEH To transfer elitist discussions from political saloons and ateliers to the streets by creating open, free and critical debate spaces at a grassroots level and engage citizens to convey their interests and needs. www.diwanieh.com FOR9A.COM FOR9A is an online platform that provides free educational, capacity building and skills development opportunities for young people in the Middle East and North Africa. www.for9a.com FADFED FADFED is a youth initiative that provides an open, low-key and free platform to encourage citizens to creatively express their opinions about sensitive issues on white papers in public spaces. www.fadfed.org MUSTKBALNA MUSTKBALNA prepares high school students for the transition to the university. They build their capacity, explore their interests and are exposed to university life and different career tracks. MO7AKA MO7AKA builds the capacity of young leaders through a simulation and role-playing environment that provides eye-opening experiences on contentious subjects and builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Facebook links: قادة الغد https://www.facebook.com/leaders0t?fref=ts Leaders of Tomorrow https://www.facebook.com/leadersot ‎مستقبلنا | Mustkbalna‎ https://www.facebook.com/Mustkbalna ‎ ‎ديوانية | Diwanieh‎ https://www.facebook.com/Diwanieh ‎Fadfed | فضفض‎ https://www.facebook.com/JoFADFED ‎Mo7aka | محاكاة‎ https://www.facebook.com/Mo7aka For9a | فرصة‎ https://www.facebook.com/for9a

Contact (1) Full Name
Sami Hourani
Head of the organisation
Sami Hourani
Contact (2) Full Name
Judith van Raalten

Arab Women Media Center (AWMC) (مركز الإعلاميات العربيات)

National Network

Al Abdali, Al Ellamiatt Al Arabiatt street, POB 199

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Dec 5th 1999, Arab women media center established in Jordan as first and unique media NGO, looking after Arab women journalists, AWMC structure built on three levels; 1st high advisory committee; 2nd administrative committee; third the general assembly which formed of all local and Arab' women journalists members all are 450 WJ: ref please click here Budgetary resources 60 – 100 thousands USD, and sources of funding; members fees, donations, working projects percentage, our media products compensations. Seminars, yearly we practiced two; one for women journalists, 2nd for youths, also we produce documentary films. Main partners; are NED, PAX, KAS, and locals Jordanians and Arabs. HRH princes Basma our good will ambassador.

Mission and Objectives

AWMC strategy has been defined to serve the following objectives: Modern media training directive to act as on the job training for newly media collages graduates, and to upgrading media skills to those working journalists, Media to non media educations, or we can say media literacy, target groups were first women in cities, villages, even in camps, then youths from both gender, Documentary films and guide books productions, focusing on violence against women also women issues such as supporting hopeless and help less divorced women, and role of women in political life, we've taken all above mentioned women issues from media point of views. • Networking policy to connect on line journalists net work group named media watch to defending ours' women journalists violence and discriminations issues to view please click here and here

Main Projects / Activities

A. Media training: AWMC has adopted on the job journalism training, and MSP [media for special purposes], as well as media seminars, so far we've launched five Arab women journalists conferences. B. Media to non media education: AWMC started media to non media, first target were women activists, second target youths; young females and males, so far we've done 5 local programs, and 5 Arab' youths seminars. C. Documentary films: We've done three films on women issues; how media evaluate VAW and women rights as well as women role in public and political life, also how supporting women candidates for parliament.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Mahasen Al Emam
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Mahasen Al Emam
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Sana Al Sharief (AWMC organizer)

Jordan Career Education Foundation (مؤسسة التعليم لأجل التوظيف الأردنية)

National Network

Amman- Abdai,Akarko Commercial CenterKing Hussien St. Building Number 2229 Floor, office 1Amman, Jordan 11814P.O. Box Amman 1430
11937 Amman 11814

+962 6 5 666 526
+962 6 5 666 527
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The non-profit Jordan Career Education Foundation has formed collaborative relationships with some of Jordan’s most influential businesses, philanthropists, and respected educational institutions. With their involvement and consult, JCEF is able to clearly identify significant deficits in the current workforce, in addition to predicting future needs. As a result of this close collaboration, the Foundation’s specifically designed training programs are remarkably prescient in immediately fulfilling Jordan’s workforce gaps.
Mission and Objectives

The JCEF Mission. Our aim is to empower and employ Jordanian youth through private-sector sponsored training, including targeted technical, vocational, and managerial programs, so that they may establish sustainable livelihoods and contribute toward Jordan’s future economic development; Recognizing an urgent need in Jordan’s fast-growing economy; Education for Employment (EFE)established the non-profit Jordan Career Education Foundation (JCEF) in 2006 to create job opportunities for youth using employer-driven training programs. Jordanian youth under 25 years of age constitutes more than half of the country’s population, and yet over one quarter of University graduates remain unemployed. Visionary leadership, healthy trade relations, and a central location have each contributed toward Jordan’s vital economy, and yet there exists a crucial shortage of skilled, competitive candidates within the workforce to sustain this steady economic growth. Addressing this two-fold issue of reducing unemployment among young, educated Jordanians, as well as establishing a new generation of confident, competent professional leaders in Jordan’s workforce is the primary focus of JCEF.

Main Projects / Activities

Program trains unemployed youth with the professional and communications skills to get and keep a first job. since February 2006. To date, 255 JCEF graduates have received WS training. - With a grant from the Said Foundation (SF), graduates of INJAZ (a member of Junior Achievement Worldwide) received scholarships for WS training and were placed in internships or jobs through JCEF partnerships with the NEC, Microsoft’s School Technology Innovation Centre (STIC), and others. - Through a partnership with the Ministry of Labour’s National Training & Employment Project (NTEP), youth have been trained and placed in jobs in the hospitality and vocational sectors. In 2009, a new partnership with the Jordan River Foundation (JRF) will train unemployed youth for jobs in the hospitality sector. JCEF operates three industry-specific professional and vocational training and job-placement programs: Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC); Land Surveying; and Teacher Training

Contact (1) Full Name
Ghadeer Khuffash
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ghadeer Khuffash
Contact (2) Full Name
Hazem Hmoud
Job Title (2)
Programs and Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist