Associates in Development Association - AIDA مجموعة شركاء في التنمية

National Network

Marj Al Hamam, Amman Jordan 11732 P.O Box 940
Amman 11732

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
This organisation recently closed Volunteers run the association: people from all walks of life with different backgrounds and experiences who give their time and effort to lead and guide AIDA. The Founders Committee is responsible for the overall direction and policies of AIDA, they are vital to our success and the legal responsibilities we have to funders and to our staff rests with them. The founders work as team; guidance is a shared task and this makes it more enjoyable as well making the work more manageable. The Founders involve both the staff and young people who are part of the association in the decisions making process. the founders are 7 people - self funded till now
Mission and Objectives

Objectives : •Building comprehensive national culture awareness among youth which embraces all positive pillars of development; in order to meet all the demands of this century to find peace with itself, present and future. • Spreading the notion of 'freedom of expression' for positive change. This includes solutions in all development areas: social, political and economic development within the frames of reference. •Raising Youth awareness on democratic processes in order to encourage and increase political participation. •Contribute in increasing awareness on human rights and gender‐related issues and focus on its importance in the development process of all sectors. •Cultivating young people's skills in using mass communication to interact and put them in a positive way to build an interactive map for communication and knowledge reflected positively on the reform and political development in the community of Jordan. •Activate Jordanian's women role at both educational and economic stages in order to reach wider women's political participation Vision Develop the skills and capacities of young people is the main driver for the positive change Mission AIDA aims at developing various educational resources so that young people gain valuable understanding to empower their communities and become the change of their country

Main Projects / Activities

AIDA participated in international witnessing for Egyptian parliament election in 2011-2012 research assistance and conducted interviews with Jordanian candidates for parliament in 2010 and got out a paper explaining how the Jordanian community sees women participation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

being active members and participate in all activities. moreover, create joined projects with ALF members to develop our own community how shares same interest and values. learn from the training activities and transmit the knowledge gained to the community and create partnership locally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

develop and network on national and international level with different ngo's and create bridges to come up with different ideas for certain themes. promote other cultures and introduce it to our Jordanian youth and enable them to be aware of the others by all means culture,religion, human rights, democracy and community development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vanda Sawalha
Head of the organisation
George Sawalha
Contact (2) Full Name
George Sawalha

Arab Centre for Consulting and Training Services (AWT) - المركز العربي للخدمات الاستشارات والتدريب

National Network

P.O.Box 850881Amman 11185 Jordan
Amman 11185

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
We have 8 Staff members. Fundraising based.
Mission and Objectives

Bridging Cultures-Facilitate common ground dialogue (Christian-Christian, Christian-Muslim), promote tourism to Biblical sites, coordinate Western service projects in partnership with local Organizations, increase awareness in the West of the global Arab Christian community and of life in general in the Middle East. Training Future Leaders

Main Projects / Activities

Arab Woman Today which represents one departments under ACTS which exists to equip and empower the Arab woman to pursue change in her personal and social life.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through participating in the events and networking to be able to learn and teach through our well experienced leadership and staff.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Partnering in Service -Identify and partner with existing Arab and Western organizations in achieving mutual goals, distribute financial assistance to effective local ministries as required, provide administrative guidance to requesting ministries as possible

Contact (1) Full Name
Ruba Rihani Abbasi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nabeeh Abbasi

Jordanian Leaders Training Forum - الملتقى الأردني لاعداد القادة

National Network

Tla'a Alali

+962 799 047 357
Telephone (other)
+962 77 600 2142
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
079 6424320
Mobile Phone (other)
079 9047357
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
seven administrative staff.funding resources from partners like ActionAid, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit. Actions modalities are seminars, workshops, projects with youth.
Mission and Objectives

Mission:develop and adapt the youth potentials, beside instill the motivation spirit, in order to create a capable youth that can take lead. Goals: 1) Develop and adopt the youth potentials. 2) Prepare intellectually moderate and civilized opened youth 3) Deepen the dialogue, freedom, democracy, and human rights culture in the local communities. 4) Provide the youth with the updated skills and knowledge in leadership.

Main Projects / Activities

1)Amman Debates Initiative:The forum will conduct it on locally level, consists of 6 domains: training courses, workshops, prepare training programs for debating. 2)Violence in universities.Survey will be conducted In Public and Private universities about the violence in the universities in Jordan, lasts 8 months. 3)Increase youth participation in Az Zarqa'a Province in decision Making Process It will be conducted In Az Zarq'a Province in three phases: A) Training (includes 9 workshops for 45 youth B) Prepare 9 reports about the political and developmental aspects in the province. C) Transform the youth needs to the decision- makers in order to solves the problems illustrated in the work sheets 4)Increase youth Participation in the Institutional Voluntary Work:The Forum is writing down a proposal that will be endorsed to the Euro Med Unit in the ministry of political development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it will be a great chance to meet different people across the Mediterranean for better understanding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Ma'moun Alrfou'
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Emad Abu Saleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Ayman Qtaishat

Association Iguanadon for Ecotourism, Cross Culture and Youth Development

National Network

ElMers Centre, Boulemane Province 33100, Fes-Boulemane Region
El Mers-Boulemane

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Organization structure: -Chair -Secretary -Treasury -Communication manager -Translator -photograph -Coordinator Budgetary resources:membership fees, participation fees in activities. participants fees.
Mission and Objectives

Get involved in our community development and prepare our youth for a better future.
1.Develop Ecotourism in our community for the well being of local people.
2.Youth Development: Prepare youth for their roles as adults, encourage youth to participate in their community development (life skills for a better future generation leaders and decision-makers)
3.Build a bridge to the external networking: Collaborating with youth workers and organizations locally, nationally and internationally.
4.Encourage Cross culture exchange and experience sharing with youth around the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Leadership and Cross Culture Program 2011-2016:
Our vision:
Exposure to the youth and cultures of the world:
Our vision - within five years - is to expose our youth to the youth of the world and bring cultures together. Youth of today with a correct understanding, appreciation and respect of the other cultures are the real leaders of tomorrow who will lead the world to peace and mutual respect between nations. We believe in small changes can make a big difference AND the real change starts from changing the attitude and mind.
1.In July 2010, we organized a youth camp for local youth.
2.In July 2011, we organized a cross culture camp. We brought Moroccan and American youth together.
3.In August 2013, we are planning to organize a youth leadership camp where we will bring Moroccan and European youth together (in addition to our first partner: American).
4.In 2014, we are targeting Asian youth (in addition to our previous partners: American & European).
5.In 2015, we are targeting African youth (in addition to our previous partners: American, European & Asian).
6.In 2016, we are targeting Australian youth (in addition to our previous partners: American, European, Asian & African)
The Aim:
Empower youth Leadership skills and expose both Latvian and Moroccan youth to the cultures of each other to deepen their awareness, acceptance and appreciations of the other culture.
Objectives of 2013 Camp:
By the end of the camp, participants will be able to:
1.Learn how to engage the skills learnt in planning for their personal life.
2.Plan, design, implement/lead and evaluate at least one activity.
3.Use basic knowledge and skills in English language to communicate their thoughts.
4.Learn at least 3 values from the other culture facilitate at least 3 values of her/his culture. And, recognizes differences and similarities of both cultures.
5.Appreciate other culture and understand that differences in cultures teaches the value of mutual respect and tolerance
6.Be engaged in at least one project or a research with a fellow from the other culture to plan for the next year camp.
Youth will be involved in developing small projects for the future camp. The now participants will be leaders of their communities in the next camp. Each participant, with his /her fellow from an organization will take lead of organizing a camp in their community with youth from their communities and others from abroad partners. This year, we will have one camp with 26 participants from Elmers, Latvia, Skoura, Boulemane, Oumjniba, and Imouzzer Mermoucha. Next year, our hope is that the now participants will be leaders of a camp in their communities. So, we will be having 6 camps in different locations with at least 20 participants in each camp with partners from other countries. Each year we will involve associations from other parts of Morocco. By 2016, we will be able to build a bridge that links the 5 continents, promote cultural understanding and mutual respect among youth from the continents and open more opportunities for youth to initiate new exchanging ideas.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are open to volunteering. We hope to extend our youth Leadership and Cross Culture Program to include more participants from the Mediterranean countries and bring youth together from to improve mutual respect between cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As ambitious youth, members of the association Iguanadon, we would like to join the ALF to broaden our network and enrich our knowledge through experience sharing with the Foundation members and get more opportunities for cross learning and partnership for our youth Leadership and Cross Culture Program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Said Ousaka
Head of the organisation
Said Ousaka
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Tiloulout

Fondation Lilian Thuram Education contre le racisme

National Network

BP 70450 75769 Paris cedex 16

+ 33
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Fondation, CA dont Lilian Thuram est le président, deux vice-présidents et un directeur. Des bénévoles contribuent au fonctionnement quotidien et pour chaque projet. La Fondation s’est dotée d’un comité scientifique Elle est financée par la Fondation du FC Barcelone, la CASDEN Banque populaire, la MGEN (mutuelle générale de l’Education nationale), le Conseil général de Seine-et-Marne et Lilian Thuram. Elle réalise des produits de diffusion auprès du grand public: livres, outils pédagogiques, expositions. Interventions auprès des scolaires, conférences, festivals, etc... Son budget annuel est de 250 000€, mais il ne comporte pas les différents projets qui sont financés séparément par les partenaires avec lesquels elle co-conçoit ses projets : musée du Quai Branly et CNRS-ACHAC pour l’exposition Exhibitions, l’invention du sauvage ; éditions Autrement pour le Manifeste pour l’égalité ; éditions Delcourt pour le BD tirée de Mes étoiles noires; villes, départements pour les interventions en milieu scolaire…
Mission and Objectives

La Fondation lutte, par l’éducation, contre le racisme sous toutes ses formes. Elle s’est dotée d’un comité scientifique composé de Françoise Héritier, anthropologue, Yves Coppens, paléoanthropologue, Marie Rose Moro, psychiatre de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, Doudou Diène, juriste, rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur les formes contemporaines de racisme (2002-2008), Evelyne Heyer, généticienne des populations humaines, Ninian Hubert Van Blyenburgh, anthropologue et didacticien, Elisabeth Caillet, muséologue, Michel Wieviorka, sociologue, Françoise Vergès, politologue, Tzvetan Todorov, philosophe et historien, Pierre Raynaud, ingénieur en développement des politiques publiques, Carole Reynaud Paligot, historienne, Pascal Brice, diplomate, Pascal Boniface, géo-politologue, Pascal Blanchard, historien, Patrick Estrade, psychologue, André Magnin, commissaire d’expositions.

Main Projects / Activities

- Le challenge Thuram en Seine-et-Marne, prochaine édition le 25 mai 2013. - L’édition de Mes étoiles noires en espagnol (Ara Llibres, octobre 2012), en italien (ADD Editore, mai 2013), en portugais (Tinta da China, juin 2013) ; une version en anglais est en préparation. - L’adaptation de Mes étoiles noires en BD aux Editions Delcourt, premier volume à paraître en janvier 2014. - L’élaboration du projet d’envergure européenne ÊTRE HUMAIN en partenariat avec la Ville de Genève et le Conseil de l’Europe (2015) - L’élaboration du Manifeste pour l’égalité paru le 7 mars 2012 aux éditions Autrement. - L’élaboration avec Jean-Christophe Victor et ARTE de deux numéros du Dessous des cartes : Mémoire du racisme et Zoos humains (mars 2012) - Le commissariat général (Lilian Thuram) et le co-commissariat scientifique (Pascal Blanchard) de l’exposition EXHIBITIONS, l’invention du sauvage au musée du quai Branly (29 novembre 2011 - 3 juin 2012) qui a reçu le Globe de Cristal de la meilleure exposition de l’année. - L’élaboration du livre Mes étoiles noires, de Lucy à Barack Obama qui a reçu le Prix Seligmann contre le racisme en 2010 (Ed. Philippe Rey, janvier 2010, Ed. Points, mai 2012) - L’élaboration de l’outil pédagogique Nous Autres, programme multimédia d’éducation contre le racisme pour les enseignants et les élèves de CM1 CM2, envoyé gratuitement aux écoles sur inscription : - La participation à la réflexion européenne d’éducation contre le racisme et les discriminations avec le Conseil de l’Europe. - Le soutien à des manifestations contre les discriminations et pour les Droits de l’Homme. - Des conférences et des débats. - Des interventions dans les écoles, les collèges, les lycées et les universités françaises et étrangères.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En répercutant sur notre site les réalisations des autres structures, en agissant de conserve avec les autres dans des opérations particulières selon les demandes et les besoins de chacun; en informant à l'avance les membres du réseau sur les actions que nous mettons en place pour que d'autres puissent s'en emparer et les diffuser à leur tour avec leurs moyens propres.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour mieux articuler nos actions à celles développées par d'autres structures, pour être tenu au courant des initiatives prises par d'autres, pour donner une plus grande répercussion à nos actions, pour lutter plus efficacement de façon concertée contre le racisme et pour l'égalité.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lionel Gauthier
Head of the organisation
Lilian Thuram

Symposium (Humanitarian Organisation) LLC

National Network

PO BOX 60280, 8101 PA

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Classical Greece defined symposium as the meal where rich and poor alike, came together and conversed over food and wine, about their community’s shared concerns. Symposium is a not-for-profit company, largely staffed by a female board of directors, whom have been long involved in charity and community work, elected for limited terms and with voting rights. Supported by three permanently staffed employees; an operations manager, a project manger and writer, and an administrative worker, as well as a dedicated team of local fundraisers and volunteers whom are charged with the day-to-day operations. Symposium’s present-day work in rural Cyprus, long neglected by the majority of Nicosia based non-profits, focuses on progressive community development and stakeholder empowerment. Symposium’s rural efforts complement with the EURO-MED agenda for local and regional democratic development of the ALF network partners.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Empowerment of marginalized stakeholders, the silent majority including men, women, children, elderly and migrant workers. Enhancing stakeholder engagement and education in the rural community that enhance grass roots democracy and socio-economic empowerment, in rural society, whilst concurrently supporting sustainable political and institutional development and enhancing the cultural perception of marginalized stakeholders. Objectives: (1). Improving rural marginalized stakeholder’s cultural perception, that enhances both their own, and that of the wider community’s political and socio-economic status. Promoting democratic institutional development and publishing social scientific research about stakeholder empowerment; (2). Generating socio-cultural awareness by sensitizing policymakers, public institutions and the public majority of marginalized stakeholder issues so as to enhance grass roots democracy and community decision making; (3). Providing stakeholder engagement and education that enhances their democratic, human rights and legally awareness, by enhancing marginalized stakeholder’s knowhow and voice in community participation and fairer public institutional decision-making.

Main Projects / Activities

AIDS / HIV Trainer Seminars and Community Awareness Raising 45 men and women educators and NGO trainers were trained to give HIV/AIDS education to vulnerable stakeholders. By raising gender health awareness about the threat of STD and reproductive health. The seminars raised issues of inadequate public health awareness education in schools, and how that could be rectified through informal ‘community’ discussions with teenagers and parents. Migrant Worker Seminars and Workshops An empowerment project/informational forum teaching marginalized stakeholders about their human rights, democracy and how to better legally organize themselves against public institutional human rights abuses. The seminars trained European Union and Third Country National migrant workers about their immigration issues, law, human rights and employment rights. Ending with interactive problem solving workshops to put their experiences to paper.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Symposium offers the ALF network in Cyprus and its Euro-Mediterranean partners a human understanding of marginalized rural stakeholder’s grass-roots challenges in democratic empowerment and community decision making, be they socio-economic developmental, legal, gender empowerment and environmental challenges that marginalized stakeholders continually face. Symposium, as the Cyprus ALF network, champions marginalized rural stakeholders, helping build sustainable democratic, inclusive and sustainable community institutions that meet their needs. By raising awareness of these problems, Cypriot NGOs, within the ALF network can lobby in the media to encourage politic debates for stakeholder inclusiveness. Cypriot NGOs within the ALF network are likely to play a crucial role in encouraging public institutional catharsis to support marginalized stakeholder’s community involvement and political empowerment

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Unlike the majority of Cypriot urban NGO’s, we support the neglected rural stakeholders whom we believe have an important societal role in the cultural, political and socio-economic fabric of a democratic and unified Cyprus. The ALF network provides the accumulated expertise and partnerships to enhance socio-cultural engagement and quality of service provision to rural stakeholders through grass roots democracy and stakeholder empowerment initiatives, which remain woefully weak in Cyprus. By joining the ALF Network, Symposium works towards enhancing grass roots democracy for traditionally marginalized rural stakeholders who have had little community ‘voice’ and decisional political power. The ALF Network NGOs partnership enables Symposium’s socio-political transformational enhancement of traditional rural and women stakeholder’s community decisional power, helping them build grass roots democratic accountability within uniquely Cypriot democratic and political institutions, that support sustainable and objective policy development by local stakeholders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bernadette Dean Doedens
Head of the organisation
Bernadette Dean Doedens


National Network

7 Rue El Ghoula, Sousse, 4000

00216 23451603
Telephone (other)
00216 98684672
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information

Nombre de membres : 52 membres Sources de financement : Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles :

Mission and Objectives

Bonne gouvernance Démocratie locale Participation citoyenne dans la vie commune

Main Projects / Activities

Bonne gouvernance Démocratie locale Participation citoyenne dans la vie commune

Contact (1) Full Name
Laabayed faycal
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Larroussi Jarboui
Contact (2) Full Name
Badi Guibane
Job Title (2)
General secretary

International Solutions

National Network

Bulgaria Str. 3

+359 58 655628
Mobile Phone
+359 885 398 678
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Association International Solutions (IS) is a non-governmental organization in public benefit. It is managed by, and works with, primarily young people. The governing structures include 9 persons working on voluntary basis and responsible for administrative and financial management. There are no paid employees. The organization relies heavily on volunteers. It works with both international and local partner organizations. IS’s main activities include major European-level projects and smaller-scale local-level volunteer actions. Since its establishment, IS has cooperated closely with an established higher education institution – International University College - Dobrich. Most of IS’s volunteers are students from International University College. IS’s main divisions work collaboratively in the following fields: a) education, training, research; b) competencies, skills; c) projects, volunteer and advocacy actions; d) consultancy. Main sources of funding are grants from EU funding programmes, membership fees, voluntary contributions and revenues from consultancy and research services.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of International Solutions are:
- to support the social inclusion of young people, in particular those in disadvantaged position, including through encouraging their initiative and skills development;
- to promote intercultural dialogue, civil society development and European citizenship;
- to promote the integration and social inclusion of minorities and vulnerable groups, including by supporting local communities and civil society in the fight against the isolation of the Roma and other minorities in Bulgaria;
- to promote the development and application of innovative approaches in education and Lifelong Learning, in particular through facilitating broad application of ICTs and improvement of managerial skills and culture;
- to promote citizens’ creativity and entrepreneurship in view of increasing their competitiveness and employment opportunities;
- to contribute to the building of strong environmental awareness within society and to the protection of natural resources, including through supporting sustainable tourism at regional level.

Main Projects / Activities

Main implemented projects:
In the 2012/2013 period, IS implemented (as applicant and lead partner) the project "Rural youth for sustainable communities", funded by the Youth in Action Programme of the EU (YiA). The project assisted young people and relevant civil society groups in 3 European, 1 Asian and 2 African countries in building their civic leadership and community development capacity in the sphere of sustainable rural development and poverty reduction (project website:
In the capacity of partner, IS also implemented YiA projects focused on intergenerational solidarity and gender equality.
Main focus areas of IS activities: active citizenship, culture, intercultural dialogue, European cooperation, sustainable development, youth, social inclusion, ICTs, etc.
Main types of implemented activities:
- informal education and training;
- research (on topics within the focus areas);
- awareness raising and advocacy campaigns and events;
- conferences, discussion forums and seminars;
- exchange of good practices, participation in networks.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

International Solution can make the following contribution to the Anna Lindh Network in Bulgaria:
- IS can bring in a number of partnerships with NGOs and education institutions in Europe, Africa, and Jordan, as well as at regional level in Dobrudja (Bulgaria).
- IS can bring in a number of good practices of youth cooperation in fields such as informal education and training, awareness raising and youth mobilization on active citizenship (in particular European citizenship), youth participation in culture and intercultural exchanges, awareness raising and youth mobilization on environmental issues, development of skills in using ICTs and social media for the purpose of social development and social inclusion (in particular for young people), etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

International Solutions wishes to join the Anna Lindh Network in Bulgaria due to the following reasons:
- IS shares the main objectives and values of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF), in particular intercultural dialogue and mutual respect between cultures, civil society development and cooperation in support of common regional development goals;
- IS works actively on three of the four focus areas of the ALF programme, namely culture and creativity; education and intercultural learning; urban spaces and citizenship. In addition, IS works on issues related to youth and social medias and public awareness, which are also relevant to the fourth focus area of the ALF programme.
- IS has already established cooperation and plans joint initiatives with organizations from a number of EuroMed countries, in particular countries in the EU, countries in Southeastern Europe, and Jordan. In addition, IS wishes to establish contacts with NGOs based in other countries in the EuroMed region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Violina Atanasova Vasileva
Head of the organisation
Violina Atanasova Vasileva
Contact (2) Full Name
Pavel Yordanov Radev

PDCS, o.z. (Coordinator of Slovak Network)

National Network
Slovak Republic

Štúrova 13
81102 Bratislava

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

PDCS is an independent non-governmental organization. We provide professional training, consultancy, and facilitation services, and publish books. PDCS has operated from Slovakia since 1991 as a member of the international network Partners for Democratic Change International based in Brussels. PDCS is a group of core trainers and consultants with a team of about 10 contractual trainers, consultants, and experts dealing with specific areas. Our activities in 2012 were funded by variety of donnors: EuropeAid (EC), SlovakAid, International Visegrad Fund, Meridian (US gouvernment), Nadace Via/ Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Nadácia Tatrabanky, Nadácia Intenda. Our annual budget for 2012 was around 400 000 EUR. You can find more details in Annual Report available at our website. Over the last 20 years, the training courses of PDCS have been attended by over 25,000 participants. PDCS published 25 books of which The Reader for Nonprofit Organizations met with greatest response and was translated into English, Russian, and partly into three other languages. To our clients we provide: Training related services, Facilitation, Evaluation,Consultancy services and Study visits. Services of PDCS have been used by over 800 nonprofit organizations, state and local government institutions, cross-sector groups, communities, international organizations, and companies. We have worked in 40 countries all over the world in English, French, Russian, Polish, and Slovak languages.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of PDCS is to help develop and promote culture of democracy, expand democratic approaches and mechanisms for dialogue and conflict prevention. We fulfill our mission by working with nonprofit organizations, public administration institutions and cross-sector partnerships in development programs and by arranging cultured dialogue among various interest groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Main areas of PDCS work: • Training of trainers and training of facilitators • Conflict transformation, development and peacebuilding • Development of civil society organisations, businesses, and their partnerships • Public participation and European citizenship

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to share our experiences of 2 years collaboration with Tunisian partners and contribute to Slovak - MENA dialogue. At the same time we have already started collaboration with members of ALF Network in Czech Republic within our Tunisian project, so it could be also an asset for our Slovak ALF network. We hope to join ALF community soon.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

From 2012 PDCS has implemented capacity-building projects for Tunisian civil society leaders. Currently, we are implementing the 3rd project and we think that our membership in ALF Network could even reinforce our partnerhip and exchange of experience with countries from MENA and EU region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarina Bajzikova
Head of the organisation
Karolina Mikova
Contact (2) Full Name
Karolina Mikova

Association Alwiam pour développement

National Network

Hay Mrabet 2 aouama bni makada 9000 Tangier

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية الوئام للتنمية تأسست سنة 2012 على أيدي شباب بمدينة طنجة هدفها تنمية المجتمع والنهوض به خاصة بالمناطق المهمشة ، تعتني بالطفولة وتهتم بالشباب والمرأة وذلك عبر برامج خاصة بكل فئة من هذه الفئات ، وذلك كأمسيات وحلقات ولقاءات تربوية داخلية وبالفضاء العام بالنسبة للطفل ، وورشات تكوينية بالنسبة للشباب ، وبرنامج محو الأمية والقاءات التوعوية بالنسبة للمرأة .
Mission and Objectives

إن أهداف الجمعية أهداف عامة خاصة التنمية البشرية والمحلية وذلك عبر برامج خاصة بكل فئة من هذه الفئات ، وذلك كأمسيات وحلقات ولقاءات تربوية داخلية وبالفضاء العام بالنسبة للطفل ، وورشات تكوينية بالنسبة للشباب ، وبرنامج محو الأمية والقاءات التوعوية بالنسبة للمرأة ، وكذلك تمثيل الساكنة لدى السلطات العمومية والمنتخبة .

Main Projects / Activities

- برنامج لأتعرف عىل وطني
- البرنامج التربوي
- البرنامج الدعم والتكوين

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للاستفادة من الخبرات والتجارب لدى المؤسسات والمنظمات المنضوية تحت لواء هذه الشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Ridoune El Mansori