National Network

86, Route de Gué de Constantine, quatre chemins Bourouba

00 213 21 46 25 22
00 213 21 46 25 22
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 213 550 46 59 58
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
L'équipe de la SARL CAAID contient 100 membres. Les ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles sont de 3000 dollars. Nos sources de financement sont les cotisations des adhérents et les séminaires organisés par CAAID. CAAID s’intéresse à tous les échanges économiques.
Mission and Objectives

Notre mission est d'aider les personnes et les sociétés étatiques ou privées afin de développer leurs capacités pratiques et intellectuelles grâce à des spécialistes, des chercheurs et des idées créatives et efficaces, en prenant en considération la discrétion, la précision, la rapidité et la qualité.

Main Projects / Activities

1 étude, consulting et recherche
2 la formation
3 les services
4 l'investissement

Contact (1) Full Name
Larby Riadh
Head of the organisation
M'hamed Boutalbi

Association SIDRA - Alger

National Network

Centre Culturel LAKHDAR REBBAH , Place 11 Décembre 1960, Belouizdad

00213 560 726 586
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Crée en avril 2011 à Alger, SIDRA Algérie est une association agrée, apolitique, a but non lucratif régie par la loi des associations Algériennes, constituée en majorité de jeunes leaders dans leurs disciplines. Ils œuvrent tous autour d’un idéal de partage, d’aide et de diversité. Labélisée en 2013 par l’UNESCO, SIDRA Algérie est l’une des associations jeunesse phare de la capitale, Nous comptons 70 membres actifs dont la moyenne d’âge est de 20 ans ainsi qu’une base de donnée de 1000 volontaires. Nos ressources sont principalement puisées en nature (denrée alimentaires, transport, matériel, ect) Nous n'avons aucune subvention de l'état Algérien ( pour le moment) Nos ressources financières prennent la forme de sponsoring/Mécénat de sociétés privées Nos partenaires principaux sont : Commune de Mohamed Belouizdad Société privées : Samsung , HSBC , Djeezy, PROGRAPHIX, Nestlé , ARDIS Associations :Bit elkhir ADRAR
Mission and Objectives

Crée en avril 2011 à Alger, SIDRA Algérie est une association agrée, apolitique, a but non lucratif régie par la loi des associations Algériennes, constituée en majorité de jeunes leaders dans leurs disciplines. Ils œuvrent tous autour d’un idéal de partage, d’aide et de diversité. Labélisée en 2013 par l’UNESCO, SIDRA Algérie est l’une des associations jeunesse phare de la capitale, Nous comptons 70 membres actifs dont la moyenne d’âge est de 20 ans ainsi qu’une base de donnée de 1000 volontaires. Mission: La promotion de la citoyenneté active des jeunes à travers des projets citoyens solidaires et interculturels Valeurs: - Créativité - Passion - Solidarité - Diversité

Main Projects / Activities

Pour les enfants de l'Algérie ( Education) Beaucoup d'enfants pauvres des zones isolées de l'Algérie abandonnent l'école avant d'avoir terminer leurs études et obtenu un diplôme correspondant, pire encore, ils quittent l'école avant même d'avoir achever le cursus primaire. En raison des différences de niveaux d'éducation entre les différents groupes sociaux, les enfants issus de familles pauvres sont moins susceptibles de fréquenter l'école que ceux des familles les plus aisées. Missions : 1- Encourager l'éducation des enfants Algériens dans les régions les plus isolées 2 - Lutte contre l'analphabétisme dans les villages isolés en Algérie 3- Sensibiliser les parents à l'importance de l'enseignement des enfants (spécialement les filles) 4 - Promouvoir la citoyenneté active des jeunes volontaires participants dans le projet Algerian Food Bank : Algerian Food Bank est la première banque alimentaire de l’histoire de l’Algérie. Initié par l’association SIDRA le 05 juillet 2013, notre projet est à but non lucratif et vise à collecter, gérer et partager des denrées alimentaires et leur mise à disposition gratuite ou quasi-gratuite aux plus démunis d’une manière effective et durable. Nous agissons aussi par le biais d’associations partenaires au niveau national pour répondre aux urgences alimentaires dans les régions les plus isolées Nos campagnes impliquent différentes catégories de la société dans l’action volontaire et se base sur l’énergie et la fraicheur de la jeunesse algérienne pour réaliser des campagnes efficaces et innovantes contre la faim et la malnutrition. Mission Collecter, gérer et partager des denrées alimentaires et leur mise à disposition gratuite ou quasi-gratuite aux plus démunis d’une manière effective et durable. Objectifs : - Apporter de l’aide alimentaire aux personnes nécessiteuses - Impliquer les personnes physiques et morales dans l'action volontaire - Créer le besoin d'aider et l’esprit de solidarité chez le citoyen algérien Vision Faire de l’Algerian Food Bank une référence dans le domaine de la gestion des projets solidaires liés à l’aide alimentaire en Algérie. Conseil consultatif (Commune de Belouizdad) en préparation ANA Belouizdadi ( Promotion de la Citoyenneté active et de l'environnement )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je peux contribuer en tant que personne en premier lieu étant jeune leader soucieux du développement des jeunes dans mon pays mais surtout en tant qu'association jeunesse avec mes 70 membres pour porter des projet communs dans la région.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

En tant que président de SIDRA Algérie ,J'ai participé dans le FORUM DAWRAK de ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION et je partage ainsi que mon organisation les valeurs de cette foundation . Souhaitant développer les compétences de mes membres dans le dialogue entre les jeunes et la citoyenneté interculturelle je suis convaincu qu'ALF peut apporter un plus significatif à travers ses formations et forums mais le plus important pour moi c'est créer des contacts et collaborations avec d'autres associations locales et régionales et profiter d'un échange de compétences et d’expérience très enrichissant pour notre organisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Association pour le Développement et l'Animation Culturelle ADAC - Université - Bejaia

National Network

Résidence universitaire Aamriw, (Ex ITE) de l'université de Bejaia
06000 Bejaia

05 52 17 18 52
Mobile Phone
05 52 17 18 52
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ADAC est une association estudiantine qui est régie par la loi des association et conforme à la législation, elle est composé d'un président, deux vice présidents, un secrétaire général et son adjoint, un trésorier et son adjoint et deux assesseurs. L'association reçoit son budget via la direction des oeuvres universitaires, elle travaille en collaboration avec plusieurs association (Exp : Tujya, Tazmarth, et d'autres partenaires ) Nos principales activités : nous concentrons nos activités essentiellement en direction des étudiants de l'université de Bejaia, des conférences débat autour des thématiques diverses au cours de l'année, des troupes théâtrales, jeux culturelles et ateliers de formations des cadres associatifs qui activent dans le mouvement associatif de l'université de Bejaia.
Mission and Objectives

Les missions que les membres de ADAC se sont fixés sont : Promotion de la culture et création des espaces de débat et de réflexion à l'université Formation des cadres associatifs animations de l'espace culturelles universitaire Célébrations des dates symboliques et revalorisation de patrimoine nationale Echange de connaissance à travers des collaborations avec d'autres associations en cultivant les valeurs de solidarité et de respect d'autrui.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos principales activités : Conférence débat sur les question d'actualité et des sujet d’intérêt commun avec les étudiants Expositions et pièces théâtrales Ateliers de formation de cadres associatifs animant l'espace culturelle de l'université sortie et excursion de découverte participation à des séminaire de formation soit au niveau national ou régional pour le partage et l'échange d'expérience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre association compte partager bien avec les membre de réseau FAL sa modeste expérience et mettre en échange les capacités et compétences de ses membres qui agissent pour bien-être de la culture en créant un espace de formation des futurs responsables qui œuvrent pour une existence positive en incarnant une utilité excellente au sein de leurs sociétés.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Notre association veut bien intégrer le réseau FAL pour sa réputation et la qualité de ses initiatives, chose qui permettre aux membres de notre organisation de bien se former et acquérir une formation qui permettra à chacun d'eux de déployer son expérience acquise autour de lui et avec son environnement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

الهلال الأحمر الجزائري

National Network

الهلال الأحمر الجزائري فرع بلدية أم الدروع الشلف الجزائر

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
الهلال الأحمر الجزائري منظمة وطنية تضامنية
Mission and Objectives

هدفها تقديم المساعدة و الدعم للفئات الهشة و المنكوبة و المتضررة حسب الحاجة و الإمكانيات

Main Projects / Activities

المنح الإجتماعية
التبرع بالدم
التكوين الشبه الطبي
المشاركة في الاعمال التطوعية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق أعضاء شبكة مؤسسة أنا ليند

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتبادل الخبرات مع أعضاء الشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
بلايلي العيد
Head of the organisation
زقاوي محمد
Contact (2) Full Name
عراب عبد الرحمان

Initiative Minderheiten (Initiative for Miniorities)

National Network

Gumpendorfer Str. 15/13, 1060 Wien / Vienna

0043 1 966 90 01
Telephone (other)
0043 1 966 90 02
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
* 5 emploees * Euro 250.000,- * ESF, Ministry of Education, The City of Vienna * Exhibition "Romane Thana - Orte der Roma" (Wien Museum 2014), ROMBAS-Romabildungs- und ausbildungsstudie (2013-2014), Symposium "Mehrsprachigkeit in Wien historisch betrachtet" (2013), Zeitschrift STIMME (quarterly), Radio STIMME * Romano Centro, Verein Romaservice, Wien Museum, Landesmuseum Burgenland, Arbeiterkammer Wien, VHS Wien etc.
Mission and Objectives

Since 1991, Initiative Minderheiten has been advocating for and contributing to creating a society that acknowledges and affords equal treatment and equal rights to minorities in their individual life concepts regardless of their ethnic, social or religious affiliation, sexual orientation or dis/ability. A society can only be considered to have acknowledged minority rights if it facilitates and supports different life concepts in a fair and equal manner. Initiative Minderheiten works towards creating minority alliances.
IM defines a minority as people who experience discrimination based on their ethnic, social or religious affiliation, sexual orientation or dis/ability. Politically, discrimination means excluding certain people from certain rights; socially, it means experiencing prejudices and exclusions. This definition is not based on a group’s number of members, but rather on their lack of power in comparison to that of the hegemonic majority.

Main Projects / Activities

Exhibition "Gastarbajteri - 40 Jahre Arbeitsmigration" (Gastarbajteri - 40 Years of Labor Migration, Wien Museum and Hauptbücherei 2004),

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

* with our magazine STIMME
* with our radio programm Radio STIMME
* with our newwsletter
* with facbook

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

* communication
* projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Cornelia Kogoj
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Gamze Ongan

İstanbul Technical University(İTÜ), Dr. Erol Üçer Centre for Advance Studies in Music (MIAM)

National Network

İTÜ Maçka Kampüsü Yabancı Diller Binası Maçka, 34367, İstanbul- Türkiye

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
MIAM (Dr.Erol Üçer Müzik İleri Araştırmalar Merkezi – Centre for Advanced Studies in Music) was established in 1999 with a generous grant by Dr. Erol Üçer. The Masters program opened in November 1999; under a single program heading of Music. Doctoral program in Music was initiated in September 2002. The largest music library in Turkey, the Dr. Erol Üçer Music Library was opened in May 2000. MIAM Recording Studio was also opened in 2000, bringing the highest standards to the sound engineering scene of Turkey. Currently, in MIAM, there are 125 master, 47 PhD students pursuing their degrees. Master Programmes: Performance Composition Music Theory Conducting Historical Musicology Ethnomusicology Sound Engineering & Design Sonic Arts Music Business & Management PhD Programmes: Performance Composition Music Theory Conducting Historical Musicology Ethnomusicology Sound Engineering & Design Sonic Arts
Mission and Objectives

Mission : To provide graduate music education at a modern level, utilizing contemporary educational methods; and to foster the transfer of musical heritage to further generations.
Vision: To educate creative, investigative music professionals with leadership qualities.
To conduct musical research and to publish results.
To provide national and international opportunities for continuous self-development of graduates.
To provide a platform for artists and academics, where their potential can be put to effective use in terms of education, research and consultancy.
To build national and international links with similar programs, securing permanent development in the quality of education.
To launch similar programs in coordination with universities abroad and implement student exchange programs.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars,Workshops,Lectures,Recitals,Concerts,International Conferences,Masterclasses.
International Conferences: *In 2003, Istanbul International Spectral Music Conference was organized in ITU MIAM. The first big academic event on spectral music, one of the prominent movements in contemporary music.The conference book is published. Guests:Tristan Murail,Iancu Dumitrescu,Ana-Maria Avram ,Phill Niblock
*In October 2014, MIAM will host an International Graduate Conference
Bringing together young graduate students in the field of music sciences.Open to applications from all over the world.Keynote Speaker is going to be Dinko Fabris.
Seminars and Workshops: Various workshops and seminars are organized to meet the demands of the music societies and academic environments.
Festivals: Young Composers Festival hosted by ITU MIAM. Participants from cities like İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Mersin, Kocaeli… Over 100 premieres. Building a bridge between young composers and the audience.
Masterclass Over 250 masterclasses. Teachers and students from all over world met in MIAM.
Some masterclasses; Hagai Shaham, ‘Violin’,Daniel Kazez, ‘Cello’,Shlomo Mintz, ‘Violin’,Pamela Mia Paul, ‘Piano’,Aviram Reichert, ‘Piano’,Gülşen Tatu, ‘Flute’,Volker Hempfling ‘Choral Conducting’,Sascha Goetzel ‘Conducting’

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Co-organising projects which could include students from other conservatories and music academies...
Being a resource for European collaborators about Turkish actors in cultural sectors…
To encourage Music Business and Management students of MIAM to play a vital role to develop Turkish network...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To reinforce the sharing of the skills and knowledge in the field of music research, and training, with other kinds of actors.
To promote mobility of our students and staff, and bring news ideas in our project.
To be an innovating and efficient leader in middle east and promote the 4D strategy, with european actors.
To promote the self-initiative of our students during their studies and for their futur life
To promote direct and live contact between professional and all kinds of musical actors with a focus on music practice, music research, music performing, technologic sectors about music (instrument making), as possible factors for promotion of self-identity, understanding history, social and economic integration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Şehvar Beşiroğlu
Head of the organisation
Prof. Şehvar Beşiroğlu
Contact (2) Full Name
TA. Berna Anıl

Regional Environmental Center Czech Republic Country Office

National Network
Czech Republic

Regional Environmental Center Czech Republic
Senovazna 2
110 00 Prague 1 - Czech Republic


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Country Office Czech Republic has established very good cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. The ministries and different regional & local authorities are traditional partners in country office operation for projects in the fields of Water Management, Pollution control, Flooding protection, Biodiversity, Strategic environmental assessment and Effective communication and education in nature protection, Indicators for sustainable local development, and Management of public participation programmes.
Mission and Objectives

Country Office Expertise:
• Hydrogeology and Civil engineering
• Water management
• Environmental protection
• Flood Risk Management
• Environmental education in nature protection
• Management of public participation programs, seminars and workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

WAREMA: (Water resources management capacity building on integrated water management in Bosnia and Herzegovina). The activities of the project should initiate water resources management and capacity building on integrated water management in Bosnia and Herzegovina; the important part of this project is also know-how transfer between the Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina
INTENSE: (From Estonia till Croatia: Intelligent Energy Saving Measures for Municipal housing in Central and Eastern European Countries); Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) Programme. The project INTENSE aims at transferring intelligent energy saving measures for municipal housing from “old” EU Member States to “new” Member States, Accession and Candidate countries in Central and Eastern Europe and it is built on a holistic approach for planning of energy optimized housing.
FLOODPROBE: PROJECT FP7: Technologies for the cost-effective Flood Protection of the Built Environment. The objectives derived from the problem description and the principal aim are:
• To improve methods for assessing the vulnerability of the urban environment related to floods, especially by extending conventional methods with the ability to assess indirect impacts of damage to networks and assets with a high value density.
• To improve the understanding of urban flood defence performance, in order to develop suitable protection measures and to increase the cost-effectiveness of future investments.
• To develop and test construction technologies and concepts to improve the performance of existing and new flood defences and for flood-proofing of the urban environment.
PANI (Solution of problems of groundwater quality and quantity in the region of Kathmandu (Nepal) on the basis of experience of Czech hydrogeologists in providing drinking water for Prague). Twinning project of the capitals of Prague and Kathmandu; within the frame of establishing expert activities, promotion and transfer of knowledge & technology in the sphere of research of groundwater and its permanent utilization.
EASY-ECO: a training and conference programme on evaluations in the specific context of sustainable development. Between 2005 and 2010, the EASY-ECO Series comprises seven conferences and ten training opportunities related to Sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
RNDr. Zuzana Boukalova
Contact (2) Full Name
Ing. Filip Cejka

Individual member: Rula Asad

National Network

29 May Street, Talas Bld, floor2, Damascus

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
I want to be a member of Anna Lind Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Democracy and community development

Main Projects / Activities

in small groups start to talking about our community and what we have to do to develop our life in many fields like religion, gander, civil issues

Contact (1) Full Name
Rula Asad

Individual member: Kholoud Mansour

National Network

Mezzeh, East Villas, Makka Moukarrama St, Bldg 7

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Actively participated in several conferences and trainings relevant to democracy, human rights, international dialogue, civil society organizations, leadership, and social media. Have been a speaker in different events.
Mission and Objectives

- Formulate an NGO as indispensable partner to deliver results on the ground and to catalyze action, mobilize broad-based movements and hold commitments to promote democracy and human rights among youth using the social media tools and take part in the ongoing changes and democratic transitions and recent developments that our countries are experiencing.
- Enhance the role of civil society organization to have institutionalized democracy and human rights.
- Build coherent local, regional and international network that promote for democracy, citizenship and human rights.
- Promote the international dialogue among the EURO-MED countries in order to reach common ground for spreading the culture of peace, democracy and coexistence.
- Launch solid initiatives that move to the phase of concert action plan.

Main Projects / Activities

- The Arab Youth Forum for Cultural Diplomacy. This project comes as a result of Cairo regional training seminar in June 2011 and establishment together with the team members of the preparatory committee.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kholoud Mansour

The Mediterranean Policy Centre

National Network


90 5338688696
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
90 5338688696
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The organization has President, Director and International Advsory board ( . Membership is open and free for everyone to meet on this non political, non discriminatory, international platform, exchanging views and belifs freely. International projects will be funding the organization. Action is based on projects, exchanges, seminars, workshops, reasearches, trainings.
Mission and Objectives

The Mediterranean Policy Centre, is a non-profit, non-political,independent Think Tank established in Cyprus.
MPC is first of its kind.
In line with local and global developments, The Mediterranean Policy Centre will contribute towards public and global policies through research, scientific studies and cooperation, taking into consideration the social, economic and political aspects of sustainable development.In order to contribute to the development of public policy in Cyprus, the MPC will provide alternatives to current political and social scenarios and become an instrument in the acceleration of the process of growth by maintaining its autonomy and proposing positive and creative solutions underpinned by careful scientific research, and with a reputation for trustworthiness and reliability.
We have very effective and strong position in Cyprus and international level.
We would like to ask about if we have a opportunity to develop a cooperation with MEPC?
The Policy Centre – in light of the social, economic and political situation for the people living in Cyprus – works towards knowledge-based intellectual and autonomous progress in activities, and the execution of a self-sufficient, sustainable and competitive structure.
The Policy Centre, has been established to analyze and interpret important developments occurring or likely to happen in Cyprus and around the world, to provide feedback, bring together experts and relevant individuals, provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and views, and collaborate with individuals and organizations working in this direction.
Communication tools, research, collection of information and assessment methods will provide the opportunity to study organizational developments and also will create the opportunity to collect a considerably important amount of information on human and societal behavior. Policies will be produced on the basis of available information using the disciplines of economics, political science, sociology and management sciences.
The Mediterranean Policy Centre will form a network of communication and cooperation, in sociology, management, public policy and international relations – including prominent individuals and institutions.
With collaboration and cooperation underpinned by applied scientific studies the Policy Center will bring accelerated development to the island and the area.
The desired outcome of the Policy Centre is to not only to carry out studies in the specific geographic area in which it was established, but also to work globally and produce alternative solutions to the whole world and contribute to the progress of humanity.
Studies at the Mediterranean Policy Centre will reflect growth in our rapidly changing world, and it will become an instrument of transformation for governing bodies which want to keep up with changes accruing around the world, to assist them in formulating plans, and to help them understand the process of how to replace old and ineffective structures with organic and dynamic systems.
The Mediterranean Policy Centre will produce projects and alternative solutions targeting social, economic and political progress based on the premise that logic, science and accumulated knowledge should replace old routines and habits that are not serving the community well or solving long-standing problems

Main Projects / Activities

The major activities of the Mediterranean Policy Centre are:
· To create a platform for autonomous, scientific and reputable studies that will contribute towards positive change and transformation.
· To provide the opportunity for individuals, intellectuals and academics, independent organizations and institutions, to operate under the non-profit, non-political umbrella.
· To disseminate reliable information, promote science-based approaches and encourage information management in order to meet the increasing need in society for dependable information and knowledge.
·To conduct research based on the social sciences whilst also providing information, sources, studies and alternative perspectives for thinkers and researchers.
· To identify real problems and needs in society and to clarify the causes and underlying issues relating to these needs, by conducting surveys, research, scientific studies and analysis.
· To determine strategic objectives, identify priority issues, and determine cause and effect relationships by analyzing solutions in line with short, medium and long-term studies.
· To generate sustainable building and development projects to promote production and create employment.
· To create a research database so that policy makers and other parties can search for statistical information and research and use up-to-date and accurate data for producing policies.
· To create new perspectives and alternative policies based on research data and scientific studies in order to improve quality in the public arena.
·To offer training to members, citizens, civil and public institutions based on the high-quality data, information and methods generated by the researchers.
·To provide consultancy services and experts to carry out work within the Centre and externally on request.
· To promote active participation in and strengthening of citizen-government relations to encourage the development of the democratic process and decrease the distance and mistrust between government and its citizens. In this way, the state will be informed of the needs and expectations of citizens at every stage of policy making and the trust of the public in the state will be restored and civil capacity will be strengthened.
· To setup a dialogue between intellectuals, institutions, organizations and civil society organizations to ensure cooperation, execute and complete projects, and create a network of interested parties.
· To contribute towards creating and/or strengthening the local and international identity by bringing together like-minded organizations and creating synergies at a macro level.
· To encourage and promote the strengthening of Civil Society Organizations, capacity building and advocacy in order to increase their impact on decision-making mechanisms and produce effective, alternative policies.
· To promote active citizenship by providing an open platform where all may voice their suggestions and contribute to the wellbeing of society and participate in producing alternative policies.
· Offer a forum where CSOs can become a bridge between individual expectations and the state. Strengthening CSOs would then result in a stronger link between the state and its citizens.
· To work – on a project basis – with organizations and similar institutions abroad, benefit from studies conducted by researchers and scientists world-wide and further the development of business association.
· To collaborate professionally and work on projects with individuals or institutions.
The Mediterranean Policy Centre will continue to collaborate and follow up with centres of best practices around world
through on-going dialogue and partnerships, and in order to earn a respectable place in the international arena.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MEDITERRANEAN POLICY CENTRE IN CYPRUS has a unique position of being non political non profit THINK TANK, lobbying for policy change for sustainable development, human rights, gender equality, promoting common global values that will enrich the network in my country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mediterranean Policy Centre playing the role of being bridge between the world and the island would be benefiting from best practices by joining ALF network, sharing experiences of democracy and development, contributing its immense experience especially on CSO capacity development, values, and PEACE& RECONCILIATION.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suha Vekil
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name