Campagna Italiana contro le mine - onlus

National Network

Via Nizza 154 00198 Roma

+39 06 85800693
+ 39 06 85304326
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3404759230
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3481049619
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The structure of the Italian Campaign to ban landmines (ItCBL) is the following: an advisory board, a member assembly, a president, an auditor board and the executive staff composed by the Director, the person in charge for the Education on Development and Cooperation Program, the Coordinator for external relations, various external consulting, 4 intern and about 30 volunteers. The budgetary resources available in a year are round about 240.000,00€. The main sources of funding are the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) and the Fund for Humanitarian Deming created by law 58/2001.Other sources are Local Authorities, Foundations and Private donors. The ItCBL is committed in political lobby activities on landmines, in research activities for publications on the issue of Humanitarian Disarmament, organized conference and awareness activities for civil society, workshops on peace, development and cooperation for schools and training for trainers at University level. The main partners involved in the association projects are the Ministry of Foreign Affaires, UNMAS, and various private company.
Mission and Objectives

The ItCBL promotes and safeguards Human rights and support Humanitarian Disarmament. The ItCBL has the purpose of remove the impact of landmines, cluster bombs and unexploded ordnance in general on civil population. It also support culture of peace, encourage national and international agreement on landmines banning, humanitarian action against landmines, and it is committed on social and economic reintegration of victims.
Moreover it verify the implementation of national and international rules on the issue. Organize Meeting, conference and seminars, workshops and trainings.

Main Projects / Activities

On political level the main activities regarding the Oslo Process to ban cluster bombs and the ItCBL participation in it that ended with the sign of the Convention on Cluster Munition by Italy in Oslo in December 2008. Now the ItCBL is working to obtain the ratification of the Convention. The association is also working to defend the Humanitarian Demining Fund.
Another important ItCBL activity is the workshop “There is no peace with landmines” a program of Education on Development, Cooperation and Peace for Primary, Junior High and High Schools. The program is based on a creative approach to encourage students participation and their activation.
The ItCBL organizes training for trainers at University level for people that will act in ItCBL workshop for schools.
The association pay attention to the training of young people and organizes training project to give the possibility to assist to international meeting or to participate to national meeting at high level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe Schiavello (Director)
Head of the organisation
Annalisa Formiconi (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Tibisay Ambrosini

Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia

National Network

Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico, POLARIS, Edificio 1, 09010 PULA (CA - Italy)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia (CRS4) is a private company owned completely by Sardegna Ricerche, and is financed in part by the government of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and by contracts with major Italian industries and through participation in projects co-financed by the Italian Ministry of Research and by the European Commission. we carry out applied research across a range scientific and technological areas. In particular, we aim to develop and apply innovative solutions within our chosen areas through a multidisciplinary approach. Our areas of expertise encompass large-scale computational problems requiring advanced simulation techniques supported by High Performance Computing, a long with the timely integration of newly emerging Information and Communications Technology for Education and Training areas among the social fields we face with. The annual balance sheet total is about 21.524.536 euro and at this date the number of employees is 126 plus external consultants (30).
Mission and Objectives

We focus on problems stemming from natural, social and industrial environments. Our areas of interest include computational fluid dynamics, combustion and chemical processes, geophysics, environment.The Educational and Training Group works at the definition/study/development and at the complete evaluation procedure of the conception and the development of innovative systems for schools, treating knowledge through a pedagogical perspective, act as an ICT schools observatory, ICT educational trends and development, guideline and research most relevant results in the area of ICT for teaching/training. Monitoring the expertise on Instructional Design, following the standards of the international committee IBSTPI, release online seminars on the applications developped in the Technological Park of Sardinia, contiuous education, providing training-on-the-job opportunities to teachers, and educators.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the last project (2007-2008)our ETT group has developed for four regional institutes is named "Moka" which stands for Mobile Organized Knowledge Access. In the context of school drop-outs, the objectif has been concerned with the students motivation to come into possession of educational contents,to reconcile them with learning activities, by using the technological instrument most used by him: the mobile phone,to get them involved in the preparation and development of multimedia materials for a better understanding of renewable energy resources. The SELECTS project aims at the improvement of the scientific background of students with innovative methods that employe ICT methodologies. The activities of the Hydrology and Water Resources Management (WRM) Area are centered on the improvement of understanding of fundamental hydrometeorological phenomena to better manage our water resources. Dissemination and international publication represent a regular activity carried out by both of these two research groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carola Salis
Head of the organisation
Prof. Paolo Zanella
Contact (2) Full Name
Helga Wilson

La Fabbrica delle favole - Associazione culturale

National Network

Largo Affede, 5
62100 Macerata

+39 0733 231740
+39 0733 231740
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3472762464
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3886560203
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Officially established in Macerata in 2002, fabbricadelleFavole is a cultural association engaged in publishing for children, by organizing illustration and writing courses, exhibitions and events aimed at promoting reading and books, arts and culture. The staff is composed by Eleonora Sarti (President); Mauro Evangelista (Secretary); Michela Avi (Treasurer); Alessandra Sconosciuto (collaborator). The average annual budget for the activities is around 80.000,00 euros, obtained by local Municipality; Culture Institution, registered members contributions. The Main partners in the activities are Macerata Municipality; Macerata Culture Institution; Public Organization for the Province of Macerata
Mission and Objectives

fabbricadelleFavole is a cultural association engaged in publishing for children, by organizing illustration and writing courses, exhibitions and events aimed at promoting reading and books, arts and culture creating an intercommunication with other European and extra-European countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1994 fabbricadelleFavole is in charge of "Libriamoci: International Exhibition of Illustration", in cooperation with the local Municipality, presenting in Macerata the main Italian and foreign illustrators’ works, through an exhibition dedicated each year to a great master of illustration (e.g. Luzzati, Zavrel, Innocenti, Capek, Wilkon, Kallay, Cneut, Cantone).
In 2008 fabbricadelleFavole created ARS IN FABULA, an artistic training project for publishing, which includes Postgraduate Certificate in Illustration for Publishing (first training course of a higher education granted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research), Illustration courses and Seminars in Publishing.All the above activities can count on the partecipation of Italian and foreign students and teachers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleonora Sarti
Head of the organisation
Eleonora Sarti
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandra Sconosciuto

Centro Estero Internazionalizzazione – CEIPIEMONTE S.c.p.a. - Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism

National Network

Corso Regio Parco 27/29

+39 011 6700 511 - 639
Telephone (other)
+39 011 6700 511 - 634
+39 011 696 54 56
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 345 2622761
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
CEIPIEMONTE was created in 2006 by Piemonte Region and Unioncamere Piemonte, in agreement with business associations and the academic world. It gathers projects and competences of several bodies that played roles in inward and outward internationalisation: Centro Estero Camere Commercio Piemontesi (founded in 1976 to support the international business relations of local SMEs); ITP, Invest in Torino and Piemonte (the first Italian regional agency dedicated to inward investment); Consorzio Piemontese di Formazione (created in 1982 to organize managerial training programmes on international trade for both Italians and foreigners); MKTP (planning and implementing location marketing strategies since 2001); all international activities run by IMA (Agroalimentary Marketing Institute) and by ATR (Regional Agency for Tourist Promotion). Permanent staff: 65. Collaborators: 28. External experts: 150.Turnover 2009: 9.620.000. Sources of finding: Shareholders’ contribution
Mission and Objectives

On behalf of its members CEIPIEMONTE: provides free, responsive and tailored assistance to all foreign companies than want to locate in the region, in all stages of the investment project (Invest in Torino Piemonte); matches the regional production offer with the needs expressed by international markets and proposes targeted activities to connect highly qualified local companies with foreign partners (Business Promotion; promotes abroad the fine wine and agrifood tradition, appreciated by buyers from all over the world and one of the symbols of Italian excellence (Agrifood Marketing); promotes the region tourist resources, natural beauties, history, culture and exquisite cuisine as the perfect host for leisure and business travel (Tourism Promotion); trains local and foreign entrepreneurs, executives, officers and the future managerial generation on international trade subjects and the most advanced commercial strategies (Foreign Trade Training).

Main Projects / Activities

Inward investment: assistance at every stage of an investment project of a foreign company, from the assessment and information phase to the start up.
Business Promotion: planning and management of visits in Piemonte of foreign delegations and businesses, participation of Piedmontese enterprises to international fairs, organization of b2b meetings, business missions, promotional operations, industrial cooperation projects, partners research, international events in Piemonte.
Fundraising & International Cooperation Projects: expertise in designing and implementing (whole project cycle) projects financed by national and international donors (Ministries, European Commission etc…).Specific attention paid also to CIS countries and Central Asia.
International training: programmes to increase skills and knowledge on the key aspects related to international trade and on the most advanced commercial strategies by offering tailor-made programmes.
Tourism promotion: promotion of the region’s tourist resources by attending international fairs, organizing events and workshops, educational tours for media and trade representatives, b2c meetings.
Long term projects: Automotive (, Ict (, Aerospace (, Contract (

Contact (1) Full Name
Annalisa Gamba, Fundraising and International Network Manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Ciarlo, Fundraising and International Network

International Center of Research in Environment

National Network

Via Trento 2/c

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Center of Research is an international organization that realize pilote projects in environment, like: ecological citadel, depuration of water, substenible web communication, international cooperation in environment, cration of environment districts. We have opened an office in the Minister of Economical Development Dipartment of communication We have opened territorial offices in Croazia, Slovacchia, Belgium and Romania
Mission and Objectives

We are waiting to became a Public/private Center of Research. We realize a lot of European Projects with our partner

Main Projects / Activities

Ecological citadel
Depuration of water and control of purity
Information in Environment themes
Master in European Projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Domenico DI CONZA
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mirmina Anna Monia


National Network

piazza Galatea 27

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Association was founded by three people and now counts many people working and cooperating in the projects that manages. The source of funding is mainly made of donations and public contributions from Regional and Local Governments as a support for specific projects/events. The main field of activity is organizing events in the field of culture, fashion, internationalization, economic and cultural exchange between companies and associations from many Countries in the world.
Mission and Objectives

Associazione's mission is mainly to promote and organize cultural shows, fashion shows, concerts and every kind of cultural activity (including seminars, exhibitions, fairs, expositions, conferences) with the objective to support and promote the culture of fashion, arts, exchange and artcrafts from Sicily and the connection between that and the same fields from other countries in the world.

Main Projects / Activities in the last years worked organizing events and other activities (including seminars, exhibitions, fairs, expositions, conferences), for example: "Sicilian Delights" (tasting and promotion of typical Sicilian wines and artcrafts in Lettonia and Estonia); "Etna Delights" (taking part in the international exhibition of italian goods "La Dolce Vita" in London); "Sicilia di moda" ("Sicily in fashion": is a collection of 30 clothes inspired to Sicily, its landscapes, its sea, its traditions, its heritage; it was organized many times in different parts of the world, it'sa new way to advertise Sicily in the world, through a cultural and virtual pattern made magic by the emotions that fashion only can give. ); "Il Mondo delle Donne" (expo meeting show about women and their rule in social/cultural/business/arttic fields in Sicily).

Contact (1) Full Name
Marcello Motta
Contact (2) Full Name
Virginia Tagliareni

Associazione Culturale Il Monastero

National Network

Via Germanico 66, 00192

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3291110550
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
- Structure of the organisation: * because of our role as coaches and mentors of future civil society organisations, we have one stable president, treasurer and events manager, the rest of the members come from local city or rural districts who spend some time with us (1,2 years) then slowly climb up the ladder of participation until they are ready to create their own organisation. - budgetary resources available in a year * 0 - 10.000,00€ - Sources of Funding: * EU based programmes: Youth in Action, EDIHR, Europe for Citizens, Comnenius, Leonardo, private donations. - Modalities of Action: * Youth Exchanges, Training Courses, Seminars and Conferences for the exchange of good practice in given fields, vocational training for socially excluded groups, fostering local networking and delivering local cultural and social events. - Main partners involved: * members of YEU Youth for Exchange and Understanding * members of YouthNET * fellow youth and civil society organisations from Euromed basin, South East Europe, East Europe and Caucasus and EU.
Mission and Objectives

To improve the level of participation and active citizenship among young people at a local level in Rome's districts, sub-urban and rural areas, fostering social inclusion and diversity, in particular among young people, with a European vision and dimension.
* to foster the active role of young people in participating in their local area and be protagonist of their own and their area's self improvement.
* to promote international co-operation as a tool of exchange of best practice and creation of a sense of European Citizenship among young people.
* to foster sustainable development as a mean for civil society organisations to play an active role in the imrpvoement of their lives and of those around them.
* to focus on cross-border co-operation with ENPI countries, creating networks of solidarity and mutual support with fellow organisations in the former USSR, in former Jugoslavia and in the Mediterranean Basin.
* to foster the self-sustainability of civil society organisations by obtaining visibility and fostering their economical independence through corporate social responsibility.
* to establish a training and research centre to seek out methods to improve education and social reach out and as a centre for dialogue and exchange between cultures.
* promoting through education and exchange the principles of democracy, participation and human rights among young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Local projects:
- Coaching and mentoring youth groups from sub-urban and rural areas into forming sustainable youth organisations with a European dimension.
- working on the development of active participation and citizenship in the 17th Municipality of Rome, networking with local organisations, promoting activities to foster intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and a participatory approach.
- working towards establish a centre for the promotion and spread of non formal education practices as a tool for personal and social development.
Youth exchanges, training courses, seminars aimed towards empowering civil society organisations and youth groups into improving their local impact and visibility and promoting partnerships between European organisation and fellow organisations from ENPI countries.
Members of the international youth network for co-operation with partner countries and the development of local youth and social policies. YouthNET.
Observer members of the international organisation Youth for Exchange and Understanding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lorenzo Nava
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Nava

C.I.S.Me.- Cooperativa per l'Innovazione e lo Sviluppo del Meridione

National Network

viale A. Moro, 52/C
Reggio Calabria

+39 0965 53922
+ 39 0965 53922
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 3939462730
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
CISMe is a cooperative, has 2 permanent employees, 15 effective members (experts in European project management, vocational guidance and training, social and economic research, in immigration issues) and several external experts. It is a company certified UNI-EN-ISO 9001:2008 with regard to the following services: planning and management of professional and educational guidance, information services, professional training course and teaching related services, social and economic studies and research services, planning and implementation of e-learning courses. It is accredited as a training agency in the region of Calabria and it has obtained the authorization to manage activities in favour of immigrants, thanks to the registration in the specific section of Italian Ministry of Interior. Sources of founding are European, National, Regional, local founds, as well as private founds. It realizes several projects and events at local and European level. Partners are public bodies and private associations and enterprises. Budgetary resources in a year about € 200.000,00.
Mission and Objectives

According to the Statute, its objective are the promotion of local development, the improvement of quality of human capital, the promotion of actions of information and communication addressed to citizens, the realization of studies and analysis of the social environment.
In the pursuing of the above mentioned objectives CISMe cooperates in partnership of local, national and international public bodies and private associations.
It promotes the active citizenship, the intercultural dialogue and the principle of gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

CISMe staff is high-skilled and specialized in managing and promoting innovative projects whose objective is to plan and test new methods, tools and instruments in several field, to promote the exchange of best practices and the creation of local, national and trans-national network, in order to develop the local territory.
It is specialized in the field of active policies for employment and youth policy as well as in multicultural issue. It manages several projects whose aims were the promotion of young people active citizenship, the developing of solidarity and tolerance, the promotion of intercultural dialogue and the immigrant inclusion into the social and professional life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Francesca Ruggeri
Head of the organisation
Mr. Marco Onofrio Garganese
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Angela Princi

Palazzo Rinaldi Artists' Residence

National Network

Via Rinaldi, n. 3, 85035 Noepoli (PZ)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Independent, family-run and 100% Italian owned - the Palazzo being the family home for generations - we provide our International resident artists with a dedicated and welcoming space to focus and create in a historical site and within a unique natural setting. In addition, through the calendar of events ARTtractions/ ARTtrazioni, Palazzo Rinaldi actively promotes interaction and exchange between its resident artists and the Lucanian community by organising end-of-residency exhibitions, performances, workshops, activities and much more. Management and running costs are currently being covered by the residency fees paid by the residents- who are often sponsored by arts councils & institutions in their home countries. Our main goal is therefore to develop strong ties with international organisations in the arts field to establish fellowsips and bursaries which would make the residencies free of charge for the artists. The residency is open in summer only (June-Sept), and 3 family staff work there full time. The ARTtractions/ ARTtrazioni festival, curated by Residency Director Susanna Caprara, is supported by the town of Noepoli (Comune di Noepoli) and by the local non-profit tourism association Pro Loco Antica Noja. All Festival events are free of charge.
Mission and Objectives

Palazzo Rinaldi is the first Artists' Residence to open in the Basilicata region of Southern Italy and a member of Res Artis, the largest worldwide network of artists' residencies. A historical property located in the hilltop village of Noèpoli, it provides International artists of all disciplines and levels with a unique and inspiring retreat to focus and create, away from the stresses and distractions of urban living.
Enjoying a privileged position at the heart of the Pollino National Park (the largest in Italy), Palazzo Rinaldi makes for an idyllic country escape. Here international artists are able to rejuvenate body and mind and to concentrate fully on their creative work. Residents have also the chance to discover the real Italy off the beaten tourist track, at its most traditional and most unspoilt.
Palazzo Rinaldi is family run and its core values are art & sustainability: all efforts are made to ensure that any environmental impacts are minimised.

Main Projects / Activities

Summer residencies (June to September) for International artists of all disciplines. In addition, Palazzo Rinaldi curates and manages ARTtractions/ ARTtrazioni, a multidisciplinary festival of art events aimed at showcasing to the local audience the work developed by the artists-in-residence. Attached please find the full catalogue of the 2009 edition of the Festival (first edition).
Please view our website for more details and pictures:

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanna Caprara
Head of the organisation
Susanna Caprara, Residency DIrector
Contact (2) Full Name
Raffaele Caprara

IAI - Istituto Affari Internazionali

National Network

Via Angelo Brunetti, 9
00186 Rome

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The IAI is a private, non-commercial organization, recognized as a legal person by the government territorial office in Rome (Prefettura). It is funded by individual and corporate members, public and private organizations, major international foundations, and by a standing grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Institute comprises the following bodies and posts: General Assembly; President; Director; Board of Directors; Executive Committee; Board of Trustees; Board of Auditors. Staff includes 19 full-time, in-house researchers, 14 administrative staff (as of April 2006). IAI belongs to several international networks of research centers, including: EINIRAS (European Information Network on International Relations and Area Studies); EU-Consent; EuroMeSCo (Mediterranean Study Commission); TEPSA (Trans European Policy Studies Association) and Transatlantic Editors’ Forum.
Mission and Objectives

The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) is a non profit organization which promotes the understanding of international politics through research, training, conferences and publications. It aims to contribute to the promotion of European integration and to increase the prospects for all countries to move towards some form of supranational organization and to pursue democratic freedoms, economic development and social justice (IAI Bylaws, Article 1).

Main Projects / Activities

Principal fields of research § European Union: institutional developments and enlargement § Italy: foreign policy and internationalization processes § Global economic trends § Global governance and the rules of international economics § Mediterranean and Middle East § Defence economics and politics § Transatlantic relations

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Aliboni, Vice President
Head of the organisation
Ettore Greco, Director