Membre individuel: KAID YOUCEF

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
• Membre de l’équipe Horizon 2020 Renforcement des Capacités/Programme Méditerranéen pour l'Environnement • Représentant de l’Algérie “Green banking » en Méditerranée” 22-23 Novembre 2011, Barcelona (Espagne) • Représentant de l’Algérie “Améliorer les capacités en matière du contrôle des émissions industrielles” 11-14 juin 2012, Athènes, Grèce
Mission and Objectives

Sauvegarde de l'environnement
Développement durable
La formation des formateurs

Main Projects / Activities

Green banking
La finance verte
Le développement économique et sociale

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En prenant le relais du FAL dans mon pays dans le domaine de la formation (formation des formateur) et de la sensibilisation des population, aussi la mise en place du plan d'action FAL sur le terrain

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Profiter de l’expérience du réseau FAL et unir nos efforts pour atteindre les objectives attendus dans les pays de la méditerranée et la promotion de nouveau projets dans différent domaine économique,sociale, écologique

Contact (1) Full Name

Association des Maires et Parlementaires du Gorgol

National Network

B.P. : 13

222 45336378
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
222 46442355
Mobile Phone (other)
222 46505020
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
l'AMPG est constituée des 29 Maires, 8 députés et 4 sénateurs de la région du Gorgol. Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles : 60.000 euros environs. Sources de financement : cotisations et subvention de la Région Centre France. Modalités d'action : projets, renforcement des capacités des élus et de la société civile. Partenaires principaux : Région Centre France et le GRDR (une association Française)
Mission and Objectives

- Dynamique de développement local,
- Appuis aux activités génératrices de revenus.
- Appuis à l'amélioration des conditions d’accès à l'eau potable.
- Appui à la sécurité alimentaire.
- Renforcement des capacités des communes.

Main Projects / Activities

- Projet d'appui aux initiatives de développement local.
- ''ARECA'' action à la résilience des populations vulnérables à la crise alimentaire au Gorgol.
- PROVAPEG : projet de valorisation du petit élevage et de gestion des parcours agro pastoraux dans le Gorgol

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons contribuer au réseau de notre pays par notre participation et à l'animation aux activités culturelles et à la mobilisation sociale

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

le financement du projet PARADIS que nous avons porter avec notre partenaire du GRDR par la FAL, a beaucoup attiré notre attention et nous souhaitons continuer a obtenir des subventions pareilles pour le dialogue inter culturelle et la promotion des valeurs culturelles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bakary Amara Koita
Head of the organisation
SY adama
Contact (2) Full Name
Aboubecrine Cissé

Etnica - Polish Association for Ethnic Cultures (Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Kultur Etnicznych)

National Network

ul. Chmieleniec 15/8
30-348 Kraków

Cracow (Kraków)

(+48) 504 211 836
Mobile Phone
(+48) 504 211 836
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
We are a non-government association of 20 people from around Poland. As a non-profit organization, our work and commitment is voluntary, and gives us no financial benefits. We do not employ staff. Our headquarters have recently been moved to Krakow, but our members are active in various cities, including Warsaw, Wroclaw, Poznan, Rzeszow and Gdansk. Our yearly budgetary resources vary, as we receive founding for specific projects. Also, we often collaborate with other institutions, which account for the money. Our partners, among others, were: PAH (, PZS (, SWM (, All Different - All Equal Campaign (
Mission and Objectives

Our focus is on ethnic cultures. By bringing them to the public's general attention (by means of workshops, concerts, presentations), we hope to improve understanding between cultures, nationalities and religions, ensuring freedom and tolerance. We actively collaborate with ethnic minorities in Poland, also those coming from South-East Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main attention goes to an inter-cultural festival, organized annually since 2004 in the city of Malbork, and called Ethno-Festival ( We also effectuate lesser projects, like the “Fairtrade Festival” (in collaboration with PAH & PZS) or “Afryka 2008” in Cracow, as well as a large number of minor projects, concerts, workshops and presentations with the help of local administrative and cultural institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karol Wilkoszewski
Head of the organisation
Karol Wilkoszewski
Contact (2) Full Name
Malgorzata Kubas

New Horizons Association (Stowarzyszenie Nowe Horyzonty)

National Network

Zamenhofa 1, 00-153

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
New Horizons Association employees 25 persons for permanent contract and also several for the season contract. Available yaerly budgetary resources is over 2 mo. EUR. Funding is found through Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Wroclaw, Polish Film Institute, UE and other European Funds, Embassies and cultural institutes of different countries, ERA mobile network company and some other commercial sponsors. There ara two main modalities: concrete project and educational program.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of NHA is to promote arthouse, ambitious and unconventional cinema in Poland. It is realized through festivals, screenings, retrospectives, education, publications, discussions, meetings and many other means. Partnet organisation is distrbution company Gutek Film

Main Projects / Activities

The main project of NHA is to organize yearly ERA NEW HORIZONS International Film Festival in the end of July in Wroclaw. It is the biggest festival in Poland, with 700 screenings, 300 full feature films, 15 venues, 11 days and 127.000 admissions last year. The other very important avtivity is all-year-long NEW HORIZONS OF FILM EDUCATION led in 15 cities, with nearly 24.000 participants, which is based on special cycles of screening (with prelections and discussions) addressed to schools and consist from classic of cinema as well as new ambitious films.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jan Topolski
Head of the organisation
Roman Gutek

Gustaw Holoubek Warsaw Drama Theatre (Teatr Dramatyczny Warszawy im. Gustawa Holoubka)

National Network

Pałac Kultury i Nauki, Pl. Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa

+48 22 826 21 54
+48 22 826 21 54
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 48 503 800 213
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are the capital city theatre. There are 8 departments with around 100 people employed (including actors). We have a budget around 5 000 000 zloty every year which includes money from selling tickets. Our sources of funding are the city of Warsaw funds and other funds which we apply for having a project to realize. We work in the rhythm of concrete projects which are concentrated around our theatre production.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to make the theatre performances. Apart of this fundamental objective we are leading also different artistic projects dealing with important social problems like tolerance, dialogue, difference and using different art media in order to open theatre also to another type of expression. We have workshops for young people, scene of débuts for young directors as a constant element of our work. Our mission is to create and maintain a place of culture important for people living in and visiting Warsaw.

Main Projects / Activities

Scene of young spectator - project for very young people (13-18 years old) giving them in form of workshops possibility to learn theatre, giving them tools to understand theatre
Dramatika - we are publishing the magazine about theatre with important texts of directors and artists which is given for free
Directors school - led by a famous Polish director Krystian Lupa; workshops for young directors from all over the world
Warszawa Centralna theatre festival which presents the spectacles from all over the world combing it with presentation of different art media

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorota Reksnis
Head of the organisation
Paweł Miśkiewicz

Magic Dreams (Magiczne Sny)

National Network

Moniuszki 139

(042)214 98 75
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
728 586 025
Mobile Phone (other)
663 933 206
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organization- no profit including number of staff employed and/or partners-7 persons Budgetary resources available in a year- 10 000 zł Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities- Jakub Głuszek ( PUKS) Modalities of action- scholarships
Mission and Objectives

our aim- creative, cultural motivation, promotion younge people, ect.

Main Projects / Activities

private view,opening of an exhibition, cultural exchange, intergration meetings for younge person,ect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julita Dziuba
Head of the organisation
Julita Dziuba
Contact (2) Full Name
Renata Kalinowska

Open Future Foundation (Fundacja Open Future )

National Network

ul. Wyszyńskiego 26/103
10-455 Olsztyn


+48 694989866
Telephone (other)
+48 608516203
+48 896776540
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Open Future Foundation is a non-government organisation. It was established in October 2009 and operates under the Act of 6 April 1984 on Foundations.The Foundation is based in the city of Olsztyn.We are willing to establish contacts and cooperate with similar organisations in this country and abroad, government bodies and the business. We cooperate with for example the global organisation AIESEC. We develop our own network of contacts through the involvement of foreign volunteers in work at Polish schools, companies and institutions. We have already planned our activities for 2010 that are related to the launch of „Youth in Action” programme and we encouraged students from Warmia and Mazury to participate in film making workshops organised in cooperation with Warmia and Mazury Film Studio. Besides film making workshops, students will take part in the European Union workshops and English classes. After the completion of the programme the participants will receive certificates of completion of film making workshops and will have the opportunity to take part in the next international stage of the programme. We have also applied for Polish and Lithuanian Fund to organize cultural and historical workshops for Polish and Lithuanian Students from secondary schools and also for Norway Fund to organize Polish and Norwegian art workshops for students. We are charity organization.
Mission and Objectives

We want achieve our objectives through conferences, training sessions, workshops and courses we organise. We are active participants in the European Union grant programmes. Thanks to these programmes we organise extracurricular activities for pupils and students at primary and secondary schools as well as lectures and training sessions for employees of large and small enterprises, companies and institutions. We encourage young people to take part in film making and journalism workshops, exhibitions, concerts, camps for students, meetings with famous people from the world of science, culture, media, etc.
We want to provide young people with a better start in adult life, prepare them for a conscious choice of a field of their studies and future career, encourage them to develop their passions and thus develop interesting personalities and excellent characters. Our actions support the progress in science, education, teaching and upbringing, knowledge of different countries and leisure time for children and young people, culture, art, protection of cultural achievements and tradition. We provide social aid, including support for families and people with difficult life conditions and the disabled. We try to give such families and people equal opportunities. The Foundation promotes and protects women's rights and works for the equality of rights of women and men.

Main Projects / Activities

We have already planned our activities for 2010 that are related to the launch of „Youth in Action” programme and we encouraged students from Warmia and Mazury to participate in film making workshops organised in cooperation with Warmia and Mazury Film Studio. Besides film making workshops, students will take part in the European Union workshops and English classes. After the completion of the programme the participants will receive certificates of completion of film making workshops and will have the opportunity to take part in the next international stage of the programme. We have also applied for Polish and Lithuanian Fund to organize cultural and historical workshops for Polish and Lithuanian Students from secondary schools and also for Norway Fund to organize Polish and Norwegian art workshops for students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorota Witkowska
Contact (2) Full Name
Małgorzata Hałuszczak

Silesian Dance Theatre (Śląski Teatr Tańca)

National Network

Zeromskiego str. 27

+48 32 281 82 53
Telephone (other)
+48 32 281 82 55
+48 32 281 82 52
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
600 031 190
Mobile Phone (other)
609 159 245
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Silesian Dance Theatre (SDT) is a municipal theatre found by the City of Bytom in 1992. The organization includes both artistist and administration staff in number of 23 employees. The SDT received general support from the city of Bytom. The SDT is a very experienced organization in fundraising. SDT was a beneficent of European programs: Culture 2000, Leonardo da Vinci and Culture Exchange Program. The projects are realized on the base of the support from Marshall of the Region, Ministry of Culture of Poland, international foundations, commercial sponsors, Embassies and Culture Institutes. The year budget of SDT is around million Euro. Poland’s first professional contemporary dance company, established in 1991 in the city of Bytom by Director/Choreographer Jacek Łuminski, has developed a new dance form and style based on the rich cultural traditions of Poland. Łumiński’s choreography and movement vocabulary is a split from the traditional and contemporary dance forms which flourish in Poland. It is considered to be incomparable and innovatory wherever abroad the company performs and teaches. The Silesian Dance Theatre has performed, taught and realize artistic projects throughout Poland and all over the Europe, USA and Asia. Because of the activity in the field of education, community and artistic projects of contemporary dance, received the name of the Contemporary Dance Centre in Poland The Silesian Dance Theatre, since 1991, has organized monthly national and international workshop and seminars open to dancers, choreographers and administrators. Has formed the Silesian Dance Theatre Foundation which supports many activities of the SDT organization with educational programs and community outreach programs especially. Since 1994 organizes Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival -   one of the biggest and unique in its structure dance event in Europe. Presents the most interesting dance productions all over the world. Its program consists also of practical and theoretical workshop: dance techniques, stage lighting, dance writing, management in the art, and many others led by the professionals from USA and Europe. Silesian Dance Theatre opened the first higher school for contemporary dance artists – Acting for Dance Theatre Program at the Ludwik Solski State Theatre School in Cracow. Students receive extensive education in Contemporary Dance, Theatre and the relative areas. Graduates of the program are versatile performers through a balanced study of various dance techniques and styles as well as through other systems inherent to related areas such as theatre, film and music. Although the main focus of the training is practical experience the graduates are well educated in the arts and academic subjects which all in all entitles them to lead successful artistic professional life including with independent, original and creative work.
Mission and Objectives

The objective of the Theatre is to produce and disseminate culture goods and especially:
1. to prepare and to perform original artistic productions in the area of contemporary dance according to its own plan
2. to support development of infrastructure for development of contemporary dance including training of new generation of dancers, choreographers and activating artistic and youth communities according to the spirit of democratic changes
3. to propagate contemporary dance in Poland and abroad including such forms as artistic presentations, educational workshop, creative programs and projects
4. to form polish style of contemporary dance
The objectives above are realized through:
1. preparation and public presentation of artistic production in contemporary dance, especially in the form of stage performances
2. co-operation with institutions financing and arranging cultural life and especially with municipalitie4s, association, foundations and others
3. organization of educational workshop for teachers and leaders of dance communities, conferences and festivals
4. running educational activities within the Contemporary Dance School, workshop on contemporary dance and other initiatives based on and organized in co-operation with schools and other educational institutions
5. advisory services, organization and co-operation with amateur dance groups
6. realization of other tasks connected with various forms of cultural activities and participation in culture

Main Projects / Activities

1. own art productions
2. presentation of own art. productions in Bytom, country and abroad
3. contemporary dance companies and movement theatres presentations
1. national and international tournee
2. cooperation with international art and educational organizations in the country and abroad
3. cooperation with diplomatic agencies in the country and Polish diplomatic agencies abroad
4. formation of international and national network of art presenters and artist
5. formal artistic visits of political and administrative elite representants from West and Poland, in Bytom
6. formal visits of media representants
1. National Contemporary Dance Workshops
2. New Series of Educational Workshops for Dance Teachers and Leaders of Dance Environment in Poland
3. evening dance classes for youth
1. classes at orphanages, for old and disabled people, people on wheelchairs
1. creative projects for Polish Contemporary Dance Environment led by international fame artists
2. the centre of creative work for young people from Poland
1. formal visits of international business elites in Bytom
2. visits of potential investors
1. Art Administration Seminar
2. Art Critics’ Serminar
3. Journalists Seminar
4. Costume Design Seminar
1. Dance Critics’ Workshops for Young Journalists
2. Photographical Workshops
3. Choreotherapy Workshops
1. Community projects led by international artists specialized at work with various community groups
2. Art and Health care - project at hospitals
3. National workshops for future community programs leaders

Contact (1) Full Name
Roman Kuśnierz
Head of the organisation
Jacek Łumiński
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarzyna Furmaniuk

Polish Students' Association - Wroclaw (NZS Wrocław)

National Network

Pałacyk (lewe skrzydło, pok. nr 4)
ul. Kościuszki 34
50-012 Wrocław


+4871 799 45 61
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Polish Students’ Association is the largest and oldest students’ organisation in Poland. Nearly 10 000 members are associated in all academic centres, at more than one hundred universities. The actions undertaken by ZSP are targeted mainly on students, but also on graduates and secondary school pupils. Our members take part in interesting cultural, educational, tourist and marketing projects. We organise students festival, film reviews, charity actions and contests. We bring out our own brochures and newspapers. We run an internet portal and take part in creating many highly valued websites. Those are only examples of our activity. Every participant, who will ‘proof themselves’ while organising a ZSP project, can count on recommendations useful – we hope so – at the future employer’s. ZSP cooperates with the biggest enterprises in Poland, media corporations, governmental, regional and non-regional institutions. Personalities of the world of establishment, science, culture and art willingly take patronage of our ventures. We continuously cooperate with the press, television, radio broadcasting stations and other electronic media of country-wide, regional and local range. Summing up, we reach almost 5 million people year by year.
Mission and Objectives

We are neutral when it comes to the philosophy of life. The main goals of ZSP are: representing and protecting the interest of students, creating possibilities of development and professional experience acquisition, activation and integration of the academic environment, support and development of student cultural and scientific life.

Main Projects / Activities

ZSP acts in the fields of: international exchanges, concerts, festivals, contests, conferences, seminaries and trainings, student camps, cultural events, meetings with famous persons, debating societies, promotion and information campaigns for youth and students, preparatory courses for future students, language courses, workshops (dance, photography, theatre, etc.)
The most important ventures organised by ZSP are:
* Artistic Festival of Academic Youth FAMA,
* Contest for the Best Student of the Republic of Poland Primus Inter Pares,
* Amateur and Independent Cinema Festival KAN,
* Students’ newspaper: Academic Integration Magazine itd,

Contact (1) Full Name
Michal Urban
Head of the organisation
Wioletta Ottenberit


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Grotowski Institute was established on the base of the Centre for Study of Jerzy Grotowski's Work and for Cultural and Theatrical Research, which operates from the former Laboratory Theatre premises in Wroclaw's Old Market Square and at the forest base of Brzezinka. The changes of name and statute, which took place in December 2006, marked a realignment, expansion and development of the institution's programme. The Grotowski Institute Council includes representatives from three of Poland’s most prestigious universities. The institution is directed by Jarosław Fret together with the programme director, professor Dariusz Kosinski (Jagiellonian University, Cracow). The Institute’s 23 employees [including administrators, technicians, archivists, publishers, and artists] are on temporary posts and only contracted on a project-by-project basis. The Grotowski Institute receives funding Wroclaw City Council for basic running costs. Each year, additional financial support for projects is sought from the Polish Ministry of Culture, the Region of Silesia, the European Commission and different foundations.
Mission and Objectives

The Grotowski Institute is a cultural institution which combines artistic and scholarly research projects that correspond to the challenges laid down by Jerzy Grotowski's creative practice. The Grotowski Institute’s events programme involves a range of festivals and conferences, the deployment of the diverse educational programme and its varied publishing enterprises in both Polish and English.

Main Projects / Activities

The Grotowski Institute’s activities include undertaking major international theatre projects such as the European Theatre Award, the international theatre festival ‘World as a Place of Truth’ (with the next instalment planned for 2012) and co-producing works by renowned theatre directors such as, most recently, Peter Brook’s 11 & 12, created in collaboration with the Barbican Center (London) and the Bouffes du Nord Theatre (Paris). The Institute also runs the Masters in Residence programme (participating directors in 2010 will be Eugenio Barba and Anatoly Vasiliev), Eastern Line projects (that aim to support Central European independent theatre) and educational programmes (International Stagiaires Programme and the meetings of theatre schools called ‘Making Tomorrow’s Theatre’). The promotional activities of the Institute include multi-dimensional support for independent theatre initiatives in the form of long-term artistic research projects, such as those conducted by Maisternia Pisni (Lviv), Teatro La Madrugada (Milan), Bred in the Bone (London), Laboratorio Permanente di Ricerca Sull’Arte dell’Attore (Torino), Teatr ZAR (Wroc?aw), Spitfire Company (Prague) and other artists. The Institute supports artists from a younger generation who did not work with Jerzy Grotowski directly but for whom his work is an important point of reference. The publishing activity contributes to the Institute’s operations in the artistic and educational fields and refers to the archive that in fact drives and shapes its activity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation