Min 7ara Li 7ara

National Network

37 Lotfi Hassouna Street, Dokki, Giza, Cairo
Apartment 13, Floor 5


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
We hold a belief that Egypt is rich in culture and creativity and that it played a prominent role in the development of human civilisation; and from this belief stems another,in the role of art, culture and creativity in the resistance of ignorance, backwardness and extremism. We believe that the people of Egypt must unite under the banner of knowledge and culture to spread a message of intellectual awareness using art instead of Molotov Cocktails, to communicate using literature and not the throwing of rocks and the blocking of roads, to use music as the common language of the Egyptian masses. We will resist through art, creativity and culture through popular book fairs that allow residents of poor areas and slums to read, exchange and buy books at highly discounted rates, through reading sessions with illiterate street children, through musical performances and poetry readings, through short plays and Monodramas. And with this we hope to restore the role of the Egyptian people in the advanced and culturally diverse world. Since the project is based on reading and the art of literature, we have hundreds of books, in addition to $20,000 for petty cash, storage, transport and wages for workers, musical bands and theatrical groups. This money, however, will only support this project on a small scale and for one year. Exchange of books Selling books at highly discounted prices Books and reading sessions for street children Conferences with the readers to discuss their understanding, intellectual benefit and enjoyment they received from reading the books Musical performances Theatrical performances Dance performances Poetry readings Intellectual debates and discussions Partners Involved: Soad Suliman - CEO Madiha Zaki - Managing Director Wahiba Saleh - Secretary
Mission and Objectives

We will resist through art, creativity and culture through popular book fairs that allow residents of poor areas and slums to read, exchange and buy books at highly discounted rates, through reading sessions with illiterate street children, through musical performances and poetry readings, through short plays and Monodramas. And with this we hope to restore the role of the Egyptian people in the advanced and culturally diverse world.

Main Projects / Activities

Based on the information we have gathered through research (primary, secondary and tertiary) we have visited areas of high illiteracy and poor living conditions in the capital and other governorates. During our visits we got to know a few of the residents of these areas who were highly interested and showed us locations where we could hold our exhibition. We decided that we would visit a different area every Friday, which would involve the exhibition, performances, readings and so on and return to it the Saturday of the following week to host a seminar in which readers will discuss the events of the previous week.
Therefore the areas in which we will hold the exhibition will be decided on a month in advance, with promotion beginning approximately two weeks before the events are held in the area.
Promotion will include basic posters and leaflets that will be displayed in the area and distributed to its residents. Primary research of visiting areas has shown that residents accept the concept and are almost always extremely cooperative.
We arrive at the chosen location Friday morning and begin setting up the exhibition and the stage, which will be open to the public from 1 p.m. to 7p.m. During the day there are three events that take place on the stage, musical performances, theatrical performances, poetry readings and the like, in addition there will be small sittings within the exhibition where illiterate children will be read to. In the exhibition, people can exchange books with us for free, buy books at highly discounted prices and read. On the Saturday of the following week a seminar is held at the same venue to discuss with readers the books they have read, this seminar will be hosted by a public figure (someone involved in art or literature), this will include debates and discussions with readers involved in the events of the previous week. At the end of the seminar a prize will be given to the reader who has shown most interest and enjoyment during the course of the events, this will be a set of books. The exhibition will return six weeks later to the same area.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Because Anna Lindh is interested in the spread of cultural and intellectual awareness in the Euro-Med region, we have found that our project is of high importance and even contributes to the delivery of the organisation's message. Through our work with a wide range of people, mainly people from poor areas, who have the aspiration of being intellectually and culturally aware, but do not have the financial means with which to achieve this goal, through buying a book or attending musical or theatrical performances. We believe that these people particularly need our assistance as neither the government (through the poor public education system) nor other private organisations have shown initiative or interest in assisting them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We will mainly rely on donations from authors, poets, intellectuals, publishing houses, libraries and private owners for the books that will be included in our exhibition.
Currently, all financial costs are covered by limited investments from those involved in the project, this money is meant for transportation, storage and wages for workers, musical bands and theatrical groups who have accepted earning a fraction of their agreed wages (temporarily) in hopes for the success and popularisation of the project, upon which their wages will increase gradually along with the success of the project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Soad Suliman
Head of the organisation
Soad Suliman & Madiha Zaki
Contact (2) Full Name
Madiha Zaki

Devavanya Drum Festival Cultural Association

National Network

Kossuth Lajos utca 9.


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Devavanya Drum Festival Cultural Association was founded in 2008. by 12 person - musicians, cultural organizers and voluntaries to co-ordinate and organize the Festival (which exists since 2002.) and other multicultural projects. We have voluntary project teams for concrete projects but no one is employed by the organization at the present time. Last year the budgetary resources was € 6000 and we are working hard to increase it year by year. The sources of funding are cultural tenders, support from the municipality of Devavanya, sponsorship from companies and individual founders, incomings from selling tickets. Modalities of action are concrete projects like cultural events, information campaigns, conference, seminars and workshops. Our main regional partner is the municipality of the city of Devavanya, the main consultative partners are Harmonium Association (tenders and project management), Kvintus Ltd. (event organizing, marketing and communication) and Mastervisione Ltd. (audiovisual projects).
Mission and Objectives

Our project aims at the promotion of intercultural tolerance, and wishes to strengthen mutual understanding and respect for each others cultures by celebrating the cultural diversity of the world. We believe that being exposed to the culture of the other can indeed contribute to the elimination of preconceived ideas, racism and intercultural intolerance.
In addition, we would like the people to pay attention on the importance of sustainability and environmental protection and other burning issues of the planet.
The main objective is that the people who come into contact with our projects, bring more tolerance, humanism and environmental consciousness into his/her everyday life.

Main Projects / Activities

The main project is the Drum Festival – International World Music Gathering. In 2009. there is the 8th festival and it is evolving year by year. This year we plan a 3 day long Festival which hosts percussion-based world music concerts and dance performances, dj and visual performances, dozens of workshops (music, dance, fine arts, Hungarian traditions etc.), exhibitions, civilian village concentrating on burning issues related to globalization, human rights, climate change, sustainability and the protection of the environment. All of these are live video streamed to the internet and fully documented (photo, video and audio).
We have additional activities during the year, like cultural radio shows for non-profit radios, webportal developing to publish the multimedia content recorded at the Festival and side-projects and create an audiovisual database of the artists and themes related to the Festival.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabor Zsarnai
Head of the organisation
Andras Konya

Eotvos – Daxner Cultural and Educational Foundation

National Network

Vincellér utca 7.

+36 1 424 8096
+36 1 424 8096
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+36 20 473 1356
Mobile Phone (other)
+36 20 529 2829
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. This is a relatively small organisation, so the board members are active participants at realising projects. One is also the manager, but other two board members regularly work on a voluntary basis. The Foundation has one half-time administrative personnel. Extensive network of experts and partners. 2-3. Depending on sources available and successful applications the budget is approx. 10-20mHUF (40.000-80.000€). Sources: call for applications (state sources); company contributions and donations; private donations; 1% tax dedications. 4. Educational: seminars on EU Accession; quiz for high-school students; Cultural: events and exhibitions on Hungarian wine culture, gastronomy and arts. 5. Network of scholars and experts on EU issues; network of wine producers.
Mission and Objectives

* The promotion of Hungarian culture abroad and to foster cooperation and understanding between the cultures.
* Organisation of events regarding education projects on EU related issues.

Main Projects / Activities

* In the last years we have organised several events and exhibitions regarding the promotion of Hungarian culture, ie. the Accession Day Exhibition in Dublin and Sligo in May 2004; several wine and art (culture of cafés) exhibitions in Athens, London, Strasbourg, Verona, Moscow, Saint Petersburg etc.
* formation and counselling of the professional network of wine-producers; publication of books on wine culture
* participation and organisation on educational programmes

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Ms. Agnes KEMENSZKY, Head of Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Krisztina ANDRASSY

Merlin International Theatre

National Network

Budapest, H-1052
Gerlóczy u. 4.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Public Utility Foundation, where the Advisory Board is commissioned to proceed as the operative and executive organ of the Foundation, and it is responsible for the trust management. The number of full time employees is 13, of part time employees is 8. 2. City Council funding, box office income 3. National and international grants (eg. European Comission, Visegrad Fund, National Cultural Fund) 4. Hosting guest performances, organising theatre and new drama writing workshops, creating international coproductions, supporting international theatre networks 5. Hungarian and foreign theatres, directors, playwrights, cultural institutes and networks.
Mission and Objectives

Merlin is an open cultural institution that believes that the notion “culture” cannot be reduced to merely theater, dance, fine arts or music. Other areas of our lives must also be included, and what determines us the most: the world around us. Strictly speaking the social realities of Budapest, Hungary and on a larger scale, Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

– Organising cross-border cultural cooperations
– Participating in and organising international coproductions
– Receiving Hungarian and foreign guest performances
– Creating English language performances
– Organising workshops for theatre people and young playwrights
– Supporting alternative theatre initiatives from Hungary and abroad

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. László Magács
Head of the organisation
Mr. László Magács
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Fanni Nánay

Uccu Roma Informal Educational Foundation

National Network

Gyöngyház utca 8. 2/1

+ 36 20 241 8800
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Board: 8 members,  Chief Executive Director: 1member Program Director: 1 member Financial Assistant: 1 member Regional Coordinator: 4 members 
Educational Team: 25 members(volunteers) Budgetary resources available: national and international sources Modalities of action: concrete projects Main partner: ELTE   University  Department of Social Psychology Budapest, Hungary

Mission and Objectives

UCCU Foundation believes that real learning can only happen through dialogue, experience and active participation. Our goal is to spread the message on the importance of mutual respect of people and the dialogue between cultures, to reduce the existing misconceptions and prejudices regarding Roma in our society. Our goal is to live in a more open and accepting world. Lack of acceptance often derives from the lack of information. In Hungary most anti-Roma people do not really know those they reject. To stop this notion, UCCU provides an opportunity for primary and secondary school children to meet and engage in discussion with Roma youth.  Along with sensitization in primary and secondary schools, UCCU Foundation serves an important role in community building and training of young Roma leaders. The organization places a big emphasis on training young Roma, developing their skills and knowledge, not only those necessary to carry out the educational activities, and activities in connection with the moderator role. The Foundation is operating in the entire country. Alongside the Budapest team, we have volunteer hubs is Pecs, Miskolc and Ózd. 

Main Projects / Activities

The main activity of UCCU foundation is delivering tolerance education sessions in public schools lead by our young Roma volunteers. The impacts of our educational activities (strengthening of debate culture, critical thinking, more tolerant attitudes and behavior, a more open and tolerant way of thinking) have been researched and found to be effective by school teachers and students. We offer these well-established informal education modules mostly in primary and secondary schools, but are open to invitations to other all kinds of events with a similar theme. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Szilvia Kissné Szénási
Head of the organisation
Szilvia Kissné Szénási
Contact (2) Full Name
Judit Ignácz

ACLI, Advisory: Culture, Learning trajectories and International

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Yassine Boussaid is the founder of ACLI (Advisory: Culture, Learning trajectories and International). As a cultural consultant he mainly focuses on the relation between local cultural activities and international programs.
Mission and Objectives

As a cultural consultant Boussaid mainly focuses on the relation between local cultural activities and international programs. He initiates a variety of international cultural exchanges. Finding new partners and networks and the development of cultural concepts are part of his daily practices.

Main Projects / Activities

Secondary activities:
- Consultant Board International at the Performing Arts Fund
- Member supervisory board at the theatre Meervaart
- Committee board at the Jong RAST
- Member of Anna Lindh Foundation NL Network
- Member of the Medina network
- Strategic advisor at Amsterdam Andulusian Orchestra, meaning:
- Bookings and event planning in theaters- Recording T-mobile commercial
- Promotion
- Yassine Boussaid is also active as executive project manager at Imagine IC, which is a contemporary heritage institution. He is responsible for several projects such as Female Hip Hip Experience, Mijn God and Panna’s en Akka’s.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yassine Boussaid
Head of the organisation
Yassine Boussaid


National Network

New York, USA
New York

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
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Mission and Objectives

Do you like cosplay,here offered all kinds of cosplay costumes,cosplay wigs,cosplay shoe with lower price .See more cosplay costumes please click the link :www.trycosplay.comwww.eyeycosplay.comwww.actcosplay.netwww.askcosplay.n…
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Main Projects / Activities

Our online shop offered various dresses,wedding dresses,evening dresses,formal dresses prom dresses ect.the price is under 100$.More dresses for choice please click the link:www.bigweddingdressweb.netwww.busydress.orgwww.ringdresses.comwww.dress…

Contact (1) Full Name
yakey wang
Contact (2) Full Name
yakey wang

Forum de la jeunesse africaine pour le dialogue et la paix

National Network

ainkhlwia rabat

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
partenaires principaux
Mission and Objectives

le dialogue et la paix entr la jeunesse africaine

Main Projects / Activities

développer les relation entre la jeunesse et la société civil africaine

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Afin de contribuer à l'inclusion sociale et la démocratie participative et la transparence des autorités locales, des mouvements sociaux et de soutenir le développement des forums sociaux, convaincus qu'un autre monde est possible

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'importance de ce qui est devenu ces réseaux posent au développement de la démocratie participative et de contribuer aux travaux de la société civile

Contact (1) Full Name
haiba addi
Head of the organisation
Haiba addi
Contact (2) Full Name
touir saleh

Association Swani Initiatives Citoyennes

National Network

N° 72 - Rue Kableyine hay zemerman

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Renforcer les capacités locales et l'efficacité de la société civile à travers le développement d'outils de bonne gouvernance et d'une stratégie et d'action clair.

Main Projects / Activities

- Université de printemps :Plaidant pour la création du Conseil consultatif de la jeunesse et l'action associatif .

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Renaissance Institute

National Network

Ankara Vakıf Caddesi Pilot Oğuz Sever Sokak No:1 Kazan

+90530 349 8559
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Renaissance Institute is established by a group of young people in a town named Kazan, a country side part of Ankara. There is a Board with 7 members who are manageing the NGO in order to produce service for young people who lives out of city center. There are 15 active volunteers working in the office as assistants and a group of volunteer cordinators. Altouhgt, the NGO is new, there aren't any paid workers in the office. The NGO's expected bugdet is likely 10.000 € per year for first two years. It gets financal support from membership fees and donates from businessmen from Kazan town. Also there are many supports from Public Bodies for those NGOs who produce service for people living in country side. So far, the Renaissance Institute, supported three youth initative projects (No-Visa, EVS & Erasmus Explorers, EuroVideoDesk); two youth exchanges (Let's Play Together, We Are Young Active Employable); become partner of six projects which will be held in abroad. The board set the strategy mostly depending on Anna Lindh Foundation's 4D strategy. So our activities focuses on developing Democracy in country side, taking attention on Environmental problems and sustainable development, rising soical statue of women, preventing voilence related with gender issues, developing human rights approach, develoing an approach on intercultural/international dialogue and promoting peace, using media as a tool for democracy and participation, making researches about demands of people who lives in country side, non-formal education for young people. Mostly, EU Affairs Ministry, Governorship of Kazan, Municipality of Kazan, Universities from Ankara, Local Youth and Sport Office are our potential partners in activities that we carry out in local. What is more, there are many other NGOs from Euro-Med countries which involves our projects as partners.
Mission and Objectives

Our objetives are:
To enrich young peoples lifes with intercultural activities
To establish a sustainable and environmental development both in social and economic
To improve the capacity NGOs and Public Bodies in order to develop democratical participation
To support to Universities and Researcher to find correct information about people who lives in country side.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities mostly focused on trainings, youth exchanges, consultancy services and coaching for young people. We are interested in any projects which can support young people living in country side in a possitive way. For now our highlighted topics are gender issues, entrepereneurship, youth unemployment, social inclusion, democracy and dialogue.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can participate the researches of National Network in country side. We can disseminate the activities of Network in country side. We can build partnerships to projects for cross border development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe networking is a very important source for NGOs. Networking helps NGOs to rise their quality on their sevices with sharing best practices; to develop the impact of activities on community with partnerships; working together for same strategy in all around world makes NGOs more powerful. We believe in these reasons and we want to be in the network of Euro-Med Anna Lindh Intercultural Diagolue Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mehmet Burak Demircan
Head of the organisation
Mehmet Salih Tatlı
Contact (2) Full Name
Hatice Yıldırım