
Afaq Jordan for development and Training

National Network

شارع معاويه بن ابي شفيان المفرق الاردن
المفرق 25110

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

- افاق الأردن للتنمية والتدريب هي مؤسسة اردنية رائدة في مجال العمل التنموي والشبابي تاسست عام 2013م بجهود مجموعة من الشباب الناشطين في مجال حقوق الانسان والحريات العامة. - تمتلك المؤسسة شبكة متطوعين في كافة محافظات المملكة ولديها شراكات ومذكرات تعاون مع العديد من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني والمؤسسات الحكومية في اغلب المحافظات - لدى المؤسسة اتفاقيات تعاون وشراكة مع مؤسسات حكومية منها وزارة الشباب ووزارة التنمية الاجتماعة ومديرية شرطة المفرق / قسم رعاية الاحداث – قسم حماية الاسرة – الشرطة المجتمعية – وزارة العدل – جامعة ال البيت – الجامعه الهاشمية - المؤسسة معتمدة لدى وزارة العدل ووزارة التنمية الاجتماعية لتطبيق العقوبات البديلة للأحداث - المؤسسة عضو مؤسس في عدد من التحالفات على مستوى الاردن أهمها هيئة مؤسسات المجتمع المدني(همم)منذ عام 2015 – التحالف المدني لمراقبة الانتخابات والاداء الحكومي(راصد) منذ عام 2013 – الائتلاف الاردني للتعليم منذ عام 2018 - تمتلك المؤسسة نادي اعلامي يديره اعلاميون متخصصون في الصحافة والاعلام يحتوي النادي على كافة التجهيزات الفنية من حواسيب حديثة وكاميرات وصوتيات ويعمل على تدريب الشباب عل مهارات الاعلام والصحافة وتنفيذ المبادرات المجتمعية وبرامج التوعية والتربيه الاعلامية بالاضافة الى التغطية الاعلامية للفعاليات المختلفة. - لدى المؤسسة فريق اداري ضمن هيكل تنظيمي معتمد يتكون من 8 موظفين بدوام كامل و12 موظف بدوام جزئي بالاضافة الى فريق متطوعين ومتطوعات يتواجدون ويترددون على المؤسسة بشكل مستمر. - لدى المؤسسة شراكات استراتيجية مع عدد من المنظمات الدولية والمحلية منها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر – منظمة ميرسي كور الدولية – الشبكة العربية للتربية المدنية – منظمة كويست سكوب للتنمية الاجتماعية في الشرق الاوسط – المجلس الثقافي البريطاني – مؤسسة نهر الاردن - تمتلك المؤسسة دليل سياسات واجراءات يشكل مرجعية لكافة انشطتها ويشتمل على التعليمات المالية والادارية ومدونات السلوك - لدى المؤسسة منصة الكترونية للمتطوعين ضمن مبادرة (نوى) التابعة لمؤسسة ولي العهد - تمتلك المؤسسة نظام مالي محوسب لتوثيق كافة عملياتها المالية - المؤسسة متعاقدة مع شركة تدقيق حسابات تقوم بزيارات دورية للتدقيق والمراجعة - تعتمد المؤسسة حساب بنكي مستقل لكل مشروع حسب متطلبات الجهات المانحة - حصلت المؤسسة على العديد من المنح لتنفيذ مشاريع مختلفة في عدة مناطق من المملكة ومن اهم المانحين الوكالة الامريكية للتنمية الدولية USAID / الاتحاد الاوروبي / الوكالة الكندية للتعاون الدولي GAC / الوكالة الاسبانية للتعاون الدولي AECID / منظمة MERCYCORPS / سفارة تايوان / مؤسسة كويست سكوب للتنمية الاجتماعية في الشرق الاوسط / الصندوق الاستئماني الاوروبي ...

Mission and Objectives

- عقد دورات تدريبيه في مجال حقوق الانسان - التدريب في كافه مجالات التنميه الاجتماعيه المستدامه والتي تشمل الصحه وتنميه المشاريع الصغيره والمتوسطه من خلال الدورات التدريبيه والقاء المحاضرات - التعاون مع المنظمات والهيئات والمؤسسات الرسمية وغيرالرسمية وذلك لتنفيذ غايات الشركة - تدريب الشباب على مهارات تنمية الموارد البشريه - تملك الاموال المنقوله وغير المنقوله لمصلحة الشركه - تقديم التدريب على برامج الخدمات الاجتماعيه الاساسيه والتعليم وبرامج العنايه والرعايه الاجتماعيه وتخفيض الفقر والتنميه المحليه الشامله - عقد ورش العمل اللازمه لتنفيذ غايات الشركه

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع المساحات المجتمعية الامنة مشروع النهوض بالشباب واليافعين في الاردن مشروع التمكين الديمقراطي للمرأة مشروع شبكة القادة الشباب

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال نشر الوعي في المجتمعات في كافة المجالات الحياتيه مع التركيز على حقوق الانسان وحقوق المرأة والطفل واي برامج تنموية تساهم في تحسين حياة الناس وزيادة رفاهية المجتمع

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للمساهمة في ايصال المعلومات وبرامج الشبكة واهدافها الى المجتمعات المحلية

Contact (1) Full Name
Hasan Metlaq
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Hasan I N Metlaq
Contact (2) Full Name
رائد أحمد علي العثامنة
Job Title (2)
نائب المدير

AIESEC Jordan (جمعية تنمية مهارات الشباب القيادية)

National Network

Irbid - University street Al Hamaideh Complex

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+962 790724811
Mobile Phone (other)
+962 790140894
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Our structure: National office and two local chapters in Amman and Irbid. we have 70 members. Modalities of action Exchange, Leadership experiences, Conferences and seminars Funding from private sector Funding from exchange programs fees. Our Partners. Exchange National Partners:Discover Jordan, Consolidated Contractors Company, Sustainability Excellence, Aspire, Chain Reaction, Felix Interactive, ESKADENIA Software, Nielsen, Ishra7, Adam Travel & Tourism, National partners: Leaders of Tomorrow, Local Exchange partners: Partners: Debate Foundation,  Phenix, Ma3mal, ASK for human capacity building,
Mission and Objectives

Vision - “Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential”.
AIESEC aims to achieve it's mission by developing Leadership in the Youth. The Leadership we provide is based on the development of four elements:
- Global Citizen
- Self awareness
- Empowering Others
- Action Oriented
We believe that the fundamental solution for the world issue is the development of Leadership in each and every young person in the world. Therefore through our Exchange and Membership programmes we develop the mentioned above four elements of leadership.
Also AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, nationality, ethnic or social origin.

Main Projects / Activities

AIESEC is managing and co-ordination 4 programs for the youth to participate in:
Team Member programme: It is one of the most crucial ways in which youth can start their own path towards leadership development. In this phase they will be introduced to a practical team experience, gain access to a global network and engage in practical hard skills development.
Team Leader programme: This experience will culminate with a  personal and professional development through the concept of team building and management. Getting also to experience leading other members and guiding them in their work, thus becoming a crucial part of their development.
Global Internship programme: This programme offers internships that contribute to the professional development of a member and assist them to specialise in a certain field of work. They are normally long term in nature and involve working on diverse business projects and organisations.
Global Community Development programme: International Development internships are the most intense learning experience we offer and link together our global network. This programme encompasses cross-cultural positive impact through working abroad for social and community development projects that lead to self-development and skill enhancement for the member undertaking the programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Access to Global Talents: AIESEC is providing opportunity for the member organizations to hire internationals interns to work with them, which will lead to have more diversity and a new perspective on the way the organizations are run, allowing them to grow and possibly to expand to new countries or territories

Access to top university students in Jordan: The member Organizations can get access to youth network and benefit of the youth involvement by getting the chances to share their ideas and thoughts with youth and have youth engagement in their activities by inviting AIESEC members to participate. Our member are very pro-active and willing to develop their country which can be a huge benefit to the member organizations since they can attract these members to work with them and to create the positive impact Jordan needs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share a common purpose of bringing cultural understanding to the world as a mean toachieve a positive impact in the societies we are present in therefore it would be very interesting for us to join such community where we can upscalle our impact by connecting with organizations that share common purposes and values.
We all aim to bring to Jordan a better future, and from our side we would love to involve the Youth of the country in the ALF Network and also bring the international perspective through our international interns in order to contribute to the development of the member Organizations which will lead to the development of Jordan.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sami Yousef Hamdan
Job Title
Business Development Director
Head of the organisation
Rita Gomez
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita Gome
Job Title (2)

Al Badeel for Studies & Research

National Network

Amman- Tlaa Al ali- Gaqzi Arabyat ST Building 27
Amman 11953

+962 6 5674804
Telephone (other)
+962 6 5673840
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+962 79 6092125
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 962 79 5553887
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information

Al Badeel Center for Studies and Research is an independent institution established in Amman in 2006, through an initiative by a group of individuals interested in public affairs. The center is concerned with research, democratic development and training, as well as social and economic development issues and political modernization. The center publishes books, studies and training manuals, in addition to organizing conferences, symposiums and workshops in the fields related to its work. Albadeel Center also aims at strengthening democratic awareness by spreading the culture of human rights and enhancing the participation of women and youth and in the process. It targets the development of democracy and the legislation that regulates public affairs, in addition to enhancing the role of civil society organizations. Moreover, the center concept of dialogue between civilizations and religions and ostracizing radicalism and extremism and confronting terrorism in all of its kinds, together with the differentiation between terrorism and the right of resisting occupation. It seeks to accomplish its role in the fields of economic and social development through raising the visions and suggesting solutions for the of development and the role of individuals and institutions. A specialized and dedicated team runs the center, which consists of several researchers, administrative staff and technicians. It cooperates with several academic researchers and experts in political, social, economic, cultural and environmental issues. The center finances its activities by selling its publications – the product of conducting research and the deliberations of forums, seminars and workshops, and manuals, in addition to the support of various national and international donor organizations which harmonize with the center's agenda and message. Interests of Center: Democracy: "Parliament, elections and the electoral systems, constitutional systems, democratic and political development, public freedoms and human rights, and decision making". − Civil society: "The role of the civil society in all of its different classes and its developments, the public opinion." − Economic Issues: "The general budget of the country, investment, foreign trade and employment" − International Issues: "The foreign policy, the Arab relations, the regional conflicts, the Arab – Israeli conflict and the settlement efforts." − Environment: "Environment protection, environmental awareness, the abilities of the environmental institutions and the environmental legislations, water." Mechanisms of Accomplishment: 1. Encouragement of publication of research and studies. 2. Building an advanced information database. 3. Organizing conferences, seminars and workshops, and extracting suggestions which help decision-makers and civil society leaders, and also serve the researchers and workers in the media; in addition to contributing to the development process. 4. Preparing training programs related to developing skills and building the capacities of individuals and civil society institutions. Achievements: 1. Regional conference “ Expenditure Control Election Campaigns in Arab World “ 20 2. The partnership between NGOs, Parties Media and Independent Commission Election 3. Publish the book of “The Future of Parliamentary Work in Jordan 4. Decentralization & Enhancing the Local Governance 5. Local Governance Proposed Law “Municipalities Local Councils “. 6. Capacity building to the political parties 7. Suggested Draft of new “Public Meeting Law and the Political Parties Law. 8. Suggested Draft “Election Law for Jordanian Parliament. 9. Toward the law of the Jordanian Independent Electoral. 10. Parliamentary Reform in Jordan. 11. Conference of the Jordanian Independent Commission for Elections 12. Monitoring the Jordanian media performance their covering the elections about women and youth. 13. Evaluation the Parliamentary Performance. 14. Revision of the Laws and Regulations Governing the Work of Professional Associations. 15. Political women participation Our Partner: ( FES ) , ( NED) , ( CIDA) , ( IREX ) , (KVINFO ) , (AMS ),( Labor party ) . (Future for Foundation FFF) and many local organizations

Mission and Objectives

Encouragement of publication of research and studies. Building an advanced information database. Organizing conferences, seminars and workshops, and extracting suggestions which help decision-makers and civil society leaders, and also serve the researchers and workers in the media; in addition to contributing to the development process. Preparing training programs related to developing skills and building the capacities of individuals and civil society institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Political women participation 2. Suggested Draft “Election Law for Jordanian Parliament. 3. Toward the law of the Jordanian Independent Electoral. 4. Capacity building to the political parties 5. Monitoring the Jordanian media performance their covering the elections about women and youth. 6. Evaluation the Parliamentary Performance. 7. Revision of the Laws and Regulations Governing the Work of Professional Associations. 8. Suggested Draft of new “Public Meeting Law and the Political Parties Law. 9. Decentralization Project in the Provinces. 10. Parliamentary Reform in Jordan.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to raise our capacity , to learn from others , promote cooperation among peoples and civilizations and for build a great lobby against the dings makers

Contact (1) Full Name
Jamal Alkhtib
Head of the organisation
Jamal Alkhtib
Contact (2) Full Name
Wahid Qarmash

Al Balad Theater

National Network

237 prince mohammad street
Amman 11180

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Al Balad Theater is a multi-purpose performing arts space with aims to promote artists from Jordan, the region, and the world by providing rehearsal and performance spaces for their work. Al Balad Theater also contributes to strengthening cultural movements in Jordan by cooperating with a wide range of performing art groups, locally and globally. Al Balad Theatre’s mission is to contribute to the artistic movement and social fabric of the city and the region to create a supportive, nurturing and inspiring environment for young independent artists (of all ages) and to provide safe community spaces for independent artistic expression and production that addresses people's concerns

Mission and Objectives

Al Balad Theatre’s mission is to contribute to the artistic movement and social fabric of the city and the region to create a supportive, nurturing and inspiring environment for young independent artists (of all ages) and to provide safe community spaces for independent artistic expression and production that addresses people's concerns. The theare’s vision and aims are to: Create an inclusive space for the diverse communities from all over Jordan. Create a vibrant cultural space that builds bridges between emerging artists and the communities. Enrich the social fabric of the city through performing arts and cultural projects. Provide safe spaces for independent artistic expression Work along civil society and public institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Al Balad theater carries out many activities such as theatre, dance, urban arts, and music performances as well as three main festivals around the year (Al Balad Music Festival, Baladk and Hakaya Storytelling Festival). It also publishes an online cultural magazine “WAW AlBalad” covering cultural events and disseminating knowledge about them, as well as publishing critical articles of cultural and art issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raed Asfour
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Raed Asfour
Contact (2) Full Name
Raed Asfour
Job Title (2)
Projects Manager

Al Balad Theatre مسرح البلد -

National Network

12 Yazid bin Abi Sufian street, Jabal Amman, Amman, Jordan
Amman 11953

+9626 4652005
Telephone (other)
+962 78 0 2222 71
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+962 7 9699 8301
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Al Balad theatre is a multi-purpose artistic and community space established by renovating an old cinema house in down town Amman built in the 1948’s. It is registered as a non-profit company with a 12 member board from Jordan. There are 4 full time staff members and 1 part time in addition to over 30 volunteers. The theatre's annual budget is around $150,000 aside from infrastructure investments and costs (renovation, equipment, etc...). Sources of funding are: the Swedish International development Agency (through the Drama Institute in Stockholm), The Amman municipality, Zein telecom. company, The Swiss Development Agency, the UNESCO, the French Cultural Center, the Anna Lindh Foundation (through partnership). The theatre organizes artistic and cultural performances, training workshops, seminars, and exhibitions all year round for Jordanian artists, organizations as well as regional and international. The theatre partners with several Jordanian cultural centers/organizations whether governmental or non-governmental, Jordanian or European. The theatre also has several partners around the Arab world such as the Arab Theatre Training Center (Lebanon), Al jana (Lebanon) Yabous (Palestine), The Popular Art Center (Palestine). The theatre is also a member of the network of spaces that present Arab Cinema in the mediterranean and a member of the Hakaya network around the mediterranean to reclaim the centrality of stories in learning, art and life.
Mission and Objectives

The space aims to promote young artists from Jordan and the region by presenting their works, providing rehearsal space, and contributing to strengthening the cultural movement in Jordan through interaction and cooperation with all performing art groups, NGOs, and individuals, public and private, in Jordan, the region, and the world. Al Balad theatre organizes theatre, dance, and music performances as well as film and video screenings in cooperation with local, regional, and international groups and organizations. The theatre also hosts training workshops in the performing arts. As a multi-purpose space located in a neglected area of Amman, Al Balad theatre also caters for children’s artistic activities.The objectives of the theatre are: 1. Provide new performance spaces for various contemporary arts (theatre, dance, cinema, music, visual arts) to host Jordanian, Arab, and international artists. 2. Develop the relationship with the community through the establishment of a multi-purpose cultural center. 3. Provide spaces for rehearsals and workshops for young artists. 4. Open new channels of communication and cooperation with various art organizations in the Arab world and abroad through the presentation of performances from different countries all year round. 5. Provide a space for young artists to present their artistic work and experimentation in the field of theatre, dance, and music. 6. Provide specialized programs for children.

Main Projects / Activities

The theatre's main activities are presentations of performing arts in music, theatre, dance, and storytelling as well as providing a rehearsal space for young artists and groups. The theatre also organizes a storytelling festival on an annual basis, a music festival in the summer, and a film festival in the fall. We are also currently developing a contemporary dance program that will provide a rehearsal space and co-production possibilities for Jordanian contemporary dancers. In 2008 the theatre space was active 175 days (in addition to 12 days of events organized by the theatre in other venues in Amman and two weeks of the workshop of Jane Freire to prepare for her exhibition “return of the soul” which was presented for 3 months at the Darat al Funoon exhibition hall in Amman). Events attended by an audience totaled 98 days, with a total audience (with the exception of Jane Freire’s exhibition) of 11,716. The theatre mailing list increased from a little over 1000 at the end of 2007 to over 1800 at the end of 2008. During the 98 days of performances and film screenings, 75% of the events were full house, and in 2 events we had to schedule a second and third showing. In terms of the identity of the performing groups and artists, 54% were Jordanian artists, 23% Arab and 23% International. Out of these events, 22% were organized by the theatre, and 78% hosted by the theatre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lubna Juqqa
Job Title
Program Manager
Head of the organisation
Raed Asfour
Contact (2) Full Name
Samar Dudin

Al Bayt University

National Network

P.O.Box: 13004 Mafraq 25113

+ 962-2-6297000 / ext: 2890
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al Sharre
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al Sharre
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al Sharre

AL Farouq Charity Society for Orphans Care

National Network

472 garmon RD
Irbid 21141

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

AL Farouq Charity Society for Orphans Care is a none for profit voluntary social work society, registered under the umbrella of the Jordan Ministry of Social Development (National ID: 1991012100017), established in 1991.
• AL Farouq is employing 103 staff of which 69 are women.
• AL Farouq is also registered and active within SAM.Gov with Unique Entity ID: K1ELWAM74YW3, NCAGE code AC69X.
• AL Farouq is also registered and active within PADOR platform with EuropeAid ID JO-2023-BGV-2207282131.
Since established, AL-Farouq Society believed and saw the importance of working with national and international partners as a team, reaching common objectives and providing services to a wider segment of the community. And for that, it was mandatory to seek doners and supporters and which consequently enriched and help the association to accelerate having the success factors to achieve its goals.

National Partners
Jordan Ministry of Social Development (MOSD)
Jordan Ministry of Planning and International Development (MOPIC)
Jordan Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)
Jordan Ministry of Health (MOH)
Jordan Ministry of Education (MOE)
Jordan River Foundation (JRF)
Princess Basma Youth Resource Centre (PBYRC)
Greater Irbid Municipality
Tkiyet Um Ali (TUA)
Department of Palestinian Affairs (DPA)
Arabian Medical Relief (AMR)

International Partners
Canadian Mennonite (CM)
Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
European Union (EU)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Netherlands Embassy in Jordan
Emirates Red Crescent
Terre Des Hommes (TDH)
Save the Children
Embassy of Australia in Jordan
Right To Play
Islamic Relief
United Hands Relief - UHR
Embassy of Canada in Jordan

AL-Farouq Statistics
• Since established, AL-Farouq Medical Centers serve about 300,000 patients annually.
• Orphans’ families supported averages 2,100 family annually.
• AL-Farouq average annual income:1,400,000 JDs (1,975,000$)
o Donations: 27%, 378,000 JDs (533,250$)
o Medical Centers: 53%, 742,000 JDs (1,046,750$)
o Schools and Training: Centers 20% 280,000 JDs (395,000$)
• AL-Farouq average expenses about: 1,450,000 JDs (2,050,000$)
o Orphans’ Support: 38%, 550,000 JDs (778,000$)
o Subsiding Medical Centers:26%, 375,000(530,000$)
o Social Development: 18%, 260,000 JDs (367,500$)
o Administrative Expenses: 7%, 99,100 JDs (140,000$)
o Assets Purchases: 6%, 91,900 JDs (130,000$)
o Depreciation: 5%, 74,000 JDs (104,500$)

Mission and Objectives

To become the preferred and distinguished partner in providing services to orphans and the community transparently.
Providing minimal to free-of-charge social and developmental services and solutions. Dedicating the experience in the community using scientific means and creative ideas, to meet the wishes and expectations of the recipients of the service, supported by local and international partnerships and depending on our tolerant Islamic law.
• Integrity and transparency in providing services.
• Credibility
• Creativity and Excellence
• Teamwork
• Keeping abreast of development and modernity
• Maintaining confidentiality and dignity of service recipients
• Justice
• Perfection
As the social and economic situation of the society's operational area is deteriorating, our society has taken it upon itself to contribute actively and effectively to alleviate social and economic pressures through the society’s social and developmental programs and projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Active Current Projects
• AL Farouq Medical Center in Irbid city camp.
• AL Farouq Medical Center in Bani Obeid District.
• AL Farouq Kindergarten and school.
• AL Farouq Charitable Building (Charitable Endowment) (Apartments).
• AL Farouq Project for Social and Marital Rehabilitation Education for Women and Adolescence females within Irbid Camp – Canada Fund for Local Initiatives CFLI 2023.
• AL Farouq Food Bank.
• AL Farouq Clothes Bank.
• AL Farouq Sewing and Embroidery Workshop.
• AL Farouq Production Kitchen.
• AL Farouq Forest in Bani Kinana District.
• AL Farouq Playgrounds.
• Social and Marital Rehabilitation Education for Women and Adolescence females within Irbid Camp - Canadian Embassy in Jordan.
Previous Short Projects
• Near East Organization, name of the program Siraj
• Developmental Families Society, a training and capacity raise program for women funded by a Swedish organization.
• Institute for Solidarity with Women, Sanabel 2 program funded by the European Union

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Al-Farouq has many local links to small and micro entities that directly provide aids to local community as well as other links to donors interested in various programs and activities. AL-Farouq can collaborate with network actors and provide wider programs and more comprehensive support to local ommunity

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Linkage to all actors within Jordan to provide direct aids to the Jordanian community with greater value projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad AL-FAris
Job Title
Partnership Manager
Head of the organisation
Hussain Fayz
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Derbas
Job Title (2)
Administration Manager

al sanad for training and development purposes

National Network

Al yadudeh
Um uthaina

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Non profit oraganization aims to develop and enhance the level of awareness , education and proper understanding for many of community subjects (health, social, religion, media,...) for all the community ages and genders in order to build better and proper generation in thoughts and actions for both national and international relations and civilisation by collaborating with sociaties , organizations and international civil development organisations in order to put the right budget and action plans and present it to the desired donars like NGO, USAID,..etc
Mission and Objectives

(Word of mouth)Working with many of training specialists and needed profficionals in many the country targeted areas to deliver the desire massages and services aimed from the projects we assigned and took the responsibility of achieving their aims and conclusions ..

Main Projects / Activities

Euromed projects that aim to develop and improve the skills , structures of youth and other community parts that play the major role in building better environment for them to live in peace and prosperity. .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing their projects and activities. .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To cooperate in some way for euromed and other desire projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Shereen Adnan Abu Nimreh
Job Title
Head of organization
Head of the organisation
Shereen Abu Nimreh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohmmad Abu Nimreh
Job Title (2)

Al-Balqa Applied University

National Network

Salt 19117

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU) is a public Jordanian technical university ranked number two in Jordan and the times ranked 601-800. It has the largest in campus size and student numbers, established in 1997, and it is the most widely spread university in Jordan. It has colleges and branches distributed almost in every city in the country. BAU has 22 colleges distributed on 13 campus sites, with 26 postgraduate programs, 124 bachelor programs, and 78 diploma programs. The number of enrolled students is around 40,000, with about 1449 staff members. Moreover, BAU the only university that awards the diploma degree in Jordan, since it fosters and quality controls all the community colleges in Jordan. BAU aims to establish an innovative university which can convey knowledge, values, and traditions, making a progress toward building the knowledge-based economy through investing in the innovation and creativity of our staff and students.

Mission and Objectives

BAU provides the Jordan Market with distinguished highly qualified graduates fulfilling the demands of the Jordan Market with experts and professional employment accordingly of high standards responds to the exchangeable market’s needs technically and systematically. BAU emphasizes excel value in education through conforming to keep on the process of upgrading the type of management and teaching, providing new equipment facilities, services, academic standards, and proceeding in upgrading the quality of graduates and trainees. BAU is heading towards the applied education strongly, sustain its attitudes towards application heading the advancement and modern changes and coping with era and technology prerequisites, the economic and social life fields relevant to constant implementation in Education, Vocational and Technical Training process in a wide-scale guaranteeing effective participation of the stakeholders and the Industrials in developing management, programs, and the educational progress. BAU’s academic programs are flexible enough to permit pioneer students to admit for Bridging Process from Associate level to Bachelor level.

Main Projects / Activities

Upgrading the level of graduates academically, professionally, and practically and linking the educational outcomes and the various university programs with the requirements of the labor market in a harmonious manner. Spreading and consolidating the institutional culture among workers and consolidating the concepts of development and modernization Assisting the university in developing appropriate work mechanisms and systems by adopting planning, development, and quality procedures and policies Exposing obstacles to the educational-learning process and trying to solve them and addressing the obstacles facing change, development, and modernization, with the aim of improving the university and its services Building and rehabilitating human capabilities in line with different business needs Disseminating good applications that are applied internally and internationally and applying them to different academic management levels Preparing the university and its colleges to meet the requirements of public and private accreditation

Contact (1) Full Name
omar arabeyyat
Head of the organisation
Porf. Abdallah Al-Zoubi

Al-Farouq Charity Association

National Network

Hettin Street
Irbid 11181

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Under the direct affiliation of the Ministry of Social Development, Al-Farouq Charity Association (ACA) was founded in 1991 as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization in Irbid Palestinian Refugees Camp, Jordan. The mission was simple and direct “to provide social and developmental services and solutions for free or/and at reasonable costs for orphans, widows, and other deprived and marginalized people in the society”. ACA carries a range of interventions in the areas of education, health & hygiene, orphans & widows’ empowerment, free/low-cost legal aid, human rights, etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission is “to provide social and developmental services and solutions for free or/and at reasonable costs for orphans, widows, and other deprived and marginalized people in the society”. The overall development objective of (AFO) is enhanced ability in the target communities to tackle their own economic, social, and environmental problems for sustainable community development

Main Projects / Activities

Embassy of Japan Renovation of the medical center ( Two Bone Densitometers DXA + a 4-D Ultrasound ) with the Embassy of Japan Noor Project for Child Protection with World Vision NRC Project ( Awareness Raising sessions for families ) with Norwegian Refugee Council Promote Child Education ( Child Labor aged 12-18 ) with Quest Scope Early Childhood Education with Plan Organization Awareness raising sessions for Children and their families with Terre de Hommes TDH Women and Microfinance with The Royal Hashemite Court in Jordan School furniture with UMR ( Washington USA + Amman )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

providing on-ground experience, beneficiaries, and success stories

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expand, share knowledge and experience to better understanding the humanitarian world and therefore, contribute to save disadvantaged people from poverty and exploitation

Contact (1) Full Name
Rawan Nayfeh
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Hussein Al-Hawwari
Contact (2) Full Name
Hussein Al Hawwari
Job Title (2)