
Arab World Center For Democratic Development & Human Rights (UNIHRD)

National Network

King Abdallah Gardens 'st
Al Rayan Center
4rth floor
Office NO.2


00962 797579967
Mobile Phone
00962 777 157 555
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Full time stuff : 4 Part time : 3 Volunteers : 6 Budget Resources : from donors and funding institutions we have partners such as : Konorad Adenaor , NED ,UNDP , UNRWA , Freedom House , Voice of Law , Street Law.
Mission and Objectives

UNIHRD Mission is to strengthen democratic values , monitor basic transformations in the field of human rights alongside contributing to the introduction of a change in the civil society and in patterns of social and democratic upbringing. It also seeks to help in spreading and strengthening Human Rights culture in the Arab World.
UNIHRD is committed to all the criteria stated in the provisions of international and regional conventions and declarations on Human Rights issued by the UN or regional Arab Organizations, and Promotes international cooperation.
UNIHRD promotes access to justice and the protection of civil , political , economic , social and cultural rights , especially for the most vulnerable individuals and groups in society.

Main Projects / Activities

Empowering Women Political and Social Participation Program
Community Intervention (Conflict Resolution), Training and Legal Consultation Program
Youth Participatory Development Program
Media Production and Outreach Program
Civil Society Studies and Researches Department
International Cooperation and Culture Exchange Program

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Amira Mostafa
Head of the organisation
Mr. Sameer Jarrah

Arab World Center for Democratic Development and Human Rights (UNIHRD)

National Network

Jordan :King Abdullah Gardens Street , Al Rayan Center , 4rth Floor , Office N.2
Egypt : Sharkiya Governor , Zagazig


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Arab World Center for Democracy Development & Human Rights (United for Human Rights and Democracy- Awcdd), is a Jordanian NGO officially registered as non-profit, an independent, scientific and non-governmental Organization, established in Amman & London, by a number of activists in the Democracy and Human Rights Fields who are dedicated to the defense and promotion of human rights & democracy, in Jordan and around the Arab World. The Awcdd is political neutrality and offers studies, research and training in Jordan and the Region. and we have an office on Egypt , we work with NED , United Nation (UNDP) , USaid , and other partners.
Mission and Objectives

Mission is to strengthen democratic values, monitor basic transformations in field of Human Rights alongside contributing to the introduction of a change in civil society and in patterns of social and democratic upbringing, it also seeks to help in spreading and strengthening Human Rights culture in Arab World.
We committed to all the criteria stated in the provisions of international and regional conventions and declarations on Human Rights issued by the UN or regional Arab Organizations, and Promotes international Cooperation.
We Seeks to achieve its goals through educational ,intellectual ,and cultural activities ,which include theoretical and applied research and studies, the convening of conferences ,seminars ,workshops and study sessions, offering consultations ,technical and scientific services ,training courses and publishing bulletins , publications ,reports and a specialized Human Rights periodical.
We promotes access to justice and the protection of civil, political , economic , social and cultural rights , especially for the most vulnerable individuals and groups in society.
We Seeks to improve conflict management practices, avoid violence, and promote dialogue, tolerance, and mutual understanding between civilizations and within the Arab World societies themselves.

Main Projects / Activities

AWCDD , is composed of specialized inter-linked working committees that carry out their activities in an autonomous but integrated manner :
- Media & Public Relations Committee.
- Legal Aid committee Family Committee.
- Researches , Studies & Publications Committee.
- International Humanitarian Law & Refugees Committee.
- Training and Public Awareness Committee.
- Youth & Universities Committee.
- Communities & Environment Committee Information.
- Technology & E-Library Committee.

Contact (1) Full Name
Executive Director : Amira Mostafa
Head of the organisation
Sameer Jarrah

Associates in Development Association - AIDA مجموعة شركاء في التنمية

National Network

Marj Al Hamam, Amman Jordan 11732 P.O Box 940
Amman 11732

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
This organisation recently closed Volunteers run the association: people from all walks of life with different backgrounds and experiences who give their time and effort to lead and guide AIDA. The Founders Committee is responsible for the overall direction and policies of AIDA, they are vital to our success and the legal responsibilities we have to funders and to our staff rests with them. The founders work as team; guidance is a shared task and this makes it more enjoyable as well making the work more manageable. The Founders involve both the staff and young people who are part of the association in the decisions making process. the founders are 7 people - self funded till now
Mission and Objectives

Objectives : •Building comprehensive national culture awareness among youth which embraces all positive pillars of development; in order to meet all the demands of this century to find peace with itself, present and future. • Spreading the notion of 'freedom of expression' for positive change. This includes solutions in all development areas: social, political and economic development within the frames of reference. •Raising Youth awareness on democratic processes in order to encourage and increase political participation. •Contribute in increasing awareness on human rights and gender‐related issues and focus on its importance in the development process of all sectors. •Cultivating young people's skills in using mass communication to interact and put them in a positive way to build an interactive map for communication and knowledge reflected positively on the reform and political development in the community of Jordan. •Activate Jordanian's women role at both educational and economic stages in order to reach wider women's political participation Vision Develop the skills and capacities of young people is the main driver for the positive change Mission AIDA aims at developing various educational resources so that young people gain valuable understanding to empower their communities and become the change of their country

Main Projects / Activities

AIDA participated in international witnessing for Egyptian parliament election in 2011-2012 research assistance and conducted interviews with Jordanian candidates for parliament in 2010 and got out a paper explaining how the Jordanian community sees women participation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

being active members and participate in all activities. moreover, create joined projects with ALF members to develop our own community how shares same interest and values. learn from the training activities and transmit the knowledge gained to the community and create partnership locally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

develop and network on national and international level with different ngo's and create bridges to come up with different ideas for certain themes. promote other cultures and introduce it to our Jordanian youth and enable them to be aware of the others by all means culture,religion, human rights, democracy and community development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vanda Sawalha
Head of the organisation
George Sawalha
Contact (2) Full Name
George Sawalha

Association of citizenship and civil Thought (جمعية المواطنه والفكر المدني)

National Network

Dahyit El-Haj Hassan, Amman

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
نحن مجموعه من المثقفين الطموحين عملنا على تأسيس جمعية باسم جمعية المواطنه والفكر المدني ونسعى لنشر هذه القيم الاخلاقيه داخل المجتمع الاردني. We are a group of aspiring intellectuals worked to establish an association on behalf of the Association of citizenship and civil thought and seek to deploy these moral values within the Jordanian community.
Mission and Objectives

نشر قيم المواطنه والفكر المدني
Disseminate the values of citizenship and civil Thought

Main Projects / Activities

تدريب المعلمين على قيم المواطنه من اجل نقل هذه القيم للطلبه
Teacher training on the values of citizenship in order to transfer these values to request

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Khalaf Al Ja'fra
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Khalaf Al Ja'fra
Contact (2) Full Name
Omar Hassan Abo Rassa'


National Network

Via Garibaldi, 13. 10122 Turin
Corso Ciulio Cesare, 8. 10152 Turin
10152 Turin

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
AMMI is a non-profit association with about 60 members, and employs approximately 15 employees and 35 collaborators based on Turin (Piedmont). In 2018, AMMI managed projects for around 2 million euros, of which around 95% were for the reception of refugees and asylum seekers. Sources of funding: Public Calls, private sponsors. Modalities of action: partners of concrete projects, seminars (updating for private / public organizations and subjects in training schools for intercultural mediators). Main partners involved: Prefecture of Turin, Municipality of Turin, Compagnia di Sanpaolo, UNHCR, CIES (funds from the Ministry of the Interior), AICS (private funds), Foreing Office.
Mission and Objectives

AMMI borns on the initiative of a group of intercultural mediators (of different nationalities) from different provinces of Piedmont by fusing their experiences, skills and life paths.
Sees together all the ethnic groups residing on the regional territory.
A.M.M.I’s key objective is to strengthen the inclusion devices and intercultural dialogue with the professional intercultural mediator as a major player.
Aims to encourage, facilitate, help and promote the interaction and integration of migrants on the territory through the intercultural mediation service (intended as cultural decoding, accompaniment, interpreting, facilitation the relationships between migrant and public/ private subjects and native citizens).

Main Projects / Activities

Creation of a multidisciplinary team (intercultural mediators, anthropologists, doctors, nurses, social assistants, educators, …) to manage the reception activities of refugies and asylum seekers in the Turin area, in collaboration with the Prefecture of Turin and the “Città di Torino” (Municipality of Turin).
Training of intercultural mediators on aspects concerning unaccompanied minors (funded by UNHCR).
In collaboration with CIFA and Amnesty International, AMMI has implemented the national project #IORispetto (“I respect everyone”), which aims to counter the Hate Speech phenomenon in Italian schools.
Partner of cooperazione internazionale (Tunisia, Ethiopia, Senegal). Creation of the bases for the training of intercultural mediators in Tunisia (Pinsec project - funded by AICS in collaboration with CIES di Roma). The project formed a group of 15 trainers in tunisia providing both theoretical and practical bases to teach the profession of intercultural mediator.
Construction and participation together with the Metropolitan City and Piedmont Region of a table concerning the professional training of Intercultural Mediators. Supported by the Table, AMMI has carried out concrete actions to allow the training agencies of the territory to train intercultural mediators from the emerging communities of migrants without this professional: Sub-Saharan Africa, Horn of Africa (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China etc.
Training for institutional actors, third sector operators, return migrants and volunteers in Senegal and Ethiopia - PONTI Project, funded by the Ministry of the Interior in partnership with CIES.
In collaboration with local institutions, AMMI has made upgrade courses for intercultural mediators (INPS, Molinette Hospital, Passpartout Municipality of Turin, nurses training in the Emergency Unit).
AMMI contributed to the foundation of the GOMIV association which promotes voluntary activities within the Italian Civil Protection by making the figure of the intercultural mediator available when managing emergencies and natural disasters, with the specific role of facilitating communications in multicultural contexts (during the work of the Italian Civil Protection).
This year AMMI is an Information Point of the Regional Network against Discrimination.
MediaTO - supported by Compagnia di San Paolo, in partnership with IRES, the ASGI Association and the Medical Collaboration Committee (CCM). MediaTO is a network in support of intercultural mediators on the territory through the online website:
RMI Piemonte (Piedmont Intercultural Mediation Network) -  a project supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo within the 2014 Social Area Program, sees AMMI as a promoter of a network at the level regional that brings together institutions, bodies and organizations of the third sector and ethnic associations on the territory active in the immigration field with a wide employing of the intercultural mediator figure:…

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Preparation courses to build large intercultural mediation devices in central areas:
- Intercultural communication
- Interreligious dialogue
- Preparation courses for stakeholders
- Art, culture, tradition (customs, uses, food)
- Contemporary art
Ability to respond to the various challenges that are continually changing
- Challenges on trafficking and the slavery of people
- Health field
- School life challenges.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Strengthen migrant communities residing in Mediterranean countries. Working together with your network, it is possible to enhance the success of intercultural mediation interventions in Mediterranean countries, bringing its own contribution.

Contact (1) Full Name
Blenti Shehaj
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Ciuban
Job Title (2)
Vice president

autonomous de barcelona university

National Network

Barcelona 08193

+34 935 81 11 11
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

classical Archeology Department

Mission and Objectives

To documentation and preservation classical archeology sites

Main Projects / Activities

many projects such as: documentation Hadrian Arch in Jordan

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to protect cultural heritage in conflict city.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Alaa ababneh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
César carera

Ayadeena Association for Human Development

National Network

Jerash/ jerash ajlun street

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Civilian public non-profit association, registered under the Societies Act No. 51 of 2008 and it's amendments, on 05.10.2010, from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Social Development, it's working area is all over the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with the national number: 210012300005
Mission and Objectives

seeks to translate the concept of human development into a practical reality, and to link between the concept of economic growth and human development, and reinforce the spirit of cooperation and exchange of knowledge and experience with all spectrums of development work at all official, civil, regional and international levels, and follow the last local and global recommendations to participate and contribute on it and to follow-up its' applications on the ground.

Main Projects / Activities

Society seeks to participate and engage with all stakeholders, official and private responsible and donors in the application, implementation and development of the following aspects:
• promoting research and scientific advice for the development of aspects of the practice applied in the development work.
• Invite the owners of expertise relevant to training and developing human resources to participate in the activities of the association according to the procedures governing these activities.
• conferences, symposia, seminars and training courses related to the field of attention of the Assembly.
• issuance of studies and publications and scientific journals related to areas of training and human resource development and other concerns of the Assembly.
• Participation in seminars, conferences and exhibitions of local and international.
• a typical network design to network and enhance cooperation between the various parties to development work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Rawashdeh
Head of the organisation
Mohannad Rawashdeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Suliman Alkhresha

Bait Al-anbat

National Network

Petra- Wadi Musa
Petra 71882

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
Bait alanbat is a non-profit organization located in the south of Jordan “Petra”. Our office in Petra is including only one employee who is taking care of secretary tasks because we have many volunteers who are well involving in our project . Our annual budget is about 2000-5000 JD, depending on the contributions of the member registered in the organization and the modest financial support taken from the ministry of culture. We successfully organized three conferences that have discussed the history of nabatean and their antiquities aiming to deliver their cultural traces abroad. For the same purpose, our forum had participated in many cultural youth exchange projects in Algeria, Malta,Italy and other countries organized by Euro-Med programme. Bait Alanabt has a good relationships with many Jordanian institutions and organizations that support our projects like University of Alhussein Bin Talal, Alrai Newspaper, National Bank and Authority of Petra Region.
Mission and Objectives

1.The concern of Jordanian culture movement by bringing out its local particularity and linking it with the Arabic identity. 2.Contribution to the publishing of awareness value of historical, civilization and humanitarian shaping of Arab culture. 3.Adaptation of Al Anbat history as a model while defending Jordan and Arab cultural heritage. 4.The participation in propagating awareness of the values of archeological towns in Jordan. 5.The contribution to the discussion of the archeological and environmental issues in Jordan. 6.Bringing out the Jordanian's civilization values of geography and the rule it plays in shaping Arab history. 7.Bringing out the values of the cultural dimension while promoting tourism by preparing programs necessary to. 8.Supporting activities and cultural programs that match the goals of the Forum. 9.Encouraging Nabatean studies and researches translations processes into Arabic. 10.Organizing a high-level prize that might be awarded or granted to those who show distinguished efforts while discovering Al Anbat heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Specification of duties and rights within clear and identified featured frame. Well-organized and constructive clear programs that include the activities of the Forum. These programs should be identified by goals, justifications and results. Anyhow the Forum –as much as it could – avoid routine while carrying out duties. Maintaining quality and quantity accumulations of duties and activities performed by the Forum, also furnishing suitable conditions for these activities in order to Achieve demanded goals. Concentrating basically on awareness and knowledge, By listing them within all the forum's programs and projects. Now , we are preparing for holding the fourth conference that will take place in petra next year and it is expected to discuss another aspect of nabatean life. According to the publishing project , we have issued five books and we are going to issue the sixth one during the current year.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohammed Nasarat
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohammed Nasarat
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Jebrel Hlalat

Baitona Society

National Network

Amman 11731

962 6 5519756
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Baitona has three full time staff. We have recently implemented a project funded by USAID "Towards More Inclusive Vocational rehabilitation Centers".

Mission and Objectives

Fostering Inclusive Communities

Main Projects / Activities

USAID "Towards More Inclusive Vocational rehabilitation Centers". International POPs Elimination Network "Current Status of Mercury in Jordan" Bluemberg "Amman Free of Smoking"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share the Society's experience

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing experiences and networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Jamal Al-Taybauy
Head of the organisation
Mr. Jamal Al-Taybauy

Baqa' for Culture and Arts Association

National Network

Al Ba'ounia Street - Alweibdeh

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information
 Baqa’ is a non-profit organization that has been established by a group of Jordanian Artists who – are dedicated to improving the life situation of people with fewer opportunities. The organization is a voluntary-based one. The general assembly consists of 10 members who elected 7 individuals to manage the whole organization and its programs. The main sources of funding are membership fees, donations and sponsorships from private and public institutions. The association is targeting the marginalized areas in Jordan through different projects and activities such as; festivals, workshops, capacity building programs and cultural exchanging events. It is worth mentioning that Baqa’s main interventions are based on painting, storytelling, theatre and music. Baqa’ Association has different local and international partners. These partners are Yes Theatre (Palestine), Abed Al Hamid Shoman (Jordan), the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, and Kuwaiti Fine Arts Association.
Mission and Objectives

Baqa' is working to contribute effectively to the development of a free, liberal and pluralistic Jordanian society through improving the life skills of people with fewer opportunities. 

Main Projects / Activities

Amman Arabia Festival: an international gathering of artists in different fields.  
.Panorama: a group of workshops based on painting, music, theatre and storytelling
These workshops target school students and youth.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing the network with consultations in the fields that we are specialized on.
.Connecting our network with the international partners that we work with. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network is a regional platform that includes so many partners from different countries. This could help us to enrich our experience through the activities that are implemented by the organization, 
In addition, ALF vision represents our vision for the region that we live in  
The world now is a small village. We need to unify our effort to fight terrorism, racism and discrimination.
This could be done through arts!

Contact (1) Full Name
Nesreen Suboh
Job Title
Head of the Association
Head of the organisation
Nesreen Suboh
Contact (2) Full Name
Yazan Abu Salim
Job Title (2)