
Al-Fawanees Theater Group

National Network

Jabal Lwebdeh
Akhdar Shanketi Street # 10


+962 6 4644885
Telephone (other)
+962 6 4655885
+962 6 4655885
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+962 79 5217062
Mobile Phone (other)
+962 79 5868622
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
- Structure: the management board is composed of 7 members (general assembly is composed of 32 members) - Budgetary resources: - Sources of Funding: Greater Amman Municipality - Ministry of Culture, in addition to some private sector companies. - Modalities of Action: (Theater performances, musical concerts, films screening, workshops, seminars, street performances... etc.) - Main Partners: Greater Amman Municipality - Ministry of Culture - Swiss Embassy - Astragali Theater Group / Italy - Luc Peton / France - SEDA / Sweden
Mission and Objectives

Amongst the priorities and objectives of the Amman International Theater Festival are the creation of a free space for independent theater groups and independent artists. It is a known fact that all theater festivals organized in the region are considered government activities, inviting government theater companies, except in some rare cases. In addition, those festivals are run by people who are usually with shallow talents in both the creative and the technical side of the activity.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the objectives of the festival cover the area of encouraging young artists with direct support and funding, whenever the financial situation allows that. It also provides them with the chance to participate and interact with other artists from all over the world.
The festival also gives special attention to continuous training where tens of workshops have been held in the different fields related to arts and cultural projects management.
1.Arab Arts Project
2.Young Arab Theater fund
3.Arab Theater Training Center
4. Nwasi (performance/ Tunisia)
5. 2 Joint production with Astragali Theater Group / Italy
6. Musical project between Rum Group and Becka - Sweden

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim A. Alfar
Head of the organisation
Nader Omran
Contact (2) Full Name
Nader Omran

Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development مركز الحياة لتنمية المجتمع المدني

National Network

Wasfi al-tall str. Khalda, Bldg. # 210, office # 306, Amman P.O.Box: 4168 Irbid (Amman) 21110, Al-Jame'a Str. Irbid– Jordan
Amman 21110

Telephone (other)
0776 119 619
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
0796781242 (Mai); 0795911121
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development is a non-governmental civil society organization established in 2006. Al Hayat aims to promote accountability, governance, public participation and tolerance in Jordan and the region within the framework of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, taking into consideration gender mainstreaming in public policy and action. Al Hayat works through two main programs: Accountability, Local Governance and Participation (RASED; The Observer) program and Countering Radicalization program. Al Hayat Center has more than 10 years of experience in the field of training and legal research and analysis, housing a special unit through which training and research services are provided.   The organizational structure is composed of 3 bodies, the advisory board(7 members), the executive board (4 members), and the staff (7 members). Financial resources are mainly composed of funds by donor organizations, such as USAID and European Commission, in addition to fees of services provided by the Center to the local community; for the second half of 2006 the Center managed a total budget of JoD 26,448. Main activities of the Center are capacity building and awareness projects, Euro-Med Youth Program activities, youth exchanges, and research. We are in affiliation with USAID, EC, Cities and Villages Development Bank, Al-Thoraya Center for Studies, Consultancies, and Training, Conference Dialogue Center, National Forum for Youth and Culture: Jordan Youth, and Konrad Adenauer Foundation. E-mail:;;;;

Mission and Objectives

Al-Hayat Center for Civil Society Development is a research based independent non-profit entity that aims at achieving sustainable development in Jordan, through building the capacity of local and regional communities to meet current and future development challenges. This is to be achieved through empowering positive attitudes and ethics that encourage creative thinking, scientific problem solving and decision making, appropriate local and regional planning, and proper public participation, and promote equality, equity, justice, and community service, on individual and organizational levels.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Current Projects / Activities :  Accountability, Governance and Participation المسائلة و الحكم المحلي والمشاركة 1. Monitoring Parliamentary and Municipal Elections 2. Parliament and Open Government Monitoring 3. MPs scorecards 4. Decentralization 5. Citizens’ Engagement 6. Women’s Public Participation 7. Civic Education for Youth 8. Policy and Law Analysis • مراقبة الانتخابات البرلمانية والبلدية • مراقبة البرلمان واصدار بطاقات تقييم الأداء للنواب • مراقبة الشفافية الحكومية • اللامركزية • دمج المواطنين في عملية صنع القرار (المرأة والشباب) • تحليل القوانين والسياسات Countering Radicalization مكافحة التطرف • Countering narratives • Capacity building for religious and community leaders • Using social media • Fostering collaboration between CSOs and government • Studies and Analyses • Religious and cultural exchanges • الرسائل البديلة ومكافحة التطرف • بناء القدرات للقادة الدينيين وقادة المجتمع • استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي • دعم الشراكة بين الحكومة والمجتمع المدني • دراسات وتقارير • التبادلات الثقافية وحوار الاديان     In the past: "Enhancing the Awareness of and Respect for the Rule of Law among Young Jordanians" Project, funded by USAID. American-Jordanian InterAction Youth Exchange Program, funded by Interfaith Youth Core – Chicago, USA. Jordanian-Danish Youth Workshop "Intercultural Dialogue – the Pitfalls of Misunderstanding and Misperceptions", funded by the Danish Association for International Development and the Danish Youth Council. Sending organization in various youth exchange and EVS programs under the Euro-Med Youth Action Program. Monitoring elections and the performance of elected councils.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Eng. Dr Amer Bani Amer

Al-Hussein Bin Talal University - Center of Studies and Community Development

National Network

P.O. Box 20 Ma'an, Jordan
Maan 71111

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Al-Hussein Bin Talal University was founded in 1999 and was the first higher educational institute established during the reign of H.M. King Abdullah II. At the beginning, the university was a branch for Mu’tah University occupying a temporary campus in the city of Ma’an and was relocated to a permanent campus in September 2004, 9 Km North West of the city of Ma’an. AHU is a public coeducational university located in the heart of the southern region, 210 Km from the Capital Amman. Based on the philosophy of the Jordanian Higher Education and as embodied in the goals of Al-Hussein bin Talal university in community development, the creation of the " Center for Studies, Consultations, & Community Development" came to fulfill the vision of the university in contributing to the development of local communities, and to the service of the comprehensive national development goals. About the Center: The center is based on the investment of the scientific, human and financial capabilities of the University and to directed these capability to contribute to the development community, through the employment of these capabilities in a scientific manner responsive to the facts of the surrounding environment, and to contribute to push sustainable national development, and to raise the level of productivity and community participation and to manage the positive change in order to serve the priorities of development and modernization. This is achieved through our commitment to pioneering and excellence; through working within the framework of institutional standards; through teamwork, and through providing distinctive services in a transparent and responsive manner to meet the needs of the clients in accordance with effective monitoring controls.
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the development of local communities and improve the quality of life; through empowerment, faculty building, and institutional and community partnerships. To launch initiatives and support them leading to the transformation of the university to a reference, a tool and a model in the development of local communities. The message of the center is based on the investment of the scientific, human and financial capabilities of the University and to directed these capability to contribute to the development community, through the employment of these capabilities in a scientific manner responsive to the facts of the surrounding environment, and to contribute to push sustainable national development, and to raise the level of productivity and community participation and to manage the positive change in order to serve the priorities of development and modernization. This is achieved through our commitment to pioneering and excellence; through working within the framework of institutional standards; through teamwork, and through providing distinctive services in a transparent and responsive manner to meet the needs of the clients in accordance with effective monitoring controls.
The objectives of the center are summarized as follows:
Conducting applied scientific research that serves the goals of sustainable national development and launch specialized research programs in these areas
Establishing specialized scientific databases on the characteristics of local communities and their reality and make them available to decision makers and researchers.
Conducting quality scientific community surveys and updated them regularly, and providing technical Consultations for the various production and community sectors.
Providing quality communication services to the local communities in the territory of the university through benefiting from the media and developmental communication applications.
Contributing to upgrade performance in public and private sector institutions.
Implementing training programs and rehabilitation programs at the local and regional levels.
Contributing to the development of cognitive and technical faculties of workers in the university, and developing the university capacity in providing services to the society.
Contributing in preparing the university graduates for the labor market in collaboration with stakeholders, by providing them with necessary skills and providing support and training opportunities and by rehabilitating and familiarizing them with the necessary labor market and its needs.
Our values:
knowledge is power
Team work for a common goal
Clients ore our partners in progress
Continuant progress and change toward the best (service quality)
Development starts and ends with humans
We progress in order not to lag behind
We adopt innovative initiatives and appreciate innovators
Credibility and commitment
Transparency and accountability
Planning principles:
Sustainability in providing service:
Sustainability at the university level makes the human being, who is the centre of it, closely tied to the concept of high standard living which is the right of every human to enjoy the quality of living. That is, his/her rights to learn, obtain work that is compatible with his/her knowledge and scientific capabilities, live in a clean environment and to obtain products that healthy are environmental friendly, achieve a proper residence, achieve a good income, be involved in the community and play a role in reaching political decision, live in secure cities known for having variable educational and intellectual activities. It is with these factors all together, that we can talk about the concept of high quality living. Therefore, those interested in achieving this goal must get involved in through dialogue and discussion regarding sustaining development. It is through Dialogue only that an idea and its goals can attract and achieve acceptance form those with less interest.
Societal Responsibility:
The societal responsibility represented by the university's role towards local society in all its shapes and colors, is a huge responsibility. In addition to its academic significance the university does play a role in development through offering training programs, seminars, and studies tackling issues related to the local community that are likely to help find logical solutions for its problems. This demonstrates the significance of the university's essential role in the surrounding societal environment.
Scientific perspective:
The planning for a developmental role spurs from a scientific perspective and is based on incorporating scientific management and methods in scientific research, establishing information banks, determining priorities, identifying and describing the present situation and foregrounding solutions for it. The knowledge gap is one of is one of the sources of planning weak developmental planning and implementation in Jordan. Universities are equipped to close this gap and contribute by providing qualified human resources.
evelopmental information system:
Information system:
Research and studies:
The centre establishes, installs and maintains providing accessible comprehensive and specialized information banks and databases concerning the conditions and characteristics of local communities. In this respect, the university will establish information banks consisting of the following:
Information banks: the populations' demographic, economical and social characteristics, for both individuals and families (the results of economical and social surveys undertaken by the university).
Database: public institutions in the governorate and their role in economical and social development.
Database: Civic institutions in the governorate (charitable and cooperative organizations, youth clubs and cultural groups) and the role they have in the development process.
Sectoral Databases: economical sectors in the governorate (industrial, service, trade, agriculture, health, education, etc.) which provides detailed information about each sector such as the number of employees and their characteristics and other indices.
Information bank: Developmental studies concerning the governorate of Ma'an whether funded or not and published or not.
Information banks: population concentrations in the governorate and the economical and social characteristics at the individual and family level of each concentration.
Information bank: concerned with the phenomena of poverty and unemployment in the governorate of Ma'an and Aqaba.
Information bank: concerned Al-badya within the governorate of Ma'an and Aqaba and consists of economical, social, population aspects and others.
Information bank: investments according to the sectors of the governorate and its sub-regions.
Women’s Network

Main Projects / Activities

The second phase requires the contribution of AHU radio station 'Sawt Al Janub’ through activation of social work to reach out to local communities and build positive relations with social groups that are highly influential in the course of social, cultural and economic change in Maan governorate.
It has been found that there is an urgent need for the activation of the participation of women, a participation that has been marginalized in recent local developments, through providing a media forum to represent women’s interests, demands, and contribution to development.
The major goal of this network is to provide an institutional frame through which groups of young women from towns and villages in Maan governorate could work as radio delegates in their own towns or villages to cover local development activities and focus on issues related to women, families and children, and provide AHU radio station with periodic bulletins about such issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through collaborations with the network in the field of training youth in maan governorate in the south of the Kingdom and collaboration with the rest of the governorates.
Consultation in the field of gender, youth, child .
Collaboration with centers in the Mena region and the mediterraean in the fields of : Debate, cultural interaction, learning languages, exchange and most importantly in research. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is the most effective organisation in the region and in Jordan. We need to be take our role in this coalition in order to benefit our university students and our country. 
We are an active entity in many fields and share many objectives with the network and we need to enhancing our activities. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Mohammad Nasarat
Job Title
Director of Center of Studies
Head of the organisation
Prof. Ali M. Qaisi
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Naser Abu Zeytoun
Job Title (2)
Assistant Director

AL-Tamayouz Cooperative Society

National Network

Ma'an-Jordan-Teacher Str.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
General Goals:- - Establishment of income-generating projects to improve the economic status of members of the Society. - The establishment of cultural and educational projects to improve the social status - Gain more experience from the working committees. - Refine and training and development of talent. - Indicate awareness of the health of the community.
Mission and Objectives

The Society Mission:-
The Society recognizes the importance of having a vision and mission for her designated years will usher and they respond to their needs, and perceived basis point from which the objectives and activities and all of its society mission that is the development of the spirit of active participation of members of the Society and the local community, So we are all partners to sustainable development through the establishment of projects that benefit the members of The Society and the community as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

The Society seeks to build bridges of cooperation with local and international organizations institutions working in the areas of various fields of development in order to provide quality services to the Jordanian community and support the vision and mission of our AL-Tamayouz Cooperative Society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samer Jibreel
Head of the organisation
Dr. Odeh Abu Darwish

Al-Thoria center for studies, training and consultation

National Network

Wasfi AlTall street- Abu Raed commercial center 72

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Al-Thorioa center has 8 employees full time, the averagge budget of the center in a year is 250000 JD, Thoria works with all instituions weither national, international and government, our souce of funding are ( USAID, EU, freedom house. British Embassy, British Council, NDI, Fhi360, ILO) 

Mission and Objectives

Mission: To contribute to development and modernization of research, training and advisory system, through empowering individual, institution and building their skills and capacities. Conducting scientific studies necessary to anchorage community partnerships with all national institutions to improve scientific research to be linked to training and investment in social, economic and political capital of Jordan. Vision: To create a research, training, and an integrated and comprehensive advisory system making use all official, national and private sector institutions participation. Capable of empowering individuals and institutions to contribute to the process of modernization, development and comprehensive reform.

Main Projects / Activities

• Studies and scientific research related to issues of sustainable development at social, economic, political, environmental dimensions. In addition to conducting studies at the request of ministries and public institutions at local, Arab and international levels. • Conducting capacity building programs targeting institutional and human capacities of governmental and national institutions. • Providing management, economic, social, educational and scientific consultations to institutions and individuals. • Organizing roundtables, dialogues, conferences and workshops on issues related to sustainable development, urban development and democracy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the promotion for their ideas and principles. Contribute to the implementation of their activities Participation in events Invited the network to participate in the activities carried out by the center.    Contact person 3: Wasim Jehad Naser 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To achieve  part of the vision and mission of my foundation in networking with other bodies, to get to the joint work to achieve common goals and objectives.  Contributes to the empowerment of my foundation and gives us the opportunity to transfer our expertise to other partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohammad Aljribia
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohammad Aljribia
Contact (2) Full Name
Asma AlShelleh
Job Title (2)
Project Officer

Al-Zuhour Social Development Organization

National Network

Main Street
Azmi Mufti Camp (Huson Camp)

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Al-Zuhour Social Development Organization, based at Azmi Mufti Camp also known as Huson Camp within Bani Obaid District, was established in 2008, is registered with Ministry of Social Development under No. 1718.
Al-Zuhour is committed to provide in-kind, awareness raising campaigns to the local community.
Our mandate, as stated in The Articles of Association, includes towns in Bani Obeid District, i.e. Huson, Sareeh, Eidon, N'eimeh, Kitem, Shatana and Azmi Mufti Camp.
Out of this commitment we implemented in Azmi Mufti Camp in 2016 a 10-month environmental awareness project with collaboration of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the Camp Services Committee.
In 2018, we carried out a 10-month project backed by UNDP to combat drug addiction and trafficking with collaboration of Anti-Narcotics Police and Ministry of Health's Addiction Treatment Center.
We used to hold workshops around the year, to promote political involvement, human rights, combating AIDS, breast cancer..etc.

Mission and Objectives

Al-Zuhour Social Development Organization is run by a 7-member administrative committee made up of chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, accountant and 3 members.
Our mission is to step up the quality of life and services provided to citizens in environmental, social, political and health spheres. To this end we are trying to approach donor organizations to carry out relevant initiative to achieve this goal.

Main Projects / Activities

1-Environmental awareness project.
2-Encourage political involvement among young men and women.
3-Combating drug addiction and trafficking.
4-Helping young men and women enter the labor market.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have the experience to collaborate with ALF members to carry out intercultural dialog so to close the gap between various civilizations.
Accordingly we can help bring about social harmony, international peace and stability.
This can help fight extremist and violent trends on both banks of the mediteranian banks/

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It would open for us new scopes of collaboration and networking with sister organizations in Europe and Arab word to achieve mutual goals for a prosperous and nourishing humanity in general.

Contact (1) Full Name
Awad S Al-Sakr
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Awad Saud Al-Sakr
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Hmeid
Job Title (2)

Alahali Foundation for Development & Training

National Network

Balam village -Ali Benabi taleb Street

00962 795070366
Telephone (other)
00962 777527 434
00962 6 5694579
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00962 795070366
Mobile Phone (other)
00962 777527 434
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
non govermental organisation with voluntary goals ,aims to achieve sustainable develoopment in society , promote intercultural dialouge among nations , and protect human rights and democracy
Mission and Objectives

achieve sustaiable development fro all society
1- human rights
2- women & youth
3- environment

Main Projects / Activities

workshops and seminars

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Alkhawaldeh
Head of the organisation
Ali Alkhawaldeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Nayef Ibrahim

Alaman Consulting and rehabilitation of Human Rights

National Network

0King Abdullah II Street - Alrussaifa - zarqa09

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Alaman Consulting and rehabilitation of Human Rights Society was established in 2010 under the Societies Act 2008 within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Political Development - Human Rights Directorate. Three full-time employees, in addition to a team of trainers and Voulnteer. We have created a youth committees at the center in 2012, now falls within our lists 801 volunteers. These committees are working within an integrated organizational structure, being periodic elections to choose the administrative body. Alaman Ambassadors program funded organization ActionAid - Arab Region Initiative. Source of income for 2014 is very subjective, and after the launch of the Alaman ambassadors program, the main partner is the organization ActionAid.
Mission and Objectives

Working on three main themes:
First, awareness, monitoring and treatment of human rights violations.
Second, observe the elections within the Civil Alliance to monitor the elections.
Third, the development of skills and abilities Youth and the fight against terrorism

Main Projects / Activities

- In 2014, we launched Alaman ambassadors program, we have trained 330 students from secondary schools in the District of Rusaifa on three main axes (the promotion of human rights concepts - citizenship and leadership - the Amman Message and its role in the fight against terrorism)
- Control of municipal and parliamentary elections, and follow-up departments and official institutions on performance
Youth committees - contains 801 volunteers 16-24 years old - have an organizational structure consists of the administrative body and the team leaders and coordinators and members, the many activities and community initiatives in the local community.
Field monitoring team is to follow up and monitor any issue or problem in society and processes it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By contributing to the implementation of your programs, especially in the pavement and Zarqa Governorate, where the number of volunteers we have within 801 volunteers 16-24 years age group.
We are currently working on a program to combat terrorism and extremist thinking and we are delighted to achieve partnership with you for that.
We have a strong team of trainers who are able to train young people in various topics topics related to social responsibility, especially, human rights, terrorism, debates.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we trust you.
We carry out your activities important in the Arab world and your programs, we want to be a contributor to the implementation in accordance with the highest degree of accuracy and transparency.
We set off in 2010, we have built a strong youth bridge of young leaders who are able to bring about growth and development in the community, we believe that creating opportunities leads to creativity, we seek to holistic investigation, justice, development of human rights concepts in the community, enhance youth capacity, finding large tracts of dialogue.
One example of success is optional ambassador for the youth of the Arab Thought for 2015 in Jordan.
We have hundreds of activities that we have implemented in previous years, Alaman ambassadors project has achieved great success in the community and was a great influence.
We wish to communicate with you, and be a part of your coalition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Nedal Ahmad Awwad
Job Title
Programs Director
Head of the organisation
Omar aljarah
Contact (2) Full Name
Omar Youssef Aljarah
Job Title (2)
General manager

ALECSO Chair on Red Sea Studies/Aqaba University of technology

National Network

Amman-Gardenz-Wasfi al tal street

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

ALECSO Chair on Red Sea Studies

The Red Sea region has a rich historical, cultural and natural heritage, where the continent of Asia meets Africa along its coasts extending from the Gulf of Aqaba in the north to Bab el-Mandab strait in the south. Various civilizations and nations met throughout the ages and times in that spot. The red sea region is rich in unique natural and human resources. Aqaba University of Technology (AUT) is the first private university established in southern Jordan, and it has an ambitious vision to be distinguished, attractive and the preferred choice for students from Jordan and the region. The university is located just fifteen kilometers south of the
city of Aqaba on the hills overlooking the Gulf of Aqaba and on a piece of land extending over 500 acres. The establishment of the academic chair comes from the mission of AUT to be a beacon of science and culture in the region. The chair is affiliated with the Scientific Network of ALECSO academic chairs.

The ALECSO Chair on Red Sea Studies aims to promote science advocacy, build partnerships and to exchange expertise at the local, regional and international level in several topics such as:
History and heritage of the Red Sea.
Fostering Innovation and entrepreneurship in the Red Sea region.
Contributing to sustainable development.
Projects related to pharmaceutical natural products extracted from the
flora and fauna of the Red Sea.
Projects and initiatives related to medicine and food security in the red
sea region.
Projects and initiatives related to the fields of environment, natural resources, renewable energy and water in the Red Sea region.
Developing initiatives in the field of Smart Solutions.

Our Vision:
A leading distinguished academic chair at the local, regional and international level supporting research and innovation in the red sea region to achieve sustainable development and to promote knowledge economy.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Introducing the capabilities of the Red Sea region, supporting research, innovation and entrepreneurship, linking researchers, establishing partnerships and conducting capacity building activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The ALECSO Chair on Red Sea Studies aims to promote science advocacy, build partnerships and to exchange expertise at the local, regional and international level in several topics such as:
History and heritage of the Red Sea.
Fostering Innovation and entrepreneurship in the Red Sea region.
Contributing to sustainable development.
Projects related to pharmaceutical natural products extracted from the
flora and fauna of the Red Sea.
Projects and initiatives related to medicine and food security in the red
sea region.
Projects and initiatives related to the fields of environment, natural resources, renewable energy and water in the Red Sea region.
Developing initiatives in the field of Smart Solutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nadine Abdelhadi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Usama Madi

Alhadaf for Training (Jordan's Dream)

National Network

Amman 11181

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

AlHadaf For Training is a registered Nonprofit Organization under the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the Kingdom of Jordan. Before AlHadaf the organization was called “Jordan’s Dream”.

Mission and Objectives

A safe haven for the underprivileged to redeem themselves and to dreaAlHadaf For Training is a registered Nonprofit Organization under the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the Kingdom of Jordan. Before AlHadaf the organization was called “Jordan’s Dream”.m again when no dreams were left.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Jordanian Orphans Program. The program for children will be a two years program targeting high school girls before they graduate the orphanages to prepare them for real life. 2. Trauma workshops for parents of Iraqi Refugee’s. 3. The Arts and crafts program for the Iraqi Refugees and Jordanian Orphans. 4. Family fun day, a program that will gather elderly from homes and orphans and have a grandparent’s children fun time together, under supervision. 5. Read a story time through our library that will prepare the younger girls for the coming program (for Iraqi Refugees and Jordanian Orphans).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Through our great networks & partners. • Through our well-trained Employees & Volunteers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nothing can happen without partnerships. We all work together in one unit to serve our community and our country. So, it’s an honor to us to be a part of Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maran Maayah
Job Title
CEO & Founder
Head of the organisation
Maran Maayah
Contact (2) Full Name
Lara Mazahreh
Job Title (2)
Logistics and Administration Assistant