

National Network

Trg Stjepana Radića 4
Zagreb 10000

++385 1 61 11 600
Telephone (other)
++385 1 61 14 640
++385 1 61 11 566
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
++385 98 1696 892
Mobile Phone (other)
++385 98 225 463
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: 1. assembly 2. main board 3. president 4. supervisory board Number of staff: 12 Budgetary resources available in a year: 4.292.770,00 hrk Sources of founding: Ministry of Culture, City of Zagreb - Office for Culture, sponsors and donators Modalities of action: concerts production, workshops, conferences and meetings, policy work in field of youth and music, promotion of young musicians, young audiance, young musicians international exchange Main partners: Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, University of Zagreb Music Academy, University of Zagreb Student Centre , Jeunesses Musicales International, Composer society, Primary and secondary schools, Eurounit Yamaha Croatia,
Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are for young people, musicians and audiences to have access to music. Providing opportunities for young people to explore different realms of expression, imagination and creation through music improves not only young people’s mental well-being and confidence, but can be a catalyst to growth and change. As such we advocate for quality formal and non-formal music education for young people and greater music learning for young audiences.
JMCroatia takes an important role in providing opportunities for young people’s personal development. Young musicians are given the chance to perform, gain visibility, and make careers from the skills they have worked so hard to develop, providing them with confidence to take their first important steps in their musical careers.
The world of tomorrow belongs to the young people of today. They are the agents of change, and music is one of their most powerful and dedicated means, a true language of expression. JMCroatia works to help young people realize their dreams through music because we believe that their voices must be heard. Engaging with music can help young people develop the self-esteem they need to assert themselves within their personal and community spheres, taking action in
directly shaping the norms, values, beliefs and principles of tomorrow and the course of their future in their respective society. Every event is based on the belief that the powerful force of music can positively affect young people’s lives.

Main Projects / Activities

Initiatives include Music Week (Days of Music and Joy), where the Zagreb Philharmonic orchestra performs a series of 5 concerts for more than 10.000 visitors; school concerts; workshops with HGM Jazz Orchestra Zagreb; a national dance competition for ballet and modern dance; the Ivo Vuljevic annual awards for the best musician of the year and National Imagine Festivals and Ethno Croatia as a new project.
JM Croatia additionally organizes concert cycles for young audiences in collaboration with various cultural institutions in Zagreb, and has developed a project entitled Young for the Young, which sees music students from the Zagreb music academy present concerts for the young audiences.
JM Croatia collaborates with a number of international JMI projects including Ethno and Imagine Festivals and with HGM Jazz Orchestra Zagreb is driving force behind the development of the JM Jazz World project. On the international scope, JM Croatia also coordinates exchanges of young musicians between JMI network countries and organizes the JM Junior Orchestra in partnership with Vladimir Spivakov Charity Foundation/JM Russia.
Since 1969 it has managed the JM Croatia International Cultural Centre (ICC) in Grožnjan, where master classes, concerts, seminars and music workshops are held. Since 2006 the ICC has been established as a World Meeting Centre of JMI, providing a central meeting point for the network and their associates.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Hrvatska udruga stručnjaka sigurnosti zaštite na radu, zaštite od požara i zaštite ekologije

National Network

Svetog Ivana 9, 10373 Ivanja Reka, Zagreb

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
- Structure of the organization consists of people who want their volunteers to improve workers' rights and their protection in the community, educate the public about the laws and their rights as well and encourage a public dialogue about the importance of Environment and Fire. - exclusively from the private budget - projects: Green Land Protection, Analysis of Compliance with Laws on Workplace Safety - Bjelovar Center for Civil Society
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to propose and develop legislation for the protection of safety, fire protection and environmental protection.

Main Projects / Activities

Green Land Protection, Analysis of Compliance with Laws on Workplace Safety.

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Đopar
Head of the organisation
Robert Đopar
Contact (2) Full Name
Igor Novaković

Hrvatska udruga strucnjaka zastite prirode i okolisa (eng. Croatian Association of Experts in Nature and Environmental Protection)

National Network

Berislaviceva 6
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 5813 915
+385 1 5813 844
Mobile Phone
+385 99 35 14 744
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
HUSZPO is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, founded in 2004 by respected legal entities and individuals, all practitioners in the fields of environmental and nature protection. Nowadays, the Organization membership consists of 32 companies and several individual expert members. The objective of HUSZPO is to advance professional knowledge and services in environmental and nature protection, promote and harmonize professional interests, promote professional ethics and strengthen cooperation with relevant national and international organizations and associations. Average annual turnover in the last 4 years is around 40.000 EUR. Sources of funding include membership fees and donations. The organization fulfills its mission through dissemination of knowledge (seminars, workshops, conferences) and implementation of projects. The main partners involved in the organization’s activities are Ministry of Environment and Energy, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatian Engineering Association and NGOs active in the field of environmental and nature protection.
Mission and Objectives

Through work in HUSZPO experts of extensive and multi-annual experience in the provision of services of nature and environmental protection, protect the values of knowledge and work on the market, defend the professional reputation and honor of members and the association itself, encourage the creation of conditions for professional implementation of activities, advocate for equal competition in the market respecting the principle of freedom to provide services, the principles of equal treatment, the principle of non-discrimination, the principles of mutual recognition and the principles of transparency, share the views on issues of particular public interest, cooperate with other stakeholders in the nature and environment protection area and organize and maintain expert meetings on current topics in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

HUSZPO has been maintaining the capacity building activities on the environment, nature protection and energy efficiency topics. At the same time, HUSZPO implemented the round table cycle as part of the application of the Law on Sustainable Waste management (2014.-2016.), with round tables held across the Republic of Croatia, which discussed the current topics.
HUSZPO is also the organizer of the Regional Conferences on Environmental Impact Assessment, intended for professionals and scientists in the field of environmental and nature protection, representatives of administrative bodies, regional and local governments, representatives of International financial institutions and the media and investors. So far, the conferences have achieved great success, given the number of registered works and participants from a large number of countries in the region and beyond.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HUSZPO can promote the principles of environmental and nature protection and sustainable development, participate in thematic working groups and share the knowledge, make synergies with organizations with similar objectives and provide input into country’s network program.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network provides the opportunity to create synergy with other interested organizations, and tackle the issues of HUSZPO’s main interest (environment, sustainable development), find the common topics and objectives on which we can work together taking into account broader scope of issues and beyond the country and region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nenad Mikulic
Job Title
President of the Steering Committee
Head of the organisation
Nenad Mikulic, PhD, President of the Steering Committee
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeljka Medven Korman
Job Title (2)


National Network

Medarska 24

+385(0)1 387 39 79
+385(0)1 387 39 79
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385(0)91 547 5049
Mobile Phone (other)
+385(0)98 53 99 88
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (CCRES) • was founded in 1988 as the non-profit European Association for Renewable Energy that conducts its work independently of political parties, institutions, commercial enterprises and interest groups, • is dedicated to the cause of completely substituting for nuclear and fossil energy through renewable energy, • regards solar energy supply as essential to preserve the natural resources and a prerequisite for a sustainable economy, • acts to change conventional political priorities and common infrastructures in favor of renewable energy, from the local to the international level, • brings together expertise from the fields of politics, economy, science, and culture to promote the entry of solar energy, • provides the opportunity to play a part in the sociocultural movement for renewable energy by joining the association for everyone, • considers full renewable energy supply a momentous and visionary goal - the challenge of the century to humanity. CCRES Željko Serdar Head of association
Mission and Objectives

*Hrvatski centar obnovljivih izvora energije potiče korištenje alternativnih sustava za opskrbu energijom u zgradarstvu, te gradnji obiteljskih kuća, razvija tržište novih niskoenergetskih objekata i modernizira sektor već postojećih zgrada , te doprinosi ukupnom smanjenju potrošne energije i zaštiti okoliša
*Cilj udruženja je osim imformiranja javnosti i obrazovanja stručnjaka, potaknuti sve sudionike u gradnji na međusobnu suradnju kako bi se povečao broj objekata koji ostvaruju prednosti energetski učinkovite gradnje i povečavanje broja investicija u obnovljive izvore energije
*Zbog rasta cijena energije i energenata potrebno je poznavati svoje energetske mogučnosti korištenja energije, troškova iste , te biti u stanju njome upravljati
*Stvorena je infrastruktura za realizaciju projekata korištenjem obnovljivih izvora energije u zgradama i privatnim objektima , kako u novogradnji ,tako i u rekonstrukciji postoječih
*Korištenjem obnovljivih izvora energije utječe se na smanjenje potrošnje svih oblika energije, ugodniji i kvalitetniji boravak u objektima za život i poslovanje, te doprinosi zaštiti okoliša i smanjenju emisije štetnih plinova, dugoročno je isplativo ulaganje za dobrobit svih nas
*U sklopu projekta Hrvatskog centra obnovljivih izvora energije, koji ima i službenu podršku U.S. GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL-a, EE COALITION-a, GREEN EUROPEAN FOUNDATION-a, ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION-a, NACIONALNE ZAKLADE ZA RAZVOJ CIVILNOG DRUŠTVA , organizirati će se seminari i radionice koji će sudionicima ponuditi proširenje stečenog znanja iz područja zelene gradnje i implementiranje proizvoda koji smanjuju energetsku ovisnost o skupim energentimai njihovim velikim sustavima
*Tijekom seminara biti će organizirana predavanja koja će izlagati vodeća imena iz industrije obnovljivih izvora energije, brojni znanstvenici i vodeći ljudi institucija iz Hrvatske i inozemstva kojima je svima "ZELENA ENERGIJA" zajednički predznak
*Implementacija novih informacija biti će prikazana u praksi ,koja će se realizirati kroz praktične instrukcije, te E-LEARNING module, za što postoji veliki interes kod građevinskih tvrtki kao i kod krajnjih potrošača/korisnika
*U konačnici, osim znanstveno- tehničkih prednosi , udruženje pridonosi značajnom napretku u primjeni obnovnjivih izvora energije , promjeni uvriježenog načina razmišljanja koje koči širu primjenu alternativnih izvora energije pri izgradnji i rekonstrukciji objekata

Main Projects / Activities

CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES provides green career seekers with the guidance, motivation, and direction they need to uncover their passions and plug into the green economy quickly and efficiently.
Our resource area, community, and coaching options enable you to:
Make more progress, more quickly with a guide to show you the best way to reach your green career goal.
Save time by knowing what to do next with a time-tested step-by-step plan.
Use your time wisely with organized, updated, online resources available 24/7.
Stay focused and in action with the personal touch of a coach who tracks your progress, keeps you on target, and inspires you to expand your vision.
Discover where your skills and experience fit within the emerging green economy.
Connect with other mid-career professionals who share your values and want to contribute to the emerging green economy.
Exude confidence, clarity, and excitement as you share your goals with your networking contacts and interview for positions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Maradin
Head of the organisation
Željko Serdar

HRVATSKI FOTOSAVEZ /Croatian Photographic Union

National Network

Dalmatinska 12, Zagreb
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 4848 793
+385 1 4848 793
Mobile Phone
+385 91 1003 888
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Croatian Photographic Union is a national non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit trade association of photographic associations and other legal entities which accomplish programmes of technical culture in the field of photography, photographic creativity and photographic techniques, and affiliating in the Union and membership in the Union are voluntary. The highest governing body of the Union is Assembly composed of representatives of Union’s member clubs elected for a term of four years. Assembly elects the president and vice-president of the Union, the Executive Board, Supervisory Board and the Court of Honour, for a period of four years. Croatian Photographic Union has two employees: Secretary General of the Union and professional associate. The Union receives earmarked funds for its activities through the Croatian Community for Technological Culture whose member it is, and for individual programmes accepted upon applications on specific calls for proposals. Modalities of action are listed in Main Projects / Activities.

Mission and Objectives

Encouraging, promoting and coordinating the overall activities in photography; preparing and carrying out the tasks in the public needs in culture and technical culture of the Republic of Croatian related to photography and especially the national programmes of out-of-school and extracurricular acquirement of knowledge and skills in photography; encouraging and promoting children’s and young people’s photographic creativity; presentation of achievements, promotion of photographic work and photography as well as of international cooperation; harmonization of activities of its member-organizations in the development of technical culture, photography and photographic creativity; the realization of other objectives of the Union and of needs and interests of its members; care for the improvement of professional performance and training of professionals; nurturing the spirit of unity, the value of photographic creativity, humanity, tolerance, mutual respect and cooperation and friendship between people regardless of their political, racial, ethnic and religious affiliation and worldview

Main Projects / Activities

Verified programmes for children and the young: thematic and incentive photo-workshops, summer photo-workshops for the young under the topic „Ambience - cultural heritage“, international summer photo-workshops with heritage related topic, national photography competition for the young, professional trainings for mentors in the programmes for children and the young Organization of photographic contests - thematic contests for the young and contests for clubs members Photography exhibitions: in the Art Pavilion in Zagreb (Croatian photography, international contemporary photography); national contest exhibition “Croatian Photography”; exhibitions of photographs taken during the programmes for the young International co-operation: International Heritage Photographic Experience - Croatian Photographic Union is the bearer of this programme in Croatia; International Federation of Photographic Art /FIAP/ - full operational membership Publishing: “Croatian Photographers” edition - launched in 1995; catalogues of exhibitions organized in the Art Pavilion in Zagreb; publications on the programmes for the young

Contact (1) Full Name
Predrag Bosnar
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Predrag Bosnar

Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples - Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance

National Network

Biankinijeva 5

+ 385 1 4641 154
Telephone (other)
+ 385 1 4833 083
+ 385 1 4641 154
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
091 553 1066
Mobile Phone (other)
091 505 94 80
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance is a not for profit, association which focuses on three areas of activities: international cooperation in the field of dance highlighted by international contemporary dance festival DANCE WEEK FESTIVAL (Tjedan suvremenog plesa and through EU projects (; operating Zagreb Dance Centre; and promotion, research and information about and for Croatian contemporary dance and contemporary dance in Croatia). Sources of funding are generated through a mix of public sector funding (Ministry of Culture Republic of Croatia, Municipal funding (Zagreb, Rijeka, and other municipalities partnering or supporting project delivery outside of Zagreb), foundations, embassies and international cultural institutes operating in Croatia, earned revenues (workshops, box office, sponsorship, donations). The average annual budget is cca 2mil HRK (approximately 266,000.00 Euros). Concrete projects are : annual international festival of contemporary dance DANCE WEEK FESTIVAL (Zagreb, Rijeka, Karlovac, Split); Zagreb Dance Centre (residencies,year round presentation of dance, international collaboration and exchanges, workshops, community engagement, lifelong learning programs); research, publications and information and promotion of Croatian contemporary dance and promotion of contemporary dance within Croatia; EU Projects as partners: Beyond Front@Bridging New Territories, SPAZIO, UNLIMITED. Main partners in the delivery of our programs range from the public sector (Federal, regional and Municipal funding bodies); to Croatian based dance festivals ( Dance Festival Karlovac, Dance Festival Varaždin, Dance Festival Split, Dance Festival Šibenik) and dance organizations (Prostor Plus, Molekula - Rijeka, Liberdance - Zagreb, Zagreb Dance Ensemble, Marmot - Zagreb...) to international dance organizations and festivals (Operaestate, B-Motion Festival - Italy, ICK Amsterdam - NL, The Place UK , Old Brewery Station Poznan, Dansatelier Rotterdams- NL, MAPA Amsterdam - NL, D.ID Austria,Pro Progressione Hungary, DanceEast UK, Greenwich Dance Agency UK; Zavod Flota Ljubljana - Slovenia, En-Knap LJubljana - Slovenia, Rencontres Choregraphique Seine Saint Denis - France etc)
Mission and Objectives

The Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance (Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples) was formed initially to serve as an umbrella organization to support and nurture independent initiatives in the field of contemporary dance in Croatia. With the development of opportunities leading to diversification within the contemporary dance scene in Croatia and establishment of several dance organizations the Institute is now focused on 3 core areas of activity which aim to fulfill the ambitious vision for the development of a vibrant contemporary dance scene in Croatia and raise public awareness and interest in support of contemporary dance development in Croatia. The organizational missions sees dance as an integral and contributing player within a more global context of cultural and socio-economic development within Croatia and integrated within an international context.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities and projects serve to fulfill the organizational mission and objectives which aim to foster international collaboration and raise awareness for contemporary dance through: the activities of the contemporary dance festival DANCE WEEK FESTIVAL; providing a home for dance through operating ZAGREB DANCE CENTRE and through promoting dialogue among and with dance across borders and among communities through EU projects, as well as research, publication, informational activities. A major vehicle in the internationalization and connecting Croatian dance community beyond national borders are EU projects that the organization engages in on a regular basis as either coordinator or partner. Current projects are: Beyond Front@Bridging New Territories (Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, UK, Croatia), SPAZIO (Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Croatia), UNLIMITED (Great Britain, Greece, Croatia).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have extensive experience and knowledge of the contemporary dance scene in Croatia but also within SOuth East and Central Europe and are willing to share our knowledge as well as resources to enhance development of contemporary dance nationally as well as internationally, and will continue to share our knowledge about the network and opportunities within Croatia amongst our partners, as well as continue to enhance and share our knowledge with those we work and also with new partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the ALF Network to be able to connect to similar minded organizations which will contribute to our ability to achieve our mission, offer opportunities to learn and exchange and also collaborate and thus enrich the development of contemporary dance in Croatia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirna Žagar
Head of the organisation
Mirna Žagar
Contact (2) Full Name
Ivan Mrdjen

Hrvatski ured za kreativnost i inovacije - Croatian Office for Creativity and Innovation

National Network

Lubenjaki 10
10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Croatian Office for Creativity and Innovation (COCI) is a non-governmental and nonprofit organization established in 2015 as an international organization dedicated to promoting entrepreneurial culture and education about creative and innovative approaches for solving real-world challenges among youth in local communities. Our activities are financed by support and donation many various public and corporate partners, including: European Commission, City of Zagreb – Office for Economy, Energy and Environmental Protection and Office for Youth, Enterprise Europe Network, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, agency HAMAG-BICRO, The Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia. The biggest projects are LEAP Summit – the biggest international conference for youth in South-East Europe and Innovation Academy – educational programs for high-school students about future skills, IT, and digital knowledge. The organization also organizes various specialized workshops, conferences, seminars, and meetups which are focusing on education about entrepreneurship, creativity and innovations and relevant skills for young people. Organization has two full-time employees, fifteen members and a significant number of volunteers that help with realization of the projects. Expected budget for 2019 is about 65.000,00 EUR.
Mission and Objectives

Croatian Office for Creativity and Innovation is a non-profit organization that works on the development of youth through organizing events, non-formal education, informing and promotion of topics important for young people. By promoting entrepreneurship and an innovative and creative way of thinking, the Croatian Office for Creativity and Innovation creates young leaders who will tackle the current youth problems in their communities.
The association was established to achieve the following goals:
• Educate the public to promote awareness of innovations, innovative thinking, entrepreneurship, digitization and creativity,
• Implement creative thinking as an integral part of lifelong learning,
• Develop international cooperation in the direction of innovation and entrepreneurship development in the Republic of Croatia,
• Promote and develop innovation and creativity as an integral part of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial climate,
• Networking different groups of people in the direction of strengthening collective entrepreneurial thinking and developing new innovative ideas for community advancement

Main Projects / Activities

LEAP (Learn, Act, Engage, Progress) - a global project for youth, which gathers more than 3,000 young people from more than 40 countries who are leaders in their respective communities. The main focus of the conference is on themes connected to innovation, IT and modern technologies, entrepreneurship, career development, and life-changing stories. It consists of LEAP Summit, LEAPIn conferences, and LEAP community.
Innovation Academy – a project that aims to empower high school students to further develop and foster their skills and to complement skills gained in the system of formal education. This project is developed in cooperation with many international experts in the field of education and is shaped for high school students from Croatia between 14 and 18 years old. The project consists of Summer school and specialized MeetUps on different topics relevant for youth.
The organization also organizes various specialized workshops, conferences, seminars, and meetups which are focusing on education about entrepreneurship, creativity and innovations and relevant skills for young people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarina Guja
Job Title
Head of EU projects
Head of the organisation
Katarina Guja
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrej Hanzir
Job Title (2)
Head of Innovation and Projects


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Inclusive Films Tour

Inclusive Films Tour

The Film for Everyone tour project of the association FIlmaktiv is carried out within the framework of the Clubture-HR program (a member of the Croatian ALF Network) entitled Program exchange and cooperation.

The last hosting of the inclusive travelling cinema Film for Everyone tour took place in Klanjec (region Zagorje) in Klajn House, with two screenings and one workshop.

The first screening was held for Friday, August 18, 2023. at 9:00 p.m. of the documentary, one adapted for deaf and hard of hearing people, and the other on Saturday, 19.8.2023. at the same time, adapted for deaf and hard of hearing, blind and partially sighted people. On Saturday morning, a workshop on inclusive cultural practices and Croatian sign language was held under the leadership of Maja Ogrizović and Ivona Križić, as well as before the public screenings, free for all those interested with prior registration.

To learn more about the Film for Everyone tour, please contact the following link: