
Individual member: Maja Kljaic

National Network

ul.Jurja Zerjavica 15

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
My activities are related to photography and especially the art one.
Mission and Objectives

The best way how do I express myself is through photography. Except my everyday surroundings, I love to travel around the world and to take the photos of people and moments. My inspiration are other cultures, religions and differences we have. This is how I am trying to spread this emotion and multicultural beauty to those who cannot visit other countries in my special way.

Main Projects / Activities

I would like to connect with other photographers in the network so we may cooperate in order to make the connections between our countries and cultures even stronger. Also, would like to share experience and work together with people around the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Kljaic

INFORMO-udruga za poticanje zapošljavanja, stručnog usavršavanja i obrazovanja

National Network

S.Caterina 9
52215 Vodnjan

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

INFORMO is a civil society non-profit organization particularly focusing on education. The main activities are addressed to impact territorial, business, professional and personal development. Informo is managed by its President, Vice President, Management Board and General assembly. The work is distributed between 5 staff members: project developer, two project managers, one project assistant and a financial manager. Our budget in the past years has been approximately 150.000,00 EUR per year. Our funding sources are European Comission (EASME, Erasmus +), National Foundation for Civil Society Development and other bodies of local and national governance (City of Vodnjan, Region of Istria, etc.). Our projects focus on developing skills and knowledge of young people and other vulnerable groups: volunteers, NEET youngsters, students, entrepreneurs, young mothers, people with disabilities, etc. through different educations, placements, internships, scholarships, etc. Our partners are Universities, NGOs, think-tanks, business associations , local action groups from different EU countries.

Mission and Objectives

INFORMO is a civil society non-profit organization particularly focusing on education. The main activities are addressed to impact territorial, business, professional and personal development. Since its establishment, in 2004, Informo gained a valuable experience in organizing and performing trainings and workshops, as well as in contributing to the development and internationalization of local, regional and national projects, through the participation in European and international partnerships. Informo’s challenge is to produce an effective contribution to the social development through educational programs that produce visible changes. The association is promoting European values and citizenship by encouraging people to undertake a pro-active role in the society, promoting the values of solidarity and tolerance. Applying innovative learning and working methodologies we are helping people and organizations to do what they love and love what they do. Finding feasible practical solutions to the emerging needs, our team is daily adapting to different issues and learning from own experiences as well as from the top players and best practices. The engagement of young enthusiasts, volunteers, members and supporters is multiplying the effect of the knowledge transfer activities, while the results of the projects developed to satisfy needs, combined to the innovation emerging from spontaneous but realistic desires, are improving the quality of life of our stakeholders. Informo has 16 years of experience implementing the Professional Improvement Program as the Croatian National Contact Point of the European Projects Association. Informo also acts as one of 3 Local contact points in Croatia for the Programme Erasmus for Young entrepreneurs, active in 4 cycles of the programme. The Association was as well a pioneer in Croatia as Receiving, Sending and Coordinating Organization of the European Voluntary Service. During 14 years of our work, more than 100 foreign young enthusiasts spent periods, from 2 months to up to 2 years, at the Association’s headquarters in the Business Incubator of the City of Vodnjan - Dignano. Following the work of top national and European experts, this multidisciplinary team composed by heterogeneous individuals, developed several projects. Learning from various examples, deepening theory and turning it into practice helped to create and maintain a reputation based on the quality of the approach and solidity of results. The participation in bilateral and multilateral partnerships brought us a chance to exploit local achievements at global level. At national level, Informo's projects were funded by the cities of Buje-Buie and Vodnjan-Dignano, the Region of Istria, the Croatian Ministries of Science and Education, Social Policies and Youth, Tourism, as well as the National Foundation for the Development of the Civil Society. At international level the projects were supported by the World Bank and the European Commission through different programs as the Instrument for Pre-Accession Cross Border Cooperation programs, Interreg IV, Interreg V-B Adrion, Intelligent Energy Europe, Europe for Citizens, COSME and Erasmus+. Through different projects, a variety of educational and training programs for adults and youth are implemented, involving local, regional, national, European and international stakeholders active in different fields. Particularly addressing to marginalized groups as unemployed youth and mothers, cultural and linguistic minorities, disabled people, elders, as well as social workers from public and private sectors, Informo is boosting the social economy and generating development. The different projects are tightly linked in order to provide sustainability and continuity of the initiative.

Main Projects / Activities

Informo is currently involved in the following projects: YEIM- Young Entrepreneurs in Motion, a project implemented through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme from 2017. The project focuses on facilitating exchange of skills and knowledge between young and experienced entrepreneurs by providing financial support to the young entrepreneurs and support to the experienced ones. The project partners are: UNINOVA (ES), CCI Paris (FR), Vamos Scotland (UK), CCI Badajoz (ES), ICT Cluster (BG), Project Ahead (IT), Logos (IT), Bohemia EU Planners (CZ). ECOVINEGOALS- a project implemented through the Interreg Adrion Programme, started in April 2020. The ECOVINEGOALS project promotes the sustainability and resilience of the viticulture and wine sector by encouraging the transition from intensive viticultural systems to agri-environmental management systems that operate on the principle of landscape conservation. The project also aims to encourage all stakeholders to participate more intensively in the development of local planning documentation and decision-making at the local level, and to build and strengthen international cooperation. The leading partner of the project is LAG EASTERN VENICE from Italy. Other partners are: Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy), Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry and Research Center of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenia), Agency for Rural Development of Istria and Association for Employment Promotion - INFORMO (Croatia), Development Business Center Kragujevac (Serbia) , Municipality of Bar and Business start up center Bar (Montenegro) and Mediterranean Agronomic Institute from Chania (Crete, Greece). Universities for EU projects- a project implemented through the Erasmus + Programme from 2017. . Informo is the coordinator of a Consortium of 9 Universities from Croatia- PAR, University of Pula, Zagreb Univeristy of Applied Sciences, The Polytechnic o Šibenik, Polytechnic in Požega, Libertas International University, Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechncic, VERN, School of Economy and Management Zagreb. The project is enabling students to realize professional practice in the field of European projects. INTERNATURAL- an European Solidarity Corpse project implemented from 2019. The project hosts 6 volunteers from all over Europe in Vodnjan in order to work on sustainable development of this rural community while enhancing the knowledge and skills of the volunteers. Stop Fake-Start thinking-a project implemented under the Media Literacy Programme, started in March 2020. It's aim is to educate general public on how to recognize fake news and navigate through mainstream media. The project partners are European Projects Association (BE), Res Publica (LT), Centre for international relations (PL).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association INFORMO is already working with young people on a daily basis and giving them not only a voice, but also a set of tools, skills and knowledge to help them manage the education system, internships, labour market and everything that comes with young adulthood. We pay special attention to young people coming from fewer opportunities. We can contribute to the network by continuing and improving our work with young people, but also by helping to create a more positive and inclusive discourse between the civil society organisations, policy makers and other stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network in order to share and develop ideas, projects and programmes with likeminded individuals, institutions and organizations. Our vision is to be generators of sustainable development and to foster positive changes of great impact. We strongly believe that membership in the ALF network will contribute to our organization getting closer to its vision and vice-versa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tamara GObo
Contact (2) Full Name
Mihaela Jović
Job Title (2)
Project manager

Institut for professional development of youth

National Network

18 Kvaternikova Street

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The Institute for professional development of youth is a non-profit association founded in 2010. Until today, Institute implemented numerous projects regarding youth in Croatia. Currently, in partnership with other association (City of Zagreb, European council for mentoring and coaching...), Institute is implementing three projects financed by European Union. The Institute is as well partner on projects Club for youth Zagreb and Youth for EU, where the Institute is employing young people in jobs connected to European Union Projects. Institute currently employs 12 people, and around 30 volunteers are helping in work of the Institute. In 2015 Institute had through various projects and donations earned around 60.000,00 euros.

Mission and Objectives

The goal of the Institute is to significantly increase the level of social inclusion of youth into the society. Through the project Job Club Črnkas the Institute is helping young unemployed people from fifteen to thirty years of life, by teaching them methods how to properly introduce themselves to a possible employer. The Institute is as well partner on projects Club for youth Zagreb and Youth for EU, where the Institute is employing young people in jobs connected to European Union Projects. The goal Institute for professional development is trying to achieve is the greatest possible social inclusion of young people in the society.

Main Projects / Activities

Črnkas – Črnomerec Job club is currently the biggest project Institute is working on. Project is the result of cooperation between the three parties, City of Zagreb, Institute for Professional Development of Youth and European Mentoring and Coaching Council Croatia. The Project overall objective is to increase the employment rate of the youth of any profession which is domiciled in the territory of City of Zagreb and to increase number of young people applying to the youth unemployment schemes. With the implementation of Črnkas – Črnomerec Job Club project, the Institute is as well partner on projects Youth Club Zagreb, Youth for EU and Youth for Črnomerec, where the Institute is employing young people in jobs connected to European Union Projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Makarun
Head of the organisation
Martin Makarun

Institut za razvoj obrazovanja/Institute for the Development of Education

National Network

Trg Nikole Zrinskog 9
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 4555151
Telephone (other)
+385 1 4817195
+385 1 4555150
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The main governing bodies of the Institute for the Development of Education (IDE) are the Assembly, the President, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. IDE currently has nine employees, and budgetary resources of cca 300.000 € per year. The Institute for the Development of Education (IDE) is a non-profit organisation and is financed through: • Projects, according to budgets provided by specific donors. The implementation of a project is financed by a donor, in accordance with the financial plan; • Donations, gifts, benefactions; • Appropriate state funding; • Membership fees; • Proceeds from legal operations; • Other sources provided by law. IDE’s network of associates includes experts and partners from all sectors of society: government bodies and local government, higher education institutions, research institutes, student organisations, private companies, media and civil society organisations. IDE also has also successfully achieved long-term cooperation with all key stakeholders in higher education in Croatia. At the international level, we have established long-term partnerships with universities and government institutions engaged in the development of higher education especially in the U.S. as well as in European countries such as Germany, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Sweden, and others.
Mission and Objectives

The Institute for the Development of Education advocates a system of higher education that ensures equal educational opportunities, adheres to the principle of quality assurance, promotes international cooperation, supports lifelong learning and meets both the needs of individual and society.
The Institute for the Development of Education contributes to the development of higher education policy, provides expert support to institutions, connects domestic and international experts and enables individuals in Croatia and the region to achieve their educational goals.
Values and operating principles
The values the Institute for the Development of Education upholds are:
Equity - Ensuring equal opportunities, fighting discrimination and support to disadvantaged social groups as the basis for increasing social inclusion and the development of the society as a whole.
Participation and transparency - Promoting the principle of participatory democracy in order to strengthen the social responsibility of individuals and institutions. Promoting the principle of transparency in the work of public institutions and including stakeholders in the process of drafting legislation and other regulations.
Cooperation - Encouraging trust and dialogue between stakeholders in higher education (at the national and international level) through the exchange of information, stances and ideas, in order to reach decisions based on real needs, verifiable data and best practices.
Quality - Ensuring and enhancing quality as a precondition for establishing an effective higher education system and achieving high quality outcomes for higher education and research.
Encourage enhancing of higher education policies in Croatia.
Provide advisory services and innovative solutions for development of higher education in Croatia and region.
Provide information and advising services on higher education opportunities, international mobility and financial aid for studies in Croatia and abroad

Main Projects / Activities

Ongoing projects
• “QUALITYWATCH: Croatian Higher Education Quality Watchdog” (2014-2016): Aim of this project is to make quality assurance procedures and their results more transparent and accessible for the interested public and to empower civil society organisations for monitoring quality assurance in higher education. Project is funded by European Commission (IPA - Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component).
• Peer-learning initiative for the social dimension of higher education (2012-2015): the project aims to provide policy-makers and practitioners in Europe with resources to develop effective measures for improving the social dimension of higher education. The project is led by the Institute for Advanced Studies (Austria) and IDE is one of four project partners. The project is funded by the European Commission (Lifelong learning programme, ERASMUS Multilateral projects). 
• Enhancing procedures of validation of study programmes on the University of Rijeka (2015-2016): goal of this project is to enhance the quality of education on the University of Rijeka through creating occupational standards, qualifications standards and study programmes and life-long learning programmes based on the learning outcomes and labour market needs.
• IURISPRUDENTIA - Enhancing education quality on law schools of the universities in Osijek, Rijeka, and Split (2015-2016):  goal of the project is to harmonize and modernize existing study programmes and create standards of qualifications and partial occupational standards in the field of law studies.
• TARGET - Establishing higher education qualifications standards in the fields of mining engineering, geology and chemical technology (2015-2016): purpose of the project is to improve the system of quality assurance in higher education in mining engineering, geology and chemical technology through enabling recognition of qualifications in Croatian and European labour market and the comparability of qualifications obtained in various higher education institutions within Croatia and throughout the EU.
Overview of IDE’s expertise and achievements in educational advising
Information and advising expertise
• In the last 15 years IDE has become a national reference point on information and advising services on higher education opportunities and financial aid for studies in Croatia and abroad
• IDE is the first organization of its kind in Croatia and is recognized as the leading organization within the Croatian academic community for educational advising services. IDE has over 2,000 members; over 17,000 queries per year (in-center, e-mail, telephone) and over 1 million web hits per year on its web sites
• IDE promotes study opportunities in the USA through its higher education portals and,  Facebook pages: I Want to Study Abroad: (, Looking for Scholarships?: (  and organizes virtual educational advising sessions  and  webinars with U.S. higher education representatives
• IDE organizes the largest Scholarships Fair in Zagreb and Rijeka every October, which annually attracts over 10 000 visitors and is now widely recognized as a high-profile Croatian educational brand
• IDE launched the first Croatian scholarships web portal, which has over 80,000 web hits per month

Educational services
• IDE has become a one-stop shop for educational advising and services for preparing candidates to enter to higher education programs
• IDE has become the leading service-provider in the region for international standardized tests (TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT, etc). IDE organizes information and advising, preparation courses and acts as the Croatian Testing Center for TOEFL iBT (testing over 170 candidates per year) and GMAT (testing over 100 candidates per year)
• IDE provides courses on academic and business writing and organizes foreign language courses in over 50 locations worldwide

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IDE can contribute to the national ALF Network through the wide range of contacts and partnerships established in the region and beyond. Also, through its activities, IDE has become leading Croatian NGO in the field of higher education, and as such can be a mediator for providing contacts with higher education institutions interested for partnerships with the civil society. Our contacts in governmental bodies and our high level of expertise in the area of higher education and project management can our assets for potential partnership with the members of the Network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

So far our activities were oriented toward South-East and continental Europe, but we would like to spread are area of expertise also on Mediterranean region. We believe that cultural diversity of this region can enhance our understanding of the higher education systems in different national context. That way we can learn and enhance our expertise and share our experience with others interested in the development of higher education. AFL Network can be a useful tool for learning from new partners, and developing innovative approaches in our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matija Sinković
Job Title
Project mananger
Head of the organisation
Ninoslav Šćukanec
Contact (2) Full Name
Ninoslav Šćukanec
Job Title (2)
Executive director

Institute for Development and International Relations

National Network

Vukotinovićeva 2

+385 1 4877 460
Telephone (other)
+385 1 4877 491
+385 1 4828 361
Mobile Phone
+385 98 1983 950
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 98 800 434
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

1. The Institute for International Relations (IMO) has four departments (Department for International Economic and Political Relations, Department for European Integration, Department for Culture and Communication, Department for Resource Economics, Environmental Protection and Regional Development), and hosts two documentation centres (EUi Documentation Centre; Information and Documentation Centre). Number of IMO staff employed is 43. 2. 1.600.000,00 euros 3. 60 per cent from the budget of the Republic of Croatia; 40 per cent own resources 4. The Institute, besides disseminating knowledge through scientific research organizes educational seminars and training course, international conferences and training programs. IMO project EU IMPACT aimed to contribute to better dialogue between academic community and organized civil society on impacts of the integration process through organizing kickf-off conference and three regional forums. 5. IMO main partner institutions are: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, ,Ministry of Foreign affairs and European Integration, Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Croatia, United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, European Cultural Foundation, National Foundation for Civil Society Development

Mission and Objectives

The Institute for International Relations (IMO) aims to increase public awareness of the most important policy issues in the fields of international relations and communication, as well as of the Croatian international position, by disseminating knowledge through scientific research; publishing professional journals and books; organizing international conferences, educational seminars and training courses; improving information exchange through research and advancement of techniques and issues in information technology; and providing strategic decision support and decision analysis services to decision makers, non-governmental and international organizations, as well as to the regional and international industry.

Main Projects / Activities

IMO's activities emphasize high quality interdisciplinary research and scientific analysis of crucial social and policy issues of international scope and global importance. The Institute caries out research, educational and informational activities through the development and execution of research projects; the organization of seminars, international conferences and specialist training programs; providing strategic decision support and decision analysis services to decision makers, non-governmental and international organizations as well as to the regional and international industry; the dissemination of the research results and information through the publication of books, professional journals, reviews, monographs and working papers; improving information exchange and networking through the application of information technology.

Contact (1) Full Name
Krševan Antun Dujmović
Head of the organisation
Sanja Tišma
Contact (2) Full Name
Deana Gulišija

Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies

National Network

Trg Stjepana Radića 3
10000 Zagreb

+385 (0)1 6111 563
Telephone (other)
+385 (0)1 6111 586
+385 (0)1 6119 680
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

1. Public institute, 33 employees, 24 researchers (sociology, psychology, history, demography, political science). 2. 720.000,00 kn 3. Ministry of Science, Education and Sport 4. Projects 5. Ministries of the Republic of Croatia

Mission and Objectives

The main function of the Institute is to stimulate the comparative study of migration, minorities and ethnicity, to promote a public understanding of the complexity and reality of these topics, and also, through research and discussion, to stimulate the implementation of new policies and activities that might aid in the resolution of problems in the fields of migration, minority and ethnic studies.

Main Projects / Activities

•Organisation and implementation of scientific research; •Publication of the Institute's research results, as well as of the research results of other scientists dealing with migration, minority topics and ethnicity; •Organisation of scientific and professional discussions (symposia, conferences, round tables) in the field of migration, minority and ethnic studies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The aim of joining the ALF Network is co-operation with other scientific and professional institutions and individual researchers both in Croatia and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Perić Kaselj
Head of the organisation
dr. sc. Marina Perić Kaselj

Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar

National Network

Marulićev trg 19/1

01 4886 155
01 4828 296
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
1. Public institute, 113 employees, 100 researchers (sociology, psychology, history, philosophy, demography, political science, economy). Regional centers in Split, Gospić, Vukovar, Osijek, Pula, Dubrovnik, headquarter in Zagreb. 2. 15.000.000,00 kn 3. 80 % Ministry of Science, Education and Sport; 20 % projects with other organizations 4. projects 5. ministries of the Republic of Croatia
Mission and Objectives

* Scientific research in the field of social sciences and humanities - basic, applied, and developmental.
* Professional research, expert consulting, and other intellectual services in social sciences and humanistic disciplines.
* Interdisciplinary scientific and professional research combining the fields of social sciences and humanities with those of economy, engineering, technology, medicine, natural sciences, and ecology.
* Strategic analysis and research.
* Market analysis, public opinion research, analysis and evaluation of numerous other issues on a regional and state basis.
* Publishing.
* Public lectures and book presentations.
* Scholarly and professional gatherings.

Main Projects / Activities

The basic objective of research activities may be summed up as investigation of the social structure and social integration with an intention to facilitate the development of integration tendencies and social structures appropriate to the long-term developmental goals of Croatian society. Broad scope of basic, applied, and developmental research includes disciplines such as: urban-rural sociology, sociology of religion, sociology of science, child and youth psychology, criminal psychology, psychology of aging, personality psychology, social psychology, victim psychology, communication psychology, public opinion research, family quality and birth rate increase policy, migrations in Croatian society, psycho-social consequences of the Homeland War, history of Croatian emigration, psycho-social consequences of privatization, demographic picture of Croatia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antun Plenković
Head of the organisation
Prof. dr. Vlado Šakić
Contact (2) Full Name
Blaženka Markeš

Interactive notebook "Opinion" - development of critical and creative thinking

The Opinion / Misljenica

'The Opinion' is an interactive notebook in the form of an intimate diary, intended for encouraging writing and expression exercises through creative tasks and questions that encourage self-reflection and the development of critical and creative thinking.


The Opinion piece is intended for children aged 9 to 15 years. It is designed for independent completion by children, but it can also be used by parents and teachers for interactive work with children.

'The Opinion' is an initiative by ALF Croatia member Association ofPetit Philosophy



Iva Gjurić Smrekar

National Network

Mallionva 7
10000 Zagreb

*385 1 4646428
*386 1 4677522
Mobile Phone
*38598 385844
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Born in 1971, graduated in European studies and Econimics. I was member and president of ALES- Alumni des etudes Europeennes in 2011. Active in NGOs related to sport: Memeber of the Board in Fencing club Rapir 2011-2017 Memeber of the Superviory Board of Fencing Federation of Zagreb 2012-2014 Member od the Dicsiplinary Comitee of Croatian Fencing Federation 2014-2015 Curently a volunteer in Fencing Club Musketeers  

Mission and Objectives

I would like to work on topics of importance of sport in buliding up  and supporting civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently I work on several Youth exchanges under Erasmus+ some of them relatet to sports and civil society at the same time. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I believe basic rules of sport  are strongly linked to civil society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Gjurić Smrekar
Job Title
volunteer in Fencing Club Musketeers
Head of the organisation
Iva Gjurić Smrekar

Iva Gjurić Smrekar

National Network

Mallinova 7
10000 Zagreb

*385 1 4646428
Mobile Phone
+385 98 385844
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
I was born in 1971 in Zagreb, Croatia. At the moment I volunteer in Fencing club Musketeers on European and local projects and I am responsable for funding: member of European Citizen Action Service (ECAS), mr in European Studies and mr of economy.  Former president of NGO Alumni of French Studies ALES, former member of Supervisory Board of Zagreb Fencing Federation and Disciplinary Comitee at Croatian Fencing Federation. Foremer member of board of Fencing Club Rapir, responsable for web content and social media, european and state funding Experience in drafting projects related to sports and youth. Publications: 2010, Funding of sport in EU, Women entrepreneurship in Europe
Mission and Objectives

My mission is to create positive environment for young athletes in the fencing club and local community thorugh communitng with european partners and counties form mediterranean basin.
I would like to explore further links between sport and civil society and civil rights.

Main Projects / Activities

I organized several local activities (Open Days of sport clubs, fencing competitions, local Code Club) in order to create constructive free time activities for children and athletes.
In a fencing club where I volunteer at the moment I am rensponsable for local and european fuding. We submitted 2 project proposals uner Erasmus+ Sportthis year . At local level I try to create activities for our memebers and for the local community that point out universal values of sport, support of gender equality and human rights of athletes.
During the Week of Media Literacy in April I organized distribution of brochures for our youngsters, and the club is involved in the European Week of Sustainable Development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I would like to stress  and explore links between civil society and sport. Beside phisicyl dimension sport is a powerful messnager overpassing cultural differences and gender inequality.
Role of civil rights in growth of healty young athletes is very important as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because ALF is a honourable network, where I can find resources, projects and people whith whom I can cooperate and share informations and knowlege.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Gjurić Smrekar
Head of the organisation
Iva Gjurić Smrekar