

National Network

Jelacicev trg 1/III, 51000 Rijeka, CROATIA
51000 Rijeka

+385 51 331184
Telephone (other)
+385 51 842606
+385 51 212074
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 98 1683031
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Eko Liburnia is non-governmental, non-partisan and non-for-profit association of legal persons and citizens for promotion of sustainable development through ecotourism, organic agriculture and environment protection. Regular membership comprises of citizens, as well as of small-scale private enterprises, cooperatives and crafts involved in ecotourism, organic agriculture, services and environmental protection. Within Eko Liburnia several independent branches (associations) were established. Furthermore, presently it has 19 legal persons as members including one regional development agency and one entrepreneurial business incubator, solicitor’s offices and tourism agency. Its 31 individual members are experts in different fields: agriculture, forestry, engineering, economy, law and computer services. At present Eko Liburnia has two full-time employees and four part-time contracted personnel. Partner organisations from abroad include: VITRA and SEF (Slovenia), AIAB and ICEA (Italy), DIO (Greece), IBOAA (Israel), SEAE (Spain), Agrobio (Portugal), SEKEM (Egypt), EKOPOT (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Eko-Agro Ohrid (FYROM) and Grolink (Sweden), as well as all members of BioAlpeAdria Group from Austria, Italy and Slovenia.
Mission and Objectives

Purpose of establishment of Eko Liburnia is preservation, protection, and economically, environmentally and socially sound management of natural, cultural and historical heritage, as prerequisite for the sustainable development. Association's philosophy is based on sustainable development of Croatia as a modern European and Mediterranean state, with emphasis on development of: (a) private family-owned SMEs, crafts and co-operatives; (b) society based on principles of social justice and solidarity; and (c) basic role of local communities in planning & implementation of development programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Eko Liburnia`s activities are in accordance with the internationally accepted sustainable development standards and conventions such as Agenda 21 and Aarhus Convention. It cooperates with the local communities, municipalities, counties, ministries and organizations from abroad. The most important aspect of Eko Liburnia`s activities is revitalization and development of traditional and introduction of new agricultural productions based on organic agriculture principles. Eko Liburnia is proud to be a member of the IFOAM since 1996 and between 2000-2002 was hosting the Secretariat of the IFOAM official regional organization for Mediterranean countries (AgriBioMediterraneo). Activities of members of the Eko Liburnia are incorporated into already commenced organic agricultural programmes on: olive cultivation and processing; viticulture and wine production; bee-keeping and honey production; herbs & spices and mushrooms growing and processing; fruit and vegetables production; livestock growing, meat and dairy production.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ranko Tadic
Head of the organisation
Ranko Tadic
Contact (2) Full Name
Kristina Badurina

Enterpreneurship Center Samobor d.o.o.

National Network

Zagorska ulica 41

+385 1 3336 830
+385 1 3336 832
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 091 3325 348
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Entrepreneurship center Samobor was founded with the mission of doing business and encouraging development of small business in Samobor. It is owned by the City of Samobor. The legal form of the company is an Ltd. Our scope of work is directly connected with the needs of Samobor, so it includes following fields: entrepreneurship, rural development and tourism, investment climate and EU funding, etc . Number of Employees: 4 Budgetary resources available in a year: 178.100 EUR, Sources of funding: City Budžet – 61%, the rest are own revenue Main partners: Town of Samobor, Tourist Board, Samobor Museum, Craftsmen Association, etc
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Centre activities is to ensure sustainable increase of living conditions for all citizens in the area of Samobor, actively participate in EU and national funding of projects, attracting foreign investments, and to create a good entrepreneurship climate by mutual cooperation with other entities in the region, while also forming strong partnerships with all institutions we do business with.

Main Projects / Activities

Basic goals of founding and basic activities of Center:
• professional help to small and medium business in the area of Town Samobor (preparation of investment studies, studies of feasibility and business plans, investigation of market, counseling and marketing services)
• preparation of projects concerning tourism, culture, communal infrastructure, education and environment protection for Town Samobor (Zagreb County - Croatia) with the purpose of receiving financial means from development funds of Republic of Croatia and European Union
• one of Center ’s main objectives is to raise competence of entrepreneurs through direct and indirect education. In order to achieve this objective, we have organized many seminars conducted by experienced experts from faculties and institutes, consultants and other professionals.
• Our activities include cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, especially concerning implementation of projects and programmes supporting SMEs. These projects include guarantee fund, micro-crediting, education and other supportive activities.
• economic promotion of Town Samobor and attracting Croatian and foreign investors into the area of Town Samobor

Contact (1) Full Name
Renata Razum
Head of the organisation
Željko Radovanić

Environment Protection Organisation Nobilis

National Network

A.Schulteissa 19
40000 Čakovec

+40 395148
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
+385 998632460
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Full name of the Association is: "Environment Protection Organiznation Nobilis".The abbreviated name of the Association is: ZEON. Association is chaired by the President, Board of Directors and Supervisory Board that oversees the work of the whole organization. The General Assembly is the highest governing body of the Association and consists of all members. At the time we are having 24 members of which one is employed for a specified time. Most partnership was established with associations in Croatia and Europe, regional and state bodies and educational institutions. ZEON is member of many environmental networks such as Drava League, Danube Environmental, Green Forum and Forum Green Phone. We are beeing foundet through donations and local, state and EU projects. Last year we established 70.000,00 kn (Approximately 9.500,00 €) of  income. Most of our projects consist of workshops, seminars and research work.

Mission and Objectives

Mission of ZEON is to encourage and promote a responsible attitude factors in the community for nature, the environment, cultural heritage and sustainable development. Objectives of the Association are: - Protection of nature, environment, sustainable development; - Support to the development of civil society, volunteerism and active participation of young people; - Promoting and supporting lifelong learning and non-formal education; - Humanitarian action in accordance with special regulations and laws; - To encourage, promote and develop social responsibility and business, eco-social economy and social entrepreneurship; - Performing other activities that contribute to achieving the objectives of the establishment by the Statute in accordance with law.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2003., ZEON is a member of Green Phone network (a partnership which consists of leading Croatian environmental NGOs) which solves environmental issues. Also since 2003., every year we conduct campaign of "Where do you put your garbage" with which we put Međimurje County in the top of the waste managing counties in Croatia. Of the bigger projects that we carried out we would like to highlight a project called "Civil Dialogue for Better Environment" which was started in 2013 and funded by the EU. The goal of the project was to build the capacity of environmental NGOs to monitor and enforce Aarhus Convention in Croatia, with an emphasis on access to justice, strengthening cooperation between public authorities at national and local levels, and academic institutions with environmental NGOs. Along with projects of bigger scope which are carried out on a Croatian terittory, we also organize non-stop workshops on the protection of the environment and nature for all ages, organizing public actions and work for a better community. For its work, ZEON was rewarded with some notable rewards in Croatia. Achievements and notable rewards: - Charta Rabuziana, 22nd April, in 1996. - Acknowledgment State Environmental protection Administration in class education, 5th June in 1996. - EKO-OSCAR for general contribution to environmental protection Croatia, 5th June 2003. - Zrinski award and approval for achievements in environmental protection and nature Međimurja, 29th April 2014.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For a long time we are following your organization so we decided to join in. We like your work, ease of mating and your concern for the community so we decided to be a part of such a size.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Bajsić Mavrin
Head of the organisation
Ana Bajsić Mavrin
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

EPS- Electric Power Industry of Serbia

National Network

Obilicev venac 2
11000 Belgrade

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
General Information
I am  prepared directly  volunteering independent and group performances of works electricity, plumbing, sewage, construction of classic and latest models, agriculture, livestock, wine, appliances, furniture, tapestry, auto electrics, fine art, different orientation, canvas, wall and furniture many of these living environments  and needs.
Mission and Objectives

 Since June 25th, 2018. I am retired with 42 years work path in EPS-Yugoslavia
 I worked as a brigadier groups of workers as independent in its entirety jobs with greater responsibilities, and the number of skilled workers electricity in  the general affairs  of  the installation  of Energy and low - voltage DC - measurement and control electronics, mechanics, pheomatik  , automation , hydraulics and instrumentation  in parallel,,,
 I am individual universal human borderless art artist, vocal soloist universal music and writer. I am prepared directly volunteering independent and group performances of workers with electricity, plumbing, sewage, construction of classic and latest models, agriculture  livestock, wine, appliances , furniture, tapestry, auto electrics , fine art, different orientation, canvas, wall and furniture  many of these living environments and needs.

Main Projects / Activities

I am very adaptable and tolerant, and  as a responsible  person, very honest. I  do not smoke and do not drink. I will also point out that I am a very responsible and  hard working. I know cooking and I love it. That is one of my favorite hobby otherwise the driver three categories ( B,C,E). Physically I am strong and ready and we haves strong physical will and I am very intelligent, and sensible humor and execution humor.
 I am single  father- widowed since 1995. I have two daughters. They are in a university.
  Percent own  health satisfactory for parallels universalism my abilities and boundless will for universal successfully completed actions, correct and up to date  and shall autonomously. The  name that would be happy  with any of the meetings with employers and wider circles wherever you are and doing.
 I worked also in farms with animals, and I worked also with many the machines that are used in the farm.  My job in farm included:  Harvest and inspect crops by hand
Irrigate farm soil and maintain ditches or pipes and pumps, Direct and monitor the activities of work crews as they plant, weed, or harvest,  Operate and service farm machinery, Spray fertilizer or pesticide solutions to control insects, fungi, and weeds, Move shrubs, plants, and trees with wheelbarrows or tractors, Livestock feed and clean and disinfect their pens, cages, yards, and hutches, Examine animals to detect symptoms of illness or injury, Herd livestock to pastures for grazing or to scales, trucks, or other enclosures.
 Since August 2017. until December  2017. I worked at the farm in Germany.
 I have diploma of High School, International  drivers license exam passed from B,C,E. Computer Skills:
 Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2013
 Installing Windows 7, 8.0 Pro
 Removing viruses
 Making websites
 Making Presentations

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Agim Zeka
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Belgrade - Yugoslavia

Euromediteranski Forum (EMEF)

National Network

Mihanovićeva 36 C

+385 21 780 300
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385(0) 95/ 910-7758
Mobile Phone (other)
+385(0) 98/334-207
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
1. EUROMEDITERANSKI FORUM - EUROMEDITERRANEAN FORUM (EMEF) Non-governmental organisation, a part of Croatian civil society which supports think tank of independent multi-disciplinary theorists and intellectuals who endeavour to produce analysis or policy recommendations in various topics and issues of Barcelona process – Union for Mediterranean (UfM). 2. Of-funds fees, dues and donations of members and supporters, organizations or companies. 3. Available funds, Croatia and EU. 4. Organizing of panel debates and public hearings, lecture courses, seminars, publishing of briefing papers and establishing of databases related to the Union for the Mediterranean and the development of the Adriatic region 5. Other NGOs in Croatia and abroad
Mission and Objectives

Mission :
EMEF fundamental goals are promotion of dialogue between the state and the civil sector in Croatia concerning the Union for Mediterranean as well as the establishment of joint action of the public and state institutions in accordance with the special opportunities of development of the Adriatic region.
Civil public awareness and participation in public life;
- Securing the transparency and accountability of government and local authorities;
- Enhancing civil society involvement in public policy;
- Promotion of UfM in Croatia;
- Rethinking of Croatian Mediterranean strategy and policy of Croatia in Union for the Mediterranean (UfM);
- Development of Croatian collaboration with UfM countries;
- Defining the role of Croatian Adriatic Region in UfM .
- Establishing the City of Split as one of the Mediterranean centre towns.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects/Activities:
- Creating UfM NGO network;
- Making analyses, studies and projects in UfM topics;
- Proposing the initiatives related to UfM activities;
- Public dialogue with Croatian government and local authorities in Adriatic region;
- Organizing workshops, seminars, conferences, panels, debates and other public events on various UfM themes and issues;
- Publishing the briefing papers and educational documents.
Current areas of activities:
1. Mediterranean between policy of conflict and culture of dialogue;
2. Economy in Euro-Mediterranean partnership and UfM;
3. Energy prospects of Adriatic region of Croatia;
4. Architecture, traffic and urban development of coastal towns in Croatia;
5. Telecommunications and digital divide on Mediterranean;
6. Fishing policy in the Adriatic Sea;
7. Tourism in the Mediterranean;
8. Protection of the sea environment and the Barcelona Convention;
9. Croatian perspective on role of Balkan in “Mediterranean 2030” project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tonči Tadić
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomislav Radman


National Network

Nikole Tesle 9, P.P. 287
20000 Dubrovnik

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

The articles of association were signed on 8th March 1995 by the representatives of 24 legal entities from various parts of the Dubrovnik–Neretva County, including the City of Dubrovnik itself. Constitutionally, Croatian and foreign citizens, as well as legal entities, can be members of EHD. For every activity, EHD engages several associates, specialists for the respective activity. In 1999, EHD organized international conference entitled „Mediterranean – a challenge for common European security“. After that, it launched the cooperation initiative „Mediterranean“, which ended by a conference of Europe Houses from various European countries and their partners from the other side of the Mediterranean, held in November 2002 in Santarem, Portugal. The partners involved in the EHD's projects/activities are both from national and international level. The activities are funded by local, regional, national, and international donors and sponsors from state and private sector. The revenue for the year 2008 was € 69.500.

Mission and Objectives

Europe House Dubrovnik is a non-profit, non-party and non-governmental organization. Its activities aim to affirm the European unification idea and to inform Croatian citizens about the European integration process, to foster understanding, tolerance and dialogue with other states and nations, and to promote Croatia through cooperation with foreign governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

EHD members collaborated closely with the local media from the very start, so as to spread the founding concepts of the association among the largest possible number of citizens. Media-oriented projects have always been, and still remain, at the heart of EHD activities. Other activities are partly local and partly international in character. They are mostly youth-oriented, so that most of EHD associates are young people. In general, these events cover the following areas: educational workshops, lectures by national and international lecturers, exhibitions, round tables, celebrations for Europe Day, international seminars and conferences on European issues, aiding Croatian citizens, especially high-school and university students to attend seminars and conferences abroad, thereby enabling them to learn more about European integration and to enrich their studies with new knowledge. Besides releasing its own publications, EHD also collects and distributes publications on various aspects of European integration, in several European languages.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adriana Kremenjas-Danicic
Head of the organisation
Adriana Kremenjas-Danicic, President

Europe House Slavonski Brod

National Network

A. Barca 30
Slavonski Brod 35000

+385 35 415 190
Mobile Phone
+385 98 341 754
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

EHSB structure:  1 employee; 1 full time associate  3 part time associates in office;  Education team of 12 pedagogues, psychologist, professors of ethic and philosophy;  45 active volunteers;  150 volunteers. Sources of funding are based on projects (during the years main sources of funding were/are European Commission, Croatian Ministries, Local Authorities and different Embassies) Modalities of action are thematic projects which include organisation and impelmentation of education for youth and youth workers, seminars and conferences, work with media and informing of public/citizens, translation, writing and publishing of books, brochures in field of human right education, youth participation and democracy and citizenship, etc. Main partners in work of EHSB are local authorities, national and international NGOs. Associates are Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Republic of Croaita, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of RC etc.

Mission and Objectives

EUROPE HOUSE SLAVONSKI BROD (EHSB) – established 1998 Is nongovernmental, nonprofit organization with the aim to spread the positive information about Croatian citizens into the world, mobilizing the society for the positive aims of tolerance, equality, dignity, human rights and democracy. EHSB main aims are: support for the peace process, inter-entity co-operation and ethnic reconciliation in the region; education about intercultural understanding; human rights promotion; cooperation with people and states around the world; NGO development and training; creation of a functioning market-oriented democracy; promotion of sustainable economic development and democracy etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects: Toward Human Rights; Youth Parliament; National Association of Youth Parliaments of Republic of Croaita; European Clubs; Role and responsibility of Local Community's Youth in Euro-integration Processes; Youth - decision -makers in local community; Itercultural and Intereligious Youth Dialogue; Intecultural Education; Radio and TV broadcasting; Translation and Publishing

Contact (1) Full Name
Bozica Sedlic
Head of the organisation
Božica Sedlić

European civil society determines the work program of the new EU leaders


A Croatian ALF Network member organization, Sustainable community development - ODRAZ, published a short report on the activity of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held from March 4 to 7, when EESC hosted the first Civil Society Week, where more than 800 representatives of civil society organizations and youth groups gathered to discuss the upcoming elections and the future of the EU.

More information at the following link:

European Foundation for Philanthropy and Society Development

National Network

Dedići 83
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 6458 949
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Foundation has a Director and one full-time employed staff member. The management of the Foundation is elaborated in more detail in the Statute of the Foundation. The management bodies of the Foundation are the Management Board and the Director of the Foundation. Financing of the Foundation and its activities is through: Financing the core activity through national and international programmes, especially through the development cooperation in Croatia and the Transnational Giving Europe programme; Grants for projects financed from specialized programmes and structural funds of the European Union related to the development of philanthropy and social innovations; Income for services of support to the establishment and implementation of all forms of individual philanthropy and foundations; Share in the management and implementation of innovative models of financing philanthropic social activities and those for the common good (online donations, inclusive models of joint co-financing of local communities, development and society development etc.); Income from participants in education and training programmes organized by the Foundation;  Financing by the profit sector through programmes of corporate social responsibility; Academic and other professional in-kind support; Grants by interested international foundations, funds, national authorities. The European Foundation has annual budget of 200.000 EUR. Partners: National Foundation for Civil Society Development - Croatia, European Foundation Centre (EFC), Fondacija Most (BiH), Transnational Giving Europe, Ariadne – European Founders for Social Change and Human Rights

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the European Foundation is for it to become an institutionalized European and international centre of excellence for the development of individual philanthropy and foundations, as well as a resource centre and the place where one can obtain all of the information and professional documentation on philanthropy, social innovations and society development, and a place for public discussions on the key issues and directions of society development based on philanthropy, social innovations and responsible governance.  Objectives: Professional and financial support to the development of individual philanthropy and foundations in the Republic of Croatia; Participation in the creation of an enabling environment for the development of philanthropy and the culture of giving for the common good; Development of and support to social innovations by enabling the generation of new solutions in meeting and responding to the needs of local communities, and monitoring the implementation of those new solutions with the aim of their potential implementation in other communities; Enabling cross-sector links in the development of philanthropy and social innovations through efficient partnership models developed in European countries; Fostering cross-border financing, cooperation and exchange of knowledge, models and skills, as well as regional cooperation on the topics of the development of philanthropy and social innovations, with special emphasis on the empowerment of philanthropists and foundations in their activities for the common good.

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion and public advocacy of philanthropy and foundations according to the standards of the European Union and the European Foundation Centre from Brussels; Informing and providing support to interested individuals with regard to the development of individual philanthropy and foundations; Education and training programmes for the representatives of foundations from the Republic of Croatia and the countries of Southeast Europe which will be implemented continuously in cooperation with international and national partner organizations; Financing of joint programmes related to the development of philanthropy and social innovations through EU structural funds and other international sources; Collection and allocation of financial resources through the implementation of innovative models of activities for the common good, such as online donations on the global level and other inclusive models focused on the development of local communities, in cooperation with specialized international organizations and charity lotteries; Organization of public discussions on the topics of the development of philanthropy, social innovations and society development; Specialized and interdisciplinary research; Technical assistance and consultations; Publishing.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By promoting philanthropic activities, through crossborder cooperation, by initializing programmes  for young people in terms of raising a new generation of socially-conscious citizens and venture philanthropists, by promoting possibilities to establish personal funds with the purpose of facilitating different programmes focusing on the development of a better and just society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is important to be a part of a network which strives to make a difference in the society. Only through joint efforts and cooperation can we achieve satisfactory results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Smiljana Rađa
Head of the organisation
Ms Smiljana Radja

European Society of Women in Theological Research - Croatian Section

National Network

Kredarička 1a

+385 21 319 366
+385 21 344 154
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+385 98 1776 117
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 21 344 154
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
ESWRT-CS is a association of women, 15 members from Croatia and region.
Mission and Objectives

ESWRT-CS connecting women that conducting research in the areas of theological and religious studies. ESWRT -CS is working on promotion of women legal human wrights, dignity of women in religion and society and establishment of dialog and cooperation with related organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

organisation of conferences, meetings, summer schools and workshop about themes and issues in feminist theology, religion studies and related fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jadranka s. Rebeka Anić
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana s. Thea Filipović