
Developmental film workshop

Developmental film workshop

Shadow Casters (ALF member) and TAIFAS Film Festival (Timisoara, Romania) invite students from film and new media academies and universities in the Republic of Croatia (ADU, UMAS, ALU, APU, Algebra, VERN, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, University of the North and others) to apply with their 'in development' projects to the workshop and residency, where they will further develop them.

Developmental film workshop is dedicated to student and club film projects in the making (short feature, documentary, experimental, etc.) and will take place from November 8 to 12, 2023 and in the meantime 2 student/club film projects in development will be selected.

During the festival, students will have lectures and meetings with several well-known guest directors, producers and selectors of other festivals. At the workshop, in addition to the projects of film, art and art academies students from the Republic of Croatia, student film projects in development from Turkey, Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria will be presented.

The main practical part of the workshop will be led by Ivana Mladenović, a film director who graduated in film at the National School of Film and Theater (UNATC) in Bucharest. Her films are a mix of documentary and fiction and usually talk about marginalized people or deal with taboo subjects.

The application submission deadline was closed on August 20, 2023.

To learn more, follow the link:

DIM - Association for Civic Education and Social Development

National Network

Amruševa 10

+385 1 4555 447
Telephone (other)
+385 1 457 2849
+385 1 4555 447
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
DIM contributes to development of active and socially responsible citizens through non-formal education, partnership development, public policy research and advocacy in Croatia. DIM - Association for Civic Education and Social Development has 10 years long experience in designing and implementing different educational programs (introducing new educational contents and methodologies in the formal educational institutions and through informal education) as well as in policy research in Croatia.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: Democratic society in which citizens actively participate in creating positive social change and common good.
Mission: Contribute to social development and social inclusion by encouraging civic participation, informal education and research and advocacy work.
The values and principles of action:
• Participation of citizens in decision-making processes
• Responsibility for the achieved effect - political and social, and personal responsibility
• Learning society - open to new ideas and innovative methods
• Protection of human rights - individual rights and collective rights
• Tolerance and pluralism
• Respect for the rule of law
• Freedom of action and creativity
• Professionalism in the work
• Teamwork and open communication
Program goals 2009 – 2012:
1. Increase the participation and influence of young people in decision-making and social development.
2. Improve the social inclusion of vulnerable social groups in disadvantaged social status.
3. Encourage non-formal education and social development through research and education work.

Main Projects / Activities

Program "With Education Toward Quality“ (2009./2010.) which is dedicated to increasing the quality of social services organizations of persons with disabilities and organizations that work on behalf of persons with disabilities. With this training program we contribute to the development of organizational capacity by providing technical assistance and individual counseling and improve professional knowledge and skills of leaders and professional staff associations of persons with disabilities.
Program of informal education of youth "Youth in the labor market" (from 2004 and on-going) directed students final year of secondary vocational schools in order to achieve and protect their social and labor rights as well as preparation for the labor market.
Program has recommendation of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, and consent to distribute the educational - informational brochure "Employment Record Card for Youth” and other promotional materials in public high schools. Within the Program, action research study "My Rights Through Learning and Work" was published and designed a specialized website for young people in the labor market (eng. workaholic).
Partnership project with the Croatian Employment Service (2008) with the aim of improving social skills of vulnerable groups - women older than 45 years of age and young unemployed people to 29 years of age.
Guidebook for policy paper writing: “Writing Effective Public Policy Papers: A Guide to Policy Advisers in Central and Eastern Europe” (Quinn, L., and Young, E., Budapest, 2002), which is translated, adopted and published (electronic version) in Croatian language by DIM in 2008;
Research projects related to youth unemployment and social and workers right in Croatia: My rights through learning and work (2008) and Commitment under stress – Planning a long term career in organizations of civil society (2009.)
Research project Analysis of Impact and Development of Youth Policy in Croatia presents a pilot project of collaboration between DIM and Faculty of Political Science that has in future continue with new service learning activities with interdisciplinary approach. Their work was presented in the publication “Evaluation of Youth Policy in Croatia: the application of public policy analysis by political science students” (2006)
Service-learning is a teaching/learning method that connects meaningful community service with academic learning. In order to encourage the introduction of the service-learning methodology in the Croatian educational system we created the web site, published the translation of the “Academic Service-Learning Faculty Development Manual”.
Research project Learn with the community aimed to increase the transparency of the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act in Croatia by applying the service-learning method within Public Policy course on Faculty of Political Science in Croatia. We published the study “Evaluation of the Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act: the application of Practical Use of public policy analysis by political science students (2007)
Research project Good governance models in civil society organizations dealing with democratization and human rights (2007.). Study was published in 2010. Values in action: Governing and activism in civil society for democratization and human rights.
In 2005 we published a research study Youth in local government, conducted on a national level with focus on measuring the level of youth participation in political institutions and processes.
UNDP has engaged DIM as Implementing Agency to perform services in respect of producing the National Human Development Report 2004: Youth in Croatia. Aim of the Report was to define status of youth in Croatian society, different youth issue as well as possible solutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martina Stažnik

DOCUMENTA – Center for Dealing with the Past

National Network

Human Rights House, Selska cesta 112c, 10000 Zagreb

+ 385 1 457 23 98
+ 385 1 457 23 99
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 91 457 24 00
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 91 457 23 98
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information

In their endeavor to initiate the process of dealing with the past and the establishment of a factual truth about the war and contribution to shifting discussions from the level of disputes over facts (number of fatalities and similar) toward a dialogue on interpretations, the Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights Osijek, Centre for Peace Studies, Civic Council for Human Rights and the Croatian Helsinki Committee decided to found Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past (hereinafter: Documenta). Our team is composed of 17 highly-motivated people – sociologists, lawyers, political scientists, journalists, archivists, mathematicians, IT technicians…, and more than 30 volunteers and associates. Managing Board: 5 people Assets for our activities are granted by: - Academy for Educational Development (AED / USAID) - Charles Stewart Mott Foundation - Embassy of Canada in the Republic of Croatia - Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Rep. of Croatia - Embassy of the Kingdom of the Norway in the Rep. of Croatia - Embassy of the Kingdom of the Sweden in the Rep. of Croatia - Embassy of the United States of America in the Republic of Croatia - National Foundation for Civil Society Development - Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Open Society Institute - Quaker Peace and Social Witness - Republic of Croatia - Government’s Office for Human Rights - Republic of Croatia – Ministry of Education - Robert Bosch Stiftung - Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs - The Balkan Trust for Democracy (German Marshall Fund) - United Nations Development Program (UNDP Croatia) Expected incomes in 2009: around 400.000 EUR In the realization of its goals, Documenta cooperates with the organizations of the initiators, organizations of families of missing persons, war veteran’s organizations, other civil initiatives, governmental institutions, international institutions and organizations, institutions of state and local self-governments, scientific-scholarly institutions, religious communities, media, and other interested parties. Benefits of Documenta’s work could be fully extended only if outputs will be widely used in Croatia and wider region, therefore nurturing existing network, like cooperation with founding organizations, the Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights Osijek, Centre for Peace Studies, Civic Council for Human Rights and the Croatian Helsinki Committee and Documenta’s regional partners The Humanitarian Law Center from Belgrade, the Centre for Documentation and Research from Sarajevo, while at same time building new ones, like Coalition for Dealing with the Past, is essential. Documenta involves media, victim organisations and governmental institutions in its activities.

Mission and Objectives

The main objective of Documenta is developing social and individual processes of dealing with the past in order to build sustainable peace in Croatia and wider region through achieving following sub goals: - Deepening public dialogue on dealing with the past (in wish to contribute to shifting discussions from the level of disputes over facts (number of fatalities and similar) toward a dialogue on interpretations, - Affirming public policies that promote dealing with the past (in wish to contribute to education policy, policy of reparations and influence commemoration culture etc.), - Collecting documentation on war events and establishing searchable data base (documenting factual truth and recording personal memories), - Advancement of judicial praxis and legal standards due to the continuous monitoring of war trials in Croatia and the region (in wish to support processing of individual accountability for war crimes and challenge impunity)

Main Projects / Activities

In cooperation with the Humanitarian Law Center from Belgrade, and the Research and Documentation Center from Sarajevo, Documenta is implementing the following regional projects: - development of a compatible database on war incidents, on those involved in wars, victims, survivors and possible perpetrators - monitoring the court proceedings for war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia - support to victims and witnesses which encompasses the inclusion of the families of those killed and missing in the following of judicial processes, proposing measures for the protection of witnesses, legal aid and preparation of witnesses for testifying - collecting personal memories on war (oral history) - putting together regional lists of those missing, with personal information and brief information on the circumstances of the disappearance of all persons missing in the wars from 1990s - putting together regional lists of those killed and murdered

Contact (1) Full Name
Bužinkić Emina
Head of the organisation
Vesna Terselic
Contact (2) Full Name
Vesna Terselic

Documentary film "Hidden Buds of a Better Society" - The Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development in Istria


The premiere of the documentary film "Hidden Buds of a Better Society", which was created through the project "Development and support for the development of sustainable models of employment of vulnerable groups in the Urban Area of Pula", deals with the employment of persons with disabilities. The entire project is implemented with the aim of increasing the employability of vulnerable groups through the creation of preconditions for the employment of persons from vulnerable groups, primarily by raising awareness of the importance of social inclusion of all groups in one society, one community. Additionally, special attention is directed towards reducing discrimination, considering that it is recognized as a serious obstacle to the social inclusion of vulnerable groups, especially through employment.


DOKKICA - Children’s creative center

National Network

O. Keršovanija 4
31000 Osijek

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Dokkica is founded 2009 as project of Youth associaton Breza.  From 2011 Dokkica is nongoverment organization which has carried out non-institutional and educational support trought projects and programs for primary school age children for 6 years. In more that 100 different after-school activities more than 2000 children and young people have participated.  Organization has 7 members and 2 employee. Our budgetary resources available in a year are approximately 450.000 kunas, founded by different sources: Ministry of Social Policy and Youth, Ministry of science, education and sport, EEA Grants, Norway Grants, City of Osijek, County of Osijek, National Foundation for Civil Society Development. Main partners in most of our projects are Youth association Breza, City of Osijek, Children theatre of Osijek, Local television station "Televizija Slavonije i Baranje", Center for Social Welfare, and all schools in city of Osijek.

Mission and Objectives

According to objectives, organization operates in the field of protection of children rights, youth and families. Our mission is to ensure basic conditions for qualitty and succesfull development of children, encourage and organize quality free time for children and implement education of parents and teachers on the methods and techniques necessary for the growth and development of individuals and families in general. Also, aim is to create non-institutional education for primary education, support for children and youth with special needs, prevention of violence amoung youth, promotion and development of volunteering,short stay platforms, workshops, clubs. Our mission is to implement and develop programs to support and courage education for children, in order to realize their potential, develop their creativity and self-confidence in order to create conditions for growth and social progress.

Main Projects / Activities

The program "Dokkica-my support" is performed in order to prevent institutionalization of children and youth with behavioral disorders and without proper parental care, by strengthening of capacities of Childrens creative house. The specific objective of program is to prevent separation of children for family environment and the local community trought provision of a half-day stay, to help parents to raise and care of childrens free time activities which are necessary for changing behaviour and creating acquire healty life skills and habits. The program  "My free time" is project aimed at improving quality of childrens free time. Users are children for age 5 to 14, an average 100 regural users and 300 children as participants as creators of actionas and initiatives. ( Trough cooperation with schools and kindergartens  ). The "Reporters of better society" is project carried out with a aim of empowering children and young people in the promotion of democratic values, human rights, critical thinking, active citizenship and the affirmation of their personal development to become empovered reporters of better society.. Project is founded by EEA Grants and Norway Grants. During the project, group of talented students, trough the workshops about civil education, with the use of different methods and forms of work, will create an educational television show. Partner in this project is local television station. "Warning!We swim at the scene" is project created in 2012. as an idea of promoting theatrical achievements of primary school children as competition in five minutes performances of student play created within scool drama groups. The idea was accepted by Childrens theatre in Osijek and they became a partner in organizing this event which has been held for three years on the occasion of the World Day of Theatre for Children and Youth ( March 20) and The World Day of Puppetry ( March 21 )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Thanks to excellent cooperation with the primary schools in the city of Osijek, customer satisfaction ( children and parents) and media support we have become known in local community as the implementers of quality activities for children. With our skills and experience we can contribute to the Network by involving more children and youth, by creating new methodes of work in civil education, cultural diversity and human rights. During our work we create good cooperations with other organizations in Osijek and that's why we think we can be good mediator between Network and our local comunity. Also, our biggest partner, Youth association Breza is member of Network, because of that we are already familiar with work of Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our main work is to create awarness of childrens rights by using skills from non-formal education, thinking of cultural, national, social diversity. Trough the activities with children,youth and parents, we collected opinions about a number of situations in which their right has been violated. By making programs,projects and new possibilities joining the Network we can encourage them to "think out of box" . The values that we promote in our work: creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, freedom, responsibility, tolerance, autonomy, respect for diversity, art, creations, equality, the culture non-violence, non-formal learning. Considering of that we share common interests, we want to join Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ines Novak
Job Title
president of association
Head of the organisation
Ines Novak
Contact (2) Full Name
Mirna Šmit
Job Title (2)
leader of project "Reporters of better society"

Dominoes - Organization for Promotion of Women's rights

National Network

Bosanska 4
21000 Split

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Dominoes are feminists non-profit and non-governmental organization established 2003 by 7 women, civil activists. Today organization has more than 30 members, 6 employees and 20 volunteers. All employed staff and 2 volunteers who are working in the office are member of Executive Board, and the Management board has three members. Budget for past three years was more then 100.000,00 Euro. For 2009 budget is 150.000,00 Euro. Sources of founding are: National foundation for Civil Society Development EU Commission National and local public bodies Main programs/actions in past three years: political empowerment of women and integration of gender equality policy; Economical empowerment of women (new models for women on labor market); Media visibility of CSOs (more then 40 TV shows about CSO), international conferences and seminars about women in politics and women on labor market, research and exhibition - History of Woman of Split and Dalmatia; sociological research about w omen's role and position in City of Split. Direct legal and physiological support for women. Main partners of project are educational institutions such as Department of Sociology, University of Split, High School of Economy, NGOs and local communites. Dominoes are member of few local, national and international networks: Women's Network of Croatia, Feminists Initiative for Another Europe and European Women's Lobby.

Mission and Objectives

DOMINOES are women's, nongovernmental and nonprofit organization. We promote women's rights and empowering women to take active role in all parts of society and changing patriarchy in modern social system in which both, men and women will have equal rights and opportunites. Objectives: - promotion of women's rights - empowering women to take active role in political and other parts of social life, especially on local level - gender equality policy integration on local level - physiological and legal support to women who suffer violence - media visibility of CSO - research of history of women of Dalmatia - strengthening international cooperation, networking and connections with women's organization in Europe and Regions of Balkan and Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

- Creating new models for improving women’s position and integration of gender equality on local government policies in City of Split, Lead manager, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy in Split, partner on project; EU Commission (88.000 EUR)main goal: improving women's position and integration of gender equality policy on local policies in City of Split; main activities: sociological research: women's position in City of Split; pre-election campaign and support group for women politicians - Citizen's Initiatives - media visibility of CSO - program, National Foundation for Civil Society Development; 41.100,00 EUR; main objectives: . to increased knowledge on CSOs in local community by TV CSOs independent production, to raise information and awareness of public, target groups and stakeholders about civil society,to create independent media space on local TV for CSOs transparent and public work; activities: 18 TV shows on local TV about civil society and NGOs activities; Creating new models for employment - partner project; Lead Manager CESI Zagreb, Partner Dominoes; 110.000,00 EUR; EU Commission; main objectives: raising opportunities for unemployed women over age of 40, first employed women and single parents; activities: workshops and ELCD courses for unemployed persons, support group for unemployed women, conference.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirjana Kučer
Head of the organisation
Kučer Mirjana
Contact (2) Full Name
Goranka Škoprc

DOOR - Society for Sustainable Development Design

National Network

Rakušina 1
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 4655 441
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Assembly is the highest body consisting of all members. The Steering committee has five members elected by the Assembly and their term of office is two years. DOOR currently has six full-time employees. Sources of funding: European Commission, Croatian local and state authorities and other state institutions, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), private companies. Modalities of action: projects, seminars, workshops, publications. Main partners: Croatian and regional CSOs, local authorities, research and development institutions.

Mission and Objectives

DOOR’s mission is the promotion of sustainable development principles in all segments of society, at the local, regional and national level, primarily in the field of energy. Specific goals within the following three years (2012.-2014.) are: - Increased public (and specific target groups’) interest and understanding concerning sustainable energy - Increased competency in the field of sustainable energy of the individuals working in the educational sector - Encouraging and supporting new social and business initiatives and partnerships for implementation of sustainable energy which could be a trigger for social, economic and ecological development and poverty reduction - Encouraging local and state authorities to develop, integrate and implement sustainable energy politics and solutions, with the active involvement of the interested public and the cross-sectoral collaboration.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects: Citizen Participation in Energy Efficiency Action Planning – CENEP – The objective is to support the development of structured dialogue and formalised counselling between Croatian civil society organisations and public authorities in development, monitoring and evaluation of the national policies in the field of energy efficiency. Promoting and Testing Soft Measures for Energy Saving in Croatia - ENCRO – The project aims to increase citizens’ awareness and knowledge on energy efficiency and energy saving measures. Renewable Energy Policies Advocacy and Monitoring – REPAM – The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of CSOs and concerned public to participate in decision-making in the field of renewable energy sources. Public Dialogue on the Sustainable Use of Energy in South-East Europe - the aim is to initiate capacity building and the public dialogue about the sustainable use of energy with primary focus on energy efficiency, between the members of parliaments and key stakeholders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Slavica Robić
Head of the organisation
Slavica Robić

Drugo more

National Network

Omladinska 4

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Drugo more is a small-scale institution with 3 permanent employees. The governing body is an Assembly with 14 members. The members of the Assembly are all members of the association (mostly artists and other cultural workers). The Assembly gives general directions (strategic and operative plans, adopting annually reports and budget) for the associations and has meetings once a year. The organisation's President has the responsibility to make operative decisions. 5 of the Assembly members are Coordinators, taking a more active role in the programming of the organisation, meeting on a weekly basis. We are organising performing art festival Zoom and interdisciplinary festival Mine Yours Ours, we are implementing sociological research in the field of culture and we are organising educational programs from the art theory and cultural management. We are leding partner in a project Balcan can contemporary that is funded from the IPA program and we are partners in CORNERS project which us funded from EACEA. Our main partners are Maska, Ljubljana (SLO); Pogon, Zagreb; Domino, Zagreb (HR); TKH, Beograd (RS); Tanzelarija, Sarajevo (BiH); Qendra multimedija, Priština (KOS); Association Kulturanova, Novi Sad (RS), SU Molekula, Rijeka (HR); SU Klubtura, Zagreb (HR); Bunker, Ljubljana (SLO); Intercult (SWE) Drugo more receives regular funds from the City of Rijeka and the Ministry of Culture. From the City of Rijeka, we usually receive approximately 30.000 euros and from the Ministry of Culture approximately 25.000 euros per year. We have a 3-year grant from the National Foundation for Civil Society and we are currently receiving 20.000 euros per year - this grant will expire at the end of 2012. Also, we are the leading partner of the project 'Balcan Can Contemporary' that is implemented by 8 organizations. For that project we have received a grant of 296.000 Euros from the European Commission, DG Enlargement (IPA). Also, we are co-organizer (lead organizer is Intercult from Stockholm) of the project 'Four Corners' that has received a grant of 200.000 Euros from the EU Commission through the program Culture 2007.
Mission and Objectives

Drugo more (the Other Sea) is a non-profit organization working in the field of culture. Most of our programs are thematic and we are trying to explore certain topics of social interest. During that exploration we are producing artistic and theoretical programs that give further insight into the topics in question. In addition, we facilitate exchange of information between local and international artists, experts, students and a wider audience. We achieve this mainly through production in the field of visual and performing arts; promotion and implementation of research in the field of culture; organization of partipatory and educational events such as conferences and seminars.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of Drugo more are: production in the field of visual and performing arts, promotion – we are organising performing art festival Zoom and interdisciplinary festival Mine Yours Ours, we are implementing sociological research in the field of culture and we are organizing educational programs from the art theory and cultural management.
We are leading partner in a project Balcan can contemporary that is funded from the IPA program and we are partners in CORNERS project that is funded from EACEA.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As one of the members we can connect with other organization in Croatia and make some partnership project based in Croatia but also connected to the Euro-Mediterranean Region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the Anna Lindh Foundation facilitates and supports the action of civil society of the Euro-Mediterranean Region we are interested to expand our partnership and activities trough that region.
Some of activities that the Foundation’s programme is focused are also Education and Youth, Culture and Arts and we feel that we can contribute and expand our activities that are connected to mentioned fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Davor Mišković
Head of the organisation
Davor Mišković
Contact (2) Full Name
Petra Corva

Društvo Naša djeca Poreč

National Network

Trg kneza Branimira 2
52440 Poreč

++385 52 647 434
Mobile Phone
+385 91 11 33334
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

DND (Organization Our children) was built on volunteer work. Now we have 2 employed in office and 4 people working directly with children. Organization has Assembley, president and 7 member Governing board. We offer workshops for children in their free time and fees are enough to sustain organization but we also get funding from town budget, citizens and businesses. This year we were granted three years institutional support from National foundation for development of civil society. We cooperate with a number of croatian OCSs, including a family of DND organizations. 

Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is protection and promotion of children rights, than organization of activities for and with children, as well as supporting parents to meet their children's needs.

Main Projects / Activities

Workshops during school year in childrens free time that encourage childrens crietivity (dance, acting, writing, painting), help them make good and healthy choices, learn to respect themselves and other people. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We think we can contribute through partnerships and sharing knowledge, skills and experience

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in networks (already belong to Croatian DND network) because networks bring organizations to work together, chare and expend their knowledge, skills and experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabrijela Močibob
Head of the organisation
Gabrijela Močibob
Contact (2) Full Name
Sniježana Matejčić
Job Title (2)
project manager

Ecumenical Women's Initiative

National Network

Četvrt kralja Slavca 3
21310 Omiš

021 862 599
021 757 085
Mobile Phone
098 447 310
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Organisation: 5 member Governing Board; 4 full time staff; 3 part-time external experts. Annual budget approx 300.000 EUR. Current funding sources: international ecumenical / church networks; women’s foundations. Support of grassroots women’s initiatives through distribution of small project grants through twice annual public Calls for Proposals. Through monitoring, training and networking EWI also supports the formation of cross-border partnerships, particularly those with an ecumenical/inter-religious dimension. Local partners: formal and informal women’s groups; women theologians who have potential to bring about change in the community; mixed gender groups with women in leadership and decision making roles where the majority of activities implemented by women. In the interest of sustainability of activities, EWI and local partners build in communication with local and municipal authorities, lobbying for greater recognition and change where appropriate. EWI has an extensive informal network of local partners across its region, cooperating also with religious institutions and faculties.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: A non-governmental, non-profit making organisation which supports women as initiators and actors of change in faith communities and in society by supporting and connecting individuals and groups working in the fields of gender equality, peace building and reconciliation, ecumenical and inter-religious cooperation in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, encouraging networking and cross border cooperation. Aims: - all women will be free to develop their personal abilities, make choices without limitations set by strict gender roles and actively participate in decision making processes in their communities; - an inclusive and sustainable process towards a peaceful and reconciled society through the full contribution of women in the countries where EWI operates; - a deeper understanding and respect of religious diversity as a positive dimension to the development of civil society in the countries where the EWI operates; - EWI as a strong and sustainable regional organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

Project: Women Peacemakers & Instigators of Social Change (2007) 18 grassroots activities implemented with local partners in the EWI region (939 direct & 1.510 indirect beneficiaries). Within this number: - 27 workshops in non-violent communication, conflict resolution, peace building & reconciliation; - 15 literacy workshops; - 8 inter-religious workshops - 3 inter-religious conferences; - 2 research activities; - 1 anti-trafficking awareness raising campaign. Project: Women Peacemakers (2008) 42 grassroots activities implemented with local partners in the EWI region (1.918 direct & 2.810 indirect beneficiaries). Within this number: - 47 workshops in non-violent communication, conflict resolution, peace building & reconciliation in which 543 women participated; - 5 new & innovative channels of communication developed across the region; - 5 cross border exchanges; - 346 women from different religious communities are actively using newly gained expertise in conflict transformation in their communities; - 1 new network established.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carolyn Boyd Tomasović
Head of the organisation
Carolyn Boyd (Managing Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Raffai (President)