
Citizens Democratic Initiative Project

National Network

Jozsefa Antala 3, 31300 Beli Manastir
Beli Manastir

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
CDIP is working through the president, assembly, board of directors (5 members) and supervisory board (3 members). CDIP has 23 members, 3 employees and 15 volunteers. Partners are National foundation for civil society, PRONI centre for social eduaction, Volunteers centre Osijek and Social care centre Beli Manastir, etc. Donors in 2010 are : Ministry od science, education and sport, Ministry of regional development, forestry and water eceonomy, Osjecko-baranjska county and City Beli Manastir. Projects and rpogrammes in 2010 are: programme "Salter" - support programme for civil society organizations and active individuals, Info clubs project, Projects aiminig to stop addictions (Information and education against addiction), Hand of friendship project (activities with foster children and foster parents), and SOS computer project.
Mission and Objectives

Citizens Democratic Initiative project - CDIP is non governmental, non profitable and imapartial association which through principals of tolerancy, understanding and cooperation, education programmes and civil organization, support active participation of individuals and groups in creation of civil society and democration. CDIP objectives are: to eduacte citizens about democracy and democratical processes, to develop democracy through presentation of democratic relationships, to develop ability of the citizens for taking place in social processes, to encourage individuals in taking over active roles in positive social changes aiming on develop of civil society, encouraging culture of life in multiethnical communities of the principals, tolerancy, freedom of speach, human rights of everybody, no mather of ethnical, religious or cultural differences and to support other NGO-s which are establishing their working programmes on democratic principals and encouraging civil society through assembling available informations.

Main Projects / Activities

Activites that CDIP are implementing are divided in three programmme areas: community organizing, democracy and civil society development and work with young people. CDIP activities are relized through: workshops (educate citizens about basic principals of democracy), education of citizens through organizing tribines, round tables, seminars, quizes, publishing actions (party papers, biltens, newspapers, brochures, books), preparing and distribution of educational materials, leaflets and posters, organization of public manifestations, concerts and gathering, education for medias (radio and TV shows), education of citizens through giving help and support in their selforganizing in search of rights, starting legislative initiatives, lobbing and mediating throught citizens and their elected spokesmen and questioning public opinion about actual social problems, consultations with groups and individuals, work with young people (abot addictions, non violent communication, volunteering) and european integrations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirela Alagic
Head of the organisation
Mirela Alagic
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Rebrina

Civil Rights Project Sisak

National Network

Stjepana i Antuna Radica 6/5
44000 Sisak

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Civil rights project Sisak is a non-governmental, non-political, unprofitable, humanitarian organisation registered in Sisak on 02 December 2003. CRP Sisak continues the work of the Civil Rights Project of the Norwegian Refugee Council. The highest body of NGO is the Assembly of NGO. All regular members of PGP-CRP make the Assembly. The Managing board manages the work of the organisation. Currently there are 6 employees. We are implementing partner of UNHCR for free legal aid in central Croatia. Last year we have had budget approximately to 200000€. CRP Sisak funds are related to EU, Norwegian and Netherlands embassies in Croatia, UNHCR, Croatian Ministry of justice, local authorities, and member fees.

Mission and Objectives

The goal of the organisation is providing humanitarian aid to refugees, returnees, IDP’s and socially vulnerable persons, as well as the promotion and protection of human rights and values of all citizens regarding the development and strengthening of democracy and humanism, protection and affirmation of human, civil and political rights.

Main Projects / Activities

We provide help to citizens in the protection of their civil and human rights; provide free legal aid and relevant information and humanitarian aid, protect minorities, stimulate ethnic and religious co-operation, work on the development of a local community regarding the protection of human and civil rights, develop co-operation with similar organisations in the country and abroad. We also support civil initiatives and economic development, educate members and public on the goals of the organisation. We also organise lectures, seminars and other activities. Strengthens local democracy through the participation of citizens in decision making and development of pluralistic and multicultural society as a basis for the construction of a community that fits its citizens

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to this network through implementing activities and sharing our experience with others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to spread area of our influence and implement new activities in future as well as to work together with other partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Milana Kreća
Head of the organisation
Milana Kreća


This publication was created on the twentieth anniversary of the Clubture network as an overview of the comprehensive and extensive activities of the network within the Croatian cultural system (and towards the Croatian cultural system). The exciting energy of work...

Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights – Legal Service Coalition

National Network

Gornjodravska obala 81

+385 31 284320
Telephone (other)
+385 31 284321
+385 31 284321
Mobile Phone
+385 98 1638619
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. The Coalition consists of 9 NGO-s across Croatia. Main Coaliton body is the Assembly and consists of one representative of each member organization. Coordination office employs: Executive director, Administrative Assistant and Financial Officer. 2. 100.000 – 300.000 US $ per year 3. Foreign and domestic donations 4. projects; seminars; workshops, manifestations; press releases; national and international advocacy. 5. Member organizations: Centre for Civil Initiatives, Porec, Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights, Osijek, Centre for Peace, Legal Advice and Psychosocial Assistance, Vukovar, Dalmatian Solidarity Committee, Split, HOMO - The Association for the Protection of Human Rights and Civil Freedoms, Pula, Organization for Civil Initiative, Osijek, Committee for Human Rights, Karlovac Serbian Democratic Forum, Zagreb, Association for Peace and Human Rights Baranja, Bilje 6. Donors: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, King Badouin Foundation, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Croatian Governments' Human Rights Office, etc. NGO partners: Croatian Helsinki Committee; Hungarian cultural society “Ady Endre”; German Minority Community; Organization of Romani friendship LUNA; Serbian Cultural Association, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Coalition for promotion and protection of human rights is an association of non-profit, non-governmental organizations that act in realizing and advancement of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Croatia. The Coalition overlooks and monitors the consistency in implementing laws and their harmonization with international standards; educates and raises awareness on the importance of respect for human rights, and; advocates the enhancement of the status of the civil society organizations that deal with human rights and democratization.
Mission of Coalition is to monitor and consistently supervise the application of legislation and theirs coherence with international accepted standards, educates and making public more sensible on importance of respecting human rights as well as advocating an improvement of status of civil rights organizations which are involved in human rights and democratization of societies.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: Multiculturalism as a part of modern European society; Promotion and protection of human rights Program; Promoting European values against racism and xenophobia at local and regional level; Minority rights in practice in southeast Europe – National action plan for Croatia for period 2007-2008; etc.
Values and principles of activity are: Fundamental rights and freedoms, Equality before the law for all citizens, Rule of law Gender / sex equality (equal possibilities for men and woman in public, political and economical life), Active citizenship (or participative democracy), Multiculturalism and nondiscrimination on ethnic, cultural, lingual and religious foundations. Few current and past activities: initiating the campaign to adopt the Law on Free Legal Service; one of the initiators of the campaign “The Public Right to Know” – Adopting the Law on the Right of Access to Information; campaign for the restitution of tenancy rights; members of the Coalition have and still are providing legal advices…

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelena Josić
Head of the organisation
Jelena Josić
Contact (2) Full Name
Ljiljana Božić-Krstanović
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Community Foundation Slagalica

National Network

31000 OSIJEK

+ 385 31 213 255
+ 385 31 213 255
Mobile Phone
+ 385 91 35 35 453
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Community Foundation “Slagalica” is established in April 2007, becoming a legal body on 29 August 2007. Founders are local NGOs Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights and Organization for Citizens Initiatives. Organizational structure includes governing board and staff/executive team. Governing board has nine members reflecting local community with members coming from local media, SME and large companies, local authorities, CSOs, public institutions etc. Governing board role includes strategic planing, grant approval, networking, fundraising etc. We have two staff members - director on full time basis and program assistant as part time staff member. We are partners to the National Foundation for Develeopment of Civil Society in decentralisation of their grant giving programs. Budgetary resources available in a year cosists of grants and contracts for services with total amount of 544.344,00 kn (74.570 Euro)with tendency to grow in 2009 up to 130.000 Euro. Main sources of funding are: National Foundation for Development of Civil Society, City of Osijek, WINGS - Global Fund for Community Foundations, C.S. Mott Foundation and individual donations. We implement our mission through grant making, projects, cooperation and exchange with similar organizations and institutions. Main partners involved in the organization's activities are some of our donors, several local NGOs and a local busines sector.

Mission and Objectives

Purpose of CF Slagalica is advancement of citizens' quality of life through the promotion of multiculturalism, social and economic stability, development of citizens' activism and democracy as well as preservation of natural and cultural values of the City of Osijek and Slavonia and Baranya region. In order to realize this purpose, CF “Slagalica” has a mission to support local philanthropy, development of sustainable funds, grant making and giving of financial support as well as to encourage social and corporate responsibility. Our key objectives are - promotion of philanthropy on local and regional level - mobilization of local resources in order to meet community needs through assessment of community needs and existing giving programs; - improving organizational capacities for mobilization of local resources through securing institutional stability and visibility of CF Slagalica - networking on national and regional level - improving financial capacities of CF Slagalica through enlargement of endowment as a precondition for long term stability

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects/ activities are: • Promotion of philanthropy • Community initiative actions – community actions that mobilize and gather local resources in implementation of annual or multi-annual actions • Grant giving program of CF Slagalica based on needs assessment • Fund for community projects • Fund for Humanitarian Aid and Actions – urgent and current need of individuals and groups • Donor service program • Partnership with National Foundation for Development of Civil Society in decentralization of their community initiative funds • Cooperation and networking in order to enhance national and regional cooperation between similar community foundations and grant giving organizations in promotion of community philanthropy • Networking for mutual support, exchange of experiences • Institutional development: • Human resources capacity building

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Zloić Jelena Gordana


National Network

Fra Bonina 5 - 21000 Split , Croatia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
establishment in April 2012 we are new , dr Adel Said president , Tatiana Said manger. we have not tel now budget , all our money it is private. We are searching sources for funding our projects4 example,seminars,workshop,theater,festival We don't have partners, but we have the Croatian main library support our activity .
Mission and Objectives

The only way for the rise of the people / is the knowledge
And Culture is the way of knowledge
Culture is a people’s ammunition in the war for life
To the Renaissance, development, progress
And what is most important in the culture is recognize with the other
And research ways to cooperate for the exchange of science and the arts ,
The development of technological has helped the acquaintance, exchange and cooperation
Where the universe has become a small village
One people - one family - one sky
The culture and art promote loving spirit life of humanity and renunciation of war and the differences
Our motto:
Culture and art is a bridge of cooperation and the advancement of the peoples for that we work in cultural and art the main language , in our world for make peace

Main Projects / Activities

- first Arabic festival in Croatia
folk, fin art , theater ,dance , music, books translated , cinema , and this festival first steep to make Arabic culture center for all this zone, but we have lung way to talk about cultural Arabic in this zone no any knowledge about Arabic world , we start with Egypt next month , seminar for Naguib Mahfoz and we make for hem documentary
we hope too to make theater only for our work and group from here to make by movement our theater , Arabic cultural to give the Adriatic zone this knowledge about Arabic world

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

i am stile new association here and only me work in this kind of work Arabic cultural and i am sure by this way we will found way for economic
bcz Croatia full of sources
spicily for touristic

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to found way and partner to help us in our projects
we r in new zone poor knowledge about Arabic cultural , and i need to experience and support

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Adel Said
Head of the organisation
Dr Adel Said
Contact (2) Full Name
Tatjana Said



The Croatian Network for Cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean (the Croatian ALF National Network) promotes dialogue, knowledge and diversity among the cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean region by developing tolerance and openness towards new knowledge, religions, cultures and values. The Croatian Network also advocates for the promotion and protection of human rights and basic freedoms.

The National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society (NFDCS) assumes the role of coordinator of the Croatian Network (HoN) since January 2009 in accordance with the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

Being a grant-giving organisation itself, the HoN is continuously providing the Network members with all relevant information on the funding opportunities from the national, but also foreign sources (besides ALF grant schemes, EU and Norwegian funds, etc.).

One of the main achievements of the network is the “Cooperation on the Euro-Med Programme” established by the Network coordinator in the previous period. Through this programme, the HoN continuously offers co-financing of the projects or programmes that received grants by the ALF and involved the Croatian Network members.

Regarding the general support mechanisms/services for the CSOs, the HoN runs a network of regional supporting organisations, providing Croatian CSOs with free of charge information, counselling and assistance services.

The applied communication strategy helps reaching positive perception in the general public about the multiculturalism, diversity and tolerance, as well as create an attitude that is welcoming and nurishing - in this way, all of the activities by HoN and the Network members affect the positive perception, and that will continue to be one of the most important activities of the whole Croatian ALF Network in the future as well.

Croatian Arab Friendship Society - Hrvatsko arapsko društvo prijateljstva

National Network

F. Preserna 1
B. Polica 2
51000 Rijeka

Telephone (other)
00 385(0)98426084
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Croatian Arab Friendship society have presidency and Supervisory Board and we have one person employed as a coordinator of our projects. Our budget is for now about 75.000 kn ( 10 000 Euro). Our surce of funding is Croatian Ministry of Forign affaires and Primorsko - goranska county. Our modalitetes of action are culture, humanitarian work  and economic forums.  Our partners are economic organistaon and embassys of arab countries in Croatia (Egypt, Algeire, Tunis, Morroco, UAE) Austrian Arabic Chambre of Economic and other non governmental organizations with the similar coses and aims.

Mission and Objectives

The aim of the association is to combat racial discrimination, build peace and bridges between different cultures, nations and religions, promote intercultural dialogue and bring closer to Arabic and Croatian culture, science, history, language, gastronomy and natural and tourist beauties.

Main Projects / Activities

Festival of Arab Films in Zagreb Every year, in the capital of Croatia Zagreb , we organize Arab Film Festival with the aim of acquainted Croatian citizens with Arab culture, cinematography and lifestyle in Arab countries. This is how we work to combat racial discrimination and xenophobia. We had to edition 2016, 2017. We screen movies from Egypt, Tunis, Algeire, United Arab Emirates, Libanon)   Days of Arab Films in Rijeka In city of Rijeka  we have similar cultural manifastion where we want to  additionally promote arab culture and cinematography. Edition 2016., 2017. Croatian Arab Economic Forum This is economic manifestation with the goal to make closer Croatian and Arab economics. Edition 2016. 2017.  Cultural Centar of the Arab World Cultural Centar of the Arab World .is the  centar of 125 m2  where we promote arab and other cultures throughout the year. (conters, exibitions, lecture...)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are the main promoter of the politics of sultural and economic cooperations between Croatia and arab countries and so we promote the politics of cooperation and understanding bettwen diferent Culture. This is very important in events regarding refugee crisis. We would like very much to cooperate with similar organisation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Arab culture is very important part of the mediteration culture and our maim goal is promotion of the arab culture in croatia and other countries in region. We woud like to cooperate with similar organisation on Mediterane. We have very goog cooperation with embassys of arab countries in Croatia and we woud like to expand this on other cultural fundation and similar organisation in region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aljosa Babic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Presidency - President Aljosa Babic