
Association for the promotion of culture and art “REZ”

National Network

Raciceva 4
10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. President and 2 vice-presidents, occasional employees 2. Approx. 20000-30000 euros per year 3. Government and local funding (Ministry of culture, City of Zagreb), Foreign embassies, International organisations and cultural institutes, Sponsorships 4. Concrete projects, exchanges 5. Depending on specific poject – diverse partners (local and foreign)
Mission and Objectives

Association REZ promotes intercultural dialogue through performing arts.
- Promotion and development of performing arts
- Development of non-institutional culture
- Intercultural cooperation
- Promotion of urban culture
- Visibilty of performing arts with the young
- Intercultural dialogue and its promotion in Croatia

Main Projects / Activities

El-Harraga/KUS-KUS – cooperation with Algerian artists
Etiquette – cooperation with British performing arts company Rotozaza
Cooperation with French-Asian dance company Unikaji
FFRIK! International theatre festival (2005-2008)
Coproductions and productions of theatre and dance performances with foreign artists
Co-organisation of festivals (DPI festival)
Research of cultural policies in Croatia

Contact (1) Full Name
Berislav Juraic
Head of the organisation
Berislav Juraic
Contact (2) Full Name
Josip Stajfer

Association Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik

National Network

Don Frane Bulića 4

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

The Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik (IUC) is an independent international centre for advanced studies, structured as an association of 170 universities and scientific institutions from all parts of the world. Legal entity for the IUC is IUC Association. The IUC yearly organises 60-70 courses, conferences, workshops and study projects in a wide range of academic fields. International governing bodies are responsible for the overview of the programmes and functioning of the Centre. All members of governing bodies, organisers of programmes and lecturers are volunteers, while the institution has three employees in the Secretariat and part time accountant. The IUC is supported by University of Zagreb (infrastructure and staff), some member universities (with moderate membership fees), participants of academic programmes (fees), Croatian Ministry of Education and Science (scholarship for Croatian participants and part of operation - until 2019.) Budget in 2019 was 160.000 Euro.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the IUC Dubrovnik is to bring together scholars and students from different countries, cultures and academic disciplines to advanced research and higher education programmes. The IUC maintains high standards of scientific quality and provides an open space for critical thinking and innovation. Building upon its location and its history the IUC Dubrovnik serves as a bridge between regions within Europe and between the European region and the world by connecting scientific communities and connecting communities through science. The IUC emphasises and supports inter-disciplinary and cross-national collaboration on global challenges encouraging, in addition to east-west collaboration also new north-south initiatives. The IUC Dubrovnik also stimulates the development of research activities, in particular related to the courses and conferences within the programme and contributes to connecting leading international partner universities to regional academic institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

The IUC Dubrovnik continues its practice of organising courses and conferences within the broad spectrum of scientific disciplines provided by scientific staff from multiple countries. The first programme events were launched in 1974, and courses and conferences have from then on represented a wide range of different academic disciplines, from fields of humanities and social sciences, to natural sciences and medicine. Courses and conferences are proposed by scholars from member institutions and are organised by course and conference directors coming from at least two different countries. IUC programmes are intended to reflect the most recent developments in scientific and academic concerns and in most cases are inter and trans-disciplinary. They also promote intercultural exchange and dialogue. Each programme is approved by the IUC’s Executive Committee and many are recognised through ECTS points at home universities of organisers and lecturers. Although in a typical year IUC organises app 65. Academic programmes the institution is open for new entries. More on 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Inter-University Centre is contributing to the strengthening of the civil society and development of public policies through numerous academic programmes, courses and workshops. Participants are coming from all over the world so good practice examples are easily presented and shared. In such a way participants from Croatia (usually 1/3 of all attendees) learn about examples from other countries and can implement this knowledge in their professional careers. All IUC programmes are open to interested public since courses are generally open for participants from outside the academic community. In such a way cross-sector cooperation and collaboration between civil society organisations and academic community is encouraged. Many IUC programmes are tackling matters of human rights, divided societies, cultural identities and clashes, religions, social justice, inclusion in the area of social work, and many others. We would like to enable further networking for civil society organisations in Croatia that have similar area of operation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF’s purpose is similar to IUC’s mission: overcoming differences that exist in the current societies by establishing dialogue, exchanging knowledge and creating more tolerant communities. IUC has is doing so by organising courses and conferences in a wide range of academic fields, mostly humanities and social sciences. In these programmes participants from different backgrounds, cultures, of different religious beliefs share their ideas in the atmosphere of understanding and tolerance. When they return to home institutions participants can implement their knowledge in their community and to some extent this has an effect on policy-makings. Since our participants are to the larger extent students IUC programmes have a big impact on the young generation. However, we wish to strengthen our network and connect with other institutions with similar mission. We would also like to take part in some future joint projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Bruer Ljubišić
Job Title
Executive Secretary
Head of the organisation
Prof. Krunoslav Pisk, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomislav Kvesić
Job Title (2)
Administrative Assistant

Association Mi - Split

National Network

Sinjska 7
21 000 Split

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

1. 12 employed, 35 associates 2. 500.000 € 3. Local, regional, international 4. Concrete projects, seminars 5. National Foundation for Development of Civil Society, UNHCR, City of Split

Mission and Objectives

The association endeavours to support personal and social development through professional psycho-social work on the basis of philanthropy and altruism.

Main Projects / Activities

Wisdom of Split - Elderly Community Support Services is intended to meet the needs of the elderly citizens of Split through the counselling centre, clubs, educational activities, volunteer work of elderly citizens and home visits to isolated elderly individuals, raising public awareness on elderly issues. Volunteer Center Split promotes and develops volunteer work at a local, regional and national level; educates NGOs and volunteers, connects, supports and follows their activities; Regional NGO Support Center- provides up-to-date information, instructions, workshops, and consultations, connecting NGOs to other relevant associations and to other sectors. Ethnic reconciliation project: Building Sustainable Community in the Aftermath of War has been designed and implemented by Association MI since beginning of 1997 as a countrywide project covering all areas affected by the war in Croatia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Slobodan Škopelja
Head of the organisation
Slobodan Škopelja
Contact (2) Full Name
Nives Ivelja

Association of Petit Philosophy, Udruga “Mala filozofija”

National Network

Andrije Hebranga 10e
23000 Zadar

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Association Petit philosophy promoting benefits of philosophy for children and critical thinking through institutional or non institutional education. We work with children from 7 years old to young people in earl twenties. Also we educate future teachers in the philosophy for children. We are promoting among children and youth, the primordial values to make them aware of the importance of tolerance, human rights and other democratic gains. We have the original programs tailored to appropriate age with whom we work. You can see more in paragraph Main projects/ Activities.

Mission and Objectives

- work with children and youth - promote critical thinking in institutional or non institutional education - promote philosophy for/with children in institutional or non institutional education - promote tolerance, human rights and democracy - promote free thinking that leads to individual opinion - train children and young people for critical thinking, so that they themselves can resist all forms of modern manipulation (media, politics, economy…)...

Main Projects / Activities

From 2008. we are implementing our project »Take a look in your own opinion« for children from 8 to 11 years old. In this project we use children’s stories and games that we adjust to this age, but the program itself is not essentially differ from other philosophy programs for children in so far as it makes use of discussions, questions, arguments and counterarguments. Program of this project is held one or two hours per week, which amounts to 35 or 70 hours per year for each group. Teachers use PowerPoint presentations to ask pupils questions related to given themes, and moderate the ensuing discussion, thus guiding pupils towards mutually arrived at conclusions. Twenty-four lessons are scheduled, organized in accordance with the topics determined by the syllabus. One lesson is reserved for topic of the pupils’ choice, together with three extra hours intended for the same purpose. Four lessons are provided for the evaluation process, which includes discussion, debate, writing and reflection. PowerPoint presentations are prepared for each lesson in advance. A leading role in the presentation goes to Sofia the owl, who guides children through the questioning process. There are also Sofia’s friends: Bibica the fish, Pak the crab, Morskic the seahorse, Pez the hedgehog, Ratka the duck, Slavisa the wolf, Bakalarko the cod fish. At the beginning of each school hour teachers determine which students will be reading scripted lines of these animated characters. Most lessons include one or more stories, which are all closely related to the topic, and each lesson topic of Petit philosophy includes one or more stories taken from mythology, literature or philosophy which is directly relevant to the theme. From year 2008. we are implementing this program in three schools. This year (2010) we will be doing this program in 14 schools, public libraries and associations. You can see full program on Project »With critical thinking to awareness of harmfulness of corruption among children 8-12 years« is a part of the anti-corruption project of Holcim Croatia. The project, which is similar to project »»Take a look in your own opinion« with children stories, games and animated characters (Sofia the owl, Mile the guinea pig, Malik the buck...). Because of Croatian large corruption problems, our workshops are adjust to pupils age so we can raise awareness about this issue amanog the children. Our new project entitled "With education to tolerance, democracy and human rights" is the most complex project so far. The project consists several different programs. - »I among others« - a program for students from fifth and sixth grade of elementary school. The program covers topics of the individual relationships with themselves and the surrounding environment. The course deals with topics individual's relation to the family, through friends, citizens, individuals and groups of other nationalities, faiths, different sexual orientations, and different opinions. Also deals with the themes of identity, globalization and multiculturalism. In the workshops we use Power Point presentation in which appear animated teacher as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle ... - "I have rights, you're right, we've got each other" - a program for pupils from seventh and eighth grade of elementary school. The program deals with issues of human rights in all aspects of individual rights including the right of the people, as well as the species and the grounds of human rights, but also the importance of respect for these rights. Each workshop begins with a case study (which shows a violation of human rights and the consequences of the violation), which introduces pupils to a given topic, to discuss a case example, concludes with a discussion and conclusions about a given topic. In this way, pupils from the concrete, living examples (eg case) can draw theoretical conclusions and become aware of the necessity for respecting human rights. - »From art of tolerance and democracy» program is for high school students. Genuine and quite an interesting program in which through the help of music, film, art,photography and other arts, student become aware of the importance of tolerance and the benefits of democracy. In contemporary music, a lot of musicians singing the 'go to democracy, some were' asked 'about its importance and feasibility, and some have criticized. From different aspects, contexts and examples, students will be able to revive themselves with benefits of democracy and the necessity of tolerance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivana Kragić
Head of the organisation
Ivana Kragić, prof.

Association of Professional Phytoaroma Therapist in Istrian County Pula

National Network

Associationa of professional phytoaroma therapist
from Pula -Istrian county - Croatia


+ 385 99 7902 169
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00385 996808086
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 997902169
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are a center of complementary and alternative medicine , professional phytoaroma therapist, We have a big network in our county,national level. We are working in in large field of action - Our volontay staff ( 35) + our partners ( 10) Budget res. is member fee, but we have a big support from our partners in many of our activities and projects
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IS A MAIN PROJECT - first topic is herb at a glance it*s series of facts shhet that provides basic information and knowledge about specific herbs or botanical common names, uses potential side effects and resourses for more information
complementari and alternative medicine is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine .In that case our association cam is used by our children & youth including adolescents this help to ensure coorinated and safe care
children and youth are open for this kind of thinking in a proper way. what mean to mantain good healt with knowledge and style of living,We begine with plants, products, and many other things to approch in holistic

Contact (1) Full Name
Ines Bonazza (President)
Head of the organisation
Ines Bonazza (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandra & INES

Assosiation for promotion of human rights and media freedoms "Cenzura Plus"

National Network

Cenzura Plus, Šetalište Bačvice 10
21000 SPLIT

+385 (0)21 489 167
Telephone (other)
+385 (0)91 503 0112
+ 385 21 488 445
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 (0)91 503 0112
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 (0)98 934 3450
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Cenzura Plus is non-profit, non-governmental organization. It has 4 full-time experienced employees (staff), 4 regular, weekly volunteers and at least 10 outside part-time coworkers. Cenzura Plus has huge commitment to its values and nourishes Transparency and principles of Good Governance in its work. Organizational structure is democratic and its financial management fallows strict rules and best practices. Annual budget is on the level of 500.000 kn (70.000 - 80.000 EUR) and organization mobilize significant amount of volunteer work. It is supported through Non-profit media programme of National foundation for development of civil society and Institutional support. Our other donors were and are Academy for Educational Development – AED/USAID, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Embassy of U.S.A. in Zagreb and City of Split. It is active member of Regional network for civil society development – Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN), of European network with similar aim – European Citizens Action Service (ECAS) and of European network for gender equality and social justice – Women in Development Europe (WIDE). In its work it cooperates with many non-governmental organizations from Croatia and Western Balkans and other important stakeholders (it has many partners on its projects and programmes). Basic methodology of work is TV production, other public communication tools, education, public advocacy,..
Mission and Objectives

CENZURA PLUS is non-profit, civil society organization situated in Split, that through methods of independent media (TV) production, out-institutional education and public advocacy, promotes human rights, media freedoms and works on development of civil society, all with aim of building modern, democratic and just society in Croatia. Our priorities are:
1. Improvement of Media Freedoms, Media Responsibility and status of Non-profit Media in Croatia;
2. Improvement of Women Rights, Human Rights and Rights of Minorities’ status;
3. Improvement of Civil Society’s status, Citizens Participation and Cross-sectors Cooperation;
4. Increasing of Social Responsibility of all society actors (corporate, in particular – Corporate Social Responsibility);
5. Promotion of Anti-corruption activities in community, Peace building and facing with the past, Inter-cultural dialogue and Regional Cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

Cenzura Plus has several Projects, some of bigger are: Media project (TV production and advocacy) and Anti-discrimination project.
More than 12 years now, we make our TV show on weekly bases. It is important to emphasize that TV show CENZURA is one of TV programs with highest rate of viewers on regional levels in Croatia. It is telecast directly, in live, (Fridays at 9 p.m.) in prime-time on regional television TV Jadran, that covers whole Split-Dalmatian County, biggest county in Croatia, and some others parts of Dalmatian – big parts of surrounding counties. It is also broadcasted on digital TV – MAX TV (with 180.000 viewers), cable TV – B Net (with 350.000 viewers) and Internet television SMART TV. Regularly it is telecasted on local television ATILA, in Bjelovar and on Zadar’s City television GTV. On that way CENZURA manages to cover large area in Croatia and number of 2.000.000 potential viewers, that is approximately half (1/2) of whole Croatia’s population. TV shows CENZURA last 60 minutes, each. Guests of TV shows are persons best for each particular theme, from all three society sectors and whole Croatia, 1-2 of them per show.
Our guests were, among many others respected persons from public life in Croatia, from Croatian president Stipe Mesić, to Carla del Ponte, Monica Macovei, Gudrun Scyman and Maria-Pia Boethius.

Contact (1) Full Name
Željana Buntić-Pejaković, vice-president
Head of the organisation
Blagica Kujundžić, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Tanja Giovanelli, office manager

Autonomous centre - ACT

National Network

Dr. Ivana Novaka 38, 40000 Čakovec, Croatia
HR-40000 Cakovec

+385 40 390 047
+385 40 390 048
Mobile Phone
+385 98 819 149
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 98 819 674
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Autonomous centre - ACT is non -profit non-governmental organization which supreme management body is assembly; organization has board of directors (president and 4 members) and executive director. ACT has between 3 permanently employers and 5-10 permanent professional associates. Budget for 2008. was 98.500,00 €. Sources of funding include national and international donors and incomes from self financing – Autonomous centre founded Ltd. which offers design and print services for CSOs. Organization implement two multiannual programs, two festivals every year and 3-4 new projects every year. Some of partners were: National foundation for civil society development, County of Međimurje, City governments, Regional development agencies and 10-15 civil society organizations from Croatia.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: ACT is a non-profit organization that works on the development of civil society and community through non-formal education, informing, consulting and promotion to induce social change in areas of open technology, social entrepreneurship, philanthropy and media.
Strategic objectives (2009-2011):
1. Strengthening ACT as a education center;
2. Strengthening ACT as a center for the civil society development in northwestern Croatia;
3. Popularization and promotion of social enterprises issues in Croatia.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Program of regional development and strengthening the ability of civil society organizations in northwestern Croatia is partner project with Nacional foudation for civil society development and KVARK CSO. Program works through education, consulting and informing of CSOs.
2. club.act includes presentations, lectures, workshops, projections which promote issues which organization deal with.
3. Education activities – Organization organizes courses and workshops on areas of new technologies and (self)employment for vulnerable groups like unemployed, minority groups...
4. ACT implement multi-year project of education of peer trainers for issue of prevention of alcohol/drugs addiction.
5. ACT carry out 2 festivals:
a. FreeFest is education international manifestation regarding new technologies, new media, free software, free culture;
b. ACTFest is international music festival who promotes free licenses in creativity.
6. Community library Tabula rasa deals with humanistic and social sciences (books, CDs, DVDs) with lots of reading matter available in reading room.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teodor Petricevic
Head of the organisation
Stjepan Mikec
Contact (2) Full Name
Vugrinović Andrea


National Network

10000 ZAGREB

+385 1 46 40 262
Mobile Phone
+385 98 1658 186
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Bacači sjenki/Shadow Casters is a non-profit international artistic and production platform dedicated to interdisciplinary collaboration, creation and reflection within the field of intermedia arts, especially in the domain of its implementation in urban spaces. It is situated in Zagreb with three core collaborators and one employee. Its yearly budget is approximately 90.000,00 Euro. The organization is financed by Croatian Ministry of Culture, Municipal office for education, sports and culture in Zagreb and National Foundation for Civil Society Development. It is also financed by other foundations and sponsors on specific projects. Shadow Casters create and produce theatre, exhibitions, multimedia, workshops, etc. Over the years Shadow Casters have collaborated with different organizations in Croatia and internationally. Some of those are: Center for Peace Studies Zagreb, Center for Cultural Decontamination Belgrade, Multimedia Cultural Center Split, Croatian Film Clubs' Association, International Theatre Festival MESS, Zagreb Youth Theatre, Atelje 212, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Through its activities that encompass a broad range of projects – multimedia performances, cultural memory projects, urban-human networks, educational projects, workshops, lectures, conferences, urban performances, installations and exhibitions – Shadow Casters continuously instigate intercultural dialogue and active exchange between Croatian and international artists and professionals, at once questioning the existing concepts of individual and collective identity. The platform also strives to stimulate the debate on the nature and contradictions of the on-going globalization process, dealing with those social, political and cultural issues that reveal the acute problems and issues of a certain society: among other things, the politics of public space, the consequences of transition processes, the status and forms of intimacy as well as the systematic production of amnesia and discontinuity.

Main Projects / Activities

Shadow Casters have produced a number of projects on local and international level. The majority of these projects, created as performative, educational, multimedia or socially engaged time sculptures, examine the relation of man and space through entirely different approaches: poetic-detective urban travels through world cities Shadow Casters; theatre trilogy based on Kafka: Process_City (Process_in_Progress, Ex-position, Vacation From History); penetrating into the microcosm of one Zagreb skyscraper and the multi-facetted revealing of its past, present and future Man is Space: Vitić Dances; a multimedia archive of urban events that become the tool for studying the hypertextuality of space Re-collecting City/Re-collecting Time; theatre trilogy On togetherness (Explicit Contents, ®evolution: Master Class, Male/Female-Female/Male), multimedia installation History of Vacation, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Breza Youth Association

National Network

L. Jagera 12
31000 Osijek

+385/31/271 818
+385/31/272 583
Mobile Phone
+385/98/90924 67
Mobile Phone (other)
+385/98/937 81 68
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Youth Association „Breza“ is non-govermental humanitarian organisation settled in Osijek, Croatia. Our main goal is to promote interest of youth in inclusion at social community and making them eligible for independent living. Purpose is to encourage promoting and developing interest toward they own personal interests by organizing and providing quality free time, supporting and providing help which is needed for successful accomplishment school obligations, help in seeking job and encouraging and stimulating free enterprise by providing professional and counselling help in dealing with personal difficulties. Special emphasis of our work is on prevention asocial conduct with creativity.

Mission and Objectives

Organization formed living community in Čepinski Martinci which is a small village in Eastern Slavonia – Croatia, which is a first living community in Croatia with work-occupational programs. Living community helps children and youth without family support, or with dysfunctional family relationship to that level that their living in family is not further possible. In cooperation with Swiss living communities and their centers for social welfare, for four years we conduct “Experience pedagogy” programs exchanging volunteers and beneficiaries. Also, we developed prevention programs for violence and asocial behavior demonstrated in youth population. Those programs are out-institutionalized and focused on creative projects and active involvement of participants.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: - Organizing manifestation for children and youth (Land without borders, Evening lights) - Organizing workshops (making candles, angles….) - Participating on professional gatherings (seminars….) - Organizing humanitarian aid Our most recognized projects are: “Evening of lights” , “Land without borders”, “Children’s house DOKKICA”. 1. Evening of lights: dance performance of children creations in National theater Osijek in period of Christmas and New year….(see 2. Land without borders: This project project is designed as seven days workshops that gaher great number of children and teenagers, whose task will be to create, explore and learn new music, dance, teather, painting, modelling, scultpuring etc. skills. Every year manifestation has a different theme and name: On the bridge (2004.) I can (2005.) Shining in the Dark“ (2006.) „And Flying“ (2007.) „Like a cloud“ (2008.) (see Project has mision and vision for empower Euro-Mediterian cooperation in segment of making intercultural dialogue, diferences between cultures trough developing tolerance and new 3. Children’s House DOKKICA: The project „DOKKICA“- Children Creative House in Osijek, in accordance with Proposal of national strategies to prevent disturbances in the behaviour of children and youth between 2008 and 2012, should be a prevention program (a pilot project) working with children and youth and including different activities (assistance in studying, organisation of free time, psycho- emotional help, help children with various difficulties, creative workshops, assistance in family education…). (see In Association working seven people as full time job employees ( 3 caregivers, administrator, president of Association, psychologist and coordinator of project) and lot of volonteers as helpers. As non-government organization, “Breza” is financed trough projects by local government, ministries national foundation, Swiss partner and other sponsors and donors. Our partners are: City of Osijek, Center for social care, Volonteer center Osijek and lot of institutions as schools, children’s home and NGO’s.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vargović Suzana
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vargović Suzana

British Council Croatia

National Network

Ilica 12

+385 1 4899 500
Telephone (other)
+385 1 4899 505
+ 385 1 4833 955
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 385 91 4813 705
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The British Council is the UK’s international organization for educational opportunities and cultural relations. It has offices in 110 countries around the world with headquarters in the UK. The British Council Croatia has the staff of ten employees including the country director. The British Council receives some funding from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other grants. We also receive revenue from managing international contracts. We work in three programme areas: intercultural dialogue, creative and knowledge economy and climate change. In Croatia we are active in the following areas: arts and culture, education, exams, scholarships, society and science.
Mission and Objectives

We connect people worldwide with learning opportunities and creative ideas from the UK and build lasting relationships between the UK and other countries.
Our vision:
'The future for the UK in this crowded, dangerous, beautiful world depends on people of all cultures living and working together on foundations of education, mutual understanding, respect and trust.'
'We build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people worldwide.'
Valuing people, Integrity, Mutuality, Creativity and Professionalism

Main Projects / Activities

Education: scholarships for postgraduate study in the UK, Learn English
Arts: Creative Collaborations
Society: Intercultural Navigators, Living Together, Skills@Work
Science: Beautiful Science, Famelab, Science Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
Rosana Besednik
Head of the organisation
Adrian Chadwick