
Modus Vivendi NGO

National Network

Krizovljanska 1
HR-10000 Zagreb

00385 1 36 33 510
003851 36 35 398
Mobile Phone
00385 98 22 88 88
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
• The Modus Vivendi organizational structure consists of: the assembly, president, vice president and secretary. All members of the organization are volunteers including president. Modus Vivendi NGO has no staff and/or partners employed, • Budget amount planned for this year is approx. 10.000 U.S. dollars total, • Modus Vivendi sources of funding are: member fees, donations and grants, • Action modalities of Modus Vivendi are: books and journals publication, educational campaigns, workshops, seminars, meetings, training sessions, roundtable and conferences organization, • Modus Vivendi major partner involved in the organization's projects/activities is HUKON - Croatian Association of Local and Regional Government Consultants.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the Modus Vivendi NGO is to promote and encourage the social inclusion, transparency and fairness. Main Strategic objective of Modus Vivendi NGO is to develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning through promotion of all types and levels of formal and informal education and learning. Organizational mission is to support civil society initiatives and to promote tolerance, solidarity and mutual understanding between European citizens, encouraging the active participation in creation of public policies, using their full capabilities and skills through education and involvement in decision-making processes. Organization is active in development of positive values of civil society, human rights and democratic freedoms. Main objective of Modus Vivendi NGO is building a culture of entrepreneurship through the affirmative educational system, close cooperation between science and industry, collaboration between sectors and transfer of knowledge and technology. (From Modus Vivendi Statute, article 6)

Main Projects / Activities

"Application of IT tools in the function of promoting economic reform and development of entrepreneurship” is our main recent project. Modus Vivendi has also other activities like promoting tolerance, solidarity, social responsibility and mutual understanding between European citizens and others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Modus Vivendi NGO has free capacity to facilitate actions of civil society in the field of education, culture and creativity, peace and dialog, intercultural learning, media and public opinion. Our organization is credible partner for promoting people-to-people exchanges, intercultural dialogue and in creation and implementation regional civil society initiatives and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We in Modus Vivendi NGO think that we share same values and complementary program goals with ALF Network members.
Also we want to get relevant information about similar activities in the region and establish new potential partners. Our members wish to participate in gender and intercultural dialogue.
We would like to exchange experience, best practices, project ideas, available resources and tools with other civil society organizations. According to the Statute, Modus Vivendi NGO may join alliances and networks (article 13) and cooperate with similar organizations in Croatia and abroad (article 6).

Contact (1) Full Name
Kruno Gajger
Head of the organisation
Kruno Gajger

Mreža mladih Hrvatske / Croatian Youth Network

National Network

Selska cesta 112c
Zagreb, 10 000

+ 385 1 4573 937
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 385 99 732 95 91
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Mreža mladih Hrvatske/Croatian Youth Network is an alliance of national and local youth organizations in Croatia. CYN gathers 57 different organizations sharing a common interest in developing youth policy on national and regional/local levels. Croatian Youth Network is managed by the Management Board, which is consisted of representatives of member organizations. Other administrative bodies are Supervisory Committee and the General Assembly which is the highest body. Current number of staff in project team is 3. Expected budget for year 2009 is about EUR 70 000 CYN’s activities are funded by: National Foundation For Civil Society Development, Regional Foundation For Local Development, City of Zagreb – Office For Culture, Education and Sports as well as the Health Department. CYN continuously works in 5 different program areas: National youth policy development, Local youth policy development, Capacity building for youth organizations, International cooperation and Info-service and publishing. Main partners in Croatia are various non-governmental organizations as well as student associations, youth wings of political parties and public administration bodies. CYN is a member of European Youth Forum which is the most representative pan-European umbrella organization.

Mission and Objectives

Croatian Youth Network develops public youth policies through informing, advocating, thematic networking, international cooperation, supporting youth organizations and building partnerships with governmental institutions. CYN aims to establish cooperation and improved communication among youth organizations, regardless of their program identifications, organizational structure, and in full respect of their political, world-view, racial, national, sexual, religious and cultural identifications and identifications of young people which they represent or advocate. CYN conducts advocating of interests and needs of young people in Croatia and building partnerships with governmental institutions in creating and implementing youth policy.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Policy – education and advocacy Local Youth Policy – establishing youth councils, supporting youth advisory board, researches on youth activism Youth Social Entrepreneurship Youth in Media Sexual Education for Youth Active Participation of Youth in Society – trainings, conferences, seminars

Contact (1) Full Name
Jovana Kepčija Pavlović
Head of the organisation
Sven Janovski

Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb

National Network

Avenija Dubrovnik 17
10010 Zagreb

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

MSU is currently working with 57 employed staff. Its annual budget for 2023 was 5.613.757,69 EUR. Funding sources include the City of Zagreb, the Ministry of Culture and Media, the Zagreb Tourist Board, selling tickets, products and services, donations from non-profit organisations, and artwork donations from individuals and companies. MSU is currently conducting EU-funded projects Museum of the Commons and TAoR - The Arts of Resistance. Current bigger exhibitions in 2024 include Tomislav Gotovac, Goran Trbuljak, Organ Vida, and Programmed Woods.

Mission and Objectives

The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb is a living place of creation, display, interpretation, and preservation of contemporary art in all its forms. Its goal is to encourage and uphold the understanding of contemporary art through professional, innovative, and educative usage of exhibitions and collections, thus enabling different groups of visitors to learn, be creative, and get a unique experience. As a multi-program institution it mediates heritage and the contemporary scene, reaching from visual to performing and film art, thus making it an active and critical part of our community. The Museum of Contemporary Art primarily attempts to be a public and autonomous venue where the categories of social engagement, responsibility, and equal opportunities for everybody are tested and examined on daily basis. Let us question that which has been already achieved through direct communication with artists and the public, through our respect for their experience, so that we have been able to change and gain strength.

Main Projects / Activities

MSU works through different departments, including the education department, performance and exhibition department, collections department, library, documentation and information department, experimental and research department, and audio-visual department.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide space for local network meetings.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in expanding our network and working more closely with different cultural actors in the Mediterranean, as well as in the ALFinMOTION Mobility Programme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Škegro
Job Title
Senior Curator
Head of the organisation
Vesna Meštrić

Musketeers Fencing Club

National Network

Fra Dominika mandica 63 a
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 3484612
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 98 282929
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Musketeers Fencing Club are fencing club based in Zagreb. We operate in main fencing hall in Zagreb and in a gym in a school.  We work with notable athletes and young children at recreation level. We consider sport not only as a physical activity- it is more a life style s over try to participate in local community: we participate in European Week of Sports, Fencing flash mob yearly and promote fencing in schools in Zagreb. With Association of School Sports we organized a week of free lessons for the children during school holidays. We organized open lecture “Psychologic preparation of athletes” for all fencing clubs in Zagreb.  

Mission and Objectives

We have 12 memebers and work with children and notable athletes. Our president and secretary are volunteers, our funds arrive form the fees of our memebers and Fencing Associantion of Zagreb covers the costs of the gym rental. Except practising of fencing, we submitted several projectsunder Erasmus+  this year and our volunteers attend educations related to youth work and volunteering under Erasmus. We submitted project porposal for virtual exchanges under development in Erasmus. Four our members we organize the seminars or events related to media literacy, pshycologic preparation of athletes and supported European Week of Sustainable Development. Our main partners are local and european- based NGO's that share the same views and values.  

Main Projects / Activities

Except practising of fencing, we submitted several projectsunder Erasmus+  this year and our volunteers attend educations related to youth work and volunteering under Erasmus. We submitted project porposal for virtual exchanges under development in Erasmus. Four our members we organize the seminars or events related to media literacy, pshycologic preparation of athletes and supported European Week of Sustainable Development. We try to contribute to local community by local and international actions

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sport is a good messenger of ideas of equality, democracy and positive ideas. We want to contirbute.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our secretary is a private memeber and she finds ALF a great source of positive values and  individuals and organizations shating the same values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Željka Leskovac
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms Željka Leskovac
Contact (2) Full Name
Iva Gjuric Smrekar
Job Title (2)


The publication "My story about the goals for young people" is primarily intended for young people, but also for youth associations and for young people, as well as for all interested persons, state institutions and bodies, and educational institutions who...

National Foundation for Civil Society Development

National Network

Štrigina 1a
10000 Zagreb

+385 (0)1 23 99 100
+385 (0)1 23 99 111
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The National Foundation is the leading public institutions for the cooperation, linking and financing of civil society organisations in Croatia, which has held the internationally recognised HRN ISO 9001:2000 certificate for the management of the process of grant allocation to associations since 2006.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The mission of the National Foundation is to promote and support civil society development in Croatia. Vision: Through its activities the National Foundation strives to achieve active citizenship in the development of a modern, democratic and inclusive society in the Republic of Croatia. Goals that the National Foundation aims to achieve through its activities are: Encouraging citizens to action, involvement and participation in community development; Building the capacities of civil society; Development of cross-sectoral cooperation and cooperation between civil society organisations; Increasing public influence and visibility of the work of civil society organisations; Development of social entrepreneurship and employment in the non-profit sector; Increasing the influence of civil society in the process of adopting public policies. The values on which the vision of the National Foundation and its goals are based are: respect for human rights, the public nature of its work, the responsibility of all participants in the development of the community, cooperation and dialogue between all participants in the development of society, availability of information, tolerance and respect for variety and non-violence.

Main Projects / Activities

By calls for expression of interest in cooperation with civil society organisations and other legal entities, the National Foundation performs a part of its operational activities through a joint implementation of research, support in the implementation of non-profit media projects, exchange of knowledge by co-financing participation of civil society organisations’ representatives in international events and the arrival of international experts to Croatia, as well as the implementation of international developmental aid by which civil society organisations from Croatia transfer their knowledge and experience to partner organisations in developing countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Cvjetana Plavša-Matić
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms Cvjetana Plavša-Matić
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Pavle Schramadei

Nezavisna udruga mladih

National Network

Trg kralja Tomislava 10
42250 Lepoglava

+385 97 623 9589
Mobile Phone
+385 97 623 9589
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Organizations currently gathers 216 members which are contributing to development of organization thru assembly, managing and control board and presidency (president, vice-president and general secretary). Organization currently does not have any employees, but has around 15 constant volunteers. In 2011. our budget was around 30.000 euros, mainly from different projects, municipality's budget and other sources (donations, membership...). Organization works on all sorts of youth policy development and creation of different non-formal educational workshops, seminars and youth exchanges. Main partners are Municipality of Lepoglava, Croatian youth network, local and regional youth councils and similar NGOs form neighboring countries (Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Bosnia...).

Mission and Objectives

Vision of NUM is "Educated young people who actively, responsibly and equally participate in the socio-political life of local community” while the mission of NUM is to promote active and responsible participation of youth in the life of local communities, and advocate the interests of young people in local authorities.

Main Projects / Activities

The association encourages the development of local youth policies through the development and implementation of local policies for young people and strengthening the capacities of young people through education, collaboration, partnerships and information.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our references in policy making can be easily used in implementation and in fulfilling the objectives of ALF as well as our capabilities to help the other members of ALF in solving some specific problems or just joining mutual projects. Since we are youth organization, we are assure that we can also help in developing this potential and activities of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since Croatia is part of Euro-Mediterranean Region, our organizations tends to develop partnerships with similar organizations from this region in order to give and gain experience, know-how methods and mutual projects for years to be. Our activities didn't include a lot of organizations from this region, and since the objectives of our organization are somewhat similar to those of ALF, we think that ALF is the right and best platform to work on this objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hrvoje Kovač
Head of the organisation
Dario Milec

NGO Dawn

National Network

A. Schulteissa 19
40000 Čakovec

+385 40 395 344
+385 40 395 344
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Structure: Assembly, Supervisory board, Executive committee, President, Executive director Staff: Executive director, Head of administration and finances, 1 project staff, cca active 100 volunteers per year, 1 long term EVS volunteer from France and external experts. Dawn operates according of high SOKNO/PQASSO standards (second level). Recent donors: European commission (IPA, Youth in action, EIDHR), Office for gender equality of Croatia, National trust for development of civil society, Ministry of health, Swiss embassy, Međimurje county. Incomes: 2012. 450654.92 kn (59453,15 Euro), 2011. 763605,83 kn (100739,55 Euro) Since 2003. we have successfully  implemented 26 projects and numerous workshops, lectures, round tables as well as completed programs of peer education, active citizenship, re-socialization of domestic violence victims, Roma and long term unemployed women (education-counseling-workshops-guiding). Recent partners: All 7 High schools from county, Safe house, Center for social welfare, Institute for public health, Employment center, CESI, Women association Vukovar, PSD
Mission and Objectives

Dawn is non governmental non profit organisation dedicated to the protection of human rights, gender equality and minority rights as well as to education and awareness raising related to the issues of the general social concern, non violence, health and lifetime and alternative education.
Aims and objectives of the Zora are:
* Protection of human rights freedom, rejection of violence and the development of non-violent methods;
* Promotion of gender equality and the rights of minorities;
* Raise awareness of issues of general public interest, particularly on non-violence and sexual reproductive health;
* Promote volunteerism and civic engagement at the local level;
* Encouraging creative exchange of theoretical and practical approaches to informal education through workshops, seminars and training;
* To promote and support lifelong learning and non-institutional education;
* Promote the active participation of young people in society;
* Humanitarian Action (security and improve quality of life, improve the conditions of schooling).

Main Projects / Activities

Main programs of  NGO Dawn are: 
1. Educational center (trainings for our beneficiaries (socially excluded groups), members and other associations/institutions; Non-formal library ''Zor@teka'' consist with almost 600 books which is not possible or easy to find in regular library such as human rights, gender equality, domestic violence,, NGOs...; Volunteer program - promotion of volunteerism on human rights issues; Peer education;  Creation and distribution of free HRE tools; Help in developing local community and our civil society)
2. Strengthen and support the socially excluded and marginalized groups (projects aimed to Roma and Croat girls/women (long-term unemployed, domestic/relationship violence victims), high school students; Prevention of sexually transmitted infections; Suppression of discrimination)
3. Suppression of domestic violence (prevention projects targeting women, youth, media; Campaigns for the general public; Cooperation with relevant institutions (the Commission for Gender Equality, Police, ‘’Safe house’’, Center for Social Welfare, Volunteer office Međimurje, all High-schools in Međimurje county and NGOs .)
Martina Šebrek, Director of Safe house of Međimurje county +385998357335 ;
Ružica Mandić, Coordinator of Women's Association Vukovar,  +38532421191 Vesna Haluga, Head of department for economy, trade and Europe union of Međimurje county, +385 40 374 017;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are eager to learn from more experienced organisations than us, but we also believe that we have a lot to give according to our experience in 10 years work on human rights. Dawn operates according of high SOKNO/PQASSO standards and it is reliable partner on projects and educations to national and international partners, on which we are very proud of.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF brings together youth leaders and civil society organisations,influential policy-makers and intercultural experts from across the Euro-Mediterranean regio. We are one of them and we are looking forward to cooperate with others on our projects.
Anna Lindh Foundation supported action that is related to our objectives and work field, so we hope to connect to new partners for future project, participate in educations etc which can help to have even greater impact in our community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Kolar, Executive director
Head of the organisation
Marina Kolar, Executive director, Tena Škvorc - President
Contact (2) Full Name
Tena Škvorc - President


National Network

Nazorova 2
51410 Opatija

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

A grassroots NGO, oriented to promoting and establishing of culture of peace and non-violence; main activities are the workshops, public debates and publishing issues, for create the relationships of trust and peace between people affected by the war in ex-Yugoslavia. Our focus are women (and gender issue in the war and peace problem), and youth because we will create a bridge between the experience of veteran peace-activists and the new generations, to build their capacity for peace culture in the future. We also are working on other problems of our community, as anti-trafficking issue, gender issue (strengthen women in politic), working together with other organizations , networks and groups.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is building the culture of peace and nonviolance, and establishing the project for that - especially the regional women's network for peace, and media for promoting and stabilising of new culture.

Main Projects / Activities

- workshops for women "Why I am for Peace" (2 days); - workshops for schools "Why I am for Peace" 3 x 1 hour(3 weeks), public manifestation for peace, publishing the Peace issues (planed 3 per year); - participating in relational women's peace network (about 30 NGOs)

Contact (1) Full Name
Shura Dumanic
Head of the organisation
Šura Dumanić

ODRAZ Sustainable Community Network

National Network

Lj. Posavskog 2

+385 1 46 55 203
Telephone (other)
+385 1 46 55 202
+385 1 46 55 200
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 98 65 88 03
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ODRAZ is non-profit organisation established in 2000 by experts in the field of sustainable development, community organising, environmental protection,social welfare and other experts. ODRAZ has four full time employees, two permanent collaborators and volunteers. ODRAZ facilitates Community Network with more than 400 members from different sectors and parts of Croatia and i coordinator of Croatian Rural Development Network. Our yearly budget is between 150-200.000 Eur, comming from national funds, EU and other countries. Partners: Milieukontakt International from Amsterdam, Croatian rural development network, City of Zagreb
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is of a society in which well-balanced and high quality development of local communities is secured for the benefit of all members and sectors, as well as for future generations. That means achieving changes in value systems (philanthropy), process (consultation) and mechanisms (partnerships between different sectors). ODRAZ is dedicated to bringing those changes about.
Our vision is that ODRAZ becomes, not only an established and recognized institution, but also financially stable, with well educated and adequately trained and paid professionals, dedicated to delivering high quality results and to responding to the challenges and responsibilities of the future as well as those of today.
Our mission is o motivate and strengthen initiatives in local communities through partnership in order to develop practical and appropriate ways for improving the local economy and environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently we are partner in FP7 funded CIVITAS ELAN project and "Sustainable future of rural areas for Croatia" funded by Dutch Matra programme. We also received institutional grant from National foundation for development of civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lidija Pavic-Rogosic
Head of the organisation
Visnja Jelic Mück