
Savez udruga Klubtura/Clubture Network

National Network

Baruna Trenka 11
10000 Zagreb

+385(0)1 4572 591
+385(0)1 4572 592
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385(0) 91 25 82 567
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Clubture network gathers organizations of the independent cultural sector in Croatia and functions as a collaborative platform within which they exchange programs, i.e. directly collaborate on specific projects. There are currently 31 member organizations. Network is managed by the Management Board, which is consisted of representatives of member organizations, as well of prominent figures in independent cultural sector. Other administrative body is the General Assembly which is the highest body. Current number of staff in project team is 3. Expected budget for year 2009 is about EUR 150 000. Clubture’s activities are funded by: National Foundation For Civil Society Development, Ministry of Culture of republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb – Office For Culture, Education and Sports, City of Zagreb – Zagreb holding. Previously, Clubture has been founded by Balkan Trust for Democracy, State Institute for Protection of Family, Maternity and Youth, European Cultural Foundation, Office for culture of the City of Zagreb, INA – The Industry of Petrol, Open Society Institute Croatia, The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Zagreb, Ministry of the Family, Veteran’s Affairs, and Intergenarational solidarity – Unit for Youth, USAID-AED as well.

Mission and Objectives

Clubture network is a non profit, inclusive, participative network of organizations, that works on empowering the independent cultural sector in Croatia and region trough program sharing, raising public visibility, encouraging organizational development of the sector, and trough strenghtening it's influence on changing the institutional framework.

Main Projects / Activities

ClubtureHR (program exchange), Clubture’s regional initiative, internet portal, Clubture Forum&Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
Domagoj Šavor
Head of the organisation
Domagoj Šavor

Savez udruga Rojca

National Network

Gajeva 3
52100 Pula

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Savez udruga Rojca (Rojc Alliance) is a network of NGOs located in the Rojc Social Centre, Pula. The main activities or the organisation are: 1.Managing of the Centre on the basis of engaging public participation. 2. The Living Room management - coordinating a common/joint programme and other services for visitors and Rojc organisations, organisanisation of cultural and social events, educational programs and public meetings. 3. Open Platform Rojc coordination 4. SC Rojc sustainable development programs 5. European Voluntary Service program Rojc Alliance was founded in June 2012, and  at the moment has 18 member organizations and 6 employees. Rojc Coordination is a co-governance body in partnering with The City of Pula. The organisation is a member of Trans Europe Halles Network (TEH) with one representative in TEH comitee. Average budgeting: 78000 Euro per year. Bugeting sources: Zaklada kultura nova, Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga društva, Grad Pula, Županija Istarska, EU funds.

Mission and Objectives

Mision: Savez udruga Rojca (Rojc Alliance) is a network of NGOs located in the Rojc Social Centre which gathers and represents them, fosters mutual cooperation and actively works in the community. Objectives: -to build distinctive network based on collaboration and joint programs; -to improve the management of Rojc Social Centre based on participative public-civic joint management; - to contribute and work in the community and actively promote collaboration, principles of solidarity, and respect for diversity; - Rojc Social Centar sustainable development - Networking and partnering

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and ativities are: 1. The Living Room mamagement - coordination with a common/joint programmes, services for visitors and Rojc organisations,  cultural and social events, educational programs and public meetings. 2. Open Platform Rojc coordination 3. Making Space for Active Community - partnership project with KaMatrix and Savez udruga Operacija Grad, Grad Zagreb i Grad Pula, financed from IPA 4. The Origin of Spaces - Erasmus + project in partnering with Darwin Eco Sistem, Bordeux, LX Factory, Lisbon, Borough of Lewisham, Capture Art and Crative Projcets, London and ZAWP, Bilbao 5. Social Etrepreneurship Generator - funded from ESF and realized in partnership with Molekula, Rijeka. 6. European Voluntary Service programe 7. Co-governance in The Rojc Coordination joint governing body

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our space capacities, knowledge and potential in huge number of asociatins active in Rojc Social Center (110 different organisations). We also can be good connections for international partnerships and representative in Trans Europe Halles Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is oportunity for learning, sharing and spreading knowledge, good practices and good will. It gives oportunity for personal and community development and gives one cosmopolitan dimension. Partnering and networking is the base of our work. We also think that it is important for fostering sense of colaboration, understanding, solidarity and democracy. We expect that membership in ALF Network will help in development of programs that can help in our community development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jadranka Ostić
Head of the organisation
Jadranka Ostić
Contact (2) Full Name
Danijela Poropat
Job Title (2)
Sustainable Programs Coordinator


National Network

ožujska 3, 10000 zagreb, Croatia

+385 13873352
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 913337571
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
3-5 person involved, in time of execution of project up to 25 30.000€ city council for culture, ministry of culture, sponsorship projects - festival and performances kupola company and pali gasi ltd
Mission and Objectives

Proudly bearing the stigma of artists and producers at the boundary between war and peace, East and West, Serafini think that any idea is completely useless if it hasn't been experienced through the body.
Social activism and civil right are challenge to be solve in a communicative manner and ideas and project we developing must get deep inside fibres of society. Arts and cultural project are just one of our tools in search of finding a 'form that works' and projects to drill deeper in hard skin of society.

Main Projects / Activities

Zagrebi ! Festival
'talks about subject what is better to keep quiet. For now.'
Zagrebi ! festival is multidisciplinary festival with lectures, performing and visual art. Every year we choose other subject and building program in different media with common denominator. All subject we choose are provocative and touching our political and artistic establishment in open wounds.

Contact (1) Full Name
emil matešić
Head of the organisation
emil matešić
Contact (2) Full Name
jakša borić

Simple agar io hack Ways As An Introduction

National Network

Lustenauer Strasse 34
Lustenauer Strasse 34
Lustenauer Strasse 34

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
No Answer
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
Jefferey Balas
Job Title
Dog trainer
Head of the organisation
Simple agar io hack Ways As An Introduction
Contact (2) Full Name
Jefferey Balas
Job Title (2)
Dog trainer

Slobodne veze/Loose associations, contemporary art practices

National Network

Vinogradska 34
10000 Zagreb

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Slobodne veze/Loose associations, contemporary art practices is a self- regulated artists’, curators’ and cultural workers’ initiative. It is a civic association (NGO) founded in 2009 by Ivana Meštrov, Tonka Maleković and Nataša Bodrožić. It is based in Zagreb, Croatia. The associations has 8 members and several collaborators, currently 2 people emploeyd (part time). Budgetary resources in a year- 20 000- 25 000 EUR. Main sources of funding: Ministry of Culture Croatia, City of Zagreb/Office for culture, education, sports, Kultura Nova Foundation, foreign embassies, Goethe Institute etc. Modalities of action- projects and public campaigns, seminars...
Mission and Objectives

We are looking for modes of destabilization of the system of apparent reality through mechanisms of discursive analysis (and visual representation) in order to create gaps, territories of “the possibilities undiscovered” which are to be found outside of the given choices imposed by the dominant politics of culture.
- inciting creation/promotion/development of the contemporary art creation through various collaborative platforms in Croatia and abroad
- preservation of the architectural and other (cultural) heritage of the 20th century modernism in post- socialist realm

Main Projects / Activities

MOTEL TROGIR- campaign for the preservation of the mid 20th century architecture in ex Yugoslavia/Croatia
POLITICS OF FEELINGS/ECONOMIES OF LOVE- research and publication project aimed at analysis teh relation between ideology and creation of social emotions, reading group, performative programme, publications
CURATORIAL PLATFORM- informal educational platform for young art historians and everyone interested in curatorial practices

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

spreading the informations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Recently we started developing collaborations with associations in Morocco and Algeria.
We are long term collaborators with the BJCEM network/ we have been curated exhibitions within teh last two editions of the Young artists biennial- MEDITERRANEA 16 and 17.
Our main project MOTEL TROGIR is based on the Adriatic coast- town of Trogir, Croatia and it would be lovely to connect more with various cultural subjects along the Medoterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Bodrozic
Job Title
president/ MOTEL TROGIR project leader
Head of the organisation
Nataša Bodrožić
Contact (2) Full Name
Sasa Simpraga
Job Title (2)
MOTEL TROGIR project manager

Social Fringe: Interesting Untold Stories

National Network

Zelenjak 69
10000 Zagreb

+385 917645924
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The internal structure of the NGO SF:ius is based on clearly delegated organizational responsibility and intelligibly determined roles. The principle of horizontal hierarchy enables the right to decide and act to all of its members in order to create an inclusive space for debate and creative cooperation. In 2015, three of seven SF:ius members have been employed as NGO staff members. Sources of funding: BAC-COLABs, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Kultura Nova Foundation, City of Zagreb, private donations, membership fees. Programs and projects that SF:ius implements rely upon scientific, research, artistic, advocacy and activist work. Topics and content of the programs cover the current problems in the fields of philosophy, art practice and theory, memory studies, history, politics and social theory. Main partners involved in the organization’s projects/activities: Group of Architects (Serbia), Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana (Slovenia), Solidarnost (FYRO Macedonia). Main Croatian partners: Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (University of Zagreb), ICOMOS Croatia, Roma Youth Organizations (ROM), ARCHIsquad, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery.

Mission and Objectives

MISSION: The mission of SF:ius is to promote and improve equality, the egalitarian distribution of power, equal opportunities, sustainable future, social justice and innovative solutions for social tensions. OBJECTIVES: SF:ius achieves sustainable and positive change through participation in the establishment of platforms, including advocacy and collaborative platforms, e.g. Inappropriate Monuments.

Main Projects / Activities

Roma Urbanism / Marginality The emergence of contemporary city with its rapid changes, constant mobility and strict division of labor increased frequency of marginality. The project explores the extent to which a particular communities are spatially marginalized, ghettoization of areas of the city in which they live, why did that happen and what is the real image of the city. First case study inquires spatial marginalization and ghettoization of Roma settlements within the city - marginalization and ghettoization of Roma community is an example par excellance, since Roma live in these areas for at least 700 years and there is no process of integration with majority population (according to some authors, they refuse integration) like there is with other minorities. The project aims to get a direct insight into the daily life of the Zagreb Roma community and to establish direct communication with the Roma population for the purpose of finding the proper solution to enhance Roma living conditions in Zagreb. Through implementation of project activities it aims to improve Roma housing integration by educating about the use of residential buildings and environment. Also, one of the expected results is the presentation of research results and workshop activities to general public through discursive gallery programs and publication that will be published in December 2015. This aims for cooperation with other civil society organizations in order to develop the project and disseminate activities. The project starts with research and assessment of the situation on the ground which includes review of the existing literature on this topic, visits to Roma settlements, photo material of the present situation, mapping architectural and urban data analysis, dialogue with the settlement members on life conditions and methods of current construction. Two series of workshops will be held in the settlements;  first one by anthropologist Bojan Mucko, which aims to open the interaction with Roma community and direct conversation about problems; and second one by ARCHIsquad group of architects that will address possible solutions and better use of available construction materials. In addition to that, round table will be held in the gallery premises with experts and general public as participants, which aims to present Roma housing problems and combat racial and other discrimination. At the beginning of 2016 publication that contains results of research and implemented activities will be printed out. Inappropriate Monuments  The regional platform Inappropriate Monuments was created to establish a framework for the long-term collaboration of organisations from the EU and the Western Balkans dealing with the revalorisation and protection of their anti-fascist heritage and monument heritage connected with the Peoples’ Liberation Struggle. Members of the platform include: Group of architects, Belgrade, The History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Modern Gallery (MG+MSUM), Ljubljana and Social Fringe: interesting untold stories (SF:ius), Zagreb. With the collapse of Yugoslavia the interest in this heritage practically disappeared and the status of the monuments became the subject of controversy and a target of revisionism. Protection is inadequate; there are no clearly developed criteria for their restoration or strategies for revalorisation. Many of the monuments are partially or permanently destroyed, and others are neglected and left to ruin. Research made in the successor countries are not integrated and difficult to access – there has never been a complete register of the monuments. Initiatives aimed at the protection of NOB monuments have, until now, mainly emerged outside of official channels, for example under the initiative of individuals. These individuals then face a number of difficulties including their own shortcomings and the lack of interest from legislators in supporting them. The goals of the platform are to connect institutions and independent organisations to strengthen their capacity and distribute the results of research projects in order to advocate for a regulated international strategy regarding anti-fascist heritage. Through activities carried out by the platform including: research and mapping heritage monuments, interviewing people and representatives of the institutions responsible for their erection and maintenance, holding workshops for students, conferences for experts and exhibitions and art conferences, the platform will examine the economic, political and ideological conditions surrounding the emergence of monuments, monument complexes and memorial complexes. It will also examine their contemporary reception and the conditions under which this occurs. Considering the growing interest and fetishisation of NOB monuments in western countries, and socialist heritage in general, the platform is seeking possible models of revitalisation and methods of management. Through a comparative analysis of the situation in former Yugoslavia, the platform aims to draw parallels between the transitional periods of the members of the former state and the treatment of heritage monuments connected to NOB and the anti-fascist struggle, thereby showing that these processes can only be explained through interactive research. The web-portal, is conceived as an on-line database for the activities of the platform and its members and as a virtual archive of documents and photographs.    Institutions of Memory Project sets up a framework for high school students to critically examine ideological, daily functioning of institutions of memory and their creation of historical narrative. The importance of memory institutions in the contemporary social and political context is demonstrated through their construction of collective memory and presentations of ‘official history’ which they use to occupy a crucial role in the symbolic center of the nation. Post- conflict and post- socialist context of Croatia contributed to enhance intolerance, hatred and misunderstanding towards memory of past polities, social and political governance organization and minority social groups. Influenced by the works of historian Pierre Nora, sociologist Maurice Halbwachs and anthropologist Paul Connerton we look at history and collective memory as one of the most important elements in construction and homogenization of modern democratic communities and also in negotiation of collective identities. Collective memory is established through the assumption that each social group develops the memory of its own past, it emphasizes the uniqueness of this community and achieves its own identity and image to be transmitted to future generations. Institutions of memory such as museums, archives, schools or public service media are seen as places of gathering, storing, reinterpretation and dissemination of public knowledge about past events and they are, as Pierre Nora would say, physical or imaginary spaces that can always be visited or re-visited in search of history and memory. Given the absence of courses that deal with these questions, IM forwards democratic constructions of memory by promoting inclusiveness and equality, as opposed to hegemonic, one-sided and 'useful' narratives. The project aims to STRENGTHEN students for an active democratic participation, EDUCATE them about multiple process of construction of collective memory and history in post-conflict societies, RAISE AWARENESS about marginalized social groups, collective amnesia i the effacement of minority histories from dominant narratives. By connecting institutions and organizations the project develops a long-term and sustainable cooperation network between teachers, scientists and other professionals who approach the education of youth about questions and problems of social memory in an engaged and critical way.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For SF:ius, working in the discursive space of the “social fringe” represents non-party and independent deflection of established social paradigms and an orientation towards subjects and topics left out of, or insufficiently represented in the dominant structures of knowledge and meaning production. By using interdisciplinary methodology, which includes, but is not limited to artistic practice and political analysis, SF:ius aims to face challenges for social cohesion. The programs that SF:ius implements are built upon the critical analysis of the social transformations taking place in Croatia and other countries in the Western Balkans. With it’s experience, SF:ius could help AFL Network to respond to social challenges and improve intercultural dialogue in the region. Together with it’s growing regional platform Inappropriate Monuments, SF:ius could help disseminate AFL values and facilitate various activities in the community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NGO SF:ius  aims to promote and improve equality, the egalitarian distribution of power, equal opportunities, sustainable future, social justice and innovative solutions for social tensions. SF:ius achieves sustainable and positive change through participation in the establishment of platforms, including advocacy and collaborative platforms. The most prolific platform SF:ius has established or participated in is Inappropriate Monuments — the regional platform created to establish a framework for the long-term collaboration of organisations from the EU and the Western Balkans dealing with the revalorisation and protection of their anti-fascist heritage and monument heritage connected with the Peoples’ Liberation Struggle. By including diverse stakeholders, the platform fosters intercultural dialogue, fights socially regressive trends — i. e. historical revisionism — and reinforces positive relations towards this heritage. Since one of the main goals of the organisation is to expand its regional collaboration activities, joining ALF Network will have positive effect on networking, capacity building, mobility and exchange of ideas, and could open access to funding opportunities. Joining AFL Network will enable SF:ius to continue to foster innovative research practices, introduce regional high level advocacy strategies, and gain international recognition among other member organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ena Grabar
Head of the organisation
Ena Grabar
Contact (2) Full Name
Lana Lovrenčić
Job Title (2)

SOS Rijeka- center for nonviolence and human rights

National Network

Verdijeva 11
51000 Rijeka

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

SOS Rijeka – Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights (SOS Rijeka) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation which has 4 longterm staff members - two psychologists, legal adviser and coordinator. The Association is represented by the President and Vice-President of the Association’s Coordination Team who are: – responsible for the legality of the Association's operations – manage the Association's tasks – submit a proposal of the annual financial statement to the General Assembly. Budget in 2019.= 820.718,00 kn (108.291,20 EUR) Main partners: The Association for Family Protection – Rijeka U.Z.O.R., Center of tehnical culture Rijeka, Association for civil society development SMART, Creative colective Kombinat, Association PaRiter, Lesbian organization Rijeka - LORI, Social welfare centers etc. SOS Rijeka is a member of Croatian women's network, Platform for reproductive rights, Initiative to improve the functioning of the free legal aid system, Network of anti-discrimination contact points of the Ombudsman, AWID-a (The Association for Woman's Rights in Development).

Mission and Objectives

SOS Rijeka is feminist organisation which helps victims of violence and other people in need by providing psycho-social, legal and other forms of help. We stand for a society of nonviolence in which human rights are protected, respected and lived. Objectives of the Association are to: - promote, develop, improve and provide assistance and support to victims of all types of violence, as well as other persons in crisis situations - prevent violence and promote tolerance and civic awareness of human rights and their protection and promotion - provide free legal aid - promote and encourage volunteering in the community, as well as active participation in the society.

Main Projects / Activities

SOS Rijeka – centar za nenasilje i ljudska prava/SOS Rijeka – Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation situated in Rijeka, Croatia which provides help for victims of violence and other people in need for over 25 years. The organization achieves its goals through three interconnected and intertwined program areas: 1. Direct work with victims of violence and other persons in crisis situations, which includes providing psychosocial assistance, support and free legal aid to victims of violence. Most of our users are victims of gender based violence (women), but we provide help for all victims (regardless of sex, gender, age etc.) of all types of violence. 2. Education and prevention of violence which includes cooperation with educational institutions and educational courses and workshops for young people. We believe that the causes of violence and preventive work should be systematic, especially with young people, so we strive to, through education, prevent victimization and transfer of violent patterns to the next generation. Depending on the project, we also carry out educational programs for other members of the society / public (volunteers, adults, professionals). 3. Public awareness and advocacy The problem of violence cannot be solved without continuously informing the public about its causes, occurrences and consequences, about protecting and supporting victims of violence, about condemning violence and about the (un)effectiveness of the system. Therefore, through activities such as publicly celebrating important dates (for example, National and International Day against Violence against Women), organizing exhibitions and various other events, we strive to contribute to raising awareness of (non) violence SOS Rijeka is also running a volunteering program which is recognized by volunteers and other organisations as of quality and important for our community. In its latest strategic plan, SOS Rijeka has focused its capacities towards education for working with victims of sexual violence and launching a special section within our Counseling Center. In Croatia, there is currently only one center for victims of sexual violence (in Zagreb, the capital), which is not enough. To achieve its objectives, the Association shall engage in the following activities: - organising and providing various social services and providing social, free legal and humanitarian aid and support to victims of all types of violence and persons in crisis situations (counselling and assistance, psychosocial assistance, stay, accommodation, organised housing, prevention of violence, professional assistance and support, primary legal aid, short stay, playrooms, workshops, clubs, psychosocial assistance in crisis situations, improving quality of life and health of socially excluded persons) - organising and holding lectures, gatherings, schools, congresses, workshops, seminars, presentations, public discussions, round tables and other forms of informing and transferring of knowledge and skills - preparing, creating and distributing expert, scientific, educational, informational and promotional materials and publications using information and communication technologies - preventing violence and promoting nonviolence, preventing and protecting against discrimination - promoting and developing volunteering, and organising various volunteering activities and activities related to volunteer management - informing the public, participating in the media, creating media content, following public policies, public lobbying and advocacy for change and encouraging participatory democracy - promoting the development of local community through the development of civil society and good management, and encouraging social solidarity - international and intercultural cooperation and development - education and care of children and youth, and the implementation of extra-institutional activities for children and youth for the purpose of educating them to actively participate in the development of democratic culture, to protect and promote human rights, as well as healthy lifestyles and sustainable development - encouraging, developing, establishing and directing social entrepreneurship - activities including preventive action to improve and protect health and enhance the quality of life. Since 2008, we are continuously conducting the program « Savjetovalište za žrtve nasilja u obitelji« (Counseling Center for Victims of Domestic Violence) funded primarily by the Croatian Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy. Within the program, we provide free psychological assistance, free legal aid (since 2016) as well as others forms of assistance (e.g. assistance with employment search, exercising social rights and other forms of integration activities) to all victims of domestic violence in the wider area of Primorje-Gorski kotar and Lika-Senj county. This program is supported and expanded with several smaller projects which are focusing on other victims of violence (outside of domestic environment, e.g. violence in shorter-lasting relationships that are not considered to be domestic violence, mobbing, bullying). In its latest strategic plan, SOS Rijeka has focused its capacities towards education for working with victims of sexual violence and launching a special section within our Counseling Center. In Croatia, there is currently only one center for victims of sexual violence (in Zagreb, the capital), which is not enough. SOS Rijeka has wide experience in developing and implementing projects and programs combating violence from different angles. Apart from working directly with victims of violence, we are involved in numerous projects that aim to prevent violence and promote non-violence among children and youngsters. In this regard, we would highlight the following projects: „Ljubav voli, a ne boli“ (Love loves, not hurts; funded by the Ministry of Science and Education), the project is focused on education and workshops with young people on the topic of violence in relationships defining and recognising violence and different types of violence, identifying signs of bullying and informing young people about institutions and other places where they can get help and support if faced with violence. „Operacija mladi - #OM“ (Operation Youngsters, funded by the Ministry of Science and Education and the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy) aimed at preventing violence and hate speech as well as raising awareness of human rights among young people. The program provided psychological and legal counselling and support for youth faced with violence. „Humano obrazovanje - odgovornije društvo“ (Human Education – Responsible Society, SOS Rijeka is one of the partners, ESF) Overall objective of this project is to improve the knowledge and skills of the students of the University of Rijeka for active civic participation in the area of gender equality and related human rights in the sense of building a more humane society. „RI CONNECT“ (funded by the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy; SOS Rijeka is one of the partners) is a youth club which has seven programs that give young people from Rijeka the chance to educate, inform, consult, make new friendships, show their creativity as well as develop and discover their interests.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Croatian ALF Network is committed to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. As SOS Rijeka stands for a society of nonviolence in which human rights are protected, respected and lived and as well, we provide psychosocial and legal help for violence survivors, violence prevention, education, public awareness and advocacy, we're sure we can offer our knowledge, experience to other members of the Network. Also, we would be very pleased if we can get the same from them. Widening the network and developing cooperation with different organisations is always a way of strengthening capacities/knowledge of every organisation involved.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have received positive experiences about your Network from associates. According to that, as well as all we have written in the previous answer, we are very willing to spread our own network of associates and strengthening our capacities to be more and more productive when working on our own objectives and developing new ones.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Kovačić
Job Title
Program Coordinator and Office Manager
Head of the organisation
Tina Kovačić- president of the coordinational team
Contact (2) Full Name
Lorena Zec
Job Title (2)
Psychologist and Coordinator of Development Programmes


National Network

Mosećka 62
21000 Split

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
"Srce" is founded in Split. Vesna Jerković is president. "Srce" also has it's council, some voloteers. But only one person works professionaly. "Srce" is non profit - young people with spetial needs (between 17 - 33 years). It has about 70 - 80 members. "Srce" has many activities: bowling, art and music workshop, horse therapy. "Srce" 's budget is about 30-40,000 Euros, money is get from state institutions, donators and often we earn money by selling our products. We haven't any partnership yet, this is our first try.
Mission and Objectives

Each man has the same rights, weather he is ill or not, weather he is woman or men, with faith or no.
We want society without barriers, multicultural dialogue, not selfish people.

Main Projects / Activities

Horse therapy, bowling, art and music workshops.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can awake our citizens that we have rights to live, to learn, to travel... We want to remind them that every man in every moment in his life could be a "person with special needs". My country must follow the low in everyday life's.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to meet new people, make cooperative project, learn about other countries. We do not want to be limited because we cant speak, hear or walk.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vanja Škrobica
Head of the organisation
Vesna Jerković

Strength for change - a CMS approach to racist and discriminatory incidents

Mario project

Through the Strength for Change project, the Centre for Peace Studies initiated, continued or intensified cooperation with organizations and initiatives representing racialized, migrant or minority communities, to create a database for recording incidents of racism and discrimination affecting these communities.

The main goal of the database is to record racist and discriminatory incidents that pass under the radar of official institutions such as the police or the Ombudsperson, often due to the distrust of marginalized communities, who doubt that the system will be able to protect them from the perpetrators, or because they are not familiar with whom to report such incidents.

Find out more:

Student Centre

National Network

Savska cesta 25

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Student Centre was founded in 1957. as a institution responsible for student's meals, accommodation, cultural and intellectual needs. SC is devided into three sectors: Acommodation, Food and Culture. SC employes arround 1000 people. Since the beginning, cultural activity of the Student Centre has been the bearer of Zagreb independent, experimental and art scene. The intellectual and artistic atmosphere of the Student Centre have been created by the continual programs of SC Gallery, MM Centre, SEK, &TD Theatre, Music Salon... SC's main source of founding is the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, but Office for Culture also benefits from Ministry of Culture grants, City of Zagreb, European Comission and other public and private bodies grants. Office for Culture colaborates, among others with, Academy of Drama Arts, 25FPS, Propeler film, Kufer, Trafik, Test!, Queer Zagreb, Szene Salzburg, Spielmotor Munchen and wiht all the most important actors of croatian independend scene.
Mission and Objectives

SC's cultural programme is defined nominally and conceptually into CULTURE OF CHANGE, following the very essence of the Student center, as cultural, social and international meeting point of students and young artists which is characterized by generation shift. Each generation has its interests, its needs and has to have a possibility to realize them.
Our main goal is to create new, innovative, economic, educational and effective modules and frameworks of cultural production in order to influence cultural policies in Croatia and wider.
SC is a place which continually generates new movements on the artistic scene in the fields of visual arts, music, radio, film theater, festival, public discussions, workshops and multimedial projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Culture of Change's theatre production is associated with t&TD Theatre, the only theatre in Croatia that is equally opened to young artists as it is to theatre experts. &TD explores various theatre forms and ways of expression. Musical program is focused on alternative, indie music, experimental and free jazz, ethno, rock and experimental electronic music, besides its regular monthly concert prgrammes, we organize international Music festivals such as Not Only Jazz Festival, The Thirsty Ear festival, Zg Ethno festival. Visual arts program includes exhibitions, performances, and installations. Film activities basically focused in the SC’s Multimedia Center (MM Center) whose basic goal is to present contemporary media art, primarily avant-garde film and video. Radio activities are focused on internet radio station Radio SC. Its basic goals are exploration of journalism, radio production, performative radio situations and actions. Culture of Change also co-produces many festivals and all kinds of interesting projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nataša Rajković
Head of the organisation
Niko Vidović