
John Naisbitt University

National Network

Marsala Tolbuhina 8
11070 New Belgrade

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
• I worked ( The Hague, Netherland, 2013.) at the Church.  I got more work’s experiences because I had contact with different people and it was very important to me. I had responsibilities like work in administration. In that job included: word processing; letter writing; dealing with email enquiries; creating and maintaining filing systems; keeping diaries and arranging appointments. • The next job I had was job as housekeeper (The Hague, Netherland, 2013). My job required work about 5 hours and  I needed to clean rooms, taking care of various risks, to vacuum clean carpets, rugs and draperies, dust and polish furniture and fittings dispose of trash in a sanitary manner tidy up rooms iron and press clothing and line maintain all equipment and cleaning materials in a safe and sanitary working condition.
Mission and Objectives

• After that, I had new job. (Serbia, 2014) That was Babysitting. I needed to take care about children (4 to 8 years). I  needed to:  Prepare formulas for infants and snacks for toddlers / children, arrange formulas and change diapers, teach basic language and math lessons, organize and take part in leisure activities such as games, crafts, comics, outings and exercise, discipline children in keeping with the methods requested by the parents, maintain a clean and healthy environment inside the home, take care of the emotional comfort of children, perform light housekeeping and running errands tasks, handle basic ground-keeping and pet care duties.

Main Projects / Activities

• I worked in a farm ( Zadar, Croatia, 2014.). I needed to pick friuits, clean a garden, sort friuts.
• Also I worked as assistant at University (2016). That job included work with students. 
 Since August 2017. until December  2017. I worked at the farm in Germany.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Derjana Zeka
Head of the organisation
New Belgrade

Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture

National Network

Baruna Trenka 11
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 7898 732
Mobile Phone
+385 95 3815 566
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture is as a non-governmental, non-party, and non-profit association of legal entities, that is, a regional network of organisations working in the field of independent culture and contemporary art in Southeast Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Croatia). Kooperativa currently has 40 active member organisations, whose delegates form the General Assembly that meets annually to discuss future steps and actions. The platform also holds monthly informal Forums with members to address pressing issues regarding the sector. The General Assembly acts as the principal decision-making body with the Management Board chosen to make and execute decisions between Assemblies. Current board members are Davor Mišković (Croatia), Luka Knežević-Strika (Serbia), Jasmina Bilalovikj (North Macedonia), Peter Cerovšek (Slovenia) and Vullnet Sanaja (Kosovo). Kooperativa was first registered in Zagreb, where it has been holding office for 10 years and sharing a space with several civil society organisations. Since March 2023 Kooperativa has registered in Skopje, North Macedonia where it has a newly established branch. Currently, Kooperativa employs 4 people in Croatia - Tihana Pupovac (coordinator), Marija Krnić (program coordinator), Ena Grabar (financial administrator) and Dejan Košćak (project manager), and 1 person in North Macedonia - Tijana Ana Spasovska (program coordinator). The main sources of funding include public and private entities working in the SEE region such as: Kultura nova foundation, Rockefeller brothers fund, Balkan Trust for Democracy, Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia as well as the City of Zagreb. Kooperativa advocates for a sustainable financial mechanism for regional cultural cooperation, in adition to that it runs capacity building programs, supports to program exchange, research and publishing pertaining to cultural policies built through bottom-up processes as well as different joint actions supporting the development of cultural cooperation in SEE.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Kooperativa is developing and strengthening cultural cooperation in South-East Europe, and is committed to improving working conditions within the civil sector in contemporary arts and culture. Founded with the aim to advocate for a sustainable financial instrument for regional collaboration of independent culture, Kooperativa provides mechanisms of peer-to-peer support, knowledge exchange, collective actions and program cooperation. Vision Sustainable and dynamic regional collaboration where independent culture is a relevant agent for social change and a democratic society. HE MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE PLATFORM ARE: ~ to ensure the framework for a long-term and sustainable project cooperation and programme exchange between the advocates of independent culture in the region ~ to strengthen the capacities of organizations through the transfer of good practice and knowledge ~ to empower the actors contributing to the development of cultural and other policies that will introduce significant changes in cultural systems of the countries of the region ~ development of contemporary and new artistic practices, critical public discourse and innovative organizational models

Main Projects / Activities

Within the program lines of the Clubture network, the Kooperativa community has, before being formally established and registered, been working on building cooperation and connecting organisations from SEE. From 2005 to 2007, the first phase of the program exchange and collaboration between organisations in SEE was carried out, within which thirty-three public events took place. From 2009 to 2011, together with regional organisations, a public consultation process Exit Europe was conducted, with a focus on critical consideration of parallel processes of defining European cultural policies and enlargement of the Union, which resulted in the development and advocacy of the Position Document for Policy Recommendations at EU, national and local levels. After its formal establishment in 2012, Kooperativa focuses on advocating for a sustainable support mechanism for cooperation between organisations in the region, on the exchange of programs between independent culture organisations, and on their strengthening and networking. Since 2016, a small-scale crisis support mechanism Regional Cultural Action Laboratory (Reg Lab) has been introduced through which over 20 campaigns and initiatives in the fields of advocacy and activism have been supported by now. In 2017 Kooperativa conducted a pilot program of regional cooperation and exchange, through which 11 collaboration projects were supported, engaging 40 organisations from SEE. Since 2021, the support by the Creative Europe Cooperation in the Western Balkans program enabled the continuation and widening of regional program cooperation and exchange through Twinning and Mentorship programs as well as widening the scope of the Reg Lab mechanism. Our activities and programs are also socially engaged, based on a research approach, and are the result of cooperation between organisations with a long history of independent culture activism, critical consideration of the socio-political context and engagement in local communities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a network operating in 7 countires from the SEE region Kooperativa brings with it not just the contacts, but also the know-how and good practices which were fostered by the civil society sector working in the arts and culture in SEE. Operating also as a living document of the institutional innovations which were fostered by the civil society sector in arts and culture through many years of bottom-up advocacy processes, Kooperativa has an added value of being the space for joint actions, mutual rethinking of the framewroks for national and regional cultural policies as well a valuable source of knowledge about independent cultural and artistic production and the specific needs of the sector. At the same time, the strong focus on cultural cooperation, buidling bridges and forging friendships as the core principles of any cultural and artistic work bring another added value to the processes of democratization, reconciliation and peacebuilding which are central not only to the local context in Croatia but the region as well. Lastly, Kooperativa is also dedicated to cross-sectoral work, especially across civil-socitey sectors and the engagement of civil society actors in the transformation and democratizaion of our societies, and can through exchanges of good practices significantly contribute to strengthening the position of civil society in Croatia and beyond.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a network dedciated to fostering cooperation across geographies and sectors join the ALF network aligns with the core values and principles of Kooperativa's work. We strongly believe that it is only by forging connections, collaborations and friendships across borders and regions that true social transformation can occur and that culture is on of the pillars of these processes. We have been following the work of ALF and have members who are members of ALF and strongly believe that we could strongly contribute to the continous preservation of the core values of dialougue and exchange that ALF represent.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tihana Pupovac
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Davor Mišković
Contact (2) Full Name
Ena Grabar
Job Title (2)
Financial administrator

Le Mouvement des Focolari de la Croatie

National Network

Djelo Marijino-Pokret Focolara
Račkoga 30
48260 Križevci


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Les Focolari sont un mouvement fondé en 1943 en Italie par Chiara Lubich. Le mouvement compte aujourd'hui 200 000 membres actifs. En Croatie la communauté compte 20 000 membres et est constituée de laics, de familles, de jeunes et de personnes d'Eglises et de religions diverses ainsi que de personnes de bonne volonté. Il existe 33 cités Focolari dans le monde dont une en Croatie, la cité "Faro" de Krizevci. Chaque personne subvient aux besoins de la communauté par son travail. Le mouvement oeuvre sur le plan éducatif, culturel et interculturel, religieux et interreligieux et social. Le mouvement dialogue avec l'Eglise catholique et avec les autres mouvements de cette église, avec les autres églises et les mouvements des autres églises, pour promouvoir l'oecumenisme. Le mouvement dialogue également avec les membres des autres religions et associations des autres religions et enfin avec toute personne de bonne volonté et le monde de la culture contemporaine.
Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir et réaliser l'unité et la paix dans le monde. Chaque membre cherche à promouvoir l'unité et la paix, dans son milieu de travail, dans sa famille, dans son lieu de vie.

Main Projects / Activities

Congrès internationales à plusieurs niveaux (religieux et culturel) pour toutes les catégories d'âge et toutes les situations sociales. Congrès locaux et rencontres de formations pour de petits groupes. Actions sociales dans les villes: ouvertures d'écoles maternelles, élémentaires et lycée ainsi que d'une institution universaitaire (Firenze, Italie), aide dans les hôpitaux, orphelinats, maisons pour personnes âgées.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Lisa Gasparini
Head of the organisation
Marija Grum et Florijan Skunca

Local Democracy Agency Sisak

National Network

S. i A. Radića 2A
44000 Sisak

+385 44 521 227
+385 44 521 231
Mobile Phone
+385 99 230 92 61
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

LDA Sisak aims to support local democratic processes, promote human rights, active citizenship and international cooperation. We are using specific methodology of multilateral decentralised cooperation in partnership with local/regional self-governments and other non-governmental organisations. Memberships: statutory member and Operational partners of Association of the Local Democracy Agencies, Croatian Network of Volunteer’ Centres, South East European Youth Network and Sisak-Moslavina County Local Partnership for Employment. Our programs: Local democracy, Active citizenship, Volunteer program, For Community without domestic violence and Organisational development. In 2011 we opened Volunteer' Centre Sisak by which we are working on promoting active citizenship, structural voluntarism, social cohesion and employability. Structure: Assembly (all members), Governing board and President (executive body). Currently employ 1 person, 14 regular volunteers and 170 volunteers in database of Volunteer Centre Sisak. Funding: various national and international donors; major EU funding; beneficiary of the National Foundation for Civil Society Development Institutional support. 

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Local Democracy Agency Sisak by promoting human rights, preserving peace and strengthening local democracy contributes to local community development and active citizenship. By implementing non-profit programs, connecting and networking responds to the needs of individuals, local government and wider community. Objectives: 1. Local democratic processes development by including citizens in decision-making, planning and development of pluralistic and multicultural society. 2. Human rights, active citizenship and volunteerism promotion, education, development and advocacy. 3. Lifelong learning and non-formal education promotion and development. 4. Support to civil society organisations and local authorities in sustainable and participatory democracy development. 5. Social innovations and community services development. 6. International cooperation development.

Main Projects / Activities

1. LOCAL DEMOCRACY - strengthening local democracy through citizens' participation in decision-making process and development of pluralistic and intercultural society as a starting point for development of community tailored to its citizens' needs. 2. ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP - activities related to inter-ethnic and inter-religious cooperation; support to civic initiatives and economic development; promotion of sustainable development and ecological awareness and organisation of ecological protection activities. 3. VOLUNTEER PROGRAM - promotion, motivation and organising voluntary programs in community, especially targeted to young people, aiming to contribute to development of philanthropy and enable active civil society in a community. 4. FOR COMMUNITY WITHOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - promotion and protection of gender equality, protection of the rights of women, children, youngsters and other marginalised groups. 5. ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT - securing organisational stability and development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Before our registration as a national organisation in 2006, LDA Sisak operated as international organisation since 1996, established by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. In these 20 years of experience, we managed over 150 projects, as partners or leaders, most of them having component of multilateral decentralised cooperation. We can contribute to the network sharing our very specific experience related to citizens’ participation, good governance, active citizenship, volunteering and community development. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to spread our partnership to organisations and countries we have not cooperated so far, adopting innovations and methodologies in joint objectives, and having opportunity to debate, analyse and exchange.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Paula Raužan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Paula Raužan

Lota's box

National Network

Mallinova 7
10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Lota's box is founded to promote values of democracy, active citizenship and equality. We have 6 members so far, and 2 volunteers working on the projects. Projects are mostly based on activities related to youth in our community promoting lifelong learning, active citizenship, and european values.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote active citizenship, role of democracy, gender euqality and lifelong learning at local and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Main project were related to quality time spent together for the local children: playing games, exchanging stickers, playing table tenis etc. We established the spot in our community where book can be exchanged. In order to support lifelong learning  and active citizenship we are looking for free spaces where teenagers can learn together. We already established coperation with other members of ALF in Croatia and abroad. We supported with our events Open days of NGOs, European sustainable development week. We support education of our memebers in anf for informal learning, active citizenship and support for democracy. We are also active in the field of virtual exchanges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We try to contribute by local and international actions supporting the values of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our president is a private memeber and she finds ALF a great source of positive values and  individuals and organizations shating the same values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Gjuric Smrekar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Drazana Halar
Job Title (2)

Lota's box

National Network

Mallinova 7
10000 Zagreb

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Lota's box is founded to promote values of democracy, active citizenship and equality. We have 9 members so far, and 4 volunteers working on the projects. Projects are mostly based on activities related to youth in our community promoting lifelong learning, active citizenship, and european values. Lota's box is member of ECAS- European Citizen Action Service
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to create safe space for support of lifelong learning, critical thinking and promotion of human rights an european values.

Main Projects / Activities

Main project were related to quality time spent together for the local children: playing games, exchanging stickers, playing table tenis etc. We established the spot in our community where book can be exchanged.
In order to support lifelong learning  and active citizenship we are looking for free spaces where teenagers can learn together.
We already established coperation with other members of ALF in Croatia and abroad.
We supported with our events Open days of NGOs, European sustainable development week.
We support education of our memebers in anf for informal learning, active citizenship and support for democracy. We are also active in the field of virtual exchanges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote common values if ALF in Croatia and cooperate with other members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wnat to join because we share to same values

Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Gjurić Smrekar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lota's box


National Network

Mesnička 24

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
“Lovro&Nina” is a non-profit organization registered at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia. There are only two members – pianist and piano professor Lovro Pogorelich and musicologist and concert producer Nina Pogorelich, non of them employed by “Lovro&Nina”. Budget fluctuates up to round 30.000,00Eur in a year, mostly from Ministry of Culture, Municipal Government and Touristic Board (Zagreb and Pag), Zadar County, private sponsors and donators. The main project is PagArtFestival, in co-operation with the Culture and Information Centre of the City of Pag and the Archparish Office of St. Mary’s Church in the City of Pag. Further projects are concerts and recordings of Lovro Pogorelich and co-production at concerts run by other institutions, mainly Zagreb Philharmonic.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is a strong commitment to cultural dialogue – a process that comprises an open and respectful exchange or interaction between individuals, groups and organisations with different cultural backgrounds. PagArtFestival has a desire to combine different art forms and styles along with exploring the mutual effect they have on each other; and, finally, to build lasting structures and relationships among all individuals associated to
PAF. We believe that communication through artistic expression is a wonderful way of transcending linguistic, national, religious, social and cultural differences; however, it also allows and encourages people to admire, consider and cherish them. All of the aforementioned leads to a developed democratic society with cultural production serving as a catalyst for this progress.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is PagArtFestival.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We wish to promote cultural dialogue by presenting both international and Croatian artists in local cultural settings and thus contributing to local tradition, in addition to enriching the lives of its individuals and tourists.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we believe there is a lot to learn from ALF by communicating within the organization and members so to improve our activities and projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nina Pogorelić
Head of the organisation
Lovro Pogorelić
Contact (2) Full Name
Iva Bešker

Makronova Institute

National Network

Ilica 72/I

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Makronova Institute was formally established in 2002, but it has been functionning even before, as an educational center within the non-governmental organisation "Society for the Improvement of Quality of Life" established in 1998 in Zagreb. Today Makronova Institute has grown into the leading educational institution promoting healthy and sustainable lifestyles in Croatia. Today it employes 10 people as full-time employed, including director of the Institute, 7 people working in setting up and promoting various educational programs and 2 shiatsu therapists. There are also about 15 permanent associates and partners of the Institute - teachers and professionals in different fields of work. The Institute is funding itself through its programmes (please more information about the programs in next chapters), having in mind that the major part of its revenues is reinvested in setting up the existing programs in developing its activities and new programs. We also seek for funding possibilities either from state or private sector in Croatia and in Europe, since we find that activities of the Institute make a difference in creation of a healthy community and healthy natural environment. Our way of acting is through education: numerous educational activities, such as schools, one-day seminars, residential (7 days) seminars, workshops etc. Apart from this Makronova Institute also organizes specific events around special dates, such as Womens' Day (March 8th) and the Earth Day (April 22nd) which also consist of varoius educational programs for wide public (free of charge). Our main partners are Planetopija (publishing house promoting holistic approach to solving issues related to human beings and community, as well as trust in the power of innate growth and development) and Biovega (a company promoting healthy and natural lifestyles by offering natural and organic products).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create awareness and conditions for the holistic approach to life to grow into a unique culture of living. Means of accomplishing this mission is through a concept of personal ecology that refers to the fact that healthy individual is a prerequisite of the healthy environment, and emphasizes the importance of a better quality communication.
The main goal of the Makronova Institute programme is bringing natural and healthy lifestyles closer to the public. Our primary aim is to help people develop self-confidence and awareness necessary for taking responsibility of health and life in general. By establishing an open and sincere communication channel and showing how much we care, we would like to create a special and easily recognizable milieu and to motivate people to attend different educational programmes in our institute.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of the Institue are the following educational programs:
- International Shiatsu School Croatia (4 levels in 3 years) with diploma of Shiatsu practitioner recognized by Croatian Ministry of Education
- School of Natural Cooking (2 levels)
- Culinary Workshops
- Academy of Living (consisting of 18 different lifestyle seminars)
- Treatments in shiatsu and other techniques
- Four residential seminars (7 days programs) in nature in different parts of Croatia
- Hosting international teachers promoting healthy lifestyles
- Holding exercises for public in Yoga, Do In and specialized exercises such as recreation for pregnant women etc.
Apart from these programs we also organize special activities/events such as educational programs for Womens' day and for The Earth Day.
One of the Institute's activities is publishing a 30 pages free of charge hard-copy newsletter coming out four times a year in 20 000 copies. In 2010 this magazine has celebrated its 50th edition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dabić Tamara
Head of the organisation
Dabić Tamara

Metar 60

National Network

Bauerova 6, 10 000 Zagreb
Krmica III/6. Domaslovec, 10430 Samobor


+385 1 3380 807
+385 1 3380 807
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 91 522 1131
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Meter60 association was founded on 20 September 2006, as a non-profit organization. It's founders are postgraduates, seniors and masters of the Academy of Dramatic Arts and Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. The organization has 40 active members: several graduate and qualified producers and culture managers, directors, musicians, writers, screenwriters and other artists, members of numerous professional associations, HZSU, HUOKU, HDDU, HRUP, HDFD. Our number is in constant growth. The association brings together young and highly educated people who wish their expertise and talent to be expressed through audio-visual, dramatic, visual arts and performing arts.Over the past three years, Metar 60 has made a successful cooperation with many other non profit organizations, associations, art organizations, production houses, theaters and many others. To mention some of them: Austrian Cultural Forum, Theatre & TD, CKT, Theatre Factory Theatre, ALK Lutonjica Toporko, the Zagreb Chamber Orchestra, Center for Culture and Information Maksimir, City of Novalja, Zagreb, Samobor, associations Istrian Yearbook and open media group, Kufer, HTV and Nova TV, Studio, Croatian Post, ADU, the Jewish Community and many others.One person is permanently employed, and other partners we employ accordingly to the projects we manage. From 2009. till 2012. year we are dependent on the number of donors in order to achieve sustainability. 1) within the Croatia - State Budget – grants from government ministries and agencies, - City Budget - with an emphasis on getting the space from the City of Zagreb - Sponzors - INA, Croatian Post, Croatian Bank, small sponzors, 2) international donors - EU funds - IPA, EACEA (Culture, Media, Youth Participation), EURIMAGES - Embassy (Embassy of the Netherlands, the Norwegian Embassy, Embassy of Finland, the Austrian Cultural Forum) - The international foundations We are constantly training through different seminars, workshops: to mention some of them Berlinale Talent Campus, City University London, Department of Cultural Policy and Management,School of Arts (our president Anamaria Kapulica is there on a scholarship through 2010/2011. ).. Projects implemented by NGOs, and who are prepared not only measurable by its cultural and artistic value but also the social context and the problems that are processed in this context. These are all international projects, suitable for co-productions. They cover the whole range of social and other problems of our society like: all types of violence, PTSP, corruption, addiction, discrimination and human wrights and many other contemporary issues of civil society, especially in Croatian society, with the aim of preventing them. The variety and quality of projects is not limited to the issues of today's civil society and social surroundings, but on deeper reflection on life, of course, in the context of our circumstances and developments, and recent history.
Mission and Objectives

Supporting artist's and artistic activity through "project management" which is often the only obstacle for the realization of creative ideas into projects..
Create fully equipped projects through the development and elaboration of artistic ideas, scenarios and ideas of other artists, and thus contribute to their financing and realization.
Provide legal framework and production service for the realization of art and cultural projects, and actively participate in their implementation. Our goal is to promote art and culture through teamwork.

Main Projects / Activities

Our art and cultural programs are aiming to develop cultural and artistic projects that places Croatian culture in an international context, who are innovative and documented in a way that they can apply the and get grants from EU funds and other foreign foundations.During the last 3 years, Metar 60 finished several projects and started new projects which are under construction, and whose funding is partially provided. We also acquired rights to several cultural and art projects in the field of visual art, music art, drama and audio-visual arts, and provided an option for the filming and production of a number of literary templates from Croatian authors.
Projects finished or in postproduction
Theatre play "Imitators of votes" (A. Tomić and J. Kovacic ..)
Web portal: "" - an active project (Lana Saric, Ivor Martinic, Maja Sviben ..)
Short film "Pink Express" (John Livaković, Daniel Ruljančić ..)
Short film "reflection" - in post-production (Martin Zenica, Viktor Gloc)
Documentary film "Martićeva 14 df" (Milivoj Puhlovski)
Medium-Metric feature film "One Winter's Night" (Sara Hribar)
In preparation:Feature film "She" (Roman Rozic)
Music-original project "Cello Variations, Neven Šverko" (Neven Šverko)
Feature film "Three Stories about violence" (Iva Semenčić)
Artistic performances, "The Show Must Go On!" (Krešimir-Tadija Kapulica)
Photo exhibition "Nude" (Ana Vrdoljak)
Short film "from Zagreb with love" (Jasna Nanut)
Short film "Silence" (Nikolina Baric)
Short film "Love and crocodiles" (screenplay Ana Djokic)
Adaptations of literary works
Ana Djokic "recipe for happiness";
Marina Sur Puhlovski "Love";
Hrvoje Kovacevic "My Study" and "Secret of the dog") feature films,
"Can drink a little water" (writer Zoran Pongrašić - scenario was based on the motifs of the novel "Baba," the same name author
Feature film "Gumi gumi"; (writer Zoran Pongrašić)
Feature film "Academical" director Milivoj Puhlovski
Feature film "Peter Iljadica" director Milivoj Puhlovski
Animated feature film "Supersvizac," director Mark Dješka
Web portal was conceived through an initiative of students and graduates of Dramaturgy department at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, Croatia (ADU). Through our practical work, we became aware of the need for a presentation platform for plays by Croatian authors. In order to stimulate their staging, reading and any other further use, it is important to enhance their public visibility. On this portal you can find plays that have not been published or staged yet, as well as plays that had already been publicly presented. You can also read traslantions into foreign languages, where available, and find out something about the plays’ authors. portal automatically publishes plays by former or current students of recognized drama schools in Croatia or abroad, plays that won awards at recognized national or private contests, plays that were presented as staged readings at “Mala noćna čitanja” organized by dramatist collective, as well as other plays that passed the editors’ selection.
Pink express deals with homosexuality and all the problems,complexities and discrimination that surround gay people ,in this case in a predominately religious ,south-east european country ,Croatia, but in a modern cinematic way,using an atypical film language , thus giving the substance a new look.
Imitators of voices is inspired by short prose sketches of T. Bernhard. It is a true post-war story recorded in our area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirta Puhlovski
Head of the organisation
Mirta Puhlovski
Contact (2) Full Name
Anamaria Kapulica


National Network

Ulica fra Filipa Grabovca 4
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 2310 309
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
++ 385 091 949 7591
Mobile Phone (other)
++385 091 466 3673
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

MODE1 is a civil society organization dedicated to improving diversity, equality, and governance record of public bodies, private sector, local and regional government, academic sector, and other relevant stakeholders. We have a particularly strong background in gender equality, in education and in the workplace. Our interventions are based on the development of management tools and knowledge products that are conducive to measurable and sustainable progress in the areas of interest, and on cross-sector partnerships that guarantee sustainable impact. We partner with private sector, local, regional and central government, independent bodies, public bodies, and civil society organizations, in Croatia and abroad. Our organization is currently in transition towards additional areas of activities, primarily sustainable development and human rights. We are funded mostly through grants, but also through consulting services we offer to improve gender equality outcomes in public and private sector organizations, and via corporate sponsorships.

Mission and Objectives

The goals of MODE1 are, as follows: • To promote the sustainable development principles throughout the society, and their practical application in all sectors and by all social groups. • To promote and advocate for equality between men and women of all ages and in all segments of society, particularly in education and at work. • To empower women and girls, and to develop their ability to actively improve their personal, social, and economic position. • To empower men and boys, and to develop their ability to take on various social roles on equal terms, and to choose personal development paths that lead to self-realization, regardless of social expectations. • To advocate for the adoption and implementation of public policies and other initiatives that promote gender equality, as well as equality and inclusion of all social groups exposed to discrimination. • To promote active citizenship, and empower the citizens for participation in democratic processes. • To develop the ability of the society as a whole, and of all the stakeholders, to resolve effectively the issues that lead to inequality, discrimination, injustice, poverty, democratic deficits, and human rights violations. • To promote and develop the partnerships between public bodies, public and state institutions, independent bodies, private sector, public companies, local and regional administration, academic community, civil society, and other stakeholders, for the purpose of advancing social equality, rule of law, and sustainable development. • To advocate for and promote the principles and practices of good government, particularly evidence-based public policy formulation, and decision-making. • To promote and protect human and citizens' rights, and the democratic principles as the foundation of social relations. • To promote scientific, technological, and economic development, balanced with humanistic principles. • To promote the adoption of digital technologies in business and public administration, advance the citizens' digital skills, and to foster the adoption of ethical principles and rules in this area. • To promote entrepreneurship, social dialogue, social entrepreneurship, and corporate responsibility. • To promote particularly the entrepreneurship of women, and their economic emancipation. • To collaborate with like-minded organizations in Croatia, the EU, and worldwide in view of promoting these goals. (from the constitution adopted in 2021.)

Main Projects / Activities

Our principal activities in the past mid-term period included: (a) programs, consultancies, and collaborations related to female leadership in business, work-life balance, gender equality, and inclusion in the workplace; (b) projects dedicated to elimination of gender stereotypes in education, including those based on active engagement of elementary and secondary school students, and those engaging teachers as actors of change (e.g. our current project Kindle Equality where we developed Train the Trainer program for elementary school teachers:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As detailed above, we have a strong background in gender equality, particularly in education and in the workplace, and are willing to share our expertise with other Network members through joint activities. We also, due to professional capacities of our members, do have an extensive expertise in sustainable development, international development, and in business sector engagement, which we are also ready to offer in view of extending collaboration within the national and international network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The members of MODE1 already have individual history of collaborating with various stakeholders in the geographic area covered by the initiative, mostly through UN system organizations. We are looking forward to the opportunity to expand this collaboration in terms of countries involved, the variety of organizations covered, and programmatic priorities addressed. We believe that the Mediterranean is the intuitive, although neglected, area for collaboration, and the one in which organizations from Croatia do have relevant input to offer, both due to our developmental experiences, and our current position on the crossroads between the EU and non-EU countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Heidi Eterović
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dijana Kobas Dešković
Contact (2) Full Name
Dijana Kobas Dešković
Job Title (2)