
Association Tunisienne des Nouvelles Générations

National Network

Quai de l'Ourthe 43/73 4020

+32 496177836
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L’ATNG se compose de :- membres actifs. - membres adhérents. Il y'a six sections répartis dans les grandes villes de la Belgique(Bruxelles, Liège, Anvers, Charleroi, Renaix,Gand)Ces section sont présidés par des administrateurs. Il y'a aussi des membres d'honneur(ministres d'état, député.) Il s'agit d'une ASBL régie par le droit belge et inscrite au Moniteur Belge. Nos activités se déroulent principalement en Belgique mais aussi exceptionnellement à l'étranger.
Mission and Objectives

L'ATNG est une association d'étudiants, de jeunes indépendants et pluralistes à vocation d'informer, sensibiliser, former, mobiliser et interpeller la jeunesse sur:
* Les valeurs et les enjeux de l'éducation à la citoyenneté,
* La sensibilisation à la démocratie participative et à la tolérance,
* La promotion d'un dévelopement durable,
* Les relations équilibrées, la coopération et la solidarité entre étudiants et autres jeunes,
* La lutte pour abolir les discriminations et pour obtenir l'égalité des chance.

Main Projects / Activities

L'association réalise son objet notamment par le développement de projets et la création de sujets d'expression, de confrontation, d'échange et de réflexion visant à stimuler l'implication des jeunes dans la vie de la cité et à impulser de nouveaux débats de sociétés, par le développement d'outils pédagogiques, et par les échanges culturels.
* Elaboration de programmes et de campagnes médiatiques et de terrain à l'intention des nouvelles générations de l'émigration pour les préserver des dangers de la marginalisation et de la délinquance.
* Intensification des conférences et manifestations à caractère culturel au profit des nouvelles générations pour les prémunir des dangers de l'extrémisme et leur inculquer les valeurs de tolérance et de modération.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mlayeh Lamia



Le réseau belge de la Fondation Anna Lindh rassemble des organisations actives dans les domaines de l'éducation, de l'art, de la culture, de la migration, des droits humains, des médias, ainsi que des universités et des "think tanks". La jeunesse et la culture sont fortement représentées au sein du réseau national.

La Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus coordonne le réseau qui est composé de 102 associations membres. Le réseau belge travaille à la création de plateformes, à la recherche de moyens de partage et à la mise en évidence des connexions internationales. Les activités sont caractérisées par des tournées associatives, lors desquelles la rencontre entre les membres et le Chef du réseau est essentielle.  Par ailleurs, les membres sont régulièrement invités à participer à des souks associatifs. L'occasion de faire connaître leur organisation au grand public lors d'événements organisés par les Nouveaux Disparus.

Le réseau est représenté dans tout le pays, et compte des membres néerlandophones, francophones, anglophones et germanophones. Le réseau possède des compétences en matière de numérisation et de technologie, des liens culturels forts avec le monde arabe et diverses organisations et institutions prêtes à des échanges internationaux et interculturels.

Internal Rules



The Belgian network of the Anna Lindh Foundation brings together organisations active in the fields of education, art, culture, migration, human rights and media, as well as universities and "think tanks". Youth and culture are strongly represented within the national network.

The Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus coordinates the network which is composed of 102 member associations. The Belgian network works to create platforms, find ways of sharing and highlight international connections. The activities take the form of community tours, during which the meeting of members and the head of the network is essential. In addition, members are regularly invited to participate in voluntary events. An opportunity for an organisation to get their name out to a wider public at events organised by the Nouveaux Disparus.

The network is represented throughout Belgium and boasts Dutch, French, English and German-speaking members. The network is skilled in digital and technological aspects, has strong cultural connections with the Arab world and various organisations and institutions wishing to establish international and intercultural exchanges.

Internal Rules
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Bishara Khader

Dr Bichara Khader is Belgian of Palestinian origin. He is Professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of Louvain and Founder of the Study and Research Centre on the Contemporary Arab World. He has been member of the Group of High...

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Bishara Khader

Belge d’origine palestinienne, Dr Bichara Khader est professeur émérite à l'Université catholique de Louvain et fondateur du Centre d'études et de recherche sur le monde arabe contemporain. Il a été membre du groupe des hauts experts sur la politique étrangère...

Bjcem is looking for cultural professionals!

open call

The Bjcem (Association Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée) with the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union is organising the CONTESTED DESIRES: Constructive Dialogues Ethics Advisory Group and is looking for academics and professional cultural practitioners.

The CDCD is a three-year arts and heritage programme (June 2024 – December 2026) that offers the chance to contemporary artists to explore the legacy of European colonialism and its impact on our cultural identities.

Everyone interested should apply before 28 June 2024.

For more information concerning the activities and the application procedure, all interested cultural experts should visit


Body-mapping as a research method

Karin Hannes is a professor at the Faculty of Social Science of the Catholic University Leuven. Her article on Body Mapping appeared in Sociologie Magazine. Body-mapping is a data collection and analysis process in which research participants design a life-size...

Brussels African Art Center

National Network

Avenue Palmerstrom 2
1000 Brussels

+33 6 23 39 51 67
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

BAAC is a non-profit association incorporated in 2022. The directors are Fabien Marie & Olivier Renson. The advisory committee is made up of 11 influential people (see brochure). Our annual budget is approximately EUR 100,000. Our sources of funding Sources of funding: subsidies, sponsorship, donations, recipes. Our methods of action are : Publishing, Research Centre, Documentations & Archives, Cultural Meditation, Young Ambassadors, Residencies, Events, Mentoring & Masterclasses. Our main partners are : InExca, SNCB, TETRA AFRICA, COCOF Commission Communautaire française, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Minisistère de la Culture de la République Togolaise, Prométhéa, AAC55, Africa Film Festival, Claes Gallery, Inside_Out Gallery, LAB.AN, MUS Africa, Palais de Lomé, ASAKAN, ON ART, LE NOUVEAU REPORTER.

Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to explore the creative cross-fertilisation resulting from deep and complex interactions between individuals, cultures and values, in order to bring to the fore unique and hitherto unseen visual and visual works. The Brussels African Art Center is a protean contemporary art centre open to Africa and its influences. Various artistic projects and cultural programmes will be devised and offered to the public. Afro-descendant, Belgian, European and non-African artists who approach and question Africa through their artistic approach will also be invited and integrated into the Centre's programming.

In BAAC's view, the creation of an art center today (both its vision and its missions) must be approached in the light of societal and socio-cultural changes, as well as current economic and political mutations, all of which are synergistically upending the world of contemporary creation and the universe that surrounds it, modes of consumption and cultural usage. The art world is entering a new era, which represents a unique opportunity to re-imagine the territories of art. With this paradigm shift in mind, we have decided to revisit the concept of the art centre to create a resolutely new, agile structure of artistic representation, interconnected with globalised Africa and the rest of the world. A structure in tune with the needs of the pan-African creative scene, market players and audiences of all generations.

B.A.A.C's missions are focused and coherent. They revolve around the current and future needs of artists, audiences and market players; three inseparable and permanent components of contemporary artistic creation :

1) Propulsor of Artists & Creators
To transform the pan-African artistic fabric by developing a tailor-made support service for established artists and young creators.
This offer will enable them to benefit from high-quality advice, training, mentoring, networking, operational support, promotion and dissemination, enabling them to make a lasting impact on the global artistic landscape. This offer will enable them to benefit from high-quality advice, training, mentoring, networking, operational support, promotion and dissemination, enabling them to make a lasting impact on the global artistic landscape.

2) Cultural Mediation & Archiving
To encourage dialogue between artists, their works and audiences by setting up specific cultural mediation programmes aimed at raising awareness and forging knowledge of Pan-African contemporary creation on a large scale. This work will be made possible thanks to (1) the conservation of documentary resources relating to B.A.A.C's exhibitions and artistic projects, including archival sources, and (2) free access for all.

3) Facilitator
To create bridges between artists - creators, curators, gallery owners, collectors, buyers and all other players from the private and public sectors. To open up the art market and become a genuine interface of facilitation and trust for all parties.

Main Projects / Activities

We have 8 departments: Publishing, Research Centre, Documentation & Archives, Cultural Meditation, Young Ambassadors, Residencies, Events, Mentoring & Masterclasses (see brochure for details).
These are our next projects:
- Unveiling, B.A.A.C's inaugural evening and publication of Gopal Dagnogo's book.
- Capture(s)" by Derrick Ofosu Boateng (2023), Viewing Room #02
- Faces & Tales" by Nù Barreto, Solo show & programme
- Mwézé', Tribute to film-maker Dieudonné Mwézé Ngangura
- Une recherche sans fin" by Jorge Luis Álvarez Pupo (2024), Viewing Room #03
- Restore" by Jean-Pierre Muller & Aimé Mpané, Biennale de Dakar't 2024
- Africa +" Xpo - Sale in aid of Unitlife, sponsored by Philippe Douste Blazy, Cannes May 2024
- Confrontations", Sadikou Oukpedjo, Nù Barreto, Monica Musoni & Luc Vleugels, Venice 2024
- Lita Cerqueira, Solo show in collaboration with Ricardo Fernandes, guest curator
- Résidence 0 + guests , Restitution, presentation, meetings, talks, debates and screenings
- African Elections" by Abel Brutus, Viewing Room #04
- "Design + Africa" Kossi Aguessy, Kool Koor, Ola-dele Kuku & Hicham Lahlou
- "Multitudes", Panorama of contemporary African creation, guest curator: Catherine Goffeau

The most important projects are our presence at the two biennials in Venice and Dakar.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can serve as active supporters of the ALF's activities, promoting them among our network and beyond.
Our willingness to initiate and lead collaborative projects will add value to the ALF Network in Belgium, fostering intercultural dialogue through joint efforts. Acting as a bridge between Belgian cultural organizations and partners from the Mediterranean, we aim to facilitate cross-cultural exchanges and connections, strengthening the network's regional reach. With an extensive network of partners, professional artists, scientists, and talents, we can provide valuable resources and expertise to contribute to the success of the network's initiatives. In addition to ideas and connections, we offer tangible support by providing logistical assistance, including space, materials, curation, documentation, and archives for the efficient execution of ALF Network activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are genuinely aligned with the values and mission of the ALF, making it a natural fit for our organization's goals and principles.
Our strong interest in collaborative opportunities with like-minded organizations is driven by the belief that working together can achieve more significant and lasting impacts. We are confident that our dynamic approach, ongoing projects, and unwavering passion for intercultural dialogue will be a valuable addition to the ALF, aligning seamlessly with its mission and objectives. We are interested in ALF programmes and grants, particularly those related to artists' mobility and youth engagement, which will enable us to expand our intercultural dialogue initiatives. As a young organization, our membership in the ALF Network represents a scalable approach for growth and underscores our long-term commitment to intercultural dialogue through art. One of our exciting new initiatives, the Young Ambassadors Programme, is designed to flourish during our mandate within the ALF, making this a strategic partnership for its development and impact.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Agbessi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sandra Agbessi
Contact (2) Full Name
Léa Hetz
Job Title (2)

Catholic University College Limburg/Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg dept SAW

National Network

Agoralaan Gebouw B, bus 7, 3590 Diepenbeek

0032 11288270
0032 11288279
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0032 476217042
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. We are an university of professional education, university college called. The department is social-agogical work. We are situated in a rural area but we have an expertise in the training of social educators (university of professional education). The students are going to work with disabled people, with youth at risk and with immigrants. We have some students with special needs in our school (deaf student, student with spina bifida) and are focusing explicit to students with immigrant backgrounds. At this moment we have 3 adult immigrant students (in the adult Stuwerproject)and 9 immigrant students in the ordinary education. 2. We have a budget for university for about 6000 students and 600 staff members. In our department 700 students and 53 staff members 3. We receive funding from the national government ministry of education. 4. We have a lot of experience with European Grundtvig projecten
Mission and Objectives

Higher education (bachelor degree) for social educators.

Main Projects / Activities

University activities in training and education and in surveys and investigation about several topics i.c. multicultural topics
Ex: http://www.gelijkekansenhogeronderwijs.behttp://www.huwelijkenmigratie…

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerard Gielen
Head of the organisation
Dr. Joke Maes