

National Network

rue de la Natation 22
1030 Bruxelles

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Cineuropa est un portail d'information en ligne qui fait la promotion du cinéma et de la culture dans le monde entier. Le site est mis à jour quotidiennement en quatre langues (anglais, français, italien et espagnol) et est spécialement conçu pour un public plus large et des lecteurs de l'industrie. Plusieurs collaborations avec des festivals de films, des institutions culturelles, des fonds de films et des programmes de formation ont été mises en place. Après avoir été un site purement cinématographique, Cineuropa a depuis étendu son champ de couverture en réalisant plusieurs analyses sur l'état de la culture en Europe et dans les pays tiers. Cineuropa offre une vaste sélection de contenus: reportages, focus pays, making-of, bases de données de films et de sociétés, analyse de scénarios et cours de formation en ligne, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns. Au cours des dernières années, Cineuropa a établi de nombreux partenariats avec des organisations axées sur des activités non européennes, afin d'élargir sa gamme d'industries de l'information et de soutien qui nécessitent une attention européenne. De 2001 à 2014, Cineuropa a cogéré le programme Euromed Audiovisuel de l'Union européenne, une action de coopération avec les pays du sud de la Méditerranée. En 2014, Cineuropa a organisé le premier festival du film européen à Alger, offrant une sélection de 26 films et en organisant plusieurs tables rondes et conférences. Cineuropa organise régulièrement des conférences et des formations au sein des plus prestigieux festivals du monde, comme Cannes, Venise ou Berlin. Cineuropa a réalisé plusieurs études pour différents clients: rédaction du business plan du FESPACO, étude sur le statut de l'artiste en Afrique... Depuis 2019, Cineuropa gère un projet de support pour l'organisation de festivals organisés par les délégations de l'Union européenne dans le monde.

Mission and Objectives

Diffuusion de la culture et du cinéma européen dans le monde

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion du cinéma à travers le site Organisation de formations Organisation de festivals dans le monde

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Groupe de travail Appels à propositions

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous travaillons avec plusierus pays du sud de la Méditerranée et nous souhaitons élargir notre réseau

Contact (1) Full Name
Valerio Caruso
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Valerio Caruso
Contact (2) Full Name
Frédéric Bernard
Job Title (2)
Directeur financier

CISMOC (Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etude de l’Islam dans le Monde Contemporain – Université catholique de Louvain)

National Network

Place Montesquieu 1 bte 1,
1348, Louvain-la-Neuve

010 / 47 42 51
Telephone (other)
010 / 47 42 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure d’organisation. Le Cismoc est un réseau de chercheurs/enseignants qui réalisent au moins une partie de leurs travaux sur l’islam contemporain. Ces chercheurs appartiennent à des disciplines différentes : anthropologie, sociologie, sciences politiques, histoire, droit. Le Cismoc est composé de membres effectifs et de membres associés. Il est dirigé par un comité directeur. 2. Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles. Le Cismoc utilise les moyens en locaux et équipement mis à sa disposition par le département des sciences politiques et sociales de l’UCL. Il dispose en plus d’un budget ordinaire de fonctionnement d’environ 15.000 euro par an. En plus des 9 académiques membres du Cismoc, qui sont partie des membres effectifs, il y 4 doctorants et un chercheur post-doctorant. 3. Financements : Le Cismoc fonctionne sur des fonds propres financés par des instances de recherche internes à l’UCL, le Fonds national de la recherche scientifique (Belgique), d‘autres sources publiques et privées de recherche..
Mission and Objectives

Le Cismoc concentre ses activités sur les transformations et le devenir de l’islam et des musulmans. Il constitue un réseau qui « polarise » les recherches dans ce domaine : il vise à promouvoir les activités de recherche et contextuelles à l’Université catholique de Louvain, en valorisant, en s’appuyant et en faisant converger les ressources existantes, disséminées dans plusieurs départements et disciplines.
Le programme des années 2007-2010 se focalise sur le thème des « constructions identitaires dans le monde musulman contemporain : discours, acteurs, relations ».

Main Projects / Activities

- Promouvoir des activités de recherche (doctorats, entre autres)
- Promouvoir des initiatives scientifiques conjointes (séminaire de recherche, publications, colloques scientifiques)
- Participation à des réseaux de chercheurs au niveau international
- Soutien d’une formation continue en « sciences religieuses : islam » (une expérience de formation académique de l’islam, envisagée dans un contexte pluraliste : professeurs et étudiants).

Contact (1) Full Name
Brigitte Maréchal
Head of the organisation
Felice Dassetto
Contact (2) Full Name
Felice Dassetto

Close Up Initiative : Resistance Through the Eyes of Documentary Filmmakers from Southwest Asia & North Africa


Close Up is an independent non-profit NGO based in Brussels, Belgium. It provides annual year-long training and development program for emerging documentary filmmakers from Southwest Asia and North Africa, supporting filmmakers who come from diverse ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds, including Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Since their initiation in 2019, Close Up has supported the development of 64 feature-length documentary projects and worked with 90+ emerging documentary filmmakers from the region of Southwest Asia and North Africa (SWANA).

Close Up established a new collaboration with ZagrebDox International Documentary Film Festival that took place between March 26 - April 2, 2023 in Zagreb, Croatia!

The Close Up Founder and Executive Director Sigal Yehuda gave a Masterclass titled: Resistance Through the Eyes of Documentary Filmmakers from Southwest Asia & North Africa; as part of the festival's industry programme ZAGREBDOX PRO!

The five-day industry program brought together 8 documentary projects from Greece, Croatia, Canada, Serbia, Switzerland, Türkiye and Ukraine. Selected filmmakers participated in case studies, group and individual discussions, masterclass lectures, special film screenings and round tables. This year’s edition of ZagrebDox Pro: Dox of War is a niche project focusing on deeper research of the key question: How to film a war? Close Up Founding Partner and Mentor John Appel as well as Close Up Industry Expert Hans Robert Eisenhauer were the mentors that worked with selected filmmakers as part of the ZAGREBDOX PRO programme.

Find out more about Close Up Initiative

Close-Up Cinematic Initiative

National Network

Rue des Colonies 11
1000 Brussels

+322 627 55 75
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We are individual leaders coming from Turkey, Morocco, Belgium/Israel, the Netherlands, and USA, we are established as an International NGO in Belgium. For the past 14 years we have been dedicated ourselves to maintaining the beautiful and unique community we have created of filmmakers from different countries, cultures, ethnicities, and religions. Our strength has always been our belief in the urgency and necessity of a dialog between individual artists coming from broken societies but aiming to go beyond censorship, and years of indoctrination about the "others". As Founding Partners, we an equal vote in terms of our decision making. Two of our partners are organizing our 3 workshops a year in Morocco & Turkey. Two partners are serving also as mentors. The Executive Director is based on between Israel & Belgium. We have one staff member who is a producer from Morocco. Our Funders are individual philanthropists and cinema institutions from the Nordic region, Canada and USA. Our yearly budget is around 420,000$

Mission and Objectives

The overall goal of the CLOSE-UP program is to nurture and support a sustainable community of documentary filmmakers from across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), this year however Close-Up program will focus on a CULTURAL EXCHANGE between MIDDLE EASTERN & NORTH AFRICAN DIRECTORS together with European emerging producers. Co-Productions between filmmakers from different regions will increase cultural diversity on urgent current global topics and create professional collaborations that will assist filmmakers secure additional funding. Our filmmakers have a great need for a sophisticated and comprehensive understanding of the international marketplace for documentaries. This will considerably improve our filmmaker’s prospects of attracting finance for their projects and help them maximize the revenues from their productions. We are committed to open dialogue and sharpening the necessary skills and dedication to produce extraordinary films that advance justice, democracy, and peace. Utilizing our extensive experience, network, and reputation over the past 14 years, CLOSE-UP brings together passionate, talented, and courageous filmmakers who own a profound understanding of the complexities in their communities. We support them in developing and creating compelling original documentaries that illuminate the most urgent social and political realities of our troubled region.

Main Projects / Activities

The CLOSE-UP CULTURAL EXCHANGE – MIDDLE EASTERN, NORTH AFRICAN DIRECTORS & European emerging producers' program will use the same format, which has been implemented in the past 14 successful years, a structure that has proven to be highly effective. The filmmakers will participate in four workshops in Morocco, Turkey and Europe, each six-seven days long, during which they will work on their projects' content and economic and artistic aspects, until they complete a full Co-production file, including a trailer, which will be presented at the final workshop in the framework of a pitching forum. At the end of each workshop, all participants will be given Assignments with clear instructions on how to make progress on their projects, in the months leading up to the following workshop. In between workshops, the participating filmmakers will work with their mentors, via Zoom/Skype conversations and emails. The fourth workshop added to the 2020-2021 Co-Production Training Program will be held in Berlin in collaboration with the Heinrich Boll Foundation and is designed to increase the networking possibilities of our selected filmmakers with German & European key decision-makers and strengthen the visibility of the projects within the European cinema industry. Close-Up's filmmakers will work with personal mentors, leading experts in the field of documentary filmmaking; each mentor will guide 3-4 projects and will accompany the filmmakers through the development process. At the third workshop, the filmmakers will present their projects in a pitching session in front of potential financers from the international documentary market, such as ARTE France, MDR Germany, IKON TV the Netherlands, IDFA-Bertha Foundation, the Danish Film Institute, Sundance Film Institute, Catapult Film Fund (San Francisco based Fund), MEDIMED Industry Market in Spain, Chicken & Egg Pictures NY, Hot Docs Blue-Ice Fund Canada, the Jacob Burns Film Center in NY, and others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Close-Up essence of inclusiveness & diversity is a great example of how these values could serve the communities we are working with, coming from different countries, cultures, and religions. We believe these values are highly important to promote these days. Our organization inspires and promotes synergies between individual artists and organizations from different cultural backgrounds. We believe that this is essential for the growth of an open and pluralist society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Close-Up objectives are aligned with the ALF objectives, we would like to take part in the ALF Network in order to strengthen together with other great organizations the values we believe in and contribute to diversity, inclusiveness, and support to minorities, youth, and women. Working with incredibly talented and emerging filmmakers from a different culture is one of the most precious and essential ways to maintain our cultural awareness and ensure our future existence. We will not accept the narrow hopeless path that politicians offer. We've witnessed our ability to resist prejudice and ignorance by creating powerful documentaries within our community of filmmakers, who are reminding us all about our common values and the strength of an inclusive society. One that challenges itself to cross boundaries and create a constructive and meaningful dialog with those that politicians would like us to believe are our enemies. After 12 years working together as partners we are established as an international NGO in Belgium, which enables us to work in an open and pluralist environment that respects the diversity of our filmmaker's nationality as well as the international nature of our organization's management. Since 2006 we have supported more than 200 filmmakers and created more than 40 completed films, we have persevered and upheld a critical role as a bridge and meeting point for filmmakers, creating a community of documentary filmmakers who are committed to dialogue and understanding. As a result, the program has been supporting and promoting cultural exchanges between the participating countries, by underlining both common values and inherent cultural diversity. We believe that our experience can contribute to the ALF Network.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
‪Sigal Yehuda‬‏
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Sigal Yehuda
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmet Boyacioglu
Job Title (2)
Founding Partner

Close-Up Cinematic Initiative

National Network

Avenue Louise 209A
1050 Brussels

+322 627 55 75
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We are individual leaders coming from Turkey, Morocco, Belgium/Israel, the Netherlands, and USA, we are established as an International NGO in Belgium. For the past 14 years we have been dedicated ourselves to maintaining the beautiful and unique community we have created of filmmakers from different countries, cultures, ethnicities, and religions. Our strength has always been our belief in the urgency and necessity of a dialog between individual artists coming from broken societies but aiming to go beyond censorship, and years of indoctrination about the "others". As Founding Partners, we an equal vote in terms of our decision making. Two of our partners are organizing our 3 workshops a year in Morocco & Turkey. Two partners are serving also as mentors. The Executive Director is based on between Israel & Belgium.
We have one staff member who is a producer from Morocco. Our Funders are individual philanthropists and cinema institutions from the Nordic region, Canada and USA. Our yearly budget is around 420,000$

Mission and Objectives

The overall goal of the CLOSE-UP program is to nurture and support a sustainable community of documentary filmmakers from across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), this year however Close-Up program will focus on a CULTURAL EXCHANGE between MIDDLE EASTERN & NORTH AFRICAN DIRECTORS together with European emerging producers. Co-Productions between filmmakers from different regions will increase cultural diversity on urgent current global topics and create professional collaborations that will assist filmmakers secure additional funding. Our filmmakers have a great need for a sophisticated and comprehensive understanding of the international marketplace for documentaries. This will considerably improve our filmmaker’s prospects of attracting finance for their projects and help them maximize the revenues from their productions. We are committed to open dialogue and sharpening the necessary skills and dedication to produce extraordinary films that advance justice, democracy, and peace. Utilizing our extensive experience, network, and reputation over the past 14 years, CLOSE-UP brings together passionate, talented, and courageous filmmakers who own a profound understanding of the complexities in their communities. We support them in developing and creating compelling original documentaries that illuminate the most urgent social and political realities of our troubled region.

Main Projects / Activities

The CLOSE-UP CULTURAL EXCHANGE – MIDDLE EASTERN, NORTH AFRICAN DIRECTORS & European emerging producers' program will use the same format,
which has been implemented in the past 14 successful years, a structure that has proven to be highly effective. The filmmakers will participate in four workshops in Morocco, Turkey and Europe, each six-seven days long, during which they will work on their projects' content and economic and artistic aspects, until they complete a full Co-production file, including a trailer, which will be presented at the final workshop in the framework of a pitching forum. At the end of each workshop, all participants will be given Assignments with clear instructions on how to make progress on their projects, in the months leading up to the following workshop. In between workshops, the participating filmmakers will work with their mentors, via Zoom/Skype conversations and emails. The fourth workshop added to the 2020-2021 Co-Production Training Program will be held in Berlin in collaboration with the Heinrich Boll Foundation and is designed to increase the networking possibilities of our selected filmmakers with German & European key decision-makers and strengthen the visibility of the projects within the European cinema industry.
Close-Up's filmmakers will work with personal mentors, leading experts in the field of documentary filmmaking; each mentor will guide 3-4 projects and will accompany the filmmakers through the development process. At the third workshop, the filmmakers will present their projects in a pitching session in front of potential financers from the international documentary market, such as ARTE France, MDR Germany, IKON TV the Netherlands, IDFA-Bertha Foundation, the Danish Film Institute, Sundance Film Institute, Catapult Film Fund (San Francisco based Fund), MEDIMED Industry Market in Spain, Chicken & Egg Pictures NY, Hot Docs Blue-Ice Fund Canada, the Jacob Burns Film Center in NY, and others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Close-Up essence of inclusiveness & diversity is a great example of how these values could serve the communities we are working with, coming from different countries, cultures, and religions. We believe these values are highly important to promote these days. Our organization inspires and promotes synergies between individual artists and organizations from different cultural backgrounds. We believe that this is essential for the growth of an open and pluralist society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Close-Up objectives are aligned with the ALF objectives, we would like to take part in the ALF Network in order to strengthen together with other great organizations the values we believe in and contribute to diversity, inclusiveness, and support to minorities, youth, and women.
Working with incredibly talented and emerging filmmakers from a different culture is one of the most precious and essential ways to maintain our cultural awareness and ensure our future existence. We will not accept the narrow hopeless path that politicians offer. We've witnessed our ability to resist prejudice and ignorance by creating powerful documentaries within our community of filmmakers, who are reminding us all about our common values and the strength of an inclusive society. One that challenges itself to cross boundaries and create a constructive and meaningful dialog with those that politicians would like us to believe are our enemies.
After 12 years working together as partners we are established as an international NGO in Belgium, which enables us to work in an open and pluralist environment that respects the diversity of our filmmaker's nationality as well as the international nature of our organization's management.
Since 2006 we have supported more than 200 filmmakers and created more than 40 completed films, we have persevered and upheld a critical role as a bridge and meeting point for filmmakers, creating a community of documentary filmmakers who are committed to dialogue and understanding. As a result, the program has been supporting and promoting cultural exchanges between the participating countries, by underlining both common values and inherent cultural diversity.
We believe that our experience can contribute to the ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
‪Sigal Yehuda‬‏
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Sigal Yehuda
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmet Boyacioglu
Job Title (2)
Founding Partner


National Network

Rue de l’éclipse 6
1000 Bruxelles

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Coordination comptant 46 associations membres (éducation permanente, organisation de jeunesse) - progressiste. Fait partie de multiples plateformes et réseaux (ex: RBRN, Plateforme transat, comité de vigilance démocratique etc). L'asbl est reconnue par la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles en tant qu'organisation de jeunesse. La CNAPD organise des conférences, des débats, des projets avec les jeunes ou tout public et effectue du plaidoyer politique.

Mission and Objectives

Elle a pour objectif de sensibiliser l’opinion publique ; de la mobiliser contre la guerre, les raisons de conflits, pour la solidarité internationale et la démocratie, contre les exclusions et les inégalités.

Main Projects / Activities

La CNAPD organise des conférences, des débats, des projets avec les jeunes ou tout public et effectue du plaidoyer politique.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous espérons pouvoir nous investir de manière ponctuelle sur l'un ou l'autre projet mais également en apportant notre aide à travers nos propres activités (conférences etc).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Favoriser le travail en synergie avec d'autres associations sur toutes les questions portant sur l'interculturalité, le vivre ensemble, la diversité culturelle etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Coralie Mampaey
Head of the organisation

Collaboration entre le réseau belge et le réseau irlandais

Retour en images notre la collaboration entre les réseaux irlandais et belge.

Depuis plus de 20 ans, la Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus organise chaque année un festival d’atelier théâtre à destination des jeunes : Le Festival Mimouna. Cette année c’est l’association Les Amis de l’Etincelle qui a remporté le prix coup de cœur du Jury, un échange pédagogique en Europe. Grâce à la Fondation Anna Lindh, les jeunes ont pu partir à Cork, dans l’association Cloyne Diocesan Youth Services représentée par Nadia Moussed, co-cheffe de file du réseau irlandais.

Du 25 au 29 mai 2022, Tasnime, Ouafae, Rama, Nisrine, Sara, Dounia, Khalil, Mamadou et Amine se sont envolé·es pour le sud de l’Irlande, accompagné·es de Stéphane leur coordinateur et de Mariem et Eva membres de la Compagnie des Nouveaux Disparus. Nos comédien·nes en herbe ont présenté leur pièce de théâtre intitulée Rivage devant deux groupes de jeunes irlandais·es différent·es : Clashmore/Kinsalebeg Foróige et TVG Traveller Visibility Group. Ce spectacle ils et elles l’ont joué en anglais, véritable challenge pour elles·eux qui n’avaient presque jamais pratiqué la langue de Shakespeare. Défi relevé ! Les deux différents publics étaient sous le charme et ont bien ri ! Véritable moment de partage, les jeunes ont pu échanger sur leur différentes cultures et leurs différents modes de vie.

Entre les répétitions encadrées par Mariem et les représentations publiques, nous avons tout de même eu le temps de visiter la ville de Youghal et de Cork. Par la suite, les jeunes ont eu la chance de participer à un workshop dans la galerie Glucksmann où ils et elles ont appris à utiliser l’art comme outil de dialogue avec le LGBTI+ UP Cork youth group.

En bref, cet échange était une magnifique aventure humaine et artistique ! 

Nous vous invitons à découvrir les images ici

Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Comité de Vigilance pour la Démicratie en Tunisie asbl

National Network

Rue Artus Bris 13
4030 Liège

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Le Comité de Vigialnce pour la Démocratie en Tunisie (CVDT) est une asbl qui a été créée en 2011 suite à la révolution tunisienne. Depuis sa création,le CVDT fonctionne grace aux bénévolats de ses fondateurs et des memebres du conseil d'administration. Au conseil d'administration nous sommes aux nombre de septs (présidente, trésoier, secretaire, chargé de relation avec les jeunes, chargé de relations avec la société civile, chargés de projets, et un administrateur). Grace a ses membres sympatiants (+ 200) et partenaires, le CVDT a réussi depuis 2011 a réaliser plusieurs projets. Nos prinsipaux subsidiants et aprtenaires sont : Wallonie Bruxelles Internationale (WBI) et la Fédération Wallonie Bruxlles (FWB). Les partenaires sutiennent des projets ponctuels et a court terme, c'est ppour cette raison que le CVDT n'a jamais eu de budget annuel fixe, maisa toujours cherché des financements ponctuels pour chaque projets. Nos projets sont principalement des actions pour pormouvoir la démocratie dans ses trois aspects : politique,économique et social. Cela passe par des conférences-débat; des colloques, des ateliers dans les différents forum sociaux mondiaux , des mission d'observation des éléctions, les printemps culturel tunisiens en Belgique....
Mission and Objectives

Le 17 décembre 2010 commençait en Tunisie un mouvement populaire de grande envergure. Il allait, en moins d’un mois, aboutir à la chute de la dictature. C’est dans la foulée de cette révolution qu’est né le Comité de Vigilance pour la Démocratie en Tunisie. L’objectif principal fixé fut d’apporter au peuple tunisien, à partir de la Belgique, toute la solidarité possible et de l’accompagner dans la réalisation de ses aspirations fondamentales : indépendance nationale, liberté et justice sociale. L’association s’est voulue ouverte à toutes les personnes, sans distinction de nationalité ou d’option philosophique qui partagent l’objectif poursuivi. Concrètement, le CVDT a pour but de défendre et de promouvoir, en Tunisie et partout dans le monde, la démocratie dans ses trois aspects fondamentaux : politique ; économique et social. Pour ce faire, le comité entend : Promouvoir l’éducation populaire, ainsi que de mener des actions de tous ordres en vue de l’émergence du pouvoir des citoyens sur tous les aspects de la vie politique, économique, sociale et culturelle dans l’ensemble du monde. Accomplir tous les actes se rapportant directement ou indirectement à son objet. Il peut , par exemple, prêter son concours ou s’intéresser à toute activité similaire à son but.

Main Projects / Activities

Plusieurs projets en été effectués visant à apporter au peuple tunisien, à partir de la Belgique, toute la solidarité possible dans la réalisation de ses aspirations fondamentales : indépendance nationale, liberté et justice sociale. A titre d’exemple, je peux vous citer la mission « un avion de soutien et de solidarité pour le peuple tunisien » en 2015 et 2017 qui était une réaction à l’avis négatif donné par le ministère des affaires étrangères belges déconseillant le voyage en Tunisie
La réalisation de la première et deuxième édition du Printemps Culturel Tunisien en Belgique. Cette action est pluridimensionnelle, elle vise la lutte contre les phénomènes xénophobes, la promotion de l’interculturalisme, et la création d’une synergie entre les artistes tunisiens et belges.
En partenariat avec plusieurs membres de la société civile belge, le CVDT a déjà participé activement à une mission d’observation des élections pour la création de l’Assemblée constituante octobre 2011 ; aux élections législatives et présidentielle tunisienne de 2014 ;  aux élections municipales tunisiennes de mai 2018 ; et aux élections communales et provinciales en Belgique en octobre 2018

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Le Comité de Vigilance pour la Démocratie en Tunisie œuvre pour promouvoir les valeurs démocratiques en Tunisie et ce, en utilisant la culture comme levier pour transmettre aux jeunes, femmes et tous citoyens des régions rurales, des connaissances et des clés de lectures, les aidants à devenir les acteurs de changement de leur avenir. C'est en collaboration avec plusieurs associations connaissant bien les situations socio-économiques des régions rurales que nous souhaitons développer des projets culturels aidants les habitants à exercer une vraie citoyenneté et à prendre part des débats politique, économique et sociale. Sortir ces citoyens de l'oubli et les former pour les aider à contribuer activement dans la construction d'un pays démocratique est l'objectif que nous souhaitons realiser en Tunisie.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le Comité de Vigilance pour la Démocratie en Tunisie est une petite association avec des grand défis. Nous avons un capital humain formé, motivé et porteur de grandes valeurs. La fondation Anna Lindh est un partenaire de grande qualité car nous partageons les mêmes valeurs et il nous semble important de pouvoir s’unir pour former une force d’action sur le terrain mais également une force de persuasion quand il s’agit de défendre des principes fondamentaux.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Hend M'Hamdi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hend M'Hamdi
Contact (2) Full Name
Fethi El Hadjali
Job Title (2)

Comité Européen de Coordination

National Network

Chaussée de Boondael ; 6 bte 14

Mobile Phone (other)
(+32) 496.364.408
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. The team of the CEC is composed of a voluntary president, of a director full time, in charge of project and a secretary half-time. The partners of the CEC are 13 resulting from 7 Member States from the European Union. 2. In 2005: 162.204,73 € 3. Contributions of the members, subsidies European, national and regional 4. Projects, seminars, exchanges between partners, European day before 5. ONG and local public authorities
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of association is:
- the development of a European partnership enters of the organizations having for mission, in particular at the regional level, the social and professional integration, the fight against exclusion and the handicap, the equal opportunity, the formation education throughout the life and the durable development;
- the development with European integration;
- promotion and diffusion good practices;
- the promotion of information and the formation more particularly within the framework of the objectives defined by the European Union;
- the promotion of the formation continues near the various partners of the CEC.

Main Projects / Activities

The CEC is an organization with the service of its partners ensuring the coordination of the projects worked out by the partners, giving relevant information on the initiatives of the U.E., supporting trainee, trainer, experience sharing whom the partners wish to develop. The CEC is the permanent instrument of council and evaluation of the European initiatives taken by the partners on the level of their area. The CEC develops common work, with participation of several of its partners (e.g. regulation of the fight against exclusion, reflexion on the third sector, European integration, equal opportunity, non-discrimination...).

Contact (1) Full Name
Eric Degimbe, Directeur
Head of the organisation
Eric Degimbe
Contact (2) Full Name
Monique Christiaens