
EuroArab Forum asbl

National Network

Rue de Savoie, 50
1000 Brussels

0032 485 970 737
Telephone (other)
0032 499 629509
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The EuroArab Forum (EAF)is registered as an asbl in Belgium. Its board consists of 6 people while its core team comprises 10 people who organize on a volunteering basis the activities of the EAF. The EAF is financially self-sustaining through its membership fees. For specific projects EAF seeks cooperation and funding with other organisations.

Mission and Objectives

The vision is to establish a regular and sustained exchange forum in Brussels on relations between Europe and the Arab World. The “EuroArab Forum” will follow a multi-disciplinary approach that includes political, cultural, religious, sociological, psychological, economical and other perspectives of analysis.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Monthly debate about topics relevant to EuroArab relations. The EuroArab Forum Series is organised by the core team members. The EuroArab Forum provides an open, off-the-record discussion forum which features guest speakers on a variety of topics. 2. Participating as speakers and participants in conferences in EAF's field of relevance. 3. Be contact and information point in Brussels for people interested in EuroArab relations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olaf Deussen
Head of the organisation
Olaf Deussen
Contact (2) Full Name
Johan Vrintis

Euromed Audiovisual Productions (EAP)

National Network

140 Avenue le Marinel
1040 Bruxelles


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Euromed Audiovisual Productions, EAP,, est une association sans but lucratif euro-méditerranéenne dont le siège se trouve à Bruxelles. Elle regroupe des journalistes, reporters, présentateurs, interprètes, traducteurs, cameramen, ingénieurs de son, ainsi que d’autres opérateurs audiovisuels. La mission principale de EAP est de mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires pour mobiliser les soutiens logistiques et financiers afin de permettre la réalisation du projet de création d’une chaîne de télévision, dénommée NISSA TV, qui sera entièrement dédiée aux femmes du bassin méditerranéen. Sources/ Commission Européenne, Copeam, Qatar Foundation, UNESCO, ... La mission principale de EAP est de mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires pour mobiliser les soutiens logistiques et financiers afin de permettre la réalisation du projet de création d’une chaîne de télévision, dénommée NISSA TV, qui sera entièrement dédiée aux femmes du bassin méditerranéen Sources/ Commission Européenne, Copeam, Qatar Foundation, UNESCO, ... Projet: lancement de NISSA TV
Mission and Objectives

En tant que seule, unique et officielle structure en charge de la réalisation du projet NISSA TV, EAP a pour mission principale de s’assurer que tous les soutiens logistiques et financiers sont réunis pour le lancement de NISSA TV.
Par ailleurs, EAP est fortement concernée par le rôle des femmes dans les médias. Dans ce sens, EAP soutient tout projet en accord avec ses objectifs, initié par ou pour les femmes du bassin méditerranéen. EAP promeut l’entrepreunariat des femmes en leur facilitant l’accès au secteur des médias.
Outre le lancement et la gestion du projet NISSA TV, EAP offre les services suivants :
• Production de courts et longs reportages TV ;
• Conception et réalisation d’émissions de télévision ;
• Production de documentaires et de contenus audiovisuels ;
• Traduction consécutive et simultanée ainsi que doublage et sous-titrage.

Main Projects / Activities

Création de NISSA TV, une télévision dédiée entièrement aux femmes euro- méditerranéennes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lila Lefèvre
Head of the organisation
Lila Lefèvre
Contact (2) Full Name
Elise Lignian

European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH)

National Network

Square de Meeûs 18

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Launched in Brussels on October 2008, the European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH) is the first European Network created by experts of responsible tourism. The non-profit association (ASBL) is composed by private organizations based in 7 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Germany, France, and Spain). EARTH has one main goal: transform and unite Europe in “One Europe for Responsible Tourism”. The network brings to life the principles of sustainability, fairness and solidarity in the tourism field, by promoting the exchange of good practices, experience and knowledge among its members. There is a Board of directors composed by 7 persons and the coordinator of the network. EARTH has the member's memberships as only income and tries to participate to European projects as external expert. EARTH organizes meetings and participates regularly to European events. The action of the network is European. EARTH is supporting the activity of its members and is doing a great job of tourism watch at the European, National and International level for its members. Apart from its members, EARTH has partners as European networks (International Organisation of Social tourism, NECSTouR, The European Institute of Cultural routes, AREMDT network...).
Mission and Objectives

Sharing good practices along with tools available to both small and micro-enterprises for a sustainable and competitive tourism.
Supporting the EARTH network as a medium to convey to its Members the core vision of the European Agenda on responsible and competitive tourism.
Approving and implementing a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) system.

Main Projects / Activities

Raising travelers awareness about the principles of responsible tourism and good practices during their travel;
Cooperating with conventional tourism agencies to raise their awareness about the principles of responsible tourism
Cooperating with local authorities, public institutions at European, national and local level, agencies, schools and universities, research centers and other Tourist Operators, in defining tourism development policies based on the principles of sustainable development and responsibility
Coordinating the activities of its Members encouraging the mutual exchange of good practices.
Participating in projects involving international cooperation;
Improving the quality of trips from an ethical viewpoint, through the adoption of good practices inspired by the principles of responsible tourism;
Ensuring collaboration among responsible tourism operators and communities in the South of the world and their Organizations;
Promoting the concept of responsible tourism through publications, information and awareness campaigns, meetings and conferences, participating in the international debate on tourism policies;
Training tourist operators following the principles of responsible tourism, through the organization of courses and seminars in Universities and schools and by encouraging hosting placement periods;
Supporting the activities of tour operators, travel agencies and associations specializing in responsible tourism, notably by participating in events and projects such as trade fairs, scholarships and other public initiatives and by assisting in collaborative relations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could organize and participate to meetings. We could represent the FAL at the European level. We could play a role of center of knowledge of the European level. We could transfer to our contacts and network the information and the news coming from FAL.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EARTH is very enthusiastic about joining FAL because we do believe in the same values and we are willing to amplify our network and our contacts. We are looking for new projects, new collaboration in order to share our experience, our knowledge and to support the principles of responsible tourism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maurizio Davolio
Head of the organisation
Maurizio Davolio
Contact (2) Full Name
Marie Secrétat

European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO)

National Network

19 Blackwood Avenue

+44 (0) 7595 313521
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
EUROGEO is a membership-driven organisation that represents geography and geographers in Europe. It is legally-based in Belgium and has a Steering Group of 8 members drawn from 8 countries. Membership categories include individuals, organisations, young and retirees. Our annual budgetary resources are c.50,000 euros/year, main sources of funding are from membership, publications and conference fees. Sponsorship and project income are growing. EUROGEO has been involved in a range of projects since 1988, initiating and then partnering other organisations, like the University of Salzburg, ESRI Europe, Liverpool University, EGEA, EUROCLIO.
Mission and Objectives

EUROGEO has contributed to the advancement of geography in Europe. EUROGEO has members from more than 25 countries who share interests in the theory, methods, and practice of geography. This is represented through the activities at meetings and conferences, scholarly publications and the EUROGEO Newsletter. EUROGEO promotes discussion among geographers and with those in related fields. The meetings and activities of the association provide the opportunity for members to network with others interested in advancing geography. EUROGEO has members from 25 countries. EUROGEO has participatory status at the Council of Europe and is actively involved in the working groups on Environment, Heritage, Education and Human Rights.

Main Projects / Activities

EUROGEO is an NGO with participatory status at the Council of Europe. There EUROGEO lobbies for geography and promotes the work of geographers in society. EUROGEO holds conferences, seminars, meetings and training workshops. It published the European Journal of Geography and a regular e-newsletter. EUROGEO projects include the HERODOT thematic network for Geography in higher education ( and GeoCube (, a web site promoting what Geography is and geographers do. EUROGEO works with other NGOs like EUROCLIO (History Educators) and EGEA (Geography students) on join projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Harry Rogge, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Karl Donert, President

European Confederation of Youth Clubs

National Network

Rue de Capucins 30, 1000, Brussels

0039 479 633 577
Mobile Phone
0039 479 633 577
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organization is governed by the General Assembly and a 2 year mandate Bureau comprised of a President, 3 VicePresidents and a Treasurer. The General Assembly is made of 19 different Member states of the Council of Europe. The has a running office in Brussels with two employees on an administrative budget of around 100.000 euro/ year. The organization is mainly founded by the European Commission, the COuncil of EUrope and member organizations.
Mission and Objectives

ECYC represents a European network of youth work and youth club organisations that practice and promote open youth work and non-formal education. The organisation has at its heart the supporting of youth clubs and other forms of neighbourhood youth work.
Involving young people and helping them participate actively in their community is the leading principle of Open Youth Work as delivered by ECYC members. ECYC uses open youth work and non-formal education methods in providing young people with the skills and knowledge to make their own informed decisions.
At ECYC, we believe that young people have the right to pick and choose for themselves. Therefore young people need to be supported and empowered to develop their own values and attitudes.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities run by ECYC are centered around learning seminars and trainings, the main themes being Human Rights, intercultural learning. The organization also runs events tailored to the specific needs of the member organizations (2013 some of the themes were: measuring the impact of open youth work, sexual education and quality of youth work). The organisation also develops and publishes materials related to training and education. For instance in 2015 our main trainings are related to: Human RIghts, Intercultural learning and working with migrant youth.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by continuing to organize international learning seminars on the themes or Human Rights and Intercultural learning.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The two main reasons are: exchange of information and developing partnerships with other ALF Network members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Craiut Rares - Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Elena Lotrean - President

European Federation for Intercultural Learning

National Network

Avenue Roger Vandendriessche 18, 1150 Brussels

+32 (0) 2514 5250
Telephone (other)
+32 (0) 2514 5250
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
European Federation for Intercultural Learning (EFIL) is a service organisation that promotes synergies for all its 23 Member Organisations (non-governmental, not-for-profit volunteer organisations) in the field of youth exchanges, global education and intercultural learning. At the moment, EFIL has five full-time staff members, one EVS volunteer and one Leonardo da Vinci intern. The activities of the federation include lobbying, European project and programme co-ordination, training and partner development.
Mission and Objectives

EFIL’s overall objective is to contribute to peace and justice in a diverse world threatened by inequity and intolerance, by promoting intercultural understanding and sensitivity among European and other countries, organisations and citizens.
Specific objectives:
(1) Be a competent partner in Europe in the educational field, with substantial expertise and experience in intercultural learning .
(2) Actively help Members to operate within the European environment and to develop their organisations in order to ultimately support and implement the AFS Mission and Strategic Plan.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of the federation include lobbying, European project and programme co-ordination, training of volunteers and volunteer trainers (who will have to train their volunteers networks at national and local levels – multiplying effect). EFIL also carries out activities aimed at developing intercultural learning and global education practices. The main activities of its Members are international youth exchanges and the development of educational methods and materials particularly aimed at reinforcing the non-formal education provided by mobility at the secondary school level as well as in the voluntary service sector.

Contact (1) Full Name
Izabela Jurzcik-Arnold, Director of Trainin, Projects and Programmes
Head of the organisation
Paul Claes
Contact (2) Full Name
Frini Ezunkpe, Executive Manager

European Peer Trainers Organisation (EPTO)

National Network

Avenue Brugmann 319

+32 2 344 34 44
+32 2 344 67 35
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EPTO has 1 staff, 20 partners, elected management body Its budgetary resources are 70.000 euros/year. Its sources of funding are European Commission, Council of Europe, Ford Foundation. It runs a range of concrete projects, exchanges, and seminars. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are CEJI, 4 Motion Luxembourg, CREAM, EPTO Netherlands, EPTO Portugal, NAN, Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, Oltreilponte, Intercultural Alliance,
Mission and Objectives

"To promote personal responsibility against prejudice and discrimination by increasing consciousness and understanding using educational interactive methods that create a respectful environment for everybody."
EPTO is the only European youth association that deals with all forms of discrimination!
EPTO educates youth leaders to discuss issues related to prejudice and discrimination; to lead workshops that challenge stereotypes; and to become activists against exclusion within their youth organisations and schools.Through train-the-trainer programmes, peer trainer conferences, multi-day and short-term workshops, a newsletter and website, EPTO coordinates a network of peer trainers from several European countries who have led workshops for thousands of additional youth.

Main Projects / Activities

The Peer Training programme, using interactive activities, discussion groups, simulations, visualisations, role plays, and other forms of intercultural learning techniques, educates youth leaders to discuss issues related to prejudice and discrimination, to lead workshops that challenge stereotypes, and to become activists against exclusion with their youth organisations and schools. Peer training provides a forum for young people to speak honestly about issues that concern them, to explore solutions and new ways of doing things, and to better articulate their points of view to authority figures. Participants in peer training workshops are empowered by the support and credibility given to youth leaders in the school environment.
The method of peer training is based upon the belief that young people deliver a message to their peers that is often more credible and efficient than when it is delivered by authority figures. Peer training methods have been used by many over the years - from those upholding theories of Aristotle - to joint educational systems, which were very popular in Europe in the 18th century.
A peer group is defined as any collective unit in which the members share some common characteristics, such as age or ethnicity. It most commonly refers to age groups in general, but more specifically to adolescent groups where members are bound closely together by youth culture.
Peer group education enables youth to effectively deal with problems that affect them. The process can be partly social; thereby establishing forums for young people to explore new frontiers; helping to solve problems; and letting people in positions of authority gain a better understanding of the point of view of youth.
Youth are ready-made experts. They have a unique perspective on the issues that affect youth and can often "make things happen."
As role models to their peer group, youth have the potential to demonstrate effective communication styles and approaches. This may be accomplished through workshops and games, music and mass media, discussion or story telling.
Where resources are limited and large numbers of people have to be reached, peer group education has a multiplier effect. Such programmes also have an informal cascade effect, creating "buzz" in a local community.
If encouraged and supported, youth can control the process of education and information exchange. Whether or not this occurs depends upon the setting in which a programme is operating. Peer group education can help to foster youth participation in programmes of formal and informal education.
EPTO’s programmes are based upon the methods and materials of the Anti-Defamation League / A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE Institute® follow a carefully developed structure: interactive activities, role-plays and simulations, individual reflection, and small and large group discussions. The concepts addressed cover a broad range of issues facing youth today including personal identity, stereotyping, exclusion and discrimination, prejudice and hatred, and skills for communication in a diverse society.
Workshops can have up to 30 participants and range from primary school children to secondary and university students and youth movement representatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julie Godfroid

European Platform for Middle East Dialogue (EPMED)

National Network

Rue Newton 9
1000 Bruxelles

00353 86 057 1997
Telephone (other)
0032 485 114 931
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is currently comprised of 3 founders and 3 additional administrators, together who make up the CA. As of yet we have no budget but will be looking for sources of funding this summer in order to begin events in the Fall. We will hold several hearings in Brussels on topics such as the Bedouin, water-sharing, settlements, political prisoners etc. with key policy-makers, stakeholders and politicians being invited, presenting both sides of the argument and encouraging constructive dialogue. The founder (Claire Payne) will spend the summer in Israel-Palestine and will meet grassroots organisations and individuals involved in peace-building, and will film and conduct interviews which will also be used in the upcoming hearings. As of yet we have no partners, but will do our best that they are either neutral or that we have a balanced number from each side.
Mission and Objectives

This platform is being established in order to provide a space for contentious issues in Middle-East conflicts to be discussed in Brussels, with a particular emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Hearings will be held in Brussels on topics such as the Bedouin, water-sharing, settlements, political prisoners etc. with key policy-makers, stakeholders and politicians being invited, presenting both sides of the argument and encouraging constructive dialogue. European Parliament delegations and NGOs carrying out research on specific areas will be invited to present their findings to a multi-party hearing and create the potential for balanced outcomes and statements from Europe towards both Israel and Palestine. It would encourage positive and constructive dialogue with both parties, and pave the way for more European involvement in the resolution of the conflict. Research projects on each hearing topic will also be carried out and distributed to interested parties.

Main Projects / Activities

- Hearings on contentious issues
-Research projects and publications

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The ALF stands for the promotion of intercultural dialogue, which is exactly what EPMED will be aiding, in that we provide a space for discussion on topics which are usually only discussed within the pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian groups separately in Brussels- these groups do not come together, and thus they remain stuck in their own mindsets and are not open to dialogue. Within Europe there is a microcosm of the conflict itself, and this should not be the case as we are so far removed from the conflict. We thus will allow for both sides of the conflict to be heard on each topic we chose for our hearings, and allow people to thus be more informed and open to dialogue. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network will provide us with a network of connections which is very important for a new independent organisation. It will also give us some potential funding opportunities, and workshops whereby we can improve our skills.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claire Payne
Job Title
EPMED Founder
Head of the organisation
Claire Payne
Contact (2) Full Name
Olivier Loose
Job Title (2)

European Women Association

National Network

2990 kalmthout

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Our original organization (Business Bridge) was founded 10 years ago in Belgium with 1 mission: creating equal opportunities for women in business. We did that through educational pillars, national networking events and seminars.
We have a strong team of a few volunteers, 5 freelancers, 2 full-time people involved.

This year we opened a new branch in our organization, European Women Association, an NGO, to broaden our international relationships through yearly conferences and online training and networking.
Our partners are strong global organisations supporting our mission:
World Trade Center Antwerpen:
WE-gate Europe:
Diplomatic World:
Angels Nest:
WinTrade Global:

For this project, our main source of income are membership fees and sponsorship in natura (location, advertising)
For the international conferences, we can count on the support of Facebook, Deloitte and Mastercard (UK)

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to work on the equality of women in business and beyond.
We support women with relevant networks, mentorships and connection to funding.
We also believe in the importance of education of young women, as they are creating the new normal for the generations that come.

Main Projects / Activities

Women empowerment activities
Promotion of the development projects
Mentoring programs
Yearly international conferences
Education on how to scale for women in business

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our European network has grown internationally in the last 10 years of our activities. And we are open to sharing our contacts.
We can support with mentoring, as we have the practical experience in the educational projects.
And of course, we are ready to share our knowledge on starting and growing your business.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to become a member of the ALF as our organisation is interested in the creation of the women based Network with the maximum coverage of the world, for the moment we are quite strong in the countries of the European Union and would like to go further in our Euro-Med cooperation. The partnership that we are going to develop with the ALF Networks in Meda countries aimed to provide good-quality training and learning opportunities for youth women active in Euro-Mediterranean co-operation, based on intercultural learning and participation of women, and human rights education. We believe that one of the overarching concerns of Euro-Mediterranean co-operation is not to create new, artificial borders, but instead to recognise the many liquid borders and interconnections between all our countries and women of those countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yulia Stark
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yulia Stark

European Youth Press

National Network

European Youth Press
Rue de la Tourelle 23


+32 492556508
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EYP is an umbrella organisation lead by 7 volunteer board members. There is one person employed as staff in the EYP office in Belgium. We have 24 member organisations ( Budgetary resources available in a year: Between 100.000 and 150.000 Euros. Sources of funding: European Commission, Council of Europe, Open Society Institute Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: European Commission DGs, European Parliament, European Youth Foundation, member organisations
Mission and Objectives

The European Youth Press (EYP) is an umbrella association of young journalists in Europe. It involves more than 50,000 journalists younger than 30. The European Youth Press has organized numerous events for young journalists and has promoted the role of youth media and the freedom of the press in Europe. EYP also takes part in discussions about journalistic education standards and media policies throughout the European Union. The EYP sees itself as serving the national structures through the development and coordination of projects organized by young media makers in Europe. EYP provides contact forums and educational seminars for multipliers of the member associations. Above all, the aim of all member associations and of EYP is to inspire young people to become involved in the media and take an active part in civil society by fostering objective and independent journalism.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2007 and 2008 European Youth Press has organized, together with the European Parliament, the biggest event for young media makers from the 27 member states: the European Youth Media Days. This event brought together every year around 300 participants from the EU who had the chance to report from within the European Parliament for 3 days, to attend conferences and speak to MEPs. The young journalists met and produced media together. You can discover the media production from 2007 and 2008 at
Together with the European Commission and Media Consulta, EYP has coordinated the young journalists’ network for the Youthweek 2007 and 2008 and has promoted across 35 countries the European Young Journalist Award.
The European Youth Press aims to enable young people to give voice to their opinions on a European level and provide a critical view of media and politics through journalistic education as well as learning by doing. has been created to provide an interactive, multimedia platform for event coverage. Young journalists from all over Europe meet for the first time and take the challenge of working together to report about different events happening across the continent. In 3 years, young journalists have been reporting from more than 30 events like: The United Nations Human Rights Conference in Paris, France (2008), the NATO Afghan Student Forum in Pisa, Italy (2007), the first Asia-Europe Young Urban Leaders Dialogue, Madrid, Spain (2008), the Presidential Elections in Armenia (2008), etc. You can find more information about Orangelog on

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmen Paun