
CCJM (centre de la culture judéo-marocaine)

National Network

127 rue Franz Merjay
1050 Brussels

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Religion
General Information
The CCJM, located Brussels, has been created in 2006. The CCJM is the result of a work of twenty years collecting an exceptional historical heritage, from the point of view of a reflection constantly deepened and renewed over experiences lived by its founder Paul Dahan, psychoanalyst. The CCJM is an non-profit organization composed of a museum (located now in the Jewish Museum of Belgium, a library and a photo library. The Center organizes activities among professionals and other people interested in intercultural dialogue. The members of the board of directors are Paul Dahan (president) and Christophe Sokal (administrateur) and his children Maxime Dahan, Clara Dahan, Alicia Dahan (administrateur). The seat of the association is 127 rue Franz Merjay 1150, Brussels, Belgium.
Mission and Objectives

The Center has been organizing exhibitions and other events, in Belgium and all over Europe, focusing on the historical and cultural experience of the Jews of Morocco, which has been forged during two thousand of years in a particular context of multiculturalism.
We also participated to exhibitions in recent years all over the world (in Brussels, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Paris, Limoges, Rabat, Lisbon, ...) as well as to studies and conferences on the culture of Jews in Morocco and Jewish-Muslim relations addressed to a wide audience, including schools and universities. The impact of these events, among people and in the media in Belgium, Morocco, France and the Netherlands, encourage us to intensify such activities, whether in cooperation with other institutions or autonomously. For this work of awareness, illustration and interpretation, the Center has a museum, a library and a photo library. An Internet site makes it possible to visualize the collection of objects, bibliographical information and archival documents.

Main Projects / Activities

The CCJM is currently preparing at the Jewish Museum in Brussels an exhibition for minimum 2 years on the topic of "Plural Identities, the example of cohabitation of Jewish and Muslim communities in Morocco". The project is arising at a time when the question of identities in a country is strongly influenced by its multicultural components. The exhibition which will take place from May 2019 will expose the steps of life in the two large communities living in Morocco (birth, integration / ritual passage, wedding and death). The objective is to give answers to questions from the young generation especially, by creating relationship to their roots, culture, and citizenship. This project is part of a continuation of actions already undertaken by the CCJM. Our activities now extend in collaboration with the Jewish Museum of Brussels, which our Center has integrated as a permanent partner. Our Hirsch-Dahan collections will be used to continue our cultural and educational mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paul Dahan
Job Title
President of CCJM
Head of the organisation
Paul Dahan
Contact (2) Full Name
Christophe Sokal
Job Title (2)
Administrator of CCJM

CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe

National Network


+32 2 344 3444
+32 2 344 6735
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. Board, Director + 5 staff + 1/2 voluneteers 2. 466.000€ 3. Sources of fund: EU, Ford Foundation, the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund, the Hanadiv Charitable Foundation, Private donors, Membership fees (members of General Assembly) 5. Partners include: The Belgian branch of the International League of Jewish Women, Islam and Citizenship, Netherlands. The Multifaith Centre, Derby UK, Islamic Christian Study Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark , Partners Bulgaria Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe stands with individuals and organisations of all religions, cultures and backgrounds to promote a diverse and inclusive Europe. Objectives: Delivering diversity education, facilitating and contributing to networks, enhancing inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue, advocacy at a European level and facilitating Jewish participation.

Main Projects / Activities

CEJI delivers diversity education to empower people to fight prejudice and discrimination, and provides education and training to develop respect for diversity and skills needed to succeed in a multicultural Europe. CEJI works through national and European networks to address the needs of schools, youth and public authorities. CEJI assists and contributes to networks to combat all forms of discrimination by facilitating ACODDEN (A Classroom of Difference™ Diversity Education Network) and plays a supporting role in the youth network EPTO (European Peer Training Organisation). By coordinating and guiding the European Platform for Jewish Muslim Cooperation, CEJI enhances interfaith and intercultural dialogue and understanding between Muslim and Jewish communities. CEJI actively contributes to European policy-making processes dealing with antisemitism, racism, xenophobia, discrimination and diversity education through lobbying at European level Facilitating the involvement of Jewish communities CEJI empower local Jewish organisations to become more interculturally and internationally active.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefanie Lecesne
Head of the organisation
Robin Sclafani


National Network

Rue de Parme 86
Saint Gilles
1060 Bruxelles

+32(0)2 533 05 60
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

L’Aide à la Jeunesse organise une aide spécialisée sous différentes formes qui est supplétive à l’aide générale. C’est-à-dire qu’elle vient s’ajouter à l’aide générale apportée par exemple par les CPAS, qu’elle vient en plus.

Les services AMO (Actions en Milieu Ouvert) s’inscrivent dans une logique préventive, c’est-à-dire qu’au lieu de se concentrer sur les manifestations des difficultés, l’AMO s’attache à découvrir le contexte de ces manifestations afin de prévenir des problématiques comparables ou l’aggravation de telles situations. Cette aide se réalise principalement au travers de deux axes d’intervention, l’axe individuel et l’axe communautaire, dans le cadre de l’application du décret du 4 mars 1991.Des actions collectives sont également développées ponctuellement.

Cette politique de prévention a pour objectif de donner le droit à chacun de vivre dignement, de promouvoir la réinsertion du jeune dans la société, d’éviter le placement et d’éviter la judiciarisation dans la mesure du possible.

Mission and Objectives

- des entretiens individuels et familiaux à la maison, au CEMO ou ailleurs ;
- la réalisation d’un bilan de la situation et l’évaluation des difficultés ;
- la création ou la dynamisation du réseau autour du jeune ;
- l’aide apportée à la famille pour que l’enfant puisse sortir d’institution ;
- des informations sur les droits et sur les services sociaux pour que jeunes et familles puissent se défendre ;
- des interpellations et des conseils généraux aux pouvoirs politiques et administratifs pour que les choses changent.

Main Projects / Activities

- Service Jeunesse - CPAS
- Aides individuelles : L’une des missions est de recevoir tout type de demande, de l’analyser et de la traiter, voire de l’orienter. Le travail d’accompagnement individuel peut se faire au sein des bureaux du CEMO. Pour nous rendre le plus accessible possible, nous travaillons également dans différents milieux de vie du jeune : à la maison, à l’école, dans son institution, etc.
- Les Actions collectives et communautaires
- Projets communautaires

Contact (1) Full Name
Olivier Gatti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Olivier Gatti

Centre Bruxellois d’Action Interculturelle / Brussels Center Intercultural Action

National Network

24, Avenue de Stalingrad
1000, Bruxelles

0032 2 2897050
Telephone (other)
0032 2 2897052
0032 2 5121796
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Center Of Brussels of Intercultural Action (CBAI) is an association without lucrative goal, composed of a team of 27 people. The main funders of the CBAI are regional (Area of Brussels), Community (the French Community) and European (FSE).
Mission and Objectives

Its objective is the active promotion of the intercultural relations in Brussels in particular, in the Belgian company in general. Created in 1981, the CBAI pursues this goal through four axes: information & cultural diffusion - formation - support for the associative sector - regional center support with social cohesion

Main Projects / Activities

A remplir

Contact (1) Full Name
Pascal Peerboom
Contact (2) Full Name
Jamila Zekhnini

Centre Culturel Omar Khayam

National Network

Rue de la Fourche 6
1000 Brussels

+32 2 513 2043
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The CCOK is a non-profit association. Its aim is to contribute to the progress of humanity, in general and of knowledge in particular, through art and culture. The ASBL includes a board of 5 people,and currently don’t have any full-time employees. We are working with different individuals on a project basis salary.
We are estimating a budget of 15.000 Euros per year. We are planning to bring funding through projects and sponsorings.
Our partner organizations are La Chambre de l’art et de la culture Euro-méditerranéenne and Comment on peut être Persan collectif .
Modalities: At the moment we are planning a Poetry night focused on Rumi, as well as a film and theatre festival for the year 2024.

Mission and Objectives

We believe that art and culture have the power to bring people together and transcend borders. As such, we are committed to using our cultural center as a means of building bridges between communities and promoting a deeper understanding of Iranian culture, with its vast diversity of different ethnicities and languages.
At Khayam, our mission is to build a vibrant community of individuals who are passionate about Interculturality and arts, both within Belgium and Europe. Our goal is to create a diverse range of activities and initiatives, organized into three sections: Education, Art, and Culture. These sections will encompass a variety of events and activities, including talk and roundtable series, cultural events such as movie nights and theater performances, literary discussions, debate sessions, artistic exhibitions and workshops, reading groups, and language and art courses.

Main Projects / Activities

We want to pursue our mission and objectives through various activities including talk and roundtable series, cultural events such as movie nights and theater performances, literary discussions, debate sessions, artistic exhibitions and workshops, reading groups, and language and art courses. This consists as well research work, targeted courses, film nights, theater nights,exhibitions, citizen mediations, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are especially excited to be located in Brussels, a vibrant and multicultural city that is rich in cultural diversity and artistic expression. Our hope is to leverage this diversity to create a truly unique and dynamic cultural hub that reflects the richness and diversity of cultures .
Our goal is to become a leading organization in promoting cross-cultural understanding and appreciation through engaging and educational experiences. And Khayam is the best place to do such, Since it is based in Brussels, as one of the most diverse cities in Europe, Khayam would actually be a beacon for diversity, being established by an Iranian, who comes from a country with its diverse cultures, languages and ethnicities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Khayam has been a member of ALF for many years before suspending its activities in 2019. Currently a new collective is taking over its management and would like to be again an active member of ALF in order to expand its network, and collaborate on intercultural activities including Europe and Mediterranean region. We would benefit from ALFs vast network, and would be happy to contribute to its mission and vision in bringing new narratives through more inclusive art and cultural projects. Creating Platforms for dialogue has always been in Khayam’s vision and it resembles as well in its previous activities, we would like to pursue the same and bring multiple narratives in an egalitarian setup to converse.
As part of our mission we would like to be the bridge between different communities and we believe that ALF is one of the places that could help us achieve our goal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arezoo Khazabeig
Job Title
Co-artistic Programmer
Head of the organisation
Ahmad Aminian
Contact (2) Full Name
Sepehr Sharifzadeh
Job Title (2)
Co-artistic Programmer

Centre de Culture Européenne

National Network

128 avenue des Cerisiers, 1200 Bruxelles

+32 2 734 06 99
Telephone (other)
+32 2 736 19 32
+32 2 736 19 32
Mobile Phone
+32 477 68 16 02
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I. Association internationale sans but lucratif soutenue par l'UNESCO. Conseil d'Administration : 8 personnes - Comité directeur : 6 personnes - Comité scientifique : 70-90 (selon les projets développés). II. 27.000 € ou 70.000 € (intervention Commission européenne éventuelle). III. 1. service public fédéral de la politique scientifique belge ; 2. Ministère de la Culture de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles ; 3. Ministère de la région Bruxelles Capitale ; 4. Ministère de la région wallone, service de la politique scientifique ; 5. Fondations privées ; 6. Cotisations des membres ; 7. Commission de l'Union européenne par projets acceptés. IV. Coopérations internationales sur thématiques, organisation de cycles de conférences- débats, publications. V. Universités, bureaux d'études spécialisés en Belgique et à l'étranger.
Mission and Objectives

Elever et promouvoir le niveau de compétence des citoyens : élargir et affiner leur conscience historique et civique ; comprendre les mutations du monde contemporain
Développer et renforcer le processus de Barcelone en collaboration avec les pays du européens et nord-africains impliqués dans les travaux d'Alexandrie.
Elaborer un patrimoine culturel commun aux européens et aux pays riverains de la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

Conduire des travaux de recherche et intégrer les résultats dans des programmes de formation. Communication par les réseaux conventionnels (publications) et par les réseaux sociaux en ligne.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En insistant sur l'indispensable ancrage historique comme dynamique particulière et en intégrant nos travaux dans un cadre plus général, le C.C.E. apporte au réseau belge une dimension nouvelle et importante à la coopération euro-méditerranéenne.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le Centre accorde une importance particulière à l'ancrage historique de ses formations et s'est donc intéressé, dès ses premiers travaux, à l'espace méditerranéen, berceau de la culture européenne. Par ailleurs, notre dernier cycle en cours, L'Europe en dialogue avec le monde au XXIème siècle, a consacré une année académique aux rapports de l'Europe avec ses voisins : Balkans, couloir syro-palestinien, Turquie, Afrique du nord.
Par ailleurs, les travaux du Centre portent depuis plusieurs années sur le phénomène migratoire qui concerne au premier chef les pays du pourtour de la Méditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Maître Spyros PAPPAS / Professeur Marine IMBERECHTS
Contact (2) Full Name

Centre d’études et de recherches sur le monde arabe contemporain (CERMAC) c/o Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)

National Network

1 Place des Doyens,(Bte L2 01 05)
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

+32 10 47 39 26
Telephone (other)
+32 10 47 33 64
+32 10 - 47 28 05
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
Research and Study Centre – within the Institute of developing studies at the Catholic University of Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium : - its resources come from the University - its director : Prof. Bichara Khader - Associated numbers : Prof. Aït Chaalal, Prof. Claude Roosens, Prof. Vincent Legrand The Centre enjoys a great visibility in Europe and the Arab world and has working relations with many centres mainly With : 1. Euro-Mediterranean Master (Tarragona) 2. Institute of political Science (Université Saint Joseph-Beyrouth) 3. Tempus programme Cairo University 4. Filière francophone (Cairo University) 5. Euro-Arab University (in Granada….)
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs du CERMAC:
Créé en 1975, par le Prof. Bichara Khader, au sein de l'Institut d'Etudes du Développement, le Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Monde Arabe Contemporain de l'Université catholique de Louvain vise à faire mieux connaître les problèmes et les perspectives d'avenir des sociétés arabes contemporaines.

Main Projects / Activities

Le C.E.R.M.A.C. publie chaque année une série de "Cahiers" sur le Monde arabe contemporain ainsi que des livres. (168 cahiers ont été publiés jusqu'à 2004).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Bichara Khader (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Vincent Legrand

Centre for Fine Arts of Brussels

National Network

23, avenue ravenstein
1000 Brussels

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Centre for Fine Arts is a public body 'Société anonyme de droit public à finalité sociale’ with 400 employees and 200 cultural partners. Its average turnover stands at around €30 million per year with the following funding sources: Belgium and its regions, the European Union, and various private sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

The CFA stands out as the arts centre par excellence in the cultural landscape of Belgium and Europe. As a European House for Culture, it plays a crucial role as a meeting place for the various international communities established in Belgium, and for the European Union.
As a growing multidisciplinary institution with almost 400 employees, 200 national cultural partners, the CFA is a driving force behind international artistic initiatives to strengthen ties between Europe and other continents and foster intercultural dialogue. It is a platform where the diversity of Europe and other cultures can be exhibited to an international audience. The Center for Fine Arts effectively is becoming a place of meeting and debate on the goals and challenges of culture in today’s globalised world.

Main Projects / Activities

In the past, the CFA has develop various international artistic and cultural projects with its network of partners across the globe in all artistic fields, from exhibitions, to music, performing arts, debates, theatre, cinema, photography or architecture.
To name but a few examples of exhibitions: The Festiva Visionary Africa in 2010, a traveling exhibition in African cities co-organised with the European Commission, and which is now in Cairo; A Passage to Asia-25 centuries of exchanges between Asia and Europe, an exhibition developed at the occasion of the 8th Asia-Europe meeting; China-The Forbidden Kingdom, and the State of Things, two major exhibitions organised in Brussels and Beijing in 2007-2010. Other examples includes the multidisciplinary festival Europalia (on Brasil in 2011) ; the Mexico multidisciplinary Festival in 2010 covering all artistic fields (exhibitions, music, cinema, poetry, theatre..and ‘lucha libre’).
All these events are also combined with exciting cultural programs of the CFA such as the Balkan Traffic Festival (financed by the EU and hosting 7,000 people in one weekend), the Souffi Night, The Arab Film Festival, the European summer of Photography, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In addition to exploring common synergies with national members, the CFA is open to act as a true platform to use the arts as a driver of dialogue between the cultural sector, citizens from all countries, the business world, and policy-makers, including at EU level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The CFA (Bozar) has a long term ambition to stimulate intercultural dialogue in particular with a specific focus on the Mediterranean world. for 2012-2014, it is putting into place a cultural programme with various events and actions focusing on Egypt, Turkey or Cyprus through major exhibitions, multidisciplinary festivals and debates.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frederic Meseeuw
Head of the organisation
Paul Dujardin
Contact (2) Full Name
Kurt Deboodt

CFSJ - Centre de Formation à Saint-Josse-ten-Noode (Bruxelles)

National Network

Rue de la Pacification 2
(Galerie Pacific 16)
1210 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Nous sommes un centre de formation
Mission and Objectives

Aide à l'intégration sociale

Main Projects / Activities

Accueil des primo-arrivants, cours divers

Contact (1) Full Name
mr Levon Muradyan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
mr Levon Muradyan (coordinateur)

Cheif Executive

National Network

Chandrima Road, Muntazir Vila, 1st Floor, Kolatali R/A, Cox’s Bazar
4700 Cox's Bazar

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Cox's Bazar Women's Service Organization (Women Aid Cox's Bazar) is a women's voluntary (non-profit, developmental, non-political and social welfare) organization established in 2022 in Cox's Bazar. The organization's mission is to create sustainable planning and development ideas for some emerging young women in Cox's Bazar and to play a role in women's empowerment, children's and adolescent creativity and talent development.

Mission and Objectives

In addition, the medium-positional development of the gender inequality gap and the general jet or representative sector are determined to continue the progress of the medium-scale transformation of working together.

Main Projects / Activities

Women Empowerment Child & Women's Friendly Space Employability Skills Training & Leadership Entrepreneurship Development and so on

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By operate in Bangladesh as per ALF actions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For adhering ALF mission & vission

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Jobair Mahmud
Job Title
Founder & Coordinator in Chief
Head of the organisation
Romana Afaz
Contact (2) Full Name
Jaheda Begum
Job Title (2)
Focal Person