
Department of Culture and Leisure of the Municipality of Simrishamn

National Network

Simrishamns kommun
272 80 Simrishamn

+46 414 819301
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Department of Culture and Leisure of the Municipality of Simrishamn has approximately 30 employees working to promote and organize cultural and leisure activities, run the public library, youth center and local museums. We work together with many local, regional and national associations and have a yearly budget of approximately 3,500,000 EURO which is part of the municipality´s budget. We and the associations we cooperate with have many projects and exchanges which involve art, music, youth and cultural heritage. We have also created an internationally acclaimed card game, More Than One Story, which is designed to build bridges between people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create and support a wide variety of cultural and leisure activities and to promote life-long learning and  intercultural understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

Our More Than One Story project, promoting the card game More Than One Story, is an international cooperation with non-profit organizations and municipalities around the world, working to build bridges between people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. We train youth as ambassadors for More Than One Story so they can travel to partner organizations and conferences to present the game.
Our staff  is continuously working with various projects within the area of art, literature, culture, leisure and cultural heritage which are open to international cooperation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experiences of using and spreading the More Than One Story card game. We can describe how other organizations can use this tool for integration and inclusion during activities and events. Our staff and youth can also participate in events where the card game can be a useful tool for participants. We can also organize events focused on intercultural understanding.
We can offer knowledge and experiences focused upon the history and heritage of our region of Sweden.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to receive information about the various activities within the network and connect with various partners around intercultural activities. We would like to cooperate with organizations in the network to spread the use of the More Than One Card game and participate in youth exchanges focused on intercultural dialogue.We would like to learn about possiblities for our artists, musicians, librarians and museum staff to become involved in international exchanges and projects within the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Seth Selleck
Job Title
Youth Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Diana Olsson

Development Assisstance Center

National Network

Granhäcksvägen 3B
44555 Surte

0046 762 722 280
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0046 762 722 280
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Development Assisstance Center was founded in 2014. DAC is a Swedish non-governamental organization based in Västra Götalands region. The main sources of funding will be Erasmus+ and other identified financial lines both at local and international level. At the moment DAC has no employess. The organization was founded by professionals previously working with project management and international cooperation and several of our main partners will be organziations and institutions we have previously cooperated with in other settings. Structure of DAC: The General Assembly is the highest decisional fora. During the GA a new Board is elected. The Board serves for one year and implements the decisions taken during the GA.  
Mission and Objectives

The association's goal is to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the community through information, marketing, consultancy services, development activities and training activities dedicated to various social categories, companies, public authorities, trade unions, NGOs and other interested stakeholders that develop activities on a local, regional, national and international level.
In order to reach its goal DAC:
Develops activities with the intent to contribute to the personal and professional development and to reduce socio-economic inequalities for young people, professional groups, unemployed and vulnerable groups.
Develops activities that promote the principles of sustainable development, social economy, human rights, equality, tolerance, solidarity, youth participation, active citizenship, European identity, development, fair trade and international solidarity, environmental protection, democracy, sports, health, culture, poverty, media, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization was founded at the end of April 2014 and until now we have applied to the new Erasmus + programme for a combined project consisting of a training course planned to take place in Romania and a final seminar to take place in Sweden. Between these two international activities, the partner organizations coming from Turcia, Romania, Sweden, Ucraine, Moldova, Serbia and Bulgaria will organize several local level awareness raising campaignes on the topic of the project: human trafficking.
For the next Erasmus+ deadline we plan to send a project together with partners from the EuroMed countries: Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, Italy, Finalnd, Romania and Sweden. The project will be on the topic of gender equality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with project ideas, involvment in the local activity organized by the network and also by organizing activities for the ALF members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that the ALF network creates a great framework for meeting serious and engaged international partners which are essential for the succesful implementation of the international projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreea Maris
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Andreea Maris
Contact (2) Full Name
Clara Igna Fabiola
Job Title (2)
Organization developer


National Network

Sundbybergsvägen 1
17173 Solna

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Dialogslussen is an intercultural dialogue organization that was formed to achieve greater mutual understanding and acceptance, cohesion and integration in our diverse society. It is important that ourselves in the Dialogslussen are role models and accept each other's diversity and differences. In this way we support and contribute continuously to the understanding of how a well-functioning multicultural society can be achieved. Structure of the organizations: Director, Co-director and board members Source of funding: Funding from Sensus, members and companies who are interested in our projects.  

Mission and Objectives

• Mutual understanding between different cultures in Sweden • Creating a framework for mutual tolerance in Swedish society by actively working on the intellectual level • Through the establishment of dialogue and close cooperation with the media, voluntary organizations, public institutions want Dialogslussen spread awareness of the different cultures. By doing this, we want to work against prejudice in society • Dialogslussen want to play an active role in the integration of non-ethnic Swedes in Sweden  

Main Projects / Activities

You are my Role Model: The lecture series, "You are my role model" seeks Dialogueslussen to inspire, encourage and guide young people to strive and work towards success. Participants will be challenged to think differently about their prospects, both in terms of educational and career options available to them and in terms of the levels of achievement that they can aim for the selected area. Academic meeting: The purpose of these meetings is to interest our members with relevant academic issues concerning integration, training, diversity, social media, discrimination, etc. The goal of the lecture series is for participants to get a new aspect, as well as more in-depth knowledge in the chosen discourse. Dialogue dinner: The goal of the dinners is to establish a long-term dialogue involving all sections of society and to explore ways for peaceful coexistence, empathic acceptance, integrity and at the same time, you learn from each other to confront prejudice in society. From this goal, we will arrange Dialogue dinners in different locations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ömer Eken
Job Title
Director - Stockholm
Head of the organisation
Ömer Eken
Contact (2) Full Name
Selcuk Akti
Job Title (2)
Director - Gothenburg

Digidem Lab

National Network

Linnégatan 21
41304 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

We are a worker-owned cooperative that designs and develops methods for political and democratic innovation. We are at the moment, in fall 2023, five part-time employers. The total budgetary resources for 2022 were around 1,940,000 SEK. The main sources of funding is different grants for projects were Digidem Lab acts as facilitator and process designer. Conference on the Future of Europe, COLDIGIT - Collective Intelligence through Digital Tools, Chicagos medborgarbudget, Community Organizer - Vocational University Course. Main partners: Nätverkstan, Livsmedelverket, Göteborgs Stad, Stockholms Universitet.

Mission and Objectives

Participation - We believe in developing democracy to include more aspects of society and developing methods to create greater participation.

We believe in co-creation in all aspects of our work, including the development of processes and digital tools for participation.

Mandate - We want people who are affected by decisions to have a say in making them. We work to ensure that our projects have a clearly defined mandate for participants.

Transparency - We promote greater transparency in participatory processes. We share our knowledge and experience. Our digital tools are open source to ensure security and auditability.

Cooperation - We build on the successful experiences and work of others and strive to share our knowledge, code, and expertise with others.

Continuous learning - We are constantly developing our methods and tools for participation to adapt them to a changing reality.

Main Projects / Activities


- Swedish National Citizens' Council for Climate Issues (designing the sessions, facilitating, and logistics)

- Viable Cities 2030 (Contributes to the transition with our knowledge.)

- Gothenburg City Climate Citizens' Council (designing the sessions and facilitating)

- Decidim Digital Open-Source Tool (assisting multiple municipalities with installing the tool)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Digidem Lab can actively contribute to the Network in our country by sharing its valuable experiences within projects with other organizations.

By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, Digidem Lab can play a pivotal role in enhancing the collective understanding of digital democracy initiatives.

This sharing of experiences can empower other organizations to learn from successful strategies, navigate challenges, and ultimately strengthen their own contributions to the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aspire to join the ALF Network to establish meaningful connections with organizations in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region and foster valuable relationships. By becoming a part of the ALF Network, we aim to engage with like-minded entities that share our commitment to promoting dialogue, understanding, and collaboration across borders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Niki Chalusi
Job Title
Administrative Project leader
Head of the organisation
Steph Toro, Anna-Sanne Göransson, Petter Joelson
Contact (2) Full Name
Petter Joelson
Job Title (2)
Digital director
digital practices for inclusive programmes_SwIdeas swedish network

Digital Practices for Inclusive Programmes Guidebook

The Inclusive Guidebook - How to create inclusive programs using digital resources - has been developed to provide useful tools, materials and experiences to teachers, educators, trainers, counsellors and experts working with migrants and/ or with people with special needs...

Discover Sweden – your guide into Swedish language and culture

plan your way to Sweden

Welcome to Play Your Way to Sweden!

This is a free educational platform for all those who want to learn about Sweden, its language, and its culture. This program consists of two modules: Swedish Language and Swedish Culture. Each module consists of 10 lessons. The Swedish Language module was designed for beginners and is part of a course for level A1. After successful completion of all the lessons in both modules, you will not only be knowledgeable in the areas of Swedish history, geography, traditions, education, and many others, but you will also be able to receive a digital certificate confirming that you have completed 10 lessons of Swedish Culture or Swedish Language at level A1! 

Visit the platform

The platform was developed by Soros International House (Lithuania) and More Mosaic (Sweden). You can read more about the creators of the platform in the WHO WE ARE section.


1. Register by filling in your username, name, e-mail address, and password. Check “I agree to the rules and privacy policy.” and click REGISTRATION.

2. To start, select one of the two modules – Swedish Language, or Swedish Culture. These modules are independent of one another, so you can always go back and forth between them 😉

3. Start with Lesson 1, regardless of which module you are in, and learn the information provided in the Video, Audio, and Text tabs.

4. Add difficult words and phrases to the glossary, which is always on the top right of the page.

5. Click on Start Test once you are ready to test your knowledge at the end of each lesson, and answer the questions. You get points for each correct answer. But keep in mind – you only get one chance to get as many points as possible!

6. Proceed to Lesson 2 after taking the test in Lesson 1, and so on.

7. Download the certificate of completion of the 10 lessons of the Swedish Language module or the Swedish Culture module!


With the support of Nordplus programme. 


Don't be Fooled

Don't Be Fooled

Watch out for information, images, or other material that you find upsetting or frightening, or that stir up strong feelings. There are a lot of different methods that can be used to create and spread disinformation, misleading information, and propaganda...


National Network

Celsiusgatan 9
41762 Gothenburg

+46 31-381 29 01
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Donnergymnasiet has been in Gothenburg for 20 years. Over the years, we have been able to help shape strong and independent individuals with a fantastic creative ability, and help them get ready for the next step in life.

In order for our students to get the most out of their high school years, we believe that raising awareness about teaching and the school as a whole is important.

We know that our students have great knowledge and many good ideas, therefore we give students the opportunity to be involved in the design and planning of teaching.

We believe that this contributes to the school becoming a wonderful place to go to every day, a safe space where you can be yourself and a stable platform to grow and develop for the future.

Mission and Objectives

Prepare our students for a life in a globalized world where mobility between countries and cultures will be more and more common. Increase knowledge and understanding of different cultures, religions, social and political systems etc. - Enhance mutual understanding and cross cultural communication.

Main Projects / Activities

- Enhance the internationalisation work in school through create possibilities of mutual exchanges where students can understand through experience, cultural, social, religious, economic and political dimensions of host culture.

- Every class has one part of the education located to another country.

- Offer education in cross cultural communication., global knowledge and international relations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonna Skarin
Head of the organisation
Martin Jonson (Headmaster)
EMYS Sustainability toolkit

EMYS - Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability Toolkit

This Sustainability Toolkit includes advocacy and lobbying training activities, facilitation techniques for idea generation and design, non-formal education (NFE) techniques for increasing motivation and engagement, basic project management skills, event management and campaigning skills, fundraising and proposal writing. The toolkit...

Euro-Mediterranean Academy for Young Journalists

National Network

Östra Andersgårdsgatan 5b
41715 Göteborg

+46 735350134
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Euro-Mediterranean Academy for Young Journalists is a non-profit organisation which aims to support dialogue and cooperation between young journalists from the EU and MENA (Middle East and North Africa). EMAJ relies on donations in order to realize workshops and run an online magazine with around 40 contributors from the EU and MENA. EMAJ is run on voluntary basis.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of EMAJ are:
Exchange of knowledge
Cooperation between young journalists from the EU and MENA – network
Education of young journalists in balanced and critical intercultural journalism - competence
Common journalistic projects – professional experience
More nuanced, critical, well-informed intercultural journalism
Intercultural and interreligious dialogue particularly in regards to human rights, peace and tolerance
Realisation of the objectives of European Charta of Human Rights and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, particularly the freedom of speech and press.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in and development of EMAJMagazine, which is developed as a project within the organisation
Trainings which aim to raise the competence of the participants in the field of intercultural journalism
Guidance and practical training of young journalists from both regions as part through the EMAJ-Academy and the EMAJMagazine, available within the network and beyond
Cooperation with partner organisations (for example European Youth Press, EYP and Middle East and North Africa Committee, MENAC)

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Ferhatovic
Head of the organisation
Marina Ferhatovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Letizia Gambini