
Individual member: Anders Dahlgren (Mediterranean Poetry)

National Network

Syster Estrids gata 6, SE-413 25

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The web site is administered by one person in Sweden/Goteborg but consists of a steadily growing society where well-known (and new) poets/authors from all over the world contribute with their impressions of the Mediterranean world. The budget of this project is minimal – its efforts consists mainly of voluntarily work – but many poets/authors contribute and many visitors of the site are given a place to ponder about where human race have “travelled” from ancient times to this very day!
Mission and Objectives

Anyone who has been travelling to the Mediterranean and the countries bordering the famous Sea has most certainly been in “danger” of falling in love with the people, culture, art, film, food, music, atmosphere and not the least – the literature who tries to describe the feelings the wind and sea evokes!
The idea with this web site is to be able to share the fascination of this world with others and let it be a forum where poets/authors that live (have lived/travelled) around these waters may present their impression of the Mediterranean world.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main goal is to let the web site be a forum where poets/authors that live (have lived/travelled) around these waters may present their impression of the Mediterranean world.
Some poets have though suggested the idea that one should publish an annual book where some of the texts/poems that depict the Mediterranean world should be printed. I have suggested that if I could get the means – from some foundation – to go ahead with such a project – it should be a book sold/given by that foundation where all involved (including the owner of this site) would do this without any compensation!

Contact (1) Full Name
Anders Dahlgren

Individuell Människohjälp - IM Göteborg lokalförening

National Network

Södra Hamngatan 29
C/O Sensus
41114 Göteborg

031-381 27 21
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information

IM is an independent, member based development organisation fighting and exposing poverty and exclusion. The organisation was founded in 1938.

We work globally in collaboration with local partners to enable people to lift themselves out of poverty and exclusion through their own efforts.

We strive for a sustainable world, based on international human rights standards, and we reject all forms of discrimination.

IM also works in Sweden, focusing on integration and inclusion into society. The strengthening of civil society is both a means and an objective in all activities.

Mission and Objectives

OUR VISION = A just and compassionate world

OUR MISSION = Fighting poverty and exclusion


Main Projects / Activities


What we do - IM (

IM is a development organisation that fights for a humane world free from poverty and exclusion. Together with partners, we work for equal and democratic societies where everyone can enjoy their rights and where no one is left behind.

We are convinced that people can create change on their own if they have the right conditions. Our work takes place at all levels in society to create socially, economically and climate-sustainable solutions. The work also aims to meet several of the Global Goals for sustainable development.

Development cooperation

At the global level, IM works with long-term development cooperation with the aim of combating poverty and exclusion. This is done, among other things, by strengthening people both economically and socially, but also by working for strong civil societies where people can make their voices heard.


In Sweden, IM works for human rights with a special focus on integration. Our goal is for people who are new to Sweden to be able to be included in society, both socially and economically and without being met by racism or discrimination. We also work for a more friendly social climate based on understanding and respect.


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to broaden our network with local, national och international actors working with similar issues that we do in Gothenburg; integration, participation (local democracy) and human rights in order to exchange experience and knowledge. Depending on the outcome of our membership (as IM Lokalföreningen Göteborg), Individuell Människohjälp (national organisation) will consider a full membership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Ljunggren
Job Title
Engagement officer
Head of the organisation
Saga Cambon, chair of local IM association in Göteborg


National Network

41312 Falkoping

+46-729-495 347
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Infogroup International est une organisation non governementale enregistrée en Suède, avec plus de 1.000 membres.

Mission and Objectives

La mission d'infogroup International est d' engager les populations de participer activement dans des debats, des programmes d'educations, partager les experiences et idées et de construire un réseau local and mondial des populations contribuant aux changements tant social,economique et culturels.

Main Projects / Activities

- Conferences - Formation - Information

Contact (1) Full Name
Narcisse Mbunzama Lokwa
Head of the organisation
Narcisse Mbunzama Lokwa

Insamlingsstiftelsen Seglora smedja (Seglora smedja Foundation)

National Network

Box 22 318
s-104 22 Stockholm


0046 73 215 09 19
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Seglora smedja foundation is a theological think-tank that was established in 2008. At present Seglora smedja has one staff employed and one working on a voulontary basis. The budgetary resources of the foundation is approximately 35 000 Euro per year 2009-2011. At present our main partners involved in our activities is Church of Sweden, Sensus and Skansen Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

The main focus of Seglora smedja foundation is to stimulate diversity in church and society through dialogue and exchange between people with different religious backgrounds and people in the political, religious and cultural field in society.

Main Projects / Activities

The Seglora smedja foundation runs a website and a arrange workshops, seminars and conferences. We publish books böcker and arrange courses. The Seglora smedja foundation also stimulates liturgical development and aims to stimulate democratic values in Christian worship.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ewa Lindqvist Hotz
Head of the organisation
Helle Klein
Contact (2) Full Name
Helle Klein


National Network

Fullmånegatan 4
41532 Göteborg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Föreningen Interacts ändamål är att bedriva verksamhet där personer möts, samtalar och lär av varandra under jämlika förutsättningar. InterAct tror på samtalets och den mellanmänskliga interaktionens positiva kraft. Mellanmänskliga möten vidgar perspektiv och främjar förståelse och bidrar därigenom till att minska kunskapsklyftor och stereotypa föreställningar i samhället. Genom detta syftar föreningen bidra till ett mer inkluderande samhälle.

I nuläget är vårt sätt att genomföra detta på att driva verksamheten Världen finns här, i samarbete med bland annat ABF Göteborg och Göteborgs stad. Se nedan.

Mission and Objectives

Mission för Världen finns här: Vi brinner för att människor ska få mötas under trygga former och uppleva styrkan i personliga berättelser. Visionen är ett samhälle där vi ser värdet av att mötas med våra olika perspektiv och erfarenheter.

Main Projects / Activities

Världen finns här är ett arbetssätt som bygger på ömsesidigt lärande möten. Vi samordnar utbyten där en sfi-grupp och en grundskole- eller gymnasieklass matchas ihop. Genom personliga möten med samtal i smågrupper om teman kopplade till läroplanen blir de resurser för varandra. Därmed kan deltagarna utbyta kunskaper och perspektiv samt träna på kommunikation och demokratisk kompetens. Se gärna filmen på tre minuter på webbplatsen för att enkelt få en bild av vad det handlar om.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could contribute to seminars/workshops/learning activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To gain more competence and to network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima Grönblad
Job Title
Project leader
Head of the organisation
Fatima Grönblad

Interact (Världen finns här)

National Network

Fullmånegatan 4
41532 Göteborg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The purpose of the association Interact's is to run activities where people meet, talk and learn from each other under equal conditions. InterAct believes in the positive power of communication and interpersonal interaction. Meetings between people widen perspectives and promote understanding, thereby contributing to reducing knowledge gaps and stereotypes in society. Through this, the association aims to contribute to a more inclusive society.

At the moment, our way of implementing this is to run "Världen finns här", in collaboration with, among others, ABF Gothenburg and the City of Gothenburg. See below.

Mission and Objectives

Mission for Världen finns här: We are passionate about people being able to meet in safe ways and experience the power of personal stories. The vision is a society where we see the value of meeting with our different perspectives and experiences.

Main Projects / Activities

"Världen finns här" (The world is here) is a way of working based on meetings, that gives mutual learning. We coordinate exchanges where a sfi-group (Swedish for immigrants) and a primary school or high school class are matched together. Through personal meetings with conversations in small groups on themes linked to the curriculum, they become resources for each other. In this way, the participants can exchange knowledge and perspectives and practice communication and democratic skills. Please watch the three-minute film on the website to easily get a picture of what it is all about.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could contribute to seminars/workshops/learning activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To gain more competence and to network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima Grönblad
Head of the organisation
Fatima Grönblad

Intercultural Book Circle

Intercultural Book Circle ALF

The Anna Lindh Foundation Swedish network would like to invite you to take part in this Intercultural Book Circle this Fall. 

It is for you who likes to read and discuss books with others. You join by bringing a book you would like to share with others; and in return you will learn about new books from others.

The meetings are highly interactive and all participants will be involved in conversations across countries and across literature genres. Each book circle becomes an opportunity for intercultural learning and networking. 

We are going to meet twice this Fall on 18 October and 16 November at 08.30 - 09.30 am CET.  

  • Tuesday October 18 - share a book you read recently
  • Wednesday 16 November - share a book with a story that takes place in your home country

Language: English. However, the book you choose to share can be in any language.

All you need to do is to bring a book and a drink with you. 


Note: Registration closes on the day of the event. 

Hosted by: LärOlika, ALF member in Sweden 

For more information, please contact ALF Network Coordinator in Sweden Rasha Shaaban.

All activities of the ALF Swedish network are organised with the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


ALF Sweden Book Circle

Once again, the Anna Lindh Foundation Swedish network would like to invite you to take part in the Intercultural Book Circle this Sping. 

It is for you who likes to read and discuss books with others. You join by bringing a book you would like to share with others; and in return you will learn about new books from others.

The meetings are highly interactive and all participants will be involved in conversations across countries and across literature genres. Each book circle becomes an opportunity for intercultural learning and networking. 

We are going to meet 3 times this Spring at 08.30 - 09.30 am CET.  

Tuesday 7 February - share a book you read recently or a book that you read a long time ago and still remember well

Tuesday 14 March - share a book with an interesting main character (hero/heroine) 

Tuesday 2 May - A non-fiction book or a poetry collection book 

Language: English. However, the book you choose to share can be in any language.

All you need to do is to bring a book and a drink with you. 


Note: Registration closes the day before every book circle. 

Hosted by: LärOlika, ALF Swedish network member 

For more information, please contact ALF Network Coordinator in Sweden Rasha Shaaban.

With the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Intercultural Competence Virtual Training

zoom photo

Image retirée.lntercultural competence is the ability to function effectively across cultures, to think and act appropriately, and to communicate and work with people from different cultural backgrounds – at home or abroad. Intercultural competence is a valuable asset in an increasingly globalised world where we are more likely to interact with people from different cultures and countries who have been shaped by different values, beliefs and experiences. (source: Monash University).

According to Professor Fethi Mansouri, UNESCO Chairholder, intercultural dialogue is in itself an essential tool that we will need in the post-COVID-19 environment. We will need to renegotiate a new global compact, a new social contract. Dialogue will have to play a key role in that. Perhaps it is being compromised right now, but it has a big role to play in the post-COVID-19 world that will emerge.

The Anna Lindh Foundation Swedish network held an interactive online training for civil society activists from the Euro-Med region. More than 30 trainees have learned practical intercultural skills and increased their understanding of intercultural competence and how to talk about and address intercultural opportunities and challenges.


· Intercultural competence, what it is and how it works
· Identity and migration
· Culture and cultural differences - as a concept with benefits and limitations
· The danger of the single story – on stereotypes
· Dealing with value conflicts


· A good balance between theory and practice delivered in two 2 1/2-hour- long online sessions via Zoom.
· Big group presentations mixed with small group discussions in break-out sessions
· Self-reflection exercises to do between the two Zoom sessions


· resident of the 42 Euro-Med countries
· working in an international and/or intercultural setting
· Want to increase your knowledge about and understanding of intercultural communication
· Want to listen to and share ideas about diversity, culture and intercultural encounters

When: 16-17 June at 09.30-12.00

Language: English


Image retirée.Patrick is a freelance trainer on intercultural competence and conflict resolution. His firm, Samarbetsbolaget is a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation Swedish network. He has long experience as intercultural projects manager and education leader. He was in charge of the Anna Lindh Foundation network coordination from 2011-2016.


With the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs