

National Network

Rosmaringatan 20 LGH 1202
42447 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

We are a passionate group of four. Two are Child Culture Designers working actively on ideation and execution of our mission. The other two are supporting our mission and vision through administrative and creative work in their own areas of expertise.
We apply for public and private funding in order to execute our work. We are a non-profit organisation and a for-profit organisation, so according to the sources of funding available, and the opportunity, we take up projects under one of the two branches we have established.
We work alongside, for example, Öppna Förskolor, Tikitut, and other likeminded organisations and projects.

Mission and Objectives

Our approach revolves around inclusivity, equality, and sustainability, serving as a catalyst for inspiring expertise in child culture design and community building. We center our design philosophy on children's needs and perspectives, facilitating an approach that puts people in focus.
The heart of our work is in participatory projects, including ephemeral and enduring creations. From vibrant play spaces to interactive art and design workshops, products and installations. Our initiatives embrace people of all ages, backgrounds, classes, abilities and their surrounding environments. We cultivate spaces, experiences, and objects that resonate with all.

Main Projects / Activities

So far, we have been focused on building the organisation and establishing our reputation. We have worked with Öppna Förskola Lövgärdet on a workshop. We have collaborated with Tikitut on a small project in Angered. We are also co-applying for a larger project with Tikitut in 2024. We have a booth at Frihamnsdagarna, and at Angereds Bokmässan in 2024, so we hope to reach out and spread the word there as well.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We come from diverse backgrounds, and can give our expertise in many subjects, such as design, workshops, participatory design/projects, content creation, marketing, and much more.
We hope to give more than we receive, because we want to make ALF in Sweden strong, so that it can prosper and create more opportunities in the future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope to gain contacts, collaborate to create bigger and better projects for the community, country

Contact (1) Full Name
Leila Natsheh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Leila Natsheh
Contact (2) Full Name
Omer Hingora
Job Title (2)
Board Secretary

Kristna Fredsrörelsen (Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation)

National Network

Box 140 38
167 14 Bromma

+46 08-453 68 47
Telephone (other)
+46 08-453 68 41
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation (SweFOR) is a nonviolence movement that works for peace and justice. Our aim is a world free from violence, be it in the form of war, oppression or injustice. We are a part of IFOR - the International Fellowship of Reconciliation. We have a national board, a number of local groups, 14 staff in Sweden and 18 in Latin America, mostly on voluntary basis. Main partners are Swedish Muslims for Peace and Justice, Justapaz (Colombia), Clave (Colombia) and Sonad (Southern Sudan).

Mission and Objectives

In a world where people often react to conflict either by being passive or resorting to violence, we believe that there is a third way, the way of nonviolence. The Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation has a long history of working for peace and reconciliation through active nonviolence. We are a Christian, ecumenical member-based organisation, that often work together with people of different faith. We bring people together in the hope of a new society – a world of peace and justice, where military might is disarmed and where conflicts are prevented by peaceful means. One of our contributions is being a presence in areas of conflict. We support local peace actors in various parts of the world in their work to strengthen human rights and build peace, through non-violent methods.

Main Projects / Activities

We give courses in nonviolence, conflict resolution and peaceful conflict management. We send volunteers to Guatemala, Mexico and Colombia, where they support local peace-building efforts and protect human rights defenders. We work for disarmament and improved control over the arms trade through codes of conduct, laws and regulations. We promote peace and reconciliation in the Middle East through advocacy work. SweFOR also analyses security and defence policy in Sweden and is pushing for world leaders to sign up to forceful disarmament agreements and to prevent violent conflict.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kari Berg
Job Title
Coordinator Sweden
Head of the organisation
Lotta Sjöström Becker (Secretary General)
Contact (2) Full Name
Lotta Becker
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Kultur & Fritid Västra Hisingen

National Network

Blåsvädersgatan 1

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We are a youth center run by the municipality of Västra Hisingen (Part of the city of Gothenburg). Our activity focuses on sports, youth employmend and community development.
Mission and Objectives

Our main missin is to work with our local community and to empower youth to take active part in society and have fruitful free-time activites.

Main Projects / Activities

The municipal leisure activities in Västra Hisingen have activities primarily for young people. There are also many associations in the neighborhood that engage both young and older. Libraries offer activities for all generations.
For those who are young, there are holiday homes in Västra Hisingen that are open in the afternoons and evenings.
You who are between the ages of 16 and 25 can also participate in or create their own recreational activities within the Youth initiative Hisingen.
As a senior in West Hisingen, you can enjoy a lot of everyday culture for the elderly, including the neighborhood's two meeting points for seniors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To take part in relevant activities and network with NGOS and institutions working with simular targat groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michell Alfredsson
Job Title
Youth worker
Head of the organisation
Filip Plan

Kulturföreningen Lätting

National Network

Hamiltongatan 1 80266

+46 26 18 93 83
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 76 225 44 73
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Main tasks are cultural activities, our focus is on innovation and we also includes fields of culture, social inclusion, transnationality using number of national and international networks. We are also working with labor market issues, and the objectives are to develop new methods and tools to contribute to the work against unemployment and to support active citizenship. In total the staff includes 20 employed persons and 130 full time participants through different programs.
Mission and Objectives

Culture House Lätting in foundation is a party-political and religious free non-profitable association with a purpose to broaden the cultural range in Gävle. In present, the association works as an umbrella organization, existing of a number of project within different activity areas. Both local, regional, national and international co-operations characterizes the organization

Main Projects / Activities

Our enterprise, which is an international one, consists of culture activities for children and adults. Completion of national and international projects, competence development and different applicable and non applicable cooperations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ninni Berggren Magnusson
Head of the organisation
Ninni Berggren Magnusson
Contact (2) Full Name
Susanne Ruthström

Kvinna till Kvinna

National Network

Hammarby Fabriksväg 65
12030 Stockholm

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information

The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation has defended women’s rights since 1993. For every woman and girl’s right to be safe and to be heard.

Today, we are one of the world’s leading feminist women’s rights organisations, working directly in areas affected by war and conflict to strengthen the influence and power of all women.

We work closely together with around 150 partner organisations in 20 countries to defend women’s rights, achieve gender equality and justice, and reach lasting feminist peace.

Mission and Objectives
  • A world of sustainable peace based on democracy and gender equality, where conflicts are solved without violence
  • A world in which human rights are respected and everyone can feel safe and secure
  • A world in which women have influence over decision-making and participate fully and effectively in society’s development
Main Projects / Activities

The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundations supports women in conflict-affected regions. We do so by cooperating with 140 partner organisations across the world.

We believe in dialogue and long-term partnership. Our strength is that we get to know our partners, listen to them and support their priorities. We do not tell our partners what we believe the solution should be: we trust that they know that best themselves.

Our 13 country offices allow us to be responsive and stand by our partners in their struggle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Tötterman Andorff
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Petra Tötterman Andorff, Secretary General
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna-Carin Hall
Job Title (2)
Press Officer

Lalish Förening I Landskrona - Sweden

National Network

Artillerigatan 32, 26138 Landskrona, Sweden

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Religion
General Information
The Lalish association is a social association, was established on 02-05-2009, and there are about 70 Yazidi’s families which emigrated from Iraq to Sweden and living in Landskrona city. Yazidi is a religious minority in Iraq , they live also in other countries of the world such as the ( Syria - Turkey - Armenia). The structure of the association (Administrative Board) consists of seven persons who are elected annually at the annual conference of the association. The association based on voluntary contributions in the conduct of its affairs, in addition doing some cultural and social activities. Some a social association, we doing many activities, such as: 1- Many of the association members meet daily and discuss public issues and matters. 2- We celebrate the holidays and other social activities such as Ezidi social events and ceremony of mourning.
Mission and Objectives

1- To promote the social relations between the Yazidi families who residing in the city.
2- To definite the Yezidi community for the Swedish society.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Doing the social and traditional activities and folklore.
2- Doing some activities on the issues of integration in the new society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dindar Mado
Contact (2) Full Name
Darman Shamo


National Network

Botvidsgatan 7
12649 Hägersten (Stockholm region)

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information

LärOlika - “Learning across differences”

Through conversations, we build bridges across divides between different parts of society.

We create new meetings and conversations between people with different experiences, perspectives and challenges. Thus everyone learns something new and bridges are built between people in different parts of society.

Mission and Objectives

The reason LärOlika started is that we believe that meetings and dialogues between people with different perspectives is important for change to happen – both on a personal level and in society as a whole. However, today most people have very few opportunities to meet individuals from other communities, since society is not structured to enable interaction across cultures/disciplines/generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Courses that target people with different backgrounds and interests for conversations to learn from each other. Each course is free of charge and consists of five meetings in different locations and with different themes. We provide process management - the participants bring the content, in conversations with each other.


We hold specialized workshops for organizations and companies. We create new kinds of conversations and exchanges of experience where everyone, regardless of their role, contributes with their own thoughts and perspectives.


Tools and networks
Through the tens of thousands of unique conversations that LärOlika has created, we have also developed a variety of tools and methods to create the best possible conversations - and built a network of nearly a thousand individuals with very different roles in society.


95% of LärOlika participants get inspired to think in new ways! If you want some inspiration, please follow us on Facebook, on Instagram @larolikasamtal, or read our blog.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Bruce
Job Title
Operation Manager
Head of the organisation
Karin Bruce

LärOlika-träff: Tema spel

världskulturmuseet världens spel

Välkommen till spel och samtal!


Tid: Onsdagen 10 maj, kl 18.00 – 20.00 (fika från 17.30)
Plats: Världskulturmuseet, Södra vägen 54, Göteborg

LärOlika möten handlar om att prata med nya människor och om nya frågor – ibland på nya sätt. Att spela spel är ett sätt att möta varandra. Vi kommer därför spela några enkla spel – spel som kan få dig att tänka till, och hjälpa till att skapa ett nytt samtal. Inga förkunskaper behövs, och du är lika välkommen om du älskar eller avskyr spel, är van eller aldrig spelat något!

Vi hoppas på nya perspektiv kring spelande – och nya möten genom spel och samtal. Vi kommer hämta inspiration från Världskulturmuseets nya utställning om spel till både samtalen och spelandet.

Det kostar inget att delta, men vi hoppas att alla som deltar bidrar med sina tankar, sitt lyssnande, och spelande!

Anmäl dig här så får du mer information på mail några dagar innan mötet!   

Om du undrar något, kontakta oss gärna:

Se mer om LärOlika på


LEONARDO Film & Theatre (Sweden)

National Network

Erik Dahlbergsgatan 19, S-411 26 Göteborg

+46 (0)31 - 832054
Telephone (other)
+46 (0)411 - 526225 (summer)
+46 (0)706 - 168629
Mobile Phone
+46 (0)705 - 898629
Mobile Phone (other)
+20 (0)10 - 3827967
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. Theatre production-company. Employed persons: 2 2. Budget varies. Turnover approx SEK 1 million 3. No funding. 4. a/ Theatre education-project in Alexandria, Egypt b/ Theatre production; script and direction c/ A documentary-film on the Egyptian project (un -financed) 5. SIDA(Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and The Gothenburg Opera house
Mission and Objectives

Through cultural and educational projects create a deepened
dialogue between Europe and the Arab-

Main Projects / Activities

The three mentioned and ongoing projects are the main projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Leo Cullborg
Head of the organisation
Leo Cullborg

Lex Femme

National Network

Lorensbergsgatan 18
41648 Göteborg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

We are a non-profit girls' and women's shelter as well as a legal shelter that has existed since 2004 where we went under another organization name.

Since 2019, the association goes by the name Lex Femme.

We support and help victims of violence through a nationwide telephone, chat and legal hotline as well as an extensive lecture activity. We are specifically focused on women of foreign heritage and offer help in their mother tongue.

At present, Lex Femme can offer support and advice in almost 40 languages. We are a non-partisan and non-religious non-partisan association.

Our main goal is to strengthen women's and girls' right not to be exposed to physical and psychological violence, violence in the name of honor, threats of violence, forced marriage, sexual abuse and harassment, etc. We offer help and support to girls and women from all over Sweden.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision The organization must work for an equal society and work for all girls and women to live a life free from violence. Our long-term strategy In order for the organization to achieve its vision, we work preventively through opinion formation and offer support for women who are or have been exposed.

Main Projects / Activities

Our daily tactics by running a girls' and women's non-profit organization, we provide support in times of crisis, legal advice, practical help over the phone and the opportunity for physical meetings.

To prevent violence, the organization conducts opinion-forming work through e.g. lectures, workshops and visits various activities to inform about men's violence against women and the work of the women's shelter.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with lectures and workshops in various subject areas concerning violence in close relationships. We possess a cultural understanding and linguistic competence, which means that we can educate others in different languages.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lejla Smajlovic
Job Title
Operative manager
Head of the organisation
Lejla Smajlovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Amal Ahlin
Job Title (2)
Communication Officer