
Multimedia production

National Network

Vemdalsgatan 55
16274 Vällingby

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Multimedia is a production company established in 2008 in Ramallah- Palestine and
has a branch in Stockholm-Sweden. The company was founded by Palestinian Swedish filmmaker Wafá Jamil Espvall who has 18 years of experience in film production. Espvall aimes to spreading the knowledge of cinema by training the Palestinian, Arabs and European youth to produce their first documentary films.

The company produced several films which were widely received as the documentary film: Coffee for all nations (2015) won the first prize at the human rights film festival in Nobly & Alarad film festival in Sardinia. Furthermore the founder of the company Wafá Jamil produced: Hamas under Palestine. Abraham’s Children, Roots, The Lost home and was the unit film director for "Juda & Mohamad” channel 4 British.

Mission and Objectives

➢ Contribute in cultural development of Palestine and Arabs countries by building high-standard and modern local media outlets.
➢ Empower Palestinians and Arabs to produce their own information and images
by themselves.
➢ Addressing the women social issues by motivating the Palestinians & Arabs female professionals to produce their films.

Main Projects / Activities

The other Gaza, documentary film 70 minutes. Preproduction. Palestinian- Swedish production.

GROOM FROM UMEÅ feature film 90 minutes, Development stage. Palestinian- Swedish production.

Dec. 2015 Produced the documentary film, COFFEE FOR ALL NATIONS, 52 minutes. Funded by (Injaaz) Dubai international film festival & The Swedish arts grants committee.

 ➡First prize at the human rights film festival in Nobly,Italy 2017. 

➡First prize at Al Arad film festival in Sardinia Italy 2017. 

➡Festival special mention at Noida international film festival in India 2016. 

➡Honer at Arab film festival Amman 2016. 

➡Mohammed Rouda, a cinema critic, considered the film as one of the five important documentary films in the Arabs world.

HAMAS UNDER PALESTINE, 2008, Documentary film, Well received in Palestine, after the split between Hamas and Fateh and no one of the Palestinian artist, were able to discuss this issue.

Produced 350 TV episodes for Wattan TV, Palestine, 2008 - 2013.
Produced 12 short documentaries for different NGO’s in Palestine and world wide.
“Shaifeenkom”, “We’re watching you” Black comedy serial, 16 episodes 5-7 minutes. Writing & Directing. Wattan TV. 2009.

➢ Project lead & producer “My life is a film” 4 short films 3-5 minutes, in cooperation with the District administration of Hässelby - Vällingby, Stockholm city, June 2019.
➢ Produced 4 short documentary films with students from Gaza, under the theme: The daily obstacles for Palestinians. Gaza, 2016.
➢ Supervisor and instructor, documentary training course for media students. Produced 7 short films, focusing on the women role in the Palestinian society. Nablus, West Bank, 2009.

➢ Instructor, How to Produce TV series? Media Department, Pyalara NGO, Ramallah Palestine, 2008.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wafa' Espvall
Job Title
Director & producer
Head of the organisation
Wafa' Espvall


National Network

Skånegatan 18
412 51 Göteborg

0046 31 367 17 08
0046 31 367 17 01
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
General public upper secondary school funded by the community. Number of staff: 50 Number of students: 550 Involved in a European project about culture and minorities Budgetary resources: 30 million SEK    
Mission and Objectives

Munkebäcksgymnasiet in Göteborg; Sweden is an upper secondary school with a media profile. The school has around 550 students and 50 employees. The students can choose between three different branches: social science and media, estetics and media, estetics and music. The media students can furthermore choose between photo, film or digital design later on in their studies.
PREP is another program for students who are not eligible for national programs due to failure in grammar school. Instead of separating these students, they are integrated in the regular student group during their first year. Special action plans are set up for each individual in order to raise their level of attainment. There is also a large language introduction program for newly arrived immigrants in Sweden. About 20 percent of our students have an immigrant background. Some have arrived in Sweden with their parents as refugees, others were born in Sweden and their families have recently received permanent residence. Quite a few students have arrived without any parent at all.

Main Projects / Activities

The school is situated in the very centre of Göteborg and our students come from all districts of Göteborg. The average student´s socio-economical background is middle class, lower middle class or lower class. The average student also has a relatively low overall final grade from grammar school. Some of the students have special difficulties in learning, for instance dyslexia and dyscalculia. The school therefore has two special teachers dedicated to meet those students´ needs and make them reach course-related goals. In the first year students sometimes have to attend extracurricular lessons three times a week to catch up or improve their skills in different subjects. Our school also has a health care team of our own, including a nurse and a welfare officer and the main object of the school is to make as many students as possible pass their A-levels.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have great resources when it comes to music and media presentations, photography and film editing which we think may be useful to the network in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested in bringing Europe and other parts of the world mor together so that we can have a feeling of belonging instead of separation. This network seems to fulfil this need and open doors to collaboration with other organisations with the same goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanne Kallanvaara
Job Title
Primus Magister
Head of the organisation
Bengt Broberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Emma Wallmark
Job Title (2)

Museum of Forgetting

National Network

Tvåbackarbrinken 2
602 28 Norrköping

+46 73 656 92 88
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 73 656 92 88
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Museum of Forgetting is a space for reflection, debate and exhibition of contemporary issues with a focus on social, political and cultural forgetfulness. By borrowing the name of ”The Museum” we adopt a critical approach to the construction of collective memories, and highlight its unavoidable costs, and revenues, in terms of forgetting. We work voluntarily and all our revenues and stipends are going back to cultural producers which we engage, as we are a strict non-profit operation, and also because we are a nomadic cultural initiative. We have no fixed costs inbetween our events and exhibitons but have managed with the help of surrounding sponsors and supporters to borrow abandoned industrial spaces for our arrangements and mobilize workers and skills that we need for each occassion. At this point our movements and our changing contours and constellations have become our signum.
Mission and Objectives

Our projects, exhibitions and events, are not tied to any one traditional form of expression or genre, but come together in the ambition to look critically at contemporary issues in the crossfire between memory and forgetting.
The project started out from an ambition to look critically at the way the dominant media organisations dealt with the Iraq War. We placed the light on the absence of historical reflection and lack of deliberate articulated thought on future consequences within medias coverage. They, possibly out of an ambition to be impartial and objective, choose most of all to transmit NEWS in the present, i.e. reporting on details from the ongoing war. Yet, the innumerable amounts of details, deaths, bombs and so forth became increasingly difficult to fit into an overarching narrative, an understanding, any understanding, of the events. It is as if medias coverage most of all contributed to the thickening of the "fog of war". This later changed and a more sober phase entered with more of historical reflection and critical reporting.
This is how we started out with several discussions, events and art exhibitions. From this point we have moved on to raise questions about memory and forgetfullness in relation to gender, America, multiculturalism, private vs public etc.
Our next project will be an art exhibition showing Cartoons from Arabic countries. Our ambition is to highlight something that was completely forgotten in the so called Cartoon crisis, namely the long and rich tradition of Arabic satirical cartoons and drawings. The works will be exhibited in Beirut and Norrköping at the same time, as well as electronically, synchronized, on two different websites of major newspapers in Sweden and in Libanon.

Main Projects / Activities

Art exhibition: "Lets have another war.
Art exhibition: "Our Broken American Hearts"
Photography, Sculpture: "If God was a Woman"
Group exhibition, senior art-students: "Private Parts"
Open art hall for amateurs: "3m3 of Fame"
Movie evening "Falluja - reporting and resistance" "Control Room" and "Caught in Crossfire"
"The Forgettingmachine" a round-table with leading Swedish intellectuals on the war, the space for resistance and the element of forgetting.
See details on our website.

Contact (1) Full Name
Erik Berggren

Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities

National Network

Fredsgatan 2
10321 Stockholm

+4610-456 12 00
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquitites Museum is one of four national museums of world culture in Sweden. It is a state museum with support from the Ministry of Culture.

The Museum houses Sweden's most important archaeological collections of ancient and historical relics from the Mediterranean countries. We put on display objects from the nearly 500,000 collection. 

The museums' mission is to use the international cultural heritage to provide a perspective that helps people orient themselves in this transition.

The Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities was founded in 1954 through a merge of the Cyprus collections and the Egyptian Museum. Collections are mostly archeological materials from Swedish excavations in the Mediterranean area, mostly the Swedish Cyprus expedition in 1927-1931. There are also objects collected by Swedish royalty, diplomates and travelers. 

Mission and Objectives

The overall objective of the activities of the World Museums is that cultural heritage should be used as an active force in promoting sustainable global development.

Our ambition is to provide perspectives that help people to deepen and renew their worldviews in an increasingly internationalized world. Based on what's happening in the community to work through a combination of skill, artistry and involvement give our visitors experiences that entertain, challenge and inspire to action.

Main Projects / Activities

The Medelhavsmuseet houses Sweden's most important archaeological collections of ancient and historical relics from the Mediterranean countries.

Our current exhibitions include: ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt , Cyprus collections. 

We have school visits, family programme for children. 

Permanent exhibitions: 1710 sqm about Cyprus, Ancient Greece and Rome, The Near East, Islamic Art, the Gold room, the Expedition, and the study gallery.  

Number of permanent objects on display: 4400 

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia Häggman
Job Title
Museum Curator
Head of the organisation
Ann Follin
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Lundström
Job Title (2)
Head of Content and Learning

Musiker utan gränser/ Musicians Without Borders

National Network

Tellusborgsvägen 64

0704 965212
Telephone (other)
08 61688 80
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Media
General Information
Musicians Without Borders is a nongovernmental organisation that started in 2009, following an initiative by Anna-Lena Engström. The purpose of the association is to create, through artistic means, dialogues beyond ethnic, cultural, religious and political boundaries. We are 22 members. 
Mission and Objectives

to work for peace and understanding among musicians and singers. no problems with religion ,culture or sex or traditions. to start a choir for children.
The mission is to sing all peoples songs.

Main Projects / Activities
Musiker Utan Gränsers kulturdag 2016
Den 6-11 augusti 2016 gästades Musiker Utan Gränser av kören och orkestern Yanbou' al Mahaba - The Foutain of Love Choir - från Jordanien. Under deras vistelse i Stockholm skedde kulturutbyten vid olika workshops. Höjdpunkten under dessa dagar var den 9:e augusti, då kören/orkestern, under en konsert i Eric Ericssonhallen på Skeppsholmen, framförde oratoriet ”Jesus, the Fountain of Love”.
Konserten inleddes med ett öppningstal av domprosten i Stockholms domkyrkoförsamling Hans Ulfvebrand. Förutom oratoriet, bjöds det på olika musikaliska inslag av medlemmar från Musiker Utan Gränser. Bland annat framfördes Ylva Q Arkviks verk ”Human Rights”. Konserten genomfördes med stöd av Eric Ericssonhallen, Stiftelsen Carpe Vitam, Stockholms Katolska Stift och Sensus.
STABAT MATER - Moder Marias delade sorg med världens alla kvinnor (8-9 april, 2017)
I evenemanget ingick ett framförande av G.B. PERGOLESIS tonsättning "STABAT MATER" och uruppförande av verket "MATER", skrivet av den svenska kompositören YLVA Q. ARKVIK, med text av MARIE TONKIN. Dessutom musik av och med iranska sångerskan ANIS MOIN och recitation av skådespelaren ANNELI MARTINI. I framförandet ingick även en konst-/fotoutställning, som man kunde ta del av innan konserten, i pausen och en stund efter konserten.
Evenemanget var en hyllning till världens alla kvinnor, oavsett religion eller etnicitet, med fokus på de som har förlorat ett barn eller en nära anhörig - något som är väldigt viktigt i en tid med pågående konflikter och flyktingkris. Medverkade gjorde solister, dansare, konstnärer, HÖGALIDS DAMKÖR och HÖGALIDS KAMMARORKESTER.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna lena Engström
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Liselotte Öhman

Nabo Artbook

Young people in the Nordic region are engaged in societal issues, describe common challenges and have concrete proposals for solutions. We just need to listen. For four years, between 2018 and 2021, the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society...

National Museums of World Culture | Statens Museer för Världskultur (Head of Network)

National Network

Södra vägen 54
412 54 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

National Museums of World Culture was established in 1999 and is a government agency.

The agency consists of the Ethnographic Museum, the Museum of Mediterranean and the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm and the Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg. 

The National Museums of World Culture (World Museums) was formed as a response to changes globally as well as domestically. Internationalization has increased and we experience a more globalized world, while the former culturally and ethnically quite homogeneous Sweden is becoming more multicultural.

The World museums' mission is to use the international cultural heritage to provide a perspective that helps people orient themselves in this transition.

Mission and Objectives

The National Museums of World Culture is responsible for displaying and bringing to life the various cultures of our world, in particular cultures outside of Sweden. Furthermore, the agency is to document and illustrate different cultural manifestations and conditions as well as cultural encounters and variations from a historical, contemporary, national and international perspective. Finally, the agency shall promote interdisciplinary knowledge and various forms of public activities. The agency head office is situated in Gothenburg.

The National Museums of World Culture (Världskulturmuseerna) is the coordinator of the Anna Lindh Foundation network in Sweden.

The Swedish network receives an annual support from the Swedish Ministry of Culture for holding activities with members of the network and establish cross border collaboration to facilitate partnership for the Swedish civil society. In addition, the Swedish network is supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation through the network support scheme.

The Network is open to institutions, organisations and other partners who adhere to the principles and the mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation which work on the basis of democratic, pluralistic, and multilateral values.

Membership in the Swedish network is open to NGOs; Public institutions, including local and regional authorities; public and private "not for profit" Foundations; other "for profit" partners promoting "not for profit" activities and corporate social responsibility policies. However, the Network is not open to political parties or organizations and projects owned by political parties nor to individuals.

Main Projects / Activities

Agency activities are carried out at Etnografiska museet/Museum of Ethnography, Medelhavsmuseet/Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities and Östasiatiska museet/Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm as well as Världskulturmuseet/Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg.

The flagship programme of the Swedish network is: Celebrating Our Diversity. 

In January 2024, the Swedish network launched Actions for Diversity initiative to support network activities for promoting intercultural dialogue, inclusion and active citizenship. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasha Shaaban
Job Title
Projects Manager / Network coordinator
Head of the organisation
Ann Follin (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Karl Magnusson
Job Title (2)
Chief of Staff

Newly elected advisory committee

ALF Advisory Committee 2020.jpg

In December 2019, we opened the call for nomination of new advisory committee members. The process resulted with the election of the following members:

1. Bertil Björk (STPLN)

2. Josefin Stenmark (Bilda)

3. Parul Goush (Peers Bridge)

Nomination and voting took place online.

The mandate of the current committee is January 2020 – January 2022.

The first meeting of this committee took place on 5 March 2020 at the World Culture Museum in Gothenburg.


Nordisk Hjälp - Nordic Aid

National Network

Scheelegatan 13
212 28 Malmö

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Nordic Aid is a politically and religiously independent non-profit association. The organization's main task is to help refugees and needy people and fight poverty both with long-term development projects that are rights-based and with urgent humanitarian efforts that are needed based.

Nordic help in emergency situations follows the Red Cross' codes in its international relief work and follows the Giva quality code to maintain a good standard of its work, the association is also a member of CHS to maintain a standard of its international work.

The association also has operations in Sweden and works for the benefit of society and helps children, young people and vulnerable people, fights racism and violent extremism, promotes integration and helps newcomers.

Nordic Aid also has a sponsorship business, where sponsors in Sweden are involved and help children in affected countries.

Mission and Objectives

Nordisk Hjälp (Nordic Aid) wants to change the way the public feels about refugees. We are focusing on fugitives in the Middle East, mainly children, women and the elderly, as we find their situation today frightingly inhuman. We wish to create opinion among the public and extend the international understanding as well as the understanding of human rights and their importance. We want to work against racism and help to create peace.

Main Projects / Activities

We give essential assistance to people in need in the Middle East, i.e. we send or go there with food packages and clothing. We also provide medical assistance, send wheelchairs and ambulances, and give necessary school tools for pupils in need. We have 850 sponsors that each have a sponsorship for one orphan. We also work on new projects that aim to teach young people about human rights and the importance of volunteer work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sally-Jasmin Waarie
Job Title
Communication Manager
Head of the organisation
Taim Al Yousef
Name of Organisation
Nordisk Hjälp - Nordic Aid