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Nabo Artbook

on the social inclusion of young people in the Nordic countries
MUCF, Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor.
Year of Publication

Young people in the Nordic region are engaged in societal issues, describe common challenges and have concrete proposals for solutions. We just need to listen.

For four years, between 2018 and 2021, the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society has been talking to young people aged 16-24 from across the Nordic region through the Nabo project. We have learnt about their experiences of social inclusion. Young people themselves have described the opportunities to make their voices heard and participate in society on equal terms. The project has been one of the priorities of the Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2018.

An inclusive society endeavours to ensure that all people feel a sense of belonging to society and have the opportunity to influence and participate in the development of society on equal terms. Giving everyone a voice is important for a vibrant democracy. Together with researchers, Nabo has analysed young people's stories and produced reports on young people's social inclusion in all the Nordic countries and the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. The experiences described by young people show that Nordic societies need to become better at including and listening to children and young people. The challenges discussed relate to access to public transport, housing, mental health, treatment by health services and gender and sexuality norms, but also to young people's leisure time and the opportunities they have to influence their neighbourhood and society at large.

Young people's proposals for solutions are similar whether they are in Ísafjörður in northern Iceland, Nørrebro in Copenhagen or one of the islands in the Åland archipelago. To empower young people to influence their own lives, they need to be treated with dignity and respect, as equals in all aspects of their lives. This is particularly important in their encounters with people working in the public sector and in the wider welfare system.

Organisations that meet young people or make decisions about young people need to take a youth perspective and have knowledge of young people's rights. Decisions that affect young people must be based on knowledge of young people and their living conditions. Nabo is convinced that a youth perspective contributes to a better and more democratic society.

We hope that this book will give you a better understanding and insight into the situation of young people in the Nordic countries.


