
Öppet Hus Mentorprogram för mångfald - Öppet Hus Mentorship programme for diversity

National Network

Polhemsplatsen 5
40502 Göteborg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Öppet Hus is a non-profit organization that is politically and religiously independent. We work to open doors to the labor market mainly for young adults with a foreign background.Two persons employed.

• Sources of fundings are members fees, public funding from municipalty of Göteborg and contributions.

• Actions are mentorprograms, coaching, job search activities for young adults with foreign background

• Partners are labor projects, immigrants projects, city and regional authorities and private employers. 

Mission and Objectives

The most important way to be integrated in a new country is to achieve a job and avoid exclusion.

Our mission and objectives are to open doors to the labor market for young adults, 17 – 30 years with foreign backgrounds.

The majority of our participants have been in the country less than four years. They need coaching, support and network to achieve a job in Sweden.

Our main method is a mentor program during one year.

Main Projects / Activities

Our core activity is our mentoring program. We have a large network of people from member companies and personal contacts in working life who volunteer as mentors to the young people to discuss and support them in their development.

We also organise and suggest social and professional activities for our participants. With the aim of broadening their network, exchanging experiences and interacting.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia Bruce
Job Title
Director (Verksamhetsledare)
Head of the organisation
Sofia Bruce

Österlens Folkhögskola

National Network

Box 13
273 21 Tomelilla

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
College with 200 students. Budget 25 milj SEK Government financed to 60 %
Mission and Objectives

Adult Education

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Göran Göransson
Head of the organisation
Åke Larsson
Contact (2) Full Name
Hassane Kardoud

Paideia - the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden

National Network

Box 5053
10242 Stockholm

+46 8 679 55 55
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+46 8 679 55 55
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Paideia was created in 2000 through grants from the Swedish government and the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation as an academic and applied institute of excellence. 

Dedicated to strengthening Jewish culture in Europe, Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, educates leaders for Europe, such as academicians and community activists, in Jewish textual sources that serve as the wellsprings of Jewish and modern civilization.

Mission and Objectives

Paideia’s mandate is to nurture the strengthening of European Jewish culture, to support cross-cultural dialogue and to promote a positive paradigm of minority culture within European societies. Paideia accomplishes this through highly intensive educational programs, focusing on in-depth knowledge of Jewish sources and on social entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities
  • The Paideia One-Year Jewish Studies Program
  • The Paideia Project-Incubator
  • Paideia alumni conferences and micro grants
  • Academic conferences
Contact (1) Full Name
Erik Gribbe
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Diector Noa Hermele

Palestinian Business Network

National Network

Kullaviks Kaprifol väg 8
42931 Kullavik

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information


Was founded in 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden by diaspora Palestinians with the idea to attract and connect talented individuals to an international business network. We have a board of 7 members and 4 founding partners. 

With now present in the 3 largest cities in Sweden (Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö), the network began to expand to neighboring countries with the goal to have active groups in every capital in the EU till 2025. Today PBN got over 2000 members spread mostly in Sweden and Denmark with 55% female members.

During monthly meetups the participant members who are of Palestinian background or share the values of the network exchange knowledge and experience with each other. It is two-hour sessions where they learn to know and work together meanwhile participating in presentations, seminars, and workshops, among other educational activities.



Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to strengthen the Palestinian identity in the societies we live in by creating success stories with different activities where networking, knowledge-sharing, integrational projects, and awareness of democratic values and gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

- Mission 2025 - our goal is to have a chapter in every European capital by the end of 2025 all connected with each other.

- Enjoy Palestine - a digital marketplace where you can find and buy from Palestinian micro-producers and travel packages to explore ancient Palestine and its diversity with a European warehouse to effectively manage logistics and commercial activities.

- The international Palestinian Scouts - Together with the Swedish scouts creating a non-political nor religious scouts organization that support integration, inclusion, and equality from early ages building a global network of "always-ready" teams dressed by micro suits factories in the refgugee camps in Lebanon.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pierre Alwani
Job Title
International Relations
Head of the organisation
Pierre Aleani

Pascale Lacroix

National Network

Odins väg 3b, 3tr

+46 73 691 47 47
Telephone (other)
+46 8 520 121 99
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 73 691 47 47
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
I am self-employed, working as a conference interpreter and coordinator of international projects in the field of youth education, north-south dialogue, empowerment, environment and social progress. I organize study visits and identify best practices to promote exchange of experiences between different countries and cultures.
Mission and Objectives

I want to develop, manage and spread projects that make a difference and contribute to making the world a better place by promoting understanding, cultural dialogue, good livelihood, social justice, equality, empowerment and sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

international project coordinator, exchange of best practices, study visits, conference interpreting

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a conference interpreter and international project coordinator I get the change to take part in a great number of meetings, initiatives and projects and I have a broad network of friends and colleagues around the world covering different fields and competences. As a person I am creative and committed to making the world a better place. I can see links and opportunities and bring people together.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to take part in the dialogue, learn from other participants and participate in the development of solutions and initiatives. I believe in the strength of diversity and commitment. A good dialogue is like an orchestra, it needs different voices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pascale Lacroix
Head of the organisation
Pascale Lacroix

Peace and Love Vector Handbook

The project Peace & Love Vector represents an ambition to build a metaphorical link across geo — political borders, cultural differences, formal disciplines and imbalance of experience. The aim of the project is empowering youth leaders and youth workers in...

Peace Quest (chairperson)

National Network

Lundagatan 56

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Budget: 2,300,000 SEK (2005) - Membership fees, National board of Youth affairs, Forum Syd, Ministry of Foreign affairs, Folke Bernadotte’s foundation - Youth projects together with organisations from Israel/Palestine, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Latvia, Belarus, Colombia, Cambodia, Zambia and Sri Lanka. Education for youths in Sweden in conflict resolution, human rights. - Next stop New life, Belarus. Asociación Colombiana de Estudiantes Universitarios, Colombia. Youth Partners in Development.
Mission and Objectives

To work for human rights and peace globally through contacts, projects and exchanges with youths from abroad.
To foster understanding and interest in a change to the better in daily life/society through education for youths in conflict resolution, human rights and non-violence.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth projects together with organisations from Israel/Palestine, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Latvia, Belarus, Colombia, Cambodia, Zambia and Sri Lanka. Education for youths in Sweden in conflict resolution, human rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Hay

PeaceWorks Sweden

National Network

Tegelviksgatan 40
11641 Stockholm

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+46 (0)70 752 96 60 (Nasma)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

We are a non-profit peace organisation that works for the organisation and influence of young people in an equal and just society based on non-violence. We do this by making visible and challenging the expressions of violence that counteract the society we strive for. We give the tools and platform to do something concrete with the commitment to a more peaceful world. Membership is free.

The organisation is mainly funded by grants which the organisation applies for throughout the year. These include grants from the Swedish government, other local funds available in Sweden and the European Youth in Action programme. We are based in Sweden and in Colombia, working for youth participation for peace.

PeaceWorks Sweden works to promote peace, international solidarity and active citizenship through coordinating international voluntary service programmes through the European Solidarity Corps and supporting young people in Sweden to run their own peace projects.

Mission and Objectives

Objective: to offer international activities; organise exchange programmes; spread information and encourage discussion in national and international questions; all of which aim at increased knowledge, solidarity and understanding about social and global structures.

Vision: a sustainable world in peace, where young people are active citizens and society is characterised by peace and sustainable development, global justice and solidarity, above and beyond national, cultural, social and economic borders. PeaceWorks is a platform for young people's involvement in and commitment to peace and sustainable development.

By running projects, platforms and practical tools are created, providing the conditions for young people to participate in, creating an understanding for local and global contexts, on their own terms.

Main Projects / Activities

We provide platforms for young people engaging in projects regarding global justice, anti-racism and feminism, both nationally and internationally.

We also support youth to start their own projects, and/or associations through our workshops and materials created specifically to facilitate a simpler way to get engaged in important issues.

We hold many seminars and workshops on the topics of youth engagement, global justice, feminism and anti-racism.

Every year we give Erasmus+ projects on the topics both in Sweden and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nasma Salim
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Nasma Salim (Secretary General)
Contact (2) Full Name
Julia Eriksson
Job Title (2)
International project coordinator

Peers Bridge AB

National Network

Bjäregatan 4
25248 Helsingborg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Peers Bridge has a unique approach by offering innovative and interactive workshops and courses in different languages according to market’s demand. The course will support struggling immigrants in Skåne region to integrate into the unfamiliar hosting culture.

With sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) at the core of our work, we believe in an inclusive approach toward globally shared goals to build bridges over cultural conflicts and "no one will be left behind". The courses will empower the participants by obtaining a new perspective and knowledge to develop social skills and competencies in a Swedish context.

With these skills and competencies, the participants will be able to establish a common understanding and create shared values with others. Official Facebook page

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Our mission is to promote an inclusive and diverse society toward sustainability through interactive and creative educational workshops and experiences. Enabling our participants to adopt openness and contribute to equality in all aspects. We set the Global Goals as our core values leading us to an innovative working environment and sustainable growth.

Vision:  Developing a successful and innovative integration methodology by incorporating the global goals as shared values between immigrants and inhabitants in Skåne region for a diverse flourishing society.

Main Projects / Activities

We offer an innovative cultural integration workshops by combining different learning methods.  

Workshop 1: Introduction to Sustainable Development

The workshop aims to help participants to adopt and contribute to the global goals as shared values with others from different background. After completing the workshop, the participants will:

• realize today’s economic, social and environmental challenges.

• understand “Sustainability” as a term and a concept, it’s importance and how it is self-related.

• be able to explain the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development, their importance and how they are self-related.

• learn how to devise ways in which he/she can contribute to the Global Goals as shared values.

Workshop 2: Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination

The workshop aims to help participants to be aware of and eliminate any prejudice or discriminating behavior toward others with different background. After completing the workshop, the participants will:

• be prepared to live and work in a new hosting culture.

• come to understand the meaning and impact of culture.

• demonstrate how one’s feelings of attachment to a given culture are learned though the processes of socialization, and that one’s tendency to judge other cultures is based on one’s own cultural perspective.

• Be aware of the extent to which cultures can vary (cultural difference) and work through these differences.

• come to appreciate cultural diversity and examine their attitudes and behaviors towards others who are ‘different’ than themselves.

Workshop 3: Reduced Inequalities (Global Goal 10)

Workshop 4: Gender Equality (Global Goal 5)

The workshop aims to help the participants to recognize the benefits of gender equality in their personal, professional and social life. After completing the workshop, the participants will: • Identify gender inequality and its negative impact • Understand that gender equality is essential for sustainable social and economic development.

• Acknowledge that gender is a social construction that defines the roles and relations of men and women.

• Recognize the negative effect of hierarchy in a family structure.

• Understand the Swedish gender equality perspective and family structure.

• Realize the benefits of gender equality from different aspects.

Workshop 5: Gender and Sexual Orientation

The workshop aims to eliminate any prejudice or discriminating behavior toward others with different gender identity and sexual orientation. After completing the workshop, the participants will:

• Be aware of how norms play a role in perceiving what normal versus abnormal.

• Realize that a spectrum of gender identity and sexual orientation exists.

• Distinguish between gender, sex and expression.

• Acknowledge intersex as a natural phenomenon from a scientific perspective, and how culture norms affect them.

• Recognize Gender Dysphoria or Gender Identity Disorder and its impact on transgenders. (To be changed to Gender Incongruence)

• Understand that transgender/transsexual is a natural phenomenon and learn how to deal them.

• Realize that homosexual behavior is part of nature and eliminate negative stereotypes about them.



Contact (1) Full Name
Faisal Albinali
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Faisal Albinali
Contact (2) Full Name
Charbel Tawk
Job Title (2)

Planta Panta Tree International

National Network

Ångaren Ediths Gatan 6
41760 Gothenburg

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Planta Panta Tree International is an NGO with volunteers. Planta panta Tree is about creating awareness about the importance of trees and Ecoagroforestry is about integration, agroforestry, education, and impermanence

Budget resources: membership fee, Gothenburg city, well-wishers, donations, Panta/recycling of plastic bottles and cans, own money.

Projects: 2017 Göteborg Grön och skont stad at Rymdtorget, 2017-2019, Memorandum of understanding/MOU with Rwanda Government, PPT Uganda / with Kampala City Council Authority/KCCA.

Partners; Ecoagroforestry center/EAC, Stadlandet Göteborg(2019), Tikitut, HDK university, Navet I Bergjön, ISGR school, Göterborg stad

Mission and Objectives

Planta Panta Tree's vision is to be the leading organization in bringing to children and the coming generation massive awareness about the value and importance of a tree to a human being.

The vision is to plant trees for children's nutrition, clean air, and water. Once accepted, the vision is to go to as many schools that will accept our program and cause awareness about the importance of trees through teachings, and hands-on practices of planting trees together with the children. Influencing governments to adopt PPT`s "recycling in order to plant trees method" wherever possible. Our ratio 1;4 is that for each cut tree, plant four.

Planta Panta Tree's mission is to inform, remind, and educate people both young and old the importance and urgency of the need of living trees for the survival of mankind.

PPTI encourages environmental awareness to children and people, regardless of gender, race, age, physical ability, or geographical location, using the following methods: Reach people especially children at schools and in the community. As early as possible, begin to create environmental awareness for children to love and appreciate trees and nature. PPTI's motto is “ your can/ bottle is a potential tree”. By locally and internationally introducing the Panta= Plantera träd method, (recycling in order to plant trees) or else nations might be full of plastic by 2050. Trees clean both the air and the water naturally, and therefore we need more trees.

We need to create a generational shift in this understanding. We need to introduce panta/recycling internationally Connect with trees: by tree observing, by tree climbing, etc. Provide small greenhouses for children to plant their own trees. Open tree clubs locally and internationally. Provide children with a framework to play and socialize while planting trees eg. creating small hobbit homes out in nature. To mobilize parents about the importance of trees so that they too may bring their children to the program To work with the educators, to embrace the program, and to develop an environmentally friendly curriculum. Advocacy with policymakers such as; municipality, ministries and regulatory agencies to endorse and support the program

Main Projects / Activities

Tree planting activities in schools and in nature. Tree clubs in schools, small Hobbit houses out in nature for children's play to help them realize that nature is actually fun. We produce PPT water that benefits tree planting initiatives. We recycle in order to plant trees.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sarah Mubiru
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sarah Mubiru
Contact (2) Full Name
Belton Mubiru
Job Title (2)
Board Member