
Centrum för konflikthantering/Centre for conflict transformation

National Network

Gothenburg, Sweden

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Centrum för konflikthantering is a NGO focusing on spreading the knowledge about conflict transformation skills to a wider public but also through skills training for professionals. CfK focuses mainly on inter-personal conflicts. The NGO is funded by member fees and operates on a small budget.
Mission and Objectives

CfK wants to be the natural meeting place in Gothenburg for individuals working with or interested in conflict transformation.

Main Projects / Activities

CfK arranges seminars, mingle-events, workshops, film screenings and also operates a small libery with non-fiction litterature in relation to conflicts and conflict transformation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing knowledge/skills on conflict transformation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To tap into a wider network of individuals and member NGOs working on similar issues and hopefully to be able to send members to interesting seminars abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Utas Karlsson
Head of the organisation
Karin Utas Karlsson

Christian Council of Sweden (CCS)

National Network

Ekumeniska centret
16714 Bromma
14038 Stockholm

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The christian council of Sweden is an umbrella for the 4 christian church families in Sweden and hosts 25 member churches and engages 25 staff. Average budget over a year sums up to approximately 15 million SEK,out of which half is made up by member fees and half from external donors through different projects, mainly from Sida. Among the projects are the ecumenical accompaniment program to Palestine and Israel.
Mission and Objectives

To coordinate theological reflection between churches and parishes and strive for the unification of all the churches in Sweden, as well as fostering a dialogue between people of different faiths on an international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Ecumenical theology, ecumenical testimony, ecumenical diacony/church & society, peace culture, fairtrade, ecumenical accompaniment.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a faith-based organization, working with an ecumenical approach both on a national and an international level, we could contribute with a unique profile/experience to the network, as one of few faith-based member organisations within the Swedish network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Wiborn
Head of the organisation
Karin Wiborn
Contact (2) Full Name
Peter Karlsson
Job Title (2)
Handläggare migration och integration
Circular Skills Almost There_SE

Circular Skills training modules

The Circular Skills project seeks to improve the vocational training of so-called circle life skills. Critical design thinking is a key approach to facing such a challenge, which is based on co-creation processes that bring learners to design and implement...

Cirkus Unik

National Network

Åvägen 24
41251 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Cirkus Unik wants to make the world a little bit better with circus. We want to create changes at the individual, group and community level. Circus is a brilliant tool that increases children's self -esteem, interpersonal skills and allows them to believe in their dreams. We are a hybrid organisation, consisting of Cirkus Unik non-profit association, Org. 802498-5445, and Cirkus Unik Sweden AB, Org num. 559035-6704. We have 5 employees and in addition to this our team also includes volunteers, advisors and consults.  Current partners: Kulturskolan Hisingen, Kulturskolan Östra Göteborg samt Kulturskolan Askim-Frölunda-Högsbo, Skapande Skola Göteborg Stad, Västra Götalandsregionens kulturnämnd.  We are also an alumni from Reach for Change.     
Mission and Objectives

We want to create a world where all children have the same opportunities to grow and develop despite various social, economic and cultural background.
Our mission is that, with new circus as a tool, all children will be able to develop personal self-esteem and group collaboration in the forefront as well as being a platform for integration in society.

Main Projects / Activities

Circus shool - Cirkusskolan:
Meeting place - Mötesplats: 
Circus relay - Cirkusstafetten: 
Circus for children with disabilities - Cirkus för barn med funktionsvariationer: 

Contact (1) Full Name
Elin Anna Björnstad Lütke
Job Title
Operations manager
Head of the organisation
Elin Lütke


National Network

Järntorget 3
413 04 Göteborg

031-775 09 44
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Civis Association is a non-governmental organisation with no political or religious affiliations, founded in 2003, as a continuation of the Civis Foundation and as a result of the formalisation of the support group that had been created around the Foundation. The Civis Foundation was founded in 1996 and a field office in Colombia was opened in 2000. Since 2009, the Civis Association is responsible for all activities and all funding obtained from different donors and the Civis Foundation is now closed. Civis association has a traditional NGO-structure and are membership based. The members elect annually a board of directors, responsible for the management of the organisation. Civis is currently having 12 employees, five at the head office in Gothenburg and seven in our Colombia office. The annual turnover is app 4.7 million SEK, with Sida as the main donor.
Mission and Objectives

The overall goal of the Civis Association is to contribute to a peace culture by promoting marginalised young people’s social and political participation, gender equality and non-violence, mainly in Colombia.
Civis supports and strengthens peace initiatives in conflict zones to defend human rights and to build democracy. It also supports financially initiatives aimed at building bridges between theory and practice in the peace and conflict resolution area.
The main target group is marginalised young people and focus is currently on working directly with youth organisations.

Main Projects / Activities

Civis is currently implementing the third and final year of its Colombia programme funded by Sida, and its current project funded by Forum Syd is part of this programme. Through the programme, Civis is supporting eight three-year field projects and several six month projects implemented by youth organisations in different parts of Colombia.
While the projects are all different, there is a mainstreamed focus on resisting involvement in the armed conflict through non-violence and peaceful participation. Since this programme is coming to an end in December this year, Civis is currently elaborating a new Colombia Programme. While there will be some changes, the main focus on young people, youth organisations and non-involvement in the armed conflict will be maintained.
Apart from the Colombia Programme, Civis is also implementing a three year programme funded by the European Commission (2010-2012) focused on the right to conscientious objection to compulsory military service.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anders Pettersson

Clowner utan Gränser - Clowns Without Borders Sweden

National Network

c/o Konstjord, Nobelbergsgatan 6
13154 Nacka/ Stockholm

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Clowns Without Borders is a non-profit organization whose core is our artists who are volunteers and members of the organization. The artists donate their time and talent to Clowns Without Borders with the belief that laughter, joy and culture make the world a more hopeful and peaceful place. The artists are active in everything from music, magic, physical comedy, theater, clown, actobatics, circus, dance and education. What is common to all of them is how they use their skills and commitment to strengthen people's lust for life and psychosocial health. About 100 artists are currently members of the organization.

Clowns without Borders was founded in Spain, 1993, under the name Payasos sin Fronteras.Clowns without Borders was founded in Sweden in 1996, and have since toured the entire world with performances and workshops. Some of the countries we have worked in are Bosnia, Belarus, Romania, Sudan, South Sudan, Algeria, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Kurdistan, Kenya, Swaziland, Rwanda, D.R Congo, Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mexico, South Africa, Uganda as well as many more.

Our core is our artists who are volunteers and members of the organization. The artists donate their time and talent to Clowns Without Borders with the belief that laughter, joy and culture make the world a more hopeful and peaceful place. The artists are active in everything from music, magic, physical comedy, theater, clown, actobatics, circus, dance and education. What is common to all of them is how they use their skills and commitment to strengthen people's lust for life and psychosocial health. About 100 artists are currently members of the organization.


Mission and Objectives

VISION: The vision of Clowns without Borders, Sweden is a world filled with play, laughter and dreams, where it is possible for everyone to develop, to express themselves freely and to feel hope even in difficult situations.

MISSION: The mission of Clowns without Borders, Sweden is to spread laughter, happiness and hope. We send clowns and artists to children and societies struck by war, conflict and other crisisses around the world. We use humour and play to uphold the human value and as a way to give children and adults possibilities to develop. In Sweden, we increase the knowledge about and engagement for people who find themselves in situations of distress, around the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Using laughter and humour, Clowns Without Borders activities has a positive impact on the mental attitude of children and families who live under various types of hardships and duress, and improves their capacity to confront the difficulties they face and live with. We work with number of methods, artistic performances, workshops for beneficiaries and local artists as well as trainings of local staff in child friendly, creative skills.

CWB has experiences implementing projects with many different beneficiaries: children affected by war and armed conflicts, natural disasters, children growing up in refugee camps, in red light districts, in orphanages etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mays Sylwan
Job Title
Head of international programs, deputy secretary general
Head of the organisation
Louise Frisk (Secretary General)
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Committee of the Carnival of Hammarkullen

National Network

Bredfjällsgatan 28
424 35 Angered

+46 31 330 96 40
Telephone (other)
+46-701-750 812
+46 31 330 96 46
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 46 706 - 58 53 96
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 46 701 75 08 12
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Carnivals committee is a non-profit organization. The committee is part of an umbrella organisation HAM-SAM (Hammarkullen associations’ council). The members of the committee are volunteers. One person is employed full time to work with the organisation of the carnival. 2. Budget: 1,5 million 3. The activities are financed by the local and regional government and private companies. 4. Cultural exchanges associations with other countries,ex. Kurdistan Regional government and Bulgaria. Work with cultural projects financed for the regional government and seminars. 5. West Sweden regional government, City of Gothenburg , ABF and Vuxenskolan- Adult educational associations GP - Gothenburgs news paper
Mission and Objectives

The committee has the responsibility to draw up guidelines for the forthcoming carnival and to produce and coordinate the program of the year as well as all contact with media – tv, radio, and news papers. The committee participates in different programs in collaboration with the groups and associations participant in the carnival. Our vision - The carnival of Hammarkullen shall with dancing and enjoyment unite people regardless of background or religion. Our common values- We dance for tolerance, enjoyment and social fellowship- The carnival bring together people and creates enjoyment. The carnival inspires and develops cultural plurality. The carnival is a nation-, age- and genderless cultural meeting point

Main Projects / Activities

Planning, coordination and implementation of the years carnival Cultural projects in collaboration with cultural workers and cultural non-profit associations from the neighborhood Cultural projects in collaboration with schools and kindergardens from the neighborhood. Exhibitions about the history of the carnival and the carnival as expression of the cultural heritage of the new Swedish citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tony Parath
Head of the organisation
Tony Parath
Contact (2) Full Name
Gloria Esteban

Concert for the Middle East

assyrian monitor concert

In the framework of Actions for Diversity initiative, the Assyrian Monitor for Human Rights will organise a Concert for Peace in the Middle East with a group of singers performing songs in the Arabic, Assyrian, Swedish, Turkish, Greek, and Coptic languages ​​to emphasize that our diversity is a source of strength for us and that we must use it in order to spread the culture of peace and coexistence in Middle Eastern societies

When: 17 March 2024

Where: Assyriska föreningen, Norrköping

Open to the public.

Contact person: Jamil Diarbakerli

This concert is organised thanks to the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the European Commission.


Concert: Kristina Issa Band from Sweden comes to Alexandria

Kristina Issa at JCC Alex

Free concert at the Jesuit Cultural Centre in Alexandria

The Gothenburg-based artist Kristina Issa will be performing with her band at the Jesuit Cultural Centre in Alexandria on Friday 17 May at 7 pm

Kristina's voice and music is intense and explosive. With dreamy and catchy melodies that springs from deep within, the music manifests in to a dynamic and emotional experience. Kristina Issa band performed in 2018 and 2021 editions of Celebrating Our Diversity. 

Kristina will perform in Cairo at the Swedish Embassy in Cairo on 13 May (by invitation only) and at Cairo Jazz Club on 12 May. 

For more info, please check-out the Facebook event

Don't miss this concert!