
Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators

National Network

Uddens gränd 3
621 56 Visby

+46 498 218385
Telephone (other)
+46 498 218764
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

1. Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators (BCWT) is a non-profit organization. BCWT is an international residential workplace and meeting point that was established in 1993 as a tangible result of the writers' cruise Baltic Waves, of the on resolution of the Swedish Parliament and on the initiative of all the writers’ and translators’ organization in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea region. The BCWT is governed by Representatives from the member organizations via the international Board. The executive work is run with 2 employees. The BCWT is financed by the Swedish state through Swedish Arts Council – 1491000 SEK - and regioanlly by Gotland Municipality – 406000 SEK (for year 2009). The BCWT cooperates with all the writers and translators organizations in the Baltic Sea Region as well as the umbrella network Baltic Writers’ Council. The BCWT is since 1996 under the auspices of UNESCO

Mission and Objectives

- stimulate the literary and cultural exchange, serve as a workplace and meeting point for writers and translators from the region -actively work to promote the BCWT as a site for cooperative projects -support the creation of a reference library compatible with the guidelines for BCWT, as well as an information data base on the literatures of the Baltic Sea Region - act as a promoter of formation and a source of inspiration in the cultural field - constantly seek new forms and partners for collaboration between writers and translators, strengthen the cultural contacts giving priority the east-west aspect -contribute to increase knowledge and exchanges between literatures and writers

Main Projects / Activities

The BCWT is today internationally recognized institution, operating under the auspices of UNESCO. Since its foundation in 1993 the BCWT has provided accommodation for about 3200 writers and translators from all over the world. Calculated in guests nights it will be ap 50 000 and calculated in book titles it will be at least 3000 books that have been written or translated during the BCWT 15 years’ history. The BCWT has arranged 15 international poetry festivals, numerous translation workshops with different language combinations, seminars and meetings. The BCWT has hosted and co-arranged some major international conferences in cooperation with UNESCO, with European and Baltic Sea perspective. In the EU context the BCWT has been in the avant-garde in questions of the enlarged Unio, and has been developing long-term east-west north-south cultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lena Pasternak
Head of the organisation
Lena Pasternak
Contact (2) Full Name
Patrik Muskos

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National Network

Skånegatan 18
41251 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Bernadottegymnasiet is a theoretical upper secondary school where the majority of the students aim for professions in flelds like the police, the fire brigade, the military, the coast guard and the customs. Outdoor activities are a major part of their curriculum as well as subjects like leadership, political science and psychology. The staff consists of 10 teachers and a headmistress that take care of approximately 200 students. The budget comprises about 30 million Swedish crowns. It is a municipal, non-profit organisation. We have exchanges within Sweden so far but no on-going international projects right now.
Mission and Objectives

We need to develop our international relations with other schools or organisations abroad in our work field.

Main Projects / Activities

Leadership courses for teenagers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frank Hjortberg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Katinka Wertsén
Contact (2) Full Name
Maurits Hjerpe
Job Title (2)

Bilda Sydväst - Göteborg Office

National Network

Parkgatan 4
411 38 Gothenburg

0046(0)31-730 35 10
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Bilda has 52 member organisations, mostly churches and Christian organisations. Is a one of ten Swedish study association, organising study circles, seminars, cultural programs and education. Number of staff: 200. Budget per year: 300 million SEK, mostly funded by government grants The organisation has eight regional branches and has activities in almost the whole country.

Mission and Objectives

The key to understanding is people coming together learning from each other. What matters is the desire to learn rather than demands set by others.Be it music, reading, cooking, talking –it could be almost anything! Interpretation of life in broad sense is the overall profile of Bilda. We want to create free zones where different perspectives will meet. We offer activities for culture and liberal adult education.

Main Projects / Activities

Organising study circles, seminars, cultural programs and education. With our study centre in Jerusalem as a resource we also conduct study tours to Israel and the Palestinian territories.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a national program and regional branches and are eager to cooperate with other organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like join the network to be in touch with other organisations working with education, culture and exchange of ideas, in Sweden but also on an international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Noomi Gustafsson
Job Title
Verksamhetsutvecklare Samhälle
Head of the organisation
Ivar Hedén Judt (Region Chief)
Contact (2) Full Name
Annelie Anderberg
Job Title (2)
Verksamhetsutvecklare hållbarhet

Blå Stället Culture Center

National Network

Angereds Torg 13
424 65 Gothenburg

+46 (0)31 365 17 00
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Culture Center Blå Stället opened in 1979 as Sweden’s first Culture Center located in a suburb, Angered in Gothenburg. It is operated on behalf of the City of Gothenburg and open to all visitors. Over the years the layout of the building has changed, at present there is an art gallery, a studio for craft and art activities, a media lab, a stage for performances, a dance studio, a cinema, and conference rooms. There is also open space for activities in the foyer and in the surrounding park.

Indoors, Blå Stället co-exists with a branch of the City library, a civic information office, the independent theatre Angereds teater, the high school Angereds Gymnasium, the independent cinema Folkets bio and a café/restaurant Kultur på Burk.

A large part of the Blå Stället program is set in collaboration with local organisations, schools and institutions, artists' organizations, museums and educational associations. In addition to the set program, space can be hired for meetings, conferences and parties. Facebook page: and

Mission and Objectives

Blå Stället shall act as a creative and democratic meeting place where citizens, cultural actors, cultural entrepreneurs, artists, associations and social companies can meet to contribute to cultural, social and economic development and education. In Angered over 100 languages are spoken; and Blå Stället’s perspective is intercultural. “Inclusion” is a key word. Blå Stället follows the general objectives of the Angered municipality: to improve public health, security and the school results, and mirrors the Gothenburg Cultural Program for democracy, freedom of speech and human rights. Though located in Angered, Blå Stället’s aim is to be relevant for the whole city.

Main Projects / Activities

Blå Stället’s programme is for people of all ages, The wide variety in activities provide “something for everyone”, both to explore one’s own creativity and to take part of the ideas of professional artists, cultural actors, researchers and activists.  The programme includes exhibitions by professional and non-professional artists, music, theatre, film and media, craft, debates, philosophy, literature and more. A large number of activities are for children activities, with additional program over the school breaks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Madelen Lundin
Job Title
Program coordinator
Head of the organisation
Elisabeth George
Contact (2) Full Name
Emma Corkhill
Job Title (2)
Exhibitions Curator


National Network

Yngve Östbergsv. 21
27234 Simrishamn

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

We are a not-for-profit organisation working in the fields of arts, human rights, environment, cultural relations, media and youth.

Our focus is make the world a better place for whoever you are despite your place of birth. Our projects are international in scope and our intention is to make a positive impact. 

Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to work on projects with varied organisations as collaborators which allows us to use their experience to provide a unique or critical look to problems we face as human beings.

Our objective is to create a dialogue, spread information, encourage discussion and provide information around the challenges we face as a race.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects we are working right now are on migration, on global warming and on health. Please check our website for more information.

Contact (1) Full Name
Neil Bell
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Anna Arvidson
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Arvidson
Job Title (2)

Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation

National Network

MINC Anckargripsgatan 3
211 19 Malmö

004673 5357626
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

We are a non-governmental organization that has provided over one hundred million United States Dollars ($100,000,000USD) worth of medical and humanitarian aid for those experiencing humanitarian crisis, displacement and poverty to nine Countries across the globe with a particular focus on middle Eastern Regions.

We also run programs on the ground in collaboration with local communities, focusing on health services, psycho-social activities, skills building activities, sports activities and more.

Our beneficiaries are individuals, families and communities facing some of the toughest conditions--most often living in Refugee and IDPs camp.

Over our years of operation, we are proud to have build a strong donor network including Johnson & Johnson, UNHRD, International Health Partners (IHP) UK, Humanity First and more.

We work collaboratively with donation, logistics, distribution and institutional partners, including multi national corporations, government agencies, NGOs and advisory groups. Our partnership drives our strong commitment to accountability and transparency in all aspects of our work. We are held to the highest possible standards by our multi-stakeholder network who are invested in seeing their donated time and efforts deliver veritable solutions.

Our model is based on trust, and we understand that to maintain this we must remain accountable, transparent, and honest in collaboration with our partners.

Our model adapts quickly to change through our multiple channels of donation, delivery and distribution.

We ensure a rapid response through our short chain of command and wide network of donation and logistics partners. Our network translates easily into a wider context for distribution through continued partnership building with local grassroots organizations. Adding us to your Network will improve your visibility both internationally and in Sweden .

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to be a generative power in alleviating suffering, nurturing long-lasting development, and bringing hope to those we serve, regardless of their age, gender, religion, ethnicity, or nationality.

Our vision is to restored dignity and harmony in the lives of those experiencing humanitarian crisis, displacement, and poverty.

Main Projects / Activities

Health : We run projects to address community health needs on the ground in camps across Northern Iraq.

Skills building: Under this initiative, we have worked with a special focus on women and young girls.

Essential Aid: We mobilize hundreds of loads of humanitarian, hygiene, and medical aid products to the communities we serve across the world.

Sustainable livelihood: We mainly focusing on social and environmentally sustainable projects empowering the communities that we serve.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Mariwan Baker
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr Mariwan Baker

Broderskapsrörelsen - Christian Social Democrats in Sweden

National Network

Sveavägen 68, 107 25 Stockholm

+46-8-545 553 30
Telephone (other)
+46-8-545 553 31
+46-8-20 42 57
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Christian Social Democrats is a branch of the social democratic party in Sweden. We are members in the International League of Religious Socialists, which is observer at the Socialist International. We are five employed people in Stockholm, just over 3000 members in Sweden and we have 120 local branches.
Mission and Objectives

1. We, the Christian Left, are radical believers with a passion for peace, solidarity and justice. We are a progressive force for an open and democratic society; we are a bit redder, a bit green- er.
2. We strive for a world free from superiority and subordination, without class difference, without ethnic or religious chasms, without inequality because of sex or sexual orientation, where everyone is needed and everyone has a place, where everyone has the same rights and value to society. We want a world built on solidarity. We want to carry each other's burdens, but also share each other's joy and success.
3. We believe that whatever a human has gone through, whatever she is guilty of, that after she has taken responsibility for it she has the right to redemption and ever new chances.

Main Projects / Activities

Over the last 40 years we have been working politically to support International Law and its applicability in relation to the conflict over land in Palestine/Israel. We are convinced that a crucial step to a just peace in the Middle East entail an Israeli withdrawal from occupied land. We are working actively to stop Swedish Arms trade. We have been cooperating with Civitas in Gaza since 2007 in order to support civil society in Gaza. We have cooperated with a women's organization in East Congo DR, and currently we are cooperating with a Swedish folk high school which is supporting adult learning in South Africa. We are very active in the International League of Religious Socialists. which strives to unite social democratic organizations from various religious backgrounds. To find ways of cooperation across cultural and religious borders is key to a global future in peace and security.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lars G Linder, General Secretary
Head of the organisation
Peter Weiderud, Chairperson
Contact (2) Full Name
Ulf Carmesund, International secretary