
Rete Italiana per il Dialogo Euromediterraneo (R.I.D.E – A.P.S.)

National Network

26, Ficulnea street
00137 Rome RM

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Established in Rome in June 2017, and registered at the National Revenue Agency in August 2017, the Italian Network for the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue (RIDE-APS), promotes dialogue among Euro-Mediterranean collective identities, enhancing their direct communication, deep understanding, and mutual respect.

Mission and Objectives

Since its appointment by the Italian Foreign Ministry, in cooperation with the Municipality of Bologna, as the Head of the Anna Lindh Network, the RIDE-APS has been working to foster the value of the Euro-Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern national, religious, cultural and social collective identities, encouraging closer interaction and respect for fundamental human rights and equality between genders, while highlighting shared interests.

Main Projects / Activities

In particular, the RIDE-APS encourages multidisciplinary research ("Think Tank of the think tanks") and operative cooperation in three main fields: 1. Religious identities, especially the inclusion of immigrant diasporas; 2. Relationship between identity and environment in the Mediterranean area, including renewable energy and water; 3. Identitary cuisine and food security, with special attention to the relationship between nutrition and wellness, and organic agriculture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Enrico Molinaro
Head of the organisation
Enrico Molinaro

RETLIS - Rinascita Etica e Trasformazione dei Legami Individuali e Sociali

National Network

Viale di Valle Aurelia, 92

06 ..............
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Antonio Grassi
Head of the organisation
Antonio Grassi

Ricerca e Cooperazione

National Network

via Savona 13/A - 00182 Rome, Italy

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
RC has its headquarters in Rome, where the staff is composed by 3 permanent employees and about 20 consultants. RC is also legally established in Ghana, Bolivia and Lebanon and currently works also in Egypt and Turkey. RC implements development projects, lasting from 1 to 3 years. As stated in the latest 2010 financial annual report, RC registered incomes for 4.861.297,30 euro, and managed projects for a total amount of 4.704.707,11 euro. RC has been recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986 and implements projects also co-funded by the European Commission, as well as UN agencies and Italian Regions. RC is a founding member of the COCIS (Coordination of NGOs for the International Cooperation to Development) and of the AOI (Association of Italian NGOs); it is member of the AITR (Italian Association for Responsible Tourism) and is included in several networks in the Southern hemisphere.
Mission and Objectives

RC is an Italian NGO engaged in the field of international cooperation in the Southern Countries. It is also committed in actions of public awareness and education for development in Europe. RC is independent, secularly inspired, and based on values of solidarity and human dignity. It promotes and implements development programmes.. RC slogan is More diversities, less differences.
The mission and main objectives are:
a) the safeguard and the appreciation of diversity at risk of disappearing (biodiversity of indigenous cultures and cultural heritages);
b) the promotion of fundamental human rights (food, instruction, health, work, good governance, freedom of movement and expression);
c) the increase of civil societies’ awareness about the disparities between the North and the South of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

RC’s policies, reflected in the adopted methodology, are the following: active participation of local stakeholders from programming to final project implementation; bottom-up decision making processes; capacity building; women empowerment; focus on sustainability; responsibility and transparency in managing funds.
The main sectors of intervention are:
- social promotion and strengthening of local organizations (capacity development);
- social activities in favour of vulnerable groups (street children, orphans, Palestinian and Iraqis refugees, victims of conflict);
- sexual and reproductive health;
- integration of young women and men in the labour market;
- migrations;
- youth social inclusion;
- rural development,
- natural resources management and protection of environment;
- urban waste management;
- HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment;
- income generating activities and vocational training;
- enhancement of fishery sector;
- micro credit scheme implementation;
- cultural heritage rehabilitation and enhancement.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Italy, RC works in Lazio, Umbria, Apulia, Sardinia Regions, and collaborates with local NGOs in Sicilia, Campania, Tuscany, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte, Liguria and Lombardia Regions.
In the framework of its awareness raising activities, RC can spread among civil society and local authorities the values and mission of the ALF Network, can include concrete ALF’s actions in local programmes and promote the participation of all sort of actors in the identification of needs and constraints to be tackled, updated and coherent to the current situation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we share the same values and objectives of human, social and cultural dialogue among Mediterranean communities.
RC has worked in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine, Spain and France with several governmental and non-governmental partners, touching a wide range of beneficiaries.
Joining the Network, we expect to share the stakeholders and the collected best practices with the members, in order to capitalize on the results and to improve the effectiveness of our interventions and of others’ interventions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arturo Parolini
Head of the organisation
Arturo Parolini (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Emira Sghaier

Risorse Cooperativa

National Network

Via Mugnoz 5/A - 62100 Macerata (MC)

+39 0733280035
+39 0733280035
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Risorse Cooperativa is an Italian company based in Macerata, Marche Region, working in the field of social and environmental sustainability both for Public and Private Organizations.
Mission and Objectives

Improving living conditions of the inhabitants of Marche Region.

Main Projects / Activities

- Environmental Education
- Horticulture Courses
- Workshops
- Events
- Environmental Sensibilization
- Fund Raising
- Sustainable Tourism
- Sustainable Mobility
- Green Areas Requalification
- Eco-Building
- Environmental Consulting
- Energy Management
- Children Didactics
- Summer Camps
- Workshops
- Social Sensibilization
- Fund Raising
- Children Entertainment
- Childcare
- Disadvantage Support
- Wellness
- Self-Health/Empowerment
- Human Ecology

Contact (1) Full Name
Massimo Riccetti
Head of the organisation
Massimo Riccetti
Contact (2) Full Name
Simone Vecchioni


National Network

Via Flaminia, 872
00191 - ROMA

+39 0683199288
+39 0683199428
Mobile Phone
+39 3358222374
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
Risorse is the in house company of the Municipality of Roma (97%), with the participation of the Province of Rome (3%), for planning, development and international co-operation. Risorse has approx. 200 employees and a department devoted to international co-operation projects and activities. Its budget is around 29 million euros. Risorse’s modalities of action consists mainly in preparing and implementing concrete projects, but also exchanges and seminars are part of its activities. Main partners are Municipalities
Mission and Objectives

Its mission is to promote and support sustainable urban development. Its objectives are to implement strategic urban planning and environmental urban management systems

Main Projects / Activities

At local level (Rome), Risorse is responsible for the main rehabilitation programmes and new urban settlements of the Municipality. At international level main projects are under EU Programmes, such Med’Act, Interreg Medoc, URBAL,ASIA-URBS and Equal

Contact (1) Full Name
Franco La Torre
Head of the organisation

roberto lora Consulting

National Network

Via Pietro ferrero 10
12051 alba

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
General Information
Progresso Loberdade e Desenvilvimento, Local Not Gov Organization, Mozambique
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
roberto lora
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Roberto Lora

Rondine Citadel for Peace Association

National Network

Casella Postale 46 – Arezzo Centro

0039 0575 299666
0039 0575 353565
Mobile Phone
0039 393 9167588
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 393 9739624
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Rondine Cittadella della Pace is a non for profit Association whose mission is to promote peace and intercultural dialogue. The Association is lead by the President who is appointed by the Board and engages around 30 people (5 employees, 10 consultants and 15 volunteers). The yearly budget is around 500.000 euros, provided by Regional and local institutions, private companies and individual donors. The association runs an International Hall of Residence where young students from war torn areas around the world live and study together. Also, the Association organizes seminars and meetings on peace keeping and dialogue among religions.
Mission and Objectives

Rondine Cittadella della Pace’s aim is to support reconciliation between countries who are facing conflicts. The main objective is to give students coming from Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Africa and Middle East, the opportunity of taking part in the formative experience of communal life at the International Hall of Residence which forms the basis of a new culture of peace. Once their studies are completed, the young students return to their home countries as witnesses to the possibilities of dialogue and reconciliation in their professional and civil lives.

Main Projects / Activities

Together with the activities of the International Hall of Residence, Rondine Cittadella della Pace hosts the European School of Peace Studies that consist of a programme of seminars and meetings at a variety of levels:”Peace Days” for elementary and middle school children, “Study Days” for high school students and “Peace Studies Seminars” for University students, as well as for academics and professionals. Also, Rondine organizes meetings on interreligious subjects attended by representatives of various religions coming from all over the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Patrizia Donati
Head of the organisation
Franco Vaccari
Contact (2) Full Name
Giorgio Righetti

Rondine Cittadella della Pace

National Network

Loc. Rondine, 1
52100 Arezzo AR

+39 0575299666
+39 0575 1645701
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 393 973 9624
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Rondine Cittadella della Pace is a no-profit, registered Italian organization. The employed staff is 20, plus consultants for specific projects. The budget for the year 2020 was approximately € 2.000.000 (please, see attachment: Bilancio Sociale 2020). Rondine funds are obtained through the support of different Italian and international foundations, banking foundations, national and local institutions (Italian MFA and Ministry of Education), religious entities (such as the Italian Conference of Bishops), and entrepreneurs.
Rondine offers educational and training programs. Core residential programs, lasting more than one year, are covered with scholarships. The organization also promotes international campaigns, training, and conferences.
The main partners for Rondine projects are Rondine International Peace Lab (the alumni network), international and local NGOs, international organizations, universities (such as the University of Siena, the Catholic University in Milan, University of Western Ontario in Canada), and Italian schools. In 2021, Rondine was granted special consultative status with ECOSOC, United Nations.

Mission and Objectives

Rondine Cittadella della Pace is an organization committed to reducing armed conflicts around the world and spreading its own method for the creative transformation of conflicts in every context.
Its mission is to promote the creative transformation of conflict through the experiences of young people who discover the human being in their enemy.
Its objective is to contribute to a planet free from armed clashes, in which every person has the tools to manage conflicts in a creative and positive way. For more than 20 years, Rondine has hosted young people from conflict or post-conflict areas and helped them discover the human being in their enemy. Rondine counts over 220 alumni from 30 countries.

Main Projects / Activities

During the years, Rondine developed different projects for Italian schools and international youth, aimed at fostering dialogue, conflict transformation, and exchange through education. Here are some of the most relevant projects (ongoing and completed).
The project that gave rise and inspiration to Rondine is the Studentato Internazionale – World House. It hosts young people coming from countries that are the scene of armed conflicts or post-conflict and helps them to discover the human being in their enemy, through the difficult and surprising effort that comes from living together daily. The program is structured in 4 areas: academic education, conflict transformation training, civic engagement, daily life. At the end of the two years, the youth of the World House has the tools to promote action and develop projects in their own countries and to be leaders in contexts characterized by transformation, high complexity, and rooted conflicts.
The Quarto Anno Rondine is a formative and educational opportunity officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research as an experimental course in educational innovation. It is designed for students from all over Italy from high schools who want to attend their fourth year (Italian high school is divided into five years) in an international environment such as the Citadel of Peace. The Rondine Method is applied to the education of teenagers who are about to face one of the most important conflicts of their lives: searching for their identity, in the passage from childhood to adulthood. They undertake a path of development and self-awareness, to become leaders and agents of real change in their territories, as active citizens. Rondine is currently experimenting with the adaptation of the “Quarto Anno” project in Italian public schools, training teachers and tutors to locally apply the Rondine Method, and support students. The pilot project is being implemented in Arezzo, planning further development in other Italian areas in 2022.
“Mediterranean: Frontier of Peace, Education, and Reconciliation” is a 2-year higher education program offered to young professionals from different Mediterranean countries, characterized by tensions or situations of conflict, who will access a course of higher education. The study program includes three modules: design of social, cultural, and research projects; conflict transformation and the Rondine Method; leadership and strategy skills. After the first year in Rondine, professionals return to their countries of origin with adequate skills to manage socio-cultural changes, initiate cooperation interventions, plan peacebuilding and social enterprise initiatives. They implement their projects, in partnership with local civil society organizations. The project was selected to be showcased at the Paris Peace Forum (November 2021) as an innovative solution to face global challenges, especially in terms of fighting the socio-cultural consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Upon the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked Rondine Cittadella della Pace to represent Italy at the United Nations with its experience of “a tangible example offering a fresh start on the vast topic of human rights, which today represent an urgent challenge for the entire planet”. Rondine rose to this challenge by launching a three-year global campaign, Leaders for Peace. The core element of this campaign is an Appeal, a text written by Rondine’s students and alumni, in which the Member States of the United Nations are asked to take a practical step towards training young leaders for peace, equipped with the skills to positively transform conflict situations around the world. The global Leaders for Peace campaign is Rondine Cittadella della Pace’s unique commitment to contribute directly, within a few years, to affirm a new culture of human rights, by training leaders for peace and enabling citizens all over the world to transform conflicts positively, by integrating training in the Rondine Method with education on human rights.
The project “Una nuova classe dirigente per la Sponda Sud del Mediterraneo” (A new leadership for the Southern shore of the Mediterranean) is an international cooperation process undertaken by Rondine in 2012 after the events of the so-called Arab Spring. It aimed to help the new generations from the South Mediterranean to understand the current transformation processes and actively participate in the phase of historical changes their countries were going through. The project is structured in local educational programs, implemented in 2012, 2013, and 2014 at the Citadel of Peace and the Centro per la Formazione alla Solidarietà Internazionale di Trento (Centre for the Education to International Solidarity of Trento). Through the application of the Rondine Method, fifty young people from the Middle East and North Africa have been trained to become agents of change. The project finished in April 2016 in Trento with the International Symposium “Sponda Sud. Nuove prospettive per il Mediterraneo” (South Shore. New perspectives for the Mediterranean).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rondine joined the Italian ALF network (RIDE) in July 2021. Even if the organization is Italy-based, the constant exposition to different cultures and experiences - thanks to the daily work we do with international students - helps us to include different perspectives. All the initiatives are realized in close collaboration with international youth. Rondine can contribute to the Italian network by partnering for events and projects. Also, Rondine can further extend the network thanks to the former students currently active in their countries of origin in the Mediterranean area. Through the Rondine Method for the creative transformation of conflicts, the organization can offer innovative tools to spread the culture of dialogue and establish new relations capable of transforming conflicts into opportunities for positive change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network works for inclusive societies, trust-building, youth-led dialogue, and cultural exchange. Rondine Cittadella della Pace fully supports the ALF purposes and, from its side, has always been committed to reaching them. Being part of such a group of dedicated organizations for dialogue and cultural exchange in the Mediterranean area would be enriching and would offer the opportunity to constantly improve. All organizations members of the network share common values and goals, so partnering to reach them is more fruitful and effective than working individually. Rondine aims at sharing information and lessons learned from its projects to explore their replicability with new partners, stakeholders, and networks involved in peace, culture, and, at this very moment in history, Covid19 socio-cultural recovery in the Mediterranean area and beyond.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Brocchi
Job Title
International Relations Officer
Head of the organisation
Franco Vaccari, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Sassolini
Job Title (2)
Community engagement and development

Rondine Cittadella della Pace Association

National Network

Casella Postale 46 – Arezzo Centro

0039 0575 299666
0039 0575 353565
Mobile Phone
0039 393 9167588
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 393 9739624
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Rondine Cittadella della Pace is a non for profit Association whose mission is to promote peace and intercultural dialogue. The Association is lead by the President who is appointed by the Board and engages around 30 people (5 employees, 10 consultants and 15 volunteers). The yearly budget is around 500.000 euros, provided by Regional and local institutions, private companies and individual donors. The association runs an International Hall of Residence where young students from war torn areas around the world live and study together. Also, the Association organizes seminars and meetings on peace keeping and dialogue among religions.
Mission and Objectives

Rondine Cittadella della Pace’s aim is to support reconciliation between countries who are facing conflicts. The main objective is to give students coming from Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Africa and Middle East, the opportunity of taking part in the formative experience of communal life at the International Hall of Residence which forms the basis of a new culture of peace. Once their studies are completed, the young students return to their home countries as witnesses to the possibilities of dialogue and reconciliation in their professional and civil lives.

Main Projects / Activities

Together with the activities of the International Hall of Residence, Rondine Cittadella della Pace hosts the European School of Peace Studies that consist of a programme of seminars and meetings at a variety of levels:”Peace Days” for elementary and middle school children, “Study Days” for high school students and “Peace Studies Seminars” for University students, as well as for academics and professionals. Also, Rondine organizes meetings on interreligious subjects attended by representatives of various religions coming from all over the world

Contact (1) Full Name
Patrizia Donati
Head of the organisation
Franco Vaccari
Contact (2) Full Name
Giorgio Righetti

Round Table “Voci dal Silenzio”

Round Table Voci dal Silenzio

On December 7, 2023, the Archive Dalisi Rua Catalana of Naples hosted a round table entitled “Voices from the silence” for the presentation of the book “Del silenzio non si può tacere. Un viaggio nell’universo del silenzio” by Giuseppe Fabiano.

The aim of the event was to talk about this successful book with the author ad to discuss about the main topics emerging from his work.

For further information, open the link: