
Sezione Relazioni Stato-Confessioni religiose Dip. Studi sullo Stato - Università di Firenze

National Network

via delle Pandette 21
50127 Firenze


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
General Information
L'adesione è fortemente motivata dal fatto che gli studi relativi alla storia delle istituzioni religiose e alla sistematica delle relazioni tra Stato e Chiese hanno un ovvio, imprescindibile raccordo metodologico, da un lato, con gli studi storico-politici e storico-istituzionali, dall'altro con quelli giuridico-istituzionali e giuridico-internazionali. Rientrano infatti tra gli interessi principali di questa sezione: lo studio storico e sistematico della dinamica istituzionale della Chiesa cattolica e delle altre confessioni religiose; lo studio dell'attività amministrativa e giurisdizionale delle organizzazioni confessionali; lo studio della politica e della legislazione "ecclesiastica" dello Stato; lo studio del ruolo delle Chiese nelle relazioni internazionali e nel sistema giuridico dell'Unione Europea; quello, infine, delle manifestazioni politicamente e giuridicamente rilevanti del fenomeno religioso e delle attività connesse. Il responsabile di questa sezione è il Professor Margiotta Broglio, che lavora in colaborazione con i seguenti ricercatori: Giancarlo Mori e Giovanna Senin Artina.
Mission and Objectives

Ricerca interdisciplinare sulle istituzioni religiose e lo status delle religioni negli ordinamenti giuridici contemporanei.
Si occupa in particolare anche della protezione dei beni culturali di interesse religioso.

Main Projects / Activities

Pubblica due collane: una "Religioni e società" con la casa editrice "Il Mulino" di Bologna; ed una "Reprint" presso l'Università di Firenze.
Fa parte della Rete internazionale "IMISCOE" di ricerche sull'immigrazione ed è membro di FIERI (Torino).

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Prof. Francesco Margiotta Broglio


National Network


0039 0957335082
Telephone (other)
0039 095433169
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 333 3364857
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 347 9088116
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. SSRG onlus is a no-profit organization. It is organized as a standard association with regards to Italian laws. Structure: company council: 1 president, 1 vice-president, 1 administrator more 11 single associated, Each member has equal rights (as the definition of ONLUS -Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale - requires for Italian law). SSRG is affiliated to FKL (Forum Klanglandschaft ) and WFAE (World Forum for Acoustic Ecology). 2. 10000 euro 3. educational funds, artistic projects, scientific commission. 4. Seminars, symposium, artistic projects, research projects, multimedia production 5. pulic schools and universities, FKL (Forum Klanglandschaft) and WFAE (World Forum for Acoustic Ecology).
Mission and Objectives

The SSRG‚ Sicilian Soundscape Research Group -onlus is a no profit organization that gathers together people in Sicily who are interested in listening to, studying, and responsibly managing the acoustic environment in which we live. The group is currently composed of professionals and non-professionals working in various fields in science and art, brought together by a common interest in promoting the culture and practice of listening, with a particular interest in environmental sound.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Agorafonia: a socio-acoustic survey on three historical Catanese squares. 2005-2006
2) Seminars, symposium, and workshop in schools and universities, (2004-2007)
3) artistic action like performance in urban and natural environment (2005-2007)
4) researches dealing with writing and production of the Acoustic Guide of Palermo and Catania

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network
Address Imbriani 119/b
76125 Trani BT

0039 3476214370
Telephone (other)
0039 0883589089
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3487508703
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Legambiente Trani is a non-profit ASSOCIATION working to improve the promotion of sustainable development at local, regional and international level and it has engaged in guarantying the respect of human rights against any form of prejudice and social exclusion. Using art (theatre dance human library..) as a tool in projects of dialogue between cultures and sustainable development with partners in the Balkans and the Middle East. It is structured on a voluntary basis and it benefits from the constant collaboration of 40 voluntary members and trainers, besides the numerous activities of young people, students and citizens actively engaged with Legambiente projects. Permanent partner of Trani municipality and local schools and universities and of migrant reception centres and the health care service. Year Budget around €. 35.000 from Europen Project -Erasmus ESC program-Municipality _local Foundation. Concrete projects, from training, exchanges, seminars, study visit,scholarships, peacekeping, rolepay,wokcamp, refuge camp activity (as in the linked “portfolio”).

Mission and Objectives

Linked with the net of National Legambiente a pacifist and independent movement supported by more than 115,000 members, donors and by projects and businesses that are in line with the organization’s principles. LegambienteTRANI is full engaged in training and community involvement activities on sustainable development and climate change and the diffusion of alternative energies and the reuse of resources. Legambiente Trani’ projects implement cultural activity, for safeguard of nature and dialogue and the co-operation between individuals and people without limits o borders. And it collaborates with other associations to develop cultural dynamics involvement local culture with diffusion of environmental pacifist and social culture against any exclusion.thinkung globaly and acting localy to engage communities, stakeholders and people and enable them be the leading actors of change

Main Projects / Activities

Is currently active in good practice dissemination campaignsi. Is engaged in an activity, with European funds, for the promotion of Green Jobs. Climate change and educational campaigns for the reduction of waste and pollution in Lebanon, Tunisia and Albania.Legambiente Trani gives advices and provides help to private citizens and institutions also thanks to the strict and daily interaction with schools and local institutions by non formal activity ad Forum Theatre. So Legambiente Trani, with its voluntary members, identifies as its target urban and rural environments, all the citizens, migrants, prisoners and schools (from primary schools to high schools) with which it has been collaborating. Now Legambiente Trani, besides the habitual yearly campaigns, is involved refuges and ucrainian in monitoring waste dumps and in protection of an humid area situated at the north of urban perimeter. It is also involved in monitoring the coastal and rural pollution, in the safeguard of artistic and cultural heritage, also through public events. Other activities carried out by Legambiente are concerning with door to door activities, waste sorting, sustainable mobility, activities of sensitization in schools, in which students are actively involved, such as protection and cleanliness of the territory with the help of prisoners( even migrants) of local penitentiaries. Organize together with local municipalities and associations the festival of peoples in the squares involving the resident communities (Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, Christian)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Actively interacting for the promotion of dialogue between cultures, fostering the visibility and action of the Euro-Mediterranean Involving in Partnership the municipality of Trani and working in the Region of Apulia for twinning projects in middle east and promoting schools activity and seminars for peace and dialogue also activating eco-pacifist events and artistic festivals. Also provide expertise as European environmental law experts, environmental educators, environmental tutors, intercultural workers, migrant educators. Competences in international environmental law and national and international environmental education activities and campaigns

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having already taken part in activities such as “ALF 1001 actions for dialogue” and having carried out activities in Palestine Lebanon Syria Israel, Tunisia Kosovo Albania and Bosnia we need a peace network to channel energies and especially the enthusiasm and artistic expression of our young volunteers to collaborate in a bigger network to alternative narratives to fight extremist and promote more inclusive and empathetic societies build a culture based on dialogue and cultural exchange

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
lawyer ( international low)
Head of the organisation
Claudio di Cugno
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Sinistra 2000 - Laboratorio di politica e cultura

National Network

corso Umberto I°, 153
81033 Casal di Principe

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The association Sinistra2000 was born in April  2000 with the aim of creating a permanent laboratory of politics and culture, a place when civil education social and political life is the ultimate goal of every initiative undertaken. The association proposes "active citizenship" as promoting tool that starting from keywords as solidarity, equality, environmental development, law and democracy, playing an active role in the building of a new social responsibility in Casal di Principe and in the Province of Caserta.Building  a new social responsibility trough promoting and participating of active citizenship following keywords as solidarity, equality, environmental development and  legality and democracy.
Mission and Objectives

Building  a new social responsibility trough promoting and participating of active citizenship following keywords as solidarity, equality, environmental development and  legality and democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association Sinistra2000 was characterized by strong engagement in social and civil field;  in 2001 organized a conference about the problems of the Third World with the participation of Silvestro Montanaro, nationally acclaimed documentary filmmaker.  Since 2006 the association has been publishing a magazine , "Zoom in",  on social, cultural and civil issues . It participated in many events to fight the criminal organization and education to legality as the annual initiatives to remember Don  Peppe Diana (He was killed by the Camorra in Casal di Principe-Italy in  1994). The association has carried out the "Giovani in Cammino nelle Terre di Don Diana", financed with social funds from the democracy  social of 2008. This project was aimed to creating laboratories and gatherings for young,  functional to their human, civil and cultural growth. In 2011 the association developed a training course on social photography "La Forza dell’Immagine". It is also involved in projects funded by the “Fondazione con il Sud” as part of the support programs to volunteer networks.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we may contribute to the network  carrying on with the association's activities and pursuing our mission. We would like to give our contribution at National level. We bring our best practices and experiences and how we facing them in all of national area.  It is important transform our local experience in national experience to share and relate with the others, growing and improving, and to program common actions with other organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we join the network because  in this way we have the possibility to facilitate  the development and implementation of common actions among members of the Network. Being part of an international network as ALF, would enhance our daily efforts, be part of a great group that shares our dreams. It is important  that we relate with the others, bringing our experience, searching points of contact and difference, trying to reproduce it in other contexts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Renato Franco Natale
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Renato Franco Natale


National Network

Via Nino Martoglio , 5
Via Santangelo, 8
96010 Melilli

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The aim of the Cooperative is to pursue the general interest of the community in the promotion of human beings and the social integration of the citizens by carrying out the activities referred to in art.5 of this Statute, aimed at the management of priority social and health services Non-exclusive, responsive to the needs of people with disabilities and with delays in learning and the employment of disadvantaged persons within the meaning of the first paragraph of Section 1 of Section 1 a) of Law 8 November 1991 n.381. Our cooperative has two structure, a private clinic for Mentally disabled called "VILLA AURORA" and a Community for foreign minors called "MATER DEI". The budgetary resources for year is about 800.000,00 Euro.
Mission and Objectives

1. the management of second-level reception facilities for MSNA also in the SPRAR, housing community for minors and unaccompanied minors (MSNA), welcome, protection and integration projects for migrants, applicants for international protection And asylum, refugees, holders of residence permits for subsidiary or humanitarian protection, providing, where necessary, counseling for the execution of documents aimed at obtaining documents, certificates, residence permits and so on;
2. the management of integrated territorial services for assistance, accompaniment, social and cultural animation for children, young people, adolescents, immigrants, the elderly and people in need, including - in compliance with the current rules In the various institutions - those living in structures such as: housing community, second level reception facilities for unaccompanied minors - MSNA, prisons, mental hygiene centers, assisted residences, orphanage centers or away from families and centers of Reception for immigrants (eg SPRAR, CPSA, CPA, Housing community for MSNA);
3. management of therapeutic communities for the human and civilian cure and emancipation of the disadvantaged persons belonging to the following categories:
• Addicts and former drug addicts also with chronic illnesses.
• Minors and underage persons undergoing alternative measures of detention of the competent judicial authority.
• Generally marginalized and initiated programs for the care and re-socialization of territorial social services.
• People with difficulties in emancipating from their family of origin.
4. the management of all the services provided for by the regional law n.22 / 1986 and s.m.i., laying down rules on the reorganization of social services in Sicily;
5. the organization of initiatives and services aimed at the defense of the family and the protection of human life since its conception

Main Projects / Activities

Private clinic
Community for foreign minors (immigration policies)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the debate on the European cultural cultural integration

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network is an opportunity to create international partnerships, to share opportunity and ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Avv. Daniel AMATO
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Avv. Daniel AMATO
Contact (2) Full Name
Dott.ssa Valentina BLANDINI
Job Title (2)
Social Worker

Societa Italiana della Musica e del Teatro

National Network

Via Mulini sn
66010 Pretoro Ch
sede legale
Via Paradiso 13
66100 Chieti


+39 0871 898020
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Italian Society of Music and the Theatre,organize:Orchestra Sinfonica della Provincia di Chieti, MajellArte XIXedition. opera season and festival summer concert season and I Fiati Italiani with the attempt to re-unite some between better coming from Italian musicians from important institutions which: Filarmonica del Teatro alla Scala Milano,Teatro dell'Opera di Roma,Teatro S.Carlo di Napoli, Teatro Petruzzelli di Bari, Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese,Orchestra RAI Roma,O.R.T., Orchestra Sinfonica di Pescara, Orchestra Internazionale d'Italia, Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI, therefore life to a society has been given that in little years of activity has assumed a prominent role in the Italian and European musical panorama. Invited from the best Italian and international musical institutions :Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, RAI Roma, A.g.i.m.u.s., T.S.A., St. Martin in the Fields, Blakheat, St. James in Piccadilly, Ottawa University, Melba Hall, Royal College of the Arts, Settimane Musicali, Capri Summer Festival, Salieri International Music Festival, they have held concerts in the greater Italian cities Alessandria, Brescia, Bergamo, Bari, Monza, Milano, L'Aquila, Cagliari, Roma, Bologna, Sassari, Palermo, Napoli,Firenze, Genova) and in all the world (Quito, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit, Miami, Londra, Parigi, Tunis, Oslo), They collaborate stablily with musicians of recognized reputation and value: P.Badura Skoda, A. Pay, M. Larrieu, I Solisti del Teatro alla Scala. I Fiati Italiani have recorded for record houses IKTIUS of Milan and MONDO MUSIC VERLAGS of Monaco di Baviera, editions Dummy, AULIA Label. They have between the other recorded various television programs and wireless for RAI, Radio 3, TV Italy, Canada NTV. THE PRESS From the 2000 they have begun one profitable artistic collaboration with the Solisti of the Scala Milan"insieme affascinante......con spunti virtuosistici"(il Centro 29.02.96)."Thank you for giving an excellent concert"(A.G.C. Londra 04.05.93)."succeso strepitoso de i Fiati Italiani"(l'Eco di Bergamo 04.08.95)."strabiliante successo in Canada de i Fiati Italiani" (la Voce 10.11.95)."la bacchetta di Antony Pay per I fiati Italiani........ l'ottetto si è confermato gruppo composto da i migliori musicisti italiani"(il Tempo18.04.96)."L'ottetto in dom ci ha rivelato una dote ancora sconosciuta del gruppo teatino.La perfezione.Raramente ci è capitato di ascoltare un gruppo di fiati così ben equilibrato,con una intonazione così precisa, che si ascolta solo nei dischi e nemmeno in tutti............hanno mostrato doti musicali fuori dal comune."(Musica e Scuola AnnoX n°12),..."Il loro programma...ha incantato...sempre affiatati al massimo, sempre puntuali nell'interpretazione (Il Cittadino di Monza 20 marzo 97). "Mi consenta di fare i più sinceri complimenti al gruppo de I Fiati Italiani-solisti teatini per il loro altissimo livello di preparazione...mi auguro di poter ancora suonare con loro....(Maxence Larrieu Musica e Scuola Anno XI n° 15." un eccellente gruppo di musicisti di talento" la Hora 5.5.2001 Quito
Mission and Objectives

Music Concert Season
Opera Season
MajellArte XIX edition
International music exchange

Main Projects / Activities

International concert season
metiterranean symphony orchestra
Mediterranean opera season

Contact (1) Full Name
antonello pellegrini president

Solèart Management

National Network

Via Tracia 2
00183 Roma

0039 3465858903
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
SOLÈART Management: Founder&Executive Director ALEXANDRA SOLEA, Project manager FRANCESCO MORETTI. The projects promoted by Soléart Management aspire to establish themselves in the national and international cultural level through concrete actions, in order to encourage the  international cultural environment to give greater importance to the cultural dimension, to encourage the communication of music and provide to the society the richness of musical thought and the creativity of young people. The main partners involved in the organization's projects are, so far: Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romanian Embassy in Italy, Embassy of Kazakhstan in Italy, Santa Cecilia” Music Conservatory in Rome, Luna Rossa Productions London, Polish Cultural Institute in Rome, Teatro dell’Opera “La Fenice” in Venice, Accademia Nazionale di “Santa Cecilia”, Accademia Filarmonica Romana, Accademia di Romania a Roma,  “George Enescu” International Festival and Competition ecc.
Mission and Objectives

Solèart wishes to promote knowledge of musical cultures and educational models belonging to different national identities and traditions; music teaches us that any element evaluated independently enjoys much of a certain meaning but, in essence, is meaningless. The sense is acquired through further structural interconnections and relationships, as well as in life coexist dialectic and emotions, passion and dedication that must, however, draw, with boldness and wisdom, a meaning that is Harmony. The idea of a common origin of all the arts and sciences thus lies in the love of wisdom as the sole basis.
Through its concrete activities and projects, developed in the national and international cultural environment, Soléart desires to encourage the international organisations to give greater importance to the cultural dimension, to encourage the communication of music and provide to the society the richness of musical thought and the creativity of young people.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects developed by Solèart aim to  promote the young musicians through various artistic projects at national and international level, to intensify the artistic exchanges between different countries and institutions of culture, to organize and promote the values of art through seminars, workshops and master classes in partnership with local and international public and private structures.
The recent activities of Solèart Management include several cultural events (master classes,concerts, seminars) in collaboration with: Ravello Festival, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romanian Embassy in Italy, “Santa Cecilia” Music Conservatory in Rome, Luna Rossa Productions Ltd, Polish Cultural Institute in Rome, Teatro dell’Opera “La Fenice” in Venice, Accademia Nazionale di “Santa Cecilia”, Accademia Filarmonica Romana, Accademia di Romania a Roma, Embassy of Kazakhstan in Italy, “George Enescu” International Festival and Competition ecc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Solèart would like to support the foundation of an extraordinary network of cultural excellence, bringing together national and international cultural organisations, involving young musicians and famous artists from many countries around the world, in order to to create dialogue and cooperation between musical institutions, universities, international foundations, because erudite to creativity allows to elevate feelings and imagination towards new heights.
Because "Music is the universal language that unites all people and traditions", Solèart would like to involve in its activities a network of extraordinary young artists and intellectuals, in order to underline the importance of the education and culture in an multiethnic environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The subject of the action of Soléart Management takes place in the national and international artistic environment thus aiming to creat a great synergy between culture, young people and society, between various cultural and social realities of today: public and private musical institutions and between exceptional artists and intellectuals from all around the world. Solèart Management would like to join the ALF Network in order to be able to make partnerships with some organizations that have the same mission and objectives.  We would like to conclude official partnerships with the most prestigious institutions and the principal organisations in the world of music education and international cooperation, in order to encourage the international organisations to give greater importance to the cultural dimension, to encourage the communication of music and to provide to the society the richness of musical thought and the creativity of young people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexandra Solea
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Alexandra Solea

Soleterre - Strategie di Pace ONLUS

National Network

Via Eugenio Montale, 19/21
20090 Opera (Milan)


0039 0257609307
0039 0223951365
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Soleterre est une ONG reconnue par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Italien ; enregistrée auprès du Ministère des Politiques Sociales (migration et développement) et de l’UNAR-Office National pour la lutte contre les discriminations. Elle est membre depuis 2010 de l’UICC-Union Internationale Contre le Cancer dans le cadre du Programme International de Cancérologie Infantile exécuté en Cote d’Ivoire , Italie, Inde, Maroc et Ukraine. Son siège, basé à Milan, abrite un Centre de Services aux citoyens et associations de migrants. Les bureaux à l’étranger sont situés en: Cote d’Ivoire, El Salvador, Guatemala, Maroc, RDC, Ukraine. Pour l’année en cours le budget annuel est de 4.510.000 € et l’Association se compose de 7 membres du Comité de Direction, de 14 employés à temps plein, 24 collaborateurs et 70 bénévoles en Italie. Soleterre dispose de subventions octroyées par les Institutions Publiques (UE, Nations Unies, autorités locales italiennes, etc..), Fondations, privés et entreprises.
Mission and Objectives

Soleterre est une organisation humanitaire sans but lucratif créée en 2002. Son travail en Italie aussi bien qu’à l’étranger est finalisé à promouvoir la justice sociale et économique tout en s’attachant aux problématiques principales causant la discrimination, l’exclusion et l’exploitation des groups défavorisés. L’association travaille dans divers secteurs d’intervention tels que: l’alimentation, la santé, l’éducation et la formation professionnelle, la promotion de l’emploi et le développement local, la prévention de la violence, la citoyenneté, l’égalité des chances et des droits dans nombre de pays en Afrique, Asie, Amérique Latine et Europe. L’action de Soleterre porte sur une approche de co-développement basé sur l’implication à la fois des communautés bénéficiaires dans les pays aussi bien que les communautés des migrants résident en Italie, et des acteurs clés institutionnels, non étatiques et privés afin de favoriser un processus inclusif de développement soutenable e durable.

Main Projects / Activities

Parmi les activités menées par l’association: le soutien aux système sanitaires dans les pays concernés ; la promotion des droits des enfants et des jeunes (lutte contre l’analphabétisme et prévention de la violence juvénile à travers la mise en place de principes de justice réparatrice) ; la promotion de l’inclusion sociale et de la participation citoyenne des groups marginalisés ; le support dans la mise en œuvre d’activités génératrices de revenus ; la promotion et défense de droits des migrants ainsi que le soutien à leur insertion socio-éconmique en Italie; la formation et renforcement des capacités de partenaires locales; l’information, communication et sensibilisation en Italie et dans le pays impliqués concernant les nombreux problématiques relatives à l’état de droit ainsi que le développement humain et social.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre association pourrait participer à la mise en œuvre de divers activités prévues par le Réseau tout en considérant sa capacité opérationnelle sur toute l’étendue du territoire italien grâce aussi à l’appui fourni par ses volontaires. Egalement, nous pourrions mettre à disposition notre savoir faire pour l’idéation d’initiatives de communication et information impliquant les jeunes ainsi que pour la diffusion des expériences sur le terrain dans le divers pays où notre association travaille.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La participation au Réseau permettrait un échange d’expériences et connaissances apte à favoriser l’enrichissement mutuel de notre association aussi bien que des autres membres du Réseau. Nous espérons que notre participation au travail commun développé au sein et par le Réseau puisse contribuer à apporter des éléments supplémentaires de réflexion et analyse sur la base de l’expertise gagnée par notre association, notamment en matière de Justice Réparatrice en tant que mécanisme alternatif de résolution de conflits.

Contact (1) Full Name
Letizia Tirone
Head of the organisation
Damiano Rizzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Capelli


National Network

27100 PAVIA

00 39 0382 24752
00 39 0382 306462
Mobile Phone
0039 348 9010243
Mobile Phone (other)
00 39 348 9010241-2-4
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We have in our Incubator the agreements with all our partners. We collaborate with them and there is no a conflict of interest. Generally we plan projects together with our local partner ,in particular with the University OF Pavia,the Schools, the Chamber of Commerce and with the Municipalities and in the projects we describe the strategy, the division of labour, the communication plan. This is the economic statement of the last project with our partners and we are the chief of project. 2.607.812,17 In the past we have planned and realized a lot of Projects. The most important was Liberamente,a Now Initiative and an Equal Project Immaginazioni. In 2005 we have planned an Interreg Medocc “Terre di mezzo”, and a e Content plus project called E-MOTIONS, in evaluation.
Mission and Objectives

The incubator is a network of contacts and relationships between entrepreneurs and between incubator users throughout Europe which provides an exhaustive data base, periodical net conferences and meetings on line, and national and translational tutor ships.
Its mission:
* to promote and create new enterprises for young people and women
* to supply accompaniment action
* to stimulate constant innovation
* to enliven the territory economically - a challenge to entrepreneurial creativity, to originality, to the creation of new productive realities
* to disseminate the development of the culture of enterprise
* to legitimate and stimulate the new actors of enterprise creation, namely the weakest categories: women, young people, workers expelled from the industrial system
* to consolidate forms of social entrepreneurship

Main Projects / Activities

The incubator acts directly by:
* transforming an idea into a successful enterprise
* verifying the feasibility of a project and evaluating the market's potential receptivity
* developing an entrepreneurial spirit
* spreading the culture of enterprise
* creating the conditions for efficient firm management
* encouraging the firms' focus on quality of service and controlling their development in that direction
• teaching to deal with norms and bureaucratic procedures
Financial: provides information on work grants for start ups, reduction of interest rates, warranties for access to funds and special loans, consultancy on regional, national and EC opportunities and special conditions, assistance in writing out requests for funds, and financial statements regarding project expenses
Structural: physical space, telephone, fax, internet, photocopies, offices, meeting rooms, class rooms

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name