
Terra del Fuoco

National Network

Corso Trapani 91 B

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Terra del Fuoco is an association for social promotion in cultural field, founded in 2001 by a group of young people springing from the students’ movement in Torino, Italy. It is an NGO operating in the field of international cooperation. The activities are organized based on four strands of intervention: – international cooperation and cooperation to development – education to active citizenship in an European context – cultural promotion and social support to migrant communities – social and cultural promotion in the Mediterranean area. Since 2005 Terra del Fuoco adheres to Libera – Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie, a second-level organization committed to the social struggle against mafias, operating on a national level. The main objectives in our work are: - To promote the social and economical development of depressed areas, above all of the new fellow member Countries of EU and the Countries within the EU area of influence, through international cooperation. We intend to promote and extend the social anti-mafia through the promotion of democratic processes, of the culture of human rights and of the social struggle against international organized crime. - To promote the cultural growth of the young European citizens and the sense of European citizenship, through international youth exchange and international educational projects. - To promote the social role of the migrant communities through projects focused on social and cultural support; to promote multicultural education, especially among the young and younger Italians; to support the overcoming of the cultural gap among the young migrants of the second generation.
Mission and Objectives

Terra del Fuoco is an NGO promoted by a movement of young people committed to support the process of European integration, sustaining an idea of Europe based upon the dignity and the rights of persons. Terra del Fuoco believes the constitution of a transnational, federal, solidal subject to be the generational objective of the latest sons of the 20th Century. Building Europe can create an example to other geographical areas, as well as a balancing structure for the whole world.
Therefore, we mainly work in the fields of international cooperation, especially with the Countries of the recent and future Europe, we develop youth programmes of education to European citizenship, and on our territories we promote the integration of migrants, particularly coming from the Countries of our cooperation projects, supporting the composition of a new social background and a new citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

TRAIN OF MEMORY. Since 2005, the Train of Memory brings Italian students to visit the former extermination camps in Poland. It is, first of all, a year-long educational path. It focuses upon four keywords, spelling its timetable also: history, intended as analysis of the World War II phenomenon, of its effects on territories and of the lowest points reached in the recent global history. Memory, intended as personalization, encounter and confrontation with the few remaining witnesses, with the entities working in order to preserve memory, and above all with the places impregnate with it. Testimony, that is the encounter with all the situations that at present show the loss of dignity and human rights, in order not to forget that the “must not to let it happen anymore” depends upon collective effort by everyone, at at last commitment, our proposal for all, in the small ambition of our everyday lives, to be able to look out and contribute not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The Train has also a local extension named MEMOBUS.
IL DADO: Since 2005 we work upon the safeguard of a Rom community in Borgaro, nearby Turin.
We assist underage youngsters in the educational field whereas adults are supported in job-hunting and all bureaucratic issues – due also to the recent membership of Romania gained in the EU. In 2008, Il Dado is born: the first experience of auto-restructuring and auto-building addressed to the Rom community in Piedmont.
Other projects are focused on both the youth education and promotion of active citizenship, and on the social promotion of migrant communities, especially of Roma communities in Italy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Sartori
Head of the organisation
Oliviero Alotto

Terre in Valigia Servizi

National Network

via De Amicis 23, 30171
Venezia Mestre

+39 041 5041573
+39 041 5056659
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Terre in Valigia is a small private cooperative company onlus established in 2003 which works in interculturals services, designing and managing concrets projects, often in partnership with local public organizations and with other private companies. The main projects are about school and training, childhood services, differents abilities, intercultural and linguistic mediation, microcredit and events.
Mission and Objectives

to design projects and work considering all the differents as a value to defend and to learn from and not as a division element

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2005: management of organizing secretariat of the Fondazione di Venezia's Social Microcredit Project
Since 2005: management of organizing secretariat of "Consulta provinciale per l'Immigrazione", Province of Venice;
2007: partner of GENERA AZIONI, a project about the 2° generation of young migrants, which LP was the Municipality of Venice Immigration Service: Terre in Valigia designed and managed a intercultural journalism laboratory for italian and migrant teenagers;
Since 2003: designing and organizing intercultural training and laboratories
Since 2003: management of Summer Children Camps of Municipality of Mestre-Carpenedo, Venezia Mestre;

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Spada,
Contact (2) Full Name
Marco Munari,

Terzo Millennio - Laboratorio di Umana Solidarietà APS/ETS

National Network

Via Dr. Lolli, 6
73020 Castri di Lecce LE

0039 08321697959
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Structure of the organization:
1. President and legal representative
2. Members’ assembly
3. Governing body
Number of staff: 20
Partners : n. 40
Budgetary resources available in a year: € 1.106.691
Public and private funds
E+, KA1, regional reception centre for refugees and asylum seekers
Trainings, seminars, youth exchanges

Mission and Objectives

Terzo Millennio strives to create, at local and global level, processes of development based on peace, democracy and the dialogue among different cultures and religions. It works to prevent every kind of racism, discrimination, xenophobia and social exclusion, promoting solidarity and cooperation.
Our vision is to build up a new world, where differences, exchanges, intercultural dialogue and solidarity are the greatest richness of humanity. We believe in a society where each person can live in dignity and respect.
Terzo Millennio acts to promote, locally as well as globally, social participation and lifelong learning as tools for human and professional development, particularly of the younger generations.

It strives to build sustainable development processes based on peace, respect for human rights, democracy and dialogue between different cultures and religions. It combats all forms of racism, discrimination, xenophobia and social exclusion, through practices of solidarity, cooperation, sustainable development, environmental protection and active citizenship.
Founding values of the association's action are:
- the constitutional precepts of peace, solidarity and anti-fascism;
- the need to rebalance the huge gaps in wealth and resources that separate the poor and rich parts of the world;
- the right of all citizens to animate processes of social, economic and cultural sustainability;
- the idea that the only sustainable and acceptable development is based on peace, respect for human rights and democracy, on the rejection of all racist, sexist or religious discrimination;
- the fundamental importance of the participation of young generations in the social and politics of communities, countries and the world

Main Projects / Activities

Terzo Millennio mainly conducts fieldwork through the methods and techniques of Non-Formal Education to empower people, both at personal and community level, to achieve a fair and just society. We believe in the strength of networking, the need for exchange and dialogue, and the personal and professional growth that comes from working with partners from different sectors: local and international NGOs, institutions, agencies, schools, universities. As an organization, we work so that everyone has the opportunity to fit into civil society in a worthy manner, following their inclinations, meeting their needs and fulfilling their desires. We believe in the bond that exists between individuals and communities and that only through the enhancement of both and the cooperation of all societal instances, locally as well as globally, is it possible to build an inclusive, just, sustainable and intercultural society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation will contribute to the development of the network at the national level by carrying out local initiatives, promoting the network's activities, proactively participating in its initiatives, and proposing joint actions to the other national network member organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the methods of intervention are shared by Terzo Millennio. Our organisation believes that networking is essential to achieve joint work against racism, xenophobia and all forms of discrimination. Belonging to the Anna Lindh Foundation's network, with which we share the same spirit and mission, would contribute to making our interventions more incisive. Moreover, confrontation with other realities would contribute to the professional growth of the members of our organisation, enriching our team with new experiences and knowledge.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Fabiola Sica
Head of the organisation
Andrea Pignataro
Contact (2) Full Name
Pierpaola Cascione

The Bras Group

National Network

via dello spasimo ,15

+39 (0)91 616 6480
Telephone (other)
+39 (0) 91 616 5712
+39 (0) 91 616 1257
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1.Stucure: Board of directors Board of events Events management Administrative office Press office Educational activities school of music Sicilian Jazz Orchestra Total stuff employed : 60 persons 2. Budget : 400.000,00 Euros 3. Sources : Regional bili 44/1985 and regional bill 05/2006 5. Partners : Sicilian Jazz Orchestra and the public Administration of Agrigento City
Mission and Objectives

In accordance with the law 05/2006 of the regional government ,paragraph II of the statute : " the Brass Group is a non profit music association its principal aim is the diffusion of the musical art and the contemporary music .
The association promotes and manage a Jazz Orchestra, specialized in Jazz music and contemporary music .
It promotes also a Music School wich guarantees the enlargement of the educational offer in the field of music in Sicily.
The Brass Group manages a study centre with a library ,a newspaper , a photo collection and record collection .

Main Projects / Activities

Summer concert season during whole summer in thr monumental comlex of Santa Maria dello Spasimo (XVIcent.)in Palermo and all over the island .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Giovanna DI Girolamo
Head of the organisation
M. Iganzio Garsia

The circle

National Network

8, via marsala, Trieste
zmin, croatia
34142 Trieste

0039 3487835461
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Our association is promoting sustainable agriculture and community based development projects. In 2011, a cross-border cooperation network of members was created in the border areas of Karst Ialy, Sloenia and Croatia. Currently, this network project CESnet- cross border eco-sustainable network is providing environmental education and permaculture learning in partnership with Gaia education, scotland in these regions. Every year a trans-border festival Terrafest is being held for the members, farmers and institutions. In 2015, Terrafest began a seed saving walk from Italy and crossed into Slovenia and arrived in Rijeka at a member's organization covering almost 170 kilometers in 10 days, stopping at a member each day and presenting workshops for local communities with experts.    
Mission and Objectives

The network has around 50 members in 3 countries and is now starting to enroll members in Austria. Most actions are based on continuing education for teachers, farmers, industry workers, university students and awareness building to reduce the carbon foot print.

Main Projects / Activities

CESnet, bioregional network between farmers, institutions, permaculture groups and associations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by making possible an active partecipation in the border areas of Italy-Slovenia-Croatia

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are pleased to say that information exchange and education are common goals with ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Piero gigante
Job Title
Head of the organisation
caputo shaily

The Co2 Crisis Opportunity Onlus

National Network

Via Quadrio, 30

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Co2 Crisis Opportunity Onlus is a non governmental organisation working on social communication. It consists of 6 founders, members of the Board, seven main consultants, several temporary advisors, four employees and thirty volunteers. The budgetary resources available for the year 2009 have been € 250.000,00. The organisation collects private funds through fundraising campaigns and public funds through public applications. The Co2 Crisis Opportunity onlus promotes international cooperation projects, non formal education workshops, media training activities and culture promotion project in Italy, Lebanon, Brasil and Cuba with the aim to build and strengthen international twinnings and cultural exchanges. The Co2 works with other non governmental organisations as Arci, Legambiente, ARCPA -Beirut, Viramundo, Amigos da Vida, El Mambì, Paulita Conception School of Art. The Co2 uses to collaborate also with the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry, the local municipalities, the Experimental Cinematography Centre, AGI Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, Regione Campania, Accademia dell'Immagine, Conservatorio Alfredo Casella l'Aquila.
Mission and Objectives

The Co2 Crisis Opportunity Onlus wants, through documentaries, films, information and press campaigns, to promote human rights in order to guarantee the full development for every human beings, to strengthen cultural and ethnic integration and to stimulate social cooperation by deepening the integration between non profit organisations and civil society movements. We want to strenghten our message for the promotion of social business through all major means of communication: tv, press and internet.

Main Projects / Activities

We have produced a documentary on the commitment of the over 30.000 italian families that every year welcome 15.000 children from Chernobyl and its surroundings affected by the nuclear crisis. Since january 2008, we are present in Lebanon. In the country, we collaborate with the italian cooperation in order to consolidate intercultural exchange. The Co2 works with brasilian NGOs in order to further its example of creativity applied to social issues: "Many eyes, one story", an audio-visual path in the heart of the most populous and cruel brasilian suburbs (favela)in Rio de Janeiro, Rocinha. The Co2 organised in L'Aquila, during the summertime, "Campi Sonori, prologo della rinascita", a rich programme of cultural events performed by local institutions and special guests in the tents of the territories rocked by the earthquake. The Co2 promotes in Naples a music workshop for 15 students of Naples suburbs involved in the production of the Lucariello's (rapper from Naples) album "Veleno Fertile". The laboratory is focus on music crafts as a concrete alternative to the illegal activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Rigon
Head of the organisation
Rachele Bonani

The gates of the Mediterranean, culture of water, dialogue and sustainable development

photo of participants pitigliano event

On 27 and 28 October 2022 Pitigliano hosted the IV International Conference "The gates of the Mediterranean. The culture of water, source of dialogue and integral and sustainable human development': the event was conceived and hosted by the Diocese of Pitigliano-Sovana-Orbetello, realised in collaboration with the University of Florence, the Municipality of Pitigliano and with the associations La piccola Gerusalemme, Prospettive mediterranee and Rete italiana per il dialogo euro-mediterraneo, the head of the Italian network of the Anna Lindh Foundation.  The two days were actively attended by Christian, Islamic, and Jewish religious representatives, EU representatives, and cultural experts, who listened and discussed with each other in a proactive atmosphere. The conference provided a valuable opportunity for reflection and dialogue on several levels: first on the situation in Jerusalem and in the Middle East in general, then the illustrious results of the MAECI archaeological mission to Ashkelon were presented, and finally, an inter-religious and cultural dialogue on water as an indispensable source of life was stimulated during a round table discussion.

For more information, please contact the Italian ALF network: