
Vedi Napoli

National Network

Vico Lungo Pontecorvo 29/A, 80135

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Vedi Napoli is a cultural association with a democratic structure.The Assembly is the most important decision-making body of the association. The board, which is composed of 4 people, is in charge of the administrative tasks. The President is the legal representative of the association elected by the Assembly, which is mainly composed of people aged between 22 and 30. The Association organises visits and thematic itineraries; conferences, debates and workshops; study seminars and lessons; exhibitions, festivals and shows; national and international cultural exchanges and all the fitting activities to reach the statutory aims. The financial means of the Association come from membership fees and contributions from the members; state, regional and local contributions and public institutional contributions; UE and international institutions contributions; revenues from agreed upon services; free donations from members and thirds; revenues from fundraising activities as events and subscriptions.
Mission and Objectives

Vedi Napoli is a non-profit organisation promoting a way of life of respect and mutual understanding among people and cultures. The association fosters raising awareness activities and inter-cultural dialogue process among locals, migrants and strangers, with a particular focus on youth; it aims at the development of a network of public and private actors, to fight xenophobia, discriminations and stereotypes throughout non-formal education activities.

Main Projects / Activities

As new association, 2013 has been the very first year of activity.
On-the-job training for members
Fonctionning of the association, local and international volunteering
Concept of 4 international cultural exchange projects for the summer 2014
Submission of a 1.2 Action project about youth mobility
JULY 2013
Participation in the 20th edition of GLOVE 2013 in Korea, organised by our partner organisation Better World and Ebay Korea.
The main objectives of the programme were to provide intercultural classes to elementary students who have had less chance for international exposure and opportunities for both Korean and International youth to meet and share
JUNE 2013
World Heritage Volunteers 2013 Patrimonito for Voluntary Action Campaign - International workcamp “Big up Bellini!”
Vedi Napoli hosted 7 volunteers from abroad and involved them in raising-awareness activities about Heritage throughout non-formal education's tools for the promotion of the Historic Centre of Naples.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabiola Sica
Head of the organisation
Fabiola Sica
Contact (2) Full Name
Marien Beaugrand


National Network

via San Giovanni, n. 49
28040 Arona NO

+39 0322 836449
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We have been active in the Novara and national territory for more than 25 years, developing projects and services based on the method of social and cultural animation. Every year we produce more than 50 interventions and projects in the social and cultural field. Our action is in favor of people and communities, with the aim of making them protagonists of positive transformations in their life and in that of their territory.The transformations generated by Vedogiovane always start from the search for innovative, effective, sustainable and long-lasting solutions. Vedogiovane sees his being at the service of citizens as putting first the ability to identify needs, the effort to satisfy requests, the constant attempt to put the person at the center, at the same time endowing himself with the ability to read the need, not only through scientific investigation, but also through the involvement of the recipients.
Vedogiovane has at the moment 86 empolyees and more than 20 experts that are supporting the different activities. Vedogiovane is having different sources of income: projects based founded by local and national foundations; Erasmus + Programme; services providing for local municipalities.
Activities can be grouped up into two branches: 1- Youth policies – This branch not only runs youth information centres, it also develops new projects and reflections about the youth needs and the kind of answers given them by governmental and non-governmental institutions, schools and adults in general. The youth policies branch tries to identify new strategies to answer these needs and offers these strategies to the institutions. Vedogiovane manage centres for disadvantaged youngsters, activites and workshops before and after school time, leisure time activities. The area is mainly aimed at developing the local community, it offers a new vision of young people and their needs. 2. Intercultural sector: the Intercultural sector implements international youth exchanges, ESC seminars and training courses. The mission of the intercultural sector is to equip the youth of today to be leaders of tomorrow, by instilling in them a sense of civic responsibility, encouraging them to excel in education and entrepreneurship, and exposing them to diverse cultures throughout Europe. In this frame we work to give motivation to young people to participate in EU projects. We also manage a local Eurodeks centre with the mission to raise awareness among young people on learning mobility opportunities and to encourage them to become active citizens. We cooperate with a wide number of public institutions, with special regard to the Verbano Cusio Ossola Province and a committee of municipalities departments for youth policies as well as with youth councils.

Mission and Objectives

The social cooperative "VEDOGIOVANE" was founded in 1998 with the aim of promoting animation initiatives in the area. For us, as a cooperative, it means active participation by everyone and shared responsibility. In this regard, we aim to pursue, continuously and without profit motives, the general interest of the community, human promotion, and social integration of citizens through the management of socio-educational services. Animation for VEDOGIOVANE means youth, families, schools, projects, trips, experiences, continuous stories, and thoughts.

Main Projects / Activities

Vedogiovane, in Borgomanero, manages the Educational Center for Minors (CEM) in agreement with the Inter-municipal Consortium for Social Welfare Services. The CEM is aimed at families who are encountering particular educational difficulties towards their minor children, experiencing a situation of strong discomfort: these families, due to their weakness, need to be supported in the difficult task of maintaining a positive educational relationship with their children.

Vedogiovane has an international depertment that is running and managing international cooperation projects and intercultural activities for the youth with fewer opportunities at local level and open up them experiences for going abroad.
We manage a youth hostel in Elba Island that is also a youth and cultural center where is hosting several project linked to cultural activities as as residencies for artist at national and international level. Youth Center is hosting international meetings; youth exchanges; training courses.
Vedogiovane is running an Eurodesk point for providing information about European projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can support diffussion of the information and initiative provided by the network and we can also support the implementation of further activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Participating in the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) could provide several benefits for our organization involved in South Mediterranean cooperation and youth-led projects. ALF offers a platform for networking with other organizations, institutions, and individuals working in similar fields across the Euro-Mediterranean region. This networking can lead to potential collaborations, exchange of ideas, and sharing of best practices. At the same time, being part of ALF can increase the visibility and recognition of our organization at both regional and international levels. This recognition can help attract partners, donors, and participants for our projects, as well as enhance our credibility within the field.ALF organizes various events, workshops, and seminars focused on topics related to intercultural dialogue, youth empowerment, and social inclusion. Participating in these activities can provide valuable learning opportunities and contribute to the capacity building of our staff and volunteers. ALF engages in advocacy efforts to promote dialogue, cooperation, and understanding across the Euro-Mediterranean region. By participating in ALF, our organization can contribute to these advocacy efforts and potentially influence policies and decision-making processes at local, national, and regional levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Federica Demicheli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michelangelo Belletti

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via Roma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
- The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural background and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via Roma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
General Information

VeroLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesks for foreing citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awarness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permament staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Privste Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreing origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutal understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a viedomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedial narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
- The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural background and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communites in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychlogical expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Contact (2) Full Name
Jacopo Braghini
Job Title (2)

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via Roma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
- The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural backgrounds and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via ROma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural background and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via Roma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural background and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via Roma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural background and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

Villaggio Europa

National Network

Via S. Sebastiano 15
00032 Carpineto Romano

+39 3403408389
Telephone (other)
+39 3286268883
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3403408389
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3286268883
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Villaggio Europa was established in the year 2000 as a non-profit youth organization involving youngsters mainly aged 15 to 35 and living in small towns (1,500 to 8,000 people) in the southern province of Rome. The association mainly relies on the volunteer work of about 80 people lead by a Board of 5 members. Sources of funding: City Council, regional funds, EU co-financed projects, fundraising events.
Mission and Objectives

Given the small size and the state of relative isolation of the mentioned target communities, Villaggio Europa aims at promoting cultural activities for the active participation of youngsters in civil society, at the same time trying to open for them the doors to the surrounding world and making them experience cultural diversity, for a renewed intercultural dialogue in the view of mutual understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities include regular workshops on a variety of topics such as art, music, social inclusion, gender equality, sustainable development etc., Euromed Youth projects, international youth seminars, exchanges and trainings for youth leaders and co-operation with a number of other local associations in the organization of local seasonal events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Vera Cerbara
Head of the organisation
Mr. Alessio Campagna
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Alessio Campagna