
Università Roma Tre

National Network

Via Manin 53, Roma
Roma 00185

0039 06 57 339 119
Telephone (other)
0039 06 339 100
0039 06 4743657
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 329 05 77 331
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 329 41 18 468
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
We have about 870 teachers and 35.726 students enrolled (2006-2007) The research area is formed of 31 Departments. Now in its sixteenth year of academic activity, the Roma Tre "project" has gradually but constantly brought into focus its particular profile; that of a dynamic and efficient seat of learning that, step by step, has become an acknowledged point of reference both in the Italian and the international university system. Its 40,000 students are the fruit of a winning strategy founded on offering a wide-range of courses and on innovation that focuses on the quality of the teaching and the introduction of the young into the working world. One of the milestones for Roma Tre, as well as a guideline for its development, was its incorporation in the surrounding area, characterised by the reclamation of old buildings and school premises, transformed into modern facilities for study and research. In a short time modern and efficient study centres were created, important scientific laboratories were improved, while investment in PhDs and researchers has been steadily increased. All the faculties have been equipped with a computer laboratory and most of the University is a wireless zone. Piazza Telematica, a computer centre with 200 multimedia work stations, designed to function as a University Internet point has been set up; linked to all the laboratories, it is an essential tool for facing the new challenges of research and distance learning. In addition to these teaching facilities our students have at their disposal efficient libraries and sports facilities. This year, as in the past, Roma Tre offers a wide choice of post-degree courses (masters, PhDs, and specialization courses), enhanced through the valid collaboration of both public and private enterprises. The Internship and Job Placement Office is entirely dedicated to orientation, thus increasing the opportunities for last-year students and graduates to gain first hand experience through periods of on-the-job training in firms and institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Scientific research, together with education, is one of the essential mission of University Roma Tre as well as the basis of teaching itself. It is the engine of critical knowledge, creativity, innovation, competitiveness, and the quality of education.
The Departments' autonomy in planning and management issues guarantees they are efficiently run.
The University has launched an integrated project for achieving a Research Register System to provide a computer tool for documenting and monitoring research activities as well as the transfer of results. The first data relative to the departments' research products and cultural initiatives can be found on the following website:http://host.uniroma3.it/uffici/ricerca/prodottiricerca.asp
The University has a growing interest in technology transfer and in the setting up of new companies - particularly spin-offs - for increasing and consolidating its relations with the production system.
It also focuses on important sectors at regional level which have always been linked to innovation such as ICT, audiovisual-multimedia technology, aerospace, microelectronics, biotechnologies, environment and territory, as well as to cultural heritage and public administration.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to obtain the First Cycle University Degree (Laurea in Italian) students must take a test at the end of the three-year course. Once they have passed it they can decide whether to enter the labour market or to continue studying.
In the second case, students can gain access to:
Second Cycle Degree Courses (LM): the final qualification (Laurea Magistrale in Italian) will be awarded to students after they present their dissertation.
The following courses go to complete the full cycle of University education:
I and II Level Masters Courses: students can access these courses after obtaining a first or second level university degree. At the end of their studies students obtain a Masters Degree.
Post-Degree Completion Courses: the duration of these courses varies from 4 to 12 months.
Specialisation Courses (DS): these courses provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills that are required to practice certain professions and are established in compliance with specific EU regulations or directives.
PhD Research Degrees (DR): students can access these courses after obtaining a second cycle degree; they are organised by Departments or PhD Schools

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Chistolini
Head of the organisation
Rettore prof. Guido Fabiani
Contact (2) Full Name
Roberto Cipriani

Université de la Vallée d'Aoste

National Network

Strada Cappuccini 2/A

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1. L’Université de la Vallée d’Aoste est composée par 5 different Facultés (Science de la Formation, Psychologie, Economie, Langues, Sciences Politiques) et par une école de specialisation pour l’enseignement sécondaire. Elle a à ce moment 51 professeurs structurés et 147 professeurs vacataires 2. Les résources budgetaires annuels sont 7.980.822,66. 3. La source de financement est principalement régionale 4. L’activité est orientée à la formation des étudiants et à la recherche ; les cours universitaires sont intégré par des projets Erasmus, FSE, bourses d’étude. 5. Partenariats avec d’autres Universités Européennes
Mission and Objectives

L’Université est, en effet, un centre de formation au service des étudiants, valdôtains ou non, qui les encouragera et les aidera à choisir leur cursus universitaire en leur fournissant un enseignement de haute qualité, qu’une communauté de recherche scientifique, de consultation et de dynamisation au service des personnes publiques et privées opérant sur le territoire, dont elle soutiendra la créativité, la compétitivité et la liaison avec la dynamique internationale (du site de l’Université de la Vallée d’Aoste)

Main Projects / Activities

Les activitées principales sont :
-la formation des étudiants à travers les differents cours de maitrise ;
-la récherche, en partnenariat avec d’autres Universités italiennes et étrangères, et des sujets publiques et privés du térritoire
Par rapport à l’éducation tout au long de la vie soutenue par l’Union Européenne, l’Université de la Vallée d’Aoste utilise aussi la formation à distance ( E-learning)

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Stefano Cacciamani
Head of the organisation
Président: on. Luciano Caveri; Recteur: prof. Pietro Passerin D'Entreves
Contact (2) Full Name
Dott. Alessandro Becco

University of Catania

National Network

Via Tomaselli 31, 95126 Catania

00+39 0957307974
Telephone (other)
00+39 0957307975
00+39 0957307964
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Public source of funding international projects
Mission and Objectives

The University of Catania was founded in 1434, when the king of Spain and Sicily, Alfonso of Aragon, and Pope Eugene IV gave their authorisation. Today the university buildings are spread throughout the city, with a contrast between the modern, hi-tech "University City" and numerous historical buildings in the old city centre. More than 70,000 students attend lessons given by over 1,600 professors, which in turn are staffed by over 1,500 administrative employees. The University of Catania worked on revisions and reorganizations of its study courses, to determine the ways and the thematic areas that could be more interesting for youngsters. The wish expressed by all the teaching staff is to guarantee the best achievement of the educational objectives of the students as soon as possible, and the complete realization of their hopes of professional and cultural education together with concrete job perspectives, stimulating growing experience in an ancient and warm town.

Main Projects / Activities

European projects (mobility/ stages,cooperation,)
workshops,summer schools (mediterranean area)
Bilateral agreement (EU,Usa,Asia,)

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott. Angela Galia
Head of the organisation
Prof. Antonino Recca
Contact (2) Full Name
Dott.ssa Violetta Pedalino

University of Calabria

National Network

Via Pietro Bucci 7/11 b
87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS)

0039 0984 496717
0039 0984 496817
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Calabria is a public institution funded in 1968 that starts its activities in Academic year 1972/73. It has six Faculties, that are Arts, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Pharmacy and Political Sciences. University research and teaching staff (full professors, associate professors and assistants) is composed of more than 750 units, while the administrative staff amounts to more than 750 units. As regard its modalities of action, its ever-present goals are academic excellence, internationalization, high contents teaching courses, integration of its students in other university realities, expansion and support to foreign student exchanges.
Mission and Objectives

The University of Calabria is a public entity aimed to scientific research, cultural training and civil progress of the society in which it works.Therefore it promotes collaborations with public and private entities, both at national and international level.Since the beginning of its activity in 1972, the University has worked hardly to develop research and didactics activities both at national and international level.It provides university high quality education, focused on students’ qualification. It devotes a great effort in enlarging its international relationships with other universities as well as with other institutions promoting mobility of researchers, students exchanges and joint research programs.

Main Projects / Activities

The University carries out many scientific research activities in the framework of the EU Programmes such as FP6, Leonardo, Socrates, Adapt, Horizon. Moreover it has many co-operations with public and private international organizations to realize joint research programs. Since academic year 2000/2001 there is the course of bachelor in Economic and Social Disciplines for development, cooperation and peace, that pays particular attention to the issues of national and international migrations and to projects of local development (Africa, Asian Sud-Est).

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott. Gianpiero Barbuto
Head of the organisation
Prof. Gino Mirocle Crisci (Rector)

University of Florence - DSSG - Petramedievale

National Network

10, via San Gallo

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information
- Department of Historical and Geographical studies of the University of Florence - 60 academics + 5 administration - around 60.000 euro - public and private - Italian archaeological mission in Petra and Shawbak (Jordan): research, restoration, site enhancement, community development, training of local professionals, tourist master plan planning, video productions - (Petra Medievale archaeological mission) Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Ministry of Research and University, ENPI - CIUDAD grant, Regional and Local governments, Dept of Antiquities of Jordan.
Mission and Objectives

analysis, study and valorisation of Crusader-Ayyubid archaeological sites in southern Jordan and Petra-Shawbak region.
community development projects for the Municipality of Shawbak.

Main Projects / Activities

Study, restoration and tourist enhancement of Shawbak Castle and of Medieval Petra.
Tourist Master Plan planning for the Municipality of Shawbak.
Equal opportunities support action in the frame of heritage-economy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michele Nucciotti
Head of the organisation
Bruno Vecchio
Contact (2) Full Name
Guido Vannini

University of Foggia

National Network

Via Antonio Gramsci 89-91

+ 39 0881 338 337
Telephone (other)
+ 39 0881 338 343
+ 39 0881 338 545
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 39 320 4394548
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349 5954925
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1- State University: about 11,000 students, 350 staff members employed, 300 professors and lectures; 2- About 85.000.000 euros 3- Running transfers, students’ fees, etc; 4- ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and ‘Erasmus’ Programmes; Tempus- Meda Projects: ‘Women, Civilization and Law Systems’; ‘Women, Labour and Training’; Asia-Link Project: ‘Comparing European and Asian Studies: Towards the Renewal of Curricula’ ‘International Curricula on Post harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops’ (EU/ USA Programme of Cooperation); International conferences on gender issues and the future of Iraqi Universities; Scholarships to 7 Iraqi female students 11 Iraqi post-graduate students in Foggia
Mission and Objectives

Principal objectives are internationalisation, didactics, research, gender issues.

Main Projects / Activities

2 Tempus-Meda projects:
University of Foggia, promoter and contractor,
Partners: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria;
1 Asia-Link project in partnership with the University of Murcia (promoter), Hunnan Normal University (China) and Pune (India);
1 Eu /Usa Project of cooperation (as promoter and contractor);
‘Leonardo da Vinci’ and ‘Erasmus’ Programmes;
International meetings on gender issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Rita Saraò (Mrs)
Head of the organisation
Prof. Antonio Muscio
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Ciavarella (Ms)

University of Naples "L'Orientale" Lifelong Learning Centre

National Network

via Chiatamone, 61-62

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
the Lifelong Learning Centre was born in 2007, through the establishment of its, the University of Naoples "L'Orientale" is the first Italian University to comply with the recomandation of the European Union and the Ministry of Higher Education which, in 2007, called upon the Universities to show serious commitment in the field of continuous learning understood as a new specific institutional mission of the Universities. Today the lifelong learning centre is a reference in Italy, and its activities are highlighted as best pratcise in the 2008 report to Italian Parliament on Continuous training set up by the ISFOL on behalf of the ministery of Labour and Employement. therefore the Lifelong Learning Centre means to be a meeting place and connection point for the planning development of Lifelong learning.
Mission and Objectives

The centre promotes continuous learning as an opportunity for the development of the person, the citizen, the territory and the University. Its Objectives are: the cultural growth, the completion of interrupted studies, the reconversion of minor university degree, the enhancement of active citizenship, the recognition of continuous learning as emerging right. the research activities are aimed at the flexibility and personalization of the courses of education, the verifiability of the obtained learning results and the certification of the competence, the participation of the University in a network as well as in national and International LLL-projects dealing with young and adult education.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects of the Centre are implemented on its own initiative or in collaboration with or at the request of local authorities as well as of the working and training world. Pinpointing the needs is central. the projects focus on: human development and international cooperation, the promotion of interculturalism, the reduction of social marginalization, the promotion of adult education, the vocational and continuous training of employees of the civil service, of workers and business managers, teachers and school manager, the testing of new learning courses and teaching methods, the recognition and certification of the competences, the creation of a virtual community of the LLL University system. The Centre equally promotes agreements and project collaboration with institutions, foundations, associations as well as national and international Universities to build Euro-Mediterranean Lifelong Learning network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luigia Melillo

University of Palermo - School of Italian as a Foreign Language

National Network

Piazza Sant'Antonino 1

0039 091 23869601
0030 091 23860663
Mobile Phone
0039 3405239154
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The School of Italian as a Foreign Language is an institution belonging to the Department of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Palermo. The main sources of funding are the registration fees for the Italian language courses and European and national funding schemes. The school is currently part of regional and European projects aiming at the social inclusion of adult migrants through linguistic education. Therefore the school is active in the field of language learning and social inclusion through the offer of Italian language courses, the organisation of seminars and conferences, the exchange of good practices with international partners working in the same field and the collaboration with local institutions and authorities. PARTNERSHIPS WITH OTHER UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH CENTRES: - University of Hanoi (Vietnam) - Sichuan International Studies University (Chonqing, China) - University of Saint Petersburg (CIEP) (Russia) - University of Rosario (Argentina) - The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia) - New Bulgarian University (Sofia, Bulgaria) - Universad Autónoma de Entre Rios (Argentina) - The National School of Culture with the Italian Lyceum (Bulgaria) - University of Malaya (Malaysia) – being initialized - Misr University of Science and Technology (MUST) (Cairo, Egypt). PARTNERSHIPS WITH LOCAL INSTITUTIONS AND AUTHORITIES: - Regional Government Office for Education (Ufficio Scolastico Regionale) - Local Government Office for Education (Assessorato all'Istruzione del Comune di Palermo) - Immigration Office of the Local Government (Ufficio Nomadi e Immigrati del Comune di Palermo) - Local Organisations and NGOs working in the field of immigration and social inclusion. Located in the heart of Palermo, the School is based in the building of Palermo University Language Centre: the historical convent of Sant’Antonino that was built in 1600 and acquired by the University in 2004. The building has now been entirely refurbished and it offers a modern and well-equipped learning environment. The School of Italian has its own rooms that are specifically equipped to provide the students with a friendly and efficient learning environment. The School has its own specialised library to provide a variety of resources: textbooks, grammar books, exercise books, CDs and DVDs for the Italian language courses on the one side, and specialised magazines and books on the research fields of second language acquisition and Italian linguistics and sociolinguistics on the other side. The School has access to the modern multimedia learning laboratories of the University Language Centre, housing sophisticated hardware and software. The laboratories deliver rich multimedia files in audio, video, text and the Internet to students in the dedicated PC suites. The laboratories enable teachers and their students to experience a rich, multimedia language-learning environment where video, sound, text and Internet sources can be integrated and manipulated on screen. Our staff is at the forefront in exploiting the potential afforded by this technology to create their own packages of materials.
Mission and Objectives

The School of Italian as a Foreign Language is an institution belonging to the Department of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Palermo.
The Department, since 1998, and the School, since 2006, promote language learning, teacher training and research in the field of Second Language Acquisition and Italian as a Second/ Foreign Language.
The School welcomes every year students and researchers from all over the world learning Italian within the special and standard courses and participating to the several research seminars hosted by the School.
The School is also very focused on social and linguistic inclusion, welcoming immigrants and offering them free language courses thanks to different founding schemes.
The School is an examination centre for CILS exams, the official certification of Italian as a Second/Foreign Language released by the University of Siena.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2005, the School offers training and education programmes both to undergraduate students who, within their university studies, work as trainees in local schools with a high number of foreign children and to Italian teachers working in the same schools.
Since 2009 the School, together with the Department, offers postgraduates courses in Italian Language Acquisition every academic year. The structure of the postgraduate courses includes frontal lectures combined with online units, using e-learning and Moodle.
From the theoretical point of view, the students enrolled into the postgraduate courses benefit from lectures on pragmatics, second language acquisition theories, sociolinguistics and linguistics, lesson and curricula planning, assessment and so forth. From the practical perspective, postgraduate students start their teaching career within the language courses of the School where they are guided and supervised by expert lecturers and where closely work with already qualified teachers.
Since 2010, the School organises and hosts international seminars for teachers of Italian working abroad. The seminars focus on specific teaching techniques developed by the teachers of the School and on theoretical aspects of contemporary Italian.
The School is also very focused on the continuous training of its own teachers and it periodically offers them seminars and activities on the most up-to-date methodologies in language teaching. The School has recently started a theoretical and practical education path on the links between theatre and language teaching with the aim of critically understanding which strategies and instruments from the theatre can be applied to language teaching. Every year the School offers education and training programmes to approximately 600 teachers, trainees and postgraduate students.
Every academic year the School offers Italian Language Courses for every level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. All the courses are held with the most up-to-date methodology, based on the communicative approach. There are different typologies of courses:
- Semi-intensive standard courses of Italian Language and Culture for exchange students (Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Leonardo Da Vinci) and visiting scholars of the University.
- Winter and Summer intensive courses that combine traditional language courses with a full immersion in Palermo everyday life and the offer of additional workshops focusing on cultural related topics, such as theatre, cooking, cinema, music, creative writing, Sicilian art and culture. Students coming from abroad enjoy trips and guided tours to discover the history, the art and the traditions of Palermo and its surroundings.
- Special courses of Italian and history of art that have a theoretical structure combined with an extensive application consisting of several educational trips to discover the masterpieces of Palermo and Sicily. Such courses aim at introducing the students to Italian art and to the specialised language, texts and lectures of History of Art.
- Advanced courses of Italian language and culture that combine classes of Italian Literature, History of Art and Italian Linguistics, all taught by university lecturers and researchers.
- Learning for Living: The School of Italian, together with the Department of Philology and Linguistics, and in partnership with the Southern Regional College (Northern Ireland), the Helsinki Deaconess Institute (Finland) and the Cumbernauld College (Scotland) benefits for the years 2011-2013 from the funds of the LLP Programme-Grundtvig, developing the project “Learning for Living”. The project aims at exchanging best practices and know-how in the thematic area of linguistic and cultural education of adult migrants. Students and teachers of the four partners are regularly meeting and organising seminars in order to share and enrich the approaches and the methodologies in language learning/teaching used within the territory of each partner, with special attention to the context migrant communities.
- Italian for Foreign Citizens living in Italy: Since 2011, thanks to Regional funds, the School offers free courses of Italian language and culture to adult foreign citizens legally living in Italy. The students enrolled into the courses have access to the CILS exams, the official certification of Italian as a Second/Foreign Language (foreign citizens living in Italy are now required to certify an A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to submit the application for the EU long-term residence permit). The courses focus on Italian culture and language and on important aspects of Italian community and public life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Mari D'Agostino
Head of the organisation
Prof. Mari D'Agostino
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Monica Rizzo

University of Teramo Faculty of Law

National Network

campus coste sant'agostino
64100 Teramo


+39 347.50.68.775
Telephone (other)
+39 340. 339.4082
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Human Rights and Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean.
Scope of the Project is to explore the reception of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the philosophical and juridical traditions of the Mediterranean countries and their significance in the promotion of intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
gianluca sadun bordoni
Contact (2) Full Name
paola bernardini

UPM - Un Punto Macrobiotico - Associazione Nazionale e Internazionale

National Network

Tolentino (MC)

39 0733961432
39 0733961809
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
General Information
L'Associazione UPM ha sede a Tolentino (MC).
Mission and Objectives

L'Associazione UPM ha come fine lo svolgimento di attività di utilità sociale a favore di associati e di terzi. Le sue attività e le sue finalità sono ispirate a principi di pari opportunità e dignità di tutte le componenti della società, nel rispetto delle diversità biologiche e culturali, e rispettose dei diritti inviolabili della persona. L'Associazione UPM, al di sopra delle differenze religiose, politiche, sociali e culturali ha i seguenti scopi:

la diffusione di una alimentazione naturale ed equilibrata e di una filosofia del rispetto-amore a partire da Aria, Acqua, Terra, Vegetali, Animali e tutti gli esseri viventi.

promuovere e favorire, presso tutta la popolazione, le istituzioni civili e la comunità scientifica a livello nazionale ed internazionale, l'adesione a stili e a modelli di sostenibilità ambientale, agricola, alimentare, sanitaria ed economica.

Main Projects / Activities

L'Associazione UPM ha come fine lo svolgimento di attività di utilità sociale a favore di associati e di terzi. Le sue attività e le sue finalità sono ispirate a principi di pari opportunità e dignità di tutte le componenti della società, nel rispetto delle diversità biologiche e culturali, e rispettose dei diritti inviolabili della persona. L'Associazione UPM, al di sopra delle differenze religiose, politiche, sociali e culturali ha i seguenti scopi:
    la diffusione di una alimentazione naturale ed equilibrata e di una filosofia del rispetto-amore a partire da Aria, Acqua, Terra, Vegetali, Animali e tutti gli esseri viventi.
    promuovere e favorire, presso tutta la popolazione, le istituzioni civili e la comunità scientifica a livello nazionale ed internazionale, l'adesione a stili e a modelli di sostenibilità ambientale, agricola, alimentare, sanitaria ed economica.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Bargnesi
Job Title
Segretario Generale e Legale Rappresentante
Head of the organisation
Giovanni Bargnesi