
Villaggio Europa

National Network

Via S. Sebastiano 15
00032 Carpineto Romano

+39 3403408389
Telephone (other)
+39 3286268883
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3403408389
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3286268883
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Villaggio Europa was established in the year 2000 as a non-profit youth organization involving youngsters mainly aged 15 to 35 and living in small towns (1,500 to 8,000 people) in the southern province of Rome. The association mainly relies on the volunteer work of about 80 people lead by a Board of 5 members. Sources of funding: City Council, regional funds, EU co-financed projects, fundraising events.
Mission and Objectives

Given the small size and the state of relative isolation of the mentioned target communities, Villaggio Europa aims at promoting cultural activities for the active participation of youngsters in civil society, at the same time trying to open for them the doors to the surrounding world and making them experience cultural diversity, for a renewed intercultural dialogue in the view of mutual understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities include regular workshops on a variety of topics such as art, music, social inclusion, gender equality, sustainable development etc., Euromed Youth projects, international youth seminars, exchanges and trainings for youth leaders and co-operation with a number of other local associations in the organization of local seasonal events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Vera Cerbara
Head of the organisation
Mr. Alessio Campagna
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Alessio Campagna

Vita non profit Magazine

National Network

Via Marco D'Agrate 43
20139- Milano


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Vita non profit Magazine is a weekly publication  that  belongs to Vita Group, a private  media company specialized  in non for profit issues. Besides the publication of Vita Magazine, Vita Group runs a website featuring csr, volunteering, social, interfaith  dialogue and international cooperation-development issues. Vita Group organizes conferences, seminars and does consulting work for public and  private entities interested to communicating  their messages, projects and services.  It is founded from annual the contribution of its partners ( 63 Italian NGOs)  subscribers and advertising.  Number of employees :52.  Modality of action: news publishing –internet and conferences. Main partners: save the children; Wwf Italia, action aid. Budgetary recourses a year:1 million and a half euro a year.
Mission and Objectives

Vita  Magazine is the Italian media  leader  featuring non for profit issues like csr, interfaith dialogue, human rights,  cooperation-development, volunteering, environment, social media.  Vita Magazine aims at   exposing, promoting the  various faces, the various realties, the best practices, the new  protagonists of the third sector in Italy and the innovative  ideas that can shape the world for the better. Vita Magazine tries to supply the political discourse with the problems, the issues, the talents, the needs, the hopes and the expectations of those individuals and organizations that value  LIFE, HUMAN DIGNITY, HUMAN RIGHTS, as primary sources of inspirations in their lives.  The main Objectives is to become a bigger, more credible and more incisive social network  for the reasons, the expectations, the passions  where minorities can be represented, unjustness  can be exposed and solutions for a better word can meet the right talents to make a fair world a reality.

Main Projects / Activities

Yalla Italia: Vita Magazine monthly supplement written by Italians Muslims of second generation, whose parents migrated in Italy from the Arab countries. Yalla Italia is window on their identity process.
Ecomondo:a weekly supplement featuring clean energy, environment and natural resources in Italy and in the world.
Etica & Finanza. A monthly supplement dedicated to ethical economy and corporate social responsability.
Monthly seminars and conferences promoting  the best practices  of the non for profit world.
Peace tables: Interfaith meetings with Christians, Muslims, and Jews men and women taking about coexistence and religious tollarance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martino Pillitteri (Extarnal Relations Manager)
Head of the organisation
Riccardo Bonacina
Contact (2) Full Name
Giuseppe Frangi (General Director)

Vitality onlus

National Network

via Carducci, 2
20123 Milano

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Vitality onlus has the simplest organizational structure able to pursue its mission by combining available resources, beneficiaries' needs and members’ skills. - It is managed by its statuary bodies: the President and legal representative (currently matteo Matteini), the vice President (currently Adam Clark), the board of directors. - Its main operational sectors are overlooked by the Advisors, that are proved expert in business management, career counseling, coaching, language trainings, new media, cultural development, research. - The main supporting activities are operated by volunteering staff in communication, fund raising, information technology, administration. All the staff are unpaid committed volunteers. In 2015 the budget available is: 4,500.00 euros. Funding to activities come from: membership yearly subscriptions, restricted grants and the the taxpayers devolution program called 5x1000. Field programs as well as media and cultural events have been developed. Partnership with public, private and nonprofit organizations have been in place.
Mission and Objectives

Vitality onlus aims to contribute to more open, inclusive and integrated communities in which differences are considered resources for their ongoing and balanced development. The ‘Vitality approach’ consists in creating a virtuous circle amongst people, ideas, projects, training methods, technologies and networks by providing a connected space where everyone con contribute:
1. Those who needs help to ‘start afresh’, wherever they have found their progress ‘stopped’.
2. Volunteers who have expertise in coaching, counseling, mentoring, business management, career consulting, information technology, language teaching.
3. NGOs, Government agencies, educational, academic or research institutions, job centers and businesses, with the same vision.

Main Projects / Activities

- Educational programs included 14 programs: training for trainers; intercultural learning for psychologists, teachers and families; exhibitions for the public at large. This phase involved 20 institutions, 500 teachers and educators, 7.000 children and captured the attention of more than 100.000 visitors.
- Adult programs included: ExtraTime Support Helpdesks (in collaboration with ARCI), that provided assistance to 30 migrants in order to increase their employability and entrepreneurship through an innovative approach that combined personal development, training and technical assistance. Sportello Abitare Lavoro (‘Work and Living’ help desk), in conjunction with Architects Without Borders Italy, that helped 24 adult immigrants in improving their conditions and those of their families by providing an integrated service to job and housing. YEBI (youth employment and business incubation) in collaboration with EXPO School and Éupolis lombardia that supported 13 foreign university students in Lombardy.
- Cultural programs includes: RABAB west east dialogue through music.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Vitality onlus would like to contribute to the Italian network sharing knowledge, approaches, methodologies and capacities with other members.
We are currently running local programmes in Milan, Rimini, Ragusa that can be duplicated elsewhere.
We would macth our collective and individual experiences and skills with other members' ones. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

After having gained experiences with internationals in domestic operations, the next logical step is to roll out our programs internationally.
Most of the people, organizations and associations we've met in our work come from countries belonging to the ALF network, so it is incredibli interesting for us and our primary network to connect at a largest level.
Our most wanted undeveloped program is called - Community to Community - and it is based on the idea that etchinc communities that have succesfully extablished in Italy can be protagonist of an effective cooperation with communities in the countries of origin. To this extent it is important to have access to a wide network of potential partners. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Matteo Matteini
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr Matteo Matteini
Contact (2) Full Name
Adam Clark
Job Title (2)
Vice President

Vitality onlus

National Network

Via Carducci, 32

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Our association started its activity on 16th April 1999 under the name of Welcome School, providing educational services in order to reduce school dropouts and to promote cultural integration. By 2012 it has changed its name to Vitality onlus and extended its operations to unemployed and migrants by providing them training and coaching to increase their employability and entrepreneurial skills. Vitality onlus current governing bodies are: President Matteo Matteini Vice president Adam Clark Boards of directors Adam Clark Isabella Giuliano Matteo Matteini Active members: 20 people Advisors: Adam Clark Business development Alessia Pastorutti Institutional relations Alice Troia Job counsulting Benedetta Badino Career counseling Isabella Matteini Language training Manuela Pioltelli Job matching Matteo Matteini Coaching, research, training Average budgetary resources available in a year is 5,000 euros. Sources of funding is subscription fees 8%, grants 53%, gift aids (5x1000) 31%, fund raising 8%.
Mission and Objectives

Vitality onlus trains and coaches people in need towards the full deployment of their potential, promoting active citizenship, entrepreneurship and social innovation.
Vitality onlus contributes to the generation of more open, inclusive and integrated communities in which differences are considered resources for their ongoing and balanced development.
Vitality onlus facilitates connections between people, ideas, projects, training techniques, technologies and community networks, generating a connected space in which everybody can contribute:
a) People who need to “re-start” wherever their personal growth have been “interrupted”.
b) Volunteers with time to give and/or professional experience in administration, business management, coaching, communication, counselling, education, training, IT, social innovation, mentoring, career counselling.
c) Non profit organizations, public bodies, education and training centres, universities, research centres, companies and professionals with our same vision.
Vitality onlus, following its method, has undertaken constructive relationships with several stakeholders.

Main Projects / Activities

From 1999 to 2004 activities were focused mainly on the school system. 14 projects were implemented in Italy in the field of language training for trainers, teachers and pupils; intercultural learning for psychologists, teachers and families; photo laboratories and exhibitions for the public at large. This phase involved 20 institutions, 500 teachers and educators, 7.000 children and captured the attention of more than 100.000 visitors.
• In 2013 the project ExtraTime was implemented in Milan in collaboration with ARCI - Rete Sportelli Immigrati (Network of Migrants’ Support Helpdesks). It has provided assistance to 30 adult migrants in order to increase their employability and entrepreneurship through an innovative approach that combined personal development, training and technical assistance.
• In 2014 the project SAL – Sportello Abitare Lavoro (‘Work and Living’ help desk) was implemented in Milan, in conjunction with ASF Italia (Architects Without Borders Italy). It has helped 24 adult immigrants in improving their conditions and those of their families by providing an integrated service to support them with both job and housing counseling.
• The programme YEBI (youth employment and business incubation), supported the development of Young Ambassadors, the network of 13 foreign university students in Lombardy and their 6 social and educational projects.
• in 2015
• SAL continued by providing former beneficiaries supplementary assistance when needed.
• YEBI coached 13 developing 3 out of 5 main project ideas:
- Blogenius, to increase institutions and businesses’ online visibility to an international audience. A partnership with ICPT is ongoing to an Italian-Indonesian knowledge exchange;
- Expo Piccoli, to offer primary
schools training on food safety and food security by engaging children in laboratories and sensory experiences;
- Explorations, in collaboration with Explora, the Expo2015 destination management organization, to offer a first hands storytelling able to attract visitors from targeted countries;
• RABAB is the first edition of the Rimini based intercultural music festival, under development in co-operation with the Rimini Cultural Council. It aims to reduce the gap between different cultures using sounds, voices and words as a way to better understand each other.
• REC is the project, under development in collaboration with ASF Italia, Municipality of Milan, Politecnico University and Fondazione Somaschi for the urban and social integration of the ROMA settlements in Milan.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution will focus on sharing and developing our approach with sensitive target groups such as adult migrants and youth (expecially Not in Employment, Education or Training). We also develop our latest programme RABAB which intend to develop intercultural dialogue through arts.    

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think ALF network would be the right place for us to share ideas, methodologies and approaches. It would help to find partners locally, nationally and abroad. It could also represent an opportunity for developing transnational projects. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Matteo Matteini
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Matteo Matteini


National Network

Via Vicolo Dell Adige,07
38122 Trento TN

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

we are working on following issue:
Human Rights

Mission and Objectives

work for the welfare and betterment of Youth,Women,Immigrants

Main Projects / Activities

Human Rights

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

i hope that this affiliation will open more door for us to work more better way in future .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to share our vision and work with the colloboration for the betterment for youth,women and immgrants

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Shabaz Bhatti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr Shabaz Bhatti
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Dalle Bhatti
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Voice of the Voiceless International

National Network

via vicolo dell adige 5 trento TN 38122 italy
38122 Trento TN

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

building charitable support by providing that contribute to the HEALTH,EDUCATIONN,HUMAN RIGHTS,PEACE,FOOD AND SECURITY .

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we work more better on our mission with this affilation .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we truely hope that relationship we are going to formed will be long life and prosper for both the organization  and this is something special for us .

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Shabaz Bhatti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr Shabaz Bhatti
Contact (2) Full Name
Shazad Anwar Bhatti
Job Title (2)

Voice of the Voiceless International

National Network

via vicolo dell adige 5 trento italy, sa
38122 Trento

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

to work for the deprived and depressed minorities on globe and especially pakistani minorities 

Main Projects / Activities

human rights
food and security

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

just to work more better for these minority communities 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Shabaz Bhatti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr Shabaz Bhatti
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Shazad Bhatti
Job Title (2)

Wash Up project

Wash Up project

The WASH UP project, led by CVM and supported by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, stands as a beacon of sustainability in Ethiopia's Amhara and SNNPRS regions. With an investment of €1,882,215.75, the project has made significant strides towards ensuring long-term environmental and community resilience. By constructing 203 water structures and safeguarding 44 springs, WASH UP has not only provided immediate access to clean water but also laid the foundation for sustained water security.

The introduction of a computerized data management system represents a leap forward in sustainable planning and intervention. By utilizing technology to monitor water systems, the project ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and interventions are tailored to local needs, thereby maximizing the impact of limited resources.

In essence, WASH UP transcends mere infrastructure development; it embodies a holistic approach to sustainable development that respects the environment, empowers communities, and fosters resilience. By addressing water access, sanitation, education, and gender equality, the project paves the way for a more sustainable and equitable future for Ethiopia.

For more information please follow the link:


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