
Giorgia Meloni's Italy and Europe: Ambitions and Realities

Giorgia Meloni's Italy and Europe: Ambitions and Realities

This article describes the rise of far right-wing governments in Italy. Specifically looking at the rice of Girorgia Meloni and her policies. Looking at the policies of far right-wing governments in the early 2000s under the government of Silvio Berlusconi...

Giosef Torino – Marti Gianello Guida A.P.S.

National Network

Via Bernardino Lanino 3/a
10152 Torino TO

+39 011 765 0051
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Giosef Torino is an organisation of social promotion, its board is made up of three people: Annamaria Simeone, president, Francesco Lisciandra, vice president, Sara Bertolino, project management. On top of that 7 professional workers and about 20 volunteers consistently collaborate with the organisation. Giosef Torino cooperates with multiple partners at local, national and international level.
The budgetary resources available to Giosef Torino are roughly 120 000 euros per year.
The funding network is composed of public local and european funds such as Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, REC , some funding is also private by both foundations and private donors.
Strategic partnership, Training courses, Youth Exchanges, Local workshop and Seminars and events. The Main Partners of Giosef are Fondazione Emmanuel, Centro Studi Sereno Regis, YWCA Palestine, New Generation and many others throughout the South Mediterranean area.

Mission and Objectives

Giosef Torino is an association of social promotion.
Giosef is the acronym derived from “GIOvani SEnza Frontiere”, “Youth Without Borders”. Being without frontiers is the strength to reach a better world, breaking the frame with no fear, looking beyond the appearances, stating our believes. We see in our work the opportunity to affirm Human Rights in all their aspects and contradictions, in order to promote a culture of anti-sexism and anti-racism, to counter all forms of discrimination and prejudice.
The core objectives pursued by our association are:
YOUTH WORK AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION: to produce social change through Non Formal Education on Human Rights;
INTERSECTIONAL APPROACH: to promote an anti-sexist, anti-racist culture against omo-lesbo-bi-transphobia, xenophobia, islamophobia and all forms of discrimination through an intersectional perspective;
INCLUSION AND PARTICIPATION: to promote participation and active citizenship of young people to counter social exclusion and to promote human, civil and social rights;
EUROMEDITERRENEAN COOPERATION: to promote the cooperation between European Countries and Partner Countries from the South Mediterranean regions for fostering social cohesion in Mediterranean area;
INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY: to promote international mobility and intercultural learning among youth.
Founded in 2004, Giosef Unito is actively working with Non Formal Education methodologies for young learners and since 2013 we have started to implement techniques coming from theatrical methodology in the frame of NFE. Our work is based on our certainty that new educational paradigms are needed in a fast changing society where Formal Education strategies cannot respond with the same pace to the recent challenges and developments, like the current migrants and refugees crisis in Europe.
Giosef Unito continued to cooperate with a large range of partners and interlocutors: we believe it is essential to create synergies between Formal and Non Formal Education organizations, third sector, mass media and public administrations in order to maximize the impact of our activities in line with the Agenda 2020 of the European Union.
Giosef Unito is striving for such joint effort among all the above mentioned stakeholders, keeping a permanent flow of communication, cooperation and debate around the main challenges related to the promotion of Human Rights. In order to maintain the widest perspective possible, we have developed a strong focus on intersectionality: we are fully convinced that we need to keep in mind all the identity components that contribute to each one’s self perception if we want to dismantle all the forms of discrimination. We are aware, for example, that it’s impossible to tackle islamophobia without considering the racist dynamics that lay under this specific discriminatory expression, as well as we cannot fight homophobia without analysing the traditionally constructed forms of sexism.
We completely agree with the key concept in Audre Lorde’s work: “there is no such thing as single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives”.

Main Projects / Activities

Giosef Torino main projects are built on European funding and deeply rooted in EuroMed culture and issues. They are youth exchanges, training courses, long term volunteering and strategic partnerships for innovation.
Some examples of our main activities include: an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 called "MARTI - MAke it Relevant: Tools for Intersectionality" that aims to create innovative educational approach and tools to concretely apply intersectionality in youth work in collaboration with Euroaccion-Spain, YES-The Netherlands and New Generation-Palestine; an ESC project by the name of "Vis-à-vis Volunteering for Inclusion and Solidarity" to promote solidarity throughout the EuroMediterranean area, developing international volunteering opportunities to foster active citizenship, democratic values and a peer-to-peer cooperation approach; an Erasmus+ Key Action 1, Youth Exchange "CreActive Identity” that aimed to raise awareness about Euro-Mediterranean cultural heritage among young people, through sharing local traditions and artesany"; an Erasmus+ Key Action 1 "GUAT - Gender Upon A Time" 1st, 2nd and 3rd edition that includes several activities such as APVs, Training Courses and a Study Visit in Palestine; a training course called "I-Gender" funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation; "Frame Voice Report", financed by the DARE programme in collaboration with Centro Studi Sereno Regis and the Arab Women Media Centre; and many more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organisation we have been working on promoting participation and active citizenship of young people to counter social exclusion and to promote human, civil and social rights while also promoting the cooperation between European Countries and Partner Countries from the South Mediterranean regions for fostering social cohesion in Mediterranean area. We could share our experience and our contacts with the Network to help provide an EuroMed perspective, especially focusing on youth work and youth policy, though Non Formal, intercultural and experiential learning.
In the frame of ALF Network, Giosef Torino can contribute to promote the Network, its actions and practice at national level especially in the intersection between youth and gender through education and training projects that keep a deep balance between the Euromed and the national/local level.
Since 2014, The organisation has developed several projects in cooperation with Southmeda countries using european funds such as Erasmus Plus, ESC and DARE, demonstrating high competences of management of this specific cooperation; contributing to develop educational approach, methods and tools for intercultural learning in the Region. We would like to share this capacity also in line with objectives of the ALF to strengthen its purpose and foster social cohesion in the Mediterranean area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network to multiply and contaminate our practices with other organisations and individuals. Being part of a EuroMed network would also allow us to improve our capacity and be more efficient in our practices and objectives to be more efficient in the promotion of intercultural dialogue and learning in the Region, demonstrating the active role of youth in these processes.
We have been a partner of the ALF project in the past and in that frame, we developed strong strategies of cooperation and promotion of the ALF principle which represents the core values of Giosef Torino.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annamaria Simeone
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Annamaria Simeone
Contact (2) Full Name
Sara Bertolino
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Giosef Unito

National Network

Via Lanino 3 A
10152 Torino

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Giosef is the acronym derived from “GIOvani SEnza Frontiere”, “Youth Without Frontiers”; UNITO stands for “UNIversità di TOrino”, “University of Turin”. Being without frontiers is the strength that help us reaching a better world, breaking the frame with no fear, looking beyond the appearances, stating our believes. Founded in 2004, Giosef Unito is actively working with Non Formal Education methodologies for young learners and since 2013 we have started to implement techniques coming from theatrical methodology in the frame of NFE. Our work is based in our conviction that new educational paradigms are needed in a fast changing society where Formal Education strategies cannot respond with the same pace to the recent challenges and developments, like the current migrants and refugees crisis in Europe. Giosef Unito continued to cooperate with a large range of partners and interlocutors: we believe it is essential to create synergies between Formal and Non Formal Education organizations, third sector, mass media and public administrations in order to maximize the impact of our activities in line with the Agenda 2020 of the European Union. Giosef Unito is striving for such joint effort among all the above mentioned stakeholders, keeping a permanent flow of communication, cooperation and debate around the main challenges related to the promotion of Human Rights. In order to mantain the widest perspective possible, we have developed a strong focus on intersectionality: we are fully convinced that we need to keep in mind all the identity components that contribute to each one’s self perception if we want to dismantle all the forms of discrimination. We are aware, for example, that it’s impossible to tackle islamophobia without considering the racist dynamics that lay under this specific discriminatory expression, as well as we cannot fight homophobia without analysing the traditionally constructed forms of sexism. We completely agree with the key concept in Audre Lorde’s work: “there is no such thing as single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives”.   Networks Since we fully believe in the core values of cooperation and networking, Giosef Unito is part of different networks at local, national and international level, each of them considered essential to guarantee a better quality work: CasaArcobaleno: born in 2012 and officially started in 2014, CasaArcobaleno is a co-working space aiming to share ideas and resources among 15 locally active associations, each of them with a specific target, although the majority is dealing with gender issues and LGBT+ rights. The structure is placed in one of the most intercultural neighbourhoods of Torino, Porta Palazzo, thus allowing all of the associations to be contaminated by many different multi-cultural influences. Torino Youth Centre - TYC: created in 2006, this is a youth associations network and an aggregation space, characterized by the sharing and multiplying of experiences and competences. Since its creation, it has been one of the most important promoter of a culture of anti-racism and anti-discrimination in the city of Torino. Giosef Italy: this is a network of youth associations spread all over Italy. The local committees act in a very independent and diversified manner, using the tools and methods most adapt to each one’s local dimension in order to reach each organization’s objectives, but they are all connected by the use of innovative Non Formal Education techniques. Human Rights European Youth Network - HREYN: HREYN main aim is to contribute to Human Rights Education implementation in youth work at a European level. Its objectives are to promote approaches of mutual understanding, peace, solidarity, respect for human dignity and Human Rights, non violent actions and contrast to discrimination, and to take actions in order to contrast Human Rights violations through campaigns, prevention, raising awareness and most of all Informal and Non Formal Education.  
Mission and Objectives

We see in our work the opportunity to affirm Human Rights in all their aspects and contradictions, in order to promote a culture of anti-sexism and anti-racism, to fight against homophobia, transphobia, lesbophobia and all forms of discrimination and prejudice.
The core objectives pursued by our association are:
1) INCLUSIVE CULTURE: to promote a culture of anti-sexism, anti-racism, against homo-lesbo-transphobia, xenophobia, islamophobia and all forms of discrimination;
2) EDUCATION AND CHANGE: to produce social change through Non-Formal Education on Human Rights;
3) INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY: to promote international mobility and intercultural learning among young people;
4) INCLUSION AND PARTICIPATION: to promote and active youth participation and citizenship, combating social exclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

Local activities:
- “Pari o dispari - Peer Education contro l’omo-lesbo-transfobia”
- “Bando Unito”
- " Saluzzo Europa: Andata e ritorno"
- “Trajec(s)tories”
- “(DIS)CRIMINI INVISIBILI – Alla ricerca degli indizi nascosti”
- “Skills of Rights”.
Periodical activities
- "human library";
-“Desk for international mobility addressing young people”.
International activities - promoter
- “SAIL - SAfe spaces for Inclusion of Lgbt+ youth”;
- “Across the Lines”;
- “Gender upon a time”;
- “Fill in the gap”;
- “Livinclusion”;
- “Fe.Male”.
Local-National projects
- “21st March-Turin wakes up antiracist!”;
- “Focus On”.
International projects (partnership)
- Anna Lindh Foundation
- Euromed IV
- “Children First”
- “Sans violence...on avans”
Council of Europe
Study Session
- “Building Peace in Europe - The Role of Civil Society and Young People”
Erasmus Plus / YIA - YouthInAction
Training Courses
- “Pride Without prejudice”;
- “Training for Trainers in HRE”;
- “F.E.E.L. - Facilitators in Education and Empowerment of Learners”;
- NGO Resources - financial, human, personal;
- “Emotion 5: EVS Mentors”;
- “Emotion 4:
- Developing creative emotional and stress management skills in non formal education”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Giosef unito can contribute to the Network in Italy through the competencies of the youth workers of the ngo and because of the informal network created in Mediterranean area in youth field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Giosef Unito since 2012 works directly on cooperation among the Meditarranean area through European funds such as: Youth in Action, Erasmus Plus and Euromed, because the organisation aim through his action with international mobility and non formal education on human rights to promote active citizenship and participations  across the Mediterranean to build trust and improve mutual understanding and intercultural learning. Especially Giosef Unito make advocacy about the concept of intersationality especially according to etnical and/or religious identity and sexual identity, in order to counter discrimination related to this belonging.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annamaria Simeone
Job Title
Youth Worker
Head of the organisation
Annamaria Simeone
Contact (2) Full Name
Giorgio Gotra
Job Title (2)
Youth worker

Giovani Insieme

National Network

Siège social : Valdocco n. 22 - 10041 Carignano (TO) - ITALIE/Siège opérationnel : Via Quaranta n° 16 - 10041 Carignano (TO) - ITALIE

+ 39 011 532644 – Luisa Gallo
Telephone (other)
+39 011 9693344 – Sécretariat
+39 011 9695273 – Sécretariat
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 340 5256090 – Luisa Gallo
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Research
Contact (1) Full Name
Luisa GALLO – Référent des projets
Head of the organisation
Armida DEALBERA – Présidente
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniela TONTINI - Sécretaire


National Network

Siège social : Valdocco n. 22 - 10041 Carignano (TO) – ITALY; Siège opérationnel: Via Quaranta n° 16 - 10041 Carignano (TO)

+ 39 011 532644 – Luisa Gallo
Telephone (other)
+39 011 9693344 – Secretariat
+39 011 9695273
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 340 5256090 – Luisa Gallo
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Research
General Information
1) Staff: 1 secretary 2 afternoon and 1 morning per week and free-lance 1collaboratrice. For each organized exchange there are organizers and résponsables specialized with contract occasionel. 2) association with obtained the financial support of the Town hall of Carignano, Regione Piemonte, the Town hall of Turin and the two banking foundations: Fondazione Broke di Risparmio di Torino E Compagnia di San Paolo di Torino. 3) association takes part has projects of financiements like Interreg II, Interreg III, Jeunesse for Europe action 1, Euromed, project "Of other Holidays" (on the levels room: Turin). 4) Actions: study and development projects of interventions; organization of building sites of international volunteers; search for volunteers; training course, course and visits of formation; organization cultural events, meetings and days of study. 5) CISV Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontario of Turin (IT); theatrical association "It Pelobate" of Carignano (IT); Commune of Alessandria (IT); more others.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: defense, promotion and valorization of the artistic activities, historical and of architectural; defense and valorization of nature and the environment, with collection and urban waste recycling; formation and instruction. Objective: restoration and revalorization of the architectural heritage and natural environmental protection; education and sensitizing of the young people to the architectural and natural heritage; local awakening of this inheritance with promotion of initiatives which use these goods like alive elements of the contemporary world, in order to guarantee survival for the future of it; diffusion and information of the objectives of association; experience sharing with Italian and foreign associations which have similar goals; search for financings for the operation of the activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Association is reached in agreement with the local authorities on the inheritance built and natural to develop projects of interest public. The projects are always carried out in partnership with other associations local and foreign, there is no lucrative goal, but rather wishes it to develop a civil conscience of voluntariate through the recovery of our inheritance, because in Italy the majority of voluntary begin towards the social one. Organizes building site the voluntary international ones have (for minors and major); international cultural exchanges (for minors, major, handicapped, minors of prison and house-family); training course for school artistic buildings; seminars with théme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Armida DEALBERA – President
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Piazza San Paolo All'Orto
56127 pisa PI

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Giovani People cultural club is a non-profit association committed to the diffusion and promotion of culture. The main staff is made up of around twenty people who are primarily responsible for organizing Universo Corto International Short Film Festival. The annual spending budget is approximately 30,000 euros to which is added the commitment made free of charge by the members. Over time the club has had the patronage of numerous Italian public universities, and local authorities such as the Municipality of Pisa, Tuscania, Portoferraio, the Tuscany Region etc. In 2020 Universo Corto received the medal from the President of the Italian Republic

Mission and Objectives

Diffusion of culture and promotion of social rights. Particular interest in the world of arts and cinema, especially of social inspiration.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of the Young People Cultural Club
The Young People Cultural Club was founded in Pisa in 2004. It has the legal form of an association
not recognized non-profit, with headquarters in Pisa, at Piazza San Paolo all'Orto, n.15. The
President of the Young People Club is the Arch. Maria Elena Bianchi Bandinelli Paparoni.
Over time, the Club has organized a series of events in the city of Pisa, in the Region
Tuscany, and Lazio, among which some are listed by way of example:
1) EMUS solo exhibition, at Royal Victoria Hotel Pisa.
2) Burraco tournament with collection of sums in favor of Orthopedics Onlus directed by
Professor Alessandro Faldini. Pisa.
3) Personal exhibition by Paolo Catola, at La Limonaia Pisa.
4) 3 meetings with Franco Battiato in support of the Tuscan regional law proposal on cinema,
Cineclub Arsenale Pisa - cinema Kino Dessè Gragnani Livorno.
5) Personal exhibition by Ernesto Morales, at Palazzo di Fiumi e Fossi in Pisa
6) Personal exhibition by Umberto Tani, at La Limonaia, Pisa.
7) Request to name the city street after Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli with presentation
public and memory of Professor Bianchi Bandinelli by Prof. Salvatore Settis,
Municipality of Pisa - Balearic Hall Municipality of Pisa.
8) In 2010 Brigitte Bardot photographic exhibition in collaboration with the Municipality of Saint-Tropez
(Elba Island - Linguella Park).
9) the Young People cultural club obtained co-financing from the Municipality of Pisa in
for the creation of a video-portrait of the Pisan cartoonist GIPI.
10) 2015 organization Universoshort (Elba Island, Marciana Marina); in 2017 (Pisa - Plaster Cast Gallery of Ancient Art of the University of Pisa);
11) Photographic exhibition of cinema shots by Mario Dondero (2019 Tuscania; 2017 Pisa).
12) Photographic exhibition Marco Bani (2019 Tuscania).
13) Universi Corti publication (seven volumes), Ets, Pisa.
14) 2019, organization of Universoshort XIII edition, Tuscania (VT), Parco Torre
of Lavello, final phase 22-25 July 2020.
15) 2020, organization of the 14th edition of Universo Corto in Tuscania. Photo exhibition Marianne Catzaras.
16) 2021, organization of the 15th edition of Universo Corto in Tuscania.
17) 2022, organization of the XVI edition of Universo Corto in Tuscania and Universo Corto Sakura Prize in Pisa.
18) 2023, organization of the XVII edition of Universoshort in Pisa.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The contribution to the network that Giovani People can make in Italy mainly concerns the visibility and knowledge of the foundation to the public. the club can organize moments of discussion dedicated to the foundation within its initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because the aims of the foundation are congruent and useful to the mission of the young people cultural club

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Monceri
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maria Elena Bianchi Bandinelli Paparoni
Contact (2) Full Name
Paolo Biondi
Job Title (2)

Giunta Regionale del Veneto- Committe for international cooperation, development and solidarity

National Network

Piazza Borghese 91 - Roma

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Committee was created by the Veneto Region to support programs of international cooperation, which has more than 400 projects around the world. Special attention is given to Med area. Projects are developed with local counterparts (especially NGOs). The support offered is either financial or institutional, when not both. Funds are public, but partners may join with own funds, as the partnership public+private is considered essencial to stimulate good projects. Universities, NGOs, SMEs associations stand in this committee The President of the Committee is Ms. Maria Luisa Coppola (politician)
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Luca Rizzardo-Gianfilippi (internationsl expert nominated by the members of the Regional Council)


National Network

United Kingdom

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We have 2 staff, we do not have a budget, however we work on project as they come. We provide seminars, work-shops and training
Mission and Objectives

To promote women's rights related to female genital mutilation and to provide education for health and social professionals about complex gender issues.
To empower women, holistic care

Main Projects / Activities

Training, education, surgical intervention

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
The picture shows the  book title

Global Governance: Remarks for the 21st Century

" Global Governance: Remarks for the 21st Century" is a work authored by Giorgio Benigni, an analyst of Italian and International politics, and part of the series published by the Centre for International Policy Studies (CeSPI). The book provides a...

Glocal Factory Società Cooperativa Sociale

National Network

via Pirandello 29

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

"Glocal Factory" is a social co-operative legally established in Italy.
Currently it has 9 members, of which 5 employed.
Budgetary resources available in 2019: € 551,789.
Sources of funding: mainly EU funding for projects approved under Call for Proposals.
Glocal Factory elaborates and implements projects of action/research in the social and educational fields. For this, it collaborates with a large network of European universities, NGOs, CSOs, schools'networks and school authorities.

Mission and Objectives

“Glocal Factory” – social Co-operative was born on January 8th, 2018, as a natural evolution of the Association having the same name, founded in 2015 by a group of experts and volunteers – with different age and studies’ background - engaged in European projects in the social and educational fields. Some of its members can boast an experience of many decades in laying out and implementing EU funded projects.
Both the Association and the Co-operative focus their attention on:
- Innovation of contents and methods in formal, non- formal and informal learning for children, adolescents and adults;
- School, work and social inclusion of disadvantaged and vulnerable persons and groups;
- Fight against racism and xenophobia;
- Opposition to the violence against women and children;
- Well-being of young people, quality of youth work;
- Experimentation of new forms of Communitarian and Generative Welfare;
- Promotion of “social economy” and sustainable development.
On these topics the “system Glocal Factory” (Association and Co-operative):
• Realizes international training for teachers, trainers, adult educators and youth workers. At the moment our catalogue include training weeks on: Post – Millennials discomfort; innovative didactic methodologies (notably “Flipped Classroom”); adult education for emarginated people; coaching and “emotional intelligence” in teaching; education to self-entrepreneurship.
• Promotes European projects, working with a wide network of Italian and European public institutions, universities, associations and NGOs. In 2018 Glocal Factory is partner of 4 action / research projects funded by the EU programme “Erasmus Plus”:
o MiGreat! – creation of new tools for refugees and migrants ECVET (Continous Vocational Education and Training) and APL(Acknowledgement of Previous Learning) –
o TrainIot – innovation of school curricula in Informatics and “Internet of Things” – https://train-iot.erasmus-plus
o CultNet – improvement of professional skills of youth workers, notably capacity to use culture and arts to facilitate inclusion of more disadvantaged youngsters –
o Grandmas’ stories – methods and tools for inter-cultural education, using stories told by migrant grandmothers –
• Organizes events and seminars, in co-operation with prestigious research centers, like the conference – webinar held on January 18th, 2018 in Verona, Latina, Athens and Thessaloniky on the theme “Contamin-A(c)tion in Europe”, to reflect in a critical and multi-disciplinary way on the European identity, its roots and its possible development.

Furthermore, some members of the Co-Operative are personally engaged in the implementation of other projects funded by Erasmus Plus and concerning the topic of fight against Early School Leaving, and by the AMIF programme to promote resettlement and inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently (2020) Glocal Factory is project leader of:

Green Seeds (Erasmus Plus project, KA 2, field Education), for the valorization of small decentralized schools;

Prom-Par (Erasmus Plus project, KA 2, field Adult Education), to promote migrants civic education and inclusion.

From January and May 2020 it has elaborated and submitted new 14 projects, regarding many social topics like:
- media, critical thinking and fight against fake news;
- substances use disorders;
- civic education for children;
- alliance of elders and migrants to promote inclusion, social cohesion end volunteering;
- mentoring for migrants' inclusion;
- community-based experiences for refugees welcoming;
- migrant women empowerment.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The members of GF are engaged in these months in a self- training on the social scenarios of the post-Covid crisis. We therefore believe that we can offer to the Italian network of the Foundation a series of stimuli on phenomena that could be faced with the use of European programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we believe that the social and economic problems of the Mediterranean countries, in the next decade, can be solved only thanks to a close cooperation between states, local authorities and NGOs of the different countries. We would like to make our small contribution to the commitment to the protection of human rights, the reduction of military spending, the development of social and green entrepreneurship, the employability of young people, the management of migration flows useful for all countries in the area, and for intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Schena
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Attilio Orecchio
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Demartis
Job Title (2)