
Fondazione Emmanuel per il Sud del Mondo

National Network

S. da Prov.le Lecce-Novoli 23/25
73100 Lecce LE

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
General Information

Fondazione Emmanuel, based in Lecce (Italy), is an expression of Comunità Emmanuel which, since 1980 has dealt with reception, accompaniment, and social inclusion of people in difficulty (migrants, unemployed, disabled people, minors, families, etc.).
All the initiatives developed during these years have as objective to promote solidarity, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, international cooperation, the non-violent solution to conflicts and Peace.

Our current team in Lecce is composed by 23 people employees and a group of volunteers. The team is composed by:
n.1 Legal Representative
n.1 General Secretary

n.1 administrative
n.1 educator/coordinator
n.1 junior project manager in development cooperation area n.5 intercultural/linguistic mediators
n.8 social-cultural operators
n.1 communication and project manager
n.1 psychologist
n.1 social worker and
n.2 employees in mission in Albania

Mission and Objectives

Recognising diversity in today’s world is a wealth and poverty has multidimensional aspects, we believe and improve the “OSMOSIS process” as an interchange, inter-dialogue between the different cultural and religious nuances of people.

The institutional task is to encourage and support people from Southern Italy, Southern Europe, and Southern World, creating possibilities and providing the right tools for the self-empowerment. Together we will promote Social Justice, Charity, Human rights and Christian mercy, in response to the social inequalities that afflicts the world, with particular attention to migrants and other populations, near and far, that more suffer the imbalances of the planet.

Main Projects / Activities

We work through projects co-financed by public entity and private donors. Our projects aim to promote intercultural, interreligious, and inter-social dialogue and social participation on several levels.

At national level we are dealing with reception and social assistance of asylum seekers and the most vulnerable population groups, in order to promote social-occupational inclusion.

We foresee Inter-cultural Mediation actions between various actors of civil society (educational institutions, public and private entities, etc.) with particular attention to migrants.

Also, we act in Cooperation for development in Ecuador (city of Esmeraldas), Egypt and Albania, supporting actions and local projects aim to promote processes of self-empowerment, working in close cooperation with the various local partners.

Finally, the organization is dedicated to Erasmus Plus project (mobility and exchange of good practice between European organization).

Contact (1) Full Name
Luigi d'Avolio
Job Title
ALF Referent- Senior Project Manager, Educator and Trainer
Head of the organisation
Piero Severi - Legal Representative, Stefania Gualtieri- Secretary General
Contact (2) Full Name
Luana Duma
Job Title (2)
Junior Project Manager in Development Cooperation Area

Fondazione Europa Mezzogiorno Mediterraneo

National Network

P.zza XV Marzo, 1

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Foundation has the Provincia di Cosenza as unique promoter member and several supporter members (Municipalities, no-profit associations, public/private institutions). The organisation consists of a President, a Board of Directors, the General Assembly, the Director and the Scientific Commettee. 2. 200.000 € 3. An annual funding from the budget of the Provincia di Cosenza 4. Organisation of both broad conferences and dedicated meetings, building of partnership and cooperation agreements with Mediterranean countries, coordination of teams for the preparation and submission of international projects. 5. Faculty of Economical Sciences of University of Calabria, Fondazione CARICAL, COPPEM Foundation, UNIMED network, Mediterraneo Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

As declared in the article 3 of its Statute, the Foundation has the purpose to facilitate the frequentation, the acquaintance and integration of the Mediterranean people, and also to contribute to the progress and to the development of the Regions of the same basin pursuing an ideal of peace and prosperity between the various people of the Mediterranean area concurring, also, to the realisation of the principles and of the objectives of the Euromediterranean partership, expressed in the Declaration of Barcelona of November 1995.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Organisation and hosting of the 1-st EuroMediterranean Meeting in Cosenza (13, 14 May 2005), with the participation of Representatives of the Embassies of Morocco, Egypt, Tunisie, Algerie, Libia, Albany, Jordan, Siria and of the Universities of Marrakesh and Tirana and several Representatives of National Institutions, wich debated on:
a. Knowledge system and role of the Universities in the scientific and technological co-operation with the Mediterranean Countries
b. Productive systems and Euromediterranean relations
c. The role of the system of the Local Autonomies in the co-operation.
2. Organisation and hosting of 6 meetings in the areas of twinnings, cooperation, migration, cultural heritage and science.
3. Preparation of 4 project proposals, including the building of 4 international consortia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Riccardo Allevato
Head of the organisation
On.le Gerardo Mario Oliverio
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Giacomo Martirano

Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le arti contemporanee

National Network

Borgo degli Albizi 15
50122 Firenze

+39 055 2638365
Telephone (other)
+39 055 241962
+39 055 2479757
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3488901366
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3355209268
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1) Created 1994. 2003 the responsibility was taken over by FFEAC, a non profit making participatory foundation established, in agreement with its public stakeholders, by the three organisations that had most contributed to its development: Associazione Fabbrica Europa, Fondazione Pontedera Teatro, Associazione Music Pool. 2) Year 2005: € 352.000,00. 3) Funding: EU, Italian Ministry for Culture, Tuscany Region, Province of Florence, Florence City Council, EnteCassaRisparmioFirenze 4) Key activities: Fabbrica Europa festival (Florence, Stazione Leopolda, every year in May since 1994); trans-cultural projects fostering the fusion and interaction of cultural diversity; cultural events; training and professional development activities including masterclasses, residencies, internships, workshops and seminars; production of audio-video material and publishing activity. 5) Fabbrica Europa has developed a powerful network of partners, aimed at creative exchange, artistic production and cultural circulation, from Europe and its edges, with particular regard to the Western Balkans and the South coast of the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

Fabbrica Europa is a laboratory for the development of collaboration and experimentation in the contemporary arts in Europe. Its mission is to be a space of production, exchange and professional development for the artists and cultural operators of Europe. It fosters the mobility of artists and art-works and so responds to the exigencies of an ever-more flexible labour market. It aims to promote understanding of cultural diversity through a dialogue between different forms of thought and ways of expression. It draws the public closer to contemporary artists and art-forms as a means of investigating a common identity. In this way Fabbrica Europa aims to create an impact that is not solely artistic but also profoundly social.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main and most renowned activity is the multi-disciplinary festival taking place every May in the former railway station Stazione Leopolda. It brings together European activities in a dense programme of dance, theatre, music, visual arts, architecture, video, new media. For this reason, we have obtained in 2006 the support from the European Union as an organisation promoting European culture.
Fabbrica Europa’s other activities are interdisciplinary artistic projects;
The last project co-financed by the European Commission – Culture 2000 has been “The Gesture in the cultural heritage of Europe” (2004/05), aimed at developing the theme of gesture through different cultural and artistic approaches, for a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary vision involving new technologies and multimedia. The project has been coordinated by Fabbrica Europa (project leader) in collaboration with Artefactory 41.14 (Procida), Muzeum Institut for Arts and Publishing (Ljubljana), Oxymoron (Athens), Chapter Arts Centre (Cardiff), Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona), Artimage (Graz).

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Bistolfi
Head of the organisation
Luca Dini
Contact (2) Full Name
Maurizia Settembri

Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone

National Network

Via Serradifalco n. 250
90145 Palermo

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
La Fondazione Falcone è stata costituita a Palermo il 10 dicembre 1992 con lo scopo di promuovere la cultura della legalità nella società e nei giovani in particolare, favorendo attività culturali, di studio e di ricerca che favoriscano lo sviluppo di una coscienza antimafiosa. Particolarmente attenta alla problematica pedagogico-educativa dei ragazzi in età scolare, la Fondazione si impegna a realizzare una vera educazione permanente alla legalità attraverso iniziative di carattere sociale e culturale che coinvolgano i giovani. Scopo della Fondazione è anche promuovere il perfezionamento della professionalità degli apparati investigativi e giudiziari impegnati nell’azione di prevenzione e di contrasto della criminalità organizzata. A livello internazionale essa favorisce l’integrazione e la cooperazione tra i sistemi giudiziari europei ed internazionali per un più efficace coordinamento dell’azione di tutti gli Stati e delle Agenzie deputate alla prevenzione e repressione dei delitti di criminalità organizzata.
Mission and Objectives

 Obiettivo ultimo della Fondazione è di coalizzare tutte le energie positive che in qualsiasi parte del mondo siano disponibili per sradicare dalla società il fenomeno mafioso. Dal 1996 la Fondazione ha ottenuto dall’ONU il riconoscimento dello status consultivo in qualità di Organizzazione non Governativa presso l’ECOSOC (Consiglio Economico e Sociale delle Nazioni Unite). Ciò significa che la Fondazione Falcone svolge funzioni consultive nell’ambito delle materie ricadenti all’interno della competenza del Consiglio Economico e Sociale (ECOSOC) con riferimento ai campi dell’economia internazionale, delle problematiche sociali, culturali, educative, di salute, scientifiche, tecnologiche ed alle questioni dei diritti umani.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Falcone
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maria Falcone
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Falcone
Job Title (2)

Fondazione Hallgarten Faanchetti

National Network

Villa Montesca
06012 Città di Castello

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation, also called “Fondazione Villa Montesca” and “Fondazione Centro Studi Villa Montesca” carries on the tradition of the Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca founded in 2001 at Villa Montesca where in 1909 Maria Montessori organized a seminar that gave birth to the first publication of the scientific pedagogic method universally known as the ‘Montessori Method’. Continuing the tradition of Alice Hallgarten and Leopoldo Franchetti in the fields of innovative teaching methods and social work the Foundation aims at developing and enhancing the activities of Villa Montesca, also by promoting the cultural heritage and scientific legacy of Baron and Baroness Franchetti particularly in science education and other cultural experiences carried out in Europe, given the importance of the legacy of the rural schools of Montesca and Rovigliano. The Foundation is nowadays internationally renowned for top quality research and training in teacher training, information technology and communication, education for European integration and regional cooperation in the field of education and culture at local, regional and European level. The Foundation has a vast experience in managing interdisciplinary project teams composed of researchers from universities and other educational organisations. It has an important role at regional, national and European level in the development and promotion of lifelong learning as a tool for improving and strengthening social and work opportunities following the main recommendations of the EU Commission  “It is never too late to learn” and “It is always a good time to learn“. The aim of our activities is to help establish an efficient educational system which can help to overcome the barriers to education/training, speed up the recognition of learning outcomes achieved in formal, informal and non-formal approaches in order to encourage active participation in the learning process also by those people who, owing to marginalization, may be excluded from it.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation has gained a prestigious position and is internationally renowned for its activities in the field of research and for the experimentation of new teaching methods for schools, training centres, companies and the labour market.
FCSVM has coordinated more than 20 national post graduating training projects addressed to young adults and adults. It is also coordinator of numerous EU educational projects within various sectors (school, adults, civil protection, etc.) at EU level. It counts about 20 coordinated projects and 30 FCSVM participated in as partner.
FCSVM develops teacher training courses in cooperation with the SchoolNet, a protocol of permanent cooperation amongst secondary schools of the Upper Tiber Valley for designing and developing new activities in the field of education. It is also promoter of the Educating Community Altotevere that has the purpose to promote a prosocial educational system to prevent social violence, through a stable system of educational relations, enshrined in a protocol (40 organizations that have a formal, but also informal educational role belong to the network, also with the aim to foster the social inclusion of migrants and refugees.)
In the spirit of its founders, the FCSVM, supported by the Municipality of Città di Castello, the Umbria Region and by the Perugia District, today realizes and experiments new didactical methods and pedagogic perspectives in order to support students throughout their education and teachers in their updating towards new educational and job scenarios. 
The work of FCSVM focuses on establishing European and national networks aimed to support the educational environment in all its forms.
- promote new and inclusive pedagogic and didactic approaches,
- promote social inclusion and support educational inclusion of students with special, personal and social needs,
- promote a democratic space of education,
- develop European and international relationships and networks,
- promote European cooperation in the fields of education, audiovisuals and culture,
- promote the valorisation of diversity in educational and cultural relationships.
The main source of funding are EU project and otehr private donors. The annual budgetary resources are aroung 1.000.000 Euros  

Main Projects / Activities

The FCSVM promotes new teaching and learning methodologies adapted to the learners’ needs and expectations. The educational environment can be physical - as a place where the educational activities are carried out - and also “virtual” and social - made up by the system of social exchanges learners activate in their specific contexts. In such a perspective education has to be inclusive and cooperative, being inspired by a constructivist idea of knowledge.
Departments and Activities:
Pedagogy and Didactic Innovation- creates research and experimentation activities in the field of education at all levels.
European Cooperation- promotes educational and cultural research and experimentation in European countries involving a wide range of municipalities, schools and stakeholders.
Teacher Training- organises training courses for teachers with new teaching approaches and methodologies.
FCSVM has been coordinating various initiatives (European co-funded projects or local initiatives co-funded by the EU Social Fund) having as main focus the application of the new digital knowledge in the learning and training systems, addressing in particular schools students and teachers from different levels. Some that can be mentioned are:
‘EUCLIDES - Enhancing the Use of Cooperative Learning to Increase Development of Science studies’. It experimented an innovative teaching and training methodology, based on the Constructivism approach and on the Problem-Based Learning (PBL), through the use of ICT instruments. This methodology was thought and developed for the study of scientific subjects and experimented in some European secondary schools, involving in the project: teachers, trainers, students, facilitators and tutors.
‘Bridging INSULA EUROPAE - Enhancing Pupils’ Motivation by Developing European Dimension of Learning and the Use of ICT’. An e-learning platform was developed as a supporting tool to education, and applied by teachers with their students in different EU Countries to help them understand how ICTs could become relevant instruments integrated with usual education paths.
‘EiYoU! Educational Innovation facing Youth Unemployment’: Motivate students to learning and prevent the drop-out. Create connections with the work world and create motivation despite the economical crisis and the risk to drop-out from learning due to the lack of opportunities in the work sectors.
‘LETHE-Learning Through Emotions’: provides teachers and student new tools and instruments to teach and learn emotional intelligence in the curricula

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Foundation can contribute with an  educative and pedagogic support for enahncing the social dimension and multicaltural approach of the school and all the other informal educative agencies 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because in the History of the Foundation, since the Montessori presence and contribution, the international dimension has been strategic 

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabrizio Boldrini
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Prof. Angelo Capecci
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Rita Bracchini
Job Title (2)
Chief of the European Department

Fondazione IDIS-Citta della Scienza

National Network

Via Coroglio 104 - 80124

+39 081 5702158
+39 081 7622670
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
349 0072717
Mobile Phone (other)
338 2127542
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. It is now an operating foundation with a flexible, agile structure: President, Executive Director, secretary, administration and employees working in the different thematic areas. Total: 12 permanent people plus temporary collaborations. 2. 3.000.000 € 3. Public and private funds 4. Therefore, the activities of the Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza develop along the following guidelines : - the organisation of events and cultural activities of science communication and dissemination; - innovative projects in science education and informal learning; - research and pilot projects in science and society and citizens participation in scientific governance; - international co-operation projects, especially in the Mediterranean Area. 5. European Commission, Municipality of Naples, Province of Naples, Regional Government, universities of Naples, Fondazione Golinelli, King Baudouin Fondation, Jerusalem Faundation,
Mission and Objectives

It is now more urgent than ever to build a new type of scientific citizenship, in order to bridge the gap between the scientific world and society at large and to ensure a greater engagement in science and technology governance.
Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza has operated in Naples since 1987 in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and technological innovation throughout the South of Italy.
Born as the organisation that promoted and set up the City of Science complex in Naples, it is now an operating foundation with a flexible, agile structure. Its primary mission is to guarantee public participation and involvement in social issues through science communication.

Main Projects / Activities

Below, the principal ongoing activities:
• NanoDialogue – Enhancing Dialogue on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences in Society at the European Level, FP6-NMP project coordinated by Fondazione IDIS.
• CIPAST - Citizens participation in science and society, FP6-S&S
• ECD-European citizens Deliberation on Brain Science, FP6-S&S
• DECIDE-Deliberative Citizens’ Debate in science centres and museums, FP6-S&S
• PENCIL- Permanent European Resource Centre for Informal Learning, FP6-S&S
• Evolution, Tracing the odyssey of life, FP6-S&S
• Bio e-learning, new labs and teachers activities on Life sciences.
• Euro-Mediterranean and Black Sea Observatory, creating a network of International cooperation among institutional, political, cultural and scientific organisations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Marie Bruyas
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Vittorio Silvestrini
Contact (2) Full Name
Luca Simeone

Fondazione IL FORTETO onlus

National Network

Frazione Orticaia 16
Dicomano (FIRENZE)

0039 55 8448376
Telephone (other)
0039 55 8387589
0039 55 8387589
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 334 9430595
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 335 8165881
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Number of Il Forteto Foundation’s Members: 25 members. The Executive Board: 10 directors. Staff employed: 3 employed, 10 voluntary workers, 3 educators. Admission of grants from Local Authorities or Institutions. Admission of grants from European Agency or Institutions. Deeds of gift from private citizens. Il Forteto Foundation carries out concrete European, National, or Local projects. Within this projects it provides for realizing students and teacher’s axchanges. Moreover it organized seminars and support researches about social themes; realizes volumes and admission of scholarships. Associated partners are organisations such as associations, local or regional authorities, companies etc, which play an active role in the Partnerships and are involved in every activities of the projects.
Mission and Objectives

Il Forteto Foundation's fundamental purposes are planning and promoting activities to inform about the rights of children, adolescents and socially disadvantaged groups. It aims at promoting and pubblicizing relationship's culture and also to foster social and cultural integration. In addition, it deals with studies and researches on the Family and on the problem of relations in the family group.
Since its establishment it has been organizing several activities, about these subject, together with the Teachers and Researchers of the University of Florence, Pisa, and Rome; Psychologists, Neuropsychiatrists and Social Workers of Tuscan ASL, the Teachers of the Istituto di Terapia Familiare (Family Therapy Institute) in Florence and the Italian Association of Auxology.

Main Projects / Activities

-“Barbiana e Mugello, una scuola per l’integrazione” Project.
-Final Meeting of the “Barbiana e Mugello, una scuola per l’integrazione” Project from 24th to 25th of October 2008.
-“Giovani-Giovani” Project.
-Final Meeting of the “Giovani-Giovani” Project on 8th of November 2008.
-“Audiovisual workshops for young and adults: an educational tool” Project. This is an European project that has 3 Italian Associated partners: Mediateca Regionale Toscana, S.G.M. Soft Gang Mugello, Scuola di Cinema “Anna Magnani” - Cinema Terminale; and 4 foreign Associated partners:
-Ubutv. Cultural Audiovisual and New tecnology Association – Barcelona (SPAIN)
-PLEIADA TV-Deveopment Programe Centre for Children and Young People. Non-governmental organisation ("NGO") – Nicosia (CYPRUS)
-SYNDESMOS EKPAIDEUSHS ENHLIKWN. Non-governmental organisation ("NGO") Peania (GREECE)
-KEDAINIAI ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE - Adult education provider. – Kedainiai (LITHUANIA)

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Cecceherini
Head of the organisation
Luigi Goffredi
Contact (2) Full Name
Luigi Goffredi

Fondazione Intercultura per il dialogo tra le culture e gli scambi giovanili internazionali ONLUS

National Network

Via Gracco del Secco 100
53034 Colle di Val d'Elsa (SI)

(39) 0577 900001
(39) 0577 920948
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. Foundation established in 2007 and governed by an Executive Council appointed for five years by the founding members. A consultative assembly groups individuals and organisations that contribute to the projects of the Foundation. The staff position of Secretary General is apponted by the Executive Council. 2-3. The endowment of the Foundation is € 1.500.000, while contributions are provided by the Association Intercultura, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by other sources. 4. Researches on intercultural education and exchanges; pilot projects about pupils mobility; conferences on intercultural issues; publications and training on related matters. 5. The AFS and EFIL networks for educational exchanges; the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mission and Objectives

"Those who are locked in the cage of one culture, their own, are always in a state of latent war and do not know it". This statement may be expressed also in another way: those who feel unfomfortable away from their homeland or away from their language are only half citizens and inadequate actors in global market.
Opening up to the world without losing one's roots; discovering the boundaries of one's culture by interacting with that of others; experiencing the commonality of human links in spiete of visible differences: these are the goals to which Intercultura Foundation will give substance and support, by studying and developing structures and practices for intercultural learning.
The Intercultura Fondation will offer concrete opportunities to people involved in education, not just to those who work at the integration of migrants, but to those who are concerned about the narrow nationalism of many school systems in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The perception of China on the Italian teen agers;
2. the perception of "otherness" among secondary school students in Italy;
3. the role of teachers in promoting intercultural exchanges;
4. long term effects of an intercultural experience abroad
1. Defining and measuring intercultural competence;
2. Italian identity between globalisation and European Union
3. A day of intercultural dialogue (26th September 2008)
1. COMENIUS Individual Pupil Mobility with EFIL and the European Commission

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Ruffino, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Amb. Roberto Toscano
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabrina Brunetti, Secretariat

Fondazione ISMU

National Network

Via Copernico 1

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. 4 permanents + 60 researchers 2. Average 1.000.000 euros 3. Promoting partners (BancaIntesa, Chamber of Commerce, Regione Lombardia) 4. The major activity areas are documentation, research, information, training. 5. Promoting partners (Chamber of Commerce, Regione Lombardia), Ministries, Local administrations, University 6. To achieve its goals, ISMU avails itself of specialists in different disciplines, an international network of experts, and a team of qualified trainers.
Mission and Objectives

Fondazione ISMU, formerly Fondazione Cariplo-ISMU, is an autonomous and independent organization promoting studies, research and projects on multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society, and focusing in particular on the phenomenon of international migrations.
ISMU presents itself as a service structure open to cooperation with other institutions, public organizations, the world of voluntary work and non-profit organizations, school institutes of any educational area and level, and scientific institutions both in Italy and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

The Documentation Centre is a library that furnishes advice services for planning training and cultural actions and projects. The Statistic area documents and analyses the characteristics of national and international migrations. The School Training area organizes seminars for teachers, parents and socio-cultural operators; public initiatives, national and international conferences on interculture. The Health section investigates the relation between immigration and health through an interdisciplinary approach. The Legislation department studies the discipline on immigration. The Labour area promotes and publishes inquiries and studies on immigrants' economic integration.
The International Sector is between the promoting partners of the Metropolis International Project (

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Lombardi
Head of the organisation
Vincenzo Cesareo
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Davì

Fondazione ITS BACT

National Network

Via Gaetano Filangieri, 151
Vico Equense

081 8799822
06 23314919
Mobile Phone
366 8020291
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
La Fondazione ITS BACT risulta essere l’unico ente nell'Italia Sud Peninsulare, riconosciuto e autorizzato dal MIUR e dalla Regione Campania, ad operare nel settore della formazione tecnica superiore nell’ambito delle Tecnologie Innovative per il Turismo, i Beni e le Attività Culturali. L'ITS BACT  promuove un programma di azioni di progettualità partecipata per lo sviluppo sostenibile ed integrato del territorio. L'ITS BACT organizza corsi della durata di 4 semestri per 1800 ore complessive che comprendono Formazione tecnologica, attività on the job,  laboratori, tirocini obbligatori per almeno il 30% del monte orario complessivo con il 50% dei docenti  provenienti dal mondo del lavoro e delle professioni. Al termine di tali corsi viene rilasciato il Diploma di Tecnico Superiore (diploma ministeriale corrispondente al V livello EQF) con l'indicazione dell'area tecnologica e della figura nazionale di riferimento. Le figure professionali che forma l'ITS BACT acquisiscono molteplici ed elevate competenze: dal turismo tradizionale al turismo digitale, dalla comunicazione e il marketing alle innovazioni tecnologiche applicate al turismo, dalle attività di ricezione turistica alla ristorazione, dall'accoglienza turistica alla gestione e promozione di servizi turistici ed enogastronomici
Mission and Objectives

La Fondazione ITS BACT risulta essere l’unico ente nell'Italia Sud Peninsulare, riconosciuto e autorizzato dal MIUR e dalla Regione Campania, ad operare nel settore della formazione tecnica superiore nell’ambito delle Tecnologie Innovative per il Turismo, i Beni e le Attività Culturali.
L'ITS BACT  promuove un programma di azioni di progettualità partecipata per lo sviluppo sostenibile ed integrato del territorio.
L'ITS BACT organizza corsi della durata di 4 semestri per 1800 ore complessive che comprendono Formazione tecnologica, attività on the job,  laboratori, tirocini obbligatori per almeno il 30% del monte orario complessivo con il 50% dei docenti  provenienti dal mondo del lavoro e delle professioni. Al termine di tali corsi viene rilasciato il Diploma di Tecnico Superiore (diploma ministeriale corrispondente al V livello EQF) con l'indicazione dell'area tecnologica e della figura nazionale di riferimento.
Le figure professionali che forma l'ITS BACT acquisiscono molteplici ed elevate competenze: dal turismo tradizionale al turismo digitale, dalla comunicazione e il marketing alle innovazioni tecnologiche applicate al turismo, dalle attività di ricezione turistica alla ristorazione, dall'accoglienza turistica alla gestione e promozione di servizi turistici ed enogastronomici

Main Projects / Activities

La Fondazione ITS BACT risulta essere l’unico ente nell'Italia Sud Peninsulare, riconosciuto e autorizzato dal MIUR e dalla Regione Campania, ad operare nel settore della formazione tecnica superiore nell’ambito delle Tecnologie Innovative per il Turismo, i Beni e le Attività Culturali.
L'ITS BACT  promuove un programma di azioni di progettualità partecipata per lo sviluppo sostenibile ed integrato del territorio.
L'ITS BACT organizza corsi della durata di 4 semestri per 1800 ore complessive che comprendono Formazione tecnologica, attività on the job,  laboratori, tirocini obbligatori per almeno il 30% del monte orario complessivo con il 50% dei docenti  provenienti dal mondo del lavoro e delle professioni. Al termine di tali corsi viene rilasciato il Diploma di Tecnico Superiore (diploma ministeriale corrispondente al V livello EQF) con l'indicazione dell'area tecnologica e della figura nazionale di riferimento.
Le figure professionali che forma l'ITS BACT acquisiscono molteplici ed elevate competenze: dal turismo tradizionale al turismo digitale, dalla comunicazione e il marketing alle innovazioni tecnologiche applicate al turismo, dalle attività di ricezione turistica alla ristorazione, dall'accoglienza turistica alla gestione e promozione di servizi turistici ed enogastronomici

Contact (1) Full Name
Aniello Di Vuolo
Head of the organisation
Aniello Di Vuolo