
FNG - Forum Nazionale dei Giovani

National Network

via Novara 41


+39 06 45476623
+39 06 99332616
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 331 5007789
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Italian National Youth Council – Forum Nazionale Giovani (FNG) has been recognized by the legislative decree number 311 of the Italian Parliament on the 30th of December 2004, it is the only national platform of Italian youth organizations which assures the representativeness of more than 4 millions of young people along the country. It is composed by 69 different national youth organizations and 4 observers, coming from different fields of youth participation: students organizations, associations working with non-formal education and mobility, youth departments of political parties, trade unions, religious associations, regional youth forums, sportive youth organizations, and many more. Participation of young people is promoted through the thematic commissions, that give the possibility to the member organizations to take part in the decision making process of the platform. Budget: 450.000,00 € from Italian government. Funding also from Youth in Action, European Youth Foundation. Projects: advocacy campaigns, training courses, seminars. Partners: European Youth Forum, Italian MFA, League of Arab States, UN, World Bank, Council of Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The Italian Youth Council works to involve young people into the social and political debate creating opportunities of active citizenship, youth participation and European awareness.
It is committed to create a space for debating and sharing of experiences between national and international youth associations and Italian and European institutions.
The personal growth and the integration of new generations represent, in concrete, the main challenges to grant social equality and democracy in our Country.
The activities of the Italian Youth Forum are based on:
• The centrality of the person;
• Active citizenship;
• Dialogue with National, European and International institutions;
• Education and Training;
• increasing the participation of young people into the social, civil and political life and in the decision making process;
• creating opportunities of meeting, debating and sharing of experiences between member organisations and Institutions;
• facilitating cooperation and networking between member organisations;

Main Projects / Activities

Over the last years, FNG has been supporting YFJ in the dialogue and cooperation with the Mediterranean and Arab region focusing on capacity building, volunteering and youth rights. From this work, developed in partnership with the Council of Europe (CoE), the League of Arab States (LAS), the World Bank – MENA Region and ICMYO organisations emerge the Euro-Arab Coordination Meetings of Youth Organisations (EACMYO) and the participation of European youth representatives in the Youth Forums of the League of Arab States and other inter-regional meetings. In 2010 FNG organised the 1st Euro-Arab Youth Conference Mare Nostrum – Youth, Migration and Development, in Ragusa - Sicily, Italy, in cooperation with the Youth Forum, CoE and LAS. In responding to the new political context in the Mediterranean and Arab region, FNG will focus on the recognition and promotion of the role of non formal education as a methodology to develop youth organizations in terms of active participation and key competences development, in order to create innovative and sustainable proposals, implement specific policies for active citizenship and social inclusion, enhance young people competences and employability through activities of capacity building and leadership empowerment in the Mediterranean and Arab region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creating synergies among the different activities organised at national level, bringing the experience of the 1° Mediterranean university on Youth and Global Citizenship that will be organised in Tunisia next July, widening the network of European and Arab youth organisations active in the field of youth rights and democracy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

FNG is willing to take part in the ALF Network because it is fundamental to collaborate and cooperate for the development of the Mediterranean area together with all the stakeholders in order to create a real space of mutual understanding, social, economical, political and environmental cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Corbo
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Failla


National Network

Via Ariberto 21
20123 Milano (Italy)


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
FocusMéditerranée is an independent online magazine - blog format. It has been launched in 2011 by the Italian photojournalist Silvia Dogliani and registered at the Court of Milan, in Italy (n.182 on 31/3/2011). The team is formed by 12 journalists and other freelances. Partners: Hoqook, Linkiesta, Yalla Italia, Vita, Agoravox, A Nordestdiche, East Side Report.
Mission and Objectives

It is a place of dialogue between the two sides of the Mediterranean: Europe and North Africa. Our mission: facilitate dialogue between youth of both sides; promote an exchange between European universities and those of North Africa; make youth aware on how the
labor market (and migration scenery) is evolving on the other side; increase the possibilities that graduated university students meet business companies needs locally or abroad

Main Projects / Activities

Med Youth Forum, a project on labour market to increase the possibilities that graduated university students (mainly from North Africa) meet business companies needs locally or abroad.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our magazine FocusMéditerranée we can disseminate information on Anna Lindh projects and initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have an international recognition, to find other partners, sponsors and new contacts, to have the opportunities to participate to grants or awards.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Dogliani
Head of the organisation
Silvia Dogliani

Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto

National Network

Via Baldasseroni, 25

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
La Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto nasce nel 2003 dall'impegno di Salvatore Calleri e Elisabetta Baldi Caponnetto allo scopo di promuovere la legalità e combattere tutte le mafie e sensibilizzare i giovani attraverso le campagne di sensibilzzazione nelle scuole.Viene sostenuta da fondi pubblici e privati.
Mission and Objectives

Combattere le mafie

Main Projects / Activities

Si occupa da anni di campagne di sensibilizzazione antimafia nelle scuole.

Contact (1) Full Name
Salvatore Calleri
Head of the organisation
Salvatore Calleri

Fondazione Aquileia

National Network

via Patriarca Popone, 7

Aquileia (UDINE)

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Founders of the Foundation are the Italian Ministers for Cultural Activities, Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, Province of Udine and Municipality of Aquileia. The Foundation has three employees in charge of its administrative activities. The organization avail itself of the collaboration of different expert consultants (1 expert EU policies, 1 engineer, 1 architect, 1 journalist). Each financial year the Foundation has guaranteed from members at least a total income of 2.164.000,00 euro. The Foundation is equipped with all the ICT tools necessary for the implementation of projects.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation is aimed at setting up strategic plans, promoting cultural development, co-financing interventions, valorising the archaeological area, implementing research activities, preservation and restoration of the managed areas. Due to its recent establishment, Aquileia Foundation has a limited experience as autonomous body but, nevertheless, it can count on the support of its four founders Furthermore the Foundation cooperates with three Italian universities (Padua, Trieste and Udine) for the archaeological valorisation of the area.

Main Projects / Activities

Structural interventions for the requalification of an archaeological area funded by the Italian Ministry for Cultural Activities and Heritage

Contact (1) Full Name
Glenda Zanolla
Head of the organisation
Alviano Scarel, President

Fondazione Archeologica per l'Etruria Meridionale (F.A.E.M.) - ONLUS

National Network

Piazza Aldo Moro, n. 16 – 00052, Cerveteri (RM) - Italy

+39 069942860
Telephone (other)
+39 069942861
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Guliano Galati (Secretary General)

Fondazione Arezzo Wave Italia

National Network

via Masaccio 14, 52100 Arezzo

Telephone (other)
+39 0575401722
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Mauro Valenti

Fondazione Artiglio Europa

National Network

Via dei calzolai 231 - 55040
Capezzano Pianore Lucca

+39 0584 969650
+39 0584 969655
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 7032391
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. President Board of Directors (7 Members) Board of Auditors (3 Members) Staff Steering Committee (8 members) Parner: Rotary Club Viareggio Versilia 2. 100.000 € 3. Local authorities and private donors. 4. Promotion of best practices exchange; scholarships; realisation of seminars and conferences; organization and promotion of an international award. 5. Local Authorities: Regione Toscana, Comune di Viareggio, Provincia di Lucca, Lucca Chamber of Commerce; non-profit Foundation: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmi di Lucca, Pisa, Livorno, Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca and the Rotary club Viareggio Versilia; Private Company: Perini Navi, Cantieri Codecasa, Viareggio Porto spa, Fipa Cantieri Malora; Banks: Cassa di Risparmi Firenze, Monte dei Paschi Siena, Credito cooperativo della Versilia, Finanza e Futuro
Mission and Objectives

The Artiglio foundation recognises the cultural dimension and diversity of the cultural expressions as keys factor for development of countries and societies. The main objective of the organisation is the promotion of Cultural Heritage as an important resource for the development and understanding different countries and people. The intents of the foundation are:
? to promote the respect and the safeguard of marine environment;
? to encourage mutual understanding among people and stimulate the awareness of our common history built on activities and tradition related to the sea.
? to promote studies and researches on underwater activities: oceanography, underwater archaeology, marine biology, marine environment and its resources.

Main Projects / Activities

? Promotion of a joint project encouraging exchanges between students of ‘Viareggiofucina’ training school and other similar European Institutes, in order to create a ‘window of dialogue’ on education, training and skills in maritime sector across Mediterranean Sea.
? Creation of a network of maritime museums across Europe.
? Organization of the IV edition of the International Artiglio Award which aims to promote study, research and other activities relative to the underwater world and recognise the merits of persons, associations, societies which have obtained important tangible and original results in activities of underwater nature at national and international level.
? Organization of events (workshops, conferences, seminar and round-tables) in order to promote the awareness of a common Mediterranean identity linked to the sea.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Sodini
Head of the organisation
Francesco Sodini

Fondazione AVSI

National Network

via Vincinio da Sarsina 185
47023 Cesena (FC)

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
AVSI Foundation is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization, founded in Italy in 1972 and presently active in 39 countries of the world, with more than 100 development cooperation projects. AVSI is operating in Africa, Latin America and Caribbean countries, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia, in the areas of health and sanitation, care of children in difficult conditions, education, vocational training, upgrading of informal urban areas, agriculture, environment, promotion of small businesses, food security, ICT, and emergency relief. Founds used by AVSI for project implementation are mainly contributed by the European Unions, UN Agencies, the Italian Government, local administrations and bodies, private businesses and individuals (total 201 budget: 33.266.043,00 euro) 124 highly qualified AVSI personnel are directly involved in long-term field assignments (at least two-years) together with over one thousand locally hired people, supported by dozens of academics and senior practitioners.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of AVSI is to support human development in developing countries with special attention to education and promotion of the global dignity of every person, according to the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church.

Main Projects / Activities

AVSI one-year statistics:
- 124 expatriates and 995 locally hired staff working in 39 countries in the world;
- 18.400.000 people are the indirect beneficiaries of implemented projects;
- 62 educational facilities either built or refurbished;
- 15.090 helped to start income generating activities;
- 1.015.952 people received health and surgical care;
- 37.623 mothers and pregnant women benefited from the PMTCT program;
- 111 wells recovered, 29 were drilled and 14 motorized;
- 1.642 scholarships granted to students;
- 300 local partners involved in activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Alberto Piatti

Fondazione Ellenica di Cultura - Italia

National Network

Piazza San Giovanni 1 - 34122

(+39) 040639339
(+39) 0403482269
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Italian Section was founded by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture in 2007 and is dependent on the head office in Athens. The permanent staff employed is composed of the Director of the Section and a secretary. Moreover, 3 teachers of Greek (non permanent staff) collaborates with the Italian Section. The budgetary resources available in a year depends on the activities (events, exhibitions, collaboration with partners that operates in similar fields of activity, language courses, etc) organized. The activities are financed by the Head Office in Athens.
Mission and Objectives

Aim of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture is to promote the Hellenic culture and to disseminate the Greek language all over the world. Since its founding in 1992, the HFC has created Branches in Odessa, Alexandria and Berlin. It operates Offices with representatives in London, Vienna, Brussels and Washington. During the period 2007-2009, the HFC has founded Centres of Hellenic Culture in Trieste, Belgrade, Bucharest, Tirana, Sofia and Melbourne. The Foundation offers Greek language courses, organizes cultural events, publishes books and operates lending libraries in its Branches, open to the public. The Hellenic Foundation for Culture is head of the Greek network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Dialogue between Cultures, and is a member of the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC). The Italian Section of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture functions as centre of teaching the Greek language and promoting the Greek culture.

Main Projects / Activities

The Italian Section of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture offers Greek language courses at all levels. It is also authorised examination centre, where examinations are organised every year by the Centre for the Greek Language of the Ministry of Education, which awards a state-recognised Certificate of Attainment in Greek. The Italian Section also organises, in co-operation with public and private cultural institutions, the local government, as well as with economic institutions, major cultural and artistic events with the aim of promoting the Greek civilization (e.g. exhibitions, events about Greek music, cinematography and poetry).

Contact (1) Full Name
Aliki Kefalogianni
Head of the organisation
Ms. Aliki Kefalogianni

Fondazione Ellenica di Cultura Italia

National Network

Via del Lavatoio 5
34132 Trieste TS

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Hellenic Foundation for Culture (HFC) was founded in 1992, with a seat in Athens, by unanimous decision of the Hellenic Parliament.
Aim of the Foundation is to disseminate the Greek language and Hellenic culture all over the world. It develops its activities through the branches, centres and offices, which it establishes in various cities in the European Union and elsewhere.
In 2007 was founded the Italian section of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture, with the aim to promote greek culture and disseminate the greek language in all Italy and Slovenia. The Hellenic Foundation for Culture Italy is subject to the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and is a no-profit organization. Its incomes derive from the State budget, as well as gifts and sponsorship of private agents . Each year the budget is subject to the Ministry of Culture grants.
The headquarters are in Trieste, where the office and the greek school are based, the place is granted from the Greek-Orthodox Community of Trieste.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture Italy in line with the HFC in Athens is to disemminate and promote greek culture and language in Italy and Slovenia.

Main Projects / Activities

In the cultural fιeld, the Hellenic Foundation for Culture (HFC) Italy has developed a significant activity covering the entire greek classical and modern cultural range in different cities of Italy. It organizes events in Italy and Slovenia– exhibitions, concerts, theatrical performances, film screenings, lectures, discussions in collaboration with important Italian cultural institutions.
It takes initiatives to disseminate a greek book, through presenting authors, supporting translations, participating in international book fairs and in European programmes to promote literature and translation.

In the field of education, the HFC Italy organizes modern greek courses at its headquarters at all levels.
The courses are taught by native speakers who have experience in teaching the greek language as a foreign language and second language. The objective of the lessons is the exercise of all language skills (oral and written production and comprehension). Modern teaching methods are applied, whereby learning is seen as a complex process of interaction with the social environment. For this reason teaching is carried out not only with the traditional textbook, but also with the support of audiovisual material, language games, conversations and various activities (learning songs, competitions, musical and theatrical performances, guided tours to exhibitions, etc.). These choices are intended to bring the students closer to the greek lifestyle and culture of the country. The detailed course programme has been developed taking into account the criteria set out by the Greek Language Centre.
The greek courses are taking place in Trieste and in Udine in collaboration with the high school Jacopo Stellini. The HFC organizes greek classes online as well and the partecipants are from all over Italy and Europe.

Moreover the HFC Italy is the official examination center for the Certification of Competence in Greek Language recognized by the Greek Ministry of Education. Each year the Foundation organizes the official exam for the attainment of the Certification of Competence in Greek Language, in collaboration with the Greek Language Centre.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The main objective of the HFC Italy is to develop an intercultural dialogue between Italy and Greece and its cultural institutions and organizations, universities, schools,
Exchangig ideas and best practices with the other members of Italian network can lead the HFC to grow, learn and cooperate for future collaborations and common programmes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The HFC Italy would like to join the ALF network in order to find partners in the same field of culture and education and exchange projects and ideas to grow and improve.
The main aim of the HFC is itself an intercultural exchange between the italian and greek culture. Meeting other cultural organizations in the Mediterranean area and knowing their work can help the HFC to grow better, specially in this peculiar times where most of the events are taking place online.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aliki Kefalogianni
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aliki Kefalogianni
Contact (2) Full Name
Irini Kontogianni
Job Title (2)