
Euromedcity (63 cities and local bodies represented)

National Network

Vico Dattero a Mergellina 11

+39 3356160866
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Euromed city è una consociazione delle Città, delle Collettività Locali e delle Reti di Città e Collettività Locali dei Paesi Euromediterranei, ed ha lo scopo di creare, attraverso programmi specifici ma coordinati, una banca dati risultante dalla somma delle banche dati specifiche programmate, in corso di realizzazione o già realizzate.
Mission and Objectives

Ha lo scopo di

Istituire la "Carta delle Città Euromediterranee";

Creare opportunità di confronto, fra operatori e studiosi dei fenomeni delle Città Euromediterranee, nel quadro dei programmi dell'Unione Europea.

Mettere a punto strumenti di "lettura delle città", dei bisogni dei loro abitanti attraverso metodologie attive e partecipate di ricerca, capaci di raccogliere informazioni concernenti gli aspetti strutturali (quadro territoriale- paesaggistico), sociali (organizzazione del lavoro, occupazione, processi migratori) e antropologici - relazioni (senso di appartenza, senso di comunità, livelli di benessere e qualità di vita) delle Città

Main Projects / Activities

Euromed city potrà istituire sedi distaccate di coordinamento per grandi aree o tematiche in quelle città che offrano risorse, mezzi e competenze adeguati allo sviluppo di specifiche tematiche attinenti gli obiettivi e le progettualità di Euromed City

Contact (1) Full Name
Luciana De Rosa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Luciana De Rosa

European Genetics Foundation

National Network

via San Vitale, 40/3/d 40125 Bologna

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information
1) The European Genetics Foundation (EGF) is a no profit organization founded in 1995.Its Administration Board is composed by: Giovanni Romeo, Roberto Ravazzolo, Michele Bianco, Martin Bobrow, Stefano Di Donato, Jennifer Howse, Victor A. McKusick, Number of employed: 20 Some projects partners: The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics , Cesnet, Tif, National and kapodistrian University of Athens Cairo University, The Chronic Care Center, Bogazici University, EGE University, University of Tunis 2) 896.920,98 3) UE, National funds, private donations 4) a) Projects of international cooperation b) The Festival of Music and Genetics c) Advanced training in the field of Medical Genetics 5) University of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna Region, Gaslini Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Besta Institute (Milan), MIUR, European Commission, World Health Organisation, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, France), European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG), American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) and March of Dimes
Mission and Objectives

•To promote the scientific and professional education of young European geneticists with particular attention to the applications of genetics in the field of preventive medicine
•To establish and manage a center of excellence for advanced training in the fields of genetics and genomics
•To award merit-based fellowships for the study of genetics
•To organize events that bring together science and music in order to establish a link between science and the Mediterranean cultural world (the Festival of Music and Genetics)
•To encourage the dialogue among science philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and geneticists coming from the Mediterranean area in order to analyze the ethical, social, legal and religious implications of the genetic discoveries.
•To organize congresses, courses, international prize-giving and round tables to increase awareness of genetics related issues and to encourage public participation.

Main Projects / Activities

a) EGF coordinates projects of international cooperation, research, knowledge transfer and development of IT technologies. Thanks to these funds, EGF managed to provide more than 700 fellowships to graduate and post-graduate students and to launch a series of project aimed at transferring knowledge to countries of the Southern Mediterranean rim. Some examples: Eurogene (The First Pan-European Learning Service in the Field of Genetics, eContentplus Programme, Oct 2007-Sept 2010) and MedGeNet (FP6 RTD, Specific International Scientific Cooperation Activities, Oct 2006 – Sept 2008). Other European granted projects in which EGF is Work Package Leader are: Health-e-Child (FP6 RTD, Jan 2006 – Dec 2009) and Ithanet (eInfrastructure for Thalassemia Research Network Programme, FP6 RTD, April 2006 – March 2008).
b) 3rd edition Festival of Music and Genetics, which will have the following theme: Culture and Evolution of the Population of the Mediterranean Region.
c) Advanced training in the field of Medical Genetics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serena Paterlini
Head of the organisation
prof. Giovanni Romeo
Contact (2) Full Name
Margherita Beltrame

European Movement Italy

National Network

Via Angelo Brunetti 60
00186 Rome RM

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The European Movement promotes European values at European and International level

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the European Movement Italy is to have a ever closer Union.

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences, information, communication, networking, human rights, sustainable development goals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote the dialogue between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We shares the values of the ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Pier Virgilio Dastoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pier Virgilio Dastoli

European Route of Peace - Strada Europea della Pace

National Network

Legal headquarter: Comunità Montana Umbria Nord
Via Matteotti, 17 - 06024 Gubbio (PG)
Operative office: Comunità Montana Catria e Nerone
Via Alessandri, 19 - 61043 Cagli (PU)


0039 0721781088
0039 0721780364
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3387659934
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Association takes care of the constitution (planning and organization) of a cultural route, the European Route of Peace, an ancient route that from Lübeck reaches Rome, passing through Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy. Since the year 1000, pilgrims, saints, popes, emperors, scientists, writers, merchants, travelers of the Grand Tour, have taken this route. The Association is open to all the institutions and government agencies located along the route and today consists of: the mountain communities of Alta Umbria, Catria e Nerone, Upper and Middle Metauro, the towns of Cagli, Gubbio, Foligno, Urbino, Peglio, Valfabbrica, Thann, in addition to the Marche and Umbria regions. The yearly budget is around € 70,000, coming from the membership fees, and from a contribution of Marche. The association is working with the European Institute of Cultural Routes in order to apply for admission to the Programme of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The project grounds along an historically documented path the concept of peace, the founding idea of Europe after the WWII. Since it is not a predictable nor permanently acquired value, the project is presented as a significant contribution to the European process of peace building, through the political unification and the promotion of peace in the consciousness of the individuals and of the ethnic, cultural, religious, social and economic communities to which they belong. The itinerary is intended as an initiation and pedagogic journey that, through the historical memory of places, leads to the discovery of the open concept of peace. A route that should be representative of the universal values of peace cannot be limited to a linear path: the network of the Route of Peace, therefore, also includes a number of places, research centers and initiatives of fundamental value for the theme of peace and located throughout Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

- Cooperation in terms of research and development.
The association is forming a Scientific Committee that will study the concept of social peace for a more united Europe.
- Cultural and educational exchanges for young Europeans.
The Italian Ministry of Heritage and Culture initiated a project for schools along the route.
- Practice of contemporary culture and arts.
The Association has established a partnership with the “Festival International Humour pour la Paix”, which is held each year at the Abbaye de Neumünster in Luxembourg.
Segni Barocchi Festival 2009 organized a vocal and instrumental concert, entitled "New Discoveries on the Route of Peace."
- Cultural Tourism and sustainable development.
Creation of a pilot project on the Route of Peace from Pesaro to Foligno (I). Consistently with the Ethics Charter developed by the EICR, the goal is the recovery of the local resources that can be read through the filter of the theme of the route.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulia Caldarone
Head of the organisation
Gino Traversini

European Training Foundation

National Network

Villa Gualino, Viale Settimio Severo, 35
10133, Torino

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The European Training Foundation is an agency of the European Union based in Turin, Italy . It became operational in 1994. The ETF currently employs approximately 130 staff and has an annual budget of about 18 million €. We recruit and deploy experts from multiple disciplines to handle complex and multidimensional topics in a team environment, in order to create new knowledge, insight and solutions.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help transition and developing countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the Eu's external relations policy.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities are structured around a series of projects that take place in the partner countries to facilitate the reform of vocational education and training and employment systems. All activities we carry out aim at providing services to the European Commission, our partner countries and the EU Member States.
We support our partner countries by providing opportunities for policy learning on reform strategies to policy makers and key stakeholders in the countries. We provide advice on vocational education and training policy and innovative approaches in EU and relevant good practice from other partner countries. We seek to enable policy makers to integrate their reform efforts within the overall support framework provided by the EU. We also support our partner countries to develop participatory policy development to ensure ownership and sustainability for the reform process.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerard Mayen
Head of the organisation
Madlen Serban

European University Institute - EUI

National Network

Badia Fiesolana - Via dei Roccettini 9, I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) - Italy

+39 055 4685 884
Telephone (other)
+39 055 4685 1
+39 055 4685 730
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The European University Institute (EUI) is an international postgraduate teaching and research institute. It was originally set up in 1972 by the six founding Member States of the European Communities to provide advanced academic training for doctoral researchers and to promote research in economics, history and civilization, law and the political and social sciences. Since the 1990s, the EUI has developed major post-doc fellowship programmes in the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) and, most recently, the Max Weber Programme (MWP). The Institute’s range of opportunities for postdoctoral studies is complemented by fellowships provided by foundations, some individual countries and a number of Marie-Curie Fellowships and Fernand Braudel Fellowships. The EUI hosts a community of roughly 55 full time faculty, 550 doctoral candidates, 100 post-doctoral fellow, 100 visiting faculty and fellows and 150 administrative staff drawn from over 50 countries. The total revenue in 2010 has been 52 millions euro with 47,8% coming from the members states, 18,1% from externally funded projects, 15,1% from the EC, etc. (see enclosed report ).
Mission and Objectives

To provide advanced academic training for doctoral researchers and to promote research in economics, history and civilization, law and the political and social sciences.

Main Projects / Activities

Lists of exteranllu funded projects (selection);
ACIT - Access to citizenship and its impact on immigrant integration
ELECDEM - Training Network in Electoral Democracy
EUDO - European Union Democracy Observatory
EU Profiler
NewGov - New Modes of Governance
PIREDEU - Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union
SIEPOL - Seclusion and Inclusion in the European Polity: Institutional Change and Democratic Practices
EFN - European Forecasting Network
Pierre Werner Chair Programme on Monetary Union
Climate Policy Research Unit
Loyola de Palacio Chair
Migration Policy Centre
ACCEPT PLURALISM - Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion
Arab Labour Markets and Migration
CRIS - Cross-Regional Information System on the Reintegration of Migrants in their Countries of Origin
MEDIVA - Media For Diversity And Migrant Integration
METOIKOS - Circular migration in Southern and Central Eastern Europe
MIREM - MIgration de REtour au Maghreb
RDP - Return migration and Development Platform
TRANSATLANTIC - Improving EU and US Immigration Systems
BORDERLANDS: Boundaries, Governance, and Power in the European Union's Relations with North Africa and the Middle East
European Security
The Mediterranean Programme
The Transatlantic Programme
The ReligioWest Programme
CONSENSUS - Confronting Social and Environmental Sustainability
CMPF - Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom
EULAH - EU Competition Law in Legal and Historical Perspectives
FSR - Florence School of Regulation
Global Governance Programme
ERD - European Report on Development
Energy Policy and Climate Policy
Climate Policy Research Unit
Loyola de Palacio Chair
International and Transnational Relations
of the EU
BORDERLANDS: Boundaries, Governance, and Power in the European Union's Relations with North Africa and the Middle East
European Security
The Mediterranean Programme
The Transatlantic Programme
The ReligioWest Programme
Migration Policy Centre
ACCEPT PLURALISM - Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion
Arab Labour Markets and Migration
CRIS - Cross-Regional Information System on the Reintegration of Migrants in their Countries of Origin
MEDIVA - Media For Diversity And Migrant Integration
METOIKOS - Circular migration in Southern and Central Eastern Europe
MIREM - MIgration de REtour au Maghreb
RDP - Return migration and Development Platform
TRANSATLANTIC - Improving EU and US Immigration Systems
Competition Policy and Market Regulation
CONSENSUS - Confronting Social and Environmental Sustainability
CMPF - Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom
EULAH - EU Competition Law in Legal and Historical Perspectives
FSR - Florence School of Regulation
Global Governance
Global Governance Programme
ERD - European Report on Development

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Claudio Mazzetti
Head of the organisation
President Josep Borrell Fontelles
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Serena Scarselli

Europiamo ETS

National Network

Via Proba Pretonia 43
00136 Roma RM

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Europiamo is the Italian meeting point between young ambassadors of European mobility and active stakeholders operating in the youth sector. We directly involve both young people under 30 and NGOs active in the mobility field. We count on 8 local member organisations (among them Scambieuropei and Nous) who are also active at European level through Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps, and more than 20 "Giovani Ambasciatori Europei".

We were established in January 2020 but we can count on a two-years development phase and on the expertise of NGOs active in the youth field for more than 10 years.
We just submitted a Youth Dialogue project (developed in 13 Italian regions) and we wish to combine pilot activities, social media campaigns, training and exchanges, digital tools and processes of structured dialogue.

We are in close contact with European youth networks and key actors in Italy, including Europe Direct and Eurodesk.

Mission and Objectives

Europiamo, as a national youth-led network, strives for a more direct and inspiring involvement of young people in decision making processes at local, regional, national and European level.
Our vision is "Together for a more inclusive, sustainable and participatory Europe" while our mission is to bring the new generations closer to European opportunities and support the development of a personal connection to European citizenship. To do so we promote the participation of young people in civil society, we share good practices among the actors involved and we advocate to determine policy progresses and to protect our members' interests.

The organisation pursues the following core objectives:
a) To promote European citizenship, supporting personal and professional growth of young people through European mobility opportunities.
b) To represent the needs and proposals of our associates towards the interested institutions.
c) To connect the realities that work in the world of European mobility, with the aim of sharing good practices and favoring moments of productive networking.

Main Projects / Activities

The network Europiamo was lunched in early January 2020 but it can count on a two years-process that led to its foundation. We managed to dialogue with and involve young people from all around the country, to support the introduction of the EuroPeers network in Italy, to create a space for mutual dialogue and active collaboration among beneficiaries organisations (implementing EU funded projects) and to finally launch the forum of the network, participated by "Giovani Ambasciatori Europei", who are inspiring and energetic examples for their peers.

We have already set two work areas for the next months that are related and strongly beneficial for this application:

- Project development area:
We have started to support informal groups of young people interested to develop solidarity projects (ESC31) at local and regional level, proposing expert coaches and giving useful feedbacks on the project management side. We have also planned a civil society project and a Europe for Citizens proposal, related to civic engagement and democratic participation.

- Partnerships area
We are already in contact and working with EuSN, ESN Italy, AEGEE Europe, GFE Italia, the European Youth Card Association, Europe Direct contact points around the country and the Eurodesk network, among other important actors. We are also in contact with the Italian Youth Council.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We combine the strong motivation and the energy of Young European Ambassadors with the experience and competences of NGOs active in the youth field. Among these, Associazione Eufemia and Nous often develop initiatives that target hate speech, the inclusion of minorities and intercultural dialogue between multiple European and partner countries.
We already have a fair network of contacts in the civil society as well as in local and regional administrations and we are committed to respect the fundamental human rights, equality between genders, social inclusion, the promotion of a mental and physical wellness among several key pillars. We wish to extend the awareness on the European Youth Goals and to offer young people from Italy and many other countries learning opportunities that defend and promote these crucial values.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we firmly believe and strive for inclusive, sustainable and participative societies.
We aim at empowering young people at local, national and international level and we look forward to dialogue with policy makers so to create more youth friendly, ambitious and forward-looking policies in our country. We value the potential of young leaders as proactive actors that can determine a positive change in our communities, we are interested in launching researches and conduct studies that better understand the current dynamics that influence our daily work.
Most of all, we wish to learn and grow in the ALF network by building long-lasting partnerships and disseminating the already developed good practices by its members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matteo Sisto
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Matteo Sisto
Contact (2) Full Name
Gianluca Rossino
Job Title (2)
Executive director


National Network


0039 3398659954
Telephone (other)
080 4687528
080 4687528
Mobile Phone
0039 3398659954
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our association is created by a group of young people the age 18 – 35 who lives in the region Puglia, Italy. We have participated in several European activities such as youth exchanges, trainings and seminars within the Youth in Action Programme and brand new ERASMUS + . The main aim of our association is to foster youth participation of young people in civil society, to bring social changes, development and improvement of society where we live, using different tools and mainly focused in youth field. We have been engaged in different youth activities as volunteers and during this period we have gained a lot of experience increasing our knowledge with a direct impact in our personal and social development. We have been participating and helping in facilitation of similar activities and this is what gave us the motivation to continue with our own action.   OUR WEBSITE OUR FACEBOOK GROUP
Mission and Objectives

Our  is an organization with the aim to improve the quality of life of people in our town and region and to bring their social inclusion and activism on higher level. Our goals are also to develop cultural, democratic, social and ecological conscience among youth, to encourage cooperation of young people with different interests and activities and to increase influence of young people on work of local community.
To achieve all that, we organize cultural, ecological, educational and other events, we promote humanitarian work through many actions and cooperation with other humanitarian organizations, we inform young people about important topics, encourage their inclusion in discussion and solving various problems in our community and we cooperate with other similar associations in our country and wider. We aim to educate young people in mentioned areas in order to give them opportunity to spread everything they have learned and to encourage them to become actively involved in life of their community.
I will share the achieved goals with those who are interested in promoting European
programmes as a tool for creating enterprises with an international perspective.
As well as organization and other institutions of this kind and to encourage italian youth to participate and join actively this type of programmes, also through high school infodesk and University.
In addition to this EUROSUD is also part of a larger network of NGO's all over the
European countries and all the results will be disseminated through this network as well.

Main Projects / Activities

EUROSUD is founded by a number of experts with a goal to offer a support, help, services and counseling in area of development of civil society and democratic institutions, civil values, non-formal education for all citizens, especially for young people.
EUROSUD  organizes events (round tables, debates, seminars and workshops) about activism, education, promotion and exchange regarding human rights, development of local, regional, European and international cooperation. EUROSUD especially promotes development of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable development (of civil society).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In addition to this EUROSUD is also part of a larger network of NGO's all over the
European countries and all the results will be disseminated through this network as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join this network because it could be an added value to my organization.
Could be a lighthouse in southern Italy . A part of this we can organize event and info day to raise awareness regardding the ALF missions and goals

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

EVA - European Volunteering Association

National Network

Via Crisafulli Elia, 2 - 90128 Palermo (PA)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
E.V.A. European Volunteering Association is an activity organization for philanthropy placed in Palermo, Italy. From time to time we organize meetings, debates, conferences, exhibitions, events, cultural exchanges and / or scientific, cultural twinning and promote the dissemination and promotion of gender issues inherent in the young and the old age and the states of social problems;
Mission and Objectives

• study and develop new and already implemented in collaboration with other research institutions and voluntary associations to monitor the needs on the ground and then modulate the actions against the persons referred to social order,
• promote initiatives that encourage dialogue, comparison, coordination of 'action and operational effectiveness among the various groups and associations in the town of Palermo and the surrounding towns;
• Promoting information activities and training aimed at teenagers, their families and parents of children for a deepening of their educational functions ,
• Protecting, developing defensive action, awareness and knowledge, the rights of disadvantaged groups in the corporate purpose;
• promote the emergence of the problem of early school leaving and social exclusion, in front of the public in order to involve private and public institutions and improve the existing services and to involve these institutions in building a widespread culture of respect for the rights of the weakest sectors of society.
• Educate to voluntary cultural, social welfare, culture of legality and fight the mafia, to 'education and the civil liability, active citizenship and equal opportunities ;

Main Projects / Activities

• promote and enhance a concrete idea of open and multicultural society, which identified 'Immigration and nell'intercultura a resource for the community,
• develop cultural, artistic, recreational and addressed to the above objectives, and to search for forms of support for achieving the aims of the association,
• encourage and support pathways to prevent hardship and youth initiatives support and support related to new staff;
• collaborate and participate in service projects promoted by public bodies, so that they can not substitute for the expertise of these public bodies, and private, in keeping with the aims of the Association and of the same legislation legislation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dario Torregrossa
Head of the organisation
Dario Torregrossa

EVA International

National Network

Viale di Villa Pamphili

+39 340 3401988
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
General Information
Eva International è imprgnata nella promozione delle donne nelle imprese sociali ed è attiva in progetti di cooperazione internazioanle.
Mission and Objectives

Eva International è imprgnata nella promozione delle donne nelle imprese sociali ed è attiva in progetti di cooperazione internazioanle.

Main Projects / Activities

Eva International è imprgnata nella promozione delle donne nelle imprese sociali ed è attiva in progetti di cooperazione internazioanle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Parisi
Head of the organisation
Valentina Parisi