European University Institute - EUI

National Network

Badia Fiesolana - Via dei Roccettini 9, I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) - Italy

+39 055 4685 884
Telephone (other)
+39 055 4685 1
+39 055 4685 730
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The European University Institute (EUI) is an international postgraduate teaching and research institute. It was originally set up in 1972 by the six founding Member States of the European Communities to provide advanced academic training for doctoral researchers and to promote research in economics, history and civilization, law and the political and social sciences. Since the 1990s, the EUI has developed major post-doc fellowship programmes in the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) and, most recently, the Max Weber Programme (MWP). The Institute’s range of opportunities for postdoctoral studies is complemented by fellowships provided by foundations, some individual countries and a number of Marie-Curie Fellowships and Fernand Braudel Fellowships. The EUI hosts a community of roughly 55 full time faculty, 550 doctoral candidates, 100 post-doctoral fellow, 100 visiting faculty and fellows and 150 administrative staff drawn from over 50 countries. The total revenue in 2010 has been 52 millions euro with 47,8% coming from the members states, 18,1% from externally funded projects, 15,1% from the EC, etc. (see enclosed report ).
Mission and Objectives

To provide advanced academic training for doctoral researchers and to promote research in economics, history and civilization, law and the political and social sciences.

Main Projects / Activities

Lists of exteranllu funded projects (selection);
ACIT - Access to citizenship and its impact on immigrant integration
ELECDEM - Training Network in Electoral Democracy
EUDO - European Union Democracy Observatory
EU Profiler
NewGov - New Modes of Governance
PIREDEU - Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union
SIEPOL - Seclusion and Inclusion in the European Polity: Institutional Change and Democratic Practices
EFN - European Forecasting Network
Pierre Werner Chair Programme on Monetary Union
Climate Policy Research Unit
Loyola de Palacio Chair
Migration Policy Centre
ACCEPT PLURALISM - Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion
Arab Labour Markets and Migration
CRIS - Cross-Regional Information System on the Reintegration of Migrants in their Countries of Origin
MEDIVA - Media For Diversity And Migrant Integration
METOIKOS - Circular migration in Southern and Central Eastern Europe
MIREM - MIgration de REtour au Maghreb
RDP - Return migration and Development Platform
TRANSATLANTIC - Improving EU and US Immigration Systems
BORDERLANDS: Boundaries, Governance, and Power in the European Union's Relations with North Africa and the Middle East
European Security
The Mediterranean Programme
The Transatlantic Programme
The ReligioWest Programme
CONSENSUS - Confronting Social and Environmental Sustainability
CMPF - Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom
EULAH - EU Competition Law in Legal and Historical Perspectives
FSR - Florence School of Regulation
Global Governance Programme
ERD - European Report on Development
Energy Policy and Climate Policy
Climate Policy Research Unit
Loyola de Palacio Chair
International and Transnational Relations
of the EU
BORDERLANDS: Boundaries, Governance, and Power in the European Union's Relations with North Africa and the Middle East
European Security
The Mediterranean Programme
The Transatlantic Programme
The ReligioWest Programme
Migration Policy Centre
ACCEPT PLURALISM - Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion
Arab Labour Markets and Migration
CRIS - Cross-Regional Information System on the Reintegration of Migrants in their Countries of Origin
MEDIVA - Media For Diversity And Migrant Integration
METOIKOS - Circular migration in Southern and Central Eastern Europe
MIREM - MIgration de REtour au Maghreb
RDP - Return migration and Development Platform
TRANSATLANTIC - Improving EU and US Immigration Systems
Competition Policy and Market Regulation
CONSENSUS - Confronting Social and Environmental Sustainability
CMPF - Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom
EULAH - EU Competition Law in Legal and Historical Perspectives
FSR - Florence School of Regulation
Global Governance
Global Governance Programme
ERD - European Report on Development

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Claudio Mazzetti
Head of the organisation
President Josep Borrell Fontelles
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Serena Scarselli