
Goethe-Institut Rome

National Network

Via Savoia 15, 00198 Rome

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Germany’s worldwide cultural institution seeks to promote German language learning and international cultural cooperation, while conveying a comprehensive image of Germany. In this age of new global challenges, the Goethe-Institut strives to deepen understanding between cultures and enhance Germany’s standing worldwide. At the time being, the Goethe-Institut has 136 establishments and 11 liason offices in 93 different countries and 13 in Germany itself. In addition, it operates 77 reading rooms, dialogue points and information centres, 138 bilateral cultural associations, 55 language learning centres and 181 teacher’s aid centres.
Mission and Objectives

Germany’s worldwide cultural institution seeks to promote German language learning and international cultural cooperation, while conveying a comprehensive image of Germany. In this age of new global challenges, the Goethe-Institut strives to deepen understanding between cultures and enhance Germany’s standing worldwide. At the time being, the Goethe-Institut has 136 establishments and 11 liason offices in 93 different countries and 13 in Germany itself. In addition, it operates 77 reading rooms, dialogue points and information centres, 138 bilateral cultural associations, 55 language learning centres and 181 teacher’s aid centres.

Main Projects / Activities

Germany’s worldwide cultural institution seeks to promote German language learning and international cultural cooperation, while conveying a comprehensive image of Germany. In this age of new global challenges, the Goethe-Institut strives to deepen understanding between cultures and enhance Germany’s standing worldwide. At the time being, the Goethe-Institut has 136 establishments and 11 liaison offices in 93 different countries and 13 in Germany itself. In addition, it operates 77 reading rooms, dialogue points and information centres, 138 bilateral cultural associations, 55 language learning centres and 181 teacher’s aid centres.

Contact (1) Full Name
Uwe Reissig
Head of the organisation
Goethe-Institut e.V.
Contact (2) Full Name
Susanne Höhn

Good World Citizen

National Network

Via D'Annunzio 34
50135 Firenze FI

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Good World Citizen (GWC) is a non-profit organization based in Florence–Italy, established in 2021 by a group of global citizens who are actively involved in intercultural understanding and in the promotion of dialogue and interaction between different cultures. The Board of GWC is composed of five members who have professional expertise and connections with several establishments both locally and nationally. For its activities GWC relies on memberships and donations and on participation in calls and grants. The line of action of GWC is in concrete projects of training and also seminars and conferences. Among GWC collaborators and partners are public institutions in the Municipality of Florence and the Tuscany Region; academic institutions, such as the University of Florence and Sophia University Institute and also organizations of the civil society such as Gorgio La Pira International Student Center, ItaliaHello and the Islamic Community of Florence and Tuscany.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of GWC is to bring together people from different nationalities, backgrounds and cultures to work together and to contribute in making positive changes for the good of the global community. Our objective is to promote cultures and multiculturalism in order to prepare aware and responsible citizens in a modern, connected and interdependent society, as well as to contribute in developing cultural, social and civic skills in order to support peaceful coexistence and enhance cultural diversity. To achieve these goals GWC promotes initiatives based on intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and reciprocity, for the purpose of the greater good of our global community.

Main Projects / Activities

Awareness: we organize a series of conferences and seminars on various topics to promote a better understanding of our world.
Advocacy: we seek to make changes that can improve our society and to seek a sustainable change.
Activity: we promote all activities that give a better understanding of the different cultures both locally and worldwide.
Attainment: we organize workshops and trainings especially for the disadvantaged members of the society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In a closely interconnected world, such as the one we live in today, multiculturalism has become a stable factor in societies all over the world. This is particularly tangible in Italy which has been witnessing an increase in the presence of citizens of migrant origin in the past few decades, which has become a structural aspect of the Italian society. As an organization formed of global citizen we think we can bring a distinctive vision and approach that we are eager to share with other organization that have similar goals. We have also acquired a distinctive experience through our members who have been active in this field since many years.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a newly launched organization, we at GWC would like to establish contacts and collaborations with other national and international organizations that share our vision and goals. We find that our aims and objective are in harmony and well connected to those of The Anna Lindh Foundation. For this reason we keen on becoming part of its network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haifa Alsakkaf
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Haifa Alsakkaf

Good World Citizen

National Network

Via D'Annunzio 34
50135 Firenze FI

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Good World Citizen (GWC) is a non-profit organization based in Florence–Italy, established in 2021 by a group of global citizens who are actively involved in intercultural understanding and in the promotion of dialogue and interaction between different cultures. The Board of GWC is composed of five members who have professional expertise and connections with several establishments both locally and nationally. For its activities GWC relies on memberships and donations and on participation in calls and grants. The line of action of GWC is in concrete projects of training and also seminars and conferences. Among GWC collaborators and partners are public institutions in the Municipality of Florence and the Tuscany Region; academic institutions, such as the University of Florence and Sophia University Institute and also organizations of the civil society such as Gorgio La Pira International Student Center, ItaliaHello and the Islamic Community of Florence and Tuscany.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of GWC is to bring together people from different nationalities, backgrounds and cultures to work together and to contribute in making positive changes for the good of the global community. Our objective is to promote cultures and multiculturalism in order to prepare aware and responsible citizens in a modern, connected and interdependent society, as well as to contribute in developing cultural, social and civic skills in order to support peaceful coexistence and enhance cultural diversity. To achieve these goals GWC promotes initiatives based on intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and reciprocity, for the purpose of the greater good of our global community.

Main Projects / Activities

Awareness: we organize a series of conferences and seminars on various topics to promote a better understanding of our world.
Advocacy: we seek to make changes that can improve our society and to seek a sustainable change.
Activity: we promote all activities that give a better understanding of the different cultures both locally and worldwide.
Attainment: we organize workshops and trainings especially for the disadvantaged members of the society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In a closely interconnected world, such as the one we live in today, multiculturalism has become a stable factor in societies all over the world. This is particularly tangible in Italy which has been witnessing an increase in the presence of citizens of migrant origin in the past few decades, which has become a structural aspect of the Italian society. As an organization formed of global citizen we think we can bring a distinctive vision and approach that we are eager to share with other organization that have similar goals. We have also acquired a distinctive experience through our members who have been active in this field since many years.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a newly launched organization, we at GWC would like to establish contacts and collaborations with other national and international organizations that share our vision and goals. We find that our aims and objective are in harmony and well connected to those of The Anna Lindh Foundation. For this reason we keen on becoming part of its network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Haifa Alsakkaf
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Haifa Alsakkaf

GVC - Civil Volunteer Group

National Network

Via dell'Osservanza 35/2
40136 Bologna

0039 051585604
0039 051582225
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0039 3470025814
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
General Information
GVC has a democratic structure that includes a General Assembly, Board of Directors, Internal Audit and Quality Control Service. Staff employed in 2014:Italy 5 interns; 19 consultants;26 employees /abroad 12 interns/ 88 consultants /364 local employees. Budget year 2014: €11,500,498: the EU is our biggest donor (67% of our funds) for development and emergency projects. We also receive funding from the UN (11%), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation(10%), local authorities and other public and private donors (12%). We work by implementing projects in countries where we adopt multi-sector strategy programmes and apply a community-based and participatory approach. Our partners include: University and Research 14%;Local and international institutions 25%;Local and international civil society organizations 50%;Private sector 11%.(72% of these organizations are local partners). GVC is also part of various networks to promote civil society and citizen partnerships, such as Link, Concord, Voice 2007, Agire.  
Mission and Objectives

We would like to see a better world, fairer and more supportive than the one we witness everyday. We try to contribute to building it through the respect and the promotion of the rights of the communities in which we work, within a vision of dignity, exchange and reciprocity.
We believe in a heightened awareness, in each person’s ability to see the world through different eyes and to learn that, in a deeply connected Global North and South, respect for others and for the environment is nothing other than respect for one’s self.
We work with individuals, civil society organizations, local institutions and governments, so that everyone can take care of their own present and future, building a culture of autonomy and cooperation which fosters the freedom and independence of communities.

Main Projects / Activities

We fight against poverty and injustice to guarantee vulnerable communities the access to water, food, health, education and work. We aim to develop critical thinking and challenge stereotypes to sustain the change towards a fairer and more sustainable world. Specifically, we work with people who are often the most disadvantaged in their communities: women, children and persons with disabilities.
GVC implements  multi-sector programs useful in helping to remove the causes of poverty and allowing each person to enjoy their basic human rights: right to food (13 projects), right to water and sanitation (7 projects), right to health (3 projects),  right to decent work and participation in social and economic life through fairer development models (9 projects). Recognizing environmental protection as an absolutely necessary condition for reaching these goals, 18 projects in 2014 were dedicated to protecting natural resources and 8 to promoting education towards global citizenship and advocacy activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GVC is already a partner of several organisations of the ALF Italian Network and could therefore further contribute to strengthening CSO networks and support their work in the Emilia-Romagna region.
GVC also works in most of the mediterranean countries of the ALF network and has long-standing relations with local organisations and stakeholders. Currently, GVC is implementing several projects in Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Palestine. GVC's position, as an Italian Ngo working internationally, can sustain dialogue and improve mutual understanding between communities.
GVC also works in Italy and Europe carrying out Development Education activities, including Terra di Tutti Film Festival, an annual event to feature documentary films on  issues concerning international development. For example, in an emergency project to support Syrian families in Lebanon, we included the making of a documentary to explain the current situation of refugees and hosting communities in Lebanon and disseminated the documentary-film both in Lebanon and Italy, in order to improve the perception and relate to the current refugee situation.
Finally, GVC participates in several networks and is part of the Board of Directors of Link 2007 (Cooperation  Network – Brings together major Italian NGOs with the aim of boosting the role of NGOs in the promotion of development and cooperation policies at an institutional level) and Concord Italy (Italian division of the CONCORD Europe platform, representative for the European Union for international cooperation and development policies). GVC can ensure a dialogue and participation between these networks and the ALF  Network. For example, in 2014, with both platforms, Link 2007 and Concord, we organized several seminars and public events on the subject of  Mediterranean  relations, peace and migration for the project More and Better Europe during the Italian presidency semester.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

GVC would like to join the ALF Network in order to both contribute and benefit from the dialogue, experience and knowledge of the diverse organizations involved and, finally, to support and strengthen Mediterranean CSOs in the promotion of rights and mutual respect.
GVC has been working in Mediterranean countries since the '90's and is currently implementing programmes in 4 different countries in the region to build a favourable environment for democratic and sustainable growth. Specifically, working on capacity-building, good governance, accountability practices and knowledge sharing to improve governance mechanisms, enhancing capacities and establishing networks and alliances among CSOs and other stakeholders.
GVC can also connect its current partners for collaborations with the ALF network and engage members of the network in its activities, in order to become more effective and efficient.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Ziwawi
Job Title
Institutional Fundraiser
Head of the organisation
Dina Taddia
Contact (2) Full Name
Rachele Ponzellini
Job Title (2)
Junior Fundraiser

H.R.Y.O. human Rights youth organization

National Network

Via M 11 num 13/7
90046 Monreale

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Farina
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Marco Farina


National Network

70054 BARI

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Habitat World has a profile of an association with parallel actions as a social company according to Italian Laws.  It has a scientific board and a management unit which work together.  The whole group is of 25 persons. Budgetary resources available in a year Budget is mainly activated through partnerships and through work carried out by Habitat World in conjunction with national and international partners.  Full budget would be around 20,000 euros per year. Sources of funding National and International partners - including universities, municipalities, regions and local/international organisations. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) The itinerant event - Habitat World Biennale (third edition) involves concrete projects on culture, art, education - aimed at youth and lifelong learners - community leaders and national and international entities. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Regione Abruzzo, Provincia di Teramo, Municipalities in Italy, UMAR (union of mediterranean architects, ASCAME, universities and other international foundations and organisations.
Mission and Objectives

HABITAT WORLD’s mission is to contribute the cultural, social evolution and economic growth of the civilization byresearching and developing a harmonious synthesis between nature - art - science - economics in compliance with the psychophysical and ecosystem habitats.
to promote research, development and implementation projects that concern education, training and growth of new communications and cultural models in compliance with ecosystems and habitats, especially those projects that can generate employment in a sustainable community through new occupations;
• to generate new ways of collaboration and cooperation networks hat have the same target of smart, inclusive and sustainable development, in accordance to European directives Europe 2020, that concern particularly the large geopolitical areas such as the Adriatic Ionian and the south east Europe, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, as well as in all developing countries;
to develop and to promote all the initiatives and projects putting across and broadcasting through various interactive and dynamic tools, including magazines and scientific publications, for the growth of a collective mind that constantly interact in an empathically and dynamic way;
to present the official results of the works at the European Parliament and the national intergovernmental bodies, ensuring a constantly proactive and constructive interaction with all institutions;
periodically organizing “Biennale Habitat” envisioned like an instrument of collective interdisciplinary
and multicultural dialogue that promote excellence in the involved areas and create networks for sustainable development of exemplary projects involving public- private joint ventures (companies, universities, research centers, etc.);
to direct the SME and other economic realities by promoting training, internationalization, technological innovation aimed at protection and enhancement of the territories and their ecosystem;
to set up project works for investments in 'art science nature economy' or project works of creative sensitive intelligence produced by local citizens aimed at changing and regenerating urban habitat, agricultural, coastal, mountain, historical, environmental, landscapes, etc. using innovative methods and tools with the energy, water and human resources of the territories, to improve physical, mental, cultural, social and economic conditions of involved civilization;
to bring up and train the 'citizens of the world' new generation to live in peace through promoting twinning and exchanges of young people from different cultures and religions especially for an environmental and artistic education

Main Projects / Activities

During these years HABITAT WORLD has worked on the elaboration and organization of projects, proposals, initiatives, national and international conferences, connecting civil, scientific and professional society with the different institutional levels to develop contents in line with the needs of protection, enhancement and innovation of our immense environmental and cultural heritage, on the one hand, and following the Euro-Mediterranean strategies of the Adriatic-Ionian and Western Mediterranean macro-regions, on the other.
We have been particularly dedicated:
- to the itinerant event/workshop created by us under the name “Biennale Habitat"; which involved in the two editions 2012- 2014 and 2016-2018 about 25 cities in countries such as Greece, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Malta, Tunisia, etc. as well as different regions of Italy, working with associations, schools, universities, chambers of commerce, local and regional authorities, international bodies and networks that deal with research, environment, art and culture in various Euro-Mediterranean contexts;
- participated actively in Expo 2015 at the Aquae pavilion, with the exhibition of an award-winning project for the Venice Lagoon and the Waterways of the Northern Adriatic;
- worked at conferences in Rome and Mogadishu for the closure of memoranda of understanding between Italian Chambers of Commerce and Chambers of Commerce in Somalia to develop training, creation of Italian-Somali companies and for the launch of sustainable cooperation projects for agriculture, green building and craftsmanship in the Horn of Africa;
- organized training seminars and workshops on urban and landscape regeneration in collaboration with professional bodies;
- prepared projects for the regeneration of the coastline in Cilento and Ugento, and redevelopment projects for the repopulation of the historical villages of Central and Southern Italy.
Our latest initiatives in the Euro-Mediterranean context are:
- the elaboration and launch of an international master's degree SED MED - SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA - centred on the Economies of the Sea and the Blue Economy, for the creation of specific professional figures for the realization and management of a special economic region for the sustainable development of the Mediterranean (in collaboration with Unioncamere, Assonautica Italiana, Assocamerestero and the eCampus university);
- the creation of an international award dedicated to the “Mediterranean World Heritage"; for the research and dissemination of innovative projects from all Mediterranean countries aimed at sustainable development, environmental protection, protection and enhancement of cultural heritage.
The MEDITERRANEN HERITAGE OF HUMANITY award, organised in Alghero by bodies such as the Sassari Chamber of Commerce, Assonautica Nord Sardegna with a consortium of municipalities in the area, was a great success with the public and the press. The first prize was awarded in the category "art and culture"; to the Egyptian Hamdy Mahamud Elesetouhy for the project "Shazli";, the name of a village that was in danger of disappearing into the desert. The project concerns its requalification by recovering ancient construction techniques, to be handed down to the young people involved in the project and using local materials. The reconstruction and creation of common areas for activities related to pastoralism, social and religious life, the recovery of water and its use through systems that exploit the action of the wind, has allowed the local community to regain not only dignity and chance of survival, working, but also to keep alive a culture that has become an opportunity for the future. For the category "sustainable recovery and regeneration projects";, the first prize chosen by the jury is the Greek project "Costa Nostrum"; - Certification Standard for the Sustainable Management & Development of Mediterranean Beaches by Vasileios Zisimopoulus. The project is based on a methodology of environmental quality applied and tested in Crete that provides the possibility to certify beaches and coastal areas using a range of parameters including the judgment of tourists and users of services. The considerable value of the projects presented and in particular of the projects that received special mentions and awards was much appreciated and around the initiative of the award gathered distinguished guests, experts, delegates of important networks such as WISTA, MEDPAN, ASCAME, etc. and diplomatic representatives of the countries that participated in this first edition and that are carefully following the development and growth of this large archive of innovative projects to be disseminated and connected to create cultural bridges and knowledge between the Mediterranean countries. IEMED has also expressed its interest in deepening a collaboration with Habitat World in the coming months.
Already in this first edition the Ambassadors in Italy of Egypt H. E. Hisham Badr, Croatia H. E. Jasen Mesic and Albania H. E. Anila Bitri Lani - representing the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean, the EU member countries and candidate countries - have actively participated - since the research of the projects to be nominated for the prize as well as the final day on May 4th - with whom we have established a relationship of collaboration on the projects and dissemination initiatives in the countries of their area of reference. The sustainable development of the Mediterranean area and cultural cooperation are common objectives that can be strengthened through the active and proactive collaboration of the best sensitive minds and forward-looking visions that we are seeking and connecting through the initiative of the Award. Our association Habitat World aims to follow and make concrete the positive effects for the quality of life and awareness of our economic potential, if related to the protection and enhancement of the historical-cultural, environmental-landscape, everything, and the extraordinary mosaic of diversity that composes it. The overall strategy therefore translates into targeted actions that, in synergy, can make the Mediterranean the cradle of enlightened and renewed civilizations.
Habitat World is crucially also a contact point for Mediterranean initiatives for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAECI) of the Government of Italy and for the Diplomatic Community in Italy. Habitat World is also working closely with a number of sea and mountain communities in and around the Mediterranean bringing their specific agenda to the fore of national and international platforms.
The third Biennale Habitat 2020-2022 is currently being developed:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Biennale Habitat will develop the general theme during a three-year period of activity by articulating the various interconnected areas through an interdisciplinary and holistic approach, a New Humanism - Renaissance - that focuses on human well-being, the enhancement of the immense cultural heritage of the Mediterranean and the sustainability of different natural and anthropogenic habitat: ART - CULTURE - ENVIRONMENT - ARCHITECTURE - SEA AND WATERWAYS - MUSIC - INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND FINANCE - FOOD AND WINE - THEATRE - FASHION - CRAFTS AND ANCIENT TRADES - TRAVEL AND TRAVELLERS - AUDIOVISUAL AND DOCUFILMS - PORTS AND MEETING POINTS AND CONTAMINATION BETWEEN CIVILISATIONS
The three pillars:
the protection and enhancement of cultural, artistic, historical and architectural heritage - the lesson of ancient civilizations and innovations for villages, towns and sustainable cities in the Mediterranean - the new scenarios of conscious, experiential and sensory tourism - the Economy of Beauty
knowledge of environmental heritage - protection of marine and river habitats - enhancement of the landscape - Smart Parks - technical and technological innovations for habitats'; such as coasts and river basins - motorways of the sea - landing places and port cities - sustainable mobility between land and sea - Green and Blue Economy
the thought of man in the 21st century - the history of philosophy and contemporary visions - the transformation of values and the theme of identities - the and of Mediterranean civilizations - the Humanistic Economy
Partners: Assonautica Italiana e Euromediterranea - Assocamerestero - MedPan Network - Wista Med - Ascame Network – Umar
Contact in progress: embassies, research bodies, Italian and foreign national and local public bodies, cultural associations and business networks, banking foundations, virtuous companies, national and international sponsors Institutional patronage: Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ministry of Labour and Tourism, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Economic Development
The types of activities that Biennale Habitat’ expertise team is planning to express the themes and articulate thedifferent areas to develope projects and skills will be:

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

HABITAT WORLD with its international and national partners can contribute with its activities both in Italy and around the Mediterranean to the objectives set by the ALF Network.  The launch of the Biennale 2020 will take off from the Biblioteca Alexandrina and will be itinerant around the Mediterranean, with confirmed events in Rome, Venice, Beirut, Barcelona, Marseille, etc.
Habitat World is a reliable organisation which has attracted the interest of partnership both within the country and outside (vide official partnership just signed with ASCAME and presentation of Habitat World in the MedaWeek Barcelona, November 2019.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

Via Lorenzo Vidaschi 11, 00152 Roma - SEDE LEGALE

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Struttura di volontariato collegata al Personale di Scuola di Vela Nazionale e residenziale aderente al CONI e al CIP. Le risorse di bilancio, oltre al 5*1000 sono variabili e direttamente connesse con il fabbisogno dei progetti in corso. Fonti di finanziamento pubblico e privato. Progetti con MIUR, MAE, Dip. Giustizia Minorile, Ospedale Bambino Gesù di Roma. Meeting di Malta 2011, 30 Ong in rappresentanza di 15 Paesi Mediterraneo sulle disabilità e il disagio giovanile. Carta dei Diritti Handy Cup sottoscritta dai Partecipanti.2007 Presentato in Parlamento Europeo il Manifesto europeo della vela solidale. Handy Cup ha ricevuto a Palermo il Pam Award 2011.
Mission and Objectives

Rete mediterranea di ass. governative e ong, Istituzioni, Imprese per la diffusione e lo studio di sistemi educativi inclusivi nella scuola formale e informale. La navigazione come metafora di comunicazione tra le genti del Mediterraneo e come strumento educativo e inclusivo. Coinvolgimento di Docenti di Università Italiane e dei Paesi del Mediterraneo.

Main Projects / Activities

Costruzione di una rete mediterranea sui temi dell'inclusione e rivolta in particolare modo al disagio giovanile. Costruzione di un Polo Velico Internazionale coordinato e sostenuto da un pool di pedagogisti, antropologi, sociologi ed esperti di navigazione, in grado di ospitare giovani provenienti dai Paesi del Mediterraneo e con il doppio scopo di incrementare i processi di inclusione sociale e contemporaneamente di dare ascolto alle emergenze e alle voci della differenza e del disagio giovanile.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Riteniamo l'adesione ad ALF molto importante per conoscere meglio le realtà sociali, imprenditoriali e Istituzionali dei Paesi del Mediterraneo, per poter meglio discutere e verificare le varie iniziative progettuali, perché riteniamo il lavoro di rete il sistema più efficace di realizzazione di progetti sociali.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Ada Lombardi
Head of the organisation
Mr Mauro Pandimiglio


National Network

Via Cristoforo Colombo N.52 90100

+39 091 327643
Telephone (other)
+39 091 6398604
+39 091 336880
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 39 335 6079369
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 328 032 39 88
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The General Assembly (all the member of the Association) The Steering Committee (including members from Italy, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Algeria, Portugal) The President (Dr. Fathi Saleh, Egypt) The General Secretary (Dr. Roberto Albergoni, Italy) The Scientific Committee The Board of auditors 2) A member’s HERIMED quota determines its maximum financial commitment to this Association. 3) EC Funded projects; 4) concrete projects 5) Euro Mediterranean Universities, Public Institutions and Research Centers for Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
Mission and Objectives

To support information and exchange of knowledge in the Cultural Heritage field through training and research projects, with particular attention to the young people mobility, as well as through fostering synergies among Cultural Heritage experts, institutions and media.
To promote and realize some interventions aimed at improving documentation, preservation and restoration of the Euromediterranean Cultural Heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

To realize innovative actions aiming at the acquaintance, cataloguing and preservation of the Euro Mediterranean Cultural Heritage and promoting the enhancement of the Cultural Heritage as a factor of development in the Euro Mediterranean area.
To promote the development of ITCs aiming at the preservation and management of the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Roberto Albergoni
Head of the organisation
Dr. Fathi Saleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Alessandro Pernice

Hub - Officine Giovanili

National Network

Via Raimondo Feleti 14
95125 Catania

+39 3407180648
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Hub is a Youth-led NGO composed by youth activists and young leaders involved in Civil Society at local and international/global level, mainly based in Catania (Sicily). The organization is structured in order to create a link between global goals and local actions for addressing youth-driven positive change. It works through 3 main channels: project managment, advocacy and capacity building activities among the members of the organization.  The organization works through projects, intiatives and campaigns to be implemented alternatively and respectively at various level (local, national, interantional) and in various areas (Active participation, Peace and Education, Culture and Sport), according to the objectives of each project.   Its main areas of activity are: democracy and participation in public life, youth empowerment, peace-building. It is regularly registered at the Italian “Agenzia delle Entrate” as an association, it has its own structure and decision-making body, it is composed by 20 full members and several affiliates. Examples of projects, initiatives and campaigns undertaken:  International Level: Sponsor NGO of several European Tranining Courses which took place in Poland, Spain and Hungary in the framework of European Commission and Council of Europe Funds. Main themes: youth and peacebuilding, Peace Education, Human Rights and cultural dialogue. In 2014, a civic initiative called Catania 2.0 was selected by the Council of Europe as one of the top 25 best practices in Europe about "Youth and Democracy" and presented at the 2014 World Forum for Democracy.  Local and National Level: Hub organizes several local initiatives and campaigns, from conferences to charity actions to support beneficiary entitities. Furthermore, Hub implements local project to foster the active participation of youth in society in several fields (community development, environment, sport, democracy) .  Hub - Officine Giovanili's financial resources derive from: 1) Periodical Self-Financing of Members 2) Project-based Local, National and International Grants (e.g. Erasmus + )  3) Donations and fundraising.  Hub is part of an international network of NGO's called "Youth Peace Ambassadors Network" with which it exchanges practices and realizes join projects. Hub has cooperate also with local institusions such as City Councils and Public Administrations. 
Mission and Objectives

Hub- Officine Giovanili aims to foster an aware youth participation in the society at local, national and international leve. The association composed by young people involved in civil society with various roles, personalities and sensitivies.
The association is called Hub properely because it represents the place where ideas are born and realized. It realized several local and international projects, from campaigns  for local awareness to the participation to global forums and public adovcacy. Most of the members are active youth workers or youth leaders in the field of democracy-building, peace building and human rights. Most of the members have participated in international events and traning courses and then have implemented those tools in local projects.

Main Projects / Activities

At international level Hub has promoted and/or participated to several training courses in the relevant areas of the current application (e.g.  Most recent international traning courses : "Human rights: Be Open, Be Active, Be Youth Peace Ambassadors" , Young Peacebuilders Forum, Active Citizenship through simulations games, Peace Is) or has been selected to public events thanks to its initatives (Catania 2.0 initiative was selected by the Council of Europe as one of the 25 best-practices in the field of youth and democracy, presented at the 2013 World Forum for Democracy) . At local level Hub is actively involved in charity initiatives, volunteerism, organization of conferences and workshop related to human rights and peace education. It has also been selcted by other NGO's and institutions as Project Coordinator activities related to sustainability and peace-building.
Next July, we will host a training course "Learnig, from, with and about Refugees" with 15 NGO's coming from 15 different countries in Sicily.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization is entirely made up of young people who were born and currently live at the heart of the Meidterranean, in Sicily. For this reason we believe that a strong partnership with the Network can empower both, as we are willing to spread the powerful messages of the Network exactly where they are more needed. We would like to implement projects and initiatives related to intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean, between the MENA region and Europe. At the same time, we would be happy to give our youth perspective to the network on the most important topics in the agenda of the Network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We truly believe that Anna Lindh Foundation has the power to be a real cultural bridge that can help ensuring integration, respect and knowledge among all the different cultures that shape the Mediterranean. This is one of Hub's main goals and we are working towards this objective. For this reason we believe that joining the Network can represent a very empowering tool for us, but also an opportunity for us to give our inputs to the Network. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Diego Antonino Cimino
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Diego Antonino Cimino