
Hub and Spoke

National Network

via Roma 235

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'obiettivo di Hub and Spoke è di favorire la crescita della cultura imprenditoriale all'interno del contesto socio economico regionale, promuovendo la creazione di un ecosistema dell'impresa e dell'innovazione imperniato sui valori della legalità, della responsabilità sociale e della cooperazione attraverso un network.
Mission and Objectives

L'obiettivo di Hub and Spoke è di favorire la crescita della cultura imprenditoriale all'interno del contesto socio economico regionale, promuovendo la creazione di un ecosistema dell'impresa e dell'innovazione imperniato sui valori della legalità, della responsabilità sociale e della cooperazione attraverso un network.

Main Projects / Activities

L'obiettivo di Hub and Spoke è di favorire la crescita della cultura imprenditoriale all'interno del contesto socio economico regionale, promuovendo la creazione di un ecosistema dell'impresa e dell'innovazione imperniato sui valori della legalità, della responsabilità sociale e della cooperazione attraverso un network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Pischedda
Head of the organisation
Marco Pischedda

I Concerti Di Primavera – V Edizione 2023


The subscription campaign of the “I Concerti di Primavera” festival by Anton Stadler officially opens!

Scheduled from April 2nd to May 28th, five spectacular events with great guests from the national and international scene will keep you company in the richest edition ever under the banner, as usual, of quality music!

To inaugurate the long-awaited spring festival, in co-production with the ContraMilonga Association, Sunday, April 2nd the grand opening concert will bring to the stage of the Electra Theater in Iglesias the Anton Stadler Orchestra composed of twenty instrumentalists and conducted by Maestro Andrea Tusacciu, who will perform together with the famous Slovenian clarinetist Darko Brlek in the "Easter Concert"!

Spend your evenings with us and let's celebrate the arrival of spring together!


*Single tickets will be available once the subscription campaign is over.

**Concert not included in the subscription
For further informations: 
INFO: +39 3425805156 -


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I-Dare Italy works primarly about training, researches and social campaign about the topic of preventing youth work against violent radicalisation, extremism and promoting mutual acceptance. I-Dare Italy is running website as knowlegde about about the topic gathering the tools, litterature about the specific role of youth work acting as positive actor for preventing violent radicalisation.The specific experience of I-Dare is in the South Med area developement and in cooperation with youth organisations and about recognition of non formal learning and youth work. I-Dare Italy  is involved in larger parnership connected with the topic of youth work against violent radicalisation and already run 3 training courses in the last year about this topic. The general secretary is working since last year in manging international projects from content wise point of view as amministrative one. The staff is actually 4 people that came to this project from their different professional backgrounds but that are specialising in the youth work dymension in the preventing phase and building community resilience and youth work.
Mission and Objectives

I-Dare has a board of 3 people, 10 people are cooperating in active projects, 20 volunteers are supporting local  community activities.
I-Dare bases the income of services (training or consultancy) and grants from projects: 2020 provisional is 55.000 euro.
I-Dare Italy cooperate with the developement of C-HUB project in Jordan: sustainable developemement of social entrepreneurship for youth with fewer opportunities in Zarqa and East Amman.  It organises training courses and seminars about PVE, youth work at local level and also community resiliece. I-Dare runs workshops for schools, municipalities and youth centres and with volunteers is supporting community developement.
The partners of I.Dare are local instutition (Municipalities, networks of Schools and youth centres), but also national network organisation as REPLAY NETWORK in Italy, Chabibeh SC in Lebanon, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

C-HUB: creative hub in Jordan in cooperation with the local partner I-DARE who is the lead of the project;
Youth work as preventive tool againt violent radicalisation
Tools and debate for promoting positive narrative in Schools
K3 projets about youth work in Italy
Workshops in the school curricula about prevention of violence (verbal and physical)
New project about developing employment for refugees

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be happy to contribute with the knowledge and experience with tools, publications and projects about the topic of preventing violent radicalisation and extremism, but also about working with youth with fewer opportunities. We could share the experiences done within south med countries and also the practises that we had learnt.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to connect with wider working group with similar objectives in order to grow together, sharing experiences and debate about the future of cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Federica Demicheli
Job Title
Head of the organisation

I.DO – International Development Organization

National Network

Via Giulio Petroni 19/A

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 393 5677056
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 328 4555207
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
The organization has been founded just a couple of months ago. Nevertheless we are already implementing several actions in order to improve our partnership and relationship in the field of international activities. The organization structure is formed so far by the board of directors who are directly involved in the activities. We have already planned to employ a staff. The organization is writing its own provisional budget for the current year.
Mission and Objectives

The Organization mission and objectives is the development and implementation of several initiatives aimed to the promotion of international cooperation culture among private companies, public institutions, associations and in general among the states. In order to gain such a goal the Organization is going to set initiatives, projects, events mainly involving European countries but non European countries as well.

Main Projects / Activities

Because of its recent set up, the Organization is still engaged in arranging activities regarding work organization, marketing and merchandising activities, etc.
Nevertheless, the organization is currently involved in projects and activities in the fields of cultural exchange, international cooperation, educational training. In the near future the Organization will considerably improve its activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe De Santis
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe De Santis
Contact (2) Full Name
Leila Traversa

I.P.S.C. - Istituto per la promozione del servizio civile

National Network

Corso Avezzana, 26 - 80059
Torre del Greco

+ 39 081 8829889
+ 39 081 3580457
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The Institute promotes the National Civil Service instituted with the law 6 March 2001 n°64. The service is carried out exclusively on voluntary base and is a way to defend the native land, whose "duty" is sanctioned from article 52 of the Constitution; a defense that does not have to be reported to the territory of the State and to the protection of its external borders, as far as the sharing of common values and founding the ordering democratic. The main partner are Expoitaly a national association, Pro Loco of Torre del Greco that promote local tourism, UNPLI – the Italian Pro Loco Union, Cineclub Procida involved in a social promotion, D&S Group a training agency . The budgetary resource are contribution voluntary of the associates and of the partners. IPSC is registered the Regional Campania archives that includes the regional association involved in pace project.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission and objective are to promote to the Municipalities activities that can be carried out in the services to the person, in the safeguard of the atmosphere, the historical patrimony - artistic and cultural, in the civil protection, and in the formation and the education to the peace between the people. We also promote dialogue in the broadest sense among individuals and groups of different religions and cultures and to promote the sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

We realize every year several campaign to promote the education to the Intercultural, the Peace, the Sustainable Development.
The projects that currently IPSC promotes are following:
Bibliopolis: it regards the cure and the conservation of the libraries, where the local administration can catalogue their library patrimony and supply to the citizens an innovative service and better usable.
Noi per Voi: it regards attendance to the old peoples, addresses in particular to the competent Municipalities offices.
Informando: it regards the management of the information services that the Municipalities offer to their citizens in particulary to the young peoples.
S.O.S: it regards the increase of the communal systems of civil protection

Contact (1) Full Name
Valeria Altiero
Head of the organisation
Palmerino Altiero

IAI - Istituto Affari Internazionali

National Network

Via Angelo Brunetti, 9
00186 Rome

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The IAI is a private, non-commercial organization, recognized as a legal person by the government territorial office in Rome (Prefettura). It is funded by individual and corporate members, public and private organizations, major international foundations, and by a standing grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Institute comprises the following bodies and posts: General Assembly; President; Director; Board of Directors; Executive Committee; Board of Trustees; Board of Auditors. Staff includes 19 full-time, in-house researchers, 14 administrative staff (as of April 2006). IAI belongs to several international networks of research centers, including: EINIRAS (European Information Network on International Relations and Area Studies); EU-Consent; EuroMeSCo (Mediterranean Study Commission); TEPSA (Trans European Policy Studies Association) and Transatlantic Editors’ Forum.
Mission and Objectives

The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) is a non profit organization which promotes the understanding of international politics through research, training, conferences and publications. It aims to contribute to the promotion of European integration and to increase the prospects for all countries to move towards some form of supranational organization and to pursue democratic freedoms, economic development and social justice (IAI Bylaws, Article 1).

Main Projects / Activities

Principal fields of research § European Union: institutional developments and enlargement § Italy: foreign policy and internationalization processes § Global economic trends § Global governance and the rules of international economics § Mediterranean and Middle East § Defence economics and politics § Transatlantic relations

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Aliboni, Vice President
Head of the organisation
Ettore Greco, Director


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. 6 staff Employed and 20 partners. 2. 800.850,00 Euro as budgetary availed in a year. 3. Sources of founding: FSE, national projects (as Foundations, etc). 4. IAL is organizing its activities though training courses for young people, immigrants and in general for people with less opportunity in the nowadays labour market. Its activities: • Vocational Training courses; • Language courses; • Need analysis; • Individual project for support the insertion in the labour market. In some of the TCs the people can be supported by scholarship. 4. The main partners are the local authorities (Municipalities, Province, 5. Region), the NGOs, the association. IAL Arona belongs to the IAL PIEMONTE networking. IAL PIEMONTE is developing European Projects as Equal.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to support a better insertion in the labour market for the people with less opportunity and to develop innovative training tools.
IAL is developing new partnership and training strategies for answering to the new social context (out 45 courses we have 15% people coming from Morocco, Senegal, Nigeria, Albania, Perù, Moldavia, Ecuador, Ukraina).
IAL is aimed :
? to support a better intercultural communication between its students
? to increase to knowledge about the two rives of Mediterranean sea.

Main Projects / Activities

• Vocational Training courses ;
• Language courses;
• Need analysis;
• Individual project for support the insertion in the labour market;

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

IAL CISL Toscana - Workers’ Training Institute of the Confederation of Trade Unions in Italy

National Network

Via Ponte di Mezzo n°56

00 39 0553215240
00 39 05 53249063
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
General Information
The IAL CISL Toscana has the main office in Florence with the managing and administrative activities (4 employees, 10 project managers) and it has 10 territorial offices in every Provinces of Tuscany. Sources of funding: regional funding, EU funding, Enterprises’ Lifelong Learning Funds, Modalities of action: Complex projects (national, international); Training activities Orientation activities; Research on local development; Seminars, conferences. Main partners: Trade-unions’ confederations Employers’ organizations Stakeholders from the public sector Bilateral structures Research Centres / Universities (Italy, other countries), Enterprises Professional organizations from other European countries It is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 and SA 8000 adopting the organization and managerial model. It is qualified by Tuscan Region with Decree n. 1722 (25/03/2003) in the following areas: - Primary and post primary / Secondary and post secondary learning and training - Lifelong learning and training - Vocational guidance It has an Ethical Codex and annual Social Budget.
Mission and Objectives

The IAL CISL Toscana offers training and orientation services which aims to
- have innovating approach in the didactical methods
- help cultural integration at European and international level
- empower weaker groups of the labour market to make them able to have equal chances in the competing life of work

Main Projects / Activities

- Main international projects:
2005 (Equal): STRIDE
2005 (Equal): R.A.I.L.
2005 (Leonardo): MAITRE
2004 (Leonardo): METOIM
2004 (Equal): NET-MET
2004 (Equal): INC.I.SO
- Main national and regional projects:
2008 (Provincia di Pistoia): DALIA
2006-2007-2008 (Provincia di Massa Carrara): Circoli di Studio in Lunigiana
2005 (Provincia di Prato): EMAS FORM
2006: “From territory to territory” – Study Circles in Lunigiana II.
2004: “With the hands and with the spirit” - Study circles in Lunigiana I.
2004: “Telework perception in the textile sector in Prato Province”
2004: “CAMEO: Mentoring Comparison and Analysis in Europe”
2003: “Work insertion process of persons with criminal past and with drogue dependence”
2003: “Black industry in the tertiary sector

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Gabriella PUSZTAI (speaks English, French, Italian, Hungarian)
Head of the organisation
Mr Cesare CURCIO, Ms Alessandra BIANCHI

IASEM - Istituto Alti Studi Euro Mediterranei

National Network

via CAINI, 6

0039 366 4895468
Telephone (other)
0039 366 1019902
0039 080 2140892
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
IASEM, Institute of High Euro Mediterranean Studies, is an independent institute born in 2011 with the aim to contribute in supporting policies in cooperation, economic interactions and cultural exchanges in Mediterranean areas, as geopolitical and geo-economic zones are meant to become one of the most important points of convergence for decision-making and global renewal in the next decades.
Mission and Objectives

IASEM intends to contribute to the creation of a shared euro-Mediterranean space, through specific actions which include:

Promotion of research and studies in the following areas: International Relations, Cultures and Religions, Economics and trade, Migration flows.

Higher Education by organizing seminars, summer and winter schools, developing a forte in strategic basis for cooperation in the Mediterranean.

Cultural exchanges, by substantiating partnerships and agreements between institutions, companies, universities, research centres and associations.

Consulting on international exchange projects, involving mainly Europe, Maghreb, Near East, Middle East and the Gulf countries.
IASEM uptakes the scientific and cultural collaboration by international researchers and Mediterranean experts, raising and maintaining every event at a high scientific level with a strong, realistic and practical character

Main Projects / Activities

MCH - Mediterranean Common House Network: 
MCH – Mediterranean Common House is a Network of Institutes, Universities, Research Centres, Foundations, Associations, which work on Mediterranean issues and cooperate in a new process of Mediterranean integration.  
The project aims to promote concrete spaces for dialogue and reflection throughout the Mediterranean, with the goal of stimulating a common sensibility to establish a climate of peace, respect and mutual understanding, fruitful exchanges, stability in relations and mutual cooperation.
A community of women and men who share the same values.
It aims to involve in the process of “building” a common house both civil society and the authorities of the countries involved, in order to create a space for discussion at multiple levels, for giving continuously life to new ideas and for sharing  intellectual and human experiences.
Up against the many conflicts and crises that the Mediterranean countries live, it is necessary to work with a constant and organized effort, in the direction of raising a new global vision, where the conflict resolution pass through diplomacy and civil comparison and where the old reasons of the opposition are replaced by those of development of new ideas and visions.
Since its inception, IASEM organizes every year Summer School in Euro-Mediterranean Strategy, with the aim of educating new generations on geo-political and strategic issues involving Mediterranean.
Previous editions:
Edition 2015 
23-26 September - Maratea, Italy, Partner: FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Edition 2013 “Turkey”
26-31 August 2013 - Izmir, Turkey Partner: Yasar University
Edition 2013 “Italy”
11-14 September 2013 – Maratea, Italy Partner: Basilicata region
Edition 2012
16-21 July 2012 – Ostuni, Italy
Partner: Konrad Adenauer Foundation/Puglia Region
Edition 2011
21-23 July 2011 Maratea, Italy
Partner: Konrad Adenauer Foundation/RFI – Italian railway network
Edition 2010
18-24 July 2010 – Maratea, Italy
Partner: Meseuro Foundation/Basilicata Region

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IASEM aims to create activities in Italy in cooperation with local Institutions and Authorities, Foundations, Centre of Research, Associations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IASEM wants to join the ALF Network to cooperate with other Associations all around Mediterranean Area, in order to contribute to the Fondation's objectives.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Iblea Servizi Territoriali Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS

National Network

Viale Italia n. 08 - 96010 Melilli (SR)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The cooperative "Iblea Servizi Territoriali" is a no profit private company that would like to carry out social services , vocational training services and consulting services for Public Administrations and Private Companies.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to promote the inclusion young people in the world of work, not only in the current crisis, but also established as an operational force to ensure prospective jobs and fight unemployment, even under the laws 37/38, of 18 August 1979, the L.R. 02 dicembre 1980 No 25; Law 44/86, Law 285/77, on youth employment, and any other measure regional, national and EU issued and issuing on cooperation in general and particularly those aimed at youth cooperation and the employment by the organization of work partners, including through agreements with local, territorial and non-public bodies, para-public, moral and private
aims in general to operate within service social relevance and utility, all to be taken, and as mentioned, through agreements or through contracts public and private bidding piecework trustees.
These principles are mutuality, solidarity, respect person, the democratic internal and external associations between cooperatives.

Main Projects / Activities

We are planning to carry out an "Youth infopoint" and other social services.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Fulvia Basile
Head of the organisation
Ms. Fulvia Basile
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Fabienne Fichera