
Publication Illustration

Identity Crisis 101

Whether born Egyptian and raised abroad or raised in Egypt to bi-cultural parents, ‘halfies’ find themselves constantly afloat between two worlds. This journalistic article is among the winners of the Anna Lindh Foundation journalist awards.

Ikteshaf Educational Consultancy (Safarni)

National Network

Greek Campus
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Safarni initiated its first activity in 2012 by providing children with the chance to get exposed to other countries and cultures using an innovative approach that has won international recognition from Ashoka, Lego Foundation, and most recently, the 2017 UNAOC & BMW Group Intercultural Innovation Award.
Safarni advisory board is involving members of different backgrounds. The Advisory board is responsible to endorse all organizational pivotal decisions; the Managing Director is reporting to the advisory board in a monthly basis, regarding all departments of communication, financial, and Programs. currently, there are 4 fixed-term employees in Safarni.
Safarni has its dynamic pool of volunteers with 100 Egyptian, migrants, and Foreign volunteers,
Safarni was depending on self-fund by its board members, but since 2018, we received funds from the IOM to implement 2 years program with migrants and Egyptian children in Cairo and Alexandria.
we mainly implement educational activities with children aiming at creating a generation who is appreciating and respecting diversity.
we partner with community-based organizations in less privileged areas. currently, we are implementing the SAWA project with cooperation with Bassita.

Mission and Objectives

Safarni designs and implements educational programs that help communities celebrate diversity and support inclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

Educational Programmes:
Design and implement Safarni’s award-winning educational programs, proven to measurably enhance social cohesion and appreciation of difference amongst children and youth. [hyperlink video]. These include Safarni’s classic Travel Adventures, Ambassador’s Club, Diversity in the World, and Diversity in the City.
Bring people together to meet and share experiences, stories, and the uniqueness of their cultures. (organization of intercultural activities, encounters) To foster dialogue and critical thinking with regards to diversity

Training & Competencies:
Training of intercultural competencies for teachers, educators, companies,
Support community members to work on projects and initiatives to foster inclusion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Seba Salem
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Seba Salem


National Network

Mansoura Egypt
Dakahlia Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information


Mission and Objectives

Help people

Main Projects / Activities

Help people

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Abdelmottleb Shehab
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

1 Studio Masr st,

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Independent film maker (director and writer) with 18 years experience in making documentary films and a wide experience in the field of online news.
Mission and Objectives

Directing and writing documentary films and live news broadcasting

Main Projects / Activities

16 projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By making films

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I believe in humanity and the right of freedom,democracy,human rights and education

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Algammal
Job Title
Film maker
Head of the organisation

Individual Member: Nada Sahlab

National Network

637 Horeya Avenue- Janaklis Borg Al Khali 1

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
I'm joining the network as an individual person in hopes to be able to participate in the numerous activities, the ALF has organized so far.
Mission and Objectives

Through my participation, I would like to integrate and communicate with others who live in the same region as I do but might not share my opinions or life perspective. It is our diversity that gives us the chance to learn from one another and develop through communication.

Main Projects / Activities

In all honesty I have no clue if what I'm doing now is right, whether someone can join as an individual member and yet has to fill in the application of an organization. Nontheless I'm interested in international and intercultural activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Sahlab

Institute of Cultrual Affairs Middle East & North Africa

National Network

119 Misr/Helwan Road-Borg El Karnak

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Institute of Cultural Affairs- Middle East and North Africa is a private, non-profit organization concerned with the “Human factor” in world of development. ICA-MENA affiliates with 30 ICA's worldwide federated in ICA International (ICAI), chartered by the royal decree in Belgium in 1977.
Mission and Objectives

To enable partner communities locally and regionally to achieve sustainable development investment of available resources to improve the living standards and keep pace with changes in the global environment, and we thought that we support the positive participation and the realization of justice and development to achieve the highest levels of satisfaction for all stakeholders to meet current and projected needs to devise new solutions to the outstanding development best suited to the particular characteristics of each culture and society in our geography.

Main Projects / Activities

Throughout the past 32 years, ICA-MENA integrated development interventions benefited around 200 villages, supported by 4 branch offices extending from Beni Suef, to Aswan, Fayoum and Greater Cairo governorates as well as the Cairo regional office that provides the managerial support. Today ICA’s family includes approx. 100 committed and professional full time Egyptian staff working in the 4 governorates.
Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Planning- Microsoft: project entailed a series of training workshops that are focused on SMEs.
Training for EQUIP project in seven governorates: Through this methodology and using the Technology of Participation ICA became capable of leading the working groups towards taking the right decisions on a participatory basis
Capacity Building for Manchiet Nasser Schools: project focused on the capacity building of schools in the designated urban slum area so as to create a learning environment that supports and facilitates school enrollment.
Small Grants Program: program focused on establishing a youth exchange workshop to help empower youth to serve marginalized communities in the MENA region.
Small Grants Program: program focused on establishing a youth exchange workshop to help empower youth to serve marginalized communities in the MENA region.
Children at Risk project targets the social development of working children, children with visual impairments, and children with disabilities in Cairo, Fayoum and Charkia governorates in Egypt. This project work on realizing this goal through recognizing the rights of and empower Egyptian male and female children, specifically working children and those with special needs, hence, reducing poverty among them and providing them with a chance in the social development
Me Book Program for Democracy: This program was aimed at instilling a sense of value among Egyptian children as a first step towards promoting democracy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Assem Kamal
Head of the organisation
Assem Kamal
Contact (2) Full Name
Madeleine Michel

Institute of Cultural Affairs - Middle East & North Africa (ICA-MENA)

National Network

48, Road 79; P.O.Box 23, Maadi

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Youth and education
General Information
ICA-MENA's work is centered on the human factor in development. Thanks to the enthusiasm of its 70 members and the participation of all community sectors (NGOs, GOs and the private sector), ICA operates with an annual budget of LE 5, 000, 000 with the objective to create valuable and sustainable change in collaboration with the targeted communities. ICA MENA depends on its fund raising activities to reach funds for its projects depending on funding opportunities all over the world that targets the MENA region. As donors we can mention, international donors such as MISERIOR and DANIDA (Danish Embassy), Egyptian German Technical cooperation, national such as Social fund for Development, Egyptian Swiss fund for development, and private sector such as Sawiris foundation for development.
Mission and Objectives

ICA Mission: To improve the quality of life of community groups through mobilizing their potentials in order to build a dynamic society that is aware of its assets and opportunities and capable of interacting with and affecting change.
ICA Strategic Objectives:
1-To contribute to local community development in a holistic way through the improvement of health, education and economic status.
2- To enhance the capacity of community groups with an emphasis on vulnerable groups such as women, children and youth.
3- To build partnership with stakeholders for the facilitation of effective and sustainable community development.
4-To develop ICA’s capacity as a quality Organization to be able to realize its mission.

Main Projects / Activities

ICA facilitates community development in the social, economic, and political realms through:
• Institutional and Human Capacity-Building of community groups, governments, and civil society.
• Creating partnerships and networks among the different sectors in society: community, government, private sector, and civil society.
• Education Enhancement, Combating Illiteracy, Life- Skills Education, and Art-for-Education for communities.
• Urban and Rural Development through health, education, employment, and environmental initiatives.
• Skills Enhancement, Youth Employment, and SME support.
• All projects and activities are community-driven initiatives, maintain gender equity, and are built for sustainability.

Contact (1) Full Name
Assem Kamal (Regional Director)

Integrated Care Society (ICS)

National Network

42 Abdallah Diraz st. Elgolf area, Heliopolis, Cairo

4172084 - 4172085
Telephone (other)
4172086 - 4172087
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. ICS has an administrative board, It is also supervising 10 projects & 14 libraries through 7 technical management departments chaired by general manager. 445 is the number of employees in ICS. On the other hand ICS has no partners but it has volunteers members to supervise the projects & libraries. 2. ICS depends upon donations & fund raising to support it's activities, investment returns, deposit interests, member subscriptions, UNISEF contribution and agreements grants. 3. Mainly sources of funding are; activities income, donations, grants, supports from international organizations and members subscriptions.
Mission and Objectives

ICS main objective:
To support, and coordinate all efforts on a voluntary basis, towards providing cultural, educational, and social care to the Egyptian family.
ICS strategies:
4. Encouraging children to adopt reading as a habit and emphasizing the importance of reading, as a life-long concept.
5. Participating to the development of child literature.
6. Developing the services offered at children libraries that other societies would follow.
7. Developing and implementing illiteracy programs according to available modern system.
8. Utilizing modern scientific methods to provide integrated care for the children with special needs, and their families.
9. Participating in the development of urban communities.
10. Integrate the educational, health, social, cultural and sportive services especially in deprived areas.
11. Execute a literacy program that would comprise health and environmental awareness.
12. Participate in developing of schools, institutions for children with speci

Main Projects / Activities

1. Cultural and educational services (Libraries, The cultural center, the 21st century club or information technology clubs, the green corner).
2. Working with content (Reading for all, the Egyptian board of books for young people, the Suzanne Mubarak's Award).
3. Socio-Economic and community development projects (ICS in Gabarty/ Mansheyat naser area, The cultural sportive club in Ein shams, Ein Helwan community development project, development of Ezzbet & arab Elwalda area).
4. Special programs for children with special needs (the ICS center for children with special needs in Zeitoun, ICS project for improving and developing special education school, Mergence of visually impaired and blind children in ICS librarie

Contact (1) Full Name
Farida El Wakeel – Secretary general & Board member
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Raof Ismail – General manager

Intercultural Achievement Award (#IAA) 2022

Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA)

  Partners for Transparency as head of Egyptian network received  the Intercultural Achievement Award (#IAA) 2022. With the Intercultural Achievement Award, from Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs 

Partners for Transparency received this award for their project ‘Intercultural Dialogue against Hate Speech’ and is the first Egyptian NGO to receive this Austrian award.

The Organization has shown that a youth-led approach works and that young people – when working together - can tackle common challenges such as xenophobia, extremism, discrimination, and hate speech. It is these intercultural and interreligious dialogue initiatives that are invaluable in times of enormous challenges at a global and regional level.