
Intercultural Youth Dialogue Association (IYDA)

National Network

Building 50, street 104, Maadi Cairo-Egypt

+202 25270404
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
-IYDA consists of a board of directors that has 7 members, they are elected to serve in the association for 3 consecutive years, the method of selecting the board based on the general assembly that is held annually and is composed of all IYDA registered members and co-founders. -We are relying on the Self fund projects, or other external funds and Local sponsoring . -Youth For Understanding long term exchange programs , Winter Arab Youth Seminar and Summer Arabic Training
Mission and Objectives

-Enhance the synergy and mutual cultural understanding through educational training and social activities. -Exchange of youth and visits among the fellow nations through the intercultural exchange programs. -To work towards resolving conflicts and promoting to more peaceful world. -To encourage the active involvement of all Egyptian young people in their society using their potentials and enthusiasm to publicly serve their community.

Main Projects / Activities

-Youth For Understanding -Winter Arab Youth Seminar. -International Leader Training Seminar. -Summer Arabic Training

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Hassan
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Hassan
Contact (2) Full Name
mahmoud elsayed

International - Curricula Educators Association

National Network

1328 Methak St., Zahraa Madinet Nasr

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Organization depends on voluntary work of individuals and partners so far [] A list of our partners and affiliates are to found here Our fund comes from membership fees, consultancy and self financing projects The annual budget started from 18000 and is getting to 50000 for this year Our project: IPNAMME(International Permaculture Network in Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East), the science Across Egypt Project, Lazem 3alem(Shadow an Egyptian Scientist), Egypt's Got Talent and SAMI(Science Across the MENA Initiative ).
Mission and Objectives

Lobbying for Educational Reform
Education for Citizenship
Education for Sustainable Development
Education for Global Citizenship

Main Projects / Activities

ICEA was established 2008 as a member-based community of educators aiming at educational reform in Egypt through lobbying, networking, raising awareness and implementing projects that uses sustainable education for saving cultural and natural heritage , poverty eradication and narrowing the gap between the scientist and the community.Our focus is: Education for Sustainable Development – Education for Citizenship – education for Global Citizenship..Our Initiatives/activities include the science Across Egypt Project, Lazem 3alem(Shadow an Egyptian Scientist), Egypt's Got Talent and SAMI(Science Across the MENA Initiative ),IPNAMME and the first Conference on Education for Sustainable Development and Citizenship in the MENA.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By promoting ALF vision and mission, and partnership in organizing , activities, workshops and events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I'm joining ALF for knowledge and experience Exchange, partnership in some projects and activities and joing a community of the same interest .

Contact (1) Full Name
Gihan Sami Soliman
Head of the organisation
Gihan Sami Soliman

International Afro-Asian Writers Organization

National Network

104 kasr el aini street cairo eygpt
POB 11461


Telephone (other)
27946519 - 27957349
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
mohamed magdy mourgan many pepol around world culural projects
Mission and Objectives

تعمل المنظمة على محاولة تحقيق التقارب بين الشعوب من اجل تحقيق الامن والسلام

Main Projects / Activities

بنائ الجسور بين شعوب المتوسط

Contact (1) Full Name
Osama Bayoumi
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Magdy Mourgan
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Magdy Mourgan

International Association for Creation and Training (I-act)

National Network

University Professors buildings, across the ZOO, Smouha, Alexandria, Egypt, building # 2, apt, 22.
22 university buildings, smouha,

002 4282765
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
002 01001704078
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The International Association for Creation and Training (I-act) was founded in 2004 by the Egyptian Theatre director and playwright, Mahmoud Aboudoma. It is a non-profit private company, based in Alexandria. I-act is led by by Dr. Mahmoud Aboudoma (Director) and it involves a deputy director, two project coordinators and one administrative assistant. It is financially supported by Sida (The Swedish International Development agency) and the finances are channelled through SADA (Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts). Additionally, I-act has formed over the years several partnerships with local, regional and international organizations that are involved in supporting and co-organising common activities. I-act works in the fields of Theatre, Arts, Culture and development, where it mainly targets middle class young individuals and groups, out of the belief that enhancing and reviving their role will contribute to developing societies and maintaining social justice. The geographical scope of work of I-act includes countries of Europe and the Mediterranean region.
Mission and Objectives

Performing Arts in a wide sense is the focal field of I-act, therefore its main objective is to highlight and emphasize the social and educational aspect of Performing Arts as a chief instrument in development as well as in the confrontation of labels and stereotypes. I-act is employing Arts as an instrument of change and freedom of expression.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its establishment, I-act supports the theatre performances of the Alternative Theatre Group (ATG) and it organizes special events (workshops) for young adults and children in Alexandria as well as other Egyptian cities. Among the major projects of I-act is the Creative Forum for Independent Theatre Groups (Europe-Mediterranean), which is an annual international event that adopts an Anti-festival concept. It takes place in Alexandria in cooperation with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, encompassing diverse theatre performances, publication and dialogue programs in addition to training and capacity building workshops for youth and Artists. The Creative Forum is recognized and appreciated as a rich cultural event that contributes towards the enrichment of artistic forms, the development of human ties between culturally different artists. In 2011, the 8th edition of the Creative Forum will take place from 10-15 December 2011. Now I-act is supporting the establishment of a new cultural space in Downtown Alexandria, called Teatro Alexandria. The space is a liberal cultural complex offering wide-ranging activities to the Alexandrian society. Teatro addresses middle class people from different sectors of the society with a special focus on youth of both sexes, where they interact & engage in dialogue & artistic activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amina Abodoma
Job Title
Programme Manager
Head of the organisation
Dr Mahmoud Aboudoma
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayman Massoud
Job Title (2)
Technical Manager

International Association for Creation and Training (IACT)

National Network

Rd. 48, Smouha, no.6 (Old quarter)

0020 (0)3 4297150
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0020 (0)10 1704078
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The idea behind I-ACT was a direct result of the Creative Forum for Independent Theatre Groups (Europe- Mediterranean) that took place in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina between 28 December 2003 and 3 January 2004. The Forum, moreover, had two direct impacts on I-ACT: first, new networks and contacts have been achieved with individuals, organizations and festivals in Italy, Slovenia, Sweden, Austria, Germany and Oman; secondly, the same team that worked in the Forum will be the founders of I-ACT. Consequently, the team working on this project represents various generations and they are: Mahmoud Aboudoma (director/playwright /theatre programmer), Awatef Ibrahim (actress/ trainer/ lecturer), Nada Ramadan (pianist/ I-ACT coordinator),Khaled Rafaat(actor/administrator), AbirAly (logistics)Margo Gorgui(forum coordinator) Amira El-Masry(forum coordinator)
Mission and Objectives

The major objectives of I-ACT include: experience exchange, connecting people, through dialog, development using art as a tool of changing, enhancing the theme of independence, animating poor children, offering new chances of creation, providing artistic training for beginners ,intermediates and professionals, theatre production& publications, and activating the cultural scene

Main Projects / Activities

IACT is involved in the following projects:
- Alternative Theatre Group.
- Diaspora .
- The Creative Centre for Development & Environmental Arts.
- Creative forum for independent theatre Groups.(Europe-Mediterranean)2007
- Supporting Young Theatre Makers
- Training & Educational Programs
- The Classroom Theatre.
- German Concerts , Music Master-classes and
- Theatre Workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Aboudoma
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Aboudoma
Contact (2) Full Name
Margo Gorgui Nada Ramadan

International Association for Intercultural Studies (IAIS)

National Network

11 b Cobba Street, Heliopolis, Masr el gedida, Cairo, Egypt.

(+202) 4321323
(+ 202 ) 4321323
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The IAIS is a scholarly non profit organization registered in Bremen, Germany, and geared towards accurately studying the false images, prejudices that exist in the various socio-cultures predominantly in the Euro-Middle Eastern/ Mediterranean context, thus pave the way to eliminate the possible sources of conflict between said societies and help transform them instead into an element of mutual creative interaction and co-operation. The structure of the IAIS comprises of the General Assembly that meet every two years at the event of a symposium or a congress of the association and a board that consists a president and two vice-presidents and a further six board members representing the various areas of research in the IAIS, such as comparative architecture, Education, etc. The sources of budget of the IAIS are mainly the subscription fees of its members who hail from scholarly institutions, mainly universities, in twenty five countries.
Mission and Objectives

See above.

Main Projects / Activities

See above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof Dr Magdi Youssef (President)
Head of the organisation
Professor Dr Magdi Youssef (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof Dr Martin Franzbach, Bremen University, Germany.

International Center for Justice - مركز العدالة الدولى

National Network

El geisha st., Ahli Union Bank bldg. 8th floor, Tanta

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
01225761536 / 01201715782
Mobile Phone (other)
01228400483 / 01201733217
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
يتكون الهيكل التنظيمى للمؤسسة من ( 10) أفراد رئيس مجلس الادارة والمدير التنفيذى واللجنة التنفيذية مكونة من:ـ 1- وحدة الدعم القانونى وعدد العاملين بها (8) محاميين , اساسى اثنان محاميين والباقى تطوعى 2- وحدة البرامج والتدريبات 3- وحدة الشئون الادارية 4- وحدة الشئون المالية 5- وحدة الدعم الفنى.وعدد من المتطوعين الموارد المتاحة لعام 2010/2011 (75$)الف دولار أمريكى . مصادر التمويل الخاص بالعدالة الصندوق الوطنى الديمقراطى(NED) مبادرة الشراكة الشرق أوسطية(MEPI)وهذة التمويلات فى شكل مشاريع ملموسة. مرفق لحضراتكم الشركاء الرئيسيين المعنيين فى أنشطة العدالة.
Mission and Objectives

إجراءالدراسات الميدانية التي تركز على المجتمع وتطويره في مجال حقوق الإنسان بصفة عامة وحقوق المرأة والعمال بصفة خاصة.
نشر وتعزيز ثقافة الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان.
تبنى مشروعات دعم قدرات المرأة سياسيا واقتصاديا واجتماعيا.
تمكين السيدات من المشاركة في الحياة السياسية سواء على مستوى البرلمانات أو المجالس المحلية.
رفع وعىالمواطنين بالحقوق القانونية والاتفاقات الدولية الخاصة بحقوق الإنسان ولاسيما المرأة.
تدريب وتثقيف وزيادة وعى منظمات المجتمع المدني والعاملين بها بحقوق الإنسان.
تقديم الدعم الفني القانوني للأفراد والهيئات الحكومية والغير حكومية فيما يخص قضايا المرأة والعمال وحقوق الإنسان.
السعي لإدماج مناهج حقوق الإنسان ضمن المنظومة التعليمية قبل الجامعية والجامعيه.
تفعيل الاتفاقيات والمواثيق الدوليةالداعمة لحقوق الإنسان وخاصة المرأة والعمال والطفل وكذلك رفع وعى المواطنين بها.
حث الشباب ومنظمات المجتمع المدنى على التعاون من اجل تفعيل دور الشباب والمرأة في عملية التنمية.
تسعي الى تمكين المجتمع ككل والمهمشين بصفة خاصة. ونشر الثقافة القانونية وتمكين المواطن من المشاركة سعيا إلى تأهيل المجتمع أفراد وهيئات لممارسة الديمقراطية

Main Projects / Activities

أولاً:ـ مشروع منتدى الدلتا للقيادات النسائية في الأحزاب السياسية والذي يستهدف ثلاث محافظات(الغربية والشرقية والدقهلية) بالتعاون مع الصندوق الوطنى للديمقراطية (NED) وذلك عن الفترة من 1/7/2009حتى30/6/2010 والذىيهدف إلى تمكين القيادات النسائية فى الأحزاب السياسية و يهدف إلى دعم القيادات النسائية فى مساعيهم لتعزيز تواجد النساء فى القيادات العليا للأحزاب.
وقد كان لهذا المشروع تأثير بالغ الأهمية حيث تم تكريم عضوات المنتدى من قبل السفيرة الامريكية مارجريت سكوبى بعمل لقاء لعضوات الأحزاب اللاتى تم تدريبهن من خلال المشروع
ثانياً:-مشروع منتدى الدلتا للعمال بشراكة مبادرة الشراكة الشرق أوسطية (MEPI)عن الفترة من1/9/2010حتى30/8/2011والذى يهدف إلى تمكين العمال فى منطقة الغربية حيث يتلقون تدريبات عن حقوق العمال وعلى مهارات التفاوض.
ثالثا ً:- مشروع دعم قدرات المرأة فى المحليات بالتعاون مع الصندوق الوطني للديمقراطية ( NED ) عن الفترة من 1/7/2010 حتى 30/6/2011 والذي يهدف إلى تعزيز المشاركة السياسية للمرأة على المستوىالمحلى بشراكة الصندوق الوطني الديموقراطى بواشنطن وينفذ من خلال ثلاث ورش عمل بمحافظات(الغربيةوالشرقية والدقهلية ).

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Mostafa Elsangafali
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Mostafa Elsangafali
Contact (2) Full Name
Sahar Hegab

International Development Support & Consulting

National Network

84 D Gesr Elsuez Street , 3rd Floor

+202 22 59 74 46
Telephone (other)
+202 012 24 01 43 07
+202 22 59 74 46
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+202 01114534655
Mobile Phone (other)
+202 012 29 22 00 46
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
International Development Support & Consulting (IDSC) is a registered development consultancy (number 24851) based in Cairo. Established on 28/5/2007, IDSC has provided creative solutions to developmental challenges in the field of health, economic development, gender, women rights, child labor and NGO capacity building. Our people are professionals who have expertise in monitoring and evaluation, project design, community mapping, and mobilizing communities. IDSC uses its yearly operational budget (about 3 million Egyptian pounds) applying principles of gender equality, good governance, and decentralization.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: A vibrant civil society that can effectively mobilize resources and utilize capacities to promote rights-based sustainable development. Our Mission: Reducing poverty in the Egyptian and Arab communities through empowering people politically, economically, and providing access to integrated development rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Empowerment Project funded by USAID and implemented by Relief International, IDSC and other partners, will provide youth with the skills necessary to effectively communicate with and contribute to their communities, as well as the ability to assume leadership at a local level. In addition, the YEP program will provide youth with problem solving, critical thinking, and leadership skills necessary to take the lead in addressing challenges hindering the democratic process in their specific localities. Finally, the project will also establish six youth centers in six different governorates to serve as political awareness academies and create an on-line portal in which interactive training curricula pertaining to issues tackled during the project are shared. Promote Communication Between Workers and Business Owners funded by MEPI aimed to promote Egyptian workers rights and civic engagement by empowering Trade Union Committees. Through this project IDSC raised the awareness of 1000 workers on economic, social and political rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IDSC will act as an open source of information for the network members especially in the areas of IDSC experience (including. labor market, employment, civic education, youth political participation). Also IDSC has 6 field offices located all over Egypt which can be available for any member along with a grass root database of more than 6000 young youth located in these field offices.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through joining ALF network, IDSC is seeking to increase its access to national and international NGOs with similar mission and objectives , in order to exchange experience and to cultivate multicultural partnerships. Also IDSC would like to share best practices in Egypt and specifically with IDSC implemented projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maged Hosny Awaid Girgis
Job Title
Head of the organization
Head of the organisation
Maged Hosny Awaid Girgis
Contact (2) Full Name
shady Amin

International Foundation of Conservation of Culture Heritage

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The structure of the company includes the owner, chair, 5 international board members, a lawyer, accountant and 5 conservators of culture heritage with different areas of interest in conservation.
Mission and Objectives

The International Foundation for Conservation of Cultural Heritage aims to be a forum for conservators and related professionals and all over the world to share experiences, thoughts and ideas through achieving the following objectives:
• Assistance in solving problems related to conservation of monuments through the provision of technical consultancy by a group of experts in this field.
• Attention to cultural exchange and to open channels of communication, formal and informal, between Egyptian conservators and conservation experts all over the world.
• Organizing local and international conferences.
• Carrying out specialized and advanced conservation training programs.
• Carrying out restoration and conservation projects at all types of archaeological sites and in museums, especially in Egypt and Arabic speaking countries.
• Creation of a database of Egyptian conservators and international conservators who have work experience in Egypt with CV’s in Arabic and English to share with international institutions, universities and archaeological foreign missions.
• Helping Egyptian young researchers to prepare proposals for master's and doctoral research and other services related to postgraduate studies.
• Helping Egyptian conservators to Publish their work through IFCCH website and magazine in English and Arabic.
• To develop business cooperation protocols between the foundation and foreign missions operating in Egypt to leverage the expertise of Egyptians and international conservators on a larger scale. So missions announce job opportunities available for Egyptian conservators or international conservators with work experience in Egypt then through the database on the website 5 applicants of required qualifications will be nominated for interviews.

Main Projects / Activities

The IFCCH offers specialized conservation training courses for international and Egyptian conservators in Egypt, including conferences, scientific symposia, workshops and seminars, including classroom and field components, online training courses, professional translation and interpretation from English to Arabic and vice versa, announcement of employment opportunities for Egyptian conservators and international conservators with good work experience in Egypt with foreign missions, providing advisory services in conservation of culture heritage, specialized computer courses about computer skills used in conservation such as 3D, AUTOCADE, PHOTOSHOP, FILE MAKER PRO, ACCESS and other databases and documentation programs, advanced courses on creating models of archaeological objects, especially ship models in original scale, developing cultural exchange programs with some international universities, institutions and museums, facilitate access to scholarships in the institutes and research centers international members, a digital library divided according to the disciplines of conservation and archaeology, including both English and Arabic publications, publishing scientific research of Egyptian and international conservators in both English and Arabic which will be judged by the Advisory Committee for Scientific Research.
In addition to special services for foreign missions working in conservation of Egyptian antiquities such as providing conservation materials and supplies, Testing and analysis of their samples locally in Egypt and professional translating services.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have well qualified staff in conservation of culture heritage, long experience in training conservators and archaeologists. We provide a range of services which is listed above and would be happy to provide them to your members and mission.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is important to work with international foundations like yours especially to conduct international activities such as workshops, seminars and exchange programs. Both of our members and your members can benefit from our joint events and programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr.Saied Abdel Hamid Hassan
Head of the organisation
Dr. Saied Hamed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs.Amal Ali Mohamed

IRTH for Culture and Arts

National Network

13 Sabil Elkhizindara

002 0224824613
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
IRTH was established in 2017, as a profit-based company located in Al Zaher, founded by four independent partners with background of business development in heritage and cultural field. IRTH is self-funded by its owners, budget available is 250 000 LE. On board is 5 full-timers “Director, Operation, Communication and Administration”, and 2 part-timers “finance and logistics” IRTH main idea is to operate old spaces in Cairo for the public benefit, particularly for art and cultural development. Since inception, IRTH managed to establish its first cultural center located in an old premise of Jewish community in Cairo, which was closed for 40 years. Centre provides workshops, seminars and discussions clubs tackling issues of recent concerns. Besides, IRTH recently founded movie club which is also the first of its kind in the area, club is aiming at highlighting underground cinema worldwide, discussion. Movies library and Children cinema would be the next activity by the end of 2018. IRTH also established co-working in space that provide equipped for young entrepreneurs to launch their own enterprise. Target audience 60% of the activities and events are directed to those who age from 6 years to 18 years 40% of activities and events are directed at the age of 19 and above
Mission and Objectives

Our message:
Providing massive spaces available for communication through inspiration / creativity / inspiration and self-expression
To introduce and teach different types of arts and to nourish minds to discover the creativity behind each and every mind.
Our vision:
Since art has a great ability to change and raise the level of social culture if we’re able to empower  the community through effective participation and developing its artistic talents this will enable us to provide innovative and diverse cultural experiences that reflect the interest of society and broaden its perception through communication in art and culture two languages that are spoken in all tongues.
Our mission:
Providing visual and performance based arts to the entire community to form a creative force that will eventually become a resource only then art will become a profitable investment materially, intellectually and morally.
Preserving the legacy to help us see a brighter future.
Delivering knowledge in a more innovative way.
Sharing our technical and artistic resources with the community to help creativity grow better and stronger.
Our Goals:
Offering different and distinct opportunities in all artistic experiences for all members of this society and inspiring participants to present, understand and appreciate all kinds of arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Workspaces for start-ups / freelancers / studying and projects of all kinds.
Artistic and cultural events
Concerts organizing
Technical-artsy related consultation for students and specialists
A library
Community Initiatives (Accepting Others and Improving Community Behaviors)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Access to significant heritage spots across Cairo such as " Mayer Boateng synagogues in Maadi"
Provision of spaces to implement cultural and social event, as well as access provision of theatre that can host 250 audience.
Access to resources on art crafts training.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 ALF network is successful and reputable in bringing together all organizations that take care of art and cultural scene in Egypt, being part of network will allow us exchange experiences and opportunities with similar organization in the scene.
Moreover, we are also keen to remain up to date of related resources and researches that may help in improving our services for better social engagement and wider outreach.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amir Ezzat
Job Title
Marketing Manager
Head of the organisation
Maroua Abu Dagga