Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.

Good Practice

Intercultural Visualisation of Fairy Tales as Cross-Border Vehicles

Good Practice Illustration

The knowledge of Arab and German (or European) culture is often pictured and narrated through stereotypes. Hence, Arab literature and especially fairy tales are often neglected with the possible exception of 1001 nights. Compared to many other kinds of texts, fairy tales incorporate education and creativity. They merge together the artistic work to imagine, narrate and draw fairy tales.

Based on these observations, the project organisers set out to arrange workshops with four illustrators in Egypt and Germany to share their views and ideas regarding pictures and images for education material based on a book of illustrated bilingual (or even trilingual) fairy tales which was already translated from Arabic into German.

This intercultural cooperation between the four artists was implemented in different stages with an initial workshop in Germany in which the participants got together to formulate artistic and cultural prerequisites as well as to develop a multiple imagery perspective on fairy tales. This enabled the participants to work with school classes in Cairo and Berlin at the beginning of the new school year. These experiences can also later on be used to facilitate further cooperation with the two storytellers (one Arabic, one German).

The completed book can be used - together with other education material, as an additional audio book - for storytellers and teachers within school classes.



